Health and Energy. Positive traits of the name

Prokhor Chaliapin is one of the most controversial characters on Russian stage. Throughout almost his entire career, the singer is surrounded by various scandals and trials that flare up around him with enviable constancy. In a word - ambiguous actions and decisions are something like corporate identity famous Russian singer. But is this artist really remarkable only for this? Of course not. Indeed, in the career of this, of course, a talented young man, there were many bright victories and remarkable career achievements. It is about them that we decided to tell in our today's article.

Early years. "Star Factory"

Future famous singer(despite the widespread legends about his family ties with Fedor Chaliapin) was born into the most ordinary Volgograd family. His father worked as a steelmaker at one of the local factories, and his mother was a cook there. A poor life and the most ordinary reality, coupled with the hardships of ordinary Soviet life, made our today's hero from childhood dream of successful career stage performer. While still studying at elementary school he began to seriously study vocals, as well as participate in concerts as a soloist in the local choir. After that, there was a music school in which Prokhor (or rather, Andrei) learned to play the button accordion, as well as musical ensemble"Bindweed", with which future musician performed for a while.

A few years later, our today's hero also began performing with the teenage show group Jam, and at the same time improving his innate abilities at the Samara Academy of Arts and Culture. In this place, Prokhor Chaliapin studied vocals with recognized teachers, cherishing plans to conquer the Russian capital.

At the age of fifteen, driven by the dream of fame, the future member of the Star Factory moved to Moscow, where he began to study singing at the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music School. However, in this educational institution the young artist did not stay long - a couple of years later, Prokhor Chaliapin entered the Russian academy music named after the Gnesins, where he later studied for several years.

At the age of eighteen, with the support of some familiar musicians, Andrei Zakharenkov recorded his debut album, called the "Magic Violin", which turned out to be completely uninteresting to the public. Despite the fact that the first album, in fact, was sold only among the friends and relatives of the singer, Prokhor Chaliapin did not give up and very soon began to appear as a participant in various music competitions and festivals. In 2006, the singer became the winner of the Soundtrack Award, as well as the bronze medalist of the Star Chance competition, which was held in New York and was organized by Edita Piekha.

Prokhor Chaliapin and Nikolai Baskov - "Smuglyanka"

However, real popularity came to the singer only after successfully passing the casting of the Star Factory-6 project, which is associated with the most significant successes of the Volgograd performer.

Star Trek by Prokhor Chaliapin

On the project of Channel One (Russia), the artist reached the final. Similar success opened the door to the world for Prokhor Chaliapin Russian show business. However, very soon a serious scandal erupted around the personality of the young artist, connected primarily with the biography of our today's hero. The thing is that within the framework of the project, Andrei Zakharenkov has repeatedly stated that he is the great-grandson of the legendary opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin. But this fact was refuted by many journalists, as well as native daughter famous artist- Maria Fedorovna.

Despite the revealed hoax, Prokhor Chaliapin became very popular and very soon began to work closely with producer Viktor Drobysh. Together they created pop arrangements of Russian folk songs, which later became the basis of the repertoire young performer. Currently, the graduate of "Star Factory-6" is one of the most popular "manufacturers" of all time, and also leads in the number of recorded songs.

Prokhor Chaliapin clip "Oh in the meadow"

Active touring activities, as well as increased attention to the Russians folk songs brought the artist many prestigious awards, among which stands out state premium"For the revival of Russia in the 21st century".

Apart from musical activity, Prokhor Chaliapin managed to establish himself as a model and professional composer. So, in particular, one of Philip Kirkorov's songs "Mamaria" was written by Andrey Zakharenkov.

Personal life of Prokhor Chaliapin

Despite the fact that the artist works hard and often tours the CIS countries, the main attention of the public, as a rule, is attracted not by his new performances and albums, but by his scandalous novels.

Yes, first high-profile romance Prokhor began an affair with model and pop singer Adelina Sharipova. Young people met during the casting of "Star Factory-6", but they began to meet only after joint participation in the "Let's Get Married" project. The stormy romance was repeatedly discussed by the press. However, the artists became truly famous only after the appearance on the Internet of a series of their candid photos, which allegedly ended up on the global network quite by accident.

Some time later, the couple broke up. But Prokhor Chaliapin has by no means ceased to amaze his fans with controversial actions. In mid-2013, the young singer married a wealthy businesswoman Larisa Kopenkina. It is noteworthy that the happy bride at that moment was already 52 years old (according to other sources, 57!). The solemn ceremony took place on a specially rented ship, and then moved to new apartment young singer, only the day before presented to him by a rich lover.

Some time later, a young (or not quite) couple appeared on the “Let them talk” project, where they actively proved to the assembled public that they love each other and have the right to happiness. In this context, it is worth noting the fact that before the broadcast of this program, the press actively discussed the opinion about the fictitiousness of this marriage, since Prokhor Chaliapin had previously been to closed Moscow gay clubs quite often.

A, husband. Father: Prokhorovich, Prokhorovna; unfold Prokhorych. Derivatives: Prokhorych; Proch; Prosh; Proshun; Pronya; Pronsha. Origin: (From the Greek prochoreuo to dance in front, lead.) Name day: Jan 17, Jan 28, Feb 23, Aug 10, Oct 8, Oct 11. Dictionary… … Dictionary of personal names

The one in front of the choir; Prokhorka, Prokha, Prosha, Pronya, Pronsha, Prov Dictionary of Russian synonyms. prokhor n., number of synonyms: 5 name (1104) prov ... Synonym dictionary

- (1st century) an apostle from 70, from the first seven deacons (Acts of the Apostles 6:5). Disciple of the Apostle Peter, associate of the Apostle John the Theologian; Bishop of Nicomedia, Hieromartyr, suffered in Antioch. memory in Orthodox Church January 4 (17), 28… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

prochority- dієslovo mind-finished mind ill dіal ... Spelling Dictionary of Ukrainian Movies

- (from other Greek. προχωρέω "one who is in front of the choir") male name Greek origin. Prokhor (Προχωρέω) Greek Genus: male. Etymological meaning: one who is in front of ... Wikipedia

- (Greek leader of a round dance, leader of the choir), one of the seven ministers of the church in Jerusalem (see Minister) (Acts 6:5) ... Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

- (chief of the choir) (Acts 6:5) one of the seven deacons of the Apostolic Church, ordained to the apostles. According to legend, he was a student of St. Peter and the companion and scribe of St. app. and ev. John the Evangelist. He was a bishop in Nicomedia and died as a martyr in ... ...

Pr'ochor (Acts 6:5) analogue. Nicanor ... Bible. Old and New Testaments. Synodal translation. Bible encyclopedia arch. Nicephorus.

Prokhor- Prokhor (Pr okhorovich, Prokhorovna) ... Russian spelling dictionary

prochority- і/u, і/єш і prokhoruva/ti, u/u, u/єш, doc., dial. Get sick… Ukrainian glossy dictionary


  • , Toon Tellegen. THERE LIVED AN ELEPHANT PROKHOR. His dad was an elephant. And mom is an elephant. They lived in a house on a wide street. And next to them lived very different elephants: old, young, big, small, fat, thin, ...
  • Prokhor and Potap. Fairy tales for adults, Tellegen Toon. THERE LIVED AN ELEPHANT PROKHOR. His dad was an elephant. And mom is an elephant. They lived in a house on a wide street. And next to them lived very different elephants: old, young, big, small, fat, thin, ...

The patron planet of Prokhor: Pluto.

Colors favorable for the owner of the name Prokhor: black, steel.

Prokhor's favorite color: orange.

Prokhor Talisman Stone: amber.

The name Prokhor, translated from ancient Greek, means “to dance ahead”, or “leader of the choir”, “chief of the choir”.

The meaning of the name Prokhor

Prokhor combines isolation, firmness and emotionality. Usually Prokhor from childhood is not distinguished by sociability and mobility. Outwardly, he is pleasant, charming and evokes sympathy not only among women. He excels in everything, especially in his work. In marriage, he is a caring, flexible husband, good father. Prokhor is trying to control himself and is able to control his emotions, although he does not always succeed in this, nevertheless, these efforts are not in vain.

Prokhor can master various professions. become an artist, a blacksmith, a teacher, a stove-maker, a driver, a doctor. He has golden hands. In the economy everything goes well with him, he is a very active person.

In his character, as well as in his name, one feels a predilection for antiquity. Prokhor is a very quick-tempered person, and this is a big minus of his character. It is useful for him to soften his straightforward character and restrain irritation, to try to take life easier. The latter would save Prokhor from many problems.

The karma of the name is somewhat heavy, but if Prokhor corrects the mistakes of character, then the karma of the name will acquire harmony.

Prokhor, of course, has friends. When communicating with him, be careful in words. He is unlikely to forgive the offense inflicted on him. If, despite your efforts, it was not possible to avoid the conflict, then you can resolve the situation by turning to Prokhor's sense of justice. In this case, he can compromise.

Name day at Prokhor: January 17 (4), August 10 (July 28) - Prochorus, apostle of the seventy, Bishop of Nicomedia, Hieromartyr, disciple of the Apostle John the Theologian. Preached the faith of Christ in different countries. He died as a martyr in the 1st century.

February 23 (10), October 11 (September 28) - Prokhor Pechersky Lebednik, a hermit in the Near (Antoniev) caves. Asceticized in Kiev Pechersk Monastery. He did not eat ordinary bread, but ate swan - which is why he is also called Lebednik - and the ashes, which turned into bread and salt during his prayer. Once, during a famine, he fed the poor inhabitants of Kyiv with this bread. Lived in the 12th century.

Famous in history owners of the name Prokhor

Prokhor Igolkin - merchant of Novgorod, traded in Sweden, during the beginning Northern war together with other Russians who were then in Sweden, he was imprisoned. Having once heard the Swedish soldiers swearing about the Russian sovereign, he demanded that it be forbidden to speak like that about the anointed of God. He rushed at the daring and killed two with a gun torn from one of the soldiers. Charles XII was so touched by his act that he gave him freedom and sent him to Tsar Peter the Great. This story says that men with the name Prokhor are able to show unprecedented courage to defend the idea.

The name Prokhor was borne by the saints. Prokhor Moshnin, better known as Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky (Seraphim is the name given to him during tonsure) is one of the most famous and beloved Orthodox saints. At the age of seventeen, he left home and, with the blessing of his mother, spent two years in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, and then lived in the Sarov Desert for the rest of his life. Prokhor Moshnin worked wonders. One day, one of the local peasants came to him, wailing: “Father, my horse was stolen from me, and now I have become a beggar without it.” In response, according to the peasant, the saint touched the forehead of the petitioner with his forehead and said: protect yourself with silence and hurry to such and such a village, when you approach him, then turn right from the road and go through the backyards of four houses. There you will see a gate, enter it, untie your horse from the deck and lead it out silently. Heading to the indicated address, the peasant actually found his horse and brought it home. Many cases are known when a saint helped to find a lost or stolen thing or expose a criminal. And even after the death of Prokhor Moshnin continued to work miracles.

The meaning of the name Prokhor: the boy's name means "to lead the choir". This affects the character and fate of Prokhor.

Origin of the name Prokhor: ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of the name: Prokhorka, Prokha, Prosha, Proshunya, Pronya, Pronyla.

What does the name Prokhor mean? The name Prokhor comes from ancient Greek name Prokhoros, which was formed from the word "prokhoreuo". The name translates as "to manage the choir", "to be ahead of the choir." Another meaning of the name Prokhor is “to sing”. He keeps well in society, knows how to manage his emotions. However, he constantly needs to be loaded with work, otherwise his inborn flaw will wake up - laziness.

Patronymic name Prokhor: Prokhorovich, Prokhorovna.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Prokhor celebrates name days twice a year:

  • February 23 (10) - The Monk P. Pechersky labored in the Kiev-Pechersky Monastery, did not eat ordinary bread, but ate swan grass, which is why he is also called Lebednik - and ashes, which turn into bread and salt through his prayer. Once, during a famine, he fed the poor inhabitants of Kyiv with this bread (XII century).
  • August 10 (July 28) - St. Apostle Prochorus was one of the first seven deacons of Christ's church; preached the faith of Christ in different countries; died as a martyr in the 1st century.

Signs: On Prokhor, February 23, and winter-winter will groan. August 10 - Prokhory and Parmen - do not start a change! Prosha-Lebednik - take the quinoa from the gardens!


  • Zodiac - Aquarius
  • Planet - Saturn
  • Orange color
  • Auspicious tree - fir
  • Treasured plant - quinoa
  • Patron - pelican
  • Talisman stone - opal

Characteristics of the name Prokhor

Positive features: The name Prokhor gives emotionality, mobility, strong will the ability to control oneself and manage one's emotions. A man with this name does not like loneliness, he is looking for and quickly finds a company for himself. In the environment of peers, a man holds himself emphatically important and solid.

Negative Traits: The name Prokhor brings stubbornness, categoricalness. The constant suppression of emotions by Prokhor can provoke an unreasonable conflict. Prosha has a painful pride. He may secretly envy the most fortunate people. This envy can develop into ill will.

The nature of the name Prokhor: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Prokhor? He grows up as a poor child. A guy with this name is a bully and a fighter, he is not capable of contemplation for a minute. Having matured and having given himself (and others) bumps, Prokhor settles down somewhat. Now his energy is directed to some serious business. To achieve his far-reaching plans, Proha will definitely assemble a team of reliable and trusted associates. He turns a blind eye to their petty sins. It attaches great importance to sincerity, but dishonesty, deception is severely punished. In anger, he is terrible, God forbid he object: he will immediately resort to assault, although after a while he will begin to repent and even humiliate himself in apologies. He invariably accompanies good luck (if addiction to alcohol does not interfere, especially in his younger years).

A man with this name is an irritable, not very sociable, but charming person, jealous, the meaning of the name takes everything to heart. The man is efficient, responsibly treats the matter, but not a careerist, a craftsman, everything is arguing in his hands. He is hospitable good family man, complaisant husband, demanding and affectionate father. Born in winter, Prokhor is stubborn, persistent, a tireless seeker of truth.

Prokhor and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: The union of the name with Agatha, Vassa is favorable. The name Prokhor is also combined with Melania. Complicated Relationships likely with Anfisa, Virineya, Polina, Harita, Yulia.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Prokhor promise happiness in love? He can prove himself to be a good, albeit demanding, husband and master. In raising children, he knows how to show both care and firmness.

For him has special meaning family. He chooses a stately, beautiful wife and torments her with jealousy all his life. Households are afraid of the noisy Prokhi, especially sons, for whom he (even to old age!) Is an inflexible authority.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Prokhor has every chance to do brilliant career, if he accurately determines his choice. It is quite possible that the one named Prokhor will change many professions until he finds something that is close to his soul. A guy with this name is extraordinary in his views, he can even create his own philosophy and religion.

Business and career: The business life of Prokhor can develop the most in an unexpected way, leading him either to wealth and power, or to an absolutely opposite result. The range of professional interests is very wide: medicine, pedagogy, painting, foundry, construction.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Prokhor: The constant suppression of emotions can provoke nervous exhaustion, as evidenced by the emerging nervous tics of the eyes and facial muscles. The name Prokhor may have stomach problems.

The fate of Prokhor in history

What does the name Prokhor mean for male destiny?

  1. Prokhor Igolkin is a Novgorod merchant. While trading in Sweden, at the beginning of the Great Northern War, together with all the other Russians who were then in Sweden, he was imprisoned. Having once heard the swear words of the Swedish soldiers about the Russian sovereign, he began to demand that it be forbidden to talk like that about the sovereign - the anointed of God; but his complaints only aroused the ridicule of the authorities and the still greater insolence of the watchmen. Then Igolkin rushed to the daring and killed two with a gun torn from one of them. Before the Swedish court, he directly stated the whole incident, and Charles XII was so touched by his act that he gave him freedom and sent him to Peter.
  2. Bishop Prokhor - (d.1328) Bishop of Rostov (1311 - 1328). He was archimandrite of the Yaroslavl Spassky Monastery until 1311, when Metropolitan Peter appointed him bishop of Rostov. The bishop, being one of the closest associates of Peter and enjoying the confidence of the Moscow princes, after his death, as some historians believe, headed the Russian church until the arrival of the Greek Theognost in Moscow.
  3. Prokhor Gorokhov - (1869 - 1925) Russian self-taught poet.
  4. Prokhor Lezhnev - (d.1802) Vice Admiral, participant in the Vyborg battle. Awards and prizes: Order of St. Vladimir, 3rd class. (1790), Order of St. George 4th class. (1791), Order of St. Anne 2nd class. (1798).
  5. Prokhor Charukovsky - (1790 - 1842) Russian therapist, professor at the Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy. He was one of the first in Russia and abroad to understand the importance of semiotics and the need to teach it as an independent course. In 1825, he published the first textbook on general semiology, which also contained information on percussion and auscultation, in connection with which he is considered a pioneer in the introduction of these methods in domestic medicine. For the first time in Russia, he introduced the use of a stethoscope in the diagnosis of diseases of the chest organs; wrote an article on the use of a stethoscope (1831).
  6. Prokhor Dubravin - (born 1976) until April 18, 2011 - Vitaly Emashov; Russian actor. Since 2004 he has been acting in films. Popularity brought a role in the series "Princess of the Circus", where he played two twin brothers: Yaroslav and Svyatoslav. On April 18, 2011, he officially changed his first and last name to Prokhor Dubravin.
  7. Prokhor Lebednik - (d. 1107) Old Russian Orthodox saint, monk of the Caves Monastery, reverend. He led an ascetic lifestyle, ate not ordinary bread, but collected quinoa and ground it with his own hands into flour, made bread for himself and ate it. In the summer, he prepared such bread for himself for the whole year. He did not eat anything but prosphora in the church in his cell, even vegetables, and did not drink anything but water, for which he was nicknamed "swan".
  8. Prokhor Dubasov - (1743 - 1823) batman of the great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov. Appears in all literary and historical works, where it is usually called "Proshka". He was Suvorov's constant batman for more than 30 years - from the 1760s until Suvorov's death. Alexander I awarded the hero with a class rank and a pension of 1200 rubles a year.
  9. Prokhor Chekhovskoy - (born 1983) Russian actor. Works in films, including as a dubbing actor. voiced leading role V ice show"The Nutcracker on Ice" As part of the Fekhtomania team (RGUFK - RAMT), he won two gold medals at the World Artistic Fencing Championship. Champion of Russia and the world in artistic fencing.

Prokhor in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of the name into different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In Polish: Prochor.

Name: Prokhor Chaliapin (Andrey Zakharenkov)

Age: 35 years

Height: 197

Activity: singer, composer

Family status: divorced

Prokhor Chaliapin: biography

Prokhor Chaliapin is a notorious singer. The man has good vocal abilities, but his name pops up much more often in the yellow press than in the lists of participants in music shows. Prokhor posed as a legendary relative, married a wealthy aged lady, made a scandal with a DNA test and opened a casting for the role of his life partner. In addition, naked photo shoots of the singer and his intimate photos constantly appear on the Web.

Prokhor Chaliapin (real name Andrei Andreyevich Zakharenkov) was born in Volgograd on November 26, 1983. The future singer was born in a simple family of Andrei Zakharenkov and Elena Kolesnikova. Prokhor's father worked all his life as a steelmaker, and his mother was a cook at the same factory where her husband worked. The hardships of Soviet everyday life and poverty forced early years Chaliapin to think about the future career of the singer.

When the boy was in elementary school, he had already connected his life with music and seriously took up vocals. Prokhor participated in all school concerts, and also sang in the city choir. Then the boy began to visit music school, where he learned to play the button accordion and performed in the "Bindweed" ensemble.

A couple of years later, Prokhor Chaliapin began performing in the teenage show group Jam. The guy worked hard and improved his vocal skills, so the next step on creative way Prokhor became the Samara Academy of Arts and Culture, where the young man received vocal lessons from professional educators.

In 1996, the young man wrote his first song called "Unreal Dream", and three years later the young singer participated in music show"Morning Star", where he also performed the song own composition, and the eternal hit "Do not renounce loving." Prokhor took third place.

At the age of 15, Chaliapin went to conquer the capital. In Moscow he entered School of Music Ippolitov-Ivanov, but there the guy's studies did not last long. A few years later, the singer entered the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music. Prokhor constantly participated in music competitions. In 2005, he went to New York, where he became the bronze medalist of the Star Chance pop contest, organized by singing a song in Ukrainian.


In 2011, the support of several familiar musicians contributed to the release of Chaliapin's first album, The Magic Violin. The public did not appreciate the work of the singer, the debut disc was sold to relatives and friends. Prokhor did not give up then and began to act more decisively in order to prove himself with positive side.

Prokhor Chaliapin at the "Factory"

In 2006, the singer was awarded the Golden Path Award. But the popularity of Prokhor Chaliapin overtook only after his participation in the selection for the "Star Factory-6". Then the artist managed to conquer the judges and the audience and reach the final.

Very soon the peak of glory changed loud scandal associated with the biography of the great Fyodor Chaliapin. Andrei Zakharenkov frankly declared his relationship with Fedor Chaliapin, claiming that he was his great-grandson. But journalists and the daughter of the famous performer Maria immediately denied this information: Prokhor and Fedor Chaliapin are not relatives at all. The young man simply changed his first and last name in his passport, inventing such a sonorous and memorable pseudonym.

Despite the fact that the lie surfaced, the singer did not lose popularity among the audience and soon signed a contract with a producer.

In collaboration with Drobysh, Prokhor created modern treatments Russian folk songs, which later became the main repertoire of the singer. In terms of the number of recorded songs, Prokhor is the leader among all the participants in Star Factory-6.

Folk songs have become calling card young man who opened for him touring activities. In many cities of Russia, they were happy to listen to a young guy perform songs such as " White Swan" or "Dubinushka". In addition to universal love, processing of folklore brought Prokhor awards. The most prestigious of them was the state award "For the revival of Russia in the XXI century."

Unfortunately, in 2007 the tandem broke up, Chaliapin and Drobysh stopped working after a series of scandals. Since 2008, the artist began to shoot videos for his songs.

In addition to music, the artist participates in fashion shows acting in films. He appeared in the TV series "Zhukov" in the role of opera singer Boris Shtolokov. And under his real name, the musician acts as a composer. He wrote some famous songs popular variety performers. For example, "Mamaria" was written by none other than Andrei Zakharenkov.

Personal life

Despite the fact that the talented artist works hard, constantly nourishing the audience with his work, the attention of the audience is more riveted to the scandalous personal life of Prokhor Chaliapin. The singer claims that he first married at the age of 18, but there is no confirmation of this story.

Introduction to the first famous sweetheart, Adelina Sharipova, took place at the casting of the Star Factory project. True, the relationship of young people began to develop only after joint participation in the Let's Get Married project. The press repeatedly recalled the stormy romance of the singer and model, exposing a photo of Prokhor with his lover at joint parties. The couple did not meet for long, but managed to excite the Internet with their candid photos.

After their separation, the young man was not upset and continued to surprise fans with his "adventures". In 2013, Prokhor Chaliapin on a businesswoman, who at that time was 52 years old. The ceremony was more than pompous. An extremely wealthy bride rented a steamboat, then Chaliapin and Kopenkina went to the artist's new apartment, presented to him by his wife the day before.

This wedding has become one of the most scandalous and high-profile in 2013. After some time, the newlyweds came to the program "Let them talk", where they tried to convincingly prove to the public that they had a real bright feeling. However, in 2014 it became known that Prokhor Chaliapin and Larisa Kopenkina.

After some time and a collapse of criticism of the young singer, Chaliapin admitted that their marriage to Kopenkina was an ordinary business agreement. Prokhor said that his ex-wife was not a millionaire, but a simple manager in a real estate company, and their marriage was necessary to promote the company's brand. But, according to Larisa, the real estate agency belongs to her.

Even during the marriage, Kopenkina learned about the relationship young husband with a TV presenter, who at that time was already in position. In March 2015, Chaliapin and Kalashnikova had a son, Danya. The artists decided to legalize the relationship. Anna and Prokhor constantly cursed, then reconciled, and the fans were forced to only guess, with bated breath, whether there would be a wedding.

At the end of the year, Prokhor left Kalashnikov after the news that she went on dates with a ladies' man and a handsome man. Prokhor was sure that the bride was cheating on him, and did not intend to continue such a relationship. For a singer in marriage, trust is important. Chaliapin assured the press and fans that, despite such a gap, he would behave like a gentleman and continue to support the mother of his child. After such a scandal, the couple again surprised the press and fans and reconciled.

Soon the artist was waiting for a new unpleasant surprise from the ex-bride. In April 2016, in the studio of the “Let them talk” program, it turned out that the DNA test did not confirm the fact of the paternity of the baby - Anna gave birth to a child from another man. It turned out that whole year the singer is raising someone else's child. Kalashnikova was not sure of the veracity of the test, but the scandal had already thundered. continued family quarrel in the program "Confrontation" on "NTV".

Kalashnikova herself claims that Prokhor knew that the child might not be his, but assured Anna that he would not tell anyone about this and would raise his son in any case. The TV presenter said that she met Prokhor literally on the same day that her previous lover left her, so the early pregnancy initially raised questions, and Anna honestly warned the singer that his paternity was in doubt. But Prokhor nevertheless broke up with Anna.

Prokhor did not despair of starting a family. In 2016, information appeared that the singer was again looking for a bride. Chaliapin approached this issue professionally and on a grand scale. With the help of the singer, he organized a show on Channel One called "The Bride for Prokhor Chaliapin." The singer throughout the country voiced necessary qualities, including height, weight and love of folk songs. At the same time, Prokhor does not want his chosen one to be a singer or actress. He admitted that he wants to find a woman whose personal qualities will be like that of his ex-wife, and whose appearance will be like that of a failed one.

In January 2017, grief happened in Prokhor's life: he suddenly died close girlfriend. Former soloist group "" was 33 years old, the girl was healthy and did not have bad habits- Death came as a surprise.

The artists have known each other since filming. morning star”, communicated very closely and warmly. IN " Instagram» the singer constantly appeared joint photos. In the whirlwind of wives, brides and girls, Jeanne's friend was truly a dear and close person to Prokhor. The singer died shortly after their conversation. Friends agreed on a meeting, which never took place.

Prokhor Chaliapin now

The long handsome handsome man (his height is 197 cm, and his weight is 77 kg) did not sit up as a bachelor. In November 2017, Prokhor revealed the identity of his new sweetheart. She turned out to be Tatyana Gudzeva - a girl who is not a media girl, far from show business.

In January 2018, he proposed to Tatyana a marriage proposal, but her mother was categorically against this marriage. In order to make peace with their future relatives, Prokhor, along with Tatyana and her mother, went on the air of the Male / Female program. And at the end of January, with their participation, the program "Actually" was released on the screens. Tatyana Gudzeva was connected to a lie detector, thanks to which Prokhor learned a lot of new and secret things about his chosen one.

Firstly, it turned out that the girl was not 27 years old, as she said, but 39. And secondly, on the program it turned out that she gave birth to her daughter not from ex-husband but from a lover. Such shocking information baffled the singer, he did not even comment on the situation, and the question of the separation of the lovers remained open. Later, Prokhor Chaliapin said that his feelings for Tanya were too strong and he would not part with her.

True, already in March, the singer's fans said that his chosen one was him. According to witnesses, blue-eyed blond Sergey Boytsov did not hide his passion for the girl during the entire training, and she reciprocated. The man even allowed himself a kiss while the girl was exercising on the simulator, and at the end they said goodbye, embracing each other.

After that, the couple reappeared on the "Actually" program. First, Prokhor underwent a polygraph test. It turned out that the singer himself was not faithful to his beloved. But he immediately began to justify himself, saying that he was consoled. After the test on the detector, Tatyana Gudzeva and Sergey Boytsov passed. From their answers, it became clear that between them there were intimate relationship. But the woman categorically denied these polygraph testimonies. In the studio also appeared her former man Damir Galimzynov, who believed that he could be the father of her daughter. But the DNA test did not show their relationship.

As before, love relationship Prokhor is scandals and intrigues. In May, Prokhor once again became a guest of Dmitry Shepelev. Only this time he decided to "expose" the new lover of his ex-wife Larisa Kopenkina. Her chosen one was an actor who is 18 years younger than a woman. The program turned out to be funny, Prokhor sincerely wished her happiness, namely, to find an old man of about 80 years old. He also said that Larisa is his “product”, because his best years he spent on it. Now he just wants to warn her.

April 2018 secular society began to discuss a possible romance between Prokhor and now ex-wife- a pianist. The actor supported the girl during, and after that he was seen in her company on vacation, in shops, a bathhouse and walks. Prokhor and Vitalina managed to record several joint songs.

The couple stirs up interest in the union with joint photographs.

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