Writer Rasputin works. The works of Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich: “Farewell to Mother”, “Live and Remember”, “Deadline”, “Fire


Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin is one of the most prominent representatives classical Soviet and Russian prose of the twentieth century. He wrote such iconic stories as “Live and Remember”, “Farewell to Mother”, “Ivan's Daughter, Ivan's Mother”. He was a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, a laureate of the highest state awards, active public figure. He inspired directors to create brilliant films, and his readers to live with honor and conscience. Previously, we published a short biography, this is an option more complete biography.

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Village childhood and first creative steps

Valentin Rasputin was born on March 15, 1937 in the village of Ust-Uda (now the Irkutsk Region). His parents were simple peasants, and he is the most ordinary peasant child who knew and saw labor from early childhood, who was not accustomed to surpluses, who felt great people's soul and Russian nature. IN elementary school he went to his native village, but there was no middle school there, so little Valentine had to move 50 km to visit educational institution. If you read his “French Lessons”, then you will immediately draw parallels. Almost all of Rasputin's stories are not fictional, they are lived by him or someone from his entourage.

Receive higher education the future writer went to Irkutsk, where he entered the city university at the Faculty of History and Philology. Already in student years he began to take an interest in writing and journalism. The local youth newspaper became a platform for pen trials. His essay “I forgot to ask Leshka” attracted the attention of the editor-in-chief. They paid attention to the young Rasputin, and he himself understood that he would write, he does it well.

After graduating from the university, the young man continues to work in the newspapers of Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk and writes his first stories, but has not yet been published. In 1965, at a meeting of young writers in Chita, a well-known Soviet writer Vladimir Alekseevich Chivilikhin. He really liked the works of the novice writer and he decided to patronize them, becoming “ godfather"Rasputin the writer.

The rise of Valentin Grigorievich happened rapidly - two years after the meeting with Chivilikhin, he became a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR, which was the official recognition of a writer at the state level.

Key works of the author

Rasputin's debut book was published in 1966 under the title The Edge Near the Sky. The following year, the story “Money for Mary” was published, which brought popularity to the new star. Soviet prose. In his work, the author tells the story of Maria and Kuzma, who live in a remote Siberian village. The couple has four children and a debt of seven hundred rubles, which they took on the collective farm to build a house. To improve financial situation family, Maria gets a job in the store. In front of her, several sellers have already been planted for embezzlement, so the woman is very worried. Later long time in the store they conduct an audit and discover a shortage of 1,000 rubles! Maria needs to collect this money within a week, otherwise she will be sent to prison. The amount is unbearable, but Kuzma and Maria decide to fight to the end, they begin to borrow money from their fellow villagers ... and here many with whom they lived shoulder to shoulder appear with new side.

Reference. Valentin Rasputin is called one of the significant representatives of the "village prose". This direction in Russian literature was formed by the mid-60s and united works depicting modern village life and traditional folk values. The flagships of rural prose are Alexander Solzhenitsyn (“ Matrenin yard”), Vasily Shukshin (“Lubavins”), Viktor Astafiev (“Tsar-Fish”), Valentin Rasputin (“Farewell to Mother”, “Money for Mary”) and others.

The golden era of Rasputin's work was the 70s. In this decade, his most recognizable works were written - the story “French Lessons”, the novels “Live and Remember”, “Farewell to Matera”. In each work, the central characters were simple people and their difficult fates.

So, in "French Lessons" the main character is 11-year-old Leshka, a smart guy from the village. There is no secondary school in his homeland, so his mother collects money to send her son to study in the regional center. It is not easy for a boy in the city - if there were hungry days in the village, then they are almost always here, because food in the city is much more difficult to get, everything has to be bought. Because of the milk flow, the boy needs to buy milk every day for a ruble, often it becomes his only “food” for the whole day. The older boys showed Leshka how to make quick money by playing chika. Every time he won his coveted ruble and left, but one day the excitement prevailed over the principle ...

In the story “Live and Remember”, the problem of desertion is sharply raised. The Soviet reader is accustomed to seeing the deserter exclusively in dark color is a person without moral principles, vicious, cowardly, capable of betraying and hiding behind the backs of others. But what if such a black and white division is unfair? Main character Rasputin, Andrey once in 1944 did not return to the army, he simply wanted to look at home for a day, to his beloved wife Nastya, and then there was no return and the caustic brand “deserter” gaped on him.

The story “Farewell to Matera” shows the life of an entire Siberian village of Matera. Locals are forced to leave their homes because hydroelectric power stations will be built in their place. The settlement will soon be flooded, and the inhabitants will be sent to the cities. Everyone takes this news differently. Young people mostly rejoice, for them the city is incredible adventure and new opportunities. Adults are skeptical, gritting their hearts, parting with an established life and realizing that no one is waiting for them in the city. The hardest thing is for the elderly, for whom Matera is their whole life and they cannot imagine another. Exactly older generation become central character lead, her spirit, pain and soul.

In the 80s and 90s, Rasputin continued to work hard, from his pen came the story “Fire”, the stories “Natasha”, “What to tell the crow?”, “Live for a century - love a century” and much more. Perestroika and forced oblivion of “village prose” and village life Rasputin took it painfully. But he did not stop writing. The work “Ivan's Daughter, Ivan's Mother”, published in 2003, had a great resonance. It reflected the decadent mood of the writer associated with the collapse big country, morality, values. the main character story, a young teenage girl is raped by a company of scumbags. For several days they do not let her out of the men's hostel, and then they throw her all beaten, intimidated, morally broken into the street. She and her mother go to the investigator, but justice is in no hurry to punish the rapists. Having lost hope, the mother decides to lynch. She makes a cut and waits for the offenders in the entrance.

The last book Rasputin was created in tandem with the publicist Viktor Kozhemyako and represents a kind of autobiography in conversations and memoirs. The work was published in 2013 under the title “These Twenty Killing Years”.

Ideology and socio-political activity

It is unfair to talk about the life of Valentin Rasputin without mentioning his active social and political activities. He did this not for profit, but only because he was not a silent man and could not observe the life of his beloved country and people from the outside.

The news of "perestroika" upset Valentin Grigorievich very much. With the support of like-minded people, Rasputin wrote collective anti-perestroika letters, hoping to preserve “ great country". In the future, he became less critical, but finally new system and could not accept the new government. And he never bowed to the authorities, despite the generous gifts from her.

“Always seemed to be taken for granted, laid at the foundation human life that the world is balanced... Now this saving shore has disappeared somewhere, floated away like a mirage, receded into endless distances. And people now live not in the expectation of salvation, but in the expectation of a catastrophe”

Rasputin paid much attention to environmental issues. The writer saw the saving of the people not only in providing them with work and a living wage, but also in preserving their moral and spiritual character, the heart of which is mother nature. He was especially worried about the issue of Baikal, on this occasion Rasputin even met with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Death and memory

Valentin Rasputin passed away on March 14, 2015, the day before his 78th birthday. At this point, he had already buried his wife and daughter, the latter was a successful organist and died in a plane crash. The day after the death of the great writer, mourning was declared throughout the Irkutsk region.

Biography of Valentin Rasputin: milestones of life, key works and public position

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In the midst of "perestroika" in the former departmental hospital, two pensioners who were previously part of the "nomenklatura" share a ward. Partly, indeed, because of the difference in views, partly to drown out fear, pain and longing, they fiercely argue about the events taking place in the country ...

Elderly Pavla buries her very old mother in a wasteland outside the city, not far from home. Behind this insignificant event, the writer sees the fate of entire generations of Russians...

The story of Valentin Rasputin is based on the material of a Siberian village. She lifts high moral issues kindness and justice, sensitivity and generosity human heart, purity and frankness in relations between people.

In the center of the story is the fate of an ordinary modern family thrown to the margins of market life. The mother of the family, protecting the honor and safety of her children, administers her own court of justice over criminals.

In the story of the laureate State Prize for 1977, VG Rasputin's "Live and Remember" shows the fate of a man who violated the first commandment of a soldier - loyalty to military duty. "- Live and remember, man," the writer V. Astafiev rightly defines the essence of the story, "in trouble, in the gloom, in the most difficult days of trials, your place is next to your people; any apostasy caused by your weakness, or ignorance, turns into more...

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin - Russian prose writer, whose works have become classics domestic literature, a writer of rare artistic gift. His language is lively, precise and bright, a precious instrument with which Rasputin creates music. native land and his people, endowing his best heroes with the ability to feel the "endless, furious grace" of the universe, "all the radiance and all the movement of the world, all its inexplicable ...

Valentin Rasputin was already called during his lifetime outstanding writer and a classic of Russian literature. His works are permeated with pain for the fate of the people and their native land, they endow the reader with a purifying feeling of compassion, without which the Russian people are inconceivable. Such was his vision of life, such a covenant he left us as a legacy: to love our land and our people, to be intolerant of those who deprive people of the sacred memory of the past.

The book by Valentin Rasputin includes the story "Farewell to Matyora" and the stories: "French Lessons", "Women's Conversation" and "Suddenly and Unexpectedly".
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Alyosha Korenev is going to work for a long time and with that diligence, with that anxiety and impatience, which should accompany the preparation for an extraordinary business. As soon as a working day is marked, about once a month, sometimes more often, sometimes less often, and it happens that even two days in a row, a sweet and indefinite languor creeps up on Alyosha, as before a meeting with a woman who rarely agrees to dates, he involuntarily begins to groom himself and undead, gives...

Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin is a Russian prose writer, whose works have become classics of Russian literature, a writer of a rare artistic gift. His language is a living, precise and bright, precious instrument with which Rasputin creates the music of his native land and his people, endowing his best heroes with the ability to feel the "endless, furious grace" of the universe, "all the radiance and all the movement of the world, all its inexplicable beauty and passion...

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin (1937-2015) - Russian writer, laureate of numerous state awards of the USSR, publicist and public figure. He was born on March 15, 1937 in the village of Ust-Uda, East Siberian (Irkutsk) region of the Russian Federation. He has the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. The writer was often called the "singer of the village", in his works he glorified Rus'.

Difficult childhood

Valentine's parents were ordinary peasants. Shortly after the birth of their son, the family moved to the village of Atalanka. Subsequently, this area was flooded after construction Bratsk HPP. The father of the future prose writer participated in the Great Patriotic War, after demobilization, he got a job as a postmaster. Once, during a business trip, a bag of public money was taken away from him.

After this situation, Gregory was arrested, for the next seven years he worked in the mines of Magadan. Rasputin was released only after Stalin's death, so his wife, a simple savings bank employee, had to raise three children alone. Future Writer since childhood, he admired the beauty of Siberian nature, he repeatedly described it in his stories. The boy loved to read, the neighbors generously shared books and magazines with him.

Prose writer's education

Rasputin studied at primary school villages of Atalanca. To finish high school, he had to travel 50 kilometers from home. Later, the young man described this period of life in his story "French Lessons". After leaving school, he decided to enter the Faculty of Philology Irkutsk University. Thanks to an excellent certificate, the young man easily managed to become a student.

Valentin from childhood realized how difficult it was for his mother. He sought to help her in everything, earned money and sent money. In the student period of his life, Rasputin begins to write small notes for a youth newspaper. His work was influenced by the passion for the works of Remarque, Proust and Hemingway. From 1957 to 1958 the guy becomes a freelance correspondent for the publication "Soviet Youth". In 1959, Rasputin was accepted into the staff, in the same year he defended his diploma.

Life after University

For some time after graduation, the prose writer works at a television studio and in an Irkutsk newspaper. The editor of the newspaper paid special attention to the story called "I forgot to ask Lyoshka." Later, in 1961, this essay was published in the Angara anthology.

In 1962, the young man moved to Krasnoyarsk and received a position as a literary worker in the Krasnoyarsk Rabochiy newspaper. He often visited the construction sites of the local hydroelectric power station and the Abakan-Taishet highway. The writer drew inspiration even from such seemingly unsightly landscapes. Stories about the construction were later included in the collections "The Land Near the Sky" and "Campfires of New Cities".

From 1963 to 1966 valentine works special correspondent newspaper "Krasnoyarsk Komsomolets". In 1965, he participated in the Chita seminar together with other novice writers. There, the young man is noticed by the writer Vladimir Chivilikhin, later it was he who helped publish Valentine's works in the publication " TVNZ».

The first serious publication of the prose writer was the story "The wind is looking for you." After some time, the essay "Stofato's Departure" was published, it was published in the magazine "Spark". Rasputin had the first fans, soon he was read by more than a million Soviet residents. In 1966, the first collection of the writer was published in Irkutsk under the title "The Land Near the Sky". It includes old and new works written in different periods life.

A year later, a second book of stories was published in Krasnoyarsk, it was called "A Man from This World." At the same time, the Angara almanac publishes the story of Valentin Grigorievich "Money for Mary". A little later, this work was published as a separate book. After publication, the prose writer becomes a member of the Writers' Union and finally stops doing journalism. He decided to devote his later life exclusively for creativity.

In 1967, the weekly " Literary Russia” publishes the following essay by Rasputin entitled “Vasily and Vasilisa”. In this story, you can already track original style writer. He was able to reveal the characters of the characters with very concise phrases, and story line always supplemented by descriptions of landscapes. All the characters in the prose writer's works were strong in spirit.

Creativity Peak

In 1970, the story " Deadline". It is this work that is considered one of the key in the author's work, people all over the world read the book with pleasure. It was translated into 10 languages, critics called this work "a fire near which you can warm your soul." The prose writer emphasized simple human values that everyone should remember. He raised questions in his books that his colleagues did not dare to speak about.

Valentin Grigoryevich did not dwell on this, in 1974 his story “Live and Remember” was published, and in 1976 - “Farewell to Matyora”. After these two works, Rasputin was recognized as one of the best contemporary writers. In 1977 he received the State Prize of the USSR. In 1979 Valentin became a member editorial board series "Literary monuments of Siberia".

In 1981, the stories “Live for a century - love a century”, “Natasha” and “What to convey to a crow” were published. In 1985, the writer published the story "Fire", which touched readers to the core thanks to the sharp and contemporary issues. Over the following years, the essays "Unexpectedly, Unexpectedly", "Down the Lena River" and "Father's Limits" were published. In 1986, the prose writer was elected secretary of the board of the Writers' Union, later he managed to become co-chairman.

last years of life

Most Rasputin spent his life in Irkutsk. In 2004, the prose writer presented his book Ivan's Daughter, Ivan's Mother. Two years later, the third edition of the collection "Siberia, Siberia" appeared on sale.

Valentin Grigorievich was the owner of many prestigious awards. He was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. The prose writer was a holder of the Orders of Lenin and the Red Banner of Labor. In 2008 he received an award for his contribution to Russian literature. In 2010, the writer was nominated for Nobel Prize on literature. At the same time, his stories include school curriculum For extracurricular reading.

IN adulthood Rasputin began to actively participate in journalistic and social activities. The prose writer had a negative attitude towards the period of perestroika, he did not perceive liberal values, remaining with his conservative views. The writer fully supported the position of Stalin, considered it the only true one, did not recognize other options for the worldview.

From 1989 to 1990 he was a member of the Presidential Council during the reign of Mikhail Gorbachev, but colleagues did not listen to the opinion of Valentin. Later, the writer stated that he considered politics too dirty, he reluctantly recalled this period of his life. In the summer of 2010, Rasputin was elected a member Patriarchal Council culturally, it represents Orthodox Church.

July 30, 2012 the writer joins the ranks of the persecutors of the feminist group Pussy Riot. He calls for capital punishment for girls, and also criticizes everyone who supported them. Rasputin published his statement under the title "Conscience does not allow silence."

In 2013, a joint book by Rasputin and Viktor Kozhemyako entitled "These Twenty Killing Years" appeared on store shelves. In this work, the authors criticize any changes, deny progress, arguing that for last years people are degraded. In the spring of 2014, the prose writer became one of the residents of Russia who supported the annexation of Crimea.

Personal life and family

Valentine was married to Svetlana Ivanovna Rasputina. The woman was the daughter of the writer Ivan Molchanov-Sibirsky, she always supported her husband. The prose writer repeatedly called his wife his muse and like-minded person, they had an excellent relationship.

The couple had two children: in 1961, a son, Sergei, was born, and a daughter was born ten years later. On July 9, 2006, she died in a plane crash. At that time, Maria was only 35 years old, she successfully studied music, played the organ. The tragedy crippled the health of the writer and his wife. Svetlana Ivanovna died on May 1, 2012 at the age of 72. The writer's death came three years later. On March 14, 2015, he died in Moscow, a few hours before his birthday.

Valentin Rasputin during his lifetime was a remarkable public figure who is familiar common man as an excellent Russian writer and publicist.

From the age of 2 he began to live in a small village called Atalank. At the end of the primary school, which was located in this village, the boy was forced to independently go to study at a secondary school, located 50 km from his home. About this time the writer will tell his reader in famous story beloved by everyone under the name "French Lessons", which was released to the people in 1973.

After graduating from school, the young man enters the Faculty of History and Philology in Irkutsk. As a student, he is a correspondent for a local newspaper.

After graduating from the university, for several more years he worked in the newspapers of the city of Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk.

In 1965, Rasputin showed several completely new and short stories to Vladimir Chivilikhin himself.

In 1967, his first book, A Man from This World, was published.

The talent of the great writer Valentin Rasputin was revealed to its full potential only in 1970, when the book of stories “The Deadline” was published. It was this book that declared to everyone and everyone that this author is original and mature enough.

In the last years of life great person He took an active part in journalistic and social activities. Of course, I did not forget to continue to create. In 1995 appear: lovely story writer "To the same land" and essays "Down the Lena River".

In 2010, Rasputin was nominated for the Nobel Prize.

On March 14, 2015, just a few hours before his 78th birthday, a great man and a wonderful writer passed away.

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Biography of Valentin Rasputin about the main thing

Valentin Rasputin was born on March 15, 1937 in the village of Ust-Uda. His father was Grigory Nikitich Rasputin, his mother was Nina Ivanova Rasputina. At the age of 2, his family moved to the village of Atlanke on the Angara River. He studied at a local elementary school, but she only assumed primary schooling, so at the end, Valentine was forced to leave the village and go far from home in order to continue studying and get a sane secondary education. Later, on the basis of these difficult tenses, one of the most famous stories writer.

Successfully finishes school and tries to enter the Irkutsk State University, Faculty of History and Philology. The admission is successful and Valentin moves to Irkutsk. During his studies, he gets a job at a local youth newspaper as a freelance correspondent. Successfully completes studies at the university. Continues to work as a correspondent in various newspapers of Siberian towns. He writes a lot about the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station and how it is built, as well as about the construction of the Abano-Taishet highway, is under great impression from the experience gained.

A strong influence, according to Valentin himself, was the work of Bunin and Dostoevsky. Rasputin was also strongly influenced by another writer - Vladimir Chivilikhin. They met Valentin in Chita in 1965, at a meeting of young writers of Siberia. Among other things, there Rasputin shows his works to Vladimir, he notices a talented writer and later provides a protectorate to a novice prose writer.

Later he becomes a professional writer. The following year, at the age of 30, he becomes a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR. Also, in 1966 happens significant event in the life of Rasputin - his first book "The Land Near the Sky" is published, originally published in Irkutsk. Published in 1967 next book prose - "A Man from This World", it is published in Krasnoyarsk. A little later, in the Siberian almanac "Angara", the first story of Rasputin, entitled "Money for Mary", is published, it is also published in the literary magazine "Siberian Lights". The publication brings real fame to its author and is reprinted many times. In 1968, it was published as a separate book by the Young Guard publishing house.

In 1970, the story “Deadline” was published, many critics call this work a magnum opus of Valentin Rasputin, at that moment the writer’s talent was at its peak, the story reflects the maturity of the author, which he reached by the age of 33, it clearly shows originality.

After 3 years, Rasputin releases an autobiographical story “French Lessons”, telling in it, in fact, about his difficult life after he left the village. The following year, the story “Live and Remember” is published, which is also very highly acclaimed by critics. In 1976, Valentin writes "Farewell to Matera", another story.

In 1979, he began to engage in editorial activities, Rasputin was accepted into the editorial board of a limited book series dedicated to Siberian literary monuments. He continues to work as an editor in 1980, this time in the collegium of the literary magazine Roman-gazeta.

In 1985, the story "Fire" was published, which, suddenly, arouses great interest and a strong response from the readership. Such a surge is associated with the acuteness of the problem raised in the story.

In his declining years, Valentin continues to create, but at the same time devotes a lot of time to journalism and social and political activities.

On March 13, 2015, Valentit Rasputin felt unwell, and an ambulance arrived and hospitalized him. The writer died the next day.

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Interesting Facts and dates from life

Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich - Russian writer, born March 15, 1937 in the village of Ust-Uda, Irkutsk region in peasant family. The writer's childhood passed in the village of Atalanka on the banks of the Angara.

Rasputin's biography is in his work: both the writer's genealogy and the whole history of the Angarsk village where he was born are given here. Home and Peace. Natives from the Russian north, from the Murmansk regions, and another branch from the Arkhangelsk, founded two villages on the Angara, but now there is not one left, both have sunk to the bottom. Not every generation has to go through the destruction of the cradle in which its spiritual being was formed. Therefore, the pictures of nature in the works of Rasputin are filled with mystical meaning: "... What a huge heart can accommodate such a scale of national misfortune."

From there, from the banks of the Angara and the main characters of the writer. The paternal grandfather, in whom there was an admixture of the indigenous Siberian breed, a kind of Tunguska, and the grandmother with her purely Russian, gleeful face, dryish and elongated, is the story "Vasily and Vasilisa". Even grandmother Marya Gerasimovna is known to us under the names of the old women Anna and Daria. The unfair fate of his father, who suffered because of a bag with government money stolen from him. Great patience of a mother. All this is also in the books of Rasputin.

Did it open in early childhood boy's talent?

The boy's mother saw and understood this giftedness if she decided to teach her son further - with three children and fatherlessness.

Uncle Vanya, the driver who brought the boy to Ust-Uda district center, also saw: “... We are a guy, we will not let you go to waste.”

They also saw fellow countrymen in the villages through which the boy ran fifty kilometers home on vacation - they called out and vied with each other to drink tea.

After school, Rasputin entered the Faculty of History and Philology of Irkutsk University. Already in his student years he became a freelance correspondent for a youth newspaper. One of his essays caught the attention of the editor. Later, this essay, under the title "I forgot to ask Leshka," was published in the Angara anthology in 1961.

After graduating from Rasputin University in 1959 - before becoming a professional writer - he worked as a journalist in the newspaper "Soviet Youth", an editor at the Irkutsk television studio, in the newspapers of Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk; often visited the construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station and the Abakan-Taishet highway. As a traveling correspondent, he traveled on foot and traveled the interfluve of the Yenisei, Angara and Lena. Essays and stories about what he saw were later included in his collections Campfire New Cities and The Land Near the Sky.

In 1965, Rasputin participated in the Chita seminar of young writers of Siberia, where he showed several new stories to V. Chivilikhin, who became the "godfather" of the beginning prose writer. In 1966, Rasputin went to professional literary work. In 1967 he joined the Writers' Union of the USSR.

Starting with taiga romance, with poeticization strong characters in their mysterious unity with nature, in the struggle with it, Rasputin moved on to works in which attention to spiritual world person.

Rasputin's first book of short stories, A Man From This World, was published in 1967 in Krasnoyarsk. In the same year, the story "Money for Mary" was published. But the writer's talent was revealed in full force in the story "Deadline", declaring the maturity and originality of the author. This was followed by the novels “Live and Remember” (1974) and “Farewell to Matyora” (1976), which put their author among the best contemporary Russian writers.

Rasputin is one of the most prominent representatives of the so-called "village prose", which flourished in the 1970s. last century. The main place of action of his works is the Angara region: Siberian villages and settlements. In his work, Rasputin proceeds from the idea of ​​the norm of life, which consists in the mutual consistency of the opposite principles of being. The key to such a holistic harmonious perception of the world is the life and work of a person on earth in accordance with his conscience, with himself and the life of nature.

In the second half of the 1970s, performances and films were staged based on his works. His books are published in the country and abroad. The writer receives high state awards and prizes. Member of the Board of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR.

After the release of the story "Fire" in 1980, which was awarded the State Prize of the USSR in 1989, the writer turns to journalism and stories. In Moscow, a collection of his stories "Live a century - love a century" is published. A book of essays "What's in the word, what's behind the word?" is published in Irkutsk.

In the 1990s, the writer did a lot of social and political work. Elected MP Supreme Council THE USSR. Member of the Presidential Council under Gorbachev. In Irkutsk, Rasputin contributes to the publication of the Orthodox-patriotic newspaper Literary Irkutsk. IN Lately essays, articles, stories appear in the capital's magazines, where the writer writes with pain about today's "troubled" time.

Even today the writer is full of creative forces, energy, lives with thoughts and pain for home country. Perestroika, which he once welcomed and took for granted, turned new tragedy for the people. Maybe he felt its predatory essence before others and tried to warn us with his story “Fire”?

He recently released A new book"Ivan's mother, Ivan's daughter" about the fate of a Russian woman in modern Russia. And again his word sounded firmly, impartially. He touched on one of the most topical issues of our time. His new book has generated controversy, heated discussions. The writer again made us think about our people's fate.

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