Phrases that happen to people from the work. Quotes from works: aphorisms, famous sayings, popular expressions


The story "Overcoat" Gogol

"... So everything in holy Rus' is infected with imitation, everyone teases and squirms his boss ..."

Novel " Quiet Don" Sholokhov

Grass overgrows graves, - pain overgrows with prescription.

Tale " dog's heart" Bulgakov

"... cinematography is the only consolation in a woman's life..."
Roman "Fathers and Sons" by Turgenev

"... reason is the slave of impatience..."

"... A completely passionless person is a fool and an absurd idol... dispassion is moral death..."

The story "Adolescence" Tolstoy

"... I think that every person is proud, and everything that a person does is all out of pride."
"Dead Souls" by Gogol

"And what Russian doesn't like to drive fast?"

"Hero of Our Time" Lermontov

"...Saratov, Tambov and other lovely places of our fatherland..."

"Who should live well in Rus'" Nekrasov

"... People of the servile rank - / real dogs sometimes: / The heavier the punishment, / The dearer the Lord is to them ... "

"... A crowd without red girls, / What is rye without cornflowers ..."

Comedy "Woe from Wit" Griboyedov

"... Houses are new, but prejudices are old..."

"... And who are the judges? .."

"...Ranks are given by people, / And people can be deceived..."

The play "Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky

"... How can you vouch for yourself, you never know what can come to mind ..."

"... Beauty is our death! .."

"... It is impossible, mother, without sin: we live in the world ..."

The novel "The History of a City" by Saltykov-Shchedrin

"... success never comes without sacrifice..."

"...Which the best way to express... trust, if not the unquestioning fulfillment of what you don't understand?"

The novel "Eugene Onegin" by Pushkin

"... Who lived and thought, he cannot
Don't despise people in your heart..."

"... We honor everyone with zeros,
And units - themselves ... "

The novel "War and Peace" by Tolstoy

"... Nothing is needed young man like a society of smart women..."

"... If everyone fought only according to their convictions, there would be no war ..."

"... They are always wise with older children, they want to do something extraordinary ..."

Novel " Captain's daughter" Pushkin

"...God forbid to see a Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless!.."
Comedy "Inspector General" by Gogol

"... What are you laughing at? - You are laughing at yourself! .."

"... Here, truly, if God wants to punish, then he will first take away the mind ..."

The play "At the Bottom" by Gorky

"... not in the word - the point, but - why is the word spoken? - that's the point! .."

"... If you believe, you had real love… so it was! Was!.."

Quotes from the story "Duel" by Kuprin

"... all people have ear for music, but millions have it like cod fish ... and one of that million is Beethoven."

"... have you ever thought about the irresistible, charming power of the past?"
The novel "Anna Karenina" by Tolstoy

"... if you are already proud of the breed, then you should not stop at Rurik and renounce the first ancestor - the monkey."

The play" The Cherry Orchard" Chekhov

"... All of Russia is our garden. The earth is great and beautiful, there are many wonderful places on it ..."

"... A hungry dog ​​believes only in meat..."

Approximate topics of the final essay 2017-2018 (list). Direction "Man and Society".

What is the conflict between the individual and society?

Do you agree with Plautus' statement: "man is a wolf to man"?

What, in your opinion, does the thought of A. De Saint-Exupery mean: “All roads lead to people”?

Can a person exist outside of society?

Can a person change society?

How does society affect a person?

Is society responsible for every individual?

How does society influence the individual's opinion?

Do you agree with the statement of G. K. Lichtenberg: “In every person there is something from all people.

Is it possible to live in society and be free from it?

What is tolerance?

Why is it important to maintain individuality?

Confirm or refute the statement of A. de Stael: “You can’t be sure of your behavior or your well-being when we make it dependent on people’s opinions”

Do you agree with the statement: “Inequality humiliates people and instills dissent and hatred between them”?

Do you think it's fair to say that strong people often lonely?

Is Tyutchev's opinion fair that "any weakening of mental life in society inevitably entails an increase in material inclinations and vilely selfish instincts"?

Are social norms of behavior necessary?

What kind of person can be called dangerous to society?

Do you agree with the statement of V. Rozanov: “Society, those around you diminish the soul, but do not add it. “Adds” only the closest and rarest sympathy, “soul to soul” and “one mind”?

Is it possible to call any person a person?

What happens to a person cut off from society?

Why should society help the underprivileged?

How do you understand the statement of I. Becher: “A person becomes a person only among people”?

Do you agree with the statement of H. Keller: “The most wonderful Life“It’s a life lived for other people.”

In what situations does a person feel lonely in society?

What is the role of the individual in history?

How does society influence people's decisions?

Confirm or refute I. Goethe's statement: "Only in people is a person capable of knowing himself."

How do you understand F. Bacon's statement: “Anyone who loves loneliness is either a wild beast or the Lord God”?

Is a person responsible to society for his actions?

Is it difficult to defend your interests before society?

How do you understand the words of S.E. Letsa: “Zero is nothing, but two zeros already mean something”?

Should I express my opinion if it differs from the opinion of the majority?

There is safety in numbers?

What is more important: personal interests or public interests?

To what does society's indifference to man lead?

Do you agree with the opinion of A. Morois: “You should not be guided by public opinion. This is not a lighthouse, but wandering lights?

How do you understand the expression "little man"?

Why does a person strive to be original?

Does society need leaders?

Do you agree with the words of K. Marx: “If you want to influence other people, then you must be a person who really stimulates and moves other people forward”?

Can a person devote his life to the interests of society?

Who is a misanthrope?

How do you understand the statement of A.S. Pushkin: “The frivolous world mercilessly persecutes in fact what it allows in theory”?

What causes inequality in society?

Are social norms changing?

Do you agree with the words of C. L. Burne: “A person can do without much, but not without a person”?

Is a person responsible to society?

Can the individual win in the fight against society?

How can a person change history?

Do you think it's important to have an opinion?

Can a person become an individual apart from society?

How do you understand G. Freytag's statement: “In the soul of every person there is a miniature portrait of his people”?

Can social norms be violated?

What is the place of man in a totalitarian state?

How do you understand the phrase: “one head is good, but two is better”?

Are there people whose work is invisible to society?

Is it difficult to maintain individuality in a team?

Do you agree with W. Blackstone's statement: “Man is created for society. He is unable and does not have
the courage to live alone"?

Confirm or refute the statement of J. M. Cage: "We need communication more than anything else"

What is equality in society?

What are community organizations for?

Can it be argued that a person's happiness depends solely on the characteristics of his social life?

Do you agree that a person is shaped by society?

How does society treat people who are very different from it?

How do you understand the statement of W. James: “Society degenerates if it does not receive impulses from individuals”?

How do you understand the phrase "public consciousness"?

What is missing in today's society?

Do you agree with I. Goethe's statement: “Man cannot live in solitude, he needs society”?

How do you understand T. Dreiser's statement: "People think about us what we want to inspire them"?

Do you agree that “there is nothing more dangerous in society than a person without character”?

List of literature for preparation for the final essay. "Human and society".

A.P. Chekhov "", "", "", "", "Death of an official", "The Cherry Orchard"
J. Verne "Mysterious Island"
S. Collins "The Hunger Games"
W. Thackeray "Vanity Fair"
F.M. Dostoevsky "The Idiot", "Crime and Punishment", "The Brothers Karamazov", "Poor People"
M. Gorky "At the bottom", "Former people"
A. Camus "Outsider"
Ch.T. Aitmatov "And the day lasts longer than a century"
D. Defoe "Robinson Crusoe"
W. Groom "Forrest Gump"
A.N. Tolstoy "Peter the Great"
E. Hemingway "To have and not to have"
V. V. Nabokov "Invitation to execution"
E.I. Zamyatin "We"
A. Platonov "Pit"
B. Pasternak "Doctor"
J. Orwell "1984", "Animal Farm"
R. Bradbury "451 degrees Fahrenheit", "Martian Chronicles" N.V. Gogol " Dead Souls”, “Overcoat”
A.I. Kuprin " Garnet bracelet"," Olesya "
W. Golding "Lord of the Flies"
G. Marquez "One Hundred Years of Solitude"
G. Hesse "Steppenwolf"
R. Gallego "White on black"
T. Dreiser "Sister Kerry", "American tragedy"
J. Steinbeck "The Grapes of Wrath"
D. Mitchell "Cloud Atlas"
A. de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"
O. Wilde "The Picture of Dorian Gray"
J. Sallinger "The Catcher in the Rye"
M.A. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog"
A. Rand "Atlas Shrugged"
E. Fromm "Escape from freedom"
I.A. Goncharov "Ordinary History"
F. Kafka "Process"
Ch. Palahniuk "Fight Club"

Generosity towards the future is the ability to give everything that is connected with the present.

Albert Camus

I never think about the future. It comes by itself soon enough.

Albert Einstein

The vocation of every person in spiritual activity is in the constant search for truth and the meaning of life.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

A man is what he believes in.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Respect for a person is a condition without which there is no progress for us...

To be human is to feel responsible. To feel shame in front of poverty, which, it would seem, does not depend on you. Be proud of every victory won by comrades. Realize that by laying a brick, you are helping to build the world.

Are you concerned about the future? Build today. You can change everything. Grow a cedar forest on a barren plain. But it is important that you do not construct cedars, but plant seeds.

That which constitutes the dignity of the world can only be saved on one condition: to remember this. And the dignity of the world consists of mercy, love of knowledge and respect for the inner man.

A person is driven primarily by motives that you cannot see with your eyes. The spirit guides the person.


It is not necessary to look at where a person was born, but what his customs are, not in what land, but according to what principles he decided to live his life.

Nobody has lived in the past, nobody will have to live in the future; the present is the form of life.

Arthur Schopenhauer

What is in a man, no doubt, more important than that that a person has.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Thanks to generosity, a person rises so high that he can meet with God.

Ahai Gaon

The metal is recognized by the sound, and the person by the word.

Baltasar Gracian y Morales

At twenty years of age, desire dominates a person, at thirty years old - reason, at forty years old - reason.

Benjamin Franklin

True honor is the decision to do, under all circumstances, what is beneficial to the majority of people.

Benjamin Franklin

Desire expresses the essence of man.

Benedict Spinoza

When humanity is destroyed, no more art. Unite beautiful words is not art.

Bertolt Brecht

The most important thing is to teach a person to think.

Bertolt Brecht

A person should have at least two pennies of hope, otherwise it is impossible to live.

Bertolt Brecht

The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people.

Blaise Pascal

Each person is a separate, definite personality, which will not be a second time. People differ in the very essence of the soul; their resemblance is only superficial. The more one becomes himself, the deeper he begins to understand himself, the more clearly his original features appear.

Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov

The human mind is like a skein of tangled silk; First of all, you need to carefully find the end of the thread in order to unravel it.

Walter Scott

The strength of the spirit makes a person invincible; fearlessness is, figuratively speaking, the eyes of human nobility. fearless man sees good and evil not only with the eyes, but also with the heart; he cannot indifferently pass by misfortune, grief, humiliation of human dignity.

Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

It is much more accurate to judge a person by his dreams than by his thoughts.

The future has several names. For weak man the name of the future is impossibility. For the faint-hearted - the unknown. For the thoughtful and valiant - the ideal. The need is urgent, the task is great, the time has come. Forward to the victory!

Man was created not to drag chains, but to soar above the earth with wide-open wings.

For a person to move forward, it is necessary to constantly have glorious examples of courage in front of him on the peaks.

In service to a cause or love for another person, a person fulfills himself. The more he gives himself to the cause, the more he gives himself to his partner, the more he is a man, and the more he becomes himself.

Viktor Frankl

Everything can be taken away from a person, except for one thing: the last freedom of a person is to choose own attitude to any circumstances, choose your own path.

Viktor Frankl

It is much more important how a person relates to fate than what it is in itself. Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky To find one's own path, to know one's place in life - this is everything for a person, this for him means becoming himself.

Wilhelm Humboldt

Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight.

Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko

Neither nickname, nor religion, nor the very blood of ancestors make a person belong to one or another nationality ... Whoever thinks in what language belongs to that people.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal

A person in life can have two basic behaviors: he either rolls or climbs.

Vladimir Soloukhin

Man always remains himself. Because it changes all the time.

Vladislav Grzegorchik

Victory shows what a person can do, and defeat shows what he is worth.

Eastern wisdom

It is easier to judge a man's mind by his questions than by his answers.

Gaston de Levis

Human capabilities have not yet been measured. We cannot judge them by previous experience - a person has so little dared.

Henry David Thoreau

We are often more alone among people than in the quiet of our rooms. When a person thinks or works, he is always alone with himself, wherever he is.

Henry David Thoreau

How could nature be so bright and beautiful if the destiny of man was not the same?

Henry David Thoreau

Nothing can completely stir a person's mind if there is no dream.

Henry Taylor

The soul of a man lies in his deeds.

Henrik Ibsen

A free person is not envious, but willingly recognizes the great and sublime and rejoices that it exists.

Man is immortal through knowledge. Cognition, thinking is the root of his life, his immortality.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Man is brought up for freedom.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

What a man does is what he is.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

The future must be embedded in the present.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Man is a mortal God.

Hermes Trismegistus

Truly great is the man who has mastered his time.


Dreams glimmer in the soul of every person, lofty dreams, where one's own virtues and nobility grow day by day and deserve to be an integral part of human life.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

When all roads come to a standstill, when all illusions are destroyed, when not a single ray of the sun shines on the horizon, a spark of hope remains in the depths of every person's soul.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

When the rite is performed in the soul of a person, when he feels that the name, image, virtue, and everything connected with God live in his own heart, when the service is performed in this place human body where the human comes into contact with the divine, then the boundaries of religions are erased, and the Higher Intuition allows us to see the radiance of the one God.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

A new miracle to be added to the list of traditional ones is the miracle of being a man whose feet are on the ground and whose head is raised to the starry sky.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Only human consciousness is able to overcome the path from the diversity of things to Unity. It ascends and descends, descends and ascends, linking these two extremes of the manifestation of life.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Man is born, grows, reaches his peak, weakens and dies. Despite his blindness, he nevertheless admits that his death is not absolute, just as nothing in nature comes to a complete standstill. He does not realize that, as soon as the time comes, he, too, will be reborn with the same ease with which trees do it. He cannot claim to be reborn in the same body, but trees do not need the same leaves that were on them last summer. Our bodies are leaves, but the roots remain the same, just as the soul lives forever.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Be a good man means not only not to do injustice, but also not to desire it.


An honest and dishonest person is known not only from what they do, but also from what they desire.


Knowing how things should be characterizes a man of intelligence; knowing what things really are characterizes an experienced person; knowing how to change them characterizes a man of genius.

Denis Diderot

Most happy man one who gives happiness the largest number of people.

Denis Diderot

There is a striving force in the human will that turns the mist within us into the sun.

Deep within the soul there is a desire that leads a person from the visible to the invisible, to philosophy, to the divine.

The significance of a person is determined not by what he has achieved, but by more so what he dares to achieve. Gibran Khalil Gibran True Light - the one that comes from within a person and reveals the secrets of the heart to the soul, making it happy and consonant with life.

Man struggles to find life outside of himself, not realizing that the life he seeks is within him.

A person who is limited in heart and mind tends to love what is limited in life. He who has limited vision cannot see beyond the length of one cubit on the road he is walking on, or on the wall against which he leans his shoulder.

Whatever the cost, you must do what is right and must not do what is not true, no matter what an unknowing person may think and say about you.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

It often happens that a person considers happiness far from himself, but it has already come to him with inaudible steps.

Giovanni Boccaccio

The less a person thinks of himself, the less unhappy he is.


After all, the human heart also has two peaks that grow from a single root; equally in spiritual sense from one passion of the heart come two opposites, hatred and love, just as Mount Parnassus, under two peaks, has a single foundation.

Giordano Bruno

Man is like a brick; when burned, it becomes hard.

George Bernard Shaw

Success should be measured not so much by the position that a person has achieved in life, but by the obstacles that he has overcome in achieving success.

George Washington

It's not about what kind of work a person does, another thing is important: how you do it.

Dmitry Ivanovich Ilovaisky

Have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a man at all times.

Dmitry Ivanovich Fonvizin

A decent person's promise becomes an obligation.

ancient greek wisdom

To the person who knows where is going the world gives way.

David Star Jordan

As long as a person exists, he will discover himself.

Evgeny Mikhailovich Rich

Keep those great spiritual qualities, which make up the distinctive affiliation of an honest man, a great man and a hero. Beware of any artificiality. May the contagion of vulgarity not darken your ancient taste for honor and valor.

Catherine II

While our heart is filled with thoughts of a small group of several "Selves" near and dear to us, what remains in our soul for the rest of humanity?

May every burning human tear fall into the depths of your heart, and may it remain there: do not remove it until the sorrow that gave birth to it is removed.

Debt is what we must give back to humanity, our loved ones, our neighbors, our family, and, above all, what we owe to all those who are poorer and more defenseless than us. This is our duty, and failure to fulfill it during life makes us spiritually untenable and leads to a state of moral collapse in our future incarnation.

Everyone is given the opportunity to go, climbing from peak to peak, and cooperate with nature in the achievement of the obvious goal of life. The spiritual "I" of a person moves in eternity like a pendulum swinging between periods of life and death. This "I" is the actor, and his many incarnations are the roles he plays.

A real person is one who does not go back on his words.

Man is born for great things when he has the strength to overcome himself.

Jean Baptiste Massillon

A noble person is above insults, injustice, grief, ridicule; he would be invulnerable if he were a stranger to compassion.

Jean de La Bruyère

The honor of a man is not in the power of another; this honor is in himself and does not depend on public opinion; her protection is not a sword or a shield, but an honest and impeccable life, and a fight under such conditions will not yield in courage to any other fight.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Happy, thrice happy is the man who is tempered by the hardships of life.

Genre Fabre

A person can remain himself only if he tirelessly strives to rise above himself.

Jules Lachelier

It's harder to be a decent person for a week than it is to be a hero for fifteen minutes.

Jules Renard

A person who is lucky is a person who has done what others were just about to do.

Jules Renard

A person increases his happiness to the extent that he delivers it to others.

Jeremy Bentham

Man's destiny is to achieve perfection through freedom.

Immanuel Kant

The man who never gives anything, conquer with gifts; subdue the perfidious with fidelity; humble the angry with meekness; A evil person overcome with kindness.

Indian wisdom

The greatest merit of man remains, of course, that he determines circumstances as much as possible and lets them determine him as little as possible.

Give a man a purpose worth living for, and he can survive in any situation.

You can't always be a hero, but you can always be human.

A distinctive feature of a person is to want to start everything all over again ...

Most great wealth a person is a state of mind strong enough not to desire any riches.

Man lives real life if happy with someone else's happiness.

A person with faith and presence of mind wins even in the most difficult undertakings, but as soon as he succumbs to the most insignificant doubt, he perishes.

A person grows as his goals grow.

Johann Friedrich Schiller

Only by carrying out their best dreams humanity is moving forward.

Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev

Man cognizes the world not by what he takes from him, but by what enriches him.


A noble man lives in harmony with everyone, and a low man seeks his own kind.


Even in the company of two people, I will certainly find something to learn from them. I will try to imitate their virtues, and I myself will learn from their shortcomings.


A virtuous person corrects himself and does not demand anything from others, so there can be nothing unpleasant for him. He does not grumble against people or condemn heaven.


A worthy person cannot but possess the breadth of knowledge and firmness of spirit. His burden is heavy and his journey is long.


A truly humane husband achieves everything by his own efforts.


Whoever is human gives others support, wishing to have it himself, and helps them to achieve success, wishing to achieve it himself.


To respect every person as oneself, and to treat him as we wish to be treated, is nothing higher than this.


Do what you think is honest, without expecting any glory for it; remember that foolish man- a bad judge of good deeds.

The true strength of a person is not in impulses, but in an inviolable calm striving for good, which he establishes in thoughts, expresses in words and leads in deeds.

As soon as an ideal higher than the former one is placed before humanity, all former ideals fade away like stars before the sun, and a person cannot but recognize a higher ideal, just as he cannot but see the sun.

It is bad if a person does not have something for which he is ready to die.

Only then is it easy to live with a person when you do not consider yourself higher, better than him, or him higher and better than yourself.

A person is like a fraction: the numerator is what he is, the denominator is what he thinks of himself. The larger the denominator, the smaller the fraction.

It is not given to a person to understand if there is no love in him, and it is not given to recognize if he does not sacrifice himself.


A person is born not to drag out a sad existence in inaction, but to work on a great and grandiose cause.

Leon Battista Alberti

The only real wealth is spiritual wealth, otherwise there is more grief than joy. A man of great wealth and wealth should be called one who knows how to use his property.


Great is the man who uses earthenware like silver, but no less great is he who uses silver like earthenware.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

As long as a person is alive, he should never lose hope.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

The surest sign of the greatness of the soul is when there is no such accident that could knock a person out of balance.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

A person achieves something only when he believes in himself.

Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach

The highest distinction of man is perseverance in overcoming the most cruel obstacles.

Ludwig van Beethoven

The wise power of the builder is hidden in every person, and it must be given free rein to develop and flourish.

Maksim Gorky

Love for people is the wings on which a person rises above everything.

Maksim Gorky

Even the most extraordinary person must perform his ordinary duties.

Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

A person retains his youth as long as he is able to learn something, adopt new habits and patiently listen to contradictions.

Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

If something is beyond your power, then do not decide yet that it is generally impossible for a person. But if something is possible for a person and is characteristic of him, then consider that it is also available to you.

Marcus Aurelius

The quietest and most serene place where a person can retire is his soul... Allow yourself such solitude more often and draw new strength from it.

Marcus Aurelius

A good, benevolent and sincere person can also be recognized by his eyes.

Marcus Aurelius

Avoid those who try to undermine your faith in yourself. great person, on the contrary, instills a feeling that you can become great.

Mark Twain

Each person is a reflection of his inner peace. As a person thinks, so he is (in life).

Mark Tullius Cicero

A just person is not one who does not commit injustice, but one who, having the opportunity to be unjust, does not want to be so.


Every man must be judged by his deeds.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

A man is rich and strong not only in his own talents, but also in all the gifts that his good friends are rich in.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

And so it is necessary to dream as much as possible, to dream as strongly as possible, in order to turn the future into the present.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

The person you love in me is, of course, better than me: I'm not like that. But you love, and I will try to be better than myself.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

Everything that is conceived can be realized by human efforts. What we call fate is only the invisible properties of people.

Wisdom of Ancient India

Having overcome pride, a person becomes pleasant. Overcoming anger, he becomes cheerful. Having overcome greed, he becomes prosperous. Having overcome passion, he becomes happy.

Wisdom of Ancient India

A great man is one who has not lost his childish heart.


The soul of a person is a storehouse, not accessible to everyone, and one cannot rely on the apparent similarity of some signs.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Man's destiny is to serve, and our whole life is service. It is only necessary not to forget that a place in an earthly state was taken in order to serve the Heavenly Sovereign there and therefore keep His law in mind. Only by serving in this way can one please everyone: the Sovereign, and the people, and one's land.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Everything that is real and good is acquired by the struggle and hardships of the people who prepared it; and a better future must be prepared in the same way.

Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

Experience is not what happens to a person, but what a person does with what happens to him.

A person is worth as much as he values ​​himself.

Francois Rabelais

Truly noble man not born with great soul, but he makes himself so by his splendid deeds.

Francesco Petrarca

Throw yourself on the wings of the mills, pretending to be the hands of giants. You are the new Don Quixotes, and therefore it is better to die in the name of a worthy cause than to live in rags of fear.

On the day when humanity meets its destiny, which it has itself created over the past few centuries, when all the blood accumulated by long sufferings will rain before the eyes of its future leaders, the fate of ancient religions, in whose temples cattle graze today, will seem desirable and bright like the morning sun.

There are two things that only man is capable of: laughter and prayer; when these two values ​​— sense of humor and religion — are lost, a person comes to the state of an animal.

We are travelers. And after long wanderings, enriched by impressions, although covered with scars - traces of countless adventures, we go to what we left. We long for new distances, our eyes, like hawks, peer into the horizon line, and dry lips whisper: "Come back home!"

We must seek our essence, our human origins, our internal forces, their potentials. And just as we bathe in order to purify our body, we must bathe in the mysterious light of philosophy in order to purify our soul.

A true idealist is a person whose height does not depend on his physical growth, but on the grandeur of his dream. The horizons that open to him are outlined not by mountains, but by his faith in himself.

The new man we proclaim and call upon is young at heart; he is the bearer and keeper of hope, he has the eternal power to remain optimistic, enthusiastic and able to do what you want. He can fulfill his dreams, he understands and respects the differences that exist between people, because he has a deep respect for people themselves and for the world. He has true humanity.

The difference between a man and an animal is that he has faith, that he lives inner life that his eyes fill with tears at the sight of the sunset and that he is able to read poetry, understand it and pass it on to other people. A man, unlike an animal, does not consider strength to be the highest dignity, he seeks to help the weak.

Knowing himself, a person knows his divine essence and recognizes it wherever he wants to see it.

Happy are those who live, those who truly live, who carry in themselves a grain of hope from which the whole world- a world of hope new world which will be better than before.

Three virtues adorn the soul: beauty, wisdom and love. A person should honor and strive to comprehend them.

A man has the magnitude of what he dares to do.

Ephraim Gotthold Lessing

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