Tretyakov Gallery collection of paintings. Moscow State Tretyakov Gallery: works, exhibitions


One of the most famous, popular and sought-after museums among Muscovites and guests of the city is the State Tretyakov Gallery. It was founded back in 1856 by Pavel Tretyakov. It was in honor of this merchant that the institution got its name. On currently- it's a big one cultural institution state level. It combines several separate components at once, large and small objects. But the largest building, which is located in Lavrushinsky Lane of the capital, remains the central among them.

Gallery buildings

To date, the State Tretyakov Gallery and its main works are located in the house of the merchants Tretyakov, as well as a number of small buildings that are in close proximity to it.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the museum received a new facade, which adorns it to this day. Sketches for it were created by the notorious artist Vasnetsov. In order to emphasize that the museum presents mainly works of Russian art, a special neo-Russian style was chosen. So, decorates the facade of the building.

As part of a single complex, images of St. George the Victorious, a ceramic frieze, as well as an original inscription made in ligature are collected. It is she who informs each of the visitors of the Moscow State Tretyakov Gallery, who acted as the original donors for the museum, that is, Sergei and Peter.

Already in the 1930s, another room was erected to the right of the main building according to the project of Shchusov. To the left of it is an additional engineering building.

The role of the merchant Tretyakov in the creation of the gallery

The house of the State Tretyakov Gallery, where many works are still kept, originally belonged to the Tretyakov family.

He himself was not only a merchant, he was also a philanthropist, who initially collected own collection. Among its exhibits there were only works created by Russian artists. He began to collect it from the distant 1856. By the end of the century, the merchant transferred all his unique exhibits to the ownership of the city. At that time, it already included 518 graphic samples along with 1287 picturesque categories, as well as 8 drawings created by masters of the European school, and 75 paintings from foreign authors. In addition, the collection included several valuable icons and sculptures.

Initially, the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery owed it to the impeccable taste of the merchant. The exhibits collected by him are even now included in the golden fund of the art of the whole country.

History of the Gallery

Tretyakov began to collect works, which later became the basis of the State Tretyakov Gallery, back in the early 50s. XIX century. But the official founding date of the museum is 1856, when it acquired the notorious works of Khudyakov and Schilder for its collection.

In subsequent years, as the merchant's collection expanded, public attention increased to it.

Pavel owned a huge house, not far from which there were a number of additional buildings. But it was not possible to place all the works of art he had within their walls. Already in the 20th century, all the rooms of the once residential building were converted by craftsmen into separate halls of a spacious gallery. But this also solved the problem only for a while.

All new works were received by the State Tretyakov Gallery, so after a few decades it was decided to move some of the exhibits to the building located on At the same time, all the works dated before 1910 remained in the original house. More modern exhibits have moved to a new building.

Gallery collections

The modern State Tretyakov Gallery, whose collections are known all over the world, has hundreds of thousands of its own exhibits. In addition to permanent works, temporary exhibitions are regularly held within its walls. IN last years the museum continues to develop actively, offering its guests new directions, including in the form of creative studios for children and others.

Art objects that date back to the 11th-beginning of the 20th century are located in the original building of the State Tretyakov Gallery. The collection includes works by a number of world-famous masters, as well as little-known artists. Within the walls of the gallery are the works of Rublev and Theophan the Greek, as well as Dionysius.

Halls with works of XVIII-XIX centuries There are paintings by such eminent masters as Levitsky and Rokotov, Bryullov, Borovikovsky and many others.

Particular attention is paid to the realistic direction of Russian art, which received special development by the end of the 19th century. This category includes paintings by Repin and Shishkin, Levitan and Kramskoy, Surikov and other more and less well-known authors.

The museum also created an exhibition covering the work that came at the turn of the century and the beginning of the twentieth century. Mostly Serov, Vrubel, masters from the Union of Russian Artists and others are represented here.

Today, not only paintings are presented within the walls of the State Tretyakov Gallery. One of the brightest and most memorable parts of the current exposition is the Treasury. Here you can see all kinds of art products created in the XII-XX centuries. For their manufacture, both precious stones and noble metals, as well as other materials, were used.

The graphics, which need special storage conditions, are placed in the museum in separate section. In the halls where such works are located, special soft lighting has been created.

Notable gallery paintings

Today, the exhibitions of the State Tretyakov Gallery are located in a huge number of halls. Moreover, in each of them real masterpieces of their time are found. Pavel Tretyakov himself assigned a special place to the works of Petrov, so his works are kept within the walls of the museum. best paintings- "Troika" and many others.

On the other hand, the original owner of the collection has always been fond of landscapes. To this day, the history of Russia can be traced in the gallery through paintings. Adjacent to such meetings are portrait halls, in which the most famous artists, writers and composers of various times - these are Dal, Turgenev, Ostrovsky, Nekrasov and many other persons.

Popular works of Russian artists

Initially, Tretyakov actively supported the partnership that organized art exhibitions mobile type. It was on them that he himself often acquired the next masterpieces for his collection. Among the most famous in such conditions, the paintings “Rooks have arrived”, “ Pinery and many others whose names are no less famous than the creators themselves.

Over time, the merchant's collection included works written by Repin and Surikov, Shishkin and others.

Museum collection

List active exhibits this museum can be very long due to their huge number. The pride of the gallery has been and remains the works classified as the best paintings in the golden age of painting by Russian artists.

In addition, the art of the Wanderers is exhibited here. This is Nesterov, Benois, Roerich, Serov and Vrubel.

Later, after the revolution, the number of museum exhibits continued to grow. In many ways, this was facilitated by the nationalization of the collected collections, as well as the active work of artists in those years. In the halls of the museum, one can trace the development and main directions characteristic of the art of the Soviet period.


Today, the halls of the museum showcase trends in graphics and Russian painting, objects of decorative and applied art created in the period from the 11th to the 21st centuries, as well as a number of ancient icons and works by famous Russian artists.

Millions of visitors visit the gallery every year. In addition, hundreds of exhibitions of various kinds travel to various corners of a large country from its walls.



A walk through the Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane has been one of the most popular cultural events in the capital for many decades. Someone comes here for the first time in youth(it seems that not a single Moscow schoolboy escaped this), and someone is already an adult, in order to see the masterpieces of Russian painting that have long been familiar from reproductions.

I hope that this brief guide will help plan your visit for both those who are going to visit one of the most important museums in the country for the first time, and those who have been here more than once.

A traditional visit to the Tretyakov Gallery begins with the very part of the premises that was once residential building the family of its founder, Pavel Tretyakov, halls 1-7 on the second floor. It is here that the first seven halls are located (in total, the modern Gallery has 62 halls), through which they usually quickly run through without paying proper attention to them. We recommend that you stay. After all, these halls allow us to plunge into the atmosphere of the amazing XVIII century. Here is a very valuable collection of paintings and sculptures of the era that began in the reign of Peter I and ended with a short stay on the Russian throne of Paul I. main role at that time, a portrait played in the fine arts, so a variety of representatives of the time are looking at us from all sides big changes and grandiose accomplishments in Russian culture. Due to the special, often idealized performance, the need to know the history of the life of the depicted and the era as a whole, these halls, as already noted, are unfairly missed by most visitors. But if you peer into the faces in the portraits, you can even feel a special mood, “breath of the century,” even without knowing the details of their biography.

Walking through the halls of the gallery, do not miss the sculpture! Sometimes she is lost behind the brightness of the paintings, but her best examples, created by Fedot Shubin, Ivan Martos, Mikhail Kozlovsky, definitely deserve due attention.

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Before visiting hall No. 1, it is worth remembering that in Russia a secular portrait (that is, the image of a person not on an icon) appeared rather late, only in the 17th century. One of the valuable examples of what these images looked like is the “Portrait of Ivan Shchepotev” by an unknown artist. late XVII century. For all its originality, there is still no depth of space in it, there is no tonality, the figure is motionless. But very soon the first artist appeared, the founder of the new Russian portrait school - Ivan Nikitin. Here, in the first hall, you can see some of his wonderful works. For example, "Portrait of Tsesarevna Anna Petrovna", created no later than 1716. The young daughter of Peter I is depicted on it at about the age of 7, although she looks older. The true transfer of age was not yet part of the artist's tasks when painting a portrait. But the extraordinary pictorial contrasts, expressive, attractive features the faces draw the eye to the canvas and suggest what kind of character the princess Anna was.

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hall number 1; 2nd floor

a special group in art XVIII centuries, called "rossica", are works created in Russia by foreign artists. In room number 3, pay attention to the works of Georg Christoph Groot. After spending 8 years of his life in Russia, he created beautiful chamber portraits of Elizaveta Petrovna and other high-ranking persons. None of the Russian artists then painted like that.

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hall number 3; 2nd floor

In Hall 4 you will meet with the works of the most mysterious Russian portrait painter of the 18th century, Fyodor Rokotov. Little is known about his life. Many of the paintings he created also keep their secrets. Let us pay attention to three portraits associated with the Struisky family. This is a portrait of Nikolai Struysky, his wife and the so-called "Portrait of an unknown man in a cocked hat." Nikolai Struysky, a courtier, an admirer of Catherine II, who endlessly devoted his laudatory poems to her, greatly appreciated Rokotov's work. He was depicted by the artist in 1772, at the same time a portrait of his young wife Alexandra was created, which is, today, one of the pearls of the Tretyakov collection. Amazing in color, gentle, smoky color transitions, the image of Alexandra captivates with the beauty and mystery of her eyes, leaving us only to guess what kind of soul was hidden behind these extraordinary eyes. The third portrait is a real mystery. He also comes from the Struisky estate. It was possible to establish that another image is hidden behind the fancy dress ‒ beautiful girl in a dress and a slightly different pose. For unknown reasons, the artist, having completely saved his face, after a while changed his attire. According to one version, we have before us the first wife of Nikolai Struysky, whose image he decided to keep, but disguise before his second marriage.

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hall number 4; 2nd floor

One of the most famous masterpieces XIX century in the Tretyakov Gallery is a painting by Alexander Ivanov "The Appearance of Christ to the People" ("The Appearance of the Messiah"), presented in room No. 10. Having devoted twenty years of his life to working on this large-scale canvas, the artist carefully worked out every detail, creating at the same time a large number of drawings and sketches, many of which are marvelous paintings in themselves. So, in hall number 12, look at the picturesque italian landscapes: valleys, mountains, trees. In his creative search, Ivanov does not sacrifice artistic skill and paints views of Italian nature with magical emerald green and earthy ocher paints.

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halls No. 10, 12; 2nd floor

Of the realist artists whose works became the basis of the Pavel Tretyakov collection, those painters whose work was tirelessly glorified by the critic Vladimir Stasov, I would like to stop at the paintings of Vasily Perov (room No. 17). With all the incriminating nature of Russian reality, the latter thirds of XIX century, in these paintings, often in a small format, one does not feel unambiguous, peremptory and categorical. The artist influences the viewer in some other, more subtle way, appeals to humanism and goodness. I will not convey the plots in words - it is better to see once. Take a closer look, and, if you wish, build analogies with today. Perhaps you will have a new vision of history and modernity.

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hall number 17; 2nd floor

In hall No. 18, where the works of Alexei Savrasov are exhibited, including the most famous among his paintings - “The Rooks Have Arrived”, the work of the wonderful landscape painter Fyodor Vasilyev often goes unnoticed, who, in 23 years of his very short life, created extraordinary effects, as if impregnated aromas of earth views of Russia. Stay close to these pictures. For example, one of them is a landscape wet meadow", written in the last months of the artist's life and filled with some amazing light giving the viewer special sensations. And it's not just about the colors.

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hall number 18; 2nd floor

Spacious hall No. 20 introduces us to the works wonderful artist, the ideologist of the Wanderers, friend and ally of Pavel Tretyakov and the teacher of Fyodor Vasilyev, already familiar to us - Ivan Kramskoy. The portrait genre has always occupied a special place in his work. The Gallery presents portraits of Nikolai Nekrasov, Leo Tolstoy, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin and the founder of the Gallery, Pavel Tretyakov, who are very accurate according to the testimony of contemporaries (both in external resemblance and in psychological characteristics). It is worth noting that the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery is not by chance so rich in images of figures Russian culture XIX century. Such a goal is to preserve in the memory of descendants the images of famous poets, writers, musicians, artists, etc. ‒ Tretyakov set himself in front of him back in the 1860s. Apart from Ivan Kramskoy, other famous artists worked hard to replenish the collection with such works: Vasily Perov (room No. 17), Ilya Repin (rooms No. 29-30), Nikolai Ge (room No. 31). Returning to the work of Kramskoy, pay attention to two portraits of Nikolai Nekrasov. The first of them, where the poet is depicted with his arms crossed on his chest, is quite typical and is a documentary evidence commissioned by Tretyakov. The second portrait is more intimate. The artist draws Nekrasov in his usual surroundings "during latest songs". The face is painted from nature and inserted into overall composition. Both paintings were created at almost the same time, but are very different from each other. Tretyakov chose the first. And which one do you like better?

Tretyakov Gallery- most big museum Russian painting in the world. whose history began with private collection Pavel Tretyakov.

Artists dreamed that it was he who bought their work. Although Tretyakov was not always ready to pay a lot. Because many were bribed by this philanthropist with modest character and democratic views.

When Tretyakov donated his gallery to Moscow, Alexander III granted him title of nobility. But Tretyakov refused, considering himself unworthy of it!

His taste was also special. He wanted to see truthfulness, sincerity and sincerity in the picture. Ignored the work of academic and pretentious, created to impress the public.

Therefore, many of the works he bought have stood the test of time and are recognized as masterpieces. I will tell about several of them.

1. Ivan Shishkin. Rye. 1878

Ivan Shishkin. Rye. 1878 State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Acquired by P. Tretyakov.

In the painting "Rye" we see an incredible combination of yellow low rye and tall old pines. And many more interesting details. Very low flying swifts. People with braids walking along the road.

Shishkin was often reproached for being too photographic. And in fact, if you zoom in on the image, then smooth out almost every spikelet.

But not everything is so simple. Among the majestic pines stands a dead pine, possibly from a lightning strike. What does the artist want to tell us? That any power can be broken overnight?

Having survived the death of his wife and two children, Shishkin could well transfer such a mood to the canvas. But even so, at the same time he did everything to show the beauty of Russian nature.

A high-quality reproduction of this masterpiece can be ordered

2. Arkhip Kuindzhi. After the rain. 1879

Arkhip Kuindzhi. After the rain. 1879 State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Acquired by P. Tretyakov

Main character of all Kuindzhi's paintings is light. Moreover, the artist in an incomprehensible way turned ordinary light into magical. Choosing the most colorful phenomena of nature. As in the picture "After the rain."

A terrible storm has just passed. The brown-purple sky looks intimidating. But the landscape is already illuminated by the first rays. Here comes the rainbow. Grass after the rain - clean emerald color.

There is no certainty that Kuindzhi painted only from nature. It is unlikely that the horse would remain in the open space in a strong thunderstorm. Most likely, her figure was added to enhance the contrast. Between stormy skies and sunlit grass.

Kuindzhi was original not only as an artist. But in general, as a person. Unlike many of his not-so-wealthy colleagues, he made his fortune through successful real estate deals. But he lived very modestly, giving all his money to the needy.

3. Viktor Vasnetsov. Three princesses of the underworld. 1881

Viktor Vasnetsov. Three princesses of the underworld. 1881 State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Received in 1910 according to the will of M. Morozov

The painting “Three Princesses” was commissioned by Savva Mamontov specifically for the coal office railway. Vasnetsov took as a basis the folk tale of the golden, silver and copper princesses.

But he changed her a lot. Leaving only the golden princess. Adding two others from myself. Princess precious stones and the Queen of Coal. All three glorify the wealth of the bowels of the Russian land.

The girl in black is the youngest, because coal was mined later than gold and precious stones. Therefore, her dress is more modern.

And the dress of the Princess of Coal is more modest. After all, its purpose is to benefit people. And not to serve human greed, which two older sisters have to do.

Tretyakov liked to buy works from Vasnetsov, they were good friends. And not smart. The artist was an extremely humble person.

When he entered the Academy of Arts, he learned that he had passed the exam only a year later. When he came to take the exam again, sure that he had failed the first time.

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4. Ilya Repin. Dragonfly. 1884

Ilya Repin. Dragonfly. 1884 State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Acquired by P. Tretyakov

"Dragonfly" can involuntarily be mistaken for the work of an impressionist from Paris. After all, she is so cheerful, bright.

The child sits on the crossbar against the background of a bright sky and shakes his leg. So you can hear the chirping of crickets and the buzzing of bumblebees.

The most surprising thing is that Repin did not particularly like the Impressionists. They think they lack plot. But he could not help himself when he undertook to draw a child. Another manner of writing did not go to childish immediacy.

In the picture, Repin depicted his eldest daughter Faith. And he himself called her "Dragonfly". After all, the blue dress is so similar to the colors of a dragonfly, crouched on a log for a couple of seconds, to soon soar with ease into the sky.

Vera lived with her father until the end of his life. She never got married. Few people spoke highly of her. Including Chukovsky, who knew the Repin Roots family well.

According to his recollections, Vera Ilyinichna did not hesitate to sell her father's paintings, and with the proceeds she bought herself earrings. She was "deceitful, cowardly ... and stupid in mind and heart." That's some harsh criticism...

5. Valentin Serov. The girl lit by the sun. 1888

Valentin Serov. The girl lit by the sun. 1888 State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Acquired by P. Tretyakov

Another painting in an impressionistic manner is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery. But already written by Valentin Serov.

Impressionism is expressed here in an incredible play of light and shadow. Sun glare, a brightly lit clearing are contrasted with the dark bark of a tree and a deep skirt. of blue color.

Serov considered The Girl Illuminated by the Sun to be his best painting, despite the fact that he painted it at the age of 23. He confessed to friends that all his life he tried to create something similar, but it didn’t work out.

Serov was posed by his cousin Maria Simonovich. For three whole months, several hours every day. The artist worked on the painting for so long and carefully that even the very patient Maria could not stand it. In the fourth month of work, she fled to St. Petersburg under the pretext of starting classes.

Not only because I'm tired. Then she admitted that she was afraid that her brother would not overdo it. Being a sculptor herself, she knew that if you endlessly amend the work, you can ruin everything.

Perhaps she did the right thing. And thanks to her, the picture became a masterpiece. Yielding in popularity only to Serov's painting.

6. Isaac Levitan. Over eternal rest. 1894

Isaac Levitan. Over eternal rest. 1894 State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Acquired by P. Tretyakov

“Above Eternal Peace” is one of the most Russian and philosophical landscapes of Levitan. The universal scale of the river space is opposed to the human fragile life. The symbol of which is a barely noticeable light burning in the church.

Levitan himself considered this picture very important, seeing in it a reflection of his character and soul. But at the same time, she scared him. It seemed to him that the cold of eternity wafted from her, which "swallowed up many generations and will swallow even more."

Levitan was a melancholy man, prone to gloomy thoughts and actions. So, a year after writing this picture, he made a demonstrative suicide attempt. Being in a dejected state due to the drinking of personal life. At that time, two women, mother and daughter, fell in love with him at once.

In general, this picture is a catalyst for your attitude. If you are an optimistic person, then you are more likely to feel inspired by the contemplation of space. If you are a pessimist, then expect other emotions. You will certainly become uncomfortable with the all-consuming space.

7. Mikhail Vrubel. Lilac. 1900

Mikhail Vrubel. Lilac. 1900 State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Received from the I. Ostroukhov Museum in 1929

In Vrubel's painting, we see a strikingly beautiful lilac. It is painted with a palette knife*, so the clusters of inflorescences look like voluminous crystals of an unusual color, from light blue to purple. In general, there are so many of these flowers in the picture that you can smell the lilac.

Against the background of the bush, the outlines of a girl, the soul of a lilac, protrude. We see only large dark eyes, dark thick hair and graceful hands. The girl, unlike the lilac, is painted with a brush. Which emphasizes its unreality.

The picture can bring us back to childhood. After all, it was then that we were inclined to see the other world. Here you are walking along the path among the lilac bushes in the late twilight and peering into the greenery. And the imagination draws us the unknown: someone's eyes or silhouettes.

Vrubel, unlike ordinary person retained this special vision for life. In his imagination, he plunged into other worlds and then showed them to us. In the form of demons, seraphim or souls of trees.

But one day he "did not find the way" back. Soon after writing Lilac, Vrubel began to progress mental disorder. He slowly faded away in the captivity of other worlds and died in 1910.

There are so many masterpieces of Russian painting in the Tretyakov Gallery that it was difficult for me to choose only seven paintings. Surely someone didn't like it. After all, I did not include the most hyped masterpieces like. And she has not yet told about Vereshchagin and.

I was guided by my own taste, choosing those works that I personally really like. If you have not noticed them before, then I hope that you were able to make new discoveries for yourself.

* A thin spatula that artists use to apply primer to the canvas (the basis for the paint layer of the picture). But sometimes this tool is also used for applying paints.

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An invaluable treasure of Russian culture, a repository of paintings dearest to the Russian heart, the Tretyakov Gallery is the bright joy of Russia.

History of the Tretyakov Gallery

Probably, even a person who is very far from art will feel aching sadness at the sight of Viktor Vasnetsov's "Alyonushka" or quiet peace from Mikhail Nesterov's painting "Vision to the Youth Bartholomew". This, probably, is the main purpose of this museum - not only to carefully collect and carefully store the golden fund of Russian painting, but also to act as a unifying link for the people, unfortunately, to a large extent divided today. Culture strengthens and gives confidence that something will continue to exist, characterized by the core, the core of Rus'.

As you know, the gallery was founded in 1850 by the man after whom it was later named - Pavel Tretyakov. Being a highly educated and far-sighted philanthropist, Pavel Mikhailovich was able to find pearls among the works of then unknown artists. It was through his efforts that many geniuses of that time gained recognition. Buying the paintings he liked, he even saved some masters from poverty, such as Savrasov. Year after year, Pavel Mikhailovich selected the best, most important paintings bit by bit, having decided in advance for himself that in the future he would transfer everything accumulated to Moscow.

Tretyakov's efforts were not in vain: today the Tretyakov Gallery, along with the Moscow Kremlin, the double-headed eagle and Bronze Horseman has become a symbol of Russia, a monument to the inexhaustible gift of a Russian person to see and transfer beautiful things to canvas.

Within the walls of the Tretyakov Gallery one can feel the spirit of the old times, the strength and power of the Russian spirit and thought. Happiness overwhelms from the contemplation of that modest beauty of our Motherland that the great canvases have contained. How skillfully and lovingly Isaac Levitan conveyed the mood of his native nature, its soft colors and thoughtfulness. What golden fields and azure skies in Myasoedov's paintings. How precise and full of vitality are Shishkin's works.

Russian painting is inextricably linked with other types of art, Vrubel's "Seated Demon", for example, evokes the works of Mikhail Lermontov, and Victor Vasnetsov's "Bogatyrs" are Russian epics, an epic that reflects the army and valor of Ancient Rus'.

All that can be seen in the Tretyakov Gallery is a reflection of entire centuries, forever inscribed with a brush and paints into the bizarre interweaving of history. Life of peasants and landscapes, images of saints and portraits of great nobles and famous people, military panoramas and futuristic still lifes of the early 20th century - all this is the chronicle of the Russian people. It is impossible not to mention the fact that in addition to painting, the gallery's fund also contains sculptures, graphics and icons of ancient Russian masters. Surely every Russian person remembers at least from the history lessons at school the famous icon of Andrei Rublev “Trinity”, and this is another of the pillars of Russian culture - Orthodox Christianity, the holy faith of the people, a living and reverent feeling.

There is nothing more beautiful than realizing that the Tretyakov Gallery is one of the most famous in the world, that it attracts many travelers from all over the globe those wishing not only to visit the museum according to the program, but to touch the mysterious Russian soul. Paris has the Louvre, New York has the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Russia has the Tretyakov Gallery, as it is customary to call it a little familiarly: this is our common pride, a hallmark, a culture embodied in a collection of art objects.

Vyacheslav Podgorny

Tretyakov Gallery

A visit to Moscow by tourists and "business travelers", as they say, is not complete without getting to know the Tretyakov Gallery. She is the face of the metropolitan arts world and a litmus test cultural development Russians.

The biography of the Tretyakov Gallery began in 1856. By that time, the museum could not be called a museum in the full sense. Tretyakov Pavel Mikhailovich presented a court collection of exhibits at his first exposition - this is Schinler's "Clash with Finnish Smugglers", Vasily Grigoryevich Khudyakov's "Temptation" and several canvases by Dutch masters and lithographs acquired by him with his own hand. After some time, the collection was replenished with paintings by the Russian painter Jacobi Valery Ivanovich, Klodt the Elder and the Russian landscape painter Alexei Savrasov.

Pavel Mikhailovich planned to expand his exposition further, for which he dreamed of acquiring an expensive collection of paintings by Fyodor Ivanovich Pryanishnikov, a public figure and bibliophile. The price was exorbitant, so the Rumyantsev Gallery gladly acquired Pryanishnikov's works, but later they nevertheless entered the Tretyakov collection.

All subsequent time, Tretyakov replenished exhibition copies, relying on his own interest and taste. Pavel Mikhailovich paid a lot of attention to the Wanderers. I bought their works, diluting the already existing collection of genre and historical works landscapes of Shishkin, Savrasov and Kramskoy. Moreover, the latter painted a portrait of Tretyakov.

In addition to acquiring priceless paintings, philanthropist Tretyakov was involved in charity work, helping all the same Wanderers. Others even found shelter within the walls of the Tretyakovs' house, for example, Ivan Kramskoy, who later became best friend Paul.

The founder of the museum treated the works of Vladimir Perov with trepidation. He bought finished paintings by the artist ("Rural procession at Easter", "Amateur" and "Troika"), and after the death of Vladimir Vasilyevich arranged exhibitions in memory of the work of the great master. Around 1964 Tretyakov collection diluted “Princess Tarakanova” by Flavitsky, and a few years later Bronnikov wrote one of the favorite works of Vera Nikolaevna Tretyakova, the wife of Pavel Mikhailovich, “The Hymn of the Pythagoreans to the Rising Sun”.

And so, the landscape. Tretyakov devoted a lot of time to him, suddenly falling in love with this particular genre in the period of the sixties of the century before last. However, the portraits have earned a worthy attention, and, as evidenced by a contemporary collection of works, images of eminent people populated the exposition of the Tretyakov Gallery. So, with incredible efforts, Pavel Mikhailovich persuaded Leo Tolstoy to pose for writing his own portrait. It was 1783.

A year later, Pavel Mikhailovich acquired the Vereshchagin collection for ninety-two thousand rubles. The artist has just returned from Turkestan, presenting the viewer with unusual examples of works with oriental flavor. Tretyakov planned to donate the new acquisition to the Moscow School of Painting. However, the school did not accept the gift, due to the lack of free space. The next in line among the recipients was the society of art lovers in Moscow, from where, three years later, the collection returned to Pavel Mikhailovich.

It so happened that by 1872 the exposition of paintings from the building was voluminous and could no longer fit in the house on Lavrushinsky Lane. It was decided to build another building that would accommodate the exhibition halls. The construction of the new building was completed by 1874. But the fate of the museum did not end there, and in the nineties of the nineteenth century, the Gallery expanded with six new halls.

In 1892, Pavel Tretyakov donated his brainchild to the capital. Anticipating difficulties with maintaining the building and replenishing the collection, Tretyakov made a will to transfer after his death 150,000 rubles to the Gallery for its repair and maintenance, and 125,000 for the acquisition of new masterpieces and art objects. Ancient icons were attached to the will - a priceless Old Russian collection, including part of the real estate of Pavel Mikhailovich. Until 1898, until his death.

The will entered into force in 1899, at the same time the Gallery came under the patronage of Emperor Nicholas II himself and, created by decision of the Moscow Duma, the Council, which was supposed to manage the now City art gallery brothers Tretyakov. Alexandra Botkina, the painters Ostroukhov and Serov, the collector Ivan Tsvetkov and the chief curator of the museum, E. M. Khruslov, became members of the Council. And the latter was so devoted to the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery that he committed suicide after vandalism committed over the canvas "Ivan the Terrible kills his son." During his leadership, Khruslov made an innovative proposal to systematize the collection of the Tretyakov brothers in chronological order. Now the collection had a clear gradation by epoch, starting with ancient Russian icon painting up to contemporary art. This created a detailed scientific description each exhibit.

During the Soviet era, the Tretyakov Gallery became known as the Tretyakov Museum. Now Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich has become its keeper. During his stay, the collection of the Gallery was replenished with canvases and exhibits confiscated from private collections of the nobility and transferred to other museums. The avant-garde works of Tatlin and Kazimir Malevich inspired new life in the classical collection of the museum. And the expansion of the Gallery at the expense of the house in Maly Tolmachevsky Lane made it possible to place the Tretyakov library, graphic funds, a treasury, scientific and archival departments in it.

During the Second World War, the gallery saved exhibits by removing canvases from frames and sealing them in metal tubes. The collection was taken out in parts to Novosibirsk, starting from the summer of 2014. In total, there were 4 stages of evacuation, and by 1942, when the German troops were thrown back far from Moscow, the exposition returned from Novosibirsk to its native walls. Some of the museum's buildings were destroyed, but this did not prevent the anniversary exhibition from being held.

The post-war life of the Tretyakov Gallery was fruitful for the acquisition of new exhibits. The gallery was donated works by Benois, Roerich, Petrov - Vodkin, Savrasov, Vrubel and other painters. In 1956, when the collection of works no longer fit on the museum square, it was decided to expand the Gallery by building a new building on the banks of the Moskva River.

It was planned to move to the new building most collections, however, in 1959 a new building was presented to the Art Gallery of the USSR, recently created. But in the mid-eighties of the last century, the collection of this same USSR Gallery merged with the Tretyakov collection. At that time, the united museums began to be called differently - the State Tretyakov Gallery, and the building in Lavrushinsky Lane was closed for reconstruction.

In the early eighties, when Korolev Yuri Konstantinovich, - Soviet painter, - headed the Tretyakov Gallery, its grandiose reconstruction began. The plans of the Queen included the creation of a huge museum complex with vaults, meeting rooms in tandem with a historic look that needed to be preserved and continued. There were restoration workshops and depositories of art samples - depositories.

The house in Lavrushinsky Lane met its first visitors after reconstruction in 1986. At the same time, the Tretyakov Gallery merged with the apartment - the Vasnetsov Museum A. M., the houses - the museums of V. M. Vasnetsov and Korin P. D., the workshop - the Golubkina Museum A. S. Now this union is called the All-Russian Museum Association "State Tretyakov Gallery ".

In the mid-nineties (1995), the restructuring ended with the appearance of ten new halls. The area made it possible to expand the collection of ancient Russian exposition, to open exhibitions sculptural works XVIII - XX centuries, place Vrubel's panel "Princess of Dreams" in a separate room. The main building was considered to be what is located on the Crimean shaft.

Irina Nikonova

Masterpieces of the Tretyakov Gallery

For more than a hundred years, the Tretyakov Gallery has been one of the must-see attractions for tourists. Russian capital included in the cultural program. But before you go to this temple of art, you should at least briefly familiarize yourself with the exposition. art museum. You can buy a brochure or "dig" on the Internet.

A bit about the history of the museum

Russian philanthropist Pavel Tretyakov has been collecting paintings for several years. In 1856, he opened a gallery in his house, and in 1892 he transferred it to the state. It already included more than 1,000 paintings and drawings, as well as several sculptures. Since that time, the gallery has developed as a state gallery. It was repeatedly expanded, new buildings appeared, but remained in the same place. In honor of the 100th anniversary, in 1956, a monument to P. Tretyakov was erected near the building.

Seven paintings known since childhood, which are on display at the State Tretyakov Gallery


The painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs” is a real masterpiece and a symbol of Russian art. The picture was created in the II half. XIX century. It was at that time that Russian painters created many paintings on the theme of Russian fairy tales and epics. Many of them wrote only one picture each, but Vasnetsov's theme became the basis of his work. He wrote this work for about 30 years. The picture symbolizes the strength of the Russian people. The size of the canvas is 295 x 446 cm.

"Ivan the Terrible kills his son"

The famous episode Russian history, but shrouded in secrets and mysteries, is depicted on the tragic canvas of Ilya Repin. Horror on the face of the king and his son dying in his arms. The impression from this picture is stunning. After all, the tsar kills his son Ivan, interrupting the Rurik dynasty, which ruled Russia from the 9th century. This is a moment of insight and the tsar is depicted distraught from what he has done, not a formidable autocrat, but a frightened old man with crazy eyes ..

"Morning in a pine forest"

This masterpiece by I. Shishkin is familiar to us early childhood. It is impossible not to admire nature, which comes to life at an early dawn. So the playful cubs decided to arrange a swing. Probably, no one will be surprised by the fact that the legendary bears were completed by K. Savitsky. The forest, illuminated by the rays of the rising sun, is written in great detail, and the bear family adds realism to this wonderful work.

"Boyar Morozova"

XVII, church schism. Boyarynya Morozova remained faithful to the Old Believer faith, even under the threat of exile. The picture is conditionally divided into two parts. On the one hand, the Old Believers stand, sincerely worried and sympathetic, it is to them that Morozova shows a characteristic gesture. On the other hand, the New Believers, they maliciously mock the noblewoman, creating a vivid emotional contrast.

The split... Here main idea this canvas. V. Surikov wrote this brilliant work for more than four years. And it brought him not only glory, but also immortality.


One of the most emotional pictures Perov, conveying the full burden of the fate of the orphans of that time. Cold winter, wind, and three small children forced to carry a heavy load. Some man decided to help them, by his efforts one can judge the weight of the barrel. The exhausted eyes of children involuntarily cause sadness or even tears on their faces.


On small canvas Kramskoy depicts a stranger - this is a noblewoman driving around St. Petersburg in a carriage. Pay attention to her rich costume, consisting of European elements of clothing and accessories. The identity of the girl to this day remains a mystery to art historians.

"The Appearance of Christ to the People"

A grandiose canvas based on a plot from the Gospel, on which Ivanov worked for 20 years. Here are the apostles, and the elders, and the slave, and the wanderer, and many other people, different in their social status. Masterfully done work carries a great emotional load.

In addition to the above paintings, there are many more paintings that rightfully entered the golden chronicle Russian art. These are works by: Grabar, Kramskoy, Ivanov, Repin, Vrubel, Aivazovsky, Perov... A day spent at the Tretyakov Gallery will give you a lot of impressions and emotions. The day when you touched not only real art, but also Russian history will be remembered for a long time.

Natalya Abdullaeva

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Every self-respecting world capital has its own art museum. Examples? Please! The Metro in New York, the Prado in Madrid, of course, the Louvre in Paris. In London there is the National Gallery, in Moscow there is the Tretyakov Gallery.

She is the pearl of the capital, one of her symbols with the real face of Russian art. Moreover, within the walls of the Tretyakov Gallery is stored largest collection Russian visual arts from the 11th and 21st centuries, from ancient icon painting to modern avant-garde.

Tourists from all over the world strive to discover this treasury of painting for themselves: if you haven’t been to the Tretyakov Gallery, you haven’t known the Russian soul!

Both those who are far from art and those who are ready to spend hours looking at great canvases, the play of light and shadow, brilliant stories and priceless icons come to its halls. And the Tretyakov Gallery for more than 160 years continues to stand on its four pillars: the preservation, research, presentation and popularization of Russian art.

How to get there, photo?

  • Metro: Tretyakovskaya, Tretyakovskaya, Polyanka
  • Official website:
  • Working mode:
    • Mon - Closed;
    • Tue, Wed, Sun 10:00 - 18:00;
    • Thu, Fri, Sat10:00 - 21:00
  • Address: 119017, Moscow, Lavrushinsky lane, 10

Tickets, prices

You can buy tickets at Prices:

  • Tretyakov Gallery
    • Adult — 500 rubles.
    • Preferential - 200 rubles.
    • Under 18s - Free
  • Complex admission ticket(Lavrushinsky per., 10 and Krymsky Val, 10)
    • Adult — 800 rubles.
    • Preferential - 300 rubles.
    • Under 18s - Free
  • Complex entrance ticket (Lavrushinsky lane, 10 and Lavrushinsky lane, 12)
    • Adult — 800 rubles.
    • Preferential - 300 rubles.
    • Under 18s - Free

Free visit days

  • 1st and 2nd Sunday of each month - for students of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation upon presentation of a student ID card (“trainee student” is not suitable);
  • for students of secondary and secondary special educational institutions (from 18 years old);
  • every Saturday - for members of large families (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);

To obtain a ticket, you must contact the box office and present the necessary documents.

Plan of the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery

  • First floor

  • Second floor

Virtual tour of the Tretyakov Gallery

Founding father of the gallery

Without a doubt, without the merchant Pavel Tretyakov there would be no art gallery. It was to him that Moscow owes the opening of an art museum. But Pavel Mikhailovich had nothing to do with culture: his family was engaged in commerce, and he had no choice but to get involved in the business of his parents. The well-known merchant family Tretyakov continued, but the young manufacturer did not leave the thought of art either. At the age of 24, he acquired two oil paintings by artists V. Khudyakov and N. Schilder, which the public had not heard of. But today their names are known to connoisseurs and lovers of painting. From that moment, in 1856, the beginning of the Tretyakov collection and the future gallery was under way.

The merchant dreamed of opening a museum of Russian art. He studied the art market, and from the late 50s he acquired the best paintings.

Pavel Tretyakov was not just a collector, but a man with broad cultural knowledge. Even the artists themselves called his instinct diabolical, and Tretyakov himself said that he worked exclusively for the Russian people. He did not miss exhibitions in the capitals, visited workshops and bought works of art even before they appeared on display. It was said that even the king, approaching the paintings that he liked, saw the sign “Purchased by P.M. Tretyakov.

The famous philanthropist and collector not only collected paintings by outstanding artists, but also supported beginners and promoted their work. Through the efforts of Pavel Mikhailovich, many geniuses of painting became known late XIX century.

It is known that he was especially interested in the Wanderers: his house was even called that - the house of the Wanderers. Actually, some of the modern painters, for example, I. Kramskoy, lived within its walls. It is his brush that belongs famous portrait Tretyakov himself. He literally saved A. Savrasov from poverty. However, buying up the paintings that he liked, Tretyakov did not let many artists sink into obscurity and poverty. And he continued to acquire paintings by V. Perov, I. Shishkin and others, which have become their most famous today.

The collection of V. Vereshchagin became an expensive acquisition for the gallery. Behind oriental flavor in the paintings and sketches that captured Turkestan, the patron laid out 92 thousand rubles. Truly, Tretyakov managed to collect a unique collection of portraits. He had to persuade some heroes personally, as happened with Leo Tolstoy. The philanthropist specially ordered portraits of those who glorified Russia to the artists. Images of great composers, writers and musicians: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Nekrasov, Mikhail Mussorgsky settled in the gallery forever.

Connoisseurs separately talk about the portrait of Maria Lopukhina by master V. Borovikovsky, and call it the pearl of the collection. It was Tretyakov who managed to put an end to the rumors associated with this "bad" picture. After he acquired the work for his collection, the portrait began to be spoken of as a harbinger of the imminent death of every young girl who looked at him. The fact is that notoriety trailed behind all the images of the woman who had lived an unhappy and short life Mary, for the most part, because of her father, a mystic and Freemason.

Portrait of Maria Lopukhina. Creator Borovikovsky Vladimir

But under the order of Tretyakov, the artists painted not only portraits. True landscapes of Russian life, historical sketches were also a collector's passion. It is quite possible that neither contemporaries nor descendants would ever have seen the painting “Hymn of the Pythagoreans” if the patron had not ordered this now famous painting by F.A. Bronnikov.

"Hymn of the Pythagoreans to the Rising Sun" 1869 Oil on canvas 99.7 x 161. F.A. Bronnikov.

The picture adorned the living room of the Tretyakov estate, and was a favorite work of art by the wife of an art connoisseur, Vera Nikolaevna. She supported her husband in avoiding excesses, despite the wealth. After all, by sacrificing luxury, it was possible to save money in favor of acquiring works of art. And, relying on his taste and predilections, Tretyakov continued to replenish the collection. By the opening of the city gallery, the collection was already impressive: sculptures, more than 1200 Russian paintings and more than 80 - foreign, five hundred drawings.

P. M. Tretyakov decided to donate the fruits of his many years of work to Moscow in 1892. This is how the first public art museum appeared.

He was in Tretyakov's own estate. The collection expanded, and the mansion grew with it. Four times during the life of a patron family nest frustrated, new walls were needed for a rich display. Of course, a worker of art, but first and foremost a merchant, Tretyakov imagined what difficulties descendants could expect in maintaining such a large fund and replenishing the collection. Therefore, he bequeathed 275 thousand rubles for the repair and purchase of new masterpieces. In addition, he presented a truly priceless collection of ancient Russian icons. Well, during his lifetime, he permanently held the post of manager of the gallery.

After the death of Pavel Tretyakov, the good deed of creating the museum was picked up by other philanthropists who were not indifferent to the fate of Russian art. And each of them remembered that the founding father of the gallery saw it not as a simple repository of works of art, but precisely those samples that would convey the very essence of the Russian soul. Since then, the Tretyakov Gallery has been the main museum national art Russia.

"Tretyakovka" without Tretyakov

The bequeathed capital was sufficient to maintain the gallery. What was missing were rooms to house the collection. The merchant estate of the Tretyakovs was rebuilt, overgrown with outbuildings. Already at the beginning of the 1900s, the famous artist Viktor Vasnetsov developed sketches, according to which a unique facade appeared - now it is the emblem of the museum. The neo-Russian style only emphasizes that here the Russian spirit and smells of Russia.

Whole Soviet period The Tretyakov Gallery changed names, types of property, trustees, but invariably expanded and replenished.

Under the direction of the architect Igor Grabar, the exposition began to be formed chronologically. The so-called European type. But the main thing is that the State Art Fund appeared, and the collection continued to grow, including at the expense of exhibits confiscated from rich private collections. The museum's collection consisted of about 4,000 exhibits. The so-called "Schusev" period was famous for the expansion of not only the funds, but also the walls: the Tretyakov Gallery passed another former merchant's estate. She housed the scientific departments, it kept graphics, as well as a library. The book fund of the Tretyakov Gallery can be considered a real asset: it contains more than 200 thousand publications about art and its trends.

The fatal forties made their adjustments to the life of the gallery. The museums of the capital were being prepared for evacuation, and the Tretyakov Gallery was no exception. Her funds were taken out for more than a year. Priceless canvases were cut out of frames, shifted with sheets of paper, closed in waterproof boxes and evacuated. 17 wagons delivered the exhibits to the capital of Siberia. But the building of the Tretyakov Gallery, nothing could hide from the bombing.

But still, post-war life turned out to be eventful. When life entered a peaceful course, and the paintings returned to their native walls, the administration and cultural workers began to prepare for the 100th anniversary of the museum.

New works of art were acquired, among which were paintings by Savrasov, Petrov-Vodkin, Vrubel. It became clear that the existing space was sorely lacking, because in 1956, the anniversary year for the gallery, there were more than 35,000 items of cultural value!

The issue of expansion was inherited by all the authorities of the USSR. This is how the depository and the new engineering building appeared. Under director Yu.K. To the Queen, the church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi entered the museum, and the main building itself was closed for reconstruction. Grew up and collection: state procurements by 1975, the funds were expanded to 55,000 paintings and sculptures.

By the mid-1990s, in spite of any unrest, the Gallery grew into 10 halls at once. There are exhibitions of sculptures from the Middle Ages to the present day, entire rooms have been dedicated to individual paintings. In addition, the expansion of the area made it possible to increase the expositions themselves.

Today, the Tretyakov Gallery has more than 170,000 exhibits, among which ancient Russian icons and the Russian avant-garde are of particular pride.

The collection of works by the Wanderers is considered one of the most complete, and the Russian painting presented in the museum, starting from the 12th century, is unique both in content and content.

The best exhibits of the Tretyakov Gallery

Perhaps what is worth talking about right away is the collection of ancient Russian painting. It is based on more than 50 icons collected from all over Rus' and once kept in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin. Artworks spiritual art date back to the 12th-13th centuries. and present the best examples of icon painting. In the Tretyakov Gallery, a mosaic from the destroyed during Soviet power Mikhailovsky Golden-Domed Monastery in Kyiv. And even if visitors have never heard of the Greek and Dionysius, Andrei Rublev's name should be familiar. His icons belong to world spiritual art.

Andrei Rublev. Painting "Holy Trinity".

Religious themes, however, are not limited to the collection of icons. A. Ivanov's painting with the plot of the appearance of Christ to the people became one of the most significant at the beginning of the 19th century. For two decades, the artist worked on a grandiose canvas in Italy, and today a separate room has been allocated for the work of art, so that viewers can fully experience the spirituality and quest of the author. Visitors can remember their emotions, and only carry away images in memory, since cameras are not allowed in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Ivanov, The Appearance of Christ to the People.

The gallery also has a truly unique painting - an image of Count Golovkin by the first professional Russian artist. Ivan Nikitin was the favorite of Peter I, who was the first to send young talents to study abroad. The reformer wanted Russian painters not to be inferior in skill to European ones. That is why I. Nikitin went to study in Europe and honed artistic craft at the Florentine Academy.

The work of the first graduates of the Academy of Arts is also worth attention. To be convinced of the gift of portrait painters, you just need to look at the paintings of F. Rokotov and A. Losenko.

The most complete in the Tretyakov Gallery are the "heroes" of Russian painting I. Repin, V. Surikov and V. Vasnetsov. Pavel Tretyakov revered these masters especially, because in their works they conveyed the spirit of the country, the dramatic events of Russian history and the rich folklore of Rus'. A whole scattering of masterpieces awaits visitors to the gallery.

Picture Three heroes. Viktor Vasnetsov.

But with the picture where Ivan the Terrible kills his son, a truly dramatic story is connected. In 1913, a vandal cut the canvas in such a way that the restorers had to draw faces almost in a new way. At that time, the keeper of the Gallery was E. M. Khruslov, who was so worried about the incident that he threw himself under a steam locomotive.

Painting Ivan the Terrible kills his son

P. M. Tretyakov was known for his love of landscapes, their truth and poetry of life. And especially for the patron best artists they painted pictures that, although made to order, are not devoid of soul. Among the best landscape painters F. Vasiliev, A. Kuindzhi, A. Savrasov are represented in the Tretyakov Gallery. Contemporaries called his work about the arriving rooks nothing less than "the soul of the Russian people." And, of course, the Gallery presents the “hero of the Russian forest” I. Shishkin. The romantic direction of Russian artists Serov, Vrubel and Levitan will not leave indifferent any visitor, and is known to almost everyone - at least according to the school curriculum.

Do not forget that the Tretyakov Gallery stores the most complete collection vanguard. Artists united in such societies as " Jack of Diamonds" And " donkey tail” marked the beginning of avant-garde art, and among other names of artists, K. Malevich stands apart. The principles of the so-called non-objective art were discovered precisely in Russian art. And the "Black Square" became its symbol. By the way, it is this example of Suprematism that remains one of the most discussed in the Tretyakov Gallery to this day. The surrealism of M. Chagall and V. Kandinsky, the cubism and futurism of the "Amazons" of the Russian avant-garde, the constructivism of V. Tatlin and A. Rodchenko - they can trace the history of the formation of Russian painting and its currents.

The Tretyakov Gallery today is not just a museum, it is a real center for the study of art. The voice of experts and restorers of the Tretyakov Gallery is heeded all over the world. And they continue the traditions laid down by the founding father of the museum: preservation, research and presentation domestic art. After all, a Russian person has a gift not only to transfer what he sees to the canvas, but also to animate.

For the knowledge of the Russian soul, its breadth, power and spirituality, thousands of people of all nationalities and religions come to the Tretyakov Gallery. So, the efforts of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov were not in vain.

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