The name of the singer is iowa. Lyrics (words) of the IOWA group


Do you know who Ekaterina Ivanchikova is? Do you know the biography of this girl? If not, we recommend that you read the article. We wish you happy reading!

Ekaterina Ivanchikova: biography

The popular singer was born on August 18, 1987. Her hometown- Chausy (Republic of Belarus). Katya's father and mother - simple people. He made every effort to ensure decent life his daughter.


Our heroine grew up as an obedient and good-natured girl. She picked up animals on the street, brought them home, fed and treated them. Katya always had many girlfriends and friends.

At school, Ivanchikova studied for fours and fives. Teachers praised her for her thirst for knowledge and active participation in the life of the class. In parallel with the usual girl attended the music. She has been learning to play the piano for several years. Katyusha also attended a drawing circle, vocal and dance studios.

IN adolescence Ivanchikova's first love came. Suddenly surging feelings prompted her to write poems and songs. Then our heroine thought about creating her own group.


Ekaterina Ivanchikova, whose biography we are considering, wanted to become famous singer. But by the time she graduated from high school, the girl decided to take a different path. She went to Minsk, where she entered the BPU. M. Tanka. Within the walls of this university, Katya received two professions - a “journalist” and a “philologist”.


In 2009, the Iowa group was created in Mogilev. Ekaterina Ivanchikova has assembled a team of young and ambitious guys. Our heroine was responsible for songwriting and vocals. She also played the bass guitar. Let's list the rest of the IOWA group members:

  • Andrey Artemiev - keyboards;
  • Lenya Tereshchenko - songwriter, guitar;
  • Vasya Bulanov - drums, DJ;
  • Vadim Kotletkin - bass guitar.

The team traveled all over Belarus from the tour. Everywhere their performances were received with a bang. Ekaterina Ivanchikova - a singer who amazes (in good sense words) not only with his vocals, but also with his ability to move on stage.

Career Development

The Iowa group has achieved success in their native Belarus. However, this was not enough for them. In 2011, the guys decided to go to Moscow with the musical material they had. Russian capital received the guests not very friendly. Production centers refused to work with an unknown group. To earn money for food and lodging, the Belarusian team performed on Malaya Sadovaya Street. Katya sang songs own composition. The boys were playing musical instruments. Next to them lay a hat, in which passers-by put money - no matter how much it is a pity.

One day, talented guys were advised to take part in music competition. Katya Ivanchikova and her colleagues decided to take advantage of this recommendation in March 2012. The IOWA group lit up in the TV show "Red Star", organized by the First channel. The guys managed to stand out among the other participants. But after a couple of weeks, the audience had already forgotten about them.

In April 2012, Katya invited her bandmates to shoot a video for the song "Mama". The guys agreed. There were no problems with finding sponsors and clip makers. In May, the video was ready. Musicians from the Iowa group posted it on Youtube. Behind short term The clip has garnered over a million views.

Already in July, IOWA represented our country at the competition " New wave". Then it was still held in Jurmala. Like other participants of the event, Ekaterina performed the song live. His vocal and external data were highly appreciated by the audience and the professional jury.

In 2013, Katya, along with her group, starred in the Let's Get Married program. On the air of Channel One, she sang the song "I'm looking for a husband." Two months later, the team was invited to the TV show "Big Dances".

By the beginning of 2014, the creative piggy bank of the IOWA group had several dozen songs, hundreds of performances and 6 clips. And the guys also recorded the soundtrack for the TV series "Kitchen". The song "One and the Same" was taken as the basis.


The real popularity came to the team after the composition “Smile” sounded on the air of Russian radio stations. Then came the video of the same name. People began to hum the simple lyrics of the song. Collaboration offers poured in Belarusian musicians as if from a cornucopia.

And the Iowa group, led by continued to pamper fans with new compositions. “The song is simple”, “Minibus”, “Bride” - these tracks have been added to their playlist by many users of social networks.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova: personal life

Tall, beautiful, self-confident, daring and stylish - these words can describe our heroine. She must have had a lot of male fans. Does Ekaterina Ivanchikova reciprocate? The personal life of the singer is shrouded in many secrets and rumors.

The print media report with enviable regularity about the wedding of the Iowa soloist. Some of the articles are even accompanied by a photo with the caption “Ekaterina Ivanchikova’s husband.” But these are just the machinations of ill-wishers and yellow press workers. To date, Katya is not legally married. She has never been married yet. And she didn't even have time to have children. Perhaps this is because Ivanchikova makes high demands on her potential chosen one. A man should be intelligent, decent, wealthy and morally stable. Nationality, height and age do not matter.


Now you know where Ekaterina Ivanchikova was born and how she became popular. The biography of the girl was examined in detail by us. We wish her and other members of the IOWA group creative success and financial prosperity!

Ekaterina Ivanchikova - vocals
Leonid Tereshchenko - guitar
Vasily Bulanov - drums
Andrey Artemiev - keyboards
Vadik Kotletkin - bass guitar

IOWA Group– This is a bright original team that combines a unique female vocals and melody, sincere feelings and charisma, beauty and femininity. The guys appeared unexpectedly from nowhere, and also unexpectedly they were recognized by all the leading media structures of the country. Unexpected, but deserved. You can't avoid fame if you really deserve it. Their debut clip on the Internet was watched by several tens of thousands of people in a couple of days.

Their work was immediately taken into rotation on MTV and many other channels and radio stations, reports./../.. They are invited to all major city festivals. For several months they have already managed to visit many cities of Russia. People loved them.

About the group

I.O.W.A. (Idiots Out Wandering Around) is an American idiom.

Translation: "You can't hide the truth."

Examine every cell of the human body and you will not find the gene responsible for the perception of music ... Gathered together, the group members formed a unique gene I.O.W.A., becoming one, m linguistic whole.

The group was born in 2009 in Belarus. And already in 2010, after a series of successful acoustic concerts in St. Petersburg, the vocalist of the group, together with the guitarist, made a balanced decision to move to Russia. In Saint-Petersburg.

For whom and what is our music about?

We do not fall into the search for what is visible to the touch, we do not try to add mysticism to our songs. Rather, we write small, but, nevertheless, significant stories about positive longing, beautiful loneliness, in which a person is able to create; o LOVE, without which he is not able to... create. Our music is for everyone who is close to it.

I.O.W.A. - this is more, wider and more diverse than music, limited to one genre. This is also evidenced by the fact that our instrumental music sounds in the one-act performance "... it means I'm alive", which was presented at the IFMC international festival in Belarus.

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Katya "I.O.W.A." Ivanchikova (vocals, lyrics, set design)
Even at the 8th month of pregnancy, my mother danced in a group, the Russian dance "Round dance".
So, what can I say that I started performing on stage at the 8th month of my mother's pregnancy ...
1992 - First time on stage. Ranked 1st in regional competition among kindergartens;
1994 - Started keeping a diary. First entry: "I know that I will become a singer!". She began to write her first poems;

2002 - Studied academic singing at the music school;
2003 - Graduated music school in the class of choreography, and drawing! Started writing her own songs;
2005 - Became a finalist of the Belarusian TV projects "Stargazer", "Star Stagecoach", "Hit-Moment";
2007 - Became a soloist Russian musical"PROROK" / St. Petersburg;
2008 - She performed as an opening act for the Animal Jazz group, became a member of a one-act performance to the music of the I.O.W.A group. “... so I live”, which won the international competition “IFMS”;
2009 - Starred in the short film "Meeting"

Leonid "LENNY" Tereshchenko (rhythm and solo guitar, music, arrangement)
Since childhood I have shown Creative skills and passion for the stage. As a kid, according to the stories of his parents, he took a broom in his hands and sang the songs of M. Boyarsky throughout the apartment. Graduated high school with an aesthetic twist. In high school, I drew guitars and names on the desk famous rock bands. Why was he an active participant? general cleaning in the classroom ... and all creative evenings ...
1999 - Once, when I saw a guitarist playing live at one of the concerts, I fell ill with music. Extremely carried away by the guitar, he decided to take private lessons. Entered Mogilev School of Music them. Rimsky-Korsakov. During his studies, he became a laureate of prestigious international competitions and festivals. Actively led concert activity. Parallel to classical music actively interested in the art of arrangement.
2004 - After graduating from college, he was invited to perform in the USA. All forces and aspirations were directed to this area, however, the exit for several years was impossible, as it was not once denied a visa.
2005 - Received an invitation to work at the Spamash production center in Minsk. He worked as an arranger and sessionist with "Belarusian pop stars". I give private guitar lessons. I work in the group I.O.W.A.

Vasily "VASE. M" Bulanov (drums)
The first thing that seriously shocked me in my life was King Michael ( Michael Jackson). I tried to copy it, found shirts, hung all kinds of pendants on them. In front of the mirror I tried to repeat his movements. I made wigs from laces ...
Somehow I found out that in one institution there is a set of musical ensemble. It was the Palace of Pioneers. It was there that I picked up chopsticks for the first time and realized that I would like to do this in the future. Reporting concerts around the city and other performances more and more dragged me into creative activity. The first group moved in the direction of "punk", that's when I first felt the drive and power of rock music. It attracted me, and I decided on the style that I would like to perform. Tried myself in different groups and projects. From everything I extracted what I needed for further growth. Over time, drumming became more than a hobby. Classes on video schools have yielded results. I give private percussion lessons.
Since 2009 I have been working in the I.O.W.A.

Official (updated) biography on ./../..
Official page of the IOWA VKontakte group:
Facebook: no.
Twitter: no. blog: no.
Official site: no.
YouTube channel: no.
Livejournal: no.
MySpace: no.
IOWA group in Odnoklassniki (official group): no.
Photo on FLICKR: no.
Community on LIVEJOURNAL: no.

Materials used in the creation of the biography:
1. Official press portrait of the IOWA group in the media.
2. Wikipedia.
3. Media.
4. Photo from open sources.

Her voice is known by the whole country from Moscow to the very outskirts. And it's not a joke. First there was “A Simple Song”, then “Mom”, “Smile” ... And now the ubiquitous “Minibus” is tearing up the charts, and with them the dynamics of both broken “sixes” and polished “Cayennes” to a shine. Meet the lead singer of the super popular IOWA band Ekaterina Ivanchikova.

As often happens, recognition for the IOWA group, led by soloist Ekaterina Ivanchikova, first came in the regions. Satiated Moscow did not notice the nuggets from Belarusian Mogilev for a long time. But when the first album called Export entered the top five best-selling on iTunes, the capital could not resist their charm. But what is surprising is that only loyal fans and visitors to their concerts know the IOWA group in person. It is even more surprising that this fact only pleases the band's frontmen. the site met with Ekaterina Ivanchikova and learned how to catch up with a dream on a ride, live for 2 weeks on 500 rubles, and why home and work are one for her.

Together with my mother, our guitarist Leonid Tereshchenko and friends, I rested in Thailand. It's a place where you can't run away from anything. Sunrise and sunset, entertainment and new experiences will definitely catch up with you. I remember the 80-meter waterfall on Koh Samui. First we passed its horizontal part, and then the vertical part began. That's where we had to climb. Usually no one climbs to the top, and our team at the peak put their flag in the form of a photograph. This path strengthens team spirit. There is a distribution of responsibilities, and relationships within the team are changing. It seems like an exciting game, but that's life.

E.I.: If we talk about the IOWA band, then our guitarist Lenya paved the way for us. And in life, I prefer to find my own way. I do not like it when someone leads me - then I lose control and fall asleep.

E.I.: I didn't see myself anywhere else. I started singing as soon as I spoke. It feels like someone made a choice for me and decided everything.

I have had a passion for music since childhood. Despite all the doubts, my mother always supported and helped me prepare for concerts. As a child, I performed on the stage of the House of Culture in Mogilev. She constantly took part in reviews and competitions, because she quickly memorized the texts and entered the desired image.

website: How was the IOWA group born?

E.I.: Everything happened by chance. At the age of 15 I started writing songs, but I didn't do anything with them. And in the tenth grade, I began to run to Mogilev every weekend, getting there by hitchhiking. Then I lived in the neighboring small town of Chausy ...

E.I.: I just always tried to talk drivers, asked about their childhood. And our conversation created positive energy I stopped being afraid.

Adult men are generally not very talkative. They communicate with their wives only on business, they constantly work, and they have no one to chat with sincerely. And here I am. Accordingly, if a person opened up to me, then he had no intention of offending me later. And these trips up big city I was tempered. We can say that then I learned to communicate with people and comprehended the basics of psychology.

website: And what happened in Mogilev?

E.I.: There I met people, went to their concerts, I understood that I could perform better. Then I wanted to create my own team. Gradually, I was drawn into the rock party. I met a guy who did arrangements for me. He helped me find Lena (Leonid Tereshchenko today is the guitarist and songwriter of the IOWA group, - site note).

website: How did you and Leonid find a common language?

E.I.: In general, everyone used to call him “Lenya-Dynamo”, because he could not answer calls if he became uninteresting, he disappeared for several days. It was impossible to do business with him. Now he is the complete opposite of his past image.

Lena liked my material then, and already at the second rehearsal he culturally kicked out all the other musicians and invited Vasya (Vasily Bulanov - drummer and DJ in the IOWA group, - site note). And thanks to Lena, the group played what was in my head. I still thought it was impossible. And now I understand that our meeting is a miracle.

E.I.: For some reason, the guys from the rock party began to call me that, even before the appearance of our team. The band Slipknot has an album with that name, from there I got this nickname. All around suddenly began to say: "You're IOWA!".

website: Why, having moved to Russia, did you stay in St. Petersburg?

E.I.: I have been there many times before moving and fell in love with this city. I have not seen anything like it. Pictures with Venice, Rome and Paris do not count.

Peter never seemed to me somehow slushy and gray. We arrived in the summer, at that moment there were no cloudy days at all. It just so happened that we were invited there by a novice concert organizer to perform at the apartment building. I do not know how he risked, because he could have called a local group. This was in 2011. We took $100 with us for three of us. (laughs).

At the station, when we tried to exchange currency for rubles, we were deceived. Instead of two and a half thousand at the current exchange rate, we received only 500 rubles. I think that's how the city tested us.

website: How did you manage to survive the first time?

E.I.: They came to our concert local girls. We talked to them, and they invited us to their three-room apartment. We lived there for two weeks. After that, with money from apartment owners, we rented a couple of rooms from my friend in a five-room apartment on Petrogradka.

E.I.: I worked in a toy store. She made candles and toys from cotton wool with her own hands. True, I did not earn money on them, but gave them to buyers who came to us, but could not afford to buy something. But then they brought with them entire delegations of acquaintances. And they already took something.

website: In St. Petersburg, you met your producer Oleg Baranov, and he helped you become popular. Are you recognized on the streets today?

E.I.: Few people identify me with the image from songs or videos. And it's so good because I calmly walk the streets and ride the subway.

A year ago, I was flying on an airplane, a girl was sitting there and listening to the song “Smile”. She looked at me and did not know that I was singing it. And it's a very interesting feeling. The main thing is that fans recognize us at the concert, and then they don’t pull. I like this period, I hope it will last as long as possible, because you need to relax and be yourself.

website: How are your relationships in the team now?

E.I.: Vasya and Lenya are my dearest people, and I love them very much. Without this feeling, nothing is created in my life. I feel good with my team. I am ready with the guys and work and relax.

E.I.: All talk about my personal life is now taboo for me. I know that someday I will tell about her, but not soon. In general, I believe that love can be built in a team, because it does not interfere with work.

Now I am happy. Although it is important for me as a girl to have my own separate corner where my things lie and the cat lives. In St. Petersburg, I found such a place.

website: What qualities should your man have?

E.I.: First of all, he must have a sense of humor and wisdom - it is she, and not just the mind. You can know everything in the world, but at the same time not be able to use knowledge. I also always liked it when a man can be a kind of lion. He should be respected and feared by subordinates, but with me he can be a kitten. Being strong and strong-willed, he should not be afraid to be open, soft and gentle. Such men meet, only here most our defenders used to be brought up with a belt. The boys were told not to cry, but to always be strong.

website: How do you manage to save peaceful relations with your lover?

E.I.: You need to talk a lot with your partner about what you like and don't like, how you feel and what words hurt you. It is important not to accumulate all this in yourself.

If you endure for a long time, then emotional anguish will constantly happen. Many people say that life without quarrels is not interesting. I think this is nonsense. I prefer to live and build healthy relationships without scandals. And I like to spend most of the day with my beloved. You just need to try not to fill the whole space with yourself.

website: How do you separate home and work for yourself?

E.I.: Creativity is not work. I do not understand why it is necessary to divide life into work and home. Everything is much easier and simpler, you just have to not think about categories. If you both breathe music, then this will definitely not be a problem for you. And you need to be able to laugh at the difficulties in time, then a wise man understand what is really behind it.

E.I.: I have wanted children for a long time. I even know who I will have. It feels like they are already in line. First I give birth to a boy, a real lion. I don't know where I get this feeling. Perhaps this is my inner intuition. Only the time has not come yet. It’s always in my life that if you want something, then you are carried to it.

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