Double Victor - Riddles and secrets of Russian literature on Radio Russia (89 programs). Literary riddles


Crime Solving Specialist and Crime Solving Literature

Russian measure of weight and the character of the "Golden Calf"

Bright performance, spectacle and English writer, laureate Nobel Prize

A one-time grant awarded to a scientific or creative team or individual performer and captain of Jules Verne's work

The book unit of the collected works and the name of the hero of Mark Twain

The bend of the coast and the character of the play by M. Gorky "e"


1. Binding

2. Artwork

3. Hyperbole

4. Canvas

5. Diary

6. Exposure

7. Foot

8. Drama

9. Chapter

10. Detective

11. Pound

12. Shaw (Bernard)

13. Grant

14. Volume

15. Luca

Literary quiz


1. Compiled famous collection"Folk Russian Tales", who developed an international classification of fairy tales

2. Russian fairy tale, written in the 19th century based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm "Lady Metelitsa"

3. The writer who invented characters named Vintik and Shpuntik

5The Finnish Writer Who Invented The Moomins

6The English Writer Who Invented Hobbits

7. Popular Russian folk tale with three attempted murders and one murder

8. The only heroine of the fairy tale "Turnip", whose name we know

9. fairy tale character out of your skin

10. What fabulous headdress cannot be drawn?

11. Is it true that A.S. Pushkin was born in MDCCXCIX and died in MDCCCXXXVII?

12. According to scientists, the heroes of Shakespeare's works pronounce this word 2259 times. What's this word?

13. How many people were hiding under the pseudonym of Kozma Prutkov?

14. The initials of which Russian poetess consist of three letters "A"?

15. He is a critic, she is ... Who?

How old was A.S. Pushkin, when was he born?

17. What is the name of the heroine of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy is read the same way both from left to right and from right to left?

"Her poets compose,

Dedicated to kings, heroes.

"Dictionary Compiler"

For adults and children."

Answers :

1. A.N. Afanasiev

2. "Frost"

3. N. Nosov

4. E. Hoffman

5. Tove Janson

6. John Tolkien

7. Kolobok

8. Bug

9. The Frog Princess

10. Fairy-tale cap of invisibility

11. Yes, the years of his life in Arabic notation - 1799-1837

12. Love

13. Four: A.K. Tolstoy + three Zhemchuzhnikov brothers - Alexei, Vladimir and Alexander Mikhailovich

14. Akhmatova Anna Andreevna

15. Criticism

16. Not at all :)

17. Anna Karenina

18. Ode

19. V. Dahl

Permutation of letters


(Rearrange the letters to make literary terms, names of writers or names of characters.)

TORBA → B _ _ _ _ (Russian children's poetess)

KREN → K _ _ _ (To whom A. Pushkin addressed in the poem “I remember a wonderful moment ...”)

OPERA → P _ _ _ (Old Writer's Tool)

NERV → V _ _ _ (Famous science fiction writer)

RING → G _ _ _ (Russian writer)

OVAL → A _ _ _ (Pseudonym of N.V. Gogol)

MONET → N _ _ _ (Captain from the book of Jules Verne)

COURT → K _ _ _ (One of Thumbelina's suitors)

UKOS → S _ _ _ (The heroine of the fairy tale "Three Fat Men")

POWER → L _ _ _ (The famous heroine of the fables of I. Krylov)

DARKNESS → M _ _ _ ( Famous novel M. Gorky)

FOOT → O _ _ _ _ (The name of the son of Taras Bulba.)

BULLSHIT → N _ _ _ _ _ (Chilean poet named Pablo)

STOPOR → P _ _ _ _ _ (One of the famous musketeers)

ALGEBRA → B _ _ _ _ _ _ (Surname of the accountant from the novel "The Golden Calf" by I. Ilf and E. Petrov.)

PRODUCT → A _ _ _ _ (Creator of a literary work)

ATLANT → Т _ _ _ _ _ (Outstanding abilities creative personality)

FIRMA → R _ _ _ _ (What poets are looking for)

OS NO → C _ _ _ _ (Type of poem)

I'M ANGRY → Z _ _ _ (Famous French classic writer)

GERMAN CANCER → K _ _ _ _ _ (Famous short story by P. Merimee)

PA + WALL → A _ _ _ _ _ _ (Poetic size)

MRAK + ZINA → K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Russian writer and historian)

MAC + SHAR → M _ _ _ _ _ (Soviet children's poet)

CANCER + ELEPHANT → K _ _ _ _ _ _ (To the best of a well-fed character)


1. Barto A.

2. Kern A.

3. Feather

4. Verne Jules

5. Green A.

6. Alov

7. Nemo

8. Mole

9. Suok

10. Fox

11. "Mother"

12. Ostap

13. Neruda

14. Porthos

15. Berlaga

17. Talent

18. Rhyme

19. Sonnet

20. Zola

21. "Carmen"

22. Anapaest

23. Karamzin N.

24. Marshak S.Ya.

25. Carlson



"My first syllable grows in the oak forest,

Help me a little in solving the charade.

And so that the initial syllable opens up to us,

A hundred riders are racing through the loop of the Tour de France

His back got wet from hard work.

At the leader yellow color she is.

Now, friends, write in the answer,

What did Robertino Loretti sing sweetly about?

initial syllable pure in soul,

He is the very first utopian.

Well, the second one lives in the ground

And on the computer desk.

Now the task is ready:

Tackle in the arsenal of the fisherman.

The first syllable is quite simple:

This is a battle in a war.

The second syllable is not more difficult:

That fluffy Vaska is mine.

Charades sweet chant

We are carried away into the dense forest:

One is among the dense trees,

The second is both gray and prickly.

And the main one is pure crime,

Not murder or theft.

Who guessed both syllables

It is easy to bind them into this word.

Rarely seen in a diary

This is the lowest score:

This school mark

I rarely received.

The conclusion is, in essence,

Can be any item:

This is what is in the institute

Read to us with you.

Their symbiosis will be bright:

And collection of paintings,

And an album beautiful stamps,

And a selection of vintage wines.

The first is a pleasant win,

And the second creeps back.

From the beginning to the end -

The spirit of the sinister dead.

The first syllable is already familiar

We usually call a hundred.

The second syllable is the art of dancing.

In sum - the ancient bow of the Chinese.

The first syllable: I'm like in a fairy tale, -

Kingdom of dance, luxury hall;

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky

Got here from the ship.

For the second part of the charade

Placed by a card player.

Now let's put it side by side

Syllable second and first syllable.

Let's brainstorm a little:

Part of the apartment outside the window.

The first syllable is a dense forest:

Pines, ate to heaven;

The second syllable is a poem

Praise, praise.

That she happens

Who takes and lets go.

But for women, never.

What is this? …

First on the seabed

Runs into the depths

Smashing into splashes of foam

Emerald wave.

And the second part is just

The same as the eye.

Combining both syllables,

What will happen to us?

We can easily find the answer

If we drink...!

The answer won't be hard to find:

In the beginning, a small ship;

Behind him are America's natives,

Medieval Indians,

who were forced into the mountains

Spanish conquistadors.

The charades of this glued syllables,

Walk boldly along the road.

Put it all together

Two work animals.

The first death brought Oleg,

And at Troy - glory to the Greek.

The second beast lives in Tibet

And flies like the wind.

Two names like an ingot

Gives the name of the drink.

First I'll choose wisely

geometric body,

Then I put the cereal in a jar

And I'll take my...

Answers :

1. Oak + Ditch + C + Cue = Dubrovsky

2. Bondarchuk

4. Mormyshka

5. Boycott

6. Robbery

7. Collection

8. Ghost

9. Crossbow

10. Balcony

11. Beard

12. Milk

13. Boots

14. Cognac

15. Barrel

Was there Shakespeare?

Known fact: an artist is considered accomplished as soon as his creations begin to live. own life. What can we say about the reputation of the writer, whose works - by virtue of stylistic, emotional and intellectual complexity and inconsistency - radically transform the reader's idea of ​​their creator. Author of "King Lear", "The Tempest" and " winter fairy tale” is rightly called a key figure in world culture: there is nothing surprising in the fact that his reality - both as a person and as a playwright - was called into question two centuries ago. Among all the "heretical" branches of Shakespearean studies, the version of collective authorship stands out with its original insanity. greatest plays in history: in the Oxford Syndicate group of London geniuses (Bacon, Marlowe, Nash and others), which is actually responsible for theatrical repertoire For the past four hundred years, the businessman William Shakespeare has performed purely managerial functions.

The Poems of Ossian by James MacPherson

The Scottish poet James MacPherson, without any irony, can be called the most influential literary figure of the 18th century: he seduced English intellectuals with "translations" from the ancient Gaelic epic and made himself a brilliant political career, he, without realizing it, committed one of the most fruitful forgeries in the history of European poetry. The bard Ossian, to whom this extraordinarily talented swindler attributed Fingal, Temor, and almost two dozen more of his poems, became a reference image for several generations of poets across the continent and directly influenced the formation German romanticism: we all remember what book Goethe's Werther read to his beloved.

Kozma Prutkov

The official reasoner Kozma Prutkov, who spoke about the whimsical national character not less right words than the eminent creators of the Russian novel, fully deserves the status of a shadow classic XIX century - even as a fictional character. The main national paradoxicalist was created, as they say, on shares: the portrait of a real state councilor was entrusted to Lev Zhemchuzhnikov, and his brothers Alexei, Alexander and Vladimir, teaming up with Alexei Tolstoy, developed for Kozma Petrovich detailed biography and compiled a set of his aphorisms and poetic verses, from which the Oberiuts would subsequently grow - the glorious successors of the work of this wisest of fools and the most stupid of wise men.

The finale of "The Mysteries of Edwin Drood"

Paying tribute to Dickensian ability to create memorable images and highlight them with warm humor, fans of the author of Antiquities Store and Bleak House recognized his inability to compose a springy, truly exciting plot. Dickens himself understood this: the sophisticated device of The Secret of Edwin Drood was supposed to convince readers and critics that he had finally mastered the art of surprising. Death caught the writer in the middle of the book: they say that Dickens entrusted the secret of the finale to Queen Victoria, but even she, for nothing that she survived him for thirty years, did not give out the denouement of this amazingly athletic novel, which excites English literary scholars to this day.

Authorship " Quiet Don»

Discussions around The Quiet Flows the Don broke out immediately after the publication of the first volumes of the main Russian epic of the 20th century. The central issue, over which several philological disciplines have been struggling for almost a hundred years, remains the authorship of this controversial text in all respects: according to many scientists, the twenty-year-old Sholokhov could not cope with such a topic - at least alone. For the role of the “real author” of most of The Quiet Flows the Don, researchers are wooing the Cossack writer Fyodor Kryukov, who died of typhus in 1920 and left behind a solid archive: there really are numerous roll calls between these papers and Sholokhov’s novel, interpreted by one camp as confirmation “ theft", and to others - as an example of creative understanding of someone else's heritage.

"An affair with cocaine" by Mark Ageev

The Russian literary diaspora was just recovering after the release of Luzhin’s Defense and Evening at Claire’s, when a new dazzling talent fell upon it: first, The Illustrated Life, and then The Numbers, began publishing Roman with Cocaine, an original text, long years which was in the status of "the ninth Russian novel of Sirin". Literary scholars who support the version of Nabokov's "paternity" considered Mark Ageev to be a fictitious person, with the help of which the author of The Gift wanted to tease Mortus-Adamovich and knock out an enthusiastic review from his eternal ill-wisher. The reality of the "Russian Thomas de Quincey" was documented only twenty years ago: it turned out to be Mark Levy - a man difficult fate who combined teaching with rare literary experiments(the story “The Mangy People” has been preserved) and died in Yerevan in 1973.

Babel's suitcase

Zoshchenko once wrote to Olesha: "Each two of your lines is better than a whole pile of books - that's the feeling I get when I read you." This remark is also true for Babel: a genius of small form, he brought his short novels to perfection - try to throw out at least one word from “ Odessa stories". The amazing verbal chasing was worth a long, wear and tear, work, and while the Soviet press blamed Babel for “simple”, he pored over the cycle “Velika Krinitsa”, which promised to become a kind of greeting to the opportunistic “Virgin Soil Upturned”: collectivization evoked in Babel the same feelings that and the First Cavalry - a mixture of disgust and delight. We can judge the rest of the author's intentions only secondhand: during his arrest, a suitcase of manuscripts was confiscated (and then destroyed) - it seems that it contained sketches for a big novel about the Chekists.

Thomas Pynchon - student of Nabokov

The phrase "Thomas Pynchon attended Vladimir Nabokov's lectures" sounds too good to be true; but after all, Proust and Joyce once had a small-talk in Paris (according to one version, they discussed their sores, according to another - truffles) - and nothing, we believe. In any case, the facts (if in the case of the ever-elusive Pynchon one can talk about facts at all) are in favor of this: after returning from the army in the second half of the 1950s, he recovered at Cornell University and, according to some evidence, took a course foreign literature, which was led by Nabokov. His wife Vera - a driver, assistant and bodyguard all rolled into one - later recalled Pynchon's unusual handwriting: he wrote that block letters, then in italics. It remains only to guess how the master would respond to the "Gravity Rainbow": knowing his sympathetic attitude towards young American writers We think it's warm.

Salinger's Silence

Skeptics considered Salinger's meaningful silence a business strategy that allows him to maintain a stable interest in his own person with minimal effort, admirers - a Buddhist exercise that stretched for more than forty years. There are only a few months left before the truth is established: in 2015, the publication of the late Salinger manuscripts will begin, including, according to rumors, new stories from the life of the Glasses and Caulfields (you can't help it, beloved heroes) and - now this is more interesting - a novel about denazification post-war Europe in which counterintelligence officer Salinger was directly involved. It's not that anyone really believes that he's kept Littell's Kindness level text on his desk all these years, but it would be nice to be wrong.

"My Diamond Crown" Valentina Kataeva

The late work of Valentin Kataev, who lived right up to perestroika, is a curiosity that deserves separate consideration: who would have thought that in his declining years, a writer who deliberately etched everything living out of his texts for many years would compose perhaps the most lyrical work of Russian literature of the second half of the 20th century. century. “My Diamond Crown” are fictionalized memories, foaming with fiction: go and figure out where the author of “The Wasters” and “Squaring the Circle” shamelessly lies, and where he speaks the truth. Philologists Leonid Vidgof, Oleg Lekmanov and Maria Reikina made a significant contribution to the deciphering of the novel: they not only tightly tied literary characters with their prototypes - contemporaries of Kataev, but also with academic thoroughness restored the socio-literary context of the era.

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Even well-known works of literature have their secrets.

We are in website We believe that almost every good book has a riddle, a "double bottom" or secret history that you want to open. Today we will share a few of them.

  1. The first translation of "Hamlet" into Russian was made by the writer Alexander Sumarokov and titled it "Omelet, Prince of Denmark".
  2. If you think that reading detective stories is useless, the story of Agatha Christie's story "Villa" White horse“» will prove otherwise. The description of the action of the dangerous thallium poison given in the story saved people's lives several times. In 1977, a girl was admitted to a hospital in London with mysterious disease. One nurse who read the book realized that it was typical case thallium poisoning. The girl was saved.
  3. Novel title "451 degrees Fahrenheit" was chosen because, supposedly, at this temperature, paper ignites spontaneously. In fact, paper ignites spontaneously at temperatures just above 450 degrees Celsius. According to Bradbury, the error was caused by the fact that when choosing a name, he consulted with a specialist from the fire department, who confused the temperature scales.
  1. The famous formula "two times two equals five", which George Orwell repeatedly emphasized in the dystopian novel "1984", came to his mind when he heard the Soviet slogan "Five-year plan - in four years!".
  2. In 1965 "The Hobbit" J. R. Tolkien was first published in the US in paperback. Cover illustrator Barbara Remington did not read the text at all. As a result, a lion, two emus and incomprehensible trees with bulbous pink fruits appeared on the cover of the book.
  3. Leo Tolstoy was skeptical about his novel "War and Peace". In January 1871, he sent a letter to Afanasy Fet: “How happy I am ... that I will never write verbose rubbish like War.”
  4. In the 19th century, actresses refused to play Sophia in "Woe from Wit" with the words: “I am a decent woman and do not play in pornographic scenes!” They considered such a scene a night conversation with Molchalin, who was not yet the husband of the heroine.
  5. The fictitious name of the island Duma Key, according to the author, is correctly pronounced "Duma Key". When translating the novel into Russian, the publishing house was afraid of association with State Duma and used a garbled name ( "Dyuma Key").
  6. My first book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" JK Rowling graduated in 1995. The literary agent who agreed to represent her sent the manuscript to 12 publishers, but it was rejected everywhere. Only a year later the manuscript was accepted by the small London publishing house Bloomsbury, although his Chief Editor even after the book was approved, he was sure that Rowling would not earn much from children's books, and advised her to find a permanent job.
  1. Victor Hugo, in 1862, while on vacation, wanted to know about the reaction of readers to a newly published novel. "Les Misérables" and sent his publisher a telegram of one character: "?". He sent a telegram in response, also from the same character: "!". It was probably the shortest correspondence in history.
  2. AT famous song from Stevenson's novel "Treasure Island" sung: “Fifteen men for a dead man's chest. Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!” It is logical to assume that "Yo-ho-ho" is the laughter of pirates, but this is not so. Such an exclamation was used by English sailors when they needed to simultaneously make efforts in some kind of work - in Russian it corresponds to the phrase “One, two, they took it!”
  3. While birdwatching in Jamaica, Ian Fleming came across a book by an ornithologist named James Bond. This name seemed to him very suitable for the hero of the future novel. "Casino Royale"": short, unromantic and as ordinary as possible. This fact is captured in the film "Die Another Day", when James Bond, disguised as an ornithologist, enters Cuba, carrying the book of the real James Bond.
  4. Mark Twain claimed that his book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was the first literary work, the manuscript of which was typed on a typewriter. However, researchers argue that the first such book was his own book. "Life on the Mississippi".
  5. In a novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" you can find the lines: “He settled in that peace, // Where the village old-timer // Scolded for forty years with the housekeeper, // He looked out the window and crushed flies.” The word "fly" is not used here in direct meaning but as a metaphor for alcohol. Another metaphor of a drunk person is also known - “under the fly”, where the word “fly” is used in the same sense.
  1. AT "Tales of 1000 and 1 Nights" Aladdin was originally Chinese.
  2. In Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and Ant" there are lines: "The jumping dragonfly sang red summer." However, the dragonfly is known to make no sound. The fact is that at that time the word "dragonfly" served as a generalized name for several species of insects. And the hero of the fable is actually a grasshopper.
  3. In a story by Edgar Allan Poe "A Tale of the Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym" 1838 there is an episode when the ship gets into a storm and four sailors are saved on a raft. Having no food, they decide to eat one of them by lot - and this victim was Richard Parker. In 1884, a real yacht sank, and four people on one boat also survived. They probably didn't read that story, but they ended up eating a cabin boy named Richard Parker.
  4. The granddaughter of the writer Valentina Kataeva told how her friend at school was asked to write an essay about what exactly Kataev put into the image of Vanya from the story "Son of the Regiment". A friend came to visit the Kataevs and asked the writer himself about this, taking his words as the basis of her work. As a result, for the essay she received a triple with a minus with a comment that Kataev was thinking about something completely different.
  5. Jane Austen began work on a novel "Pride and Prejudice" when she was barely 21 years old. The publishers rejected the manuscript, and it lay under the cloth for more than 15 years. It was only after the success of Sense and Sensibility, published in 1811, that Jane Austen was finally able to publish her first brainchild.
  6. The UK's best-selling book of all time is "50 shades of grey"

MOU "Secondary school No. 2 of Kalininsk, Saratov region"

Sedova Tatyana Valentinovna

Lesson-game "Literary secrets"

Goals: repeat and consolidate the knowledge gained in grade 4; develop memory, speech, thinking and creative abilities of students.

Comments for the teacher. The lesson is based on the TV game "Own Game". The class is divided into 2 or 3 teams (at the discretion of the teacher). The name and captain of the team are chosen by the children themselves. Children should not have textbooks or books on their tables. Gifts (for example, books) are being prepared for children, which will be presented at the end of the game.

Equipment. An exhibition of books by writers who have been studied this academic year is being arranged.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

Dear Guys! Here it comes to an end academic year. Our last literature lesson is devoted to books and their authors. The game is called "Literary Secrets" (Slide 1).

You are divided into teams, choose captains, come up with a name and motto. ( Mouse click )

(Commands are being introduced.)

Reminding the rules of the game (Slide 2). You choose the page you will play and the price of the issue. If the team answers correctly, then points go to it. If a team cannot answer, the other team has the right to answer. So, I wish you success! (Slide 3)

II. Conducting the game.

1. Secrets of animals

We will talk about animals that live in the wild, but coexist with people, as well as those that a person introduced into his home. Does the person understand them? Is he an attentive neighbor? Since we have become neighbors to each other, then it is probably worth thinking about this more often. After all, animals cannot choose their neighbors better ...

10 "I am with a stock of new songs

I will return to you when from the fields

The snow will come down when in the ravine

Bubbling, shining, stream ... "

From what work are these lines and who is its author? ( "Children and Birds" A. Pleshcheev.)

30 Four thousand horseshoes did not bring them happiness, everyone had to die so that people could be saved. (" Horses in the ocean. B. Slutsky.)

40 Nets were set up for him to catch. Otherwise, he would have disappeared alone, because his parents were shot by hunters. He lived well in captivity. But still he left. ( "Acceptant". D. Mamin-Sibiryak.)

50 They were very different in character. But their friendship was strong. Only death could separate them. ( "Barbos and Zhulka". A. Kuprin.)

2. Bogatyrs.

Do you think, Matryonushka,

The man is not a hero?

And his life is not military,

And death is not written for him

In battle - a hero!

10 “And he ordered his soldiers to make wheels and put ships on them. And since there was a fair wind from the field, they raised the sails and went to the city. The Greeks, seeing this, were frightened and said, sending envoys to him: "Do not destroy the city, we will give you whatever tribute you want."

Who are we talking about? ( About Oleg, he was called the Prophet. From the annals "And Oleg hung his shield on the gates of Constantinople.")

20 He founded a monastery dedicated to the Holy Trinity - the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. Who is he?( Sergius of Radonezh.)

30 Read out, on the stone

Roadside inscription

Clearly raised:

“Directly go - to be killed!

To go to the left - to be married!

To the right to go - to be rich!

All this is prescribed by fate!

Who read this and which way did you go? ( It was Ilya Muromets. He traveled all three roads in order, as indicated on the stone..)

40 Who wrote these lines?

In their fields

Under the mounds

You put

Hordes of Tatars.

You are for life and death

Had a dispute with Lithuania

And gave a lesson

Lyakh proud ...

But only the king called

His people to scold-

Suddenly from all over

Rus' has risen. ( Ivan Savin ich Nikitin. "Rus".)

50 Recordings were made from year to year or, as they used to say in Rus', from summer to summer. Hence the name of these records. The most ancient ones have not been preserved. We can find out what they told about, thanks to work ... What and who are they talking about? Name at least one of them. ( It's about chronicles. The monks-chroniclers wrote them down. One of the first was the monk of the Kiev Caves Monastery Nestor.)

3. Writers.

And the thoughts in my head are worried in courage,

And light rhymes run towards them,

And fingers ask for a pen, pen for paper,

A minute - and the verses will flow freely.

(A.S. Pushkin)

10 Samuel Lenghorne Clemens. Who is it? ( Mark Twain.)

20 “Accurate and stingy with words, he was even in everyday life. He greatly valued the word, the high-sounding, false, bookish word had a sharp effect on him: he himself spoke beautifully - always in his own way, clearly, correctly. There was no feeling of a writer in his speech, no comparison, he rarely used epithets, and if he did, it was most often ordinary, and he never flaunted them, he never enjoyed his well-spoken word.

Who are we talking about, who did I.A. Bunin talk about?

Hint: he signed his first stories with the pseudonym Chekhonte. ( Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.)

40 Teacher, participant of the October Revolution, Civil War, writer; he was awarded the State Prize. The Urals are proud of their fellow countryman, who glorified his motherland, its people, its legends and traditions for the whole world. ( Pavel Petrovich Bazhov.)

50 So one of the writers signed: NAVI VOLYRK. ( This is Ivan Andreevich Krylov. Anonymous pseudonym from the letters of your own name, read in reverse order.)

4. Poets.

And for a long time I will be kind to the people,

That I aroused good feelings with lyre,

That in my cruel age I glorified Freedom

And he called for mercy on the fallen.

(A.S. Pushkin)

10 Two drops splashed into the glass

From lindens fragrant honey pulls,

And something came to the garden

Drumming on fresh leaves.

From which poem are the lines, who is their author? (“Spring rain”. A.A. Fet.)

20 You're right. One aerial outline

I'm so sweet

All my velvet with its live blinking -

Only two wings.

30 Lovely little ones! From your side

Colds and rains drive me.

Out in the trees, on the roof of the gazebo

How many friends are waiting for me!

Who and to whom says so? (“Children and a bird.” A.N. Pleshcheev. The bird says to the children.)

40 This period in early autumn does not last long. What is it called? Who is the author of the poem of the same name? (“Indian Summer”. D.B. Kedrin.)

50 Personification is the endowment of objects, natural phenomena with feelings. Mood, abilities, character of a person. Give examples, read the lines from the poems by heart.

5. Tales.

We were told about Ivan something - cunning,

We were told about Andreich - a cunning one.

He is cunning - wise - cunning,

He was smart - smart.

10 Her pen sparkles so

What is clear: this is not a trifle!

Nobody knows what will happen

In those fairy tales where he lives ...

(Firebird. Fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse", P.P. Ershov.)

20 Find out the tale by its beginning: “Long ago, in the city of Tifliz, there lived a rich Turk. Allah gave him a lot of gold, but his only daughter was more precious than gold…” ("Ashik-Kerib". Turkish fairy tale.)

30 This story could have been called something else. For example, “Last Spring”, “Brother and Sister”, “Fading Life”, “The Story Told by a Dried Rose Flower”. But her native name suits her better. Name it. (“The Tale of the Toad and the Rose.” V.M. Garshin.)

40 The sage saw the sage in him,

Fool - fool

ram - ram,

A sheep saw a sheep in him,

And a monkey - a monkey,

But they brought Fedya Baratov to him,

And Fedya saw the shaggy slut.

What's this? In what fairy tale did it play an important role? ("The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes. A.S. Pushkin.)

50 "Time does not sleep, the clock does not stop."

What fairy tale reveals the meaning of this proverb? (“The Tale of Lost Time” by E.L. Schwartz)

6. Children's.

Come on, you bastards

Along the long, difficult road.

You are ordinary guys

We read books about you.

And we are always with you personally

Dreamed of meeting.

10 “First to Perm, from there to Tyumen…then Tomsk…then…then…to Kamchatka…From here the Samoyeds will be transported by boat across the Bering Strait…That’s America for you…There are a lot of fur-bearing animals here.”

Who was going on such a journey? (“Boys”. A.P. Chekhov.)

20 Which work begins like this: “Although I am already in my ninth year, I just realized yesterday that the lessons still need to be taught. You love, you don’t love, you don’t want to, whether you’re lazy or not lazy, but you need to learn lessons ”? (“Main rivers”. V.Yu. Dragunsky.)

30 Food is the main thing in the life of this boy, but Boris Sergeevich did not understand him. (“What Mishka loves”, V.Yu. Dragunsky.)

40 Which piece ended like this: “I thought it was about school. And he began to smile again. And he waved his hand at me and climbed into the cockpit. He didn't want to talk to me anymore. Spring. Sun. Sparrows bathe in puddles. But why am I so bored?"? (“I didn’t eat any mustard.” V.V. Golyavkin.)

50 He knew that when his name was pronounced in full, it portends some kind of trouble.

Who are we talking about? ("Tom Sawyer". M. Twain.)

7. Explainers.

The concept of "winged words" refers to short quotations and figurative expressions, sayings that have entered our speech from literary sources. historical figures etc. What do the following catchphrases mean?

10 "Megillah". (Endless repetition of the same thing from the very beginning.)

20 "Beat the buckets." (It is idle to spend time, to idle. Originally it meant: to split, break an aspen block into buckwheat (chocks) for the manufacture of small wood chips from them (spoons, ladles, etc.), that is, to do a very simple thing.)

30 "Cause time and fun hour." (This expression is taken from the decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.)

40 "Waiting by the sea for the weather." (Count on, hope for something, without doing anything, remaining passive.)

50 "Know by heart." (To know something is very good. And there was a time when “to know by heart”, “to check by heart” was taken almost literally: the saying arose from the custom of checking the authenticity of gold coins, rings and other products made of precious metal. You bite a coin with your teeth, and if not there were dents on it, which means that it is genuine, not fake, but it could also be fake: inside it is hollow or filled with cheap metal.)

III. Summarizing.

A card with a badge remains on the scoreboard ☺. This is a gift to the participants of the game. The number of points for each team is counted, the winners are awarded.


Kutyavina S.V. Lesson developments in literary reading: Grade 4.

Five writers, life path who have a secret hidden

Text: Mikhail Wiesel/Year of Literature.RF
Collage: Year of Literature. RF

We know Shakespeare's plays very well - and know very little about him. Even his birthday is celebrated on the day of his death - spectacular, but unlikely. But the author of Hamlet and King Lear (if it really is Shakespeare) is not the only famous writer, in the biography of which there are white (or black) spots. Or their whole life is one big blur.

1. Guy Valerius Catullus (c. 87 BC - c. 54 BC)

Gaius Valerius Catullus (c. 87 BC - c. 54 BC). Far from the largest, but without exaggeration - the most "hyped" poet of antiquity. Because the type closest and most understandable to us: a young rebel, composing impudent epigrams on the almighty Caesar and dying of consumption and love for a hard-hearted beautiful aristocrat. Just some Arthur Rimbaud or Jim Morrison in a toga and sandals. But the thing is that all this - and impudence, and consumption, and the cruelty of the beauty, we speculate exclusively on the verses of Catullus himself. More precisely, according to the only manuscript of his Carmina (book of songs), found in a medieval monastery.

Even the dates of his life are conditional. In 54 BC, he stopped writing poetry.

But whether it was because he really died of tuberculosis (as the romantic philologists of the 19th century assumed) or simply finally received a bread position in his native Verona, disappeared from the get-together of the golden Roman youth and threw nonsense - we will never know.

2. Author of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

Author of The Tale of Igor's Campaign. The fate of this monument ancient Russian literature in some ways similar to the fate of the "Book of Songs" by Catullus:

the only late copy of this work was almost accidentally found in the monastery, declared a masterpiece ... after which heated debate began about the identity of the author.

The most restrained version is “a scribe of the end of the 13th century from the scriptorium of St. Sophia of Kyiv”. The most romantic is "Prince Igor himself." (There is, however, an “ultra-romantic” one: “Yaroslavna herself”). The most critical is "a forger of the 18th century from the circle of the historian Tatishchev." But even here it is still solid White spot. Unless, of course, in some Putivl excavation or among the parchments stuck together, another copy of the "Words ..." is accidentally discovered.

3. Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson, 1832-1898)

The life of an Oxford professor of mathematics, a participant in ceremonial department meetings and stiff tea parties, seems to be all in sight.

But there are two spots in it - just white and dark.

Beloe is a sudden (organized in just a week) trip to Russia in the summer of 1867.

It was the only overseas trip Dodgson. Moreover, its formal reason was the transfer of a welcoming address from the Bishop of Oxford to Metropolitan Filaret on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his pastoral service. And the true motive is an attempt to test the ground for rapprochement, and ideally, unification of the Russian Orthodox and Anglican churches. Sounds fantastic, but 35-year-old Dodgson was just then "on the verge of fantasy." The fairy tale about "Alice" has just come out and gained fame. Dodgson is on the verge of fame - and seems to be hesitating whether he should change his life abruptly. Nothing came of the attempt to bring the churches closer together - and the exotic voyage remained a separate episode: Dodgson is not the right person to conduct secret negotiations and "resolve issues."

And this, perhaps, is precisely connected with the “dark spot” in his biography. He is known to have stuttered. It is less known that five of his 11 sisters and brothers had the same speech impediment. But stuttering is not red or even left-handed, it is not inherited.

God only knows what the privacy of the cozy house of the Dodgson Country Rector was hiding!

4. Agatha Christie (1890-1976)

As with Carroll, outer life"grandmothers of the detective" is the measured and orderly life of an English lady with means. And at the same time, there is a clattering skeleton in it, which she herself preferred to hide deeper in the closet. It's about about the 11-day disappearance of Agatha in December 1926, shortly after her first husband, Colonel Christie, announced that he loved another woman and asked for a divorce.

Agatha reacted in a peculiar way: she simply disappeared.

Her car with things was found on the road, but she herself was not.

Since by this time Mrs. Christie was already famous writer, the Minister of the Interior joined the search, the newspapers announced a reward - and the missing writer was found in a small spa hotel, where she lived quietly, registering under the name of the woman to whom her husband was about to leave.

What it was remains unclear. According to one version, Agatha, already depressed by the recent death of her mother, had a seizure. mental disorder, known as the dissociative fugue, and she really forgot who she really was. According to another, she quite rationally (albeit naively) wanted to “set up”, in the spirit of her novels, her husband and mistress, so that they would be accused of her murder. Be that as it may, the matter ended in nothing: Christie divorced in 1928, and two years later Agatha remarried and never again remembered this strange episode of her youth.

5. Leonid Dobychin (1894-1936?)

Unfortunately, the biographies of many Soviet writers The 30s are full of white and black spots. We do not know the details of participation in civil war Bulgakov and Vaginov - they probably fought mostly not on the winning side, and carefully concealed this. The circumstances of death and the exact place of burial of Mandelstam. The fate of the late manuscripts of Vvedensky and Babel (it is possible that they will someday come to light in the Lubyanka). Fate turned out a little differently. After the “discussion” held in March 1936 in the Leningrad Union of Writers on the topic “On the struggle against formalism and naturalism”, in which the newly published novel “The City of En” by Dobychin became the main object of “study” (it must be admitted that this avant-garde prose Indeed, if you wish, you can solder the stigma of "formalism"), its author has disappeared.

The author has disappeared. Like Agatha Christie. But never found. It was probably suicide.

But there is no evidence. What gave rise to modern writer Oleg Yuryev in the book "Unknown Letters" to speculate secret life Dobychin under a false name right up to Perestroika.

In the second half of the 20th century, in the era of total control and complete transparency, it seemed that any white spots were no longer possible. The writers mythologized their biographies, like Hemingway and Limonov, but did not try to hide something in them.

In the 21st century, with the advent of the "literature of true stories", the trend has resumed.

Creativity, being a mystery, is impossible without mystery. And readers do not get tired of repeating after Pushkin: “Ah, it’s not difficult to deceive me, I myself am glad to be deceived!”

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