Chichikov in the Treasury. "Who is he? So, a scoundrel?" (the image of Chichikov in the work "Dead Souls" by N.V.


Literature lesson in grade 9

N.V. Gogol. poem " Dead Souls».

Related lesson: « Chichikov and Chichikovism.

Kalinina Irina Borisovna
teacher of Russian language and literature, MOBU "Secondary School No. 54", Orenburg

The purpose of this lesson is to create conditions for understanding the main character traits of Chichikov as a socio-psychological generalization, as well as the timeless essence of "chichikovism".

Equipment: multimedia projector; computer, the local network, Internet.

During the classes.

    Checking room: "Who is this hero?" (presentation).

Each slide is an illustration of one of the heroes and is accompanied by a reading of the description of this hero. The task of the students is to find out what kind of hero he is.

    Subject today's lesson: "Chichikov and" Chichikovshchina ". You and I have to find out who he is, Chichikov, and what is the meaning of the concept of “chichikovism”.

    Analysis of the image of Chichikov.

Let's summarize everything we've learned about this hero.

? How does the hero resemble those with whom he does business to buy peasants?

Chichikov can be more delicate than Manilov, he can save more stubbornly than Korobochka, he can live on a grand scale no worse than Nozdryov, he is tight-fisted and businesslike, like Sobakevich, in thrift he will not yield to Plyushkin.

? Are there traits in Chichikov's character that distinguish him from the rest?

Let's try to draw the image of Chichikov,Let's try to answer this question:“Who is he? So you're a scoundrel?" ( A schematic representation of a person is used, which, as the biography of Chichikov is discussed, is surrounded on all sides by words denoting character traits. All this is reflected in the presentation).

    Group work .

Let's break into groups and for 3-4 minutes discuss, using the material you collected at home in the form of a double diary, what features appear in Chichikov's character throughout his life:

Group 1 - childhood;

Group 2 - service in the Treasury;

group 3 - construction commission and customs;

4 group - new way enrichment;

Group 5 - search for the definition of "chichikovshchina" on the Internet.

5. Chichikov's childhood. Teaching at the school. (Group 1).

    What does Gogol say about the origin and
    Chichikov's childhood?

    What advice did he get from his father when he entered the school?How did he use it?

    How were his school years?

(He is a bad comrade, does everything for profit, pleases teachers,

the episode with the teacher testifies to Chichikov's mental meanness.

INstepping into life, Chichikov set himself the goal ofenrichment,penny worship).

Conclusion: Already in childhood and adolescence, Chichikov developed such qualities of character as:the ability to achieve a goal at any cost, a manner to please, to find a benefit for oneself in everything, mental meanness, etc. .

    Central to Chichikov's biography is the description of his service career.(Group 2) Service in the Treasury.

    How did Chichikov's service career begin?

    What means does he choose to make a career?

(Chichikov's official activity began with the Treasury, where he settled immediately after graduating from college. The "circumvention" of the assistant was the first and most difficult obstacle he managed to overcome. As in the story with the old teacher, when Chichikov refused to help him, it convinced him that success in life can be achieved the sooner and easier, the sooner a person is freed from the principles of morality, honor, decency that fetter him, that these principles hinder and harm those who have firmly decided to win their place under the sun.)

Conclusion: we see that the same qualities that were mentioned above were not only not lost, but also developed.

7. Participation in construction commission. Customs service.

    Where did Chichikov go from the Treasury?

    What did you achieve in the new place?

    Why did he have to leave the commission for the construction of a government building?

    How did his career develop as a customs officer?

    Why did it end in failure?

(The next stage of Chichikov's service career was participation in the commission for the construction of a state building. It brought him solid acquisitions that significantly exceeded the income that he had, occupying a "bread place" in the state chamber. But unexpectedly, a new head was appointed to the commission, declaring decisive war on bribery and embezzlement. Chichikov had to look for a new place. The catastrophe that broke out over him almost to the ground the fruits of his "labor", but did not force him to retreat).

Arriving at the customs, as before, Chichikov begins here by ingratiating himself with the trust of his superiors, showing extraordinary “quickness, insight and insight. For a short time there was no life from him for smugglers. Having thus lulled the vigilance of those around him, having even received a new rank, he again proceeds to fraudulent operations, and they bring him a half-million fortune. However, fate prepared a new blow: Chichikov quarreled with his accomplice, and he wrote a denunciation against him. And again he had to lose everything.

Conclusion: stages of Chichikov's service career is the story of his ups and downs, but for all that, it reveals such traits of his character asenergy, efficiency, enterprise, indefatigability and perseverance, prudence, cunning. (slide with a person)

8. The invention of a new method of enrichment.

    How did he get the idea of ​​acquiring "dead souls"?

    What character traits make it possible to win over officials and landowners?

(In search of new profits, being an insignificant attorney, he discovered the possibility of profitable deals with " dead souls”, when he was busy pawning the estate of a ruined landowner to the treasury.)

Conclusion: "Here is our hero's face, what he is!"striving for enrichment dishonesty in relations with people, enterprise, perseverance, ability to please insensitivity, , immorality, prudence, cunning, tirelessness, determination - these are the features that shape the character of Chichikov. ( Final slide with a person)

9. The concept of "chichikovism".

Let's turn to our experts and ask them to give us the definition of "chichikovism" that they found using the resources of the Internet. NO!

Have you come across the use of this word in printed articles? YES. Read the snippets.

What do we mean when we talk about "chichikovism"?

Let's define this term ourselves.

Chichikovshchina - the desire for enrichment, behind which decency, compassion, warmth are forgotten, and prudence, cunning, unscrupulousness, satisfaction of selfish interests by any means, covered by the most decent arguments and explanations, come to the fore.

10. Chichikov region today

Do you think there is a place for Chichikovism in our lives? (Chichikovism is also characteristic of modern society, The Chichikovs are prospering today, and the fault of everything is an acquisition).

Homework: Some critics, Gogol's contemporaries, reproached him for laughing at the Russian people in the poem. Prove the injustice of this reproach, give examples from the text.

Corruption in our state is eternal and, it seems, ineradicable. So, in " dead souls ah "N.V. Gogol is great description Chichikov's career in customs (by the way, the first edition of the first volume of Dead Souls turns 180 this year). Read, maybe you will recognize our modern officials:

... but our hero endured everything, endured strongly, patiently endured, and - finally moved to the customs service.

It must be said that this service has long been a secret subject of his thoughts. He saw what smart foreign gizmos the customs officials got excited about, what porcelain and cambric they sent to gossips, aunts and sisters. More than once, for a long time, he had already said with a sigh: “That would be where to get over: the border is close, and enlightened people, and what thin Dutch shirts you can get!” It must be added that at the same time he was also thinking about a special kind of French soap, which imparted an unusual whiteness to the skin and freshness to the cheeks; what it was called, God knows, but, according to his assumptions, it was certainly on the border.

So, he would have wanted to go to customs for a long time, but the current various benefits from the construction commission were holding back, and he reasoned rightly that the customs, anyway, was still nothing more than a pie in the sky, and the commission was already a bird in the hands. Now he decided to get to the customs at all costs, and got there.

He took up his service with unusual zeal. It seemed that fate itself had determined him to be a customs officer. Such promptness, perspicacity and perspicacity were not only not seen, but not even heard of. In three or four weeks, he had already got his hand in customs that he knew absolutely everything: he didn’t even weigh, didn’t measure, but by texture he found out how many arshins of cloth or other matter were in a piece; taking the bundle in his hand, he could suddenly tell how many pounds it contained.

As for the searches, here, as even the comrades themselves expressed it, he simply had a canine instinct: it was impossible not to be amazed, seeing how he had so much patience to feel every button, and all this was carried out with deadly composure, polite to incredible. And at a time when those being searched were furious, losing their temper and feeling a malicious impulse to beat up his pleasant appearance with clicks, he, without changing either in face or in polite deeds, would say only: “Wouldn’t you like to worry a little and get up?” Or: “Would you like, madam, to go to another room? there the wife of one of our officials will explain to you.” Or: “Let me, here I’ll cut the lining of your overcoat a little with a knife” - and, saying this, he pulled out shawls, scarves, coolly, as if from his own chest.

Even the authorities explained that it was a devil, and not a man: he looked for in wheels, drawbars, horse ears and who knows in what places, wherever it occurred to any author to climb and where only one customs officials were allowed to climb. So the poor traveler, who had crossed the border, still could not come to his senses for several minutes, and, wiping the sweat that had come out in a small rash all over his body, he only made the sign of the cross and said: “Well, well!” His position was very similar to that of a schoolboy who ran out of a secret room, where the chief called him in order to give some instruction, but instead whipped him in a completely unexpected way.

For a short time there was no life from him for smugglers. This was a thunderstorm and despair of all Polish Jews. His honesty and incorruptibility were irresistible, almost unnatural. He did not even make himself a small capital out of various confiscated goods and selected some gizmos that did not enter the treasury in order to avoid unnecessary correspondence.

Such zealous and disinterested service could not but become the subject of general astonishment and finally reach the attention of the authorities. He received a rank and a promotion, and after that he presented a project to catch all the smugglers, asking only for the means to carry it out himself. The same hour he was given a command and an unlimited right to conduct all sorts of searches. This was just what he wanted.

At that time, a strong society of smugglers was formed in a deliberately correct way; the audacious enterprise promised profits in the millions. He had long had information about him and even refused to bribe those sent, saying dryly: "It's not time yet."

Having received everything at his disposal, at that very moment he let the society know, saying: "Now is the time." The calculation was too correct. Here in one year he could receive what he would not have won in twenty years of the most zealous service. Before, he did not want to enter into any relations with them, because he was nothing more than a mere pawn, therefore, he would have received little; but now ... now it's quite another matter: he could offer any conditions.

To make things go smoothly, he persuaded another official, his comrade, who could not resist the temptation, despite the fact that his hair was gray. The terms were agreed and the society began to act. The action began brilliantly: the reader, no doubt, has heard the so often repeated story about the witty journey of Spanish rams, who, having crossed the border in double sheepskin coats, carried a million Brabant laces under their sheepskin coats. This incident happened exactly when Chichikov served at the customs. If he himself had not participated in this enterprise, no Jews in the world would have been able to carry out such a deed.

After three or four sheep's marches across the border, both officials ended up with four hundred thousand capital each. Chichikov's, they say, even exceeded five hundred, because he was a bit happier. God knows to what a huge figure the blessed sums would not have increased, if some difficult beast had not run across everything ...

In the poem "Dead Souls" Gogol refers to Chichikov's career only at the end of the work. At the beginning, Chichikov appears to readers as some enigmatic personality, whose origin is unknown. Considering that Chichikov - main character poem, there is a danger that readers will treat him as goodie despite the clearly fraudulent nature of its activities. Gogol himself felt this danger, and in the 11th chapter he begins to reduce the image of Chichikov: “It is very doubtful that the hero we have chosen will please the readers. The ladies will not like him, this can be said in the affirmative, because the ladies demand that the hero be decisive perfection, and if there is any spiritual or bodily speck, then trouble! ... And virtuous person after all, he was not taken as a hero ... No, it's time to finally hide the scoundrel. So, let's harness the scoundrel!" Further, the author writes about the origin of the hero and about his career: "Leaving the school, he did not even want to rest: he had such a strong desire to quickly get down to business and service. However, despite the commendable certificates, he decided with great difficulty in the state chamber. "However, in this chamber, Chichikov could vegetate until the end of his life, because" he got an insignificant place, a salary of thirty or forty rubles a year. was to take a decisive step.

"Finally, he sniffed out his (his boss - author's note) home, family life, found out that he had a mature daughter, with a face that also looked like it was threshing peas at night. he came up with the idea of ​​inducing an attack. Sundays, every time he stood opposite her, cleanly dressed, having starched his shirt-front heavily, - and the case was a success: the stern clerk staggered (in the old days - the official in charge of office work in court - author's note) and invited him for tea! And in the office they didn’t have time to look back, how things turned out in such a way that Chichikov moved into his house, became a necessary and necessary person, bought both flour and sugar, treated his daughter like a bride, called the clerk papa and kissed him on the hand; everyone put in the ward that there would be a wedding at the end of February before Lent. The stern assistant even began to fuss with the authorities for him, and after a while Chichikov himself sat down as an assistant to one vacant position that had opened up. This seemed to be the the main objective his ties with the old associate, because he immediately sent his chest secretly home and the next day found himself in another apartment. Povytchik ceased to be called papa and no longer kissed his hand, and the matter of the wedding was so hushed up, as if nothing had happened at all. However, every time he met him, he affectionately shook his hand and invited him to tea, so that the old clerk, despite his eternal immobility and callous indifference, shook his head every time and said under his breath: !"

It was the most difficult threshold he had crossed. Since then, things have gotten easier and more successful. He became a prominent person."

I once happened to be a witness to a similar turn in the fate of one person. Let's call him Peter Olegovich. He was a graduate student at the time. The term of graduate school was drawing to a close. This graduate student came from a small town. After graduating from graduate school, he faced a dilemma: to return to his homeland, which he apparently really did not want, or to do something to stay in Moscow. And to stay in Moscow in those days (80s) was very, very difficult. The only legal way is to marry a Muscovite. This path was chosen by our graduate student. Events unfolded rapidly (there was little time left before the defense). At some conference, he met a girl. She was vertically challenged and completely inconspicuous. "But what can you do - love!" - said the staff of the department. A wedding was scheduled two weeks before the defense. After the young people went to Honeymoon. "What is Petya thinking about?!" - his leader was indignant. Those who are familiar with the dissertation defense process know that last month before the defense - the most intense. But Petya drove away with his young wife, and seemed to have forgotten everything. But, thank God, everything worked out. Petya returned, the defense was successful. But what do we hear a month later? Peter is getting divorced! In his own way, he acted nobly. He did not apply for housing. All he needed was a Moscow residence permit. Subsequently, he exchanged his apartment in a provincial town for a Moscow one and moved with his mother to Moscow. It was very gentle, loving, caring son. Only when his mother died did he get married, this time for real. What was he thinking when he got married for the first time? After all, for his first wife it was a tragedy: to find your love, and then lose it, to understand that she was deceived, she was used to achieve her goals. How did her life turn out? Perhaps Petya thought: “Yes, I will do a bad deed, marry a girl I don’t love, for the sake of my goals. But then, throughout my life, I will behave honestly and atone for my meanness.” Isn't it all very familiar. Raskolnikov adhered to the same philosophy, but he failed as a result. It's a novel, some would say. In life, everything can be different. In life, scoundrels live to a ripe old age and die in their bed, surrounded by loved ones. Is it so? This story is not over yet, and we will probably have to find out how it will end.

Let us continue, however, the theme of Chichikov’s career: “Everything turned out to be in him that is necessary for this world: both pleasantness in turns and actions, and briskness in business affairs. them in a great way."

"Bread towns" exist in our time. Allow me one more memory. One employee worked in our laboratory. Once she announced that she was leaving, found a job in the authorities (in the city hall or in the council - I don’t remember now). Somehow she opened up and, not at all embarrassed, said that this was a bread place, where you could take bribes. And she said it completely without embarrassment, honestly and openly. Apparently, she thought that this was a matter of course, and others did not take bribes just because they were not given.

Further, Gogol writes: "You need to know that at the same time the strictest persecution of all bribes began; he was not afraid of persecution and turned them at the same time in his favor, thus showing directly Russian ingenuity, which is only during the squeeze." It turns out that there have already been campaigns to prosecute bribes in Russia. What did they end up with? Maybe we overcame this disease a long time ago and have been living in an honest country for a long time? I'm afraid that the reader will say: stop being ironic. Of course that's enough. Everyone knows that a similar campaign is being carried out in our country now, hundreds of officials are imprisoned. How many officials do we have in Russia? Maybe it is necessary to plant not hundreds, but half should be transplanted?

Reading "Dead Souls" gave rise to such memories (even re-reading, because we all studied this poem by Gogol at school). It will soon be 170 years since the creation of this masterpiece, but the problems, heroes, people who were, have remained so. Maybe they are immortal?

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Very often in literature, the authors give only a fragmentary biography of their characters, focusing the reader's attention only on a certain moment in the life of the hero. N.V. Gogol did not follow this trend in his story Dead Souls. He describes in detail the life of his main character in the story, Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, allowing the reader to trace all the stages of the formation of this character.

Chichikov's childhood

Chichikov as a child lived in a simple hut, where the windows did not open at all, even in summer. Chichikov had no friends in childhood, which greatly aggravated an already unhappy existence. His father was ill all the time, which also significantly affected financial condition families. The Chichikov family owned only one family of serfs. This did not allow them to provide a comfortable existence. In general, Chichikov himself has too few memories of his childhood.

However, the situation of Pavel Ivanovich was not hopeless - his parents had sufficient finances to send their son to study. Therefore, despite his childhood, bordering on life simple peasants, Chichikov had the opportunity to break out of poverty.

School education

As Pavel Ivanovich grew older, the main issue was to obtain a proper education and skills that allow him to take a good place in life.
Soon the decision was made, and Pavel Ivanovich became a student of one school. He lived with his distant relative. This made it possible to provide decent living conditions and at the same time save a significant part of the money.

Chichikov was not a particularly gifted student - his knowledge and talent did not allow him to stand out favorably from the crowd of students like him. In this case, Chichikov was saved by his diligence and diligence.

Over time, he learned to please the teachers, which played an important role in his education and created the illusion of a good and exemplary student. Chichikov never saw his father again. They always had a tense relationship - the father did not know how to be affectionate with his son, he always behaved towards his son strictly and harshly, leaving his home only strengthened these feelings of remoteness. Chichikov's father died at a time when Pavel Ivanovich was still a student. There was no special inheritance left from his father, so Chichikov decides to sell everything that was. After the sale, he was able to get a thousand rubles, which, of course, was a small amount, but allowed the economical Chichikov to start in life.

Pavel Ivanovich learned to take care of money back in youth. During training, he tried in every possible way to find an opportunity to earn money, he usually did not spend the accumulated money, which allowed Chichikov to make a small personal capital. First, Pavel Ivanovich sculpted birds from wax and painted them, then he trained a mouse and was also able to successfully sell it.

Dear readers! We offer to follow in the poem by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Dead Souls"

At the school, Chichikov also failed to find a friend, the reason for this was, most likely, his stinginess and greed. Pavel Ivanovich was not loved in the team.

Service Chichikov

After graduating from college, Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov begins the civil service. His first workplace and the position was the most common and simple - with a lot of effort, he got a job as an employee in the Treasury.

However, he did not stop looking for a better place. Soon such a position was found and Chichikov began to serve, where he had the opportunity to make significant savings in a dishonest way. However, nothing lasts forever - the new bosses managed to expose Chichikov.

After this incident, Chichikov has no choice but to start all over again. He works in small, insignificant positions in different cities until he gets a chance to become a customs worker, which Chichikov takes advantage of.

His service begins to take shape quite successfully and Chichikov even gets promoted to collegiate adviser. However, this did not last long.

His unpleasant story at his last job did not teach him anything - Chichikov again gets involved in a scam, this time he interacts with smugglers. This business turns out to be very profitable, and Pavel Ivanovich soon has significant savings, which is true not for long - his scam was cashed out and Chichikov again loses everything.

Left at broken trough, he has no choice but to start all over again - Chichikov begins his career for the third time. This time he starts working as an attorney. At the same time, Chichikov has a plan for his next scam, which allows him to get rich on empty place- he plans to buy up "dead souls" in order to resell them to get rich. Hoping to carry out his plan, Chichikov takes his only two servants, a chaise and all his savings - 10 thousand, and goes to the county to buy.

"Dismissal from military service" - Important: Administration of Baikonur. The following categories have the right to receive social benefits: Citizens subject to resettlement from the Baikonur complex. Citizens who participated in the liquidation of the consequences of Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the period 1986-1987. federal executive authorities Russian Federation.

"Military service" - About the call for an alternative civil service. Chairman of the relevant education management body. Special duties. Citizens are exempt from conscription for military service: Arrest with detention in a guardhouse for up to 10 days. On exemption from conscription for military service. Deputy Head local government- chairman of the committee.

"Internet Services" - FTP service. The network service defines the data format. Examples: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]. A list of popular irc servers can be found on the Internet. website. Web service. Programs: ProShare (Intel); NetMeeting (Microsoft). Email. Web site example. Internet services.

"Psychological Service" - There are 64 PPMS Centers in Moscow: Basic and specialized packages of psychological services. Two-tier delivery system psychological help. Creation of mechanisms for the examination of psychological tools and updating the registry. The variety of models complicates the coordination and forecasting activities.

"Exhibits of the Armory" - Decorated with gold, turquoise and gems. The Armory is located on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin, at the Borovitsky Gate. Ancient manuscripts are richly represented liturgical books. A bit of history. Our tour has come to an end. The throne was brought by the Persian ambassador to Tsar Boris Godunov. Are there similar museums in your country?

"Legal Foundations of Military Service" - The President of the Russian Federation is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Hostage taking. Legal basis military service. Hague conventions. Department of military-patriotic and civic education CDT "Shield". The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes that the defense of the Fatherland is the duty and obligation of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

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