Arkady Davidovich paintings. Literary and stage activities


Vigor and activity of Arkady Filippovich can only be envied. Despite some degree of posturing and megalomania, the writer really deserves laurels and a monument during his lifetime. It is he who is the author of such talented and capacious sayings as “A shot son is not responsible for a shot father”, “Love is the physical closeness of souls”, “All people are brothers. For example, Abel and Cain.

We met with the writer in his dwelling, which he himself called the "House-Museum of Arkady Davidovich's Aphoristics", and talked about the image of a city madman, "bottling sport" and the secret of 2000 years of youth.

"The colder, the better for aphorisms"

House Museum of Aphoristics - a small closet in an old house on Sacco and Vanzetti Street, with total area 13.5 sq. meters. The walls and ceiling of the cramped corridor, where chaos and desolation reign, are inscribed with Davidovich's sayings. Instead of a pompous chandelier, bottles hang on the ceiling, in the corner a pyramid of clothes and shoes has randomly grown, which the creative industry worker has nowhere to put. The visitors of the "museum" are everywhere staring at the characters of the paintings by the artist Valentina Zolotykh - Vysotsky, Emperor Nicholas II, Putin, the good-natured Medvedev, the young deputy Sergei Chizhov and the toothless village grandmother.

In the second half of the apartment lives the writer's neighbor, who is now hiding from creditors. There are drafts in the apartment, there is a truly street temperature here, which does not bother the writer at all. Even animals get cold: a dog that sleeps on a neighbor's sofa covers itself with a blanket. A cat and a kitten are warming up in the closet. The reason for the cold is broken windows in the writer's closet. He covered the holes with cardboard and newsprint. “The colder, the better for aphorisms,” Davidovich is sure.

In fact, Jerzy Lec is my father, whom I adopted - recognized as a writer.- So, since 1966, I have actually become the world champion in aphorisms. And out of these few square meters who changed the world, all modern aphorism came out.

Arkady Davidovich was born on June 12, 1930 in Voronezh, on F. Engels Street. The parents of the future writer were respected doctors: his father, Philip Abramovich, was a venereologist, and his mother, Raisa Solomonovna, was a pediatrician.

Father was treated famous people- it's scary to say who: Yagoda, Yezhov, and especially Beria. They specially came here to treat the "gifts of Venus" - says Arkady Davidovich.- My sister Faina, who was nine years younger than me, followed in the footsteps of her parents and graduated from medical school.

The parents of little Arkasha, like all intellectuals, wanted him to grow up to be a great pianist. The boy was forced to study in music school, but he was so opposed to this that he had to quit music lessons. When in 1941 Arkady Davidovich finished the third grade, the war began. The family was evacuated first to the Saratov region, then near Tashkent, and from there to Tambov, where Raisa Solomonovna worked in a military hospital. The Davidovich family met the victory in the Ukrainian city of Novograd-Volynsky.

When we returned to Voronezh in 1945, it turned out that our apartment was already occupied, and from 1945 to 1953 we wandered around private apartments, the writer recalls. - Then, nevertheless, the party allocated us for three (my sister was married by that time) this room - 13.5 square meters. meters.

Contrary to the expectations of the parents, who, realizing that the musician from Arkasha would not work, hoped that their son would go to medical school, young Arkady Davidovich entered the Agricultural Institute in 1948, the faculty of mechanization of socialist agriculture.

Not only did I finish it - I managed to work for a year and a half in a village in the Ryazan region. First - the chief mechanic, then a teacher and head teacher of the school of mechanization. In 1956, a mechanization school also appeared in Voronezh, in Otrozhok, where I worked as a teacher. My graduates raised virgin soil. Nikita Khrushchev came to visit us from time to time. Once I jokingly advised him to plant corn not only in the central zone, but also in the north, in Siberia. But he did not understand the humor and took my advice seriously. After that, fields everywhere began to be sown with corn. So I set him up. By the way, when in 1957 my tractor drivers returned from virgin lands, it turned out that they were the best. There was so much grain that it did not fit in the barns.

Shortly thereafter, the mechanization school collapsed. Arkady Davidovich got the lowest paid job - as a mechanic at Gorgaz, where he worked for 14 years.

I walked around the city center, opened hatches, looked for gas. This job was a blessing for me. I managed to write aphorisms, - the writer recalls. - We were paid 70 rubles a month. Of my entire team, I was the only non-drinker. My route ran along Revolution Avenue, which became my creative workshop. A year later I was transferred to the master. When the leadership changed, I survived like a foreign body. Since 1976 I have become a professional parasite. But I wrote every day - I had no days off. When I had to go to the store, I deliberately pretended to be late for work. Sometimes he helped his friend, a fruit-and-felonist Vladimir Kotenko, playing the role of a literary “Negro”.

What did the writer live on? He was a freelance correspondent for the magazine "Crocodile" and at the same time was engaged in "commercial sports" - he collected bottles. In the late 1980s, one bottle, for example, could buy a loaf of bread. Davidovich could not collect bottles in the city center - passers-by could guess that he was a parasite. But all the surroundings of Voronezh, up to Dubovka, belonged to him.

I created hiding places - "cache", - the writer recalls. - He collected bottles in them, and in the evening, at dusk, he transferred everything to the barn. I was the first merchant, bottle king. Bottles were my capital, on which not only I lived, but also Valentina Zolotykh. I was her Master, and she was Margarita. We ate in "Buchenwald" - the student canteen of the medical institute.

Now the artist Valentina Zolotykh lives in Moscow with her daughter Anya. For a long time Davidovich was her muse (in the "Museum of Aphoristics" you can see several paintings of a young half-naked writer, barely covered with something red). The writer himself continues to be her art manager and philanthropist. Until recently, the “unrecognized genius” paid the artist 3,000 rubles for every painting she painted. By the way, he bequeathed all his property to her.

“Life itself made me become crazy”

Arkady Filippovich, do you remember your first aphorism?

Excuse me, were you a ladies' man when you were young?

Lovelace is not the right word. I brought culture to the masses. Girls from the periphery were drawn to me, and I introduced them to my aphorisms. After that, they made a great career. For example, my friend's sister, Tatyana, was brought up on my aphorisms. Thanks to this, she married director Nikita Mikhalkov. When we were young, we had one company. My friends were almost the only dudes in Voronezh. My friends wore tight pants, and I wore wide ones. I deliberately dressed more simply, thinking like this: let them love me, not my clothes. We were the first in Voronezh to start dancing boogie-woogie and rock and roll. We were going to the DC of Karl Marx.

Did you dance too?

I not only danced - I had the right to do so, because I joined the initiative group of Komsomol members who fought against dudes. Those who went to the DC of Karl Marx, as a rule, were beaten. And I danced in the center, but they didn’t touch me: I explained to the combatants that I was trying to penetrate into a hostile camp and blow it up from the inside. By the way, I saved many from beating.

Are you receiving a pension? What do you exist for?

I now live well - I receive an increased pension. In general, I'm a pretty rich person. I publish books on my own. I eat at receptions and vernissages. So I don't even have to spend.

Do you have relatives now?

I have an only nephew, the son of a sister who died. He lives in Germany. He is an international chess player. Every time on my birthday, he sends me money.

Arkady Filippovich, do you regret that you did not have a family and children?

Well, it would be nice to have both a family and children, but with my lifestyle, that was not possible. Then I would not be the world champion in aphorisms. I would not have had the strength to combine creativity and family.

Have you ever wanted to sacrifice the championship for the sake of your family?

For me, creativity was key. I dedicated my whole life to him. There were women who wanted to marry me, but as they say, art requires sacrifice.

So, they offended their women ...

Offended, but at the same time saved them from poverty. And then I had a strong title of urban madman.

Did you come up with this title yourself, or did someone once call you names?

It was my lifestyle. The fact is that in winter I walked in canvas shoes, and everyone was surprised how I did not freeze. I didn't have any other shoes. Now I live more or less normally. True, no one buys my books in stores.

many dissidents in Soviet time put in crazy house. Didn't they try you?

One day they sent me some kind of postcard in which I was asked to visit a room such and such. When I arrived at the indicated address, I saw that it was a psychiatrist's office. I fled in terror. Then I went anyway. There they “probed” me: they found out if I was going to go to Israel. But to be honest, they didn’t force me to sit anywhere, they didn’t put me, and all this because I had a strong reputation as a city madman.

That is, you deliberately created such an image for yourself?

Not on purpose - life itself made me this way.

Is this some kind of mimicry?

This is both mimicry and my nature. My humor is paradoxical, so it is often misunderstood.

"I would like to be 2000 years younger"

Arkady Davidovich usually adds 2000 years to his real age. Therefore, everyone who asks Davidovich the question: “How old are you?” Gets the answer: “I am 2084 years old.” In stories about his life, he deftly weaves episodes from the lives of great people. In conclusion, he adds: all the key moments in the history of mankind could not have done without the brilliant Davidovich. A particularly eccentric writer loves to talk about how he saved the USSR and the USA from World War III. According to the "unrecognized genius", for advice to him american president John Kennedy sent actress Marilyn Monroe, who used him dirty:

One night a woman climbed into my window. Before I could wake up and recover, she raped me. It was a famous movie star. She said she loves me. And asked how to solve Caribbean crisis? I advised Kennedy to roll up the missiles. And just wanted to kiss her, as she hurried and disappeared.

You are 84 years old. And how do you feel?

You will not believe. Recently I washed, combed my hair, went to the cinema for an evening screening, but they didn’t let me in - the film was marked “18+”. As the years go by, I get younger.

What is old age for you? Are you thinking about it?

A person cannot stop thinking about old age. Some of my peers are already in that world, others are going crazy, and still others have become double senile - this is both age and the influence of watching TV around the clock. I had a friend, great democrat, whom the KGB officers tried to "re-educate" for 10 years. Now he is sitting in front of the TV. When I talk to him, he tells me the television "truths" of the century. When I disagreed with him on something, he looked at me as an enemy of the people. TV did what our glorious organs could not. By the way, this happened not only to my friend, but to our society in general.

Do you have an aphorism about old age?

Old age is the same hourglass, only sand pours out.

What is death?

I have written so much about her ... "Death equates grave mounds, mausoleum and pyramids." I remember more aphorisms on the topic of life: "Life is an eternity of a wonderful moment."

Are you trying not to think about death?

I woke up one night with a pounding in the back of my head. It turned out that my blood pressure had risen - over 200. I started to panic. After that, I began to work less, walk more, began to take aspirin, and most importantly, stopped measuring blood pressure. In addition, I moved to live in the workshop of Valentina Zolotykh, where the air temperature is 12-13 degrees. After that, everything returned to normal.

What are you most afraid of in life? What scares you?

Loneliness. I know that if I get sick and cannot move, there will be no person next to me to help me. I take it for granted. To hire a person who will look after you is not enough pension. A few years ago I broke my leg. When I returned home from the hospital on crutches, there was no one to bring bread. Once I gave money to a neighbor, and he brought half a liter of vodka. But I'm not surprised - this is now everywhere. For example, the daughter of a friend of mine sent her father to a madhouse. My friends and I pulled it out. But after that he was beaten twice.

Arkady Filippovich, if a monument is ever erected to you in Voronezh, how would you like it to be?

I earned a monument in full height. I would like my monument to look like me - the one I am now - in a vest, with badges-orders. Or that it was Davidovich in a T-shirt with my aphorism. And even better if the monument is covered with my aphorisms. But, alas, I am immortal - I am already 2084 years old.

What is the secret to your longevity?

I walk a lot. In the summer I go to the river on foot and swim there. Why do I look so young? When you write aphorisms, your brain works. You do mental exercises. Therefore, my sclerosis is in its infancy. If I did not write aphorisms, I would already be in that world. What is a pensioner? This is a man who kills time. And I miss him.

Born in 1930 in Voronezh. During the war years, he lived with his parents in Tashkent - their family was evacuated there. After the Great Patriotic War, Arkady returned to Voronezh, where he lives to this day.

He graduated from the Agricultural Institute with a degree in mechanical engineering. After graduation, he worked in the Ryazan region as a mechanic at a state farm, then as a head teacher at a school of machine operators. Returning to his native city, he worked first as a locksmith, and then as a foreman in Gorgaz. Then, according to him own words, became a "professional parasite", that is, he began to write. For this case, he was under threat of exile somewhere to hell with the horns. But God was merciful. Davidovich is still writing. And is published. And it is read. And will write and read.

After the “revolution of 1990”, Davidovich stopped being afraid of expulsion, and besides, he also retired due to his age. Several times (5, no less), he tried to join the Writers' Union, but was not accepted there. Although this did not stop him from traveling from this Union with performances on Voronezh region. With his friend and co-author Vladimir Kotenko, Arkady Davidovich collaborated for several years as a freelance writer with the Krokodil magazine. In collaboration with Kotenko, a couple of feuilletons were published in Pravda. And in "Crocodile" under the heading "Smiles of different latitudes" his aphorisms often appeared under the pseudonyms Julius Caesar, Ernest Hemingway, Honore de Balzac, etc. But most often - simply: "A. David, French writer". Admirers of Davidovich's work claim that he had some influence on aphorism not only in Russia, but also in Poland and Czechoslovakia ...

In 1977, with the help of his friend, the Voronezh artist Valentina Zolotykh, Arkady turned his small room in a communal apartment into the “Museum of Aphoristics”, one might say, the only one in the world: Valentina painted the walls and decorated them with signatures, which were used as Davidovich’s aphorisms.

The first separate book by Arkady Davidovich "The End of the World Will End Well" was published in Moscow (ed. EKSMO, ed. K. Dushenko) with a circulation of 2000 copies. Then followed two television films about the author, filmed by journalists from the capital and St. Petersburg. Davidovich participated in many collections of aphorisms published by various publishing houses: "The Universal Book for Politicians", "All About Science", etc.

In 2005, a multi-page “Anthology of Wisdom” was published (compiled by Vladimir Scheucher), where out of 25 thousand aphorisms Arkady wrote 882. In terms of performance, he even surpassed the previous unchanging “record holder” Stanislav Jerzy Lec, who had 300 aphorisms in this volume less. Naturally, the work of any artist is not complete without fans and plagiarists. Of the latter, Davidovich calls Boris Krutier the most famous and constant.

IN hometown Davidovich is very famous and popular. The master of aphorisms can often be found on his favorite street in the central part of the city - Bolshaya Dvoryanskaya (Revolution Avenue). There he sells his books published in the "samizdat" way. Once there was a case when some hooligans in a dark alley wanted to rob Davidovich, but, having learned that this was “the same Davidovich”, they let him go in peace.

But now, among the growing mutual hatred, enmity and inter-tribal strife, - says Arkady Filippovich, - no one needs people like me, like Valya Zolotykh. Or maybe just few people have realized that right now we are most needed. Russia is a sea of ​​talents, but everything is overboard...

Davidovich has a dream - to open a club-cafe in Voronezh, which Valentina could decorate - just as she designed his wretched room. Poets, musicians, actors and artists would gather in this cafe ... A sort of Voronezh version, excuse me, of the Pegasus Stable. After all, Voronezh has someone to gather in this cafe. And there was always someone. And, hopefully, always will be.

Arkady Davidovich

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A. Davidovich against the background of the painting by V. Zolotykh
Name at birth:

Adolf Filippovich Freidberg


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Arkady Davidovich(name at birth Adolf Filippovich Freidberg; genus. June 12, Voronezh) - writer, aphorist, author of more than 60,000 published aphorisms.


Arkady Davidovich was born into a family of doctors: father - Philip Abramovich - a venereologist, mother - Raisa Solomonovna - a pediatrician, so, according to the aphorist himself, he “First I was treated by my mother, and then by my father”. The Davidovich family appeared in Voronezh in 1916 together with the first university, whose students were his parents: Davidovich's grandfathers, who had their own business in Tartu, dreamed of developing new markets for their aphorisms.

From 1938 to 1941 studied at the 17th school in Voronezh, now the "mathematical" gymnasium named after N. G. Basov. During the war, the family was evacuated to Tashkent. After the mobilization of Raisa Solomonovna in 1944, the son, along with his mother, was at a military hospital. In 1946 the family returned to Voronezh.

In 1948 he entered and graduated in 1953, worked as a mechanic at a state farm in the Ryazan region, as a head teacher at a school of machine operators.

In 1954 he returned to Voronezh, where in 1976, together with the artist Valentina Zolotykh, he founded unique museum aphoristics.

In 2010, in the collection The End of the World Will End Well, he was "recognized unrecognized genius”, and by the summer of 2012, the circle of people recognizing Arkady as a genius of aphorism expanded to a fan club. On October 15, 2012, the Davidovich club, with intellectual and material support and under the auspices of the Khovansky Foundation, began a new educational project "Aphorism as a word with capital letter”, the content of which is learning through the author's aphorisms. On March 21, 2013, the project was developed on the basis of the Voronezh branch of the Moscow Humanitarian and Economic Institute.

Museum of aphorism

Currently, the Davidovich Museum is unique and the only one of famous museums short thought. The museum was designed by the artist Valentina Zolotykh; her paintings and aphorisms by Davidovich, written by her hand, represent the exposition fund of the museum.

The museum is located in the old part of Voronezh, next to the residence of the Voronezh Metropolitan Sergius.

Literary and stage activities

IN Soviet years Davidovich was published in the magazine "Crocodile" under the pseudonyms "Julius Caesar", "Ernest Hemingway", "Honoré de Balzac", "A. David, French writer" in the section "Humor of different latitudes". His works are included in many collections of aphorisms. More than two dozen issues of samizdat author's collections "The Laws of Being, including Non-Being" were published at the writer's own expense. Davidovich is one of the authors of the Common Sense magazine, published under the auspices of the Russian Geographical Society - the Russian Humanist Society.

IN last years Davidovich is the absolute leader in the number of aphorisms published in the collections Anthology of Wisdom, Anthology of Thought in Aphorisms, Wisdom of Russia. From Vladimir Monomakh to the present day "," A new book aphorisms "," The Big Book of Aphorisms "far ahead in the ratings for citation of such authors as Jerzy Lec, Friedrich Nietzsche, Leo Tolstoy, Arthur Schopenhauer and other great thinkers:

Dekalingua Davidovich

On May 29, 2015, in the Voronezh Regional House of Journalists, the presentation of the first collection of aphorisms "JE SUIS DAVIDOWITZ" from the cycle "Davidovich's Dekalingua" was held, which included translations of aphorisms from Russian into 10 languages ​​of the world, which are part of four language families(Indo-European, Afro-Asian, Finno-Ugric, Sino-Caucasian), including Farsi, Hindi, Hebrew, Greek, English, Italian, Spanish, Georgian, Polish, Hungarian.

The ten tongues idea goes back to the 10 strings on the King David Psalter. Another source for the idea of ​​the collection is the famous Rosetta Stone, thanks to the discovery of which, as is known, the meaning of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing was restored. In a comparison of aphorisms in 10 languages ​​from four language families and different groups the task was to identify some universal, anthropological models of thinking.

In October 2015, the collection was presented at the international book fair in Frankfurt am Main - "Frankfurter Buchmesse". In December 2015, there was a presentation of a project to continue the cycle - a layout of a collection of aphorisms "Davidovich's Cultural Calendar" in the languages ​​of the Commonwealth countries, in which teachers from leading metropolitan universities of the CIS took part. In October 2016, another collection "Davidovich - philosophic Slovenian" was published in all Slavic languages, including Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Slovak, Kashubian, Upper and Lower Lusatian, Czech, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Macedonian and Serbian. Collection of aphorisms translated into all Slavic languages, is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the collection "Slavonic Bulletin", founded by A. A. Khovansky in 1866 on the eve of the first Moscow Slavic Congress (1867).


On July 4 and 5, 2015, the premiere screening of the film "Homunculus" took place in art gallery"X. L.A.M. (dir. R. Dmitriev and K. Savelyev, art director V. Zolotykh), in which Davidovich immediately played the roles of Faust, Mephistopheles and the homunculus. This film was the debut feature acting career aphorist. He played one of the main roles in the film famous rock musician Konstantin Stupin.

Public and political activities

Active civil position Davidovich began to manifest itself in writing and publishing sharply satirical reviews of current politics back in the Soviet years. IN recent decades object creative attention aphorist served modern politicians both Russian and foreign.

In 2015, in the Year of Literature in Russia, and also in connection with the definition of the Tajik Kulyab and Voronezh as the cultural capital of the CIS, Davidovich, in the presence of representatives of the European Union, was elected the Civil Head of the Cultural Capital of the Commonwealth. The Mir TV channel dedicated Davidovich, as one of the brightest modern residents of Voronezh, documentary in the loop " Cultural capitals Commonwealth".


I. Information of the General alphabetical catalog of books in Russian (1725-1998) / RNL

II. Information of the electronic catalog of the National Library of Russia

The end of the world will end well: aphorisms with fascinating drawings by Viktor Koval / Arkady Davidovich. - Ed. 2nd, add. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2010. - 253 p. - (Humor. The jester is with you / comp.: Yu. Kushak). 3000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-699-41806-0.

III. Publisher Information

  • The ABC of life of Arkady Davidovich. - Voronezh, Central Black Earth Book Publishing House, 2011-136 p. - ISBN 978-5-7458-1198-2.
  • Parting words to life: aphorisms for youth/ comp. Lavrukhin A. V. - M., Olma Media Group, 2012-304 p. - ISBN 978-5-373-04764-7
  • / comp. A. Ivanovich. - Voronezh, Quarta, 2013-134 p.
  • / comp. A. Ivanovich. - Voronezh, Quarta, 2014. - 154 p.

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An excerpt characterizing Davidovich, Arkady Filippovich

And then I finally realized that this was indeed her world, created only by the power of her thought. This girl didn't even realize what a treasure she was! But my grandmother, I think, just understood this very well ...
As it turned out, Stella died a few months ago in a car accident, in which her entire family also died. Only the grandmother remained, for whom at that time there was simply no room in the car ... And who almost went crazy when she learned about her terrible, irreparable misfortune. But, what was the strangest thing, Stella did not get, as everyone usually did, to the same levels in which her family was. Her body had a high essence, which after death went to the most high levels Earth. And thus the girl was left completely alone, since her mother, father and older brother were apparently the most ordinary, ordinary people who did not differ in any special talents.
“Why don’t you find someone here where you live now?” I asked carefully again.
- I found ... But they are all kind of old and serious ... not like you and me. The girl whispered thoughtfully.
Suddenly, she suddenly smiled cheerfully and her pretty face immediately shone with a bright bright sun.
“Do you want me to show you how to do it?”
I just nodded in agreement, very afraid that she would change her mind. But the girl was clearly not going to “change her mind” on anything, on the contrary - she was very glad to have found someone who was almost the same age as her, and now, if I understood something, she was not going to let me go so easily ... This " perspective" suited me completely, and I prepared to listen attentively about its incredible wonders ...
“Everything is much easier here than on Earth,” Stella chirped, very pleased with the attention given, “you just have to forget about the “level” at which you still live (!) And focus on what you want to see . Try to imagine very accurately, and it will come.
I tried to switch off all extraneous thoughts - it did not work. For some reason this has always been difficult for me.
Then, finally, everything disappeared somewhere, and I was left hanging in complete emptiness ... There was a feeling of Complete Peace, so rich in its fullness that it was impossible to experience on Earth ... Then the emptiness began to fill with a mist sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow, which and condensed more, becoming like a brilliant and very dense ball of stars ... Smoothly and slowly this "ball" began to unwind and grow until it became like a gigantic sparkling spiral, amazing in its beauty, the end of which was "sprayed" by thousands of stars and went where into the invisible distance... I stared dumbfounded at this fabulous unearthly beauty, trying to understand how and where it came from? I couldn't get rid of a very strange feeling that THIS is my real home
– What is it?.. – a thin voice asked in a stunned whisper.
Stella "frozen" stood in a stupor, unable to make even the slightest movement, and with rounded eyes, like large saucers, she observed this incredible beauty that unexpectedly fell from somewhere ...
Suddenly, the air around us shook violently, and a luminous being appeared right in front of us. It was very similar to my old "crowned" star friend but it was clearly someone else. After recovering from the shock and taking a closer look at him, I realized that he did not look like my old friends at all. It’s just that the first impression “fixed” the same hoop on the forehead and similar power, but otherwise there was nothing in common between them. All the "guests" that had come to see me before had been tall, but this being was very tall, probably somewhere around a full five meters. His strange glittering clothes (if they could be called that) fluttered all the time, scattering sparkling crystal tails behind him, although not the slightest breeze was felt around him. Long, silver hair shone with a strange lunar halo, creating the impression of "eternal cold" around his head ... And his eyes were such that it would never be better to look at them! .. Before I saw them, even in the wildest fantasy it was impossible introduce like eyes!.. They were incredibly bright Pink colour and sparkled with a thousand diamond stars, as if lit up every time he looked at someone. It was completely unusual and breathtakingly beautiful ...
From him breathed mysterious distant space and something else that my little childish brain was not yet able to comprehend ...
The creature raised its hand, turned to us with its palm, and mentally said:
- I'm Eli. You are not ready to come - come back ...
Naturally, I was immediately wildly interested in who it was, and I really wanted to somehow, at least for a short time hold him.
- Not ready for what? I asked as calmly as I could.
- Come back home. he answered.
From him emanated (as it seemed to me then) incredible power and at the same time some strange deep warmth of loneliness. I wished he never left, and suddenly I felt so sad that tears welled up in my eyes...
“You will return,” he said, as if answering my sad thoughts. - Only it won't be soon... And now go away.
The glow around him grew brighter... and much to my chagrin, he disappeared...
The sparkling huge “spiral” continued to shine for some time, and then it began to crumble and completely melted, leaving behind only deep night.
Stella finally “woke up” from the shock, and everything around her immediately shone with a cheerful light, surrounding us with bizarre flowers and colorful birds, which her amazing imagination hurried to create as soon as possible, apparently wanting to get rid of the oppressive impression of eternity that had fallen on us as soon as possible.
“Do you think it’s me…?” Still unable to believe what had happened, I whispered dumbfounded.
- Certainly! - the little girl chirped again in a cheerful voice. “That's what you wanted, right? It is so huge and scary, though very beautiful. I would never live there! – with full confidence declared she.
And I could not forget that incredibly huge and so attractively majestic beauty, which, now I knew for sure, would forever become my dream, and the desire to return there someday would haunt me for a long time, long years until, one day, I finally find my real, lost HOME ...
- Why are you sad? You've done so well! Stella exclaimed in surprise. Do you want me to show you something else?
She conspiratorially wrinkled her nose, which made her look like a cute, funny little monkey.
And again everything turned upside down, "landing" us in some crazy-bright "parrot" world ... in which thousands of birds screamed wildly and this abnormal cacophony made our heads spin.
- Oh! - Stella laughed loudly, - not so!
And immediately there was a pleasant silence ... We were "naughty" together for a long time, now alternately creating funny, funny, fairy worlds which turned out to be really easy. I couldn't tear myself away from all this. unearthly beauty and from the crystal-clear, amazing girl Stella, who carried a warm and joyful light in herself, and with whom I sincerely wanted to stay close forever ...
But real life, unfortunately, called back to “go down to Earth” and I had to say goodbye, not knowing if I would ever be able to see her again at least for a moment.
Stella looked with her large, round eyes, as if wanting and not daring to ask something ... Then I decided to help her:
- Do you want me to come again? – I asked with hidden hope.
Her funny face again shone with all shades of joy:
"Are you really coming?" she squeaked happily.
“Really, really, I’ll come ...” I firmly promised ...

Overwhelmed with everyday worries, days turned into weeks, and I still couldn't find free time to visit my cute little friend. I thought about her almost every day and swore to myself that tomorrow I would definitely find the time to at least a couple of hours "take my soul" with this wonderful bright little man ... And also one more, very strange thought did not give me peace - very I wanted to introduce Stella's grandmother to her no less interesting and unusual grandmother... For some inexplicable reason, I was sure that both these wonderful women would certainly find something to talk about...
So, finally, one fine day, I suddenly decided that it was enough to put off everything “for tomorrow” and, although I was not at all sure that Stella’s grandmother would be there today, I decided that it would be wonderful if today I finally visit my new girlfriend, well, and if you're lucky, then I'll introduce our dear grandmothers to each other.
Some strange force was literally pushing me out of the house, as if someone from afar was very gently and, at the same time, very persistently calling me mentally.
I quietly approached my grandmother and, as usual, began to spin around her, trying to think of a better way to present all this to her.
- Well, let's go or something? .. - Grandma asked calmly.
I stared at her dumbfounded, not understanding how she could know that I was going somewhere at all ?!.
Grandmother smiled slyly and, as if nothing had happened, asked:
“What, don’t you want to walk with me?”
Indignant in my soul at such an unceremonious intrusion into my “private mental world”, I decided to “test” my grandmother.
- Well, of course I want to! I exclaimed happily, and without saying where we were going, I headed for the door.
- Take a sweater, we'll be back late - it will be cool! Grandmother shouted after her.
I couldn't stand it any longer...
"And how do you know where we're going?" – ruffled like a frozen sparrow, I grumbled offendedly.
So everything is written on your face, - grandmother smiled.
Of course, this was not written on my face, but I would give a lot to find out how she always knew everything so confidently when it came to me?
A few minutes later we were already stomping together in the direction of the forest, chatting enthusiastically about the most diverse and incredible stories, whom she, of course, knew much more than I did, and this was one of the reasons why I loved walking with her so much.
We were just the two of us, and there was no need to be afraid that someone would overhear and someone might not like what we were talking about.
Grandmother very easily accepted all my oddities, and was never afraid of anything; and sometimes, if she saw that I was completely “lost” in something, she gave me advice that helped me get out of this or that undesirable situation, but most often she simply watched how I react to those that have already become permanent, life difficulties, endlessly caught on my "spiky" path. IN Lately it began to seem to me that my grandmother was just waiting for something new to come across to see if I had matured at least a heel, or if I was still “boiling” in my “ happy childhood”, not wanting to get out of a short children's shirt. But even for her “cruel” behavior, I loved her very much and tried to use every convenient moment to spend time together with her as often as possible.

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