Frottage drawing technique for the senior group. Non-traditional drawing technique


Job title: " gold fish"

Frottage technique.

    Oselkova Elena Viktorovna
    Teacher of MAUDO "DShI of Yalutorovsk named after S.I. Mamontov". Purpose: this master class useful for teachers additional education, creative people and caring parents.
    Target: Introduce children to non-traditional technique drawing "Frottage".
    1. Teach children to draw using the Frottage technique.
    2. Improve drawing skills with wax pencils.
    3. Teach children how to work with a stencil.
    4. Cause positive emotions from the work done.
    5. Build confidence in learning how to work with new material.
    Material: Two sheets of A4 writing paper and one sheet of A5 drawing paper, wax crayons, scotch.

    There are many unusual and exciting ways to draw, and apply them to finished work.

Examples of existing ones.

Wewe will applyFrottage . This is the method best suited for creating abstract and decorative paintings. Very nice graphics. In a still life, you can enter an impression taken from a countertop or a rough piece of fabric. This technique is easy to experiment with, since almost any textured surface is suitable - a wooden countertop, tree bark, a rough, rough wall, and even artificial materials such as fabrics, wallpaper, cork, or corrugated coasters for hot dishes. Frottage is not limited to colored pencil; the impression can be made with any dry medium, for example with an ordinary pencil, graphite, dry or oil pastels.

Everyone remembers this technique from childhood. And for those who are still small, be sure to try it. Everything is done simply, we take a coin, put it under the writing sheet and paint over it with a simple graphite pencil. The frotting is ready. And thus anyrelief, textured surface can be copied.


    Prepare workplace for drawing.

2 . We take a sheet of paper and lay out a stencil on it"Goldfish".You can cut the stencil yourself or take ready-made ones. Stencils must be attached to a sheet of paper with small pieces of adhesive tape.

3. We put 2-3 coins under the writing sheet in the belly of the fish. Thus, we set the scale pattern. The fewer coins, the better.

4. Then yellow and orange wax pencil wipe over the coins, holding them so that it is printed harder.

Let's repeat this exercise with crayons of a different color so that the images look voluminous.

5. We apply a gray substrate with a striped relief to the fins. And wipe with red chalk. (you can play with different colors).

6. At the head we apply Orange color and not everywhere, but with a small spot on the bottom, if only creating a shadow.

7. For the eye on the openwork stencil, we need to find a large curl, and try to place it under the sheet so that it is in the place where the eye should be.

8. With the same stencil we make a background, add any other reminiscent of waves and algae.

9. We paint over the background of the drawing with wax pencils. Having painted in green algae, beige chalk sandy bottom. The color of the water, as always, is painted blue.

The skill comes from the French word trotter, which translates as "to rub". This is the art of creating a picture by reproducing the texture of an object by rubbing paper. You can use different things in this art that have expressive texture. Any distinct shaped pattern can be repeated by covering it with a sheet and shading the surface from the outside.

Volumetricity is considered a big plus of frottage, and creations in this technique amaze the imagination. Despite the fact that, before using this skill, the surface of any object is carefully examined, but it is not easy to determine how exactly the drawing transferred to paper will look. The procedure for the appearance of an ornament in this situation is similar to the development of photographic film - a fascinating sight!

A bit of history

This skill was born thanks to the surrealist artist Max Ernst, who in 1925 transferred to paper the outlines of wooden floor boards that shocked him in a similar style. He did not begin to redraw them, but simply, putting a sheet of paper on the floor, rubbed it with charcoal. The new-found frottage technique was happily approved by some surrealists who sought latest results for the most part by rubbing paper with a piece of lead. At the same time, contours of amazing drawings, mythical animals and birds appeared from objects individually selected and placed under it on a paper sheet. This art is sometimes referred to as the wax resist technique.

What is the basis of work

Frottage - what is this art? To practice such skill, clear textures will be required, namely: embossed pictures, wooden surfaces, rigid fabrics, linear or lacy components, strong leaves with an unusual image.

Rubbing frottage is done with care: you should hold a paper sheet without shifting the silhouette under it. The tones with which the plane is shaded to obtain an artistic result are complemented and cover each other.

drawing frottage

By selecting some relevant items, you can experiment with them. It is better to use pencils of different softness. Some "landscapes" are depicted with 2B or B pencils, others are softer. However, this does not mean that the softer the better. At all soft pencil, rather, closes, than shows the relief. You can try to hatch in different direction- effects can vary significantly. Very often, in craftsmanship, many surfaces of one instance are used.

By frosting leaves and other plant bases, you can get a real and distinct image of plant models. For flower gluing, this skill is exciting because it is easy to create a valid background in it. To do this, you need to put the selected texture of wallpaper, fabric, lace, ceramic tiles or linen under the paper and rub it with crayons or a pencil. You should take into account the figures that are in the environment, and there will be no shortcomings in the objects for frottage.

What items can you frot with?

An ornament made with a fine-grained board will be suitable for sketching not only a wooden plane, but also human skin in a portrait or distant hills in a picture. Using leaves as a curly surface, you can depict trees, bird feathers or the walls of houses. And here the question arises: frottage - what kind of technique is this? This art is primarily for creative people who have more

Before working in the frottage style, you must first turn on the fantasy. To do this, you should carefully look around to find the right thing to get the desired ornament. Sheds, pantries, kitchens or garages are places to look. Before choosing any instance, it is necessary to transfer its texture to a paper sheet and evaluate the drawing.

Painting depicting a fence on the background of nature

What is required for technology:

  • a thin sheet of paper for an A3 drawing;
  • pencils HB-5B;
  • a few boards with threads of various thicknesses.

Now you can get to work.

  1. Drawing in the frottage technique begins with the selection of an object suitable for craftsmanship. First you need to sketch out the silhouette of the fence with an HB pencil, then depict distant buildings, fields and some grass plexus on the leading background.
  2. Having determined in advance which combination of pencil and wooden plane gives the ideal effect, you should put the board under the paper and start shading. If the goal is to position the wood fiber parallel to the fence columns, then you can put the plank perpendicular. If you use a 2B pencil with a thick shank away from the sharpened edge, you can really achieve the effect of a soft fibrous landscape.
  3. In order to transfer the relief of the transverse rails of the fence, you need to rotate the board 90 degrees. Next, you need to pass a pencil along the threads (distinct lines will come out). As you work, it's helpful to experiment with different sketching methods.

Frottage - what else can it mean? It is also a manifestation of one's own imagination, gaining experience and, possibly, a further perspective in work.

Unconventional technique drawing. Frottage

Probably, many mothers remember how in childhood they made money to play in the store. They put a coin under a sheet of paper and shaded the surface of the paper above it with a pencil or wax crayon. First, on one side, where is the eagle, then on the other side, where is the tails. After that, the two sides of the coin had to be cut out and glued together.

But few people know that this drawing technique is called frottage. The name of this technique comes from the French word frottage (rubbing). A sheet of paper is placed on a flat embossed object and then, moving with an unsharpened colored pencil over the surface, you get an impression that imitates the main texture.

Take a look around. At home, you can find a sufficient number of items with an interesting, textured surface - lace, corrugated cardboard, designer parts, mosquito nets, shoe soles, wallpaper with a convex pattern, combs and much more.

Coloring for children. coloring games

With the help of textured surfaces and colored pencils (wax crayons), you can create beautiful, original drawings. To do this, print any coloring book you like from the Internet. And now, putting various textures under the paper, color the drawing. This technique is described in detail at www. lisichka. tv

Useful information about the frottage technique can also be found at www. ta-vi-ka.

For example, a few more successful drawings made by this in an unusual way drawing:

Our website tells how to make leaf prints using the frottage technique.

Sets for children's creativity

Sold special plates with different textures for coloring. True, it is quite difficult to find them in our domestic stores. But in foreign online stores, the choice of such materials for children's creativity is very large. They are called there - rubbing plates.

Application. paper application

In conclusion, we want to tell you about another interesting application of this unconventional drawing technique. If you use colored pencils and textured surfaces to make patterned paper of different colors, then you can create original applications from such paper.

Master - drawing class for preschool children.

Non-traditional drawing technique "Frottage".

Title of work: "Duck".

Kirillova Irina Nikolaevna
Educator MKDOU " Kindergarten No. 4 "Chamomile", Kaluga region, Kirov.
Purpose: this master class will be useful for kindergarten teachers, teachers of additional education, creative people and caring parents.
Target: To introduce children to the non-traditional drawing technique "Frottage".
1. Teach children to draw using the Frottage technique.
2. Improve drawing skills with wax pencils, holding them flat on a sheet of paper.
3. Continue to teach children how to work with a stencil.
4. Cause positive emotions from the work done.
5. Build confidence in learning how to work with new material.
Material: Two sheets of paper of any size, wax crayons, wet wipes, adhesive tape, stencils.

Probably, many people remember from their childhood one simple, but very interesting entertainment with its result. We take a coin, put it under a notebook sheet and paint it over with a simple graphite pencil on top and, oh, a miracle ... one more coin like a real one. And this turns out to be not just a miracle, but an image technique - frottage.
The word "frottage" comes from the French "frotter" - "rub, rub." This is a technique for reproducing a texture pattern by rubbing paper. Any relief, textured shape can be copied by covering it with a sheet and shading the surface.
1. Prepare a workplace for drawing.

2. We take a sheet of paper and lay out the elements of the future drawing on it. For example, a duck or a fox. Stencils can be cut yourself or take ready-made. Stencils must be attached to a sheet of paper with a small piece of tape.

3. Cover the stencil with a sheet of other paper, securing it.

4. Shade the surface with pencils, pastels or crayons with pressure, holding the pencil flat. Apply strokes until the pattern under the paper is fully developed.

5. Then we draw the details with a wax pencil or felt-tip pen.

6. We paint over the background of the drawing with wax pencils.

7. Finish drawing, make a frame.

Drawings of children.

This technique makes it possible to start drawing for a person who is afraid of a bad result. You can introduce children to this technique already from middle group. It's better to start with small pictures. Having mastered this technique and having a variety of patterns, children are happy to create their own compositions, which has a positive effect on development. figurative thinking, imagination, creative initiative.
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Slides captions:

Cultural and game practices in working with younger children preschool age in the summer: "Drawing a city street using the frottage technique" Prepared by the educator of GBDOU No. 67, Kalininsky district, St. Petersburg Ershova Nadezhda Valerievna

Purpose: To form in children the concept of a city street through drawing using the technique - frottage. Tasks: We introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique - frottage. We develop artistic and creative abilities and visual skills from creating a subject picture to a plot one. To evoke in children emotional responsiveness to the world around them, the desire to reproduce it in the picture.

Relevance Children love to draw, but they are not always able to convey what they have in mind and want to show. With the help of a drawing, a child expresses his mood, reveals his inner world. Thanks to the unconventional frottage drawing technique, these possibilities increase.

Unconventional drawing develops in children. Fantasy Self-reliance Artistic and aesthetic taste fine motor skills Informative - research activities Vocabulary Enrichment

Preliminary work Conducting a conversation with children on the topic: “What is on the streets of the city? » Making templates on the topic. Houses, cars, trees, bushes... Pasting templates on a cardboard base.

Stencils trees Houses and transport

Select the desired stencil, cover with a sheet for drawing. And holding the stencil under the sheet with the left hand, right hand gently rub with wax chalk. We take one subject to create a picture. Here is such a drawing.

Our work

Cars come down the mountain

Butterflies on the city street.

For colorfulness and completeness of the picture when drawing, you can supplement the drawing with the necessary elements

Our album "On the streets of the city"

Thank you for your attention and all the creative success

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