Story biography about Gogol. Unusual in life


Among the biographies of great writers, biography of Gogol is on a separate line. After reading this article, you will understand why this is so.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is a generally recognized literary classic. He masterfully worked in the most different genres. Both contemporaries and writers of subsequent generations spoke positively about his works.

When Alexander Sergeevich read "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" and "The Night Before Christmas", full of humor and mysticism, he highly appreciated Gogol's talent.

At this time, Nikolai Vasilyevich became seriously interested in the history of Little Russia, as a result of which several works were written by him. Among them was the famous "Taras Bulba", which gained worldwide fame.

Gogol even wrote letters to his mother asking her to tell her about life in as much detail as possible. ordinary people living in remote villages.

In 1835, the well-known story "Viy" was published from his pen. It contains ghouls, ghouls, witches and others mystical characters, which are regularly found in creative biography. Later, based on this work, a movie was made. In fact, it can be called the first Soviet film horror.

In 1841, Nikolai Vasilyevich wrote another famous story, The Overcoat. It tells about a hero who becomes poor to such an extent that he is forced to rejoice at the most ordinary things.

Gogol's personal life

From his youth until the end of his life, Gogol had disorders. So, for example, he was very afraid of an early death.

Some biographers claim that the writer generally suffered from manic-depressive psychosis. His mood often changed, which could not but excite the writer himself.

In his letters, he admitted that he periodically hears some voices calling him somewhere. Due to constant emotional stress and fear of death, Gogol was seriously interested in religion and led a secluded life.

His attitude towards women was also peculiar. Rather, he loved them from a distance, fascinated by them more spiritually than physically.

Nikolai Vasilievich corresponded with girls of different social positions doing it romantically and timidly. He did not really like to flaunt his personal life and, in general, any details related to this side of the biography.

Due to the fact that Gogol did not have children, there is a version that he was a homosexual. To date, this assumption has absolutely no evidence, although discussions on this topic are periodically conducted.


The early death of Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol still causes a lot of heated debate among his biographers and historians. IN last years life, Gogol experienced a creative crisis.

This was largely due to the death of Khomyakov's wife, as well as criticism of his works by Archpriest Matthew Konstantinovich.

All these events and mental anguish led to the fact that on February 5 he decided to refuse food. After 5 days, Gogol personally burned all his manuscripts, explaining this by the fact that some "evil force" commanded him to do so.

On February 18, while observing Great Lent, Gogol began to feel physically weak, which is why he went to bed. He avoided any treatment, preferring to him the calm expectation of his own death.

Because of the inflammation of the intestines, the doctors suggested that he had meningitis. It was decided to perform bloodletting, which not only caused irreparable harm to the writer's health, but also worsened his state of mind.

On February 21, 1852, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol died at the estate of Count Tolstoy in Moscow. Before his 43rd birthday, he did not live only one month.

In the biography of the Russian writer Gogol there are so many interesting facts that one could make a whole book out of them. Let's give just a few.

  • Gogol was afraid of thunderstorms, because it a natural phenomenon had a negative effect on his psyche.
  • The writer lived in poverty, went to old clothes. The only expensive item in his wardrobe was a gold watch donated by Zhukovsky in memory of Pushkin.
  • Gogol's mother was considered a strange woman. She was superstitious, believed in supernatural things, and constantly told cryptic, embellished fictions.
  • According to rumors, Gogol's last words were: "How sweet it is to die."
  • often received inspiration through the work of Gogol.
  • Nikolai Vasilyevich adored sweets, so sweets and pieces of sugar were constantly in his pocket. He also liked to roll bread crumbs in his hands - it helped him to concentrate on thoughts.
  • Gogol was sensitive to his appearance. He was very irritated by his own nose.
  • Nikolai Vasilyevich was afraid that he would be buried, being in lethargy. Therefore, he asked that his body be buried only after the appearance of cadaveric spots.
  • According to legend, Gogol woke up in a coffin. And this rumor has a basis. The fact is that when they intended to rebury his body, those present were horrified to find that the head of the deceased was turned to one side.

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Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is a name that is known not only to every Russian person, but also to many people abroad. Nikolai Vasilyevich was an excellent writer, playwright, critic and publicist. He is rightly called a classic of Russian literature.

The writer was born on March 20 (April 1, old style) in the village of Sorochnitsy, Poltava province. His mother, Maria Ivanovna, married at the age of fourteen Vasily Gogol-Yanovsky, a representative of an old noble family.

In total they had 12 children, it is a pity that not many were able to live long life. Nevertheless, the third son was Nikolai. The young publicist lived surrounded by Little Russian life, and later this will form the basis of his Little Russian stories, where peasant life. When the boy was ten, he was sent to Poltava, to a local teacher.

Youth and education

I must say that Gogol was far from a diligent student, but he was good at Russian literature and drawing. They also began to publish a handwritten journal. Then he wrote elegiac works, poems, novels, satire, for example, "The law is not written for fools."

After the death of his father, the young classic renounces a share of the inheritance in favor of his younger sisters and a little later goes to the capital to earn his own living.

Recognition: a success story

In 1828 the poet-writer moved to Petersburg. Gogol could not leave the dream of becoming an actor, but they did not want to take him anywhere. He also served as an official, but this work only weighed him down. And, when the enthusiasm completely disappeared, Nikolai Vasilyevich again tries himself in literature.

His first published work was Basavriuk, later renamed The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala. It was this that brought him fame and recognition in literary circles. But Gogol did not stop. This story was followed by the world-famous "The Night Before Christmas", "Sorochinsky Fair", "Taras Bulba". There was also an acquaintance with Zhukovsky and Pushkin.

Personal life

In total, he had two loves in his life. And it's hard to call it strong feelings. The fact is that the writer was too religious a person, he even intended to go to the monastery, and discussed all issues with the confessor. Therefore, his communication with the opposite sex did not work out, and the author, in principle, did not consider many ladies to be worthy companions of life.

His first love was the imperial maid of honor Alexandra Smirnova-Rosset. Once these two people were introduced by Zhukovsky. After that, they began to correspond. Unfortunately, Gogol believed that he would not be able to provide it. The life she was used to was worth a lot. big money, and obliged the writer to a lot. And, although their correspondence was filled with genuine tenderness, Alexandra married an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nikolai Smirnov.

The second lady of the heart was his cousin Maria Sinelnikova. The girl was struck by the character of Gogol, his tenderness and isolation. During the time that her family was visiting the estate of the writer's parents, she was constantly next to him. When the girl left, they began to correspond. But even here, Nikolai did not work out. Two years after they met, the classic was gone.

  1. Gogol was not quite ordinary writer. The reason for this is an unusual character. For example, when new people appeared in the room, whom he did not know, Nikolai seemed to evaporate.
  2. To solve complex life issues, he used bread balls. He loved to roll balls of bread and roll them on the table while he was thinking.
  3. He was not gifted literary talent Initially, as a child, he wrote very mediocre works that did not even survive.
  4. Well, it is impossible not to mention that in 1852 the writer burned the second volume of his main work in life - Dead Souls. There is evidence that he did this on the orders of his confessor.
  5. There is a version according to which the writer was buried alive. His burial was opened, and traces of nails were found there, as if the man woke up and tried to get out. Apparently, Gogol could fall into a lethargic sleep, and then wake up in the grave.


"How sweet it is to die" last words poet in mind. And his death itself is rather confusing. There is no exact confirmation of any hypothesis. However, there is a sound assumption that the writer died due to fasting.

The fact is that Gogol, at the end of his life, began to exalt the significance of religion, observing all the rituals. But his body was not at all ready to follow a strict diet. And Nicholas died a month before his forty-third birthday, February 21, 1852.

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GOGOL NIKOLAY VASILIEVICH - Russian writer, publicist.

Born in a family in a me-shchi-ka medium dos-tat-ka. He spent his childhood years in the ro-di-tel-sky estate of Va-sil-ev-ka (another knowledge is Yanov-shchi-na, pro-is-ho-da-shche from fa-mi -lie vla-del-tsa - Gogol-Yanovsky). Artistic ode-ryon-ness was-la-on-trace-st-ven-noy in Go-gol’s se-mei-st-ve: among his ancestors along the ma-te-rin-line - Va-si-liy Tan-sky (1st half of the 18th century), author of the popular in his time in-ter-lu-diy in the Ukrainian language; Go-gol's father, Vasily Afa-nas-e-vich Go-gol-Yanovsky (1777-1825), composed verses and comedies in Russian and Ukrainian -kah. Not-yes-le-ko from Vas-sil-ev-ki, on the Psyol River, on-ho-di-moose of V.V. Cap-ni-hundred, someone, according to the witness of ma-te-ri Go-gol, approved his first poetic experiments.

In 1818-1819, Go-gol studied at the Pol-tava in-ve-to-vo (district) school; in 1820 - early 1821, for-no-small with the teacher of the Latin language G.M. So-ro-chin-skim, in 1821-1828 he studied at the Gymnasium of Higher Sciences in Ne-zhina. In these years, Go-gol's multi-sided artistic talent appeared: he ri-co-val (pei-za-zhi, ri-sun-ki; late you-pol-nyat for-ri-owls-ki-ro-dov, es-ki-zy ob-lo-zhek, etc.), you-stepped into the spec-so-lyah, moreover, with especially ben-ny us-pe-hom in comic roles (for example, Pro-sta-ko-howl in D.I. pi-sal different-but-about-different artistic pro-of-ve-de-niya, in his words, sur-yoz-nom ro-de ": sti-ho-your-re-nie" Not-in-the-go-yes"; not-so-storing-niv-shie-sya po-em “Russia under the yoke of the ta-tar”, sa-ti-ra “Not something about Ne-zhin-ne, or Du-ra-kam za-kon not pi-san”, as well as the story “Brothers Tver-di-sla-vi-chi” (or “Brothers Tver-do-sla-vi-chi”), co-burnt-naya Go-golem after the devil-merciful cry-ti-ki from the hundred-ro-we-va-ri-schey (the first known case of co-burning Go- golem of their pro-of-ve-de-ny). Go-gol, one-on-one, connected his future with the public service, dreaming of a legal career: “I saw that here you will work more than anything ... Not-right-in-su-die, ve-tea-neck in the light of not-happiness, more than all times-ry-va-lo my heart ”(from a letter to two-rod-no-mu uncle P.P. Ko-sya-rov-sko-mu dated 03.10. 1827).

The adoption of such a decision was influenced, in particular, by the lectures of Professor N.G. Be-lo-uso-va, chi-tav-she-go in the gymnasium the course of the es-te-st-ven-no-go right-va (in connection with the emergence of nick-shim in the gym- on-zii in 1827 de-le about his free-but-dum-st-ve Go-gol deep-bo-ko co-feel-st-in-shaft opal-no-mu pro-fes-so-ru and during the race-after-before-va-niya gave in-ka-for-niya in his favor). In 1828, Go-gol went to St. Petersburg, where, without a hit, he tried to get into the service. At the beginning of 1829, the poem “Ita-liya” appeared, all over the vi-di-mo-sti near Go-gol (“Son of the father-th-st-va and Se- Ver-ny ar-khiv”, No. 12), and in the spring of the same year, under the pseudonym V. Alov, a separate from yes-no-it came out “idyll-liya in car-ti-nah” "Gantz Kyu-hel-gar-ten". Regardless of the under-ra-zha-tel-ny kha-rak-ter, here would be many mo-ti-you mature Go-golya, in part-st-no-sti sharp-paradise coll-li-ziya dream-you and su-sche-st-ven-no-sti, pre-ve-shchav-shay in this way “ne -ter-burg-skih weights. The poem called you a sharp critical response from N.A. In a la-go, Go-gol burned non-ras-pro-given ek-zem-p-la-ry books, from-right-for-for-gra-ni-tsu, to Northern Ger-ma-niyu (Lyu-bek, Tra-ve-muen-de, Hamburg), by the end of September 1829 he returned to St. Petersburg.

At the end of 1829, Gogol joined the Department of State Economy and Public Buildings of the Ministry of the Interior; in April 1830 - to the Department of appanages (vna-cha-le scribe, in that way, in the power of no one hundred-lo-on-chief-no-ka). At the same time, but ak-ti-vi-zi-ro-va-las his literary activity: after the first in-ve-stu “Bi-sav-ryuk, or Ve- cher na-ka-nu-ne Iva-na Ku-pa-la ”(“ Father-che-st-ven-nye-pis-ki, 1830, February-March; without sub-pi-si; in-went in from-me-nyon-nom vi-de in “Ve-che-ra on hu-to-re near Di-kan-ki”) was-lo pub-li-ko-va-no es-se “Women-shchi-na” (“Li-te-ra-tour-naya ga-ze-ta”, 1831, No. 4) - the first pro-from-ve-de-nie for sub-pi-sue “ N. Go-goal. In 1830, Go-gol became familiar with V.A. Zhu-kov-skim, P.A. Plet-ne-vym and, possibly, A.A. Del-vi-gom, and in May 1831 (obviously, on the 20th) at a ve-che-re at Plet-nyo-va, he was represented by A.S. Push-ki-well.

The first cycle in the weights “Ve-che-ra on the khu-to-re near Di-kan-ki” (parts 1-2, 1831-1832), brought Go-gol shi- ro-some recognition, from-ve-chal development-viv-she-mu-sya in the Russian community-st-ve in-tere-su to Uk-rai-ne (“here it’s so for-no - everything is ma-lo-Russian-si-skoe for everyone ... ”- from a letter from Go-gol to ma-te-ri dated 04/30/1829). Uk-rai-no-fil-st-vo Go-gol oz-na-cha-lo ob-ra-sche-nie to the root, national first-of-os-no-to you glory-vyan-sko -th world (N.I. Na-de-zh-din na-zy-val Ma-lo-ros-this "slav-vyan-Av-zo-ni-ey", i.e., weak- Vyan-sky Ancient Rome) and it was-lo ana-lo-gich-but u-le-che-niyu Middle-age-kove-em and ancient-stu among Western European ro-man-ti -kov. But this world, as Go-gol says, was not at all united and idil-li-chen: in a number of ves-tei tsik-la (“Terrible revenge”, etc.) raz-vi-wa-las ro-man-tic the-ma from-chu-zh-de-niya central-tral-no-go per-so-na-zh; in others (for example, in “May-no-chi ...”), love-b-in-tri-ga os-lie-nya-was co-against-le-ni-em co-per- no-kov or not-good-ro-zhe-la-te-lei, and almost in all cases in human affairs, in the development of colli-li-zia together shi-va-lis dark ir-re-al-nye si-ly. After the appearance of “Ve-che-ditch ...” Go-gol became a literary celebrity: in the summer and autumn of 1832, with inspiration, le-ni-em met in Mo-sk-ve S.T. Ak-sa-kov and K.S. Ak-sa-kov, M.S. Shchepkin, I.V. Ki-re-ev-sky, S.P. She-vy-roar, M.P. Po-go-din. In 1835, Go-gol again in-se-til Mo-sk-vu, where in May, apparently, his first meeting with V.G. . Be-lin-skim.

After-after-before-vav-shie after the first pro-za-ic book of Go-gol, the cycles “World-go-rod” and “Ara-be-ski” ras-shi-ri-li dia -pa-zones of his creation-che-st-va in the right-le-nii, someone-swarm was-lo-pre-instruction-for-but entering-div-shey in “Ve-che-ra .. . "in-ve-stu" Ivan Fe-do-ro-vich Shpon-ka and his t-tush-ka. In the collection “Mir-city” (parts 1-2, 1835), in the field of vision of Go-gol, there are petty concerns and inconveniences, “by- vulgarity in a go-go-lo-ve-ka ”(for-mu-la, according to the statement of Go-gol, advancing Push-ki-nu), ka -verz-no-thing-st-vo and su-heavy-no-thing-st-vo (“The news of how Ivan Ivan-no-vich quarreled with Ivan Ni- ki-fo-ro-vi-what”), the destruction of the idyllic state of the world-ra (“Old-worldly in-me-shchi-ki”) and the EU -those-st-vein-nyh-lo-ve-che-sky connections, pro-is-go-dying under the influence of diabolical forces (especially ben-but from- even-if-in - in "Wii").

By weight from the collection "Ara-be-ski" (parts 1-2, 1835) "Nevsky Prospect", "Port-ret" and "For-pis-ki su-ma-sshed-she -go "do-ba-vi-whether to this pro-ble-ma-ti-ke pet-ter-burg-sky, hundred-personal themes: vulgarity and all-day-ness with -go-no-fox with a tense pa-fo-som, gro-te-sk-nym of plot-nyh and in-ve-st-vo-va-tel- nyh plans, with an alarming, ka-ta-st-ro-phic mood of a pain-sho-go-ro-yes. This on-the-right-le-nie was-lo in the next-st-vie pro-long-the-same-but other-gi-mi "pe-ter-burg-ski-mi in-weight-ty-mi" (so would they have been named in cri-ti-ke already after the deaths of pi-sa-te-la): “The Nose” (published in 1836 in the Pushkin magazine “So-vre -men-nick"; here in the same year appeared the news "Ko-la-ska", the article "On the movement of the journal-nal-li-te-ra-tu -ry in 1834 and 1835, etc.) and Shinel (1842).

In contrast to other cycles, “Ara-be-ski”, along with artistic texts, include critical and artistic toric. ra-bo-you, including the article “A few words about Push-ki-ne”, containing a deep and all-sided assessment creative-che-st-va-this. Artistic kri-ti-ka and es-sei-sti-ka of Go-gol stand at the is-to-kov of domestic art-st-in-knowledge (published in "Ara-be-skah" articles “About ar-hi-tech-tu-re now-nesh-not-tho-me-ni”, “Sculp-tu-ra, life-in-piss and mu-zy-ka”, “According to -the next day of Pompei").

The historical works of Go-gol were to a significant extent connected with his professional in-te-re-sa-mi: in 1834-1835 he was ad-junct pro-fess-so-rum at St. Petersburg University; hlo-po-tal the same way (without-us-pesh-but) about the lu-che-nii of the department of history at Kiev University. For-nya-tiya is-to-ri-she went para-ral-lel-but with the development of artistic-historical for-we-words, from some of the most -more significant is the not-finished drama "Alf-red" (1835) on the plot of the Western European Sred-ne-ve-ko-vya, as well as in the news “Ta-ras Bul-ba” (1st edition published in the collection “Mir-city”, 2nd - in “So-chi-ne-no-yah”, 1842) from the Ukrainian history rii (with is-to-ri-she Uk-rai-na is connected-for-on and so-storing-niv-shay-sya in fragments-men-tah tra-ge-diya “For you-shaved mustache” , over someone swarm Go-gol ra-bo-tal in 1839-1841).

All these thoughts are connected with the per-rio-da-mi, you-zy-vav-shi-mi to yourself the greatest in-te-res Go-gol-is- then-ri-ka; at the same time, it, obviously, attracts such a state of the nation when, despite internal conflicts, you can -to inhale-but-twist-sya with one idea, present yourself as a unity. This is the-th-ka-che-st-va li-she-na, according to Go-gol, split-fraction-len-naya modern life, once-di-rae-may for a part egoistic, your-ko-ry-st-us-mi in-te-re-sa-mi. Is-to-rism of Go-gol led him to "Re-vi-zo-ru" - co-media with is-key-chi-tel-but deep-bo-kim, in-is-ti- not a philosophical co-der-zha-ni-em (set for the first time on 04/19/1836 in St. Petersburg Alek-san-d-rin-sky te-at-re; in the same year you -went a separate from-yes-no-eat).

On the under-said by A.S. Push-ki-nym plot, combining the eternal qui-pro quo situation with the lo-cal mo-ti-vom chi-new-draw in-spec-tion (re-vision), Go-gol on-pi-sal a play-su, tya-go-teyu-shchy to the pre-del-no-mu generalization: before we "collect- ny city ”(you-ra-zhe-nie from the play“ Te-at-ral-ny-journey after the presentation of the new comedy, 1842, where, from lo-same-we, the theoretical views of Go-gol as ko-mi-che-sko-go pi-sa-te-la), in some way representing-becoming-le- we are different sides of so-qi-al-noy life and different-but-about-different-your-st-va-che-lo-ve-che-sky on-tu-ry. At the same time, ir-ra-tsio-nal-noe na-cha-lo is-to-rii (according to the form-mu-le Go-gol, “strong cris-zi-sy, chuv-st-vue-my tse -loyu mas-soy") you-ra-same-but in a play with the help of but-va-tor-sky artistic techniques, on-chi-naya with "mirage-noy in-tri-gi "and end-tea for-key-chi-tel-noy" not-my scene-noy. Under-slump-but-gro-te-sk-nye mo-ti-you times-vi-va-li and other plays of Go-goal.

So, in Zhe-thread-be (published and staged in 1842) pro-is-ho-di-la ton-kai pe-re-ak-tsen-ti-rov-ka tra-di-ci-on -noy ko-me-diy-noy pair - weak-bo-vol-but-go-no-ha and pre-with-im-chi-vo-go in power-no-ka (other-ga , servants, etc.): if the first (Pod-ko-le-sin) is not-re-shi-te-len with blood for-in-te-re-so-van-but -sti in the same-thread-be, then the second-swarm (Koch-ka-roar) on-by-rist with from-day-st-wii re-al-no-go in-te-re-sa to the pre- standing-to-mu co-being. In "Ig-ro-kah" (published in 1842, staged in 1843) corner-lub-la-las si-tua-tion "about-ma-well-so-mo-shen-no-ka": no one has the right to consider himself a window-cha-tel-nym “be-di-te-lem” - always “a rogue is found under the side, someone -ry te-bya re-re-plu-tu-et ”(words of kar-toch-no-go shu-le-ra Ikha-re-va in the key-che-ni play-sy). Through-you-tea-ny la-ko-down-mom and you-ra-zi-tel-no-stu from-li-cha-yut-sya and “little-lazy-ko-medi” Go- goal - “Tyazh-ba”, “La-key-sky”, “Ot-ry-wok” (all published in 1842), as well as “Morning de-lo-vo-go-lo- ve-ka” (published in 1836); all of them represent-la-yut with-battle about-ra-bot-ku and the development of separate scenes of not-completed-completed co-media "Vla-di-world 3rd step-pe-ni”, over someone swarm Go-gol ra-bo-tal in 1832-1834.

In June 1836, Go-gol ue-hal for gra-ni-tsu, lived in Ba-den-Ba-de-ne, Zhe-ne-ve, We-ve (Switzer-tsa-ria), in Pa -ri-same, where you are familiar with A. Mits-ke-vi-chem; here he shook his neck because of the news of the death of A.S. Push-ki-on. In March 1837, Gogol for the first time visited Rome, where he was familiar with the ra-bo-tav-shi-mi there Russian hu-doge-ni-ka-mi (including with A.A. Iva-nov-ym, somehow dedicated the article “Is-to-rich-sky living-in-pi-sets Ivanov”, published in 1847). In Ri-me would-la na-pi-sa-na most of"Dead Souls", ra-bo-ta over someone-ry-mi was-la na-cha-ta back in 1835. One-but-time-men-but Go-gol creates-da-et and a number of other pro-from-ve-de-ny, including the story "Rome" (not windows-che-on, published in 1842).

In addition, “Re-vi-zo-ru”, “Dead soul-shi” (the plot of someone was also under-said by Push-ki-nym) should would it be possible to chat all Russian life, but not with “one-but-bo-ku”, but in its whole-lo-st-no-sti, where “there would be no one -but what should be laughed at. From-here-yes-yes-refusal from na-me-chav-she-go-sya vna-cha-le denoting the meaning of “ro-man” in favor of “po-ema”, which should but it would be, on the one hand, according to the example of Push-ki-na for-fic-si-ro-vat zhan-ro-vuyu uni-cal-ness pro-from-ve -de-nia (“Ev-Genius One-gin” - ro-man, but not in pro-se; “Dead Souls” - in em, but not in verse), but with other-goy - from de-pouring ro-g-give-your-neck-your-re-nie from the big-sho-go mass-si-va of modern Russian and Western European pro-se (ro-man-nov is-to -ri-che-sky, nra-vo-describe-sa-tel-nyh, sa-ti-ri-che-sky, etc.) and bring closer to the tra-di-qi-pits of more ancient -nim, up to the go-me-rov-skih-em, someone-rye Go-gol with-steel-but studied. Since-for-we-sat down but-in-pro-from-ve-de-niya built-il-sya three-hour-st-but - before-by-la-gall-sya re-re- a move from the lower spheres of life to more you-with-kim and significant-chi-tel-nym, and s-mo-re-re-vos-pi-ta-nie central-central-no-th lane -so-na-zha (Chi-chi-ko-wa) pe-re-ras-ta-lo into the “is-to-riyu of the soul-shi” with its main-we-mi (three-me) stage-diya -mi, then for Go-gol about-re-ta-la a special meaning and tra-di-tion Dan-te (to "God-st-ven-noy com-media" Go-gol about -yav-lyal pain-shoy in-te-res in-ru ra-bo-you over the poem). Dra-matism and mu-chi-tel-ness of work on the 2nd and 3rd volumes of "Dead Souls" wives-ny-mi efforts-liya-mi pre-stand the process of re-ro-g-de-niya "dead-howl-soul-shi" not dek-la-ra-tiv-no, but con-cret -but also convincingly-di-tel-but, in ma-te-ria-le and forms of re-al-noy Russian life.

In 1839-1840, Go-gol came to Russia (Mo-sk-va, St. Petersburg), read to friends the chapters of "Dead Souls"; at the end of 1841 - the 1st half of 1842, Go-gol was again on the ro-di-ne, for-nya-ty pe-cha-ta-ni-em of the 1st volume (came out in May 1842) ; in 1842 - early 1843 Go-gol's "So-chi-ne-niya" was published in 4 volumes. From June 1842, Gogol lived abroad (in France, Germany, but mainly in Italy: Ri-me, Ne-apo-le, etc.) , continuing to work on the 2nd volume of the poem (on-cha-tym, in-vi-di-mo-mu, back in 1840). In the 1st half of 1845, the sa-mo-chuv-st-vie of Go-gol sharply worsened-shi-moose; his strengths would be more-dor-va-ny on-stretched and, as it seemed to him, inefficient labor. In the summer of 1845, Gogol burned the ru-ko-piss of the 2nd volume in order to start the work of ra-bo-tu sleep-cha-la.

In January 1847, while in Ne-apo-le, he lived hard because of the news of the death of N.M. Yazy-ko-va, one of his closest friends. In the same year, you went “You-branded places from pe-re-pis-ki with friends-me” - pro-from-ve-de-nie, someone-swarm Go -goal considered almost his first “del-book”, since it is in a direct, public-cis-istic form from la-ga- la his main ideas. Go-gol proceeded from the position that no social progress will be strong without re-pi-ta-ning and re-re-vos -pi-ta-niya ka-zh-do-go in the spirit of hri-sti-an-sky eti-ki (the same thought ak-tsen-ti-ro-va-na in co-zda-vav-shey -sya par-ral-lel-no play-se "Raz-vyaz-ka Re-vi-zo-ra", published posthumously in 1856). However, in the conditions of-lo-vi-yah on-mature-vav-shih in the country of so-qi-al-ny pre-ob-ra-zo-va-ny (pre-zh-de all- th kre-st-yan-sky re-form-we) in-torture Go-gol oh-ra-no-chit-sya only about-ble-my che-st-no-go is-half-not- niya ka-zh-smoke che-lo-ve-com your “should-no-sti” you-look-de-la not-dos-that-accurate: exit “chosen places ... "attracted to Go-gol a real storm of cri-ti-ki, including from the side of his friends (S.T. and K.S. Ak -sa-ko-vyh, S.P. She-vy-ryo-va, etc.); only a few from-me-ti-whether on-zi-tiv-ny sides of the book (pre-zh-de of everything A.A. Grigor-ev in the article “Go -gol and his last book "-" Mo-s-kov-sky city sheet, 1847, No. 5, 6).

From-zi-tsy for-pad-no-che-st-va book-gu sharp-to kri-ti-ko-val V.G. Be-lin-sky - in a review (“So-vre-men-nick”, 1847, No. 2) and especially in a letter to Go-gol dated 07/15/1847. In a response letter dated 08/10/1847, Go-goal, for an hour, tych-but, recognized the failure of the books, one-on-one up-re-kal kri-ti-ka in one-but-one-ron-no-sti and ig-no-ri-ro-va-nii re-li-gi-oz-no-mo-ral-noy pro-ble-ma-ti-ki. Pe-re-zhi-va-nia and explanation-of-not-nia in connection with “You-brand-we-mi places-ta-mi ..” did you call new to life pro-iz-ve-de-nye of Go-gol - “Av-tor-is-after-after all” (published posthumously in 1855; the title is attached to re-dak-to-ru).

In April 1848, after pu-te-she-st-via in Ie-ru-sa-lim to Gro-bu Gos-under-nu Go-gol windows-cha-tel-no-voz-vra -til-Xia on ro-di-nu; lived in Vasil-ev-ke, Odessa, St. Petersburg, where in the autumn of 1848 at a party with A.A. Ko-ma-ro-va is familiar with N.A. Not-beautiful, I.A. Gon-cha-ro-vym, D.V. Gri-go-ro-vi-chem, A.V. Friends. From December 1848 he lived with A.P. Tol-hundred-go in Mo-sk-ve, continuing to work on the 2nd volume of the poem and other co-chi-non-niya-mi (including on -cha-you-mi back in 1845 in Paris “Raz-mys-le-niya-mi about God-st-ven-noy liturgy”, published posthumously in 1857). In June 1850, in June and September 1851, Go-gol started to go Op-ti-well empty. At the end of January 1852, there were signs of no-of-the-soul-of-she-no-go kri-zi-sa: Go-gol tya-zhe-lo-re lived the death of E.M. Ho-mya-ko-howl, se-st-ry N.M. Languages-co-va. At the end of Jan-va-rya - on-cha-le Feb-ra-la met with the arrival in Moscow Rzhev pro-toi-e-re-em Mat -we-eat (Kon-stan-ti-nov-skim), someone-ry, in-vi-di-mo-mu, co-ve-to-shaft Go-gol destroy something-live not-to -those chapters of the poem, mo-ti-vi-ruya this is their inaccuracy and harmful influence, they will have something on chi-ta -te-lei; Go-gol could re-interpret his re-action in the sense that the 2nd volume remained hu-to-same-st-ven-but not-with- ver-shen-nym. On February 7, Go-gol used-ve-da-d-sya and at-hour-til-sya, and on the night of February 11-12, he burned the white hand-writing of the 2nd volume (with -were kept in incomplete form 5 chapters, from-but-sya-scha-sya to various black-but-you re-dak-qi-yam; published posthumously in 1855) . The death of Go-gol you called in the Russian community deep-bo-something-se-ing. From the uni-ver-si-te-te-church-vi, where the moose was from-pe-va-nie, to the place of burial in Holy-to-Da-ni-lo- vom mo-on-sta-re the coffin is not-sli on the hands of students-den-you and pro-fes-so-ra uni-ver-si-te-ta (in 1931 os-tan-ki Go-gol would it be pe-re-not-se-ny on But-in-de-vi-whose treasure-be-sche).

Oh-rum-but the influence of Go-gol on the following literature: his creative-th-st-in-the-s-pos-stvo-va-lo development of realistic stylistic lei, na-chi-naya from na-tu-ral-noy school to Russian ro-man-na (I.S. Tur-genev, I.A. Gon-char-rov, A.I. Ger-tsen, L.N. Tolstoy and others); sti-mu-li-ro-va-lo uk-re-p-le-nie and ob-ga-sche-tion of the gro-te-sk-no-fan-ta-stastic on-right-le-tion (M .E. Sal-tykov-Shched-rin, F. So-lo-lip, A. Be-ly, etc.). At the same time, the religious and moral claims of Go-gol to a large extent op-re-de-li-whether he-lo-gi-che-pro-blem ma-ti-ku both in fiction (F.M. Dos-to-ev-sky), and in Russian religious philo-so-fi late XIX- the first half of the 20th century. In the 20th century, the influence of Go-gol, the pre-do-lion national borders, raced-pro-stra-ni-moose to the entire world culture.

April 1 is the birthday of the great Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. However, the question of the year of Gogol's birth is highly controversial. So, to a simple question about the date of birth, Gogol always answered evasively. What is the reason for such secrecy? The mystery of the writer's birth may have originated in youthful years mother of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

When asked about his date of birth, Gogol answered evasively ...

Still: according to the lists of the Poltava district school, where he studied with his younger brother Ivan, it meant that Ivan was born in 1810, and Nikolai was born in 1811. Biographers explained this as a little trick of Vasily Yanovsky, who did not want the eldest son to be an overgrown among his schoolmates. But the birth certificate issued to the Nizhyn Gymnasium of Higher Sciences stated that Gogol was born in 1810. And after a hundred years, he became older by another year.

In 1888, an extract from the parish register of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior in the town of Sorochintsy, Mirgorod Povet, Poltava province was first published in the journal "Russian Starina" for the first time: "1809. No. 25 - On March 20, the son Nikolai was born to the landowner Vasily Yanovsky and baptized. The abbot Ioan Belobolsky prayed and baptized, and Colonel Mikhail Trakhimovsky was the recipient.

The successor - the godfather of the poet - after twenty years military service retired and settled in Sorochintsy. The Trakhimovsky and Gogol-Yanovsky families have been friendly for a long time and were distantly related. Everything is logical, but questions remained. Because it was closer from Vasilievka to Mirgorod (where there was a church), to Kibintsy (where Gogol's mother and father served).

It was possible to drive further in the other direction, because in the legendary Dikanka, covered with ancient legends, there were two churches: Trinity and the ancestral church of Kochubeev, St. Nicholas, which was visited by Gogols as distant relatives. It was said that it was in front of him that young Maria made her vow: in the event of the birth of a long-awaited son, he would be called Nikolai, and a church would be built in Vasilievka.

In 1908, on the eve of the centennial anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, the Department of the Russian Language and Literature of the Russian Imperial Academy Sciences officially confirmed the fact of the birth of N.V. Gogol - March 20 (April 1 to the present), 1809.

theatrical romance

The genealogy of Gogol's mother is described in detail by historians. Grandfather Kosyarevsky, after military service, became the Oryol postmaster with a salary of 600 rubles a year. His son was "assigned" to the post office ... In 1794, the Kosyarovskys had a daughter, Masha, who was given to be raised by her aunt Anna, in the family of Major General A.P. Troshchinsky, since the parents themselves lived too modestly. Masha "started" early. She played many roles in Troshchinsky's home theater, including the penitent Magdalene. And - played ...

At the age of 14 (I write in words - at fourteen), contrary to Russian laws that forbade marriages in early age, married Vasily Gogol-Yanovsky (1777-1825), the owner of a small farm Kupchin, which was called Yanovshchina, and then Vasilievka. And Maria inherited the Yareska estate: only 83 acres of land (about 83 hectares), the number of "population" owned by the Kosyarovskys is 19 people. Why did the Yanovskys and Kosyarevskys intermarry so quickly? Because the "schoolgirl" Masha was pregnant. From whom?

In 1806, being in disgrace, General Dmitry Troshchinsky appeared in Kibintsy. He, an old bachelor, had illegitimate daughter and "pupil" Skobeeva, who became his favorite. In those days, the strict law of Peter I was in effect: to deprive all illegitimate children of the title of nobility, write them down as soldiers, peasants or artists. That is why so many artists, poets and writers have appeared in Russia in two generations.

By the way, isn't that why Taras Shevchenko became an artist? It is easy to figure out whose illegitimate son he is. But unlike Engelhardt, Dmitry Troshchinsky knew the laws Russian state and loopholes in these laws. It is no coincidence that he was appointed Minister of Justice and Prosecutor General. Therefore, for "legal" confirmation noble origin his illegitimate son, he gave it "for adoption" to his poor relatives.

When young Masha "became heavier" at the age of 14, then, as they would say now, an article "for the molestation of minors" shone to him. And an illegitimate child had to be given to soldiers or artists. The general insured himself twice. He instructed his manager Vasya Yanovsky to urgently marry Masha. And he gave a huge amount of dowry. (Gogol's sister points to 40 thousand, but apparently she made an adjustment for inflation, which was in Russia after the war of 1812).

And when Nikolai Gogol was born, he was made two years older. So he, by school documents Poltava, was born in 1811. Because Masha (born in 1794) by that time was already 17 years old. Everything is legal. (Troshinsky turned 59 years old. He reached the age that people say: "Gray hair in a beard - a demon in a rib").

No matter how later the competitors "digged" under the Minister of Justice, they could not prove anything. There was no DNA paternity test back then. Nevertheless, "well-wishers" regularly reported on Troshchinsky's intimate affairs. Everyone in the district knew everything: who was walking with whom ... Now, and two hundred years ago, if you sneeze on one side of the village, then on the other they will say: "Bless you!"

So I had to send Masha to give birth to an old friend - military doctor Mikhail Trakhimovsky in Bolshie Sorochintsy. The place is lively. Five roads leave the town at once: there is where to come from and where, in which case, to leave ...

There was even a legend of "cover" that Gogol was born on the road, almost at the very bridge over the Psel River, which he so colorfully described in the story " Sorochinskaya Fair". I checked "on the ground": there is no bridge on the road from Vasilyevka (now Gogolevo) to Sorochintsy. Here the "security service" of the Minister of Justice, spreading these rumors, did something unfinished.

The reader has the right to ask: where did the general's money go? They have become an investment. Yareski came to life, fairs were regularly held in them. A large distillery was built there, which used Steam engine. Distilling (vodka production) was a good business. V. A. Gogol subsequently managed the Troshchinsky household, being the secretary of Dmitry Prokofievich, who in 1812 was elected marshal of the nobility of the Poltava province. And in the home theater of D. P. Troshchinsky in Kibintsy, comedies by Vasily Afanasyevich were staged. Everyone is fine.

By the way, part of the money was spent on the construction of a church in Vasilyevka, on Gogol's education in Nizhyn: 1,200 rubles a year (then Troshchinsky saved money: he transferred Kolya to the "state order"). When Gogol in St. Petersburg "grabbed Venus by the intimate place", then 1,450 silver rubles were spent on the treatment of a" bad disease "in Germany (travel, food, medicines, consultations). (For comparison: one goose then cost one ruble. A few years later, Gogol received 2,500 rubles for staging The Inspector General). It cost the poet a lot to visit a public institution.Since then, he treated women with restraint, but he started well: "We are maturing and improving; but when? When we comprehend a woman more deeply and more perfectly. (Nikolai Gogol, "Woman", "LG", 1831)

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol was born into a difficult family. The writer's father, Vasily Afanasyevich, also had the ability to literary work, wrote short plays for home theater and was an excellent storyteller. It was he who instilled in his son a love of literature and theater. But Vasily Afanasyevich was a very painful person. He died when the future great Russian writer was only 15. This left a certain mark on Gogol's worldview.

Mother, Maria Ivanovna (before marriage - Kosyarovskaya), came from a large family of a potchmaster. She was distinguished by an extremely complex character, increased anxiety, impressionability and mystical exaltation. There were several mentally ill people in the family of Maria Ivanovna. There is a possibility that she may have inherited certain personality traits from them.

Maria Ivanovna instilled her faith in everything mystical in her offspring, whom she had 12. The writer’s mother lost many children at their early age, which is not in the best way affected the woman's mental state. She was not only extremely superstitious and believed in everything otherworldly, but also sometimes behaved strangely. For example, she told her friends that Nikolai Vasilyevich was the author of most modern inventions.

Writer's personal life

It is not surprising that Nikolai Vasilievich was deeply imbued with faith in everything mystical and was also obsessed with the fear of death. In recent years, these personality traits have come to dominate. In his youth, the writer, like his anxious mother, was strikingly different from the general mass of his peers in some oddities of character. He was very reserved and secretive. He was prone to unexpected and dangerous tricks. The students of the Nizhyn gymnasium, where he studied, called Nikolai Vasilievich "beech".

Gogol grew up vulnerable and terribly impractical, not adapted to ordinary life man. Being brilliant writer, Nikolai Vasilyevich did not have his own own house. Yes, and he died in someone else's - in the mansion of Count Tolstoy in Moscow. As required by law, after the death of the writer, an inventory of his property was made. Of all the "wealth" of the deceased, there were only books, heavily worn clothes, a bundle of manuscripts and a gold watch donated by Zhukovsky (in memory of Pushkin). total cost property - 43.88 rubles.

Gogol not only died in poverty. He lived as an ascetic, remaining lonely all his life. At the same time, he often helped young writers in need. The usual human affection of Nikolai Vasilyevich was directed to his selflessly beloved sisters and mother. Gogol never married and had no children. And yet in his life there were 2 women who awakened love feelings.

Favorite women of Nikolai Vasilyevich

Alexandra Smirnova-Rosset

Gogol was not a charming man. Tall and rather ungainly, long nose, he could hardly claim to be popular with the ladies. And because of his views and habit of living in poverty, he simply could not afford to start a family. And yet the writer loved. One of his favorite women was the imperial maid of honor, the beautiful and clever Alexandra Smirnova-Rosset.

The swarthy, black-eyed Sashenka was friendly with many writers and prominent personalities that time. She even inspired many: she was the real muse of Lermontov and Vyazemsky, Pushkin and, of course, Gogol himself. Zhukovsky introduced the latter to the maid of honor. The pretty beauty immediately won Gogol's heart.

A touching and tender relationship began between them. Nikolai Vasilyevich corresponded with Alexandra, shared with her his writing ideas, plans, discussed the works that had just come out of his pen. But he did not even dare to talk to the girl about his love. She intuitively felt that she was loved by Gogol, and responded to the writer with the most tender affection. But he was not a worthy party for such a high-ranking person, so there was no talk of any reciprocity and physical love.

Sashenka married a wealthy and influential official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nikolai Smirnov. The husband was not only a high-ranking person, but also owned a huge Spasskoye estate near Moscow. In the opinion of the world, the maid of honor made a brilliant match.

Maria Sinelnikova

The second woman who touched the writer's heart was his cousin Maria Sinelnikova. She was married off early, but family life spouses did not work out. Maria left her husband and moved to her Kharkov estate Vlasovka. Left alone, she began to go out into the world. One day, during her illness, her relatives visited her - her aunt and her adult children, one of whom was Nikolai Vasilyevich.

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