What is the literature of the spiritual life of man. Video lesson "Literature and its role in the spiritual life of a person


The term "spiritual literature" has several interpretations. Firstly, it can be a whole series of books designed to encourage a person to think about the meaning of life. And in a narrower sense, these are the works of holy ascetics, in which they describe their life path. Let's see what books can be considered spiritual.

Spiritual and moral literature: definition and its tasks

The main criterion of spiritual literature can be considered its compliance with the gospel spirit. This means that all books on this subject must first of all reflect the essence of biblical principles. Spiritual literature raises the eternal problem of being, gives answers to many philosophical and religious questions, and also develops moral qualities in the character of the reader. Among other things, such reading very often describes the life of saints, prophets, and always preaches the foundations of a particular religion. If to speak plain language spiritual books are food for our souls.

The main task of spiritual books is to awaken everything in a person. spiritual qualities, develop and, finally, encourage a person to fulfill religious laws. Indeed, in almost every religion there is a set of covenants that a believer must follow.

Features of moral literature

Perhaps the distinguishing feature of spiritual literature is the religious inclination of its books, which raise philosophical questions. Spiritual literature, as a rule, appears more in that is, the lyrics are practically absent. This genre includes parables, various historical chronicles, descriptions of the life of the holy prophets, sermons and works devoted to the device afterlife and about what fate awaits each person after death.

Books of spiritual literature can be divided into several groups:

  • canonical literature (holy books, Bible, Koran, etc.);
  • liturgical (Psalter, Word, etc.);
  • theological literature (theological treatises);
  • educational religious (Orthodox explanatory prayer book);
  • religious and journalistic (sermons of the holy fathers, teachings of the elders, etc.);
  • religious-popular (stories, novels and even fairy tales with instructive meaning).

Recently, more and more books have appeared dedicated to raising children. Such literature gives advice and guidance to parents on how to properly raise children, in what environment to raise them, so that they grow up to be good people.

Most Popular Spiritual Books

In addition to religious spiritual books, spiritual literature is presented in other genre compositions. These books not only change the outlook on many things, but also introduce the reader to such virtues as love, kindness,

Spiritual fiction- this is how one can define those works of great Russian writers in which through the main characters and their author conveys unshakable Christian values. There are a number of works of Russian classics that every person should read, regardless of their religious beliefs. Here are the most famous: "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy, many stories by A.P. Chekhov, "The Master and Margarita" by M.A. Bulgakov, from foreign literature- novels by Ernest Hemingway ("For Whom the Bell Tolls", "The Old Man and the Sea"), as well as Dante (" The Divine Comedy"), Erich Maria Remarque and others.

Despite the fact that these works do not have a religious context, they still affect critical issues being: what is the meaning of life and what happens to the human soul after death?

The role of spiritual literature in the life of modern man

It is no secret that in our time it is more difficult for people than ever before to find free time for anything, and especially for reading books. Perhaps it is precisely because of the fact that he reads little or does not open books of spiritual literature at all, people in the world become more selfish - everyone tries to get his own benefit, while forgetting about others.

However, we can safely say that spiritual literature plays a huge role in the life of any person. Thanks to the reading of spiritual books, inner spiritual qualities develop, awaken best features human, such as, for example, kindness, mercy and love. After all, spiritual books preach the gospel covenants, and the covenant of love for one's neighbor is considered the basic law of the Bible. "Love your neighbor as yourself" - this is the main commandment on which all the law and the prophets are affirmed.

So, it turns out that it is precisely such literature that is capable of inducing reflection on the meaning of life. as well as in the education of moral values ​​and the formation of the correct worldview, spiritual books perform the most important functions.

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From childhood, we are accompanied by various literary works: fairy tales, riddles, stories, poems, novels, plays, and so on. All of them play a huge role in the development of man. Even at an early age, literary works lay in us the main moral principles and norms. Fairy tales, riddles, parables and jokes teach us to value friendship, to do good, not to offend the weak, to respect parents, to think about our actions. All this is stated in plain language for children with a language, so they quickly and easily remember it. That is why the role of literature and books, in general, in human life is enormous. They not only participate in the formation of a person, but constitute the main part of the moral education of each of us.

During the study school literature, we not only get to know new authors, new works, new trends, but also get closer to literature so much that it becomes an integral part of us. The famous teacher V.P. Ostrogorsky said: “A properly and widely educated general aesthetic mood elevates and ennobles a person through the noblest pleasure, which becomes a need. It makes all life attractive and interesting for him, discovering in it, in nature, in man, a wonderful existence, which he had never suspected before ... Thus, this feeling, suppressing egoism in us, takes us out of the daily circle of everyday life, into that at the same time, awakening to bring thought and goodness into this everyday life, it leads you into wide communication with nature, society, homeland, humanity ... All this, taken together, i.e. all these aesthetic relationships to oneself, nature, people, art, society, and creates in a person a special spiritual world with yourself, then good mood, then unity with the world, then the constant striving for spiritual beauty, for the service of the common good, for honest work and the fight against evil - in a word, that which alone constituted human happiness at all times.
In my opinion, these words very deeply and vividly reflect the role of literature and art, in general, in human life. Books teach us to love others and give us real human happiness. That is why people who read books and love literature can feel all the delights of the world around us: to see the beauty of nature, to love and be loved. In addition, thanks to literature, our lexicon and the spiritual world is enriched.
Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that literature is very important in human life: it affects our worldview. Shapes our inner world enriches our speech. That is why we should read as much as possible, love and respect the book, because without it our world will be gray and empty. Topic: Literature and its role in the spiritual life of man.

Target: to deepen students' understanding of literature as the art of the word, of its role in the spiritual life of a person.

During the classes.

I. Exchange of opinions about personal reading experience.

1. What books read in the summer interested you?

3. How did the knowledge, skills and abilities gained in literature lessons in previous years help you read and understand books?

4. What literary, encyclopedic, linguistic dictionaries and reference books are there in your home library? Which one would you recommend to your classmates?

II. Reading the introductory article “Word to ninth-graders” (p. 3).

Article discussion.

How do you understand the expression "basic basic education"?

Why are the most significant works of Russian literature included, at least in excerpts, in the 9th grade program?

Why does the development of this program require independence, initiative and creativity from students?

What kind of reading will the studied works require? Are you ready for this kind of reading?

III. Review of the literature course of the 9th grade.

The main objective of the 9th grade literature course is to acquaint you with the richness of Russian literature, with the endless variety of its forms. Let's turn the pages of the textbook to get acquainted with the components of our course.

The first page of the loose-leaf calendar opens on the board with a colorful inscription: "Old Russian literature"

Scientists tend to consider the end of the 10th century as the time of the emergence of ancient Russian literature. And we begin the program of the 9th grade with an acquaintance with the most ancient creation, which has preserved to this day the living charm of artistry, created at the end of the 12th century.

The fate of the ancient Russian poem "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is unique. The poem attracts people with an irresistible force, like a mysterious magnet.

Delving into this creation, you will find out what valor and courage, courage and loyalty are... For a long time after reading, mirages of the past, which has died down, but so close, will stand before your eyes. You will see the boundless southern steppe, in which, like blooming wild poppies, military shields are reddening, bloody dawns rise, blue lightning scurries in the sky, the wind blows banners embroidered with gold. You will hear how wagons creak in the night, how alarmed foxes bark, how the nightingale clicks do not stop, how swords cross, how horse tops are heard, how funeral laments sound, and how harp rumbles glory to the soldiers who have returned from the campaign.

"Word..." - precious pearl, mined from the depths of time, spared by centuries, the mysterious brilliance of which has a magical property to attract eyes and hearts. Igor's Song will be read many years later by the children of your children, the grandchildren of your grandchildren.

The second page of the "calendar" opens: " Literature XVIII century. Classicism. Sentimentalism ”(notebook entry).

A living example of destiny talented people in the conditions of autocratic arbitrariness was the fate of M. V. Lomonosov - the reformer of the Russian literary language and versification, the great scientist, poet and artist, about whom Pushkin wrote: “Combining the extraordinary power of the will with the extraordinary power of the concept, Lomonosov embraced all branches of education. Having discovered "the true sources of our poetic language", Lomonosov pointed out the only correct way of its development - the way of rapprochement of the literary language with the language of the people."

A. S. Griboyedov and A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov and N. V. Gogol, F. I. Tyutchev and A. A. Fet, A. N. Ostrovsky and F. M. Dostoevsky, N. A. Nekrasov and L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov. What amazing meetings and discoveries await us!

Teacher (opens lastcmpaprostratey - "LiteratureXXcentury").

The 20th century - the century of military and revolutionary upheavals - caused a powerful and multifaceted reflection of life situations in poetry, prose, drama, and journalism.

There is a "roll call" of topics and names.

Until 1917, Russian literature was unified. A. Blok, N. Gumilyov, A. Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam, M. Tsvetaeva, B. Pasternak, S. Yesenin occupied a firm place in the poetry of this time, and I. Bunin, M. Gorky, L. Andreev in prose.

After 1917 some writers emigrated from Russia, and Russian literature was divided into two branches, developing in parallel. Among the writers of the Russian diaspora -I. Bunin, I. Shmelev, B. Zaitsev, V. Nabokov, V. Khodasevich, G. Adamovich and others.

IN Soviet literature 20s the theme dominated civil war, since the 1930s, an artistic comprehension of the events that took place in the country began - in the works of M. Gorky, M. Sholokhov, N. Ostrovsky, A. Makarenko, A. Tvardovsky.

Since 1941, the theme of the Great Patriotic War has become comprehensive.

In the literature of the 50-70s. there is a rethinking of many events of the war, the contradictions of the onset of peaceful life are reflected.

The tragic fate of the prisoners of the Stalinist camps brought to life the book by A. Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago", the stories of V. Shalamov and many other works.

IV. The final word of the teacher.

Here only separate milestones of the great, tragic, contradictory history of the latest Russian literature of the 20th century are indicated, the cattlemen will have to get acquainted, not all the names of the writers who played a significant role in this literature are named. You will learn about this later. , in the meantime, I wish you the incomparable happiness of recognizing a literary work, when you begin to understand what distances open up behind every turn of the plot, behind any metaphor, humane hint.

Homework: reading "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"; retelling of the article "Old Russian Literature", p. 4-6.

Theme: Meaning ancient Russian literature. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" - greatest monument ancient Russian literature.

Target: show distinctive character ancient Russian literature, the richness and diversity of its genres; to acquaint with the history of the discovery of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign".

During the classes

I. Repetition of what was learned in grades 5-8.

I. Conversation under the article "Old Russian Literature".

1) When and how did Russian literature begin? (OccurrenceRussian literature refers to the endXcentury, when, with the adoption of Christianity as the state religion in Rus', church service and historical narrative works appeared in Church Slavonic.)

2) What are her first works? (“The Tale of Bygone Years”, the lives of princes Boris and Gleb, “The Word of Law and Grace”, “The Journey” of Abbot Daniel, “Teachings” of Vladimir Monomakh, etc.)

3) Are the names of their authors known? (Chronicler Nestor, hegumen Kievo-Pechersky Monastery Theodosius, Metropolitan Hilarion of Kiev, Abbot Daniel, Prince Vladimir Monomakh, monk Cyril of Turov, traveler Athanasius Nikitin, etc.)

2. Quiz“Recognize the work from the passage and determine its genre.”

What genres of ancient Russian literature do you remember?

teaching is a heartfelt conversation about spiritual values.

(Vladimir Monomakh.)

story, usually tells about important historical events. ("The Tale of the Devastation of Ryazan by Batu")

Word is a model of solemn eloquence.

IN walking provides information about long-distance travels.

INhagiography - description of spiritual exploits and good deeds of the saints. (B. Zaitsev " Reverend Sergius Radonezh", "The Legend of the Life of Alexander Nevsky".)

Define the word genre.

(Genre- historically emerging type of literary works that have features, features, patterns that distinguish them from other works.)

Can a life be devoted to a description of the life and exploits of robbers? (No, as it would be contrary to the laws of the genre.)

The genre that helped Rus' to comprehend its destiny, its own history, was the chronicle.

chronicle - a story about events of historical importance, arranged "by years", that is, in chronological order.

Quiz questions:

1) And he said to them:

Collect at least a handful of oats, wheat or bran.

They collected. And he ordered the women to make a mash, from which jelly is boiled, to dig a well, and pour the mash into a tub and lower it into the well. And he ordered to dig another well and put a tub in it, and look for honey. We found a basket of honey in the prince's pantry. And he ordered to dilute the honey and pour it into a tub into the second well. ("The legend of the Belgorod kissel.")

2) “A certain man was going from Jerusalem to Jericho and was caught by robbers, who robbed him, took off his clothes, wounded him and went away, leaving him barely alive. On occasion, a priest was walking along the same road, saw him and passed by. The priest's assistant was also walking, came up, looked and passed by. And then a Samaritan passed by this road, saw him and took pity. He approached, bandaged his wounds, poured oil into the wine. And he put him on his donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. (“The Parable of the Good Samaritan.”)

3) “And I found a bull big and strong. And he ordered to infuriate him. They burned the bull with a red-hot iron and let it go, and the bull ran past him, and he grabbed the bull by the side with his hand, and tore out the skin with meat, as much as the hand grabbed. And Vladimir said to him: "You can fight him." (“The Tale of Kozhemyak.”)

4) “And the father ordered the servants: “Bring the best clothes and dress him, and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet. And slaughter the fattened calf, let us feast and be merry. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” (“The Parable of the Prodigal Son.”)

5) “Sergius lived during the time of the Tatars. Personally, she did not touch him: they covered the forests of Radonezh. But he was not indifferent to the Tatars. A hermit, he calmly, as he did everything in life, raised his cross for Russia and blessed Dmitry Donskoy for that battle, Kulikovo, which for us will forever take on a symbolic, mysterious connotation.

In the duel between Rus' and the Khan, the name of Sergius is forever connected with the cause of the creation of Russia. (Genre of life. B. Zaitsev "Reverend Sergius of Radonezh".)

II. Introduction to the Tale of Igor's Campaign.

There are few works in the entire world literature that would arouse such a long and intense interest. Igor's Song is published and republished. A huge poetic library of variations on the theme "Words" has been created. About the poem, repeatedly translated into many European and Oriental languages, scientists argue in the most various countries peace. IN recent decades studies of this work appeared not only among our Slavic neighbors, but also in the USA, Australia, England, France, Italy ... What is the attraction of the Lay?

  1. Expressive reading of the Old Russian text (beginning of the poem).
2. Checking reader's perception. (Not all ofintelligibly, but beautifully, figuratively, metaphorically, rhythmically.)

2. Acquaintance with prose (D.S. Likhachev) and poetic translations of the same passage (V.A. Zhukovsky).

“Is it fitting for us, brothers, to start old (antique) expressions woeful narration about Igor's campaign, Igor Svyatoslavich? - (No), it is necessary to begin this song, following the actual events of our time, and not according to (ancient) intention (method, plan, method) Boyana. For Boyan is prophetic, if he wanted to compose a song for someone, then (instead of following exactly the actual events- "epics of this time") spreading thought on a tree, gray wolf on the ground, like a gray eagle under the clouds (his creative manner was very high-flown, pompous). He remembered, as he said, the initial times of the war (And) then sent ten falcons (fingers) to a flock of swans (9 strings): which (from falcons) caught up with what (swan), that first (And) sang a song ("glory") old Yaroslav (to the wise) brave Mstislav (Vladimirovich), who stabbed Rededya (Kasogian prince) in front of the kasozhskie shelves (in Tmutorokan), to the beautiful Roman Svyatoslavich (son of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, Prince of Tmutorokan). Then, brothers, Boyan did not let ten falcons into a herd of swans, but laid his prophetic fingers on living strings; they themselves (without any effort, in the usual old expressions, "old words") the glory of the princes rumbled.

(Translated by D.S. Likhachev)

3. The word of the teacher.

As you have seen, the numerous translations of the Lay are varied: from accurate, made by scholars, to free ones. Dominated, of course, poetic translations. But any translation is conditional, since the "Word" cannot be considered a poetic work from today's point of view. Until the 18th century in Rus' they did not know the difference between prose and poetry. Some texts were meant to be sung, others were meant to be spoken. The legendary Boyan sang his works. The author of the history of Igor's campaign calls it a "word", but we have already noted its rhythm. This is a special folk song verse.

4. Reading the textbook article "From the history of the manuscript" (p. 8).

An exhibition of books about the Lay can be prepared for the lesson, and an overview of the most interesting research can be introduced.

Teacher. For example, a book famous writer Evgenia Osetrova is dedicated to this great creation. On its pages, images, the artistic world, the circumstances of creation and the history of the study of the brilliant poem of the 12th century are recreated. The author introduces readers to art system Igor's Song, tells about the disputes that are ongoing about this work, about the influence that the ancient creation had on national culture. (Osetrov E.I. The world of Igor's song. Etudes. - M: Sovremennik, 1977.)

5. Teacher's message about historical basis"Words".

In the early 80s. 12th century Prince Svyatoslav of Kiev threw back the Polovtsy with the combined efforts. In 1185, without warning Kyiv prince Svyatoslav and other princes, Novgorod-Seversky prince Igor Svyatoslavovich went to the Polovtsian steppe together with his son, brother and nephew. They set out on a campaign on April 23, and on May 1 a solar eclipse caught them on their way, but, despite the formidable omen, Igor did not turn back his army. In the first clash with the Polovtsy, Igor won, but in the second battle he was defeated, and the princes were taken prisoner - for the first time in many years. Having defeated Igor, the Polovtsy rush to the Russian land, besiege Pereyaslavl, burn the fortifications near Putivl. Shortly before the return of the Polovtsy, Igor manages to escape from captivity.

Contemporaries assessed the events of 1185 differently. We know both estimates from two ancient chronicles - Laurentian and Ipatiev. The Laurentian Chronicle sharply condemns Igor, depicting him as an arrogant and ambitious prince, a short-sighted commander. In the "Chronicle Tale", which is in the Ipatiev Chronicle, there is no direct condemnation of the prince; he even evokes sympathy - not only by worthy behavior during the battle, but also by remorse for having participated in internecine wars and caused much suffering to the Russian land.

III. Summary of the lesson.

Homework: read the “Word” translated by N. A. Zabolotsky, p. 9-31; prepare your favorite fragment for expressive reading (or by heart); individual task: to prepare comparative plans for the narrative of Igor's campaign according to the "Word" and according to the Ipatiev Chronicle.

Topic: "The Word ..." as a highly patriotic work. Idea, figurative system, landscape "Words ...", influence of folklore.

Target: to acquaint with the figurative system of the "Word", its main idea; give the concepts of patriotism, ambition; work on expressive reading.

Equipment: projector, screen, computer.

Course of lessons

I. Checking homework.

Comparative analysis of the Ipatiev Chronicle and the Lay.

(The plans are on the board.)

Plan of events according to the Ipatiev Chronicle

Plan of events for compositional parts"Words"

1. Speech on Igor's campaign. 2. Solar eclipse. 3. Joining Vsevolod's buoy tour army. 4. The first successful encounter with the Polovtsy. 5. Failures of the second fight. 6. Wounding and captivity of Igor. 7. Polovtsian raids on Rus'. 8. Escape of Igor.

1. Introduction. 2. Gathering for a hike, an omen. 3. First fight. 4. Sleep. 5. Second fight. 6. The history of the battle with the Polovtsians. 7. Defeat. 8. Lyrical digression about internecine strife. 9. Dream of Svyatoslav. "Golden word" Svyatoslav. 10. Appeal to the princes. 11. Lament of Yaroslavna. 12. Return of Igor. 13. Welcome meeting.

How does the narrative in the Lay differ from the Ipatiev Chronicle? (It is more lyrical, emotional, colored by the author's attitude to the material presented.)

What are the most striking compositional parts, not related to the plot, that are peculiar only to The Lay? (A lyrical digression about civil strife, Svyatoslav's "golden word", Yaroslavna's lament.)

2. Expressive reading (or reading by heart) of favorite passages, followed by comments.

II. Learning new material.

- How did the “soul-piercing patriotism” of an unknown author manifest itself in them?

What is the universal meaning of the story of Prince Igor's campaign? (These are thoughts not only about ambition and human pride, but also about love for the motherland.)

2. Characteristics of the figurative system "Words".

1) What images of the "Word" do you remember?

2) How do you imagine them?

3) Compare your idea with the illustrations of V. A. Favorsky (p. 10 of the textbook).

4) Who main character"Words about Igor's Campaign"? Opinion exchange.

Prince Igor? No. More is said about him than about other princes, but almost always in a lovingly reproachful tone.

Igor regiment? But the latter was defeated, opening the way to Russia Steppe.

Yaroslavna? She is beautiful, touching, heroic, but she is still an episodic person, a character, perhaps the best, but the only chapter of the poem.

Svyatoslav of Kyiv He is the embodiment of state wisdom and paternal nobility, a speaker of judgments about current events, he is the second poetic "I", it is not for nothing that his speech, called the Golden Word, imperceptibly turns into an author's appeal to the princes.

Teacher. The true hero of the poem is the Russian land. The singer gives her all the warmth of his heart, boundless love, filial affection and loyalty.

The princely squads for the author are “Russian sons”, “Russian regiments”, which are waiting for “Russian wives”. The brave warriors, recalled four times in the poem, are "Russians". In the context of the poem, this word has an epic sound, it is as if forever carved in granite: "... the great Rusichi, the fields full of shields of the city." Or: "... that feast to the end of the brave Russians."

The author is an outstanding figure of pre-Mongolian Rus'; his patriotic pathos was not a product of personal sentiments and convictions. The value of the poem for that time was that it expressed in an unsurpassed art form what is mature in the minds the best people era. So, in the Ipatiev Chronicle, in the entry under the year 1168, the prince exclaims: “God grant us lay down your heads for the peasants and for the Russian land.”

In the "Word" the Russian land appears in all its historical and natural beauty. Through the eyes of the author, the people, as if for the first time, looked at their native and long-settled places. Spread over vast expanses - from the Volkhov to the Black Sea - the Russian land was "decorated" with cities, villages, fortresses.

We can say that Rus' grew up and hardened in the fight against the Steppe. Defending, and often going on the offensive, Rus' defended both its people, and statehood, and its young, undoubtedly outstanding culture, and served as a shield for Europe in the East. It is not for nothing that Igor’s song recalls with such pride the “campaign of Svyatoslav” - the formidable and great, who, advancing on the Polovtsian land, trampled hills and yarugas, stirred up rivers and lakes, dried up streams and swamps, captured Khan Kobyak.

But a gloomy time came when, according to the words of Igor the singer, the brother began to challenge his brother, and the princes began to talk about the small “this great”. Because of the strife, the "nasty" from all sides began to come with victories to the Russian land. The author does not just recall past victories, not only mourns the misfortunes of our time that have befallen the Russian land. The poet calls to stand up for the "offense of this time", for the Russian land.

There is even an assumption that the "Word" uttered at the meeting of the princes forced them to stop strife for several years and vigilantly follow the intrigues of the nomads, that is, gave a brief military respite.

Singer of the "Words", examining all edges with a falcon's eye native land, plunging into past centuries, was an active son of a stormy time, he knew all the joys, sorrows, defeats and victories of his years.

He was the first to choose the Russian land as the main character of the work, initiating heroic tradition living century.

3. The study of the composition of the "Words".

What is the composition of the "Words"?

Of course, it is complex, it is called inconsistent, emotional, mosaic. The author constantly moves from one topic to another, transfers the scene from the Russian land to the Polovtsian steppe and back, either tells about the events of 1185, or interrupts the story with memories of the past. However, this inconsistency has its own artistic logic. Let's turn to the text.

Expressive reading of a fragment (part I, ch. 12, pp. 16-17).

The author manages time in his own way, and in the midst of a battle, when every moment is precious, he makes a lyrical and historical digression, recalling the deeds of previous years and, above all, the strife begun by the founder of the current Olegovichs, who are now fighting, Oleg Svyatoslavich. A temporary distraction is necessary not only for us to understand the historical predestination of what is happening - the inevitability of defeat as a result of princely strife. "help-pause" executes here and artistic purpose. We see Igor's recklessness and unreasonableness against a broad historical background. Igor is such, - the poem convinces, - as time has made him.

It is no coincidence that the abstract also cites the moral maxim that in the past boasts have already brought princes to the judgment of God, turned into a funeral veil. A significant message prepares us to understand: Igor is in the same position as the participants in past strife, and he will not escape punishment for a daring sortie in the Field, for striving for personal glory, for unwillingness to moderate his ardor and be with other princes. "for one heart".

Let's see, how does nature "respond" to the events taking place?

In The Lay we are present at the miracle of the birth of that feeling of nature, which, centuries later, will find its full expression in Tyutchev's poetic stanza:

Not what you think, nature;

Not a cast, not a soulless face, -

It has a soul, it has freedom,

It has love, it has a language...

Let us take a closer look at the appearance and character of the steppe, in which the main actions of the campaign unfold.

The steppe meets the army walking along the road with the roar of a thunderstorm, the howl of wolves along the ravines, the scream of eagles; The army hears how the foxes "burrow" on the red shields. Nightingales tickle the steppe at night, in the morning the dawds wake up the squad... All day long the steppe sounds, speaks in a feather-grass speech, full of unusually important meaning. The poet loves the symbolic field landscape, when nature itself - "friendly" to "its own" - tries to warn brave knights about the upcoming battle. For this purpose, sharp strokes of color are thrown onto the artistic canvas. From afar, changing colors are visible: “bloody dawns herald the light”, “black clouds are coming from the sea”, “blue lightnings tremble”. The rain that came from the Don pours arrows on the army...

At the time of Igor's flight - for all the drama of the story - our gaze stops at the steppe rivers, spreading green grass, on the sandy banks, where swans, gulls, ducks swarm in reed beds. Everything is marked by sharp pictorial expressiveness, intense dynamism.

Expressive reading of a fragment (part III, ch. 2-5, pp. 28-30).

Dividing the "Word" conditionally into parts, title them:

1) The story of Igor's campaign.

2) The dream and the "golden word" of Svyatoslav.

3) Lament of Yaroslavna.

4) The story of Igor's escape from captivity.

Where does the Word begin? (From a short introduction, in which the author reflects on how to lead his story. But, incPredating the art of the old singer Bonn, he refuses to tell his narration-story "according to Bonn's plan", he intends to narrate "according to the true stories of this time"- closer to actual events.)

Why do you think the author invites us to see Igor's campaign through the eyes of people with different life experiences, to evaluate it with different points vision? (The story of Igor's campaign is structured in such a way that we could see him through the eyes of a warrior and admire the prince's bold courage; we heard the voice of a wise state ruler and thought about the fate of the Russian land, imbued with the rightness of his passionate call to stand up for the Russian land; we were touched and captivated by the grief of Yaroslavna, grieving for her husband and striving to help him. And each of these visions of events has its own truth, its own "reality". But in all responses to Igor's campaign- pain. The author's soul hurts for Igor, for the fate of the Russian land.)


The ideal of the author is the power of the Russian land, the unity of the princes. He wants to see the princes as brothers, able to feel someone else's pain, help in grief. "The Word" is a lesson in sympathy, empathy and love for one's land. (Entry in notebook.)

4. The study of the influence of folklore on the "Word".

When people talk about the folklore nature of the Lay, they usually recall the wealth of pre-literate creativity, and indeed of the entire oral poetic element that has always lived among the people, and consider how this wealth was reflected in Igor's song.

Orally folk literature formed stable ideas about the national character. It is enough to compare the passion and youthfulness of Igor and the daring of Vsevolod with the actions of Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, and it becomes clear that their actions - rampage in battle, unwillingness to measure strength with danger - are no exception. They behave like sons of the era.

Yaroslavna, lamenting on the city wall, embodied the best features of epic heroines.

The most striking hero of the Lay is Vseslav Polotsky, whose image combines the features of a real (“annalistic”) prince with the magician Volkh Vseslavich, a folklore werewolf who ruled over people during the day and reigned over animals at night.

On the example of any fragment, show the folklore basis of the "Word". (Write out examples constant epithets, fabulous motives, repetitions, reception of animation of nature, etc.).

III. Summary of lessons.

Homework: write home composition on one of the topics:

The image of the Russian land on the pages of the "Word";

Lament of Yaroslavna in the translation of Zhukovsky and Zabolotsky (comparative analysis);

Which of the episodes of The Word was the most interesting for you and why?

The attitude to the classics largely depends on cultural level society, aesthetic consciousness and financial situation. What is the role of classical children's literature in the upbringing and education of the younger generation in present stage the life of our country?

Why do we need classical literature?

Man encounters classics for the first time in childhood when parents read aloud to him the fairy tales of Pushkin, Andersen, the exposition of the adventures of Robinson, Gulliver. The first meeting is the most important. What a person learns in childhood will remain with him forever and becomes the basis for his erudition. When a child begins to read on his own, he first picks up those books that were cultivated in his family. It often turns out to be a classic. About 20 years ago, children read avidly Dumas, Conan Doyle, Stevenson. Today, television and the computer have replaced this pleasure for them and supplanted classical literature.

In addition, to read the classics you need one important condition- you have to be able to enjoy it. One must be able to immerse himself in calm and measured narration, one must have patience when reading overly long descriptions, one must be able to enjoy the language of the old masters. And you need to have time to put all everyday problems out of your head and completely surrender to a book that will more than pay for the hours spent on it. Classical literature helps to feel the era in which they were written, give a clear picture of the present. Each of these books involves many interpretations. Each hides a special mysterious world.

It would not be superfluous to say about such an advantage of the classics as its ability to form a person's self-consciousness, the ability to better understand social reality, people's psychology, and finally, the opportunity to master the skills of competent Russian speech, which has recently been subject to linguistic Americanization.

The role of classical literature in the education of children

It is no coincidence that progressive figures of the past considered history to be the best educator. Reading classic books, children get acquainted with the past of our Motherland, with the life and way of life of distant ancestors, with the history and geography of the country. Thus, the classics contribute to the enrichment and accumulation historical memory. As a result of this, children begin to realize themselves as the successors of everything created on earth and the successors of the deeds of their ancestors, responsible for the fate of the planet. From the works of the classics, the young reader absorbs the humanistic and progressive ideas of the past, sees the eternal struggle of the working people for better life. Breaking away from the pages just read about the past, excited by the story of hopeless need and grief, he sympathizes with the suffering of his peers with his tender heart and at the same time involuntarily compares their situation with his own life. The classics recreated the rich inner world of a person, created images of heroes distinguished by moral purity, conscientiousness, and the ability to sympathize with others in trouble.

Classical Literature Today

Classical literature in the form of Tolstov, Griboyedov, Dostoevsky, Dickens, Chekhov, which excited the minds and imagination of people, did not leave anyone indifferent, gave way to its place of honor on the bookshelves of the store to modern "one-day" literature. By the latter, I mean rather than literature in the traditional sense, but some “commercial projects”, the meaning of which, as the people say, is “to kill time”. While classic literature makes you think and reflect, perceive and evaluate, finally, it educates and provides spiritual growth to a person. According to the results of a recent VTsIOM poll conducted on the eve of the 210th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin, 62% of Russians never re-read Russian classics after graduating from school. Those who nevertheless read the classics most often turned to A.S. Pushkin (14%), L.N. Tolstoy (11%) and N.V. Gogol (9%). Only 59% of Russians were able to correctly identify the author " Bronze Horseman”, and only 21% of the author of “Poltava”.

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The socio-political views of Russian thinkers were closely connected with the development of Russian literature. The words of Herzen are widely known: “Among a people deprived of public freedom, literature is the only tribune, from the height of which it makes the cry of its indignation and its conscience heard. The influence of literature in such a society takes on proportions long lost in other European countries. Analyzing the role of literature and literary criticism in Russian culture XIX century, the modern researcher I. Kondakov wrote: “... literature - due to the specifically constrained socio-political conditions of the country's development - performs the mission of several components of culture at the same time: philosophy, social sciences, journalism, socio-political activity (non-governmental oppositional nature), then directly serves publicity (due to the ability to metaphorically, allegorically speak about what cannot be said directly literally) in relation to a society that is basically silent. At the same time, this also meant that literature in Russia (beginning with the Nikolaev era, that is, even during the life of Pushkin) ceased to be only an art among other arts and became a special, universal, synthetic phenomenon of culture, necessarily replacing its other , forcedly defective branches responsible for cognitive, ideological, socio-regulatory and other functions. The burden of literature's responsibility to society becomes fundamentally different - responsibility not only and not so much artistic and aesthetic, but moral and ethical, political, socio-philosophical, cognitive and ideological.

Thus, in the spiritual culture new era a complex process of differentiation took place, such areas as science, fiction and art, education, and numerous socio-cultural institutions developed. Secular character, openness, the ability to absorb the best of the cultures of other peoples, while maintaining national identity and integrity, characterized the Russian culture XVIII V. The gap between the achieved level of spiritual culture and the ability of the broad masses of the people to master cultural property began to be overcome in the second half of the 19th century. thanks to the spread of the printed word and literacy, the replenishment of the intelligentsia and the middle class with raznochintsy. Capitalism and the relative decentralization of government marked the beginning of the unification of the noble Europeanized and popular traditional cultures into a single national culture. These same reasons contributed to the emergence of large provincial cultural centers in industrial and commercial areas of the country. Dominant position in early XIX V. "enlightened nobility" was shaken by the middle of the century, when social, scientific, artistic life included members of the lower classes.

Social thought had a great influence on the spiritual culture of the era. Starting from the XVIII century. one of the most important cultural ideas was the idea put forward by the enlighteners of the natural right of the individual, given to her by birth. A feature of the development of social thought in Russia was its political sharpness, the search for Russia's place in the world community.

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