Famous children's poet and writer Andrei Usachov. Short biography for schoolchildren


Andrey Usachev was born on July 5, 1958 in Moscow. He studied at the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, but after the fourth year he moved to the Faculty of Philology of Tver state university. Before becoming a professional writer, he changed many jobs and positions: he was a janitor, a watchman, a security guard, a musician in a restaurant, and an editor of the Funny Pictures magazine.

Published since 1985. In 1990, his collection of poems "If you throw a stone up" was awarded the first prize at All-Russian competition young writers for children. The following year he was accepted as a member of the Writers' Union. Pretty soon, Usachev became one of the most popular authors in Russian children's literature. Among his books are the poetic "Petushkov's Dreams" (1994), "Magic ABC" (1996), "We played a pape train" (1998), "Fairy ABC" (1998), "Casket" (1999), "Planet of Cats" (1999), "The Whispering Song" (2003), "The Curious Barbara" (2003), "The Bug Was Walking Down the Street" (2003), as well as collections of fairy tales and fantasy stories for children "Flum-pam-pam" (1992), "Smart dog Sonya" (1996), "Barabashka, or Promised a big reward" (1998), "Orange camel" (2002), "Malusya and Rogoped" (2003) , " fairy story aeronautics" (2003).

In total, more than 100 books of the writer were published in Russia. Some of his works have been translated into Hebrew, Ukrainian, Moldavian, Polish and Serbian. His "Fundamentals of Life Safety" grades 1, 2, 3-4, "Declaration of Human Rights", "My geographical discoveries"were recommended for study in schools by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

In addition to poetry and prose, Andrey Usachev also writes plays for puppet theater and songs. He worked a lot on television - he wrote scripts and songs for the program "Quariete" Merry Kampania "" and for the serial feature film"Drakosha and company". For several years he conducted children's radio programs "Merry Radio Campaign" and "Flying Sofa". According to his scenarios, a number of animated films, including "Smart Dog Sonya" (1991, dir. Vadim Medzhibovsky), "Bigelow Maiden or Chewing Story" (1995, dir. Elvira Avakyan), "Knight's Romance" (2003, dir. Elvira Avakyan), "Girl and mole" (2005, dir. Tatyana Ilyina) and "Menu" (2007, dir. Aida Zyablikova). In 2005, as an author of children's songs, he was awarded the Golden Ostap Prize, and the book 333 Cats, created by him together with the artist Viktor Chizhikov, won in the nomination "Together with the book we grow" at the "Book of the Year" competition. The following year he became a laureate international competition"Peter and the wolf-2006" for best work for children.

Andrey Alekseevich Usachev was born on July 5, 1958 in Moscow.
First he entered the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, studied there for 4 years and moved to the philological faculty of Tver State University.
In the track record of Andrei Alekseevich - work as a janitor, watchman, drummer in a restaurant, stage machinist at the Satire Theater, security guard at railway, a beach cleaner, dishwasher, editor of Funny Pictures magazine.
Began publishing in 1985.
In 1990, the book of poems "If you throw a stone up" won the first prize at the All-Russian competition of young writers for children.
Member of the Writers' Union since 1991.
More than 100 books by Andrey Usachev for children have been published in Russia. Two books were published in Israel (in Hebrew). Two - in Ukraine, two - in the Republic of Moldova. There are publications in Poland, Serbia, Japan. Five books by Andrey Usachev are recommended by the Ministry of Education of Russia for study in schools as teaching aids: "Fundamentals of Life Safety" grade 1, 2, 3-4, "Declaration of Human Rights", "My geographical discoveries".
Music was written to his poems famous composers People: Maxim Dunayevsky, Teodor Efimov, Pavel Ovsyannikov, Alexander Pinegin. He composed music for some of his poems himself. More than 50 songs for children with poems and music by Usachov sounded on television. 20 audio cassettes with his songs and fairy tales have been released.
In addition to poetry and prose, he writes for the puppet theater. More than 10 plays have been created individually and in co-authorship. The plays are shown in 20 theaters in Russia.
At the studios Soyuzmultfilm, Ekran, STV, 15 cartoons were drawn based on scripts and poems by A. Usachev. Including one full-length.
Scriptwriter of the 40-episode television feature film "Drakosha and Company". He worked a lot on television. Only in 1995-1996. released about a hundred programs of the "Veselaya Kvampania" Quartet.
For several years he conducted children's radio programs "Merry Radio Campaign", "Flying Sofa".
Script Writer New Year's performances for children in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses and the Moscow City Hall.
In 2005, he became a laureate of the festival of satire and humor "Golden Ostap" for songs for children and a laureate of the Annual National competition"Book of the Year" for the book "333 Cats", in 2006 - the winner of the international competition "Peter and the Wolf-2006" for the best work for children.


Born in 1958

"333 CATS"

PUNK Boss, don't deprive me, A punk outfit... Don't deprive me of lunch For my cool look. You should have seen how cats trudged From a new haircut and earrings! ..

Page from a book

Big time Andrey Usachev devotes to songwriting. To date, more than a dozen of his author's collections have been released.


Resources used:

  • http:// vilka.by/images/cms/data/author/ysachev/ysachev1.jpeg- portrait of the poet
  • http:// img.rl0.ru/92a580c31fef4759c53c6bee7b307074/432x288/www.epochtimes.ru/images/stories/06/interviews2011/115_82.jpg - portrait A. Usacheva
  • http:// www.char.ru/books/4736795_Letalka.jpg- cover of the author's book "Flying"
  • http:// old.prodalit.ru/images/110000/108892.jpg- cover of the author's book "The multiplication table in verse"
  • http:// static.ozone.ru/multimedia/books_covers/1003555651.jpg- cover of the book "House at the transition"
  • http:// www.ushkinamakushke.ru/usachev_mp3.html- biography of the author
  • http:// uvc.mil.ru/dyn_images/expose/big3100.jpg- MIET
  • http:// www.fotosoyuz.ru/preview/600x600-p2owd7/ma/bkhitm/600x600,fs-KRYLOV,07-11,5760.jpg?ez6t1xib– the building of Tver (Kalinin) State University
  • http:// www.libex.ru/dimg/5baf1.jpg- cover of the collection "If you throw a stone up"
  • http:// www.kostyor.ru/images0/principal/7-08_big.jpg- cover of the magazine "Bonfire"
  • http:// l2.ihome.net.ua/torrents/images/48161.jpg- cover of the magazine "Murzilka"
  • http:// img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/1/56/436/56436128_42_p9495.jpg- illustration No. 1 Chizhikov to the book "333 cats"
  • http://www.labirint.ru/screenshot/goods/174244/7 / - illustration No. 2 Chizhikov to the book "333 cats"
  • http://www.labirint.ru/screenshot/goods/174244/6 / - illustration No. 3 to the book "333 cats"
  • http://www.bookpost.ru/covers/% C0%C001079.jpg- "Drakosha and company"
  • http:// skupiknigi.ru/multimedia/books_covers/1004498540.jpg- "Merry kampania"

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    A book about the new adventures of the residents of Dedmorozovka. If you don’t already know, then Dedmorozovka is an invisible village located somewhere in the Arkhangelsk or Vologda region and where they spend most Father Frost, his granddaughter Snegurochka and their assistants are mischievous snowmen and snowmen. In this book, the snowmen decided to take up winter sports and even came up with new ones, such as figure painting, snowball and snowball. And Dedmorozovka has become a real Olympic village.... Further

  • Doggy Sonya - main character funny stories famous and beloved children's writer Andrei Usachev. Sonya is an extraordinary dog: she can think and speak. And funny things often happen to her. funny stories. But thanks to her intelligence and resourcefulness, she finds way out of any situation. Children will be happy to read mischievous stories full of good humor, fall in love with Sonya the dog, make friends with her, and become better and kinder themselves.... Further

  • Far to the north, somewhere in the Arkhangelsk or Vologda region, there is a small village of Dedmorozovka, where Father Frost, his granddaughter Snegurochka and Father Frost's helpers - snowmen and snowmen live. They study at a special school for snowmen, and with them, as well as with ordinary boys and girls, different funny stories happen all the time. The book was also published under the title "School in Dedmorozovka".... Further

  • Far to the north is the invisible village of Dedmorozovka. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka and their helpers, snowmen and snowmen, live in this village. During the long northern winter, snowmen went to school, helped Santa Claus in new year holidays, and when spring came - settled down in hibernation. Having woken up, the young Dedmorozovites took up their studies with renewed vigor and even arranged small Olympic Games in the village. What happened next? Nobody knows. Because "later" is just beginning...... Further

  • Having learned that the Winter Olympics will soon take place, snowmen and snowmen are eager to go to the Olympic Games, compete in all sports and “win all the medals”. Under the leadership of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, they organize the Dedmorozovsky Olympic team and start training. This audiobook about adventures in Dedmorozovka is recommended not only for children, but for all sports lovers. As well as the Olympic Committee. 1. “How I slept through the summer!” 2. Television in Dedmorozovka 3. How the snowmen prepared for Olympic Games 4. Hike to Kudykina Gora 5. Figure drawing 6. Dog sled racing 7. Dedmorozovka Olympic Village... Further

  • The title of the book speaks for itself. This is a continuation of the famous adventures of "Kotoboy" by writer Andrey Usachev. Perhaps someone new stories will seem completely implausible. Because the cats had to fight not only with sharks and rats, but also with people ... to assert their independence. And this case is almost hopeless.... Further

  • If you want to change the world, change one letter! An ordinary girl, Marusya, terribly disliked making acquaintances, because when they asked her name, she had to answer: "Malusya." And one day, instead of Romashkova Street, she ended up in extraordinary country. There were many oddities in this country, created by the mysterious Rogopede - far from a harmless character. Kolovs and scary pussies live here, mother washes Lama, and the king carries a column on his head. Marusya and her friends - the cow Rosalia and the sailor Rurik - are trying to return back to their world, but this is possible only on one condition: to learn how to pronounce the words correctly. And they have to defeat the evil creator of this country.... Further

  • Audio performance "Alyosha Popovich" based on the heroic poem by Andrey Usachev Skomorokha - artists Dmitry Filimonov and Alexander Gruzdev Alyosha Popovich - artist Ilya Ilyin Prince Vladimir - Honored Artist of Russia Boris Nikiforov Zmey Tugarin - Honored Artist Russia Mikhail Vaskov Other roles: Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Pozharov, artists Lyudmila Ilyina, Dmitry Polonsky, Alexander Ponomarev, Alexander Pinegin, Mikhail Samoilov, Vyacheslav Sholokhov... Further

  • This book includes three stories by Andrey Usachev: cartoons were made based on two of them, and the third film, Concert in the Swamp, has not yet been made.

  • Maxim Sukhanov, Olga Tumaykina, Alexei Bagdasarov, Dmitry Kreminsky and other wonderful actors in a cheerful musical performance based on the book by Andrey Usachev “New Adventures of Kotoboy”. In the continuation of the musical audio performance "The Adventures of" Kotoboy ", already known to you and beloved heroes, seafaring cats Kotauskas and Afonya, as well as their first mate, the mouse Shuster, will find a real treasure, make friends with Santa Claus, save the world from the invasion of voracious rats and ... Treasures of the one-eyed shark. Find Santa Claus! Cats save the world! "Kotoboy" goes to battle! Author: Andrey Usachev Director: Dmitry Kreminsky Performers: Alexey Bagdasarov, Alexander Zharkov, Dmitry Kreminsky, Marina Lisovets, Alexander Pinegin, Victoria Sadovskaya-Chilap, Rifat Safiulin, Maxim Sukhanov, Olga Tumaikina, Alexey Shulin Music: Alexander Pinegin, Mikhail Samoilov Illustration: Igor Oleinikov Design: Julia Stotskaya Producers: Vadim Bukh, Mikhail Litvakov Recorded by Vimbo Production Center © A. A. Usachev ©&℗ Vimbo LLC, Moscow, Russia... Further

  • The reader is waiting for new adventures of Drakosha - now in an ordinary Moscow apartment. Will Drakosha be able to adapt to new conditions? Will you find something to your liking? Will it get along with the neighbors? Or maybe become a star of the screen? About this and many other events in life you will read a little dragon in this book by Andrey Usachev and Anton Berezin... Further

  • The heroes of this fairy tale, Masha and Pasha, come with their parents to the dacha and suddenly find a huge green egg, from which a little dragon hatches a little later. And then this begins ... Raising a dragon is not an easy task, especially when Mom and dad are also involved. Funny stories about the adventures of Drakosha and the guys who made friends with him will make little readers laugh more than once, and maybe even think about their relationship with their parents, brothers and sisters and, of course, friends.... Further

  • "The famous dog Sonya" - continued the most popular book Andrey Usachev "Smart dog Sonya". What has changed, you ask? First, Sonya has matured a bit, and she is interested in such adult questions as "What is Love?" and “Where does the money come from?” And, secondly, for 20 years that have passed since the release of the first book, Sonya really became very famous, and not only in our country. Not all smart people become famous. And not all celebrities are smart. But in the case of Sonya, it seems that both coincided. She is such an amazing dog! Listen to the musical audio performance "The Famous Dog Sonya" and "The ABC of the Clever Dog Sonya" with the participation of Irina Bogushevskaya, Dmitry Kreminsky, Alexei Bagdasarov, Marina Lisovets, Ivan Litvinov. And as a bonus, we also give you the ABC of Smart Dog Sonya. 1. When Sonya was little 2. Where the sky turns on 3. Refrigerator 4. Beware the evil door 5. Fire 6. Where thoughts come from 7. Giraffe 8. Clock 9. Sonya and the vacuum cleaner 10. Wild dog Sonya 11. Flying saucer 12. How Sonya was looking for money 13. There was a sea here 14. A frog 15. What good are you 16. Friendship 17. Love 18. How Sonya became an adult 19. The famous dog Sonya 20. What is the tastiest thing 21. ABC smart dog Sonya Written and directed by : Dmitry Kreminsky Performers: Irina Bogushevskaya, Alexey Bagdasarov, Dmitry Kreminsky, Marina Lisovets, Ivan Litvinov Music: Alexander Pinegin Illustrations: Evgeny Antonenkov Design: Yulia Stotskaya © A.A.Usachev Recorded by Vimbo Production Center © & ℗ Vimbo LLC ”, Moscow, Russia, 2017 Producers: Vadim Bukh, Mikhail Litvakov... Further

    Russian folk tale about a rich but very greedy merchant named Marco is familiar to many of us. Wonderful children's writer Andrei Usachev created a poetic version of this tale, and the famous director Viktor Trukhan staged an audio performance based on it. Talented game of loved ones artists will delight all connoisseurs of the genre and cheer up listeners of any age. From the author - National artist USSR Vyacheslav Nevinny Marko - Honored Artist of Russia Viktor Petrov Vasily - artist Sergei Kutasov Nastya - artist Daria Frolova Old Man - People's Artist of Russia Nikolai Pastukhov Monk, Oak - Honored Artist of Russia Rogvold Sukhoverko Marco's wife - Honored Artist of Russia Elena Millioti Ogre-Veshchun - People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Nazarov Veshchun's wife - Honored Artist of Russia Irina Byakova Carrier - artist Andrey Yaroslavtsev Catfish - Honored Artist of Russia Olga Vasilyeva... Further

  • “Drakosha goes to people” is the second book of the trilogy by A. Usachev and A. Berezin. From this book, you will learn how real dragons grow quickly, what a "winter corn" is, and whether Drakosha and his friends will be able to find a real treasure. The trilogy also includes books "Dragon and Company" and "Dragon in the City".... Further

  • The book "All poems, fairy tales, alphabets, counting rhymes, riddles" includes works of various genres by the famous children's poet Andrei Usachev. These are poems and fairy tales, riddles, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, a large alphabet and fun mathematics ... Everything for interesting, entertaining leisure and fun learning… For preschool children.... Further

  • This book is hilarious, but very funny. The author took the plots famous fairy tales and retell them in his own way. Adult readers sometimes call such things parodies. But this is not exactly a parody, and not even a parody at all. But what is it? Wrong Tales is the exact subtitle. Kids love to break the rules themselves. However, for this they must know them. And in order to understand The Tale of the Fisherman and the Turnip, you must first read The Turnip and The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish. Therefore, the book is recommended for children from six years old and smart adults.... Further

  • So, before you "Primer". But not simple, but created by a wonderful professor of AU, who made sure that the study of the letters of the alphabet turned into an exciting and very fun activity! And the second part of the book, called "Chitar", will help children take the first steps in independent reading. The book will be interesting not only for children, but also for their parents and teachers, grandparents.... Further

  • There is the sound of feet, the sound of rain, the buzzing of flies and even silence in Zvukar. This book will teach your child to quickly memorize how to pronounce and write syllables, which then easily fit into words. And you will also find here a lot of funny poems that will turn memorization sounds in a cheerful and interesting activity! ... Further

  • The colorfully illustrated book of one of the best contemporary children's poets Andrey Usachev contains poems about animals. The publication is intended for children of senior preschool and primary school age. ... Further

  • “People became people when they learned to laugh!” HOW TO CATCH A MAMMOTH? primeval history. This is the first book in the Lessons of History series, which I wrote together with my friend Alyosha Dmitriev. As the title suggests, this book is completely useless. Of course, after reading it, you can find out what primitive people they dug holes and how they caught mammoths, but you won’t be able to catch them. For the reason that there are simply no mammoths. Just like saber-toothed tigers and woolly rhinos. Why, you ask, was this story written? For my own pleasure and, I hope, for the pleasure of readers ... and listeners, because Yefim Shifrin voiced her wonderfully. In general, forward, inquisitive listeners! Although with regard to history, it would be correct to say: Back, dear listeners! Yours Andrey Usachev Authors: Andrey Usachev, Alyosha Dmitriev Readers: Efim Shifrin Director: Dmitry Kreminsky Music: Alexander Pinegin Songs performed by: Larisa Brokhman, Alexander Pinegin, Mikhail Samoilov Illustration: Alexey Kapninsky Design: Yulia Stotskaya © A.A.Usachev Recorded by producer Vimbo Center © & ℗ Vimbo LLC, Moscow, Russia, 2017 Producers: Vadim Bukh, Mikhail Litvakov... Further

  • Edition for the New Year. In our book winter fairy tale. Poems for the New Year "included poems about winter, winter fun, New Year, Santa Claus and Christmas tree. They were written by a wonderful children's poet Andrei Usachev. All poems have been newly illustrated by a talented artist Olga Demidova. Funny and cheerful, the poet's poems will help you and your child create festive mood and also useful in preparation for new year events. For children up to 3 years old.... Further

  • Learning letters with children's poet Andrei Usachev is always fun, and if you join him good wizard Santa Claus, it will be doubly fun! We are waiting winter fun: we will go skating, skiing and sledding, we will catch snowflakes and giggles and, of course, meet New Year! Bright and cheerful, full of good humor and mischief, illustrations for this book were drawn by wonderful artist Vladimir Drichel.... Further

  • New poems by Andrey Usachev.

  • New Year's songs and melodies. 1. Father Frost's mail (A. Pinegin, A. Usachev) 2. It was New Year's Eve (A. Pinegin, A. Usachev) 3. Grandma's tales (A. Pinegin, A. Usachev) 4. Winter happens once a year (A.Pinegin, A.Usachev) 5. The first snow (A.Usachev, A.Usachev) 6. Born in the forest Christmas tree (L.Bekman, R.Kudasheva) 7. New Year hedgehog (A.Pinegin, A.Usachev) 8. Dedmorozovka village (A.Pinegin, A.Usachev) 9. Christmas (P.Sinyavsky, P.Sinyavsky) 10 Christmas star (A.Usachev, A.Usachev) 11. Jingle-Bells (English folk, A.Usachev) 12. Winter walk(A.Pinegin, Z.Gippius) 13. What does a bear dream about in the New Year? (A.Usachev, A.Usachev) 14. Lullaby of the Snow Mother (A.Usachev, A.Usachev) 15. Oriental New Year (A.Usachev, A.Usachev) 16. Ah, winter… (A.Pinegin, A. Pinegin) 17. Maslenitsa (A. Pinegin, A. Usachev) Karaoke: 18. Winter happens once a year 19. Grandmother's tales 20. It was New Year's Eve 21. A Christmas tree was born in the forest... Further

  • “A bear has a house - a lair, There is a lot of space in this house: Three sleepy cubs lie next to their mother ...”

  • Classical children's writer Andrei Usachev loves to tell stories about animals. His new kind and funny stories– about the zoo: about the adventures of Vovka the hedgehog, Vera the zebra, Kuzma Yegorych the tiger, Emma the ostrich and other wards of director Lev Pavlinich Komarov. lives they are not bored: either they draw masterpieces of world art, or they get a job in a circus, or they catch intruders. And when the holidays come, the real fun begins!... Further

  • Poetic interpretation of the Russian magical heroic story about gallant knight Bove Gvidonovich. Having run away from the house from the evil mother Militrisa and the stepfather of King Dadon, Bova ends up with King Zenzivei and falls in love with his daughter Druzhneva. In honor of her, he performs miracles of courage and defeats the insidious contenders for the hand of the Druzhnevs - the kings of Markobrun and Lukoper.... Further

  • So it stands, they say, the Kingdom of Fools since the time of King Peas. I heard it from one buffoon. Buffoons, they are everywhere, and what they learn about - they compose fairy tales. Based on the fairy tale by Leo Tolstoy. ... Further

  • Once upon a time there were hedgehogs: father Hedgehog, mother Hedgehog and hedgehog - Vovka and Veronica. As with all children, funny, touching and funny things happen to little hedgehogs. cautionary tales. Hedgehogs love to pick mushrooms and berries, play football, swim in the river and be surprised when they recognize their surroundings. their world. Getting acquainted with their neighbors - hares, squirrels, beavers and hamsters - hedgehogs begin to understand what friendship is and learn to cherish it.... Further

  • A.Usachev. SCHOOL OF SNOWMANS with the participation of Vladimir Menshov. Once, before the New Year, Santa Claus decided that he really lacked grandchildren-assistants. And she and the Snow Maiden made 11 snowmen and 9 snowmen. And then his calm and measured life ended ... Cheerful, fascinating and instructive stories about the adventures of little snowmen in magic village"Dedmorozovka".... Further

  • Continuation of the fun audio performances "Snowmen School" and "Miracles in Dedmorozovka" that both children and parents liked. Funny, fascinating and instructive stories about the adventures of little snowmen in the magical village of Dedmorozovka. Probably everyone at least once in their life wrote a letter to Santa Claus with New Year's requests, questions, wishes - and received an answer from him. How does Santa Claus mail work? Are there carrier pigeons, bullfinches and tits? How to get to visit Santa Claus without a Finnish visa? You will learn about this and much more by listening to this fun audio performance. Santa Claus mail Snowsaurus Letter from Lapland Visiting Santa Claus Cherished wishes... Further

  • Once, before the New Year, Santa Claus decided that he did not have enough helper grandchildren. And she and the Snow Maiden made 11 snowmen and 9 snowmen. And then his measured and calm life ended ... Continuation of the cheerful audio performance "Snowmen School". New ones are waiting for you adventures of Santa Claus and his funny grandchildren - snowmen and their friends.... Further

  • Once upon a time there were hedgehogs: father Hedgehog, mother Hedgehog and hedgehog - Vovka and Veronica. As with all children, funny, touching and instructive stories happen to little hedgehogs. Getting to know their neighbors - hares, squirrels, beavers and hamsters - hedgehogs begin to understand what friendship is and learn to cherish it.... Further

  • You hold in your hands a book of exciting adventures, comparable only to Stevenson's Treasure Island or the novels of Jules Verne. Only here the main characters are animals: cats, mice, walruses, turtles... The classic children's writer Andrey Usachev tells four stories with humor. stories about the crew of the schooner captain Kotauskas, the first mate Athos and the young mouse Shuster. In pursuit of a rich catch, they will go hunting for a whale, visit the North Pole. The search for a magical goldfish will lead them to Japan, and Honeymoon in Egypt will result in a battle with the cat-worshippers of the goddess Isis. Read and be amazed!... Further

  • Were you waiting for the continuation?! Listen! Far to the north, somewhere in the Arkhangelsk or Vologda region, there is an invisible village of Dedmorozovka. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka and their helpers, snowmen and snowmen, live in this village. True, from time to time they get out of Dedmorozovki: go for mail in Veliky Ustyug, or make new year trip around the country, and once even flew abroad - to visit Santa Claus. Oh, it was an unforgettable adventure!.. You must have heard about it. But, as they say, adventures and travels do not happen much. And then one day ... And it really happened once, because twice this cannot happen anywhere, with anyone, and never! Andrei Usachev is one of the most talented and sought-after children's writers in our country. Very popular with listeners are audio performances based on his books "Smart Dog Sonya", "Malusya and Rogoped", "Once upon a time there were hedgehogs", as well as audio performances about the magical village of Dedmorozovka: "Snowmen School", "Miracles in Dedmorozovka", "Olympic Village Dedmorozovka" ”, “Mail of Santa Claus”. Listen to new funny stories about the adventures of Santa Claus and his grandchildren in the magical village of Dedmorozovka. 1. Back to school! 2. Plan "A" 3. How the iceberg is arranged and what the penguins wear. 4. Preparation for swimming. 5. The ice has broken! 6. "Great Ustyug". Beginning of sailing. 7. "Great Ustyug". Continuation. 8. Ice patrol. 9. Isles of Dogs and whale songs. 10. Great and iron. 11. The largest refrigerator. 12. Equator. 13. Shark fin soup. 14. Iceberg seller. 15. Desert island. 16. The Great Schism. The feat of sailor Morkovkin. 17. Hello penguins! 18. Home! © A.A.Usachev Recorded by Vimbo Production Center ©&℗ Vimbo LLC, 2016 Producers: Vadim Bukh, Mikhail Litvakov Voiced by: Alexey Bagdasarov, Larisa Brokhman, Dmitry Kreminsky, Vladimir Menshov, Alexander Pozharov, Alexander Pinegin, Olga Shorokhova "Snowman School" "Miracles in Dedmorozovka" "Olympic Village Dedmorozovka" "Father Frost's Post Office"... Further

  • How to behave at the table, how to accept and give gifts, how to talk on the phone - answers to many important questions your child will find in this wonderful book. Together with serious advice, humorous verses coexist here, in which the author laughs at funny situations that may arise if you do not read this book in time!... Further

  • Maxim Sukhanov, Olga Tumaikina, Alexei Bagdasarov, Dmitry Kreminsky and other wonderful actors in a cheerful musical performance based on the book by Andrey Usachev “The Adventures of Kotoboy” “The village of Kotma stands on the shores of the White Sea. People from it moved to the city. And cats - left: This is how the book about the adventures of captain Kotauskas, the first mate Afonya and the mouse Shuster begins on the famous yacht “Kotoboy”, which has traveled almost half the world” You will learn some amazing stories and hear something that is not in any of the books: the sound of the White Sea, the whistle of the wind , cries of seagulls and songs that our Russian northern cats sing. Author: Andrey Usachev Director: Dmitry Kreminsky Performers: Alexey Bagdasarov, Alexander Zharkov, Dmitry Kreminsky, Marina Lisovets, Alexander Pinegin, Victoria Sadovskaya-Chilap, Rifat Safiulin, Maxim Sukhanov, Olga Tumaikina, Alexey Shulin Music: Alexander Pinegin, Mikhail Samoilov Illustration: Igor Oleinikov Design: Julia Stotskaya Producers: Vadim Bukh, Mikhail Litvakov Recorded by Vimbo Production Center © A. A. Usachev ©&℗ Vimbo LLC, Moscow, Russia... Further

  • "Smart Doggy Sonya" is one of the most famous books for children younger age. Curious little Sonya asks a lot of questions: Where does Echo live? Can you catch a whale in the bath? Who made a puddle on the street, and will this someone be scolded? .. To all these questions Sonya will definitely find the answer and become much smarter. And along with it, the children who will hear this funny and touching story.... Further

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