What is Judgment Day? Judgment Day.


Every Muslim must be convinced that the interrogations in the grave, the resurrection from the dead on the Day of Judgment, the Horn of Israfil, which he will blow, the gathering of all people in the Arasat area, and that people, in accordance with their deeds, will drown in sweat there (except for special categories of people) that the Almighty will reprimand His servants, that the righteous will receive their “Books of Deeds” on the right, after which Allah will send them to Paradise by His mercy, and the sinners on the left, after which Allah will send them to Hell by His justice , weighing good and bad deeds on the Scales of justice, also intercession on the Day of Judgment, the Sirat bridge, thrown over Hell and serving as a test for believers, Hell itself and all the punishments and torments in it, Paradise and all the blessings in it, havz of the Prophet (peace be upon him and blessing) (a spring whose water quenches thirst forever), etc., - all this is the truth.

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Doomsday Signs
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Judgment Day
Doomsday Difficulties
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There is no death in the other world, that is, people after resurrection will never die. Akhirat is the eternal and imperishable haven of man.

When will Judgment Day come?

We are convinced that there is Almighty Allah - the Creator of all things, we also know that in His Koran and the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) contains only the truth. We know about the coming of the Day of Judgment and the afterlife from the Koran and hadiths.

When that day comes, only Allah knows. But in authentic hadiths it is told about the signs preceding this day.

Small Signs of the Day of Judgment

Small signs of the approach of the Day of Judgment are: the message of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him); the appearance of his ummah; construction of high-rise buildings; decoration of mosques; increase in ignorance; weakening of faith; an increase in drunkenness, adultery and oppression (zulmu); disrespect for parents by children and younger elders; an increase in the number of women and a decrease in the number of men; an increase in strife among Muslims; frequent chants; walking women in a half-naked form; an increase in the number of women involved in trade, etc.

Big Signs of the Coming End of the World

Announcement of Imam Mahdi as well as Dajjal; the descent of the Prophet Isa (peace be upon him); the appearance of Ya'dzhudzh-Madzhudzh (Gog and Mogog); the appearance of the talking animal Dabbatul-arzi; sunrise from the west; the appearance of smoke filling the whole world; a fire on the side of Adi, driving people to Sham; the disappearance of the Koran from the Earth, that is, from books and from the memory of people; destruction of the Kaaba by the Ethiopians.

Mahdi is a descendant of the family of Fatima - the daughter of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). When he appears, thanks to him the whole world will be embraced by his just rule.

Dajjal is an infidel, knocking people down, one-eyed (blind in one eye), having an inscription between his eyes that he is an infidel (kafir). This inscription will be noticed only by true believers. He will torment those who do not follow him. Unhappy people will go over to his side, and happy people will oppose him. He can command the rains. Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) will descend on the white minaret in Damascus on the wings of two angels. He will pray for Imam Mahdi, will make decisions according to the Sharia of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). He will kill the Dajjal and the blessings will increase. He marries and they have children. When Imam Mahdi dies after forty years of reign, Isa (peace be upon him) will bury him in Bayt al-Muqaddas (in Jerusalem), Isa himself (peace be upon him) will die in Medina, and they will bury him near the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him).

Yadzhudzh-Madzhudzh is a large tribe that will descend in crowds from mountains and hills and destroy everything on earth, kill people. They will surround the Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) and his followers on Mount Tur, take Bait al-Muqaddas, shoot arrows into the air, they say, we have captivated those who are on Earth, we will also capture those who are in heaven. At the prayer of Isa (peace be upon him) and his community, Allah will let midges into their nostrils, and all Ya'juj-Ma'juj will die. Then the Lord will send them birds with necks like camels, which will carry them wherever the Almighty wants.

The animal Dabbatul-arzi is a creature from which it is impossible to escape, all nations will see it on their side, it will illuminate the face of a believer (mumin) and darken the face of an unbeliever (kafir). It will call out to a Muslim: “Hey, Muslim!”, to an unbeliever - “Hey, kafir!” It will tell one that he is from the inhabitants of Paradise, to another that he is from the inhabitants of Hell.

The sun will rise from the West, and this will happen after the death of the Prophet Isa (peace be upon him). It will reach the zenith and return back. Will be in sunset (i.e., will not rise) during three days and then the gates of repentance will be closed.

There will be smoke that will fill the whole world. The smoke will remain on Earth for forty days, it will enter the womb of the infidels and will come out of all the holes. And a Muslim will feel a slight malaise (similar to pre-influenza).

The fire that will appear in Adna will drive all people to Sham (Syria), everywhere with them (both during the night and at the stop) this fire will be.

The Quran will be cleansed from the tongues, from the leaf and from the heart. There will be nothing left of the Koran on Earth. When people from Ethiopia begin to destroy the Kaaba, the Day of Judgment will come.

About the torments and blessings in the grave

It is certain that in the grave the bad will be punished, and the righteous will be bestowed with blessings. The grave is either a garden of the gardens of Paradise, or a pit of the pits of Hell. The tomb of the righteous is illuminated and expanded as far as the eye can see. The grave of the unbeliever and the bad becomes gloomy and cramped. This is all human eye cannot see, for this refers to the other world. Punishment for the unfaithful is permanent, but for sinful Muslims, punishment ends after a certain time.

The main arguments in favor of what has been said are the Koran and hadiths, and, as you know, there is only truth in them.

About squeezing the grave

The grave is compressed so that both sides of it are in contact with each other. After that, for the righteous it expands, but for the unbelievers it remains in compressed form. It shrinks for everyone: for children and adults, for good and bad. The grave does not shrink only for the prophets, the mother of Caliph Ali Fatimat bint Asad and for the one who on his deathbed read Surah Al-Ikhlas 200 times.

About the interrogation in the grave

When the servant of God is buried, two angels will appear in his grave - Munkar and Nakir. They will ask him what he thinks of a man named Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). If the deceased is a believer, then he will answer: “ He is a slave and Messenger of Allah ". Then the angels will say: You look at the place that was prepared for you in Hell, but Allah Almighty gave you Paradise ". And they will show him Hell, then Paradise. If the deceased was an atheist, then he will answer: “ I don't know, people said something about him ". Then the angels will hit him with an iron sledgehammer. Except humans and genies, everyone will hear this sound. (Bukhari, Muslim)

In another hadith it is said that he will be asked: who is your Lord, what is your faith and who was sent to you? The believer will answer that his Lord is Allah, and his religion is Islam, and the person sent to them is the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). The unbeliever will not be able to answer these questions.

Some say that when they looked into the grave, they saw nothing amazing there. How to answer them?

First, if a phenomenon does not lend itself visual perception, this does not mean that such a phenomenon does not exist at all. Secondly, eyes and ears are given to us for earthly perception, and everything that happens in the grave refers to the other world. Our Organs Destined for Perception material world, can not see and hear what is happening in the grave. When a person sleeps, he can see and hear a lot in a dream, he can see that he is taking food, that a snake bites him, rejoices, cries, etc. But the one who stands nearby and looks at the sleeping person does not know anything about his condition sees and hears nothing. The sleeping one experiences torment and joy in a dream, despite the fact that others do not see it. This example shows that not seeing something does not negate its existence.

Who and when will blow the trumpet in Sur (horn)?

The angel Israfil (peace be upon him) will blow his trumpet in Sur. And he will do it twice. For the first time, everything that is on Earth and Heaven will perish, except for Jabrail, Mikail, Israel and Israfil (peace be upon them), the angels carrying the Arsh and guarding Paradise and Hell. They will die later. Everything will perish except for Arsh, Kurs, Lavh, Kalam (Feather), Paradise, Hell and souls. The second time Israfil (peace be upon him) blows his horn after forty years. Then the dead will be resurrected.

Resurrection of people on the Day of Judgment

After the angel Israfil (peace be upon him) blows the horn for the second time, after a short time all the dead will be resurrected, and they will be led to the Arasat valley (to Makhshar). They will come to Mahshar in different ways, depending on the deeds: some will come on foot, others will come on horseback, and still others will slide face down - these will be infidels.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) will be the first to rise from the grave and enter the Makhshar.

Report on the Mahshar on the Day of Judgment

On this day, some will be sent to Paradise without a report, while others will be required to report. The report is also carried out in different ways: easy or difficult, secretly or openly. That is, the Almighty himself will reveal the deeds of everyone, whether committed by the tongue, body, etc. Whoever he wants, he will have mercy, wash away sins, whom he wants, he will punish. The first report will be received from the community of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

About how the list of human deeds is submitted on the Day of Judgment

The angels keep a record of our deeds under Arsh. On the Day of Judgment, when the people gather on Mahshar, by the will of the Almighty, the wind will blow, and records about him will fly up to everyone like snowflakes. Mumin will accept this entry right hand, the unbeliever will take it with his left (his hand will be wrapped behind his back). The letters of the Mumins are written in nur letters, and when they are read, the faces of the righteous will be illuminated.

The letters of the infidel will be written in dark letters, and when they are read, the faces of the atheists will be darkened. Mumin will happily show his letters to others. The kafir will say: “It would be better if they didn’t give them to me.” To the prophets, angels and to those who go to Paradise without interrogation, letters will not be submitted that day.

On the Day of Judgment, every bad deed that was committed in this life will be judged as one deed and punished for it. Good deeds will increase from ten to seven hundred times (depending on intentions).

About sins that are forgiven and not forgiven by Allah on the Day of Judgment

On the Day of Judgment, the Almighty does not forgive the sins of the unbelievers. Muslims wash away small sins by their good deeds, big sins are washed away by repentance. And the debts and sins of a person before people are washed away only by forgiveness or compensation in this life, and by sincere repentance. A person who dies in faith has a chance for Allah to forgive any sins.

About those who will be punished and not punished on the Day of Judgment

If people were unfaithful, then constant punishment awaits them. If all the time they were obedient to Allah, then Paradise awaits them. The believers who repent of their sins are also destined for Paradise. And believers who sinned and died without repentance, if Allah wants, he will forgive and send to Paradise, if not, he will punish. A believer who is sent to Hell will not stay there forever. After the completion of the punishment corresponding to his sins, he will be taken out of there and settled in Paradise. Only the unbeliever will remain forever in Hell.

Doomsday Difficulties

On this day, many difficulties await people: in accordance with their deeds, they will be immersed in a nasty sweat; the heat will be unbearable; the man's mouth will be sealed, and his body parts will be forced to speak of the sins they have committed; from the greatness of punishment people will be like drunkards. On this day, people will forget their father, mother, sister, brother, children. Everyone will be worried about their own fate. All people will be naked there, but they will not notice this because of their worries and preoccupation with their problems and difficulties. The faces of the righteous will be white, and the faces of sinners will be black.

Who is immune from judgment on the Day of Judgment?

The difficulties of this day will not be experienced by the prophets and avliya. On this day, under the shadow of Arsh will be: a just ruler; a young man who spent his life in the worship of Allah; a believer whose heart is connected with the mosque; believers who love each other for the sake of Allah; the one who shed tears alone, remembering Allah and fearing Him; a believer who refused temptation, fearing Allah when he was pushed to it beautiful woman; a believer who secretly gave alms (sadaqa) for the sake of Allah.

On the weighing of deeds on the Day of Judgment and on the scales

On the Day of Judgment, a scale with two bowls and a tongue will be set up. On right side there will be a bright bowl filling up good deeds. The second, black bowl, will be filled with bad deeds. Papers with records of our deeds will be placed on these scales. The one who has a light cup is heavier will go to Paradise, and whoever has a black one will end up in Hell. These scales are not like the usual scales we use, they are special.

Havz (reservoir) of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

This havz (reservoir) has a width equal to a month's journey; the water in it is whiter than milk, the bowl is more fragrant and sweeter than honey; there are more saucers on it than there are stars in the sky; whoever drinks from there once will never be thirsty again. Those believers who sincerely observed the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) will drink from this havz. Other prophets will also have their havz.

Sirat Bridge

Sirat is a bridge spanning Hell and leading to Paradise. For some, it will be like a spacious road, for others it will be thinner than a hair and sharper than a saber blade. The length of this bridge is equal to a distance of three thousand years. All people will pass through it. After crossing this bridge, they enter Paradise. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and his community will be the first to cross this bridge. On this day, the prayer of the prophets will be: “O Allah, sallim, sallim (i.e. save).” Crossing the bridge will also be according to the deeds. Some will cross it in the blink of an eye, others - with the speed of lightning, wind, birds, like a galloping horse, on foot, crawling; others - on foot, tearing up their legs, holding on with their hands, barely. Unbelievers and sinners who are sent to Hell will not be able to cross it and will fall into Hell. On this bridge there are thorns, pincers that hinder the infidels. How the right person lives in this world, the easier it will be for him to cross Sirat. As far as we stray from the path of Allah, so much will it be difficult for us to pass through it.

Intercession (shafaat)

Shafaat means help. On the Day of Judgment, prophets, angels, awliya, alama, etc. intercede. Shafaat has eight levels:

1. Intercession for the beginning of the interrogation on the Day of Judgment.

2. About sending one community to Paradise without interrogation.

3. Not sending those who deserve it to Hell.

4. Rescue from Hell of those who believed in Monotheism.

5. About increasing the blessings of the levels in Paradise.

6. Forgiveness of sins committed by good people.

7. Easing the punishment of unbelievers who have fallen into Hell.

8. Non-punishment of the children of the Gentiles.

Intercession of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

The intercession of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) will be the greatest, and his shafaat will receive the majority. The greatest intercession belongs to Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). On the Day of Judgment, being in a hopeless and difficult state, people will come to the prophets Adam, Nuh, Musa, Isa (peace be upon them) with a request that they ask Allah for the beginning of the Judgment. Because of fear of the greatness of Allah and the horrors of this great day, they will not be able to ask for intercession and will send them to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), however, approaching Arsh and falling to the ground, giving praise to Allah that no one has yet given, will ask for the beginning of an interrogation for those who are in Makhshar. Allah Almighty will accept his intercession. Then those who were before, later, jinn and people - all will give praise to Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). This is the degree that Allah promised the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) in the Qur'an - "Makamunmahmud".

In addition, there are other intercessions characteristic of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).


Hell is a place created by Almighty Allah for the punishment and torment of unfaithful and disobedient slaves from among people and jinn. The fire that is on earth is not comparable to the fire of Hell. There are snakes in Hell, poison - zakum, hamim - a drink so disgusting and hot that when brought to the mouth it burns the whole face. The one who is punished in Hell has one tooth the size of Mount Uhud. The skin is 70 times thicker than usual, each time after burning it is restored again in order to subject a person to punishment more and more. Under the feet of the one who has the weakest punishment, there is a fire of such strength that it will make his brain boil. Hell has seven levels. Believing sinners, whom Allah has not forgiven their sins, are thrown into the uppermost Hell. In other levels of Hell there are unbelievers and they will stay there forever.

The topmost layer is called "Jahannam", below - "Lazza", "Khutamat", "Sair", "Sakar", "Jahil". The lowest - "Haviyat" - is intended for hypocrites. The Qur'an and Hadith talk about Hell. In hell they will be punished hard frost and this punishment will be more painful than the punishment by fire. May the Almighty protect all Muslims from him!

Kavsar river

Kavsar is a special river of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), which is located in Paradise, with banks of pearls and precious stones, the bottom of musk, the water is tastier than honey, whiter than milk, the smell is also more pleasant than musk.


Paradise is a house of blessings created by the Almighty for believing slaves, jinn and angels. Those who enter Paradise will remain forever in it. Paradise is eternal home, which has no end of existence. There are blessings that a person has never seen, heard about and could not even think of. Believers go there only by the grace of Allah. There is no uncleanness (najas) in Paradise. What is eaten there turns into a pleasant fragrant sweat and hiccups. There is everything that a person wants. There is joy without sorrow, rest without fatigue, wealth without need, beauty without flaws, youth without old age.

Paradise has various levels: "Jannatul-ma'va", "Jannatul-khuldi", "Jannatu'adn", "Daru-salaam", "Daru jannat", "Daru-nna'im". Most highest level Raya is called Firdavs. At each level of Paradise, people are also distributed according to their deeds, fortresses of belief. There, people will have the same age - 33 years and the same height - approximately 37.5 meters. It is impossible to convey the beauty of Paradise. For example, the taste of one grape in Paradise is much better than the taste of all grapes grown on Earth. In a hadith from al-Bukhari and Muslim it is said that if one woman from the women of Paradise (guriya) appears on Earth, then she will illuminate the whole world with her nur, fill it with her fragrant aroma. Her headdress (shawl) is better than the whole world, everything that is in it. Wives who have behaved correctly in the world are better than houris. Every time their husbands come to them, they will be virgins.

He who is at the lowest level of Paradise will receive as much blessings as the richest king in the world had, and five times more than that. First he will say, "O my Lord, I am pleased." Then the Almighty will increase all this ten times (Muslim). May Allah grant all Muslims Paradise!

On the vision of the believers of Allah Almighty in Paradise

In Paradise, the believer will see Allah. This is stated in the Koran. But it is impossible in the world to fully know the truth about His vision. There is nothing better than seeing the Almighty. Seeing Him is the greatest boon in Paradise. Some will be rewarded with seeing Him only once, while others, more honorable and most rewarded slaves, will be able to see Him many times. May Allah make all Muslims from among those who will be able to contemplate Him many times!

Earthly human life is a moment compared to the opening eternity beyond the grave. At the end world history the day of the Lord awaits us. Most people live as if this will never happen. For some, this day will be the most terrible and terrible, for believers - the long-awaited moment of meeting with a loved one. What is judgment day? How will the great event take place according to the testimony of Holy Scripture?

Definition of "Judgment Day"

doomsday in Orthodox tradition has synonymous names:

The Day of the Lord will be preceded by the general resurrection of the dead, who, together with those who remained alive at that time, will appear on judgment, where Christ with the angels will determine the appropriate place for each according to his deeds. Heaven or hell awaits us, depending on the direction of deeds, thoughts, words. Faith and good deeds lead to the Kingdom of Heaven, but the outer darkness will become a haven for the evil and those who hate God. Conviction catholic church in the existence of a borderline state - purgatory, in which souls wash away their sins, does not find confirmation in Holy Scripture and works of the Holy Fathers.

The concept of the Last Judgment is still characteristic of the Old Testament (Eccl. 11:9). The theme of retribution is most fully revealed in the New Testament. the day before death on the cross Christ reveals to the disciples the secret of His second coming, when He comes to judge the world (Matthew 25:31-33). The criteria by which justice will be carried out, the Lord calls the deeds of mercy to neighbors, accepted by God in His address.

The need for justice is due to the moral responsibility of a person before God and neighbors. The Last Judgment begins to operate already in the earthly life of a person - with a choice in each specific situation do good or evil. Orthodox Church interprets Christ's words about posthumous retribution as a call to mercy. God is Love, and He will judge according to mercy, not looking in a person for what to throw him into hell, but wanting to find an excuse and save him. If a person is ossified in evil and does not want to repent, then this is his personal choice, and the Lord will never forcefully save people.

In Orthodoxy there is also the concept of a private court, when after death a temporary refuge of the soul is determined: in anticipation of heaven or hell. Until the general resurrection of the dead, the fate of the departed may change, thanks to the prayers of the Church and the individual Christian for their deceased relatives, relatives, friends, and acquaintances. After the Day of Judgment, the fate of a person is determined for eternity and is not subject to revision.

Holy Scripture tells us quite clearly about the general resurrection and the Last Judgment, about the signs of the end of the age, but what kind of life awaits us beyond the grave is hidden from us by the providence of God. We should not try to conjecture, invent things that the limited human mind is not able to contain. Everything we need to know is written in the Word of God.

2,000 years ago, the Son of God came into the world not to judge, but to save fallen man. His second coming will be in glory to establish the truth. The Holy Fathers introduced the concept of “memory of the heart”, when the deeds created by him, secret evil thoughts will be revealed to a person in all their ugliness, and we will see ourselves not as our inflamed pride imagined, but as real. And God knows the heart of everyone, and all our deeds are written in the book of life, nothing can be hidden at the Judgment.

One of the main harbingers of the end of the age will be the coming of the Antichrist, who will be a cunning man. He will deceive many and lead them astray from the path of the righteous, and then he will reveal his hatred for Christ and His law, arrange persecution of Christians, as a result, some believers will be worthy of a martyr's crown. The period of the Antichrist's reign according to the Scriptures will last about three years during which he will perform many miracles. For believing Christians, this time will be marked by a test of loyalty to Christ, and not everyone will pass this test.

Holy Scripture reveals to us that believers and pagans will be judged, and Christians will be subjected to a more severe judgment, because they are enlightened by the Spirit of Truth. And unbelievers will be subject to the judgment of conscience, which is invested by the Creator in every person. Together with Christ, to make retribution on people and fallen angels there will be apostles and saints.

Saint Basil the Great believes that judgment is not an external phenomenon, but internal order, the conviction will take place in the mind and memory of a person, moreover, it will happen with instantaneous speed.

In the Orthodox understanding, the Last Judgment is not the day of God's wrath, but the triumph of light, truth, mercy and love, and the feeling of torment among sinners will come from the inability to accept Divine love as a source of bliss as a result free choice man in favor of the dark forces.

How the Last Judgment will take place was revealed by God to the holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian in the most mysterious book - Revelation, or the Apocalypse. This is a very complex scripture with numerous figurative expressions. Therefore, excerpts from it are not read during worship in the church. Revelation must be studied with the interpretations of the Holy Fathers, otherwise one cannot avoid a perverted understanding of words with a deep spiritual meaning.

We also know from the Apocalypse what will follow the Last Judgment. the city of New Jerusalem will be created, where the righteous will settle, headed by Christ, and will be in eternal bliss.

The Lord in the Gospel also says that there is an opportunity to avoid doomsday for those who listen to the Word of God and live in accordance with His law (John 5:24-29).

Answering the question of what the Day of Judgment is, the holy fathers and modern clergy recommend looking for an answer in Holy Scripture and its interpretation, being satisfied only with what the Lord Himself has revealed to people, and remaining in faith, prayer and repentance until the end of the age.

What is everyone afraid of? The answer is extremely simple - death. And why? What scares us the most about this inevitable departure? First of all, the unknown. What will happen to us? Well, everything is clear with the body, but what about the soul? Are we leaving forever? And the terrible word "forever" sounds as hopeless as the last nail driven into the coffin.

Everything will remain: the bottomless sky overhead, the tree growing by the river, and the river itself, just as before, will carry its waters. And we won't. Not a single particle. Not a single atom. Or is there still something left? To believe or not to believe in the afterlife is the business of each person. Many confidently assert that there, in afterlife, there is nothing. This means that there is nothing and no one to be afraid of.

We conclude: without fear of God (and since he does not exist, then there is nothing to be afraid of), you can sin, live as you want, and not as you should. Those who believe that for all deeds on Earth, the Almighty will ask and properly reward, try not to sin. The belief that the Day of Judgment is ahead forces many people to adjust their behavior. Doing good deeds and avoiding sin is the task for a person.

When will Judgment Day come? On the very last day of life on Earth. It's hard to imagine how it will be? Watch films by James Cameron and Neil Marshall. Am I fantasy? Or maybe the directors were granted an epiphany? But, one way or another, everyone shows the terrible troubles that fall on the earth on this very last day of the existence of the world.

Do you know why believers of all faiths keep talking about the imminent end of the world and the approach of the Day of Judgment? Because they see all its signs indicated in the sacred books. Remember the first rule of all Russian cities, which said: "You can not build houses located above the temple." It has long been violated - we are building everywhere. Further more. "Do not make yourself an idol". And we not only have idols, we each have idols. True, everyone is different: someone cries stars at a concert, someone gets pierced in imitation of an idol, and someone after him takes up arms and kills.

The sacred books also warned that as soon as people stop learning and ignorance takes hold of them, they will become atheists. After all true faith This is the daily work of the soul. Hard work, and not everyone can do it, and he is not at all familiar to the ignorant. There is also drunkenness, and drug addiction, and smoking mixtures! And all this contributes to the fact that a person does not want, and indeed cannot love, create, create. But he is ready for destruction, and he has not been afraid to kill for a long time.

And a person begins to do this with himself - he destroys the soul. Then he switches to his neighbors. family values no, which means that you can change, abandon your children and leave them without the help of their parents. So a person is left without moral values. And then he draws attention to fellow believers and begins to fight against them. Paradox, isn't it? People who believe in one God kill each other! And this applies to representatives of all faiths.

“God is one in all his manifestations,” and this was also forgotten. Those who believe in Christ have split, and those who believe in Allah have split as well. There is no unity, there is only mutual hatred. There is little time left until the last drop of God's patience, and we all have long been standing on the threshold of the Day of Judgment. And there each person will see a picture of his life. All his work will be in it. So the Lord will weigh them on the Scales of Justice. And each will be rewarded according to his deeds. Paradise awaits some - there is no death in it, there is the Eternal Refuge of people. And others will go to hell, they will be tortured so that they understand how serious their sins were, which they committed during their lifetime.

There are no sinless people in the world, just as there is no perfection in it. But in it there are those who, having sinned, repent. And, realizing the full depth of his moral fall, he tries to correct what he has done and continue to live in truth and conscience.

The Day of Judgment is called the Day of Atonement by Christians. "Kiyamat or the Day of God's Judgment," say the Muslims. In Judaism, this is a holiday of repentance or atonement for sins - Yom Kippur. But do not forget about the wise words of Omar Khayyam:

Hell and heaven are in heaven, hypocrites say.

I, looking into myself, was convinced of a lie:

Hell and heaven are not circles in the palace of the universe.

Hell and heaven are two halves of the soul.

Your soul, man! Both hell and heaven live in you. Whichever path you choose, there you will find yourself at the end of the road. And Judgment Day is sure to come. The Lord is merciful, he knows how to forgive people their sins. And only people judge themselves most severely.

As the film takes place, The Reaper reappears - this time in teeming London. The British government sends a SWAT team under the command of Major Eden Sinclair (Rhona Mitra) to an allegedly extinct Scotland, where a British reconnaissance satellite has detected signs of human presence, indicating that a vaccine against the virus has been found inside the quarantine zone. Inside the quarantine zone, Major Sinclair and her companions encounter two aggressive groups of survivors - cannibal marauders and medieval warriors.

The concept of the film was originally based on director/screenwriter Neil Marshall's idea of ​​pitting modern soldiers against medieval knights. The film contains a huge mass of film quotes and references to classic science fiction films, in particular, "Escape from New York", "Mad Max" and others.

  • "Escape from New York" () - although the director himself noted that he borrowed only the ideas of aggressive street gangs and the very concept of an enclosed space from there, one cannot help but notice a lot of plot moves borrowed from Carpenter's cult film: time limit for completing a task, a breakthrough into the city, an attack by a maddened crowd, the protagonist being captured, beating him, a duel in the arena with an armed thug and breaking his skull with a club, a car race among the skeletons of broken cars, the denouement of the film, in which the hero “sets up” his employer-dictator. A clear reference to the "Escape" is the fact that Eden Sinclair (like the protagonist of the "Escape" Snake Plissken) is one-eyed. In addition, in "Doomsday" there are purely visual references to "Escape from New York" - for example, the electronic fence map of Scotland accurately reproduces a similar map of New York in its graphic style; the eyepatch worn by Eden in several episodes is very reminiscent of Snake's eyepatch; the scene where Eden's squad receives weapons is an exact copy of a similar scene from "Escape". Even the film's soundtrack, written by composer Tom Bates, is very reminiscent of the original music.

Belief in the Day of Judgment is one of the main pillars of iman in Islam, that is, every believer must be convinced that this moment will come sooner or later. On that day, all people will be resurrected and will be gathered in one place before Allah, who will judge His servants according to their deeds in earthly life.

About the coming of the Day of Judgment in the surah "Earthquake" it is said:

“When the earth trembles with tremors, when the earth throws up its burden, and a man asks what is the matter with her, on that day she will tell her story, because your Lord will inspire it in her. On that day, people will come out in droves to see their deeds. The one who has done good weighing the smallest particle will see it. And the one who has done evil weighing the smallest particle will see it ”(Quran, sura 99)

The exact date of the onset of the Day of Retribution is known only to the Almighty, and it will come only with the permission of the Lord of the worlds, as stated in one of the verses of Scripture:

“Say: “Indeed, the knowledge of this belongs only to my Lord” (7:187)

However, the Qur'anic verses and hadiths contain information about signs of doomsday, let's take a closer look at some of them.

1. Sunrise is not in the east, but in the west

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said: “The Hour will not come until the sun rises in the west” (Bukhari).

2. Appearance of the Dajjal

Before the Day of Judgment, a person will appear on earth, whose name will be (in the biblical tradition, Antichrist). Dajjal is a false messiah who will come to Earth before the Day of Judgment. The sinners of the whole world will follow him and praise him. Muhammad (s.g.v.) said that the most terrible phenomenon throughout the history of mankind will be the appearance of the Dajjal.

3. The Second Coming of the Prophet Isa (a.s.)

After the appearance of the Dajjal, to counter the forces of evil, the real Messiah will descend to Earth - the Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace be upon him), whom Allah will send to destroy the Dajjal and his supporters. The hadith says: “The Almighty will send Isa, the son of Maryam, to the people, who will lay his hands on the wings of two angels and descend to the earth” (Muslim).

4. Invasion of the Yajuj and Majuj tribes

After the Prophet Isa (a.s.) defeats the Dajjal, the tribes will invade the Earth, which the believers, led by the Prophet Isa (a.s.), will not be able to cope with. Allah will tell Isa (a.s.) to shelter the Muslims from these tribes, who will destroy everything in their path. After the believers manage to take cover, the Lord will destroy Yajuj and Majuj.

5. The disappearance of morality and morality

After the coming of the Prophet Isa (a.s.), he will live on Earth for forty years, and then he will die. After his death, the Earth will come Hard times, which is stated in the following hadith: “And the worst of people will remain, who will copulate in front of everyone like donkeys, and the Hour will come with them” (Muslim).

6. The appearance of smoke, beast, giant sinkholes of earth and fire in Yemen

In one of the hadiths, a number of signs stand out, among which the above events were named.

The signs listed here, as a rule, refer to the main (large) signs of the Day of Retribution. Along with them, there are also small signs:

1) The appearance of the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.)

One of the hadiths says: “I was sent at a time when the Day of Judgment became close to them, as two fingers are close” (Tirmidhi).

2) Appearance of false prophets

The Hadith narrates: “The Hour of Judgment will not come until thirty liars appear among my followers, each of whom will claim to be a prophet” (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood). Let us recall that after the death of the Messenger of the Almighty (SV) false prophets appeared in Arabia, posing as the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds, the most famous of which are Musailima, Tulayha, Sajah.

3) Spreading Adultery

The final Messenger of God (LGV) spoke about the fact that before the Day of Judgment, people will appear in the Muslim ummah who will become zealous in committing adultery.

4) The transformation of the deserts of Arabia into fruitful gardens

One of the hadiths says: “The Hour of Judgment will not come until the Arab land is again transformed into pastures through which rivers flow” (Muslim).

5) excessive decoration mosque buildings

The Prophet (J.G.V.) said that before the Day of Retribution, people will begin to compete not in their piety and morality, but in decorating the mosques they built.

6) Children will start commanding their parents

Mercy of the worlds Muhammad (s.g.v.) said: “A slave woman will give birth to a mistress” (Bukhari). Muslim scholars interpret this hadith by arguing that before the Day of Retribution, children will stop obeying and even begin to lead their parents.

7) Sharp imbalance between men and women

The Messenger of the Merciful and Merciful (LGV) said that one of the signs of the Hour will be a sharp increase in the number of women and a sharp decrease in the number of men. “Things will come to the point that fifty women will have only one guardian” (Bukhari, Muslim).

8) Time acceleration

Muhammad (S.A.W.) instructed: “The Day of Judgment will not come until time accelerates” (Ahmad). In this case, it is implied that people will no longer value the time they have.

9) Destruction of the Kaaba

Before the Day of Judgment, there will be destruction in Mecca. The Prophet of God (S.G.V.) said: “The Kaaba will be destroyed by a short-legged Ethiopian” (Ahmad).

10) Disappearance of religious knowledge

Another sign of the onset of the Day of Retribution will be the disappearance of knowledge relating to religion, as stated in the following hadith: “Before the Judgment Hour, religious knowledge will disappear, ignorance will spread” (Bukhari, Muslim).

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