Artist Denis Loptin all paintings. Denis Lopatin! The Show Must Go On


A cartoonist is an artist who walks the line between insult and wit, good portrait painter, with a subtle sense of irony in the perception of details, and a psychologist who captures the topical moments that occur in life. And the caricature itself has always been a formidable weapon against offenders, enemies and those in power. Dictators and the ruling elite of all epochs and peoples destroyed scoffers, sending them to be devoured by tigers, to the scaffold, to camps. But, despite such persecution, not a single government succeeded in eradicating the caricature.

Caricature with its horses goes far into the past. But this genre passed into the category of art in the time of Leonardo da Vinci. In the 18th-19th centuries, caricature began to thoroughly “warm up” the relations of the people with the mighty of the world this. And since the twentieth century, it has been an important political weapon that harms the authority of countries and politicians. Therefore, cartoonists are loved and revered by the people to the same extent as they are hated by the authorities.

Denis Lopatin - famous Russian artist- cartoonist.

The famous Russian artist Denis Lopatin (1977), who was included in the top 100 cartoonists in the world, was no exception.

Denis is a laureate of many international forums, the winner of the "honorable mention" nomination of the Portuguese competition "World Press Cartoon" (2011), the world's most prestigious forum of professional cartoonists and cartoonists. Until now, not a single Russian artist working in this genre has received such an honorary award.
In the same year, Denis Lopatin took part in world competition professional caricaturists-caricaturists on the Facebook social network and won the Grand Prix.

"Love triangle". Caricatures and cartoons from the artist Denis Lopatin

Denis was born and studied in Minsk, lives and works in Kamchatka, which the authorities of the region are not very happy about. Since, being periodically persecuted by the "powerful" of this world, he creates a lot of problems for officials and judicial structures of the Kamchatka Territory. Master satirical genre on his account has four subpoenas, repeated bans and censures. For seditious cartoons and caricatures in 2005, the governor of Kamchatka imposed a ban on personal exhibition artist called "Grimaces of Power". And this fact the cartoonist believes the highest award for his work - hooked.

Zyuganov. "President and Prime Minister".

"Governor". "President and Prime Minister".

Denis has an amazing talent as a portrait painter, brilliantly wields the weapons of satire and humor, skillfully using both good and evil irony. His cartoons and cartoons, directed at public people, recognizable by everyone, cause a genuine smile, irony or sarcasm. You can verify this by watching this review to the end.

"President of America"

"Helmsman of an unsinkable barque."

"Trotsky". "Iron Felix"

Merkel and Hollande.

"There are many Zhirinovsky at once, even when he is alone...".

"Limonov". "Udaltsov".

"Hope Savchenko".

"Urgant". "Kedmi".

"Kadyrov and the head of Depardieu".

On April 26, an exhibition of 34-year-old talented cartoonist Denis Lopatin opened in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Arriving at the museum before the opening, Denis discovered that from the exposition 6 works disappeared, they were mostly cartoons of Medvedev and Putin. So they did not get a place at the exhibition. Denis believes that politicians and officials must endure increased attention paparazzi, cartoonists, the whole society and not freak out.

The cartoonist says that the picture shows the oligarchs with a hamster. And the director of the museum saw in the animal a baby rat with facial features resembling famous character and removed the cratin from sin away. I came up with names for the cartoon: 1) Prikfed 2) Feed him, you fed him, otherwise it can hurt him!

It turned out that the director of the state-owned Kamchatka Regional art museum» Tatiana Bikovets. Everything about her, incl. and the artist Lopatin himself, they say that she is a good and decent aunt. But, like many, the victim of the current circumstances lives in captivity of fear that it is better to remove it just in case, otherwise something might not work out. Those. self-censorship worked for her, and she did not get rid of slavery in her soul. Because there are many examples in Russia when linguists and art historians from among the lackeys of the current government will easily issue a verdict that a given literary (or drawn) work, slogan, picture, drawing has signs of extremism, offends someone's honor and dignity, but a trained court will only have issue a verdict on such an examination in favor of the authorities.

Director of the museum who made cartoons of Medvedev, Putin and the oligarchs.

My colleague Vladimir Khitrov wrote about Denis Lopatin on Ekho Moskvy last year:. In 2011, the artist became a diploma winner of two major international competitions- one was held in Germany, the other in Portugal. Moreover, the Portuguese “World Press Cartoon” is considered the most prestigious forum of caricature and caricature masters in the world. Previously, none of the Russian artists won anything on it. This year, Denis exhibited in Poland, and the Poles, who appreciate a lot the sharply written word and drawn humor and satire, included Denis among the 100 best cartoonists in the world.

The first teachers of Denis: the director of the Kamchatka regional art school Pantelei Kirillovich Derevyanko and Lyudmila Anatolyevna Derevyanko

In April 2011, Denis Lopatin participated in the worldwide competition of professional caricaturists in social network Facebook and immediately broke the Grand Prix.

Did Denis encounter envy, intrigues, trips? After all, typically Russian intellectual hatred is well known, especially among creative people. The Kamchatka cartoonist replies that after the Facebook Grand Prix, some artists from other countries freaked out that some upstart from Russia took first place. They fired a virtual poison at him. Although the vote was fair, among the artists themselves. On the part of Russian cartoonists, Denis does not experience anger and envy: “Our people are all affectionate and kind. Journalistic cartoonists and others don't feel threatened by me that I'm invading their domain."

Just the master - Viktor Shenderovich.

- Denis, are there world-class caricaturists who are authority figures for you?

Certainly. These are American Jason Seiler, Swiss Alberto Russo, German Sebastian Krueger, Kurt Jones, Englishmen Paul Noyse and Rodney Pike, award-winning Chinese Zhu Zi Zun, Amir Mohamed Takvi Ajan, Canadian Dominique Fildert. She by the way the only woman cartoonist with a worldwide reputation. There is a second so-called. train of cartoonists. There are a lot of Hispanics, because they have a grotesque image of portraits, huge noses and dragging jaws on the ground. Many famous Germans, French, Italians. In Russia, there is a world-famous cartoonist Zlatkovsky, the owner of many awards, and it is difficult to reach his level. His cartoons are on Viktor Shenderovich's website. This is an advanced caricaturist Vladimir Molchanov. Everyone knows Aleksey Merinov from the newspapers, but I don't know him, just like the others. In Russia, I think there are few people like me who would be engaged in tank caricature. This, as it were, is not a caricature, and not a caricature in pure form, and not purely graphics. This is something incomprehensible, mixed.

Denis appeared in the Kamchatka newspapers in 2002. A tall, timid, thin 25-year-old youth with an open, intent, modest look. He quickly won the hearts of readers. As thousands of radio listeners are waiting for the next "Access Code" on "Echo of Moscow" with the unique clever Yulia Latynina, millions of readers are looking for familiar names of authors in Russian newspapers. So Kamchatka readers waited for each issue of the newspaper to see the next caricature of Denis.

Denis painted a lot, quickly and with talent. He was given entire pages for comics. He succeeded. The faces were recognizable. Denis belongs to the so-called. thinking cartoonists and he didn’t really need to chew on the plot. He was sued for his sometimes caustic cartoons. Once banned the exhibition in last moment, because the governor felt that some of the cartoons offended the dignity of some female officials.

There are many Zhirinovsky at once, even when he is alone. VVZH is one of the favorite objects for caricaturists, satirists, parodists

And once he came to the judicial board of the Kamchatka region. Quietly and modestly, he painted the faces of judges, participants in the trial. Suddenly the judges were puzzled: “What are you doing there?” They demanded to show that he was drawing, and when Denis refused, the entire panel of three judges voted for his removal from the hall. Thank you at least they didn’t decide to give the sacred fire of the Inquisition its sketchbook. This is, perhaps, the only absurd case of its kind in Russian and possibly in world justice, which sometimes one would like to call crooked judgment.

crocodile tears. Parasites from the Center "E" and the Kamchatka Lubyanka came to the exhibition. They carefully peered into this picture. Because someone informed them that in the image of a crocodile, the cartoonist hid the face of the new (old) president of the Russian Federation.

Denis, do you have a favorite type of technique, the materials with which you draw, how do you feel about graphics tablets?

I use the tablet, of course, as needed, when I need it faster. But the number is dead. To convey a thought, I often use a mixed technique. This is not only acrylic, but sometimes I mix it with oil, pencils, pastels, gouache. Those. I use several techniques, sometimes using fluorescent paints.

When you feel a craving for a caricature, that you can do it. After all, there are a lot of artists, but not every one of them will be able to portray like this, so that it causes a smile?

Yes, since childhood I have been drawing all sorts funny pictures, cartoons. And I was constantly scolded for this, they demanded that I do something serious. Everyone thought it was bullshit, but classical painting, graphics - this is what you need. Those. they constantly forbade me, and in the nursery art school, and in the Minsk Architecture and Construction College they reproached me for doing something frivolous, and in the Belarusian State University of Culture.

Father. Or it seems to me, but some kind of severity and bluish-cadaverous coldness emanates from the portrait ...

Former head of the Kamchatka party cell "Yabloko" Irina Yarovaya. Today the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from " United Russia”, Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Committee. in Kamchatka, she did not pass the 2011 elections. President D. Medvedev gave her his deputy mandate. Therefore, she is not a people's choice, but rather a Kremlin, presidential one. So things can go to the point where deputies can simply be appointed.

Iron Felix

Barin and master of Soviet-Russian film directing Nikita Mikhalkov

Fedor Bondarchuk

Mater TV Posner

Black Swan (Natalia Portman)

Stirlitz knows who painted the film about him

About himself he writes:
Artist of cartoons, cartoons, comics, tombstones etc. :)

Education: Minsk Architecture and Construction College; Belorussian State University culture.

in the press since 1994.
Personal exhibitions:

1998 - Mogilev, Belarus
1998 - Minsk, Belarus
2000 - Lublin, Poland
2000 - Minsk, Belarus
2003 - Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky, Russia
2004 - Tabor, Czech Republic
2004 - Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky, Russia
2005 - Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky, Russia
2011 - Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky, Russia

In 2011, the Kamchatka artist Denis Lopatin became a winner of two major international competitions at once - one was held in Germany, the other in Portugal.
Moreover, the Portuguese “World Press Cartoon” is considered the most prestigious forum of caricature and caricature masters in the world.
Previously, none of the Russian artists won anything on it ...

Awards and regalia:

Four subpoenas for caricature;
One forbidden exhibition in the art museum, closed by the governor;
One summons to the prosecutor's office for a comic;
One last warning from the media oversight commission;
One ejection from the courtroom for sketching a trial.

In April 2011, Denis Lopatin participated in the worldwide competition of professional caricaturists on the Facebook social network and immediately won the Grand Prix.

Did Denis encounter envy, intrigues, trips?
After all, typically Russian intellectual hatred is well known, especially among creative people.
The Kamchatka cartoonist replies that after the Facebook Grand Prix, some artists from other countries freaked out that some upstart from Russia took first place.
They fired a virtual poison at him.
Although the vote was fair, among the artists themselves.

Black Swan (Natalia Portman)

On the part of Russian cartoonists, Denis does not experience anger and envy: “Our people are all affectionate and kind.
Journalistic cartoonists and others don't feel threatened by me that I'm invading their domain."

Denis painted a lot, quickly and with talent. He was given entire pages for comics. He succeeded. The faces were recognizable.
Denis belongs to the so-called. thinking cartoonists and he didn’t really need to chew on the plot. He was sued for his sometimes caustic cartoons. Once the exhibition was banned at the last moment, because the governor felt that some of the cartoons offended the dignity of some female officials.

And once he came to the judicial board of the Kamchatka region. Quietly and modestly, he painted the faces of judges, participants in the trial.
Suddenly the judges were puzzled: “What are you doing there?” They demanded to show that he was drawing, and when Denis refused, the entire panel of three judges voted for his removal from the hall.
Thank you at least they didn’t decide to give the sacred fire of the Inquisition its sketchbook. This is, perhaps, the only absurd case of its kind in Russian and possibly in world justice, which sometimes one would like to call crooked judgment.

“This is our life: we live in such a way that donkeys will like it”
- When you felt a craving for a caricature, that you can do it. After all, there are a lot of artists, but not every one of them will be able to portray like this, so that it causes a smile?

Yes, since childhood I have been drawing all sorts of funny pictures, caricatures.
And I was constantly scolded for this, they demanded that I do something serious.
Everyone thought that this was garbage, but classical painting, graphics - this is what you need.
Those. I was constantly banned, and in the children's art school, and in the Minsk architectural and construction technical school, they reproached me for doing something frivolous, and in the Belarusian State University of Culture.

Denis, a few years ago your drawings were regularly published in Kamchatka newspapers. Today they are rarely seen. Why?

Now is the time that any newspaper can be "pulled" for anything.
Editors just don't want to take the risk.
Moreover, some publications have already had troubles because of my drawings. Local politicians are "nurtured" by Soviet propaganda.
For them, being cartoonized in a newspaper is something scary.
They, in the old fashioned way, think that this will affect their career.

crocodile tears. Parasites from the Center "E" and the Kamchatka Lubyanka came to the exhibition,
They looked closely at this picture.
Because someone informed them that in the image of a crocodile, the cartoonist hid the face of the new (old) president of the Russian Federation.

- How did officials put pressure on editors?

Usually it ends phone calls with threats.
Although one of the vice-governors guessed to send to the editorial office of the newspaper official letter with a demand to stop the publication of cartoons and cartoons.
Once the prosecutor's office took over the case.
I was summoned for interrogation, they found out - did I have the intent to sow interethnic hatred?

In Europe, then, a caricature scandal flared up after the publication of drawings of the Prophet Muhammad.
Islamists actively protested, put forward demands to the authorities.
I drew a comic about what European cities will become if all the demands of the protesters are met.
By by and large The drawing was harmless.
The Muslims, in any case, did not complain.

- Have you met politicians who liked - how do you portray them?

I suspect that former Kamchatka governor Mikhail Mashkovtsev was always secretly happy about caricatures of himself.

The former vice-governor of Kamchatka, Alexander Drozdov, whom journalists called Goebbels, because. he tried to control the press totally.
And he liked to say about himself: "I am a GRU colonel!"

- Nevertheless, it was he who once tried to ban your exhibition?

As they explained to me, he saw the poster of the exhibition literally two hours before its opening.
And, as they say, he lost his temper - he threw heavy artillery into battle in the person of the head of the department of culture.
He ran into Exhibition Center and in his obscene manner characteristic of him forced to remove the pictures from the stands.
It was 2005.
The situation in Kamchatka was then relatively democratic.
The exposition has successfully migrated to the basement of the Press House.
There the exhibition was a huge success.
And this is not surprising - after all, the governor provided excellent advertising ...
By the way, today I understand that the communist Mashkovtsev, it turns out, was a very freedom-loving politician compared to his followers.

A good cook was constantly prevented from cooking a normal soup by a rat, swarming in his head with his recipes.

- Your drawings probably upset women politicians more than men?

I'm already trying to make them as pretty as possible.
But they still get angry.
Vice-Governor Tretyakova, I was told, threatened to cut off funding for the newspaper that featured the cartoon on her.
So I understand editors who don't publish my drawings.
They can also be punished with a ruble.
There will be nothing to pay the salary of journalists.
Almost all newspapers now have hooks for which the authorities can hook them ...
But it's hard for me to understand what hook the director of the regional library has.
Having provided space for my exhibition, she put forward a condition - no politics and no caricatures of Kamchatka leaders.
Probably some people have hooks in their heads.

The cartoonist says that the picture shows the oligarchs with a hamster.
And the director of the museum saw a rat in the animal, with facial features resembling a famous character and removed the crater from harm's way.
Because, like many, she is a victim of the current circumstances and lives in captivity of fear that it is better to remove it just in case, otherwise something might not work out.

Those. self-censorship worked for her, and she did not get rid of slavery in her soul.
Because in Russia there are many examples when linguists and art historians from among the lackeys of the current government they will easily pass a verdict that a given literary (or drawn) work, slogan, picture, drawing has signs of extremism, offends someone's honor and dignity, well and a trained court will only have to issue a verdict on such an examination to please the authorities.

- Is it not easy for an artist to live in Kamchatka?

I have not lived in other Russian regions, so I cannot compare.
But here, at least, it is better than in Belarus, where I had a chance to work.
It's actually more interesting there.
Everything is clear, as in a war: on the one hand, a dictator, on the other, an independent press.

Father. Some kind of severity emanates from the portrait and bluish-corpse coldness ...

- Is there an independent press in Belarus?

Eat. But she doesn't come out for long. Usually one number.

- How do you feel about the superstars of the Soviet caricature favored by the authorities - Boris Efimov, Kukryniksy?

On a global scale, they are, of course, not stars at all.
The level of caricature and caricature in Soviet Russia was extremely low.
Real masters fled the country after the revolution.
Kukryniksy - talented artists, but they also lost heavily to foreign colleagues.
As for Boris Efimov, even under the tsar he printed his pictures in glamorous magazines.
And in the future, in some unique way, he managed to adapt to any authority. His work ideally reflected every zigzag of the general line of the party.
And in perestroika, he also managed to brand the party apparatchiks.
I am envious, of course, that Efimov lived to be 108 years old.
But how did he live them?
Always been a weathervane.

For me, this is the extreme point in the range creative biographies artists.
At the other extreme, Latin American cartoonists, who managed to draw one cartoon of a dictator, received a bullet in the forehead and remained in history.
They are certainly closer to me than Boris Efimov.
But I don't want to get to that point either.

- Denis, are there world-class caricaturists who are authority figures for you?

These are American Jason Seiler, Swiss Alberto Russo, German Sebastian Krueger, Kurt Jones, Englishmen Paul Noyse and Rodney Pike, award-winning Chinese Zhu Zi Zun, Amir Mohamed Takvi Ajan, Canadian Dominique Fildert.
By the way, she is the only woman caricaturist with a worldwide reputation.
There is a second so-called. train of cartoonists.
There are a lot of Hispanics, because they have a grotesque image of portraits, huge noses and dragging jaws on the ground.
Many famous Germans, French, Italians.
In Russia, there is a world-famous cartoonist Zlatkovsky, the owner of many awards, and it is difficult to reach his level.
His cartoons are on Viktor Shenderovich's website.
This is an advanced caricaturist Vladimir Molchanov.
Everyone knows Aleksey Merinov from the newspapers, but I don't know him, just like the others.
In Russia, I think there are few people like me who would be engaged in tank caricature.
This, as it were, is not a caricature, and not a cartoon in its purest form, and not purely graphics.
This is something incomprehensible, mixed.

Denis, do you have a favorite type of technique, the materials with which you draw, how do you feel about graphics tablets?

I use the tablet, of course, as needed, when I need to quickly.
But the number is dead.
To convey a thought, I often use a mixed technique.
This is not only acrylic, but sometimes I mix it with oil, pencils, pastels, gouache.
Those. I use several techniques, sometimes using fluorescent paints.

- It is true that the cartoon is the most complex shape portrait?

Only if it's done well. When you draw a caricature, you must always imagine the real image of a person and, on its basis, create new look- grotesquely exaggerated. To do this is not so easy.

- Do customers of cartoons express any unusual wishes?

People usually order gift cartoons for their loved ones.
And, of course, they want them to look beautiful. Often you just have to draw a portrait of a person, but with a small body. It's even better if this little man does something funny...
By the way, foreigners, on the contrary, are unhappy when they are not caricatured enough. Western artists to insanity distort facial features.
If, for example, they draw football player Ronaldinho, who has a horse's jaw, then in the cartoon it simply drags along the ground. If they draw Obama, then he looks like a Cheburashka.

- Have you ever drawn a cartoon to take revenge on someone?

No. Yes, it probably wouldn't work. Emotions are still needed high.

That is, when you depicted the face of a United Russia functionary in the form of an ass, were you inspired by high emotions?

I believe that the viewer saw the second meaning of this picture. Butt is a metaphor for public and political activity United Russia official.

- Thanks for the conversation, Denis. Can you tell a goodbye anecdote that you think is funny?

I'd rather not tell an anecdote, but an episode from history.
The father of Alexander the Great, Philip, went with his army through the Balkans to conquer someone.
It was necessary to stop for the night, and Philip suggested a very beautiful and picturesque place for parking.
But the assistant said that it was impossible to stop at this place, since there was no grass around, therefore, the donkeys from the convoy would have nothing to eat.
“This is our life: we live in such a way that donkeys will like it,” Philip answered.

And this is our gift to you!

Thank you!

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