A true story about a marvelous fairy tale, Star Wars. Episode I


Chui, - he called the shaggy co-pilot, - look how sweet it is there. I want to go there.

The princess immediately became alarmed:

Where is sweet? What's sweet? C-ZPO echoed her:

Excuse me, Mistress Leia, but perhaps you know where we are flying?

I think it will do, - the Core-Rellian muttered, not listening to the general chirping.

The Wookie barked that if the captain hadn't noticed yet, the chase wasn't all behind him. What little things, the right word. Solo's grin grew even wider.

The Millennium Falcon toppled onto its starboard wing—the horizon swung sideways, the princess hiccuped—and dived into one of the cracks that split the curved canyon wall.

I hope you know what you're doing," said the princess.

I hope so too,” he muttered back.

Fighters hastily rushed after him. The first tore off the armor on a stone ledge, but did not lag behind. Too bad, thought Han Solo. good pilot. He relaxed and launched the ship into the Corellian merry-go-round. We didn't have to wait long. Behind them, explosions erupted: one fighter rammed a colleague, and their pilots went into oblivion. Peace to ashes...

Han slowed down and pulled the freighter out into the open. It's time to find out if he correctly estimated the size of the cave he had noticed earlier. However, if wrong, they quickly learn about it.

The freighter described a slow, wide loop over the mouth of the cave. Han held his breath, but the tunnel leading into the asteroid was wide enough.

A small T-65 fighter, nicknamed the "cross-winged" entered the atmosphere of the planet Dagoba.

Approaching the planet, Luke Skywalker tried to see at least something on its surface through a thick veil of dense clouds - the planet was not among the mapped ones. Luke brought his ship here at the call of a ghost, a voice from a snowy dream. So, maybe R2D2 is right, asking polite questions about the commander's mental health.

R2D2 in the fighter's aft cockpit came to life, scanned the starfield, and contacted Luke via computer. He read the robot's messages on the translator's screen.

Yes, R2, this is Dagobah,” he replied to the droid, glancing over the cockpit canopy as the fighter began to descend. She doesn't look happy, does she?

R2D2 beeped, in last time trying to convince the owner to change course to a more reasonable one.

No, Luke said, I haven't changed my mind. Although, looking around the dashboard, he did not feel so confident.

I see no cities, no signs of technological civilization. However, marked large forms life. There is something alive there. R2 was also worried, and his anxiety turned into a question filled with fear.

No, I'm sure it's perfectly safe for droids. Don't worry, okay? Luke was starting to get a little annoyed by the robot's fears. - Wait and see.

Behind him, he heard an unhappy electronic whimper.

Don't you worry!

The fighter slowly sailed into the twilight zone of the stratosphere, which separates the pitch blackness of space from the tropospheric dense cloud mass. Luke took a deep breath, and the ship dived into the white feather bed.

Luke didn't see anything. The gaze was drowned in a thick, viscous whiteness that seemed to stick around the cabin. He ruled the ship, relying only on the readings of the instruments. Luke began his descent. External sensors suddenly turned off. The ship lost its senses. Frightened, Luke clutched at the controls. Now he couldn't even estimate the distance to the surface.

An alarm blew, and R2D2's panicked whistles and beeps wove into his nerve-wracking howls.

I know I know! - shouted Luke, not stopping the fight with the naughty ship. - All devices are dead! I can not see anything! Hold on, I'll try to land. Let's hope there's something below us.

R2D2 chirped again, but his answer was drowned out by the screech of brake engines that hit his ears. The engines ran and stalled. Luke felt his stomach go down somewhere, and the ship began to plummet. The young commander pressed himself into the pilot's seat, grouping himself in anticipation of a possible impact on the ground. Then the ship rushed forward, there was a loud long crash, as if a fighter rushing at great speed was chopping tree branches with its hull and planes. Then it turned out that it was so.

Each generation grows on its fairy tales. Now they are not popular in the form in which our parents knew them. But even now there are heroes and villains who fight on the screen, there are also legends, one of which is “ star Wars”.

Each generation grows on its fairy tales, legends and their heroes. Now they are not popular in the form in which our parents knew them, but this does not mean that they do not exist at all, and our children have nothing to learn from. Currently, there are heroes and villains who fight on the screen, there are also legends, one of which is Star Wars.

Star Wars is not just a multi-part story about the eternal confrontation. First of all, this is a story that can teach children what real friendship will pass any test, and any evil can be defeated, if you believe, and always stick together.

In games, children develop, learn to respond correctly in different situations. And toys, of course, are the best way to help them with this.

Star Wars toys give the child the opportunity to plunge into the world that he liked so much. The world that he had seen before only in his fantasies and on the screen. The child will not stop collecting the constructor if it is not just an ordinary airplane, but the Star Destroyer cruiser from the TV saga memorized.

It is also possible that the child has unrealized modeling abilities, but in order to reveal them at this age, the baby must be interested and captivated. Collecting the first, simple models from the world he loves, he will imperceptibly develop such necessary qualities in life as attention and accuracy.

Star Wars figurines will help the child to imagine the world he likes better and in more detail. Looking at toys or playing with them, he will develop fantasy.

Perhaps one of the most exciting and interesting moments Star Wars is lightsaber combat.

It was the Lightsabers from Star Wars that made this story unique and colorful. Therefore, children, watching it, always imagine themselves in the role of Luke Skywalker or Obi-Wan Kenobi.

It will be interesting for a child to play a scene from his favorite movie and fight with his peers against the "dark side".

Generations change and fairy tales change, but Star Wars is definitely the kind of fairy tale that teaches the child the best.

Therefore, think about which world it is better to attach it to. To where there is blood and violence, and all the toys depict monsters, from which one does not feel comfortable? Or maybe, all the same, to the one that teaches friendship, the struggle for justice in the name of Good, and toys are toys, and not creatures from the world of horrors.

“The Tale of the Girl Nastya and the Evil Invisible Man” is the first book of the New Tales of the New Time project, written by scientist, TV journalist and writer Yuri Vyazemsky. And even though fairy tales are not the most expected genre from him, he is sure that new times require new fairy tales. About the most important thing… Recommended for primary reading by adults: smart dads and moms, as well as good grandfathers and grandmothers of our children.

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12:44 am - Star Wars III, or The Tale of Darth Lucas
MAJOR SPOILER: Lucas shamelessly ruined the saga. Did you expect another?

I've never been a Star Wars fan. Yes, and became a fan immediately. I watched the fourth episode after "My Enemy", and this film, with all its obvious shortcomings, is primarily a history of people, and even in those years I preferred just such stories.
Nevertheless, TE Star Wars is an absolute classic. Not in last turn because (forgive me for talking about the obvious) that Lucas combined the tale of explosions-in-outer-space with a fair amount of mythological motifs, effective even when they are not realized by the viewer. In particular, this is why "Empire" is the most successful episode: the myth lies on the surface there.
To paraphrase Vincent Vega, the new Star Wars is exactly the same as the old ones, but there are such tiny differences. First, there are no such charismatics as Han Solo and Darth Vader. Secondly, too many episodes work solely as a guessing game - "Got how THIS is related to THAT movies?". Thirdly and most importantly: the myth has disappeared (well, do not consider the near-matrix nonsense about the Prophecy and special Jedi bacteria as such?!); he was replaced by political intrigues and a "novel of upbringing". And these are completely different genres that require special aesthetics. So what was a gimmick in THAT Star Wars is now a cliché, rules of the game that are not quite in tune with the events. The plot of "Attack of the Clones" - Palpatine's multi-move, which gave him an army and emergency powers - is thought out better than any other in all six films. But how is it done? Stamp on stamp with logical gaps around. It was the fourth. There is also a "fifth", but more on that later.
What did I expect from Revenge of the Sith? (A) - beautiful picture and (B) the story of how Skywalker A became Vader D. I didn't get the first or the second.
The special effects of 1977, done in a garage on their knees, created then a genuine "sense of wonder", "sense of wonder". Impressive even now - as part of the whole. (Who is more convincing - C3PO and R2D2 or the current cartoon droids?) Since then, we've seen a lot of computer bells and whistles. When the film's budget was relatively small, Lucas created the desired effects with a (comparative) minimum of funds. Now the budget is larger, and I don’t want to repeat myself. In Return of the Jedi, the background of the duel was "two barrels and a board on them" (as Goethe defined Shakespearean scenery), and now Yoda and Palpatine are jumping in the Senate Hall, where it is so convenient to spin flying deputy chairs and throw them at the enemy! The obligatory "metal smelter", which in its next reincarnation became a volcanic planet, where Obiwan mutilated Darth Vader ... compared to Orodruin, is not impressive. Although the lava is not an example more than even in the Jackson film. (I am, of course, biased, but no matter how much I review this episode of "The Lord" - a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.)
The point here is not even that the special effects are boring. Revenge of the Sith is badly edited. I’m not a Jedi, I don’t have an overreaction, and in some episodes I just didn’t have time to notice what was happening. They're destroying the Jedi Temple. A kid runs past, waving the clones away with his lightsaber. And what happened to him? Ran away? Shot? Where?! .. - The eye does not have time to stop at anything. (Compare the emphatically slow scenes on Tatooine in Episode Four.) Before I can get into the alien landscape, it is already fading away. Half a second, a second too soon! Lucas no time! Even when Darth Vader first appears before us in a classic black spacesuit; finds out that he killed his wife; exclaims "NOOOOO!" (of course - what kind of movie fantasy is it without this scream!) - and he didn’t have time to finish shouting, he didn’t have time to raise his hands, as we are already shown the next episode. Ragged rhythm, crumpled narrative.
Now, actually, about Vader.
In Attack of the Clones and the first half of Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine very competently guides Anakin to the Dark Side of the Force. Palpatine is generally good: he is the right villain, and the psychologist is good, and the guy is risky, although he prefers to calculate everything.
(In brackets. The episode when Palpatine tells Anakin to kill Count Dooku is important in itself, and of course, sets up Luke's final fight with his father. Luke, by the way, was easier to do right choice than Anakin - that's what the myth is for. And the impression, you see, is stronger from the corresponding episode of "Return of the Jedi". close bracket.)
And here is the climax. Master S.Jackson is fighting Palpatine - I believe. Anakin appears, completely entangled in the relationship between the Council and the Chancellor - I can understand. Tries to prevent the master from killing Palpatine (Anakin remembers well that, contrary to the code, he killed an unarmed Dooku) - yes, of course. Palpatine with a joyful cry of "One Ring to rule them all!"... sorry, with a joyful cry of "ABSOLUTE WIGHT!" (UNLIMITED POWER!) throws the master out of the window. And Anakin immediately goes over to his side. In the name of freedom and democracy against the vile Jedi. And goes to kill the Jedi. Including children.
Nope. I do not believe. The Ring of Omnipotence does not work that way.
This is George Lucas' First Big Lie.
And here is the Second: Obiwan, apparently shuddering, watches the writhing of the half-burnt Darth Vader. And what? And he leaves, leaving behind a still living friend, brother, student. Yes, the last bastard would apply a coup de grace here ... but then Episode Three would not be followed by Episode Four, right?
And how to forget the strange quasi-Buddhist sermon of Master Yoda (the most lively character in the film, no doubt), common sense which boils down to the thesis "If you don't have an aunt, your neighbor won't poison her": "Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose". In translation, this means: your wife dies - let her die, young Skywalker. Good Light side of the force, nothing to say...
The droid general, apparently having seen enough of the "White Sun of the Desert", orders his subordinates: "Destroy them [the Jedi]! But first torture them!"
And Lucas is there. He created Star Wars, he also killed them. But before he tormented, oh, tormented!

Released worldwide last week New episode"Star Wars". Tim Kerby who doesn't like to watch Hollywood movies, nevertheless considers this tape significant. In the “Personal Opinion” section, he discusses how this film reflects modern geopolitical reality and why the Empire is not an analogue of Nazi Germany, and also claims that there is no struggle between Good and Evil in the Lucas film saga.

The new film of the legendary Star Wars series has hit the screens. As a person, I am completely indifferent to this event, because I have not watched Hollywood films for a long time. But as an analyst, I am ready to call this film the most significant of the last decade.

After all, you see, if every inhabitant of the country has read a certain book, then this book represents for the analyst special interest. So is Star Wars. It was watched by millions (maybe billions!) of people - and mostly young people. For american boys the series "Star Wars" - as for the Russian cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino": everyone watched it. In Russia, I have not yet seen people queuing up at the cinema box office hoping to be the first to see a movie. But in America there were people who spent six weeks at the doors of the cinema - it was so important for them to see the new episode of this tape as soon as possible!

After all, this is not just a series about the adventures of astronauts on other planets. This cultural phenomenon! Everyone knows Darth Vader, and very few know Ernest Hemingway. So it is quite obvious which of them is more important for understanding American culture.

Moreover, these films raise big geopolitical issues: revolution, imperialism, war, economy... Thanks to the series, the first thoughts on these topics are formed in the minds of young people. And, although the tape, as it seems, shows the struggle of Good against Evil, the world in it is by no means unambiguously depicted.

If it was a low-budget film showing some marginal views, I would not write about it. But this series has become a worldwide phenomenon - and it should be analyzed.

Revolution without consequences

The very first film in the series, A New Hope (1977), I saw at a very young age, when my mind was even further from perfection than it is now. But even then, the last frames of this tape seemed strange to me.

Having destroyed the superweapon and the flagship of the Empire, the Death Star, the heroes of the film receive awards in a huge hall - and everyone rejoices. (Let me remind you: director George Lucas did not hope that he could get money for a sequel, so in 1977 the happy ending was supposed to be the finale of this whole story). They seem to be celebrating the beginning of the revolution - the beginning of the end of the Empire.

What is there to celebrate here? If a huge empire collapses, it will be very bad for everyone. The film shows a galaxy that has planets as distant and poor as Tatooine, whose inhabitants have survived the revolution and are suffering from a shortage of goods. Moreover, powerful criminal elements flourish on this planet - like Jabba the Hutt - who, taking advantage of rampant anarchy in the Empire, managed to grab big pieces of the pie and create their own small criminal principalities. They simply robbed everyone in the absence of a strong imperial power.

Maybe the Empire is really evil, but it maintains some kind of order and regulates the economy. In our real world revolutionary years for some, they have also become very profitable ... But for the people they are always the most difficult.

Oh sorry! I forgot who I'm talking to!.. You know this even without me... After all, you Russians yourself experienced the collapse of the empire and felt all the consequences of "changes" (and young people can ask their mother how it was). But for the leaders of the revolution, the outbreak of war is a holiday. They will not die in the snows of the planet Hoth... The most important thing has been done for them: the regime has collapsed, the revolution has begun - and everything else is not important.

This is where the stupid naivety that the media demonstrates after each "color revolution" is manifested in the film. The Communist Party has screwed up - hooray, now everything will be fine! Gaddafi is dead - hooray, now everything will be fine! Orange won the election - hooray, now everything will be fine! Saddam Hussein was executed - hooray, now everything will be fine! "Maidan" worked - cheers, now everything will be fine ... the second time!

All these events in the interpretation of the media looked exactly like the finale of the very first Star Wars movie! The cruel and unfair government has collapsed, everyone is smiling, everything will be fine - and there will be no negative consequences! That's it, turn off the cameras! Look no further: trust us, EVERYONE IS BETTER! AND POINT!

In a word, this film makes everyone believe that the revolution is something easy, simple and beautiful - without any tragedies, sacrifices and hardships. And today we see the Ukrainian interpretation of the happy ending of the first Star Wars film. Obvious coincidences, right?

Who is evil here?

I just talked about the end of the first film of the famous movie saga. But it should be said that connoisseurs consider its beginning simply brilliant. Immediately after the text explaining briefly what is happening on the screen, we see how a small spaceship flies off the hull of a huge ship that barely fits into the frame. This immediately makes it clear who is strong and who is weak, who is the aggressor and who is the victim, who is evil and who is kind.

But it seems to me that the Empire in Star Wars is not really evil at all. Is not Nazi Germany- This is an ordinary state. Moreover, in terms of morality, the apologists of the Empire are not much different from the rebels.

At the beginning of the tape, the troops of the Empire storm a small ship and take prisoner all the survivors and the princess herself. But the question immediately arises: why did the soldiers of the cruel Empire not destroy everyone on the spot (they are traitors!), but politely asked to raise their hands and let them go? And one moment. If the princess stole secret materials and wanted to reveal state secrets, then why wasn't she tortured - right there, on the spot? The mentality of the Evil Empire would be expressed by the phrase: “We will cut off one of your fingers until we get full information!" And she was told something like: “Now you are in captivity, let's discuss everything later. In the meantime, let's drink tea ... "

When it became clear that Darth Vader was not the last jedi and that Luke is the only one who can destroy the Empire, its armed forces should have done everything to destroy it. But they didn’t… If you were the head of state and were sure that there is only ONE PERSON who is ready to overthrow you and who can do it, what would you do?

When the heroes were hiding in Cloud City, the Imperial troops began combing it. And why didn't they hit this city nuclear strike? The mighty Empire could easily destroy the only prophet of the revolution - but they blockaded the city, organized a search ... And did not kill other people. Do you think Hitler would have stopped before bombing one of the German cities in order to hold on to power?

Star Wars fans may chide me: I didn't say that the Evil Empire's tolerance was actually a subtle calculation. The emperor wanted to invite Luke to become an ally. But this is absurd! The Evil Empire can't have any "let's cooperate". Don't forget, the offer to Luke was quite sincere - these were not empty words.

In the second series, which was released in 1999, we were shown life in the Republic, which was destroyed by the founders of the Empire. We were able to see the events that took place when the light side of the force was in power (that is, BEFORE the beginning of the first film). And appreciate that state structure for which the rebels fought in first three films.

But in this good old republic, Anakin Skywalker (the future Darth Vader) and his mother, Shmi, live in SLAVAGE. And the film makes it clear that under the laws of the Republic, the owner has the right to kill them if he wants to. What's more, the film shows that a violent, bloody sport thrives in the country and smugglers and pirates operate freely. In a word, if we unbiasedly look at what is happening on the screen, we will understand that the Republic and the Empire are not much different from each other and that the life of 95% of the population has not practically changed with the change of power. And worst of all, all these good Jedi in white robes did not resent the existence of slavery in the country at all. It didn't bother them at all! Such good knights... The most important thing for them was to maintain their power in the country.

Aryan space race

In the first films, it seemed that whether you become a Jedi or not is a matter of willpower. But in the second series, it became clear that it depends on the amount of midi-chlorians. In other words, from genetics. That is, if there is no flow in your veins blue blood, then you are a second-class person, you are of no interest to us at all ... The filmmakers convince the audience that people with the right genetics, that is, with Jedi genetics, have the right to control everyone else. Which great ideas for a young audience, right?

The only episode that allows you to call the Empire fascist

I admit, there is one moment in the series when the Empire demonstrates its cruelty and acts as the Evil Empire. This is an episode when an entire planet is destroyed, which can become a threat to the regime. That's Hitler's way! But let's not forget that the Death Star, the flagship of the Empire, which was destroyed by the rebels, was the size of a small moon. And the Republicans were not upset at all that millions of people who were there died. But the rebels and the Jedi - representatives of the Light side of the force - should be GOOD. They must be aware that killing so many people cannot be considered a feat - it is immoral! But they absolutely ruthlessly kill everyone who poses a danger to them. And at the same time, they do not feel pangs of conscience at all - they smile, killing them.

The light side of the force in the film behaves in the same way as the West acts in the current reality. Today, Western politicians are ready to bomb the whole world for the sake of human rights and the principles of democracy. “We do not kill, but fight against evil, because we are GOOD. We smile and don't wear that horrible imperial uniform - you see, we are GOOD! My saber glows blue instead of blood red so you know I'm GOOD!"

The light side is absolutely sure that she is kind. And he does not even notice that he acts almost the same as Dark side. But the Dark Side honestly admits that it is fighting for power...

CIA influence

Right now, you're probably thinking: the author seems to have a secret document, which shows that the CIA wrote the Star Wars script. And its goal is to lay in the mind Western people certain algorithm, justify the idea of ​​superiority Western civilization and the need for a new cold war. Or just completely stupefy the audience.

No, guys, there are no such documents ... This is not a question of conspiracy theory, but the mentality of the creator of the series - George Lucas. He wanted to make a film in the spirit of black-and-white adventure cinema, but he created an iconic tape that reflects the Western mentality. “We are just kind! And if you think and look different from us, then you are evil! This is typical blind patriotism, shaped by the Cold War era: “I don't know anything about communism. I have no information about the USSR. But I am sure that they are all evil: they have tanks driving around Red Square!”

This series convinces the Western community: we don't need to prove our kindness: you all just have to believe that we are kind! This is how Jen Psaki behaved at briefings: “We are good, and you are evil!” There is a smile - there is kindness, and that's it!

This story of the Galactic Empire, which used to be the Galactic Republic, is very similar to the story of the Roman Empire, which was also originally a Republic. Maybe for some in the Senate the idea of ​​a republic is very important. And they consider the proponents of the need for dictatorship in military uniforms to be absolute evil. But let's face the obvious! The inhabitants of Rome did not feel significant changes with the change of the system: the gladiators still died, the slaves worked, and the barbarians were destroyed in continuous wars ...

Personally, Lucas could not convince me that different ideologies clash in his films, that they show the struggle between Good and Evil. I see in this movie saga only a reflection of the usual geopolitical ambitions. In today's fight political elites a huge number of innocent people are dying. And at the same time they are explained that they are trying for them, for them a better life… to establish a proper government system…

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