What connects Orpheus and Eurydice. Orpheus in the underworld - myths of ancient Greece


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In the north of Greece, in Thrace, lived the singer Orpheus. miraculous gift he had songs, and his fame spread throughout the land of the Greeks.

For the songs, the beautiful Eurydice fell in love with him. She became his wife. But their happiness was short-lived.

Once Orpheus and Eurydice were in the forest. Orpheus played his seven-stringed cithara and sang. Eurydice was gathering flowers in the meadows. Imperceptibly, she moved away from her husband, into the wilderness. Suddenly it seemed to her that someone was running through the forest, breaking branches, chasing her, she was frightened and, throwing flowers, ran back to Orpheus. She ran, not understanding the road, through the thick grass and in a swift run she stepped into the snake's nest. The snake coiled around her leg and stung. Eurydice screamed loudly in pain and fear and fell on the grass.

Orpheus heard from a distance the plaintive cry of his wife and hurried to her. But he saw how large black wings flashed between the trees - it was Death that carried Eurydice to the underworld.

Great was the grief of Orpheus. He left people and spent whole days alone, wandering through the forests, pouring out his longing in songs. And there was such power in these melancholy songs that the trees left their places and surrounded the singer. Animals came out of their holes, birds left their nests, stones moved closer. And everyone listened to how he yearned for his beloved.

Nights and days passed, but Orpheus could not be consoled, his sadness grew with every hour.

No, I can't live without Eurydice! he said. - The earth is not sweet to me without it. Let Death take me too, even if underworld I will be with my beloved!

But Death did not come. And Orpheus decided to go to the realm of the dead himself.

For a long time he searched for the entrance to the underworld and, finally, to deep cave Tenara found a stream that flowed into the underground river Styx. Along the bed of this stream, Orpheus descended deep underground and reached the banks of the Styx. Beyond this river began the realm of the dead.

Black and deep are the waters of the Styx, and it is terrible for the living to step into them. Orpheus heard sighs, quiet crying behind his back - these were the shadows of the dead, like him, waiting for the crossing to the country from which there is no return to anyone.

Here a boat separated from the opposite shore: the carrier of the dead, Charon, sailed for new aliens. Silently moored to the shore Charon, and the shadows obediently filled the boat. Orpheus began to ask Charon:

Take me to the other side! But Charon refused:

Only the dead I bring to the other side. When you die, I will come for you!

Have pity! Orpheus pleaded. - I don't want to live anymore! It's hard for me to stay on the ground alone! I want to see my Eurydice!

The stern carrier pushed him away and was about to set sail from the shore, but the strings of the cithara rang plaintively, and Orpheus began to sing. Under the gloomy vaults of Hades, sad and gentle sounds. The cold waves of Styx stopped, and Charon himself, leaning on the oar, listened to the song. Orpheus entered the boat, and Charon obediently carried him to the other side. Hearing the hot song of the living about undying love, the shadows of the dead flew from all sides. Orpheus boldly walked through the silent kingdom of the dead, and no one stopped him.

So he reached the palace of the ruler of the underworld - Hades and entered a vast and gloomy hall. High on a golden throne sat the formidable Hades and next to him was his beautiful queen Persephone.

With a sparkling sword in his hand, in a black cloak, with huge black wings, the god of Death stood behind Hades, and around him crowded his servants, Kera, who fly on the battlefield and take life from warriors. Severe judges of the underworld sat aside from the throne and judged the dead for their earthly deeds.

In the dark corners of the hall, behind the columns, Memories were hidden. They had whips of living snakes in their hands, and they painfully stung those who stood before the court.

Orpheus saw many monsters in the realm of the dead: Lamia, who steals little children from their mothers at night, and the terrible Empusa with donkey legs, drinking blood people, and ferocious Stygian dogs.

Only younger brother the god of Death - the god of Sleep, the young Hypnos, beautiful and joyful, rushed around the hall on his light wings, stirring in a silver horn a sleepy drink that no one on earth can resist - even the great Thunderer Zeus himself falls asleep when Hypnos splashes him with his potion.

Hades glared menacingly at Orpheus, and everyone around trembled.

But the singer approached the throne of the gloomy lord and sang even more inspirationally: he sang about his love for Eurydice.

According to the myth, Orpheus is one of the few people of ancient Greece who defied death itself.
Orpheus was the founder of the musical tradition. He invented music and poetry. Especially skillfully he played the lyre, an ancient string instrument in the form of a bent bow.

Ancient myths and legends of Greece say that music for the people of those times was not just a song, it carried a certain magical formula, that is, while singing, Orpheus not only sang, but also worked magic.
The myth of Orpheus tells that the only thing that Orpheus loved more music, was his beloved wife - Eurydice. Orpheus and Eurydice were insanely happy and in love with each other. But the myths of Greece say that mortals cannot be happy, and therefore something bad must happen to them.

According to the story of the myth of Orpheus, when Eurydice was picking flowers in a grove, a satyr noticed her. Half man, half goat, known for his lustfulness. The ancient myths of Greece represent satyr as unbridled male power, passion, the desire to mate and multiply.
Noticing Satyr, Eurydice tried to run away, but he blocked her path. She backed away in horror and stepped into a nest with poisonous snakes. There Orpheus found her, but it was already too late, she was already in the realm of the dead.

Orpheus was so in love that he mourned his wife in a way that no one had ever mourned. He could not come to terms with the death of his wife, deciding to take Eurydice from the kingdom of Hades.

With only his lyre in his hands, Orpheus descends into the underworld. In ancient Greece, it was impossible to become a hero without visiting Hades, and then returning from there.
With his sad songs, Orpheus charmed the carrier dead souls Charon and crossed the river Styx. On the other side, a new test awaited him - a three-headed Cerberus dog. Cerberus stood at the gate underworld and watched the incoming and outgoing souls. No one could pass or leave the realm of the dead without passing through it.

Orpheus plucks the strings of his lyre with trembling fingers, Cerberus calms down and falls asleep. Soon Orpheus will meet with Hades himself. Orpheus hopes not so much for himself as for the power of his music. Orpheus starts playing. His song was so sad and sad that everyone, including Hades, began to cry. Orpheus is watched from the shadows by his wife, Eurydice.

The myth of Orpheus says that Hades was so touched by the song that even being immortal and unable to understand the power of love, he decided to give Orpheus the opportunity to return his wife. But there was one condition. Orpheus must go to the exit from the dark kingdom and believe that Eurydice is following him. If he turns around to see this, he will lose her forever. But the closer Orpheus comes to the exit from the underworld, the more he begins to doubt that Eurydice is following him and whether Hades is playing with him. Just before reaching the surface, Orpheus breaks down and turns his head. As soon as their eyes touch, Eurydice is immediately carried away to the underworld.

Orpheus is one of the most mysterious figures in world history, about which there is very little information that can be called reliable, but at the same time there are a lot of myths, fairy tales, and legends. It's hard to imagine today world history and culture without Greek temples, without classical examples of sculpture, without Pythagoras and Plato, without Heraclitus and Hesiod, without Aeschylus and Euripides. In all this are the roots of what we now call science, art, and culture in general. If we turn to the origins, then all World culture based on Greek culture, the impulse to development that Orpheus brought: these are the canons of art, the laws of architecture, the laws of music, etc. Orpheus appears at a very difficult time for the history of Greece: people plunged into a semi-wild state, the cult of physical strength, the cult of Bacchus, the most base and gross manifestations.

At this moment, and this was about 5 thousand years ago, the figure of a man appears, whom legends called the son of Apollo, blinding his physical and spiritual beauty. Orpheus - his name is translated as "healing with light" ("aur" - light, "rfe" - to heal). In myths, he is told about him as the son of Apollo, from whom he receives his instrument, a 7-string lyre, to which he subsequently added 2 more strings, making it an instrument of 9 muses. (muses as nine perfect forces of the soul, leading along the path and with the help of which this path can be passed. According to another version, he was the son of the king of Thrace and the muse Calliope, the muse of epic and heroic poetry. According to myths, Orpheus participated in the journey of the Argonauts for the Golden Fleece, helping out your friends during trials.

One of the most famous myths- the myth of the love of Orpheus and Eurydice. Beloved of Orpheus, Eurydice dies, her soul goes to the underworld to Hades, and Orpheus, driven by the power of love for his beloved, descends after her. But when the goal had already seemed to have been achieved, and he was supposed to connect with Eurydice, he was overcome by doubts. Orpheus turns around and loses his beloved great love unites them only in heaven. Eurydice represents the divine soul of Orpheus, with whom he unites after death.

Orpheus continues the struggle against the lunar cults, against the cult of Bacchus, he dies torn to pieces by the Bacchantes. The myth also says that the head of Orpheus prophesied for some time, and it was one of the most ancient oracles of Greece. Orpheus sacrifices himself and dies, but before death he accomplished the work that he must accomplish: he brings light to people, heals with light, brings an impulse for new religion and new culture. new culture and religion, the revival of Greece is born in the hardest struggle. At the moment when the rough reigned physical strength, comes the one who brings the religion of purity, beautiful asceticism, the religion of high ethics and morality, which served as a counterbalance.

The teachings and religion of the Orphics brought the most beautiful hymns, through which the priests conveyed the grains of Orpheus's wisdom, the doctrine of the Muses, helping people through their sacraments, discover new powers in themselves. Homer, Hesiod and Heraclitus relied on the teachings of Orpheus, Pythagoras became a follower of the Orphic religion, who became the founder of the Pythagorean school as a revival of the Orphic religion in a new capacity. Thanks to Orpheus, the mysteries are again reborn in Greece - in the two centers of Eleusis and Delphi.

Eleusis or "the place where the goddess came" is associated with the myth of Demeter and Persephone. The essence of the Eleusinian mysteries in the mysteries of purification and rebirth, they were based on the passage of the soul through trials.

Another component of the religion of Orpheus is the mysteries at Delphi. Delphi, as a combination of Dionysus and Apollo, represented the harmony of opposites that the Orphic religion carried in itself. Apollo, characterizing the order, the proportionality of everything, gives the basic laws and principles for the construction of everything, the construction of cities, temples. And Dionysus as back side, as a deity of constant change, constant overcoming of all emerging obstacles. The Dionysian principle in a person is a constant inexhaustible enthusiasm, which makes it possible to constantly move, strive for something new, and the Apollonian principle strives at the same time for harmony, clarity and proportion. These two beginnings were united in the Delphic temple. The holidays that took place in it were associated with the combination of these two principles. In this temple, soothsayers speak on behalf of Apollo Delphic oracle- Pythia.

Orpheus brought the doctrine of the muses, the nine powers human soul, which appear in the form of 9 most beautiful muses. Each of them has its own component as a principle, like notes in divine music. Muse of history Clio, muse oratory and hymns Polyhymnia, the muse of comedy and tragedy Thalia and Melpomene, the muse of music Euterpe, the muse of the vault of heaven Urania, the muse of the divine dance Terpsichore, the muse of love Erato, and the muse of heroic poetry.

The teaching of Orpheus is the teaching of light, purity and great boundless love, it was received by all mankind, and every person inherited part of the light of Orpheus. This is a gift from the gods that lives in the soul of each of us. And through him everything can be comprehended: both the powers of the soul hidden within, and Apollo and Dionysus, divine harmony wonderful music. Maybe this is what will give a person a feeling of real life, filled with inspiration and the light of love.

The myth of Eurydice and Orpheus

In Greek myths, Orpheus finds Eurydice and with the power of his love even touches the heart of the lord of hell Hades, who allows him to bring Eurydice out of the underworld, but on the condition that if he turns around and looks at her before Eurydice comes out into the light of day, he will lose her forever. And in the drama, Orpheus loses Eurydice, cannot stand and look at her, she disappears and his whole remaining life passes in hopeless grief.

In fact, the end of this story is different. Yes, great heavenly love Orpheus aroused compassion in the heart of Hades. But he does not lose Eurydice. The heart of the underworld denotes the sacraments. Orpheus finds Eurydice, because he is approaching the mysteries of heaven, the mysteries of Nature, the secret. And every time he tries to look at her, Eurydice runs away from him - like the Star of the Magi appears to show the way, and then disappears to wait for the person to reach the distances that she showed him.

Eurydice goes to heaven and inspires Orpheus from heaven. And every time when Orpheus, through his beautiful music, inspired, approaches the sky, he meets Eurydice. If he is too attached to the earth, Eurydice cannot sink so low, and this is the reason for their separation. The closer he is to heaven, the closer he is to Eurydice.

Orpheus about Eurydice

At this time, the Bacchantes had already begun to bewitch Eurydice with their charms, trying to seize her will.

Attracted by some vague premonition to the valley of Hekate, I once walked among the thick grasses of the meadow and terror reigned all around. dark forests visited by bacchae. saw Eurydice. She walked slowly, not seeing me, heading towards the cave. Eurydice stopped, indecisive, and then resumed her way, as if impelled by magical power, closer and closer to the mouth of hell. But I discerned the sleeping sky in her eyes. I called her, I took her by the hand, I called out to her: “Eurydice! Where are you going? As if awakened from a dream, she let out a cry of horror and, freed from the spell, fell on my chest. And then the Divine Eros conquered us, we exchanged glances, so Eurydice - Orpheus became spouses forever.

But the Bacchantes did not reconcile themselves, and one day one of them offered Eurydice a cup of wine, promising that if she drinks it, the science of magical herbs and love drinks will be revealed to her. Eurydice, in a fit of curiosity, drank it and fell down, as if struck by lightning. The cup contained a deadly poison.

When I saw the body of Eurydice burned at the stake, when the last traces of her living flesh had disappeared, I asked myself: where is her soul? And I went in inexpressible despair. I wandered all over Greece. I prayed to the priests of Samothrace to summon her soul. I searched for this soul in the bowels of the earth and everywhere I could penetrate, but in vain. In the end, I came to the Trophonian cave.

There, the priests lead the brave visitor through a fissure to fiery lakes that boil in the bowels of the earth and show him what is happening in these bowels. Penetrating to the end and seeing what no mouth should utter, I returned to the cave and fell into Sopor. During this dream, Eurydice appeared to me and said: “For my sake, you were not afraid of hell, you were looking for me among the dead. I heard your voice, I came. I live on the edge of both worlds and cry just like you. If you want to free me, save Greece and give her light. And then my wings will be returned to me, and I will rise to the luminaries, and you will find me again in the bright region of the Gods. Until then, I must wander in the kingdom of darkness, disturbing and mournful ... "

Three times I wanted to grab her, three times she disappeared from my arms. I heard a sound like a broken string, and then a voice, faint as a breath, sad as a farewell kiss, whispered, “Orpheus!!”

At that sound, I woke up. This name, given to me by her soul, transformed my whole being. I felt the sacred thrill of infinite desire and the power of superhuman love penetrate me. A living Eurydice would give me the bliss of happiness, a dead Eurydice would lead me to the truth. Out of love for her, I put on linen garments and achieved great initiation and the life of an ascetic. Out of love for her, I penetrated the secrets of magic and the depths of divine science; out of love for her, I passed through the caves of Samothrace, through the wells of the Pyramids, and through the tombs of Egypt. I penetrated into the bowels of the earth to find life in it. And on the other side of life, I saw the edges of the worlds, I saw souls, luminous spheres, the ether of the Gods. The earth opened before me its abysses, and the sky its flaming temples. I plucked the secret science from under the veils of mummies. The priests of Isis and Osiris revealed their secrets to me. They only had their Gods, I had Eros. By his power I penetrated the verbs of Hermes and Zoroaster; by its power I uttered the verb of Jupiter and Apollo!

E. Shure "Great Initiates"

Opera "Orpheus and Eurydice" summary which is given in this article, was the first work that embodied the new ideas of Christoph Willibald Gluck. The premiere took place in Vienna on October 5, 1762, from that moment the opera reform began.

opera feature

However, what makes this opera so different from its predecessors? The fact is that the composer wrote the recitative in such a way that the meaning of the words was in the foreground, and the parts of the orchestra obeyed the mood of a particular scene. Here static figures singers finally begin to show artistic qualities, they begin to play and move, singing is combined with action. For the sake of this, the singing technique is greatly simplified, but such a technique does not spoil the action at all, on the contrary, it makes it more attractive and natural. The overture also helped to create an atmosphere and general mood, besides, according to the composer's intention, the choir also became integral part drama.

The structure of the opera is as follows: it is a series of completed musical numbers that are similar in their melodiousness to arias Italian school.


Why did this work win the hearts of the audience? After all, there are many works on the same plot, there is even a rock opera "Orpheus and Eurydice", the summary of which practically corresponds to classic plot. Why is Christoph Willibald Gluck's opera still staged at the most famous venues?

Orpheus and Eurydice - ancient heroes. The plot that tells about their love is often repeated both in literature and in opera. It has been used several times before Gluck by composers such as Claudio Monteverdi, Giulio Caccini and Jacopo Peri. However, in Gluck's treatment, the story sparkled with new colors. But the reform carried out by Orpheus would not have been possible without many years of creative experience, a rich and flexible craftsmanship that has been perfected over decades, and without the knowledge gained while working with the largest European theaters.

The libretto of the opera "Orpheus and Eurydice" (a summary is given below) was written by the famous librettist Raniero Calzabidgi, who became an ardent adherent of Gluck. There are many versions of the legend of two lovers, but Raniero chose the one that is set forth in Virgil's "Georgics". Here the heroes of antiquity are presented in simplicity, touching and majestic. They are endowed with all the feelings inherent in mere mortals, which became a protest against the pathos, pretentiousness and rhetoric of noble art.

First edition

The premiere took place in Vienna, October 5, 1762. In the summary of the opera "Orpheus and Eurydice" it should be mentioned that its original version was somewhat different. First, the ending, contrary to mythological story, was happy. In addition, Gluck at that time had not yet completely freed himself from the influence of traditional ceremonial performances. He assigned the part of Orpheus to the alto-castrato and introduced the decorative role of Cupid. In the second edition, the text was rewritten. The part of Orpheus became more natural and expressive, it was expanded and transferred to the tenor. The famous flute solo was introduced into the episode with "blissful shadows", and the music written by Gluck earlier for the ballet "Don Juan" was added to the finale of the scene in hell. In 1859 the opera received new life With light hand Hector Berlioz. The role of Orpheus was played by a woman, the famous Pauline Viardot. The tradition of performing this part by singers still exists. Further, we offer for reading a summary of the opera "Orpheus and Eurydice" by K. Gluck.

First action

The opera begins with a scene in a grove of cypresses and laurels. At the tomb of Eurydice, Orpheus, the greatest of singers, mourns his beloved. The shepherdesses and shepherds who sympathize with him appeal to the spirit of the deceased, asking to hear the sorrow and cry of the inconsolable spouse. A sacrificial fire is kindled, they decorate the monument with flowers. The musician asks them to leave him alone, and continues to vainly appeal to Eurydice - only the echo repeats his words in the forests, the valley and among the rocks. Orpheus prays to the gods to either return his beloved or give him death. The gods heed his prayers, and Cupid appears before the heartbroken singer, who is sent to announce the will of Zeus the Thunderer: Orpheus is allowed to descend into Hades. If he can move the impious creatures with his voice and the sounds of the lyre, he will return back with Eurydice. The singer is given only one condition: on the way back, he must not look at his beloved until they get out into the world of the living, otherwise the girl will be lost, and this time forever. Orpheus accepts the condition and is sure that his love will pass all tests.

Second act: summary

"Orpheus and Eurydice" is a colorful production. At the beginning of the second act, which takes place almost entirely in Hades (Hades), the whole scene is enveloped in thick dark smoke. Here and there flashes of hellfire flicker. Underground spirits and furies gather from everywhere to start a frantic, wild dance, and at that moment Orpheus appears playing the lyre. The creatures try to cause fear in him, send terrible visions, but the fearless lover calls out to them, begging them to ease his suffering. For the third time, the spirits retreat before the power of his art. The spirits that recognized him as the winner open the way to realm of the dead.

According to the summary of "Orpheus and Eurydice", then the general atmosphere on the stage changes, because Orpheus arrives in Elysium - the land of blissful shadows, a beautiful part of the kingdom of the dead, where he manages to find the shadow of Eurydice. The magical land of dreams has already managed to bewitch her, so the girl is now alien to both the earthly world and its anxieties. Orpheus himself is amazed by the singing of birds and the wonderful landscape of the country of blissful shadows, but he can only be truly happy together with Eurydice. The singer takes his beloved by the hand and they leave.

Third act

The main dramatic events of the opera "Orpheus and Eurydice" are getting closer and closer. The summary of the third act begins from the moment the hero, along with his wife, walks through gloomy passages, rocks, winding paths, passes under dangerously overhanging spurs. Eurydice knows nothing about the condition that the gods set for her husband. As they get closer to the world of the living, the girl is transformed. This is no longer a blissful shadow, more and more it looks like a living person. She is hot and temperamental, therefore, not understanding why her beloved husband did not even glance at her, she bitterly complains about his indifference. According to the summary of Orpheus and Eurydice, the heroine addresses her husband either tenderly, or with bewilderment, or with anger and despair, or with delight, but he still does not even look at her. Then Eurydice concludes that Orpheus must have simply fallen out of love with her, and while the man tries to convince her otherwise, she continues her persuasion. In the end she even tries to give up miraculous salvation and drive her husband away. The voices of the singers merge in this dramatic moment.

I lost my Eurydice

The summary of "Orpheus and Eurydice" continues with an episode during which the husband, who has yielded to the woman's entreaties, turns around and embraces her. At this moment, he looks at her, thus violating the prohibition of the gods. There comes a moment that has become the most famous in the opera - an aria called "I lost my Eurydice." In desperation, Orpheus wants to stab himself with a dagger and end his life. This dramatic episode continues the plot and summary of the opera "Orpheus and Eurydice".

The woman is already dead, and the inconsolable husband mourns the death of his wife for the second time. When he takes a dagger to commit suicide, Cupid stops him at the very last moment and then calls the dead to rise again. The beauty rises, as if awakening from a dream. The god of love explains that Zeus decided to reward the hero for being faithful to his love.

The final

original plot

In mythology, there are several options with which the story of "Orpheus and Eurydice" ended, but all of them are not favorable for lovers. Orpheus descends into the realm of the dead, violates the prohibition of the gods, but does not receive forgiveness. Eurydice goes to Hades (Hades), but forever, and the inconsolable musician selflessly indulges in grief. In the end, the Thracian women, angry that the singer neglected them, missing his dead wife, tear him to pieces. According to another version, Orpheus, who arrived in Thrace, refused honors to Dionysus. The vengeful god of winemaking sent maenads at him - his mad companions.

The women waited for their husbands to enter the temple of Apollo (the singer was his priest), and then grabbed the weapons left at the entrance, broke into the temple and killed own husbands. After that, having fallen into a wild frenzy, Orpheus was torn apart, and parts of his body were scattered around. The head of the maenad singer was thrown into the river, which flowed into the sea. As a result, the musician's head ended up on the shore of the island of Lesvos, and locals buried her in a cave.

"Orpheus and Eurydice"(ital. Orfeo ed Euridice) - an opera by K. F. Gluck, created in 1762 on the plot Greek myth about Orpheus. The opera started opera reform» Glitch aimed at achieving an organic fusion of music and drama and submission musical development dramatic. The original libretto was written Ranieri de Calzabidgi on Italian. The opera premiered on October 5, 1762 at the Burgtheater in Vienna. The part of Orpheus was performed by a castrato viola Gaetano Guadagni.

Subsequently, the opera was revised by the author, and in 1774 prepared new edition from libretto to French, the author of which was P.-L. Molina. This version of the opera was first presented to the public on August 2, 1774 in Paris, in Royal Academy of Music. In the revision of 1774, the part of Orpheus was written for a different voice: not an alto (as in the original), but a tenor.

In 1859, G. Berlioz prepared his own version of the opera, where the part of Orpheus is intended for female voice(mezzo-soprano or contralto).

History of creation

K. V. Gluck

The original libretto was written Ranieri de Calzabidgi in Italian.

Subsequently, the opera was revised by the author, and in 1774 a new edition was prepared with a libretto in French, the author of which was P.-L. Molina. In the revision of 1774, the part of Orpheus was written for a different voice: not an alto (as in the original), but a tenor.

In 1859 G. Berlioz prepared his own edition of the opera.


The consignment Voice Performer at the premiere
Vienna, October 5, 1762
(Conductor: Christoph Willibald Gluck)
Performer at the premiere of the second edition
Paris, August 2, 1774
(Conductor: Louis-Joseph Francoeur)
Performer at the premiere of G. Berlioz's edition
Paris, November 19, 1859
(Conductor: Hector Berlioz)
Orpheus Castrat-alto (first edition),
tenor or countertenor (second edition),
mezzo-soprano (edited by G. Berlioz)
Gaetano Guadagni Joseph Legros Pauline Viardot
Amur soprano Marianne Bianchi Sophie Arnoux Marie Marimon
Eurydice soprano Lucia Clavro Rosalie Levasseur Marie-Constance Sass

The action of the opera takes place in ancient Hellas in prehistoric times. The plot of the opera is taken from ancient myth, which has many various options. The librettist of the original version of the opera, Ranieri de Calzabidgi, chose the version contained in Virgil's The Georgics.

Production history

The revised version of the opera was first presented to the public on August 2, 1774 in Paris, in Royal Academy emii of music.

The opera "Orpheus and Eurydice" was the first work in which Gluck implemented new ideas. Its premiere in Vienna on October 5, 1762 marked the beginning of the opera reform. Gluck wrote the recitative in such a way that the meaning of the words was in the first place, the part of the orchestra obeyed general mood scenes, and the singing static figures finally began to play, showed artistic qualities, and singing would be combined with action. The singing technique has become much simpler, but it has become more natural and much more attractive to the listeners. The overture in the opera also contributed to the introduction to the atmosphere and mood of the subsequent act. In addition, Gluck turned the choir into a direct constituent part the flow of drama. The wonderful originality of "Orpheus and Eurydice" in its "Italian" musicality. The dramatic structure is based on complete musical numbers, which, like the arias of the Italian school, captivate with their melodic beauty and completeness.

The ancient story about the devoted love of Orpheus and Eurydice is one of the most common in the opera. Before Gluck, it was used in the works of Peri, Caccini, Monteverdi, Landi and a number of minor authors. Gluck interpreted and embodied it in a new way. Gluck's reform, first implemented in the Orpheus, was prepared by many years of creative experience, work in the largest European theaters; rich, flexible craftsmanship, improved over decades, he was able to put at the service of his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a sublime tragedy.

The composer found an ardent like-minded person in the person of the poet Raniero Calzabidgi (1714-1795). Of the numerous versions of the legend of Orpheus, the librettist chose the one set forth in Virgil's Georgics. In it, ancient heroes appear in majestic and touching simplicity, endowed with feelings accessible to an ordinary mortal. This choice reflected a protest against the false pathos, rhetoric and pretentiousness of feudal-noble art.

In the first edition of the opera, presented on October 5, 1762 in Vienna, Gluck had not yet completely freed himself from the traditions of ceremonial performances - the part of Orpheus was entrusted to the alto-castrato, decorative role Cupid; the ending of the opera, contrary to myth, turned out to be happy. The second edition, which premiered in Paris on August 2, 1774, differed significantly from the first. The text has been rewritten

de Molina. The party of Orpheus became more expressive and natural; it was expanded and given to the tenor. The scene in hell ended with the finale music from the ballet Don Giovanni; the famous flute solo, known in concert practice as Gluck's Melody, was introduced into the music of the "blissful shadows".

In 1859 Gluck's opera was revived by Berlioz. Orpheus was played by Pauline Viardot. Since then, there has been a tradition of performing the title part by the singer.


In a beautiful secluded grove of laurels and cypresses - the tomb of Eurydice. Orpheus mourns his girlfriend. The shepherds and shepherds, sympathizing with him, call on the spirit of the deceased to hear the wailing of her husband. They kindle a sacrificial fire, decorate the monument with flowers. Orpheus asks to be left alone with sad thoughts. In vain he calls Eurydice - only an echo repeats the name of his beloved in the valley, forests, among the rocks. Orpheus begs the gods to return his beloved to him or take his life.

Cupid appears; he announces the will of Zeus: Orpheus is allowed to descend into hell, and if the voice of the singer and the sounds of his lyre move the wicked, he will return with Eurydice. Only one condition must be fulfilled by Orpheus: do not look at his spouse until they reach the Earth, otherwise Eurydice will be lost forever. selfless love Orphea is ready to endure all trials.

Thick dark smoke shrouds the mysterious area, occasionally illuminated by flashes of hellfire. Furies and underground spirits start a wild dance. Orpheus appears playing the lyre. Spirits try to intimidate him with terrible visions. Orpheus calls to them three times, begging them to ease his suffering. With the power of art, the singer manages to soften them. The spirits recognize themselves defeated and open the way for Orpheus to the underworld.

A miraculous transformation takes place. Orpheus enters Elysium - a beautiful kingdom of blissful shadows. Here he finds the shadow of Eurydice. Earthly anxieties, peace and joy are alien to her. magical land bewitched her. Orpheus is amazed by the beauty of the landscape, wonderful sounds, singing birds. But he can only be happy with Eurydice. Without turning around, Orpheus takes her hand and hurriedly leaves.

Again there is a gloomy gorge with overhanging rocks, tangled paths. Orpheus is in a hurry to get Eurydice out of him. But the beloved is upset and alarmed: her husband never looked at her. Had he grown cold towards her, had her beauty faded? Eurydice's reproaches cause Orpheus unbearable mental pain, but he is unable to disobey the gods. Again and again, Eurydice begs her husband to turn his gaze to her. It is better for her to die than to live unloved. Desperate, Orpheus gives in to her requests. He looks around and Eurydice falls dead. The inconsolable grief of Orpheus knows no bounds. He is ready to stab himself with a dagger, but Cupid stops him. The husband proved his loyalty, and by the will of the gods, Eurydice comes to life again.

A crowd of shepherds and shepherdesses joyfully greets the heroes, entertaining them with singing and merry dancing. Orpheus, Eurydice and Cupid praise all-conquering force love and wisdom of the gods.

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