Alexander Fadeev's novel "Defeat": analysis of the work, characterization of the characters, history of creation. Other writings on this work


In the socio-psychological novel Defeat, the author talks about the years of the Civil War. The composition and plot of the work are constructed in such a way that it is possible to vividly and fully show the sprouts of a new consciousness in the souls of the fighters of the partisan detachment. According to the author, this is an inevitable result revolutionary events. Fadeev, proving this idea, connected two different genre epic and novel. Therefore, the plot of the work turned out to be very branched, in which various characters and events are intertwined.

Background to the creation of the novel

Alexander Fadeev became a writer of the "new time". To reflect reality, he tried to show the appropriate mood and introduced new images into literature. The writer's task was to create a hero of the revolution who would be understandable to a new, mostly illiterate, reader. By design, the thoughts and language of the book were to be accessible to people who do not have sufficient education. It was necessary to approach the issues of spiritual values ​​in a different way, to present such concepts as humanism, love, loyalty, duty, struggle, heroism from a different angle.

date of writing

At this turning point for the country, from 1924 to 1926, Alexander Fadeev wrote the novel "Rout", which "grew" from the story "Snowstorm". The writers who dedicated their works to the Civil War tried to somehow “smooth out” sharp corners, held back their heroes, preventing them from sinking to the limit. In Fadeev, on the contrary, the heroes are merciless, dishonorable and cruel. The terrible conditions in which they are, his characters justify by the fact that this serves to protect and win the revolution. service higher idea they justify all deeds and crimes by assuring themselves that the end justifies the means. Such moral principles and guided by the heroes of Fadeev.

novel idea

Fadeev defined the main idea of ​​the work “The Defeat” something like this: “In the war, people are hardened. Those unable to fight are weeded out.” Of course, from the position of today, such an assessment of the Civil War is unfair. But the undoubted merit of the author is that he was able to show the Civil War from the inside. And in the foreground of his novel is not military action, but a person. It is no coincidence that the author chose the time when the detachment was defeated for the description. Fadeev wanted to show not only the successes, but also the failures of the Red Army. In dramatic events, the characters of people are revealed most deeply. Such is the history of the creation of Fadeev's "Rout".

Theme of the work

The novel takes place on Far East, where the author himself fought in those years. But in the foreground is not the historical component, but socio-psychological problems. Partisan detachment, war - only a background for displaying the inner world of heroes, internal conflicts and psychology. The plot of the novel is very complex, and in a short period - from the beginning of the defeat to the breakthrough - various characters of the characters, as well as the attitude of the author towards them, emerge. Several figures - Levinson, Morozka, Metelitsa and Mechik - occupy a central place in Fadeev's work "The Rout".

Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of the characters. All of them are in equal conditions, which most accurately allows you to judge the characters of these characters and their actions.

Squad leader

Levinson - true hero time. He is the epitome of the heroic in the novel. Born and raised in a working-peasant environment, he devoted his entire life to serving the people. In the soul of this man lives a dream of light and strong man- this is exactly how, in his opinion, it should be new person revolution. The commander of the detachment is a man of duty, "special", cold and unshakable, "of the right breed", putting only business above all else. He knew that people would follow the strong and confident person. And he knew how to be.

Levinson makes decisions quickly, acts confidently, does not share his feelings and thoughts with anyone, "presents ready-made yes or no." His heroism is based on an unwavering belief in his ideals; the end goal justifies "even death". This confidence gives him the moral right to cruel orders. For the sake of a great idea, many things can be allowed: to take away the only pig from a Korean family with six children (after all, isn’t the squad fighting for their future?); poison a wounded comrade, otherwise he will slow down the retreat of the detachment ...

But it is not easy for Levinson to remain cold and impregnable: he suffers when he learns about the murder of Frolov, does not hide his tears when he learns about the death of young Baklanov. He feels sorry for the Korean, and his children, and his own, suffering from scurvy and anemia, but he stops at nothing, the main thing for him is to fulfill the task of the Bolshevik center. He thinks about the future and the present: “How can you talk about a wonderful person if millions of people are forced to live an unbearably poor and miserable life?”


The former shepherd Metelitsa also stands out in the work. The pride of the entire detachment is the platoon Metelitsa, whom the commander appreciates for his "extraordinary tenacity" and "vitality." He became one of the main characters only towards the middle of the novel. The author explained this by the fact that he saw the need to reveal in more detail the character of this hero. It was too late to reshape the novel, and the episode with this character somewhat disturbed the harmony of the narrative. The snowstorm is clearly sympathetic to the author of the work "Rout" - Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev. Firstly, this can be seen from the appearance of the hero: a slender hero, he was beaten by "extraordinary value" and "vital force". Secondly, the hero's lifestyle - he lives as he wants, does not limit himself in anything, a hot, brave and determined person. Thirdly, the actions of Metelitsa prove the positive individuality of this hero: he fearlessly goes on reconnaissance, behaves with dignity in captivity, and accepts death for the sake of others. He is bold and determined.

Being in captivity, Metelitsa calmly reflects on death and wants only one thing - to die with dignity. He holds himself proudly and independently and rushes to save the shepherd boy, who did not want to give the scout to the whites. Metelitsa's courage admires those around her. He was like that before the war, in working life, and the revolution helped the hero not to lose his best qualities. In the novel, he is like Levinson's addition: Metelitsa's determination, as it were, complements the commander's doubts and experience. This can be seen from how cleverly the commander replaces Metelitsa's impetuous plan with a more cautious and calm one. Having been captured, he understands the hopelessness of his situation. But acting like real hero and wants to show those who will kill him that "he is not afraid and despises them." According to the author, new hero and must be imbued with class hatred, which is capable of making a real hero out of an ordinary fighter.


Ivan Morozov or, as he is called, Morozka, did not look for easy ways in life. This is a broken and talkative guy of about twenty-seven, a miner. He always walked long-established paths. Frost feels compassion for Mechik and saves him. Frost showed courage, but still considered Mechik somehow "clean" and despised this person. The guy is very offended that Varya falls in love with Mechik, he indignantly asks: “And with whom? In entogo, mother's? And with contempt calls the opponent "yellow-mouthed", from pain and anger. In personal relationships, he fails. Ivan has no one closer to Varya, so he seeks salvation in the detachment, with his comrades.

When he steals melons, he is very afraid that for this offense he will be kicked out of the squad. For him, even the thought of this is unbearable, he lives the life of the detachment so closely, he has become accustomed to these people. And he has nowhere to go. At the meeting, he says that for each of them "a drop" of his blood would "give" without hesitation. He respects his commanders - Levinson, Dubov, Baklanov - and tries to imitate them. They also saw in the guy not only a good fighter, but also a good-natured, sympathetic person, and they supported and trusted him in everything. It was he who was sent to the last reconnaissance. And Frost justifies their trust - at the cost of his life, he warns his comrades about the danger. Even in his last moments, he thinks of others. That's why Fadeev loves the main character of "Rout" - for devotion and courage, for kindness, because Morozka did not take revenge on Mechik for Varya.


The heroic images of Frost and Snowstorm are opposed to the image of the Sword. This is a nineteen-year-old boy who came to the detachment voluntarily to amuse his vanity. To prove himself at least somehow, he rushes to the hottest places. He fails to get close to the members of the detachment, because he loves himself first of all. He had the idea of ​​desertion, although no one drove him to the detachment - he came himself. This means only one thing: he did not come here to serve the cause, but simply to show off his valor. He stands apart from the rest. And when he deserts, the reader is not surprised.

Levinson calls Mechik weak and lazy, a "worthless hollow flower". He deserved that attitude. An egoist who values ​​himself highly does not confirm this by his actions. At decisive moments, he, without realizing it, acts vilely. His selfish nature was revealed already when he allowed to step on a photo of a girl, and then he himself tore it up. He became angry with his horse for its unattractive appearance and stopped caring for the animal, dooming it to unsuitability. It is the Sword that is to blame for Frost's death. The terrible thing is that after the betrayal, he is tormented by the thought not of the death of his friends, but that he, the Mechik, “soiled” his spotless soul.

And yet in Alexander Fadeev's novel "The Rout" he is not the embodiment of evil. Most likely, the reason for his failures is that Mechik comes from a different social stratum, a representative of the "rotten intelligentsia." He was not instilled with the features inherent in other members of the detachment, who for the most part come from the people - rude, courageous, devoted to the people and loving him. In Mechik, the desire for beauty is alive. He was shocked by the death of Frolov. He is inexperienced, young and afraid of not being liked by those among whom he will live. Perhaps this makes him act so unnaturally.

Comrades in arms

Continuing the analysis of Fadeev's "Rout", let's get acquainted with the members of the detachment. Those who surround Levinson are just as dedicated to the idea. His assistant Baklanov imitates the commander in everything. Platoon Dubov, former miner, honest and devoted person, which can be sent to the most critical areas. Demoman Goncharenko is a shrewd and reliable Red Army soldier.

Levinson's rank-and-file comrades know their inner strength, but, burdened with daily bustle, "feel their weakness" and "entrust" themselves to stronger comrades like Baklanov, Dubov, Levinson. As the analysis of "The Rout" showed, Fadeev, in order to highlight the heroic in the characters more clearly, creates anti-heroic images, such as Chizh and Mechik. They are happy to shirk "from the slumber, from the kitchen", retreat or betray, they are always so "clean" and "with the right speech."

The plot of the novel

We continue the analysis of Fadeev's "Defeat". The epic plot of the novel is based on the story of the defeat of a partisan detachment. The exposition features a respite in the war in the Far East, when a partisan detachment settled down to rest. The plot of the work is the receipt of a package from the headquarters with the instruction - "keep small but strong combat units." The development of the action in the work is the maneuvers of the detachment, which breaks away from the Kolchak and Japanese pursuing it. The ring of encirclement shrinks irreparably, and the climactic scene in the novel is a night fight in the swamp, which tests who and what is. Immediately after the climax, the denouement follows - the remnants of the detachment, having got out of the swamps, are ambushed and almost all of them die under machine-gun fire. Only nineteen fighters remain alive.

Composition of the work

Concluding the analysis of Fadeev's "Defeat", let's consider the composition of the novel, which has some peculiarities. One of them is the slow unfolding of events. Almost the entire work is, as it were, a development of the action, and only in the last two chapters is there a climax and a denouement. This structure is explained genre feature works. "The Rout" is a socio-psychological novel, the purpose of which is to depict human characters and significant changes in the minds of the characters during the revolutionary struggle. The peculiarity of the novel is also that Fadeev skillfully interweaves epic story and individual storylines heroes.

For example, he introduces Frost's backstory at the moment when he is traveling with a package to Shaldyba's detachment. Here is this event pause, while the orderly is driving, the author fills in the story about past life hero. In the same way, the author depicted many significant details from former life Mechik, Baklanov, Levinson, Vari, Metelitsa, Dubov. Thanks to this construction, Fadeev's heroes turned out to be bright and convincing. The author chose the direct order of the narrative, where each chapter is an independent story, in the center of which is a separate character.

The novel "The Rout" is built very well and has a dynamic plot. At the same time, the author does not confine himself to the chronicle of the defeat of Levinson's detachment, Fadeev reveals the characters of the characters and problems in "The Rout" not only through the general plot, but also through their interaction and comparison.

Which we will conduct in this article, was written in 1927. Alexander Alexandrovich for the first time in Russian literature focused on the depiction of the inner world and the revolution - ordinary heroes. In the novel, everything is subordinated to the solution of this task - from the features of the composition, the choice of the situation to the techniques used in the text. psychological analysis. Such is the peculiarity of the work "The Defeat" by Fadeev. We bring to your attention an analysis of it, as well as a summary of this novel.

The author's choice of time and place of action

Fadeev, talking about what unfolded in the Far East during the civil war, chooses for his story a tragic situation, which is indicated in the title: we are talking about the defeat of one detachment of partisans. The characters of various heroes are most clearly revealed in these tests, as our analysis shows. "Defeat" (Fadeev) - a work in which big role plays the idea of ​​personality transformation. According to the author himself, there is a "remaking of people."

Depicting the psychology of heroes

A detailed introduction is made up of the first 8 chapters of Fadeev's work "The Defeat". Analyzing them, one can notice that a number of them are named after the main characters of the novel: Levinson, Sword, Frost. It can also be noted that the author deliberately slows down the pace of development of the action in order to present the readers with the stories of the main characters, describe their relationships, and prepare them to understand their behavior during battles.

Depicting the psychology of the characters, the writer uses the tradition of classical Russian literature. Analyzing the novel "The Defeat" by Fadeev, it should be noted that most of all Alexander Alexandrovich relies on the work of L. N. Tolstoy. The author follows his principles, despite the fact that the time in which the work was created was marked by a violent denial of the past, including the literary one, and attention to the analysis of the inner world was considered "psychology". In the tradition of Tolstoy, the text uses methods of psychological analysis: landscape and portrait details, and internal monologues, revealing the secret reasons for the actions of the heroes, their feelings and thoughts (chapters "Nineteen", "Cargo", "Levinson").

Using the reception of antithesis, its analysis

"Defeat" (Fadeev A. A.) is a work that uses the technique of antithesis, which reveals the tension of psychological, moral, historical conflicts. In contrasting Morozka and Levinson, as well as the latter and Mechik, the significance of consciousness, conviction in the development of the human personality is shown.

So, in the work, Sword and Frost collide. Analysis of the novel "The Rout" by Fadeev reveals what their confrontation is. From the very beginning, this reveals the superiority of the "class instinct" inherent in the proletarians over the doubts of this "pure" intellectual, who is interested not in the revolution as such, but in himself in it. After reading the work, we can be convinced that the class principle clearly dominates in the novel when a person is evaluated. This is primarily due to the historical limitations inherent in the views of the author.

Image of the inner development of a person

In the novel "The Defeat" Fadeev proves this, he pays the main attention to such a moment as the formation of the personality of a person fighting for a new life, his moral and psychological formation. The process of his maturation is most fully revealed on the example of Ivan Morozov, a miner nicknamed Morozka. 12 chapters out of 17 are connected with him in one way or another. The work depicts successively changes in the thoughts and feelings of this person. Levinson, the detachment commander, plays a special role in this process. The feat was the result short life Ivan Morozov. He cost own life saved his comrades.

The Hero Who Failed

As we have already noted, Fadeev builds his novel "The Defeat" on the antithesis. An analysis of the work shows that the antipode of Ivan Morozov is Pavel Mechik, who could not stand the test of harsh reality. The author interprets each of his actions as an expression of selfishness, weakness, lack of moral core. All these traits eventually push Swordsman to betrayal. In debunking this hero, the author is consistent. This person for him is initially cowardly, petty, and his sufferings are insignificant, superficial. In the description of this intellectual, we do not find the desire to depict a contradictory, complex personality, characteristic of the author's contemporaries.

We have identified only the main points that are present in the work "The Defeat" by Fadeev. Our analysis can be supplemented. After all, each of us understands literature in our own way. Try to find some other features of the novel "The Rout" (Fadeev) on your own. Analysis by chapters will help you better understand the work, identify interesting patterns.

The work tells that Levinson, the commander of a partisan detachment, orders Morozka, his orderly, to take a package to another detachment. Tom does not want to go, so he suggests sending someone else. The commander, having heard about this, orders his orderly to calmly hand over his weapons, and then go wherever he pleases. Having thought better of it, Frost decides to take the letter and goes with the task, noting that he cannot "leave the detachment" in any way. It is no coincidence that Fadeev ("Rout") notes this. The analysis of Morozko, the main character of the novel, reveals his complex character and inner struggle. How it will end, you will find out by reading the summary of the work to the end.

Frost's background, the hero picks up the Sword

Let's describe the next events. Then follows the backstory of Ivan Morozov. He worked as a miner, already in the second generation. Frost did everything thoughtlessly in his life, including marrying Varya, a walking hauler, and then also left to defend the Soviets in the eighteenth year.

On the way to the detachment under the command of Shaldyba, where the orderly is carrying a package, he notices a battle between the partisans and the Japanese. Russian soldiers flee, leaving behind a wounded boy dressed in a city jacket. Frost picks him up and returns to his commander Levinson. Analyzing the story "The Defeat" by Fadeev, we have already mentioned Pavel Mechik. Below we will introduce you to this hero in more detail.

Mechikov in the infirmary

Pavel Mechik, who was picked up by Ivan, woke up only in the forest infirmary, noticed the nurse Varya (who is Morozka's wife) and Dr. Stashinsky. The wounded is bandaged. It is reported in the background of this character that when he was still living in the city, he wanted to be a hero, so he decided to go to the partisans. However, he was disappointed when he got to the Reds. He is trying to talk to Dr. Stashinsky in the infirmary. But he, having learned that this man was friends mainly with the maximalist-Socialist-Revolutionaries, is reluctant to talk with Mechik.

Frost's transgression

Frost immediately disliked the wounded hero. His opinion of him was strengthened when Frost visited his wife in the infirmary. After that, he tried to steal melons from Ryabets, the village chairman. However, he was forced to retreat, caught by the owner. The chairman complains to Levinson, and he gives the order to take the weapon from Frost. A village meeting was scheduled for the evening in order to discuss the inappropriate behavior of this orderly. After pushing among the peasants, Levinson finally understands that the detachment needs to retreat, since the Japanese are already very close. The guerrillas gather at the appointed hour, and the commander explains what the matter is, suggesting that everyone decide what to do with Frost.

Frost makes a promise, guesses about the relationship between his wife and Mechikov

Dubov, a partisan, a former miner, says that it is necessary to expel the orderly from the detachment. This affects the guilty hero so strongly that he promises never to disgrace the title of a former miner and partisan in any way. Frost, on one of his trips to the infirmary, realizes that Mechik and his wife have a special relationship. Having never been jealous of his wife before, this time he feels anger both towards his wife and this "mother's son" (the definition that he awards Frost the Sword).

The sword gets the horse

Everyone in the detachment thinks that Levinson is a man of the "correct", "special" breed. The partisans believe that the commander understands and knows everything, although he sometimes experienced hesitation and doubts. Levinson, having collected information from all sides, orders his detachment to retreat. The sword, already recovered, returns to the squad. The commander orders to provide him with a horse. So Mechik gets a "mournful tearful" mare named Zyuchikha. The offended partisan does not know how to deal with her. Unable to get close to other members of the detachment, he is unable to see the "mainsprings" of his mechanism.

Mechikov and Baklanov go on reconnaissance

Mechikov, together with Baklanov, decide to send him to reconnaissance. They stumble upon a Japanese patrol in the village and kill three in a shootout. Having discovered the main forces of the Japanese, two partisans return to their detachment.

History with Frolov

It is necessary to retreat, it is required to evacuate the hospital, but the mortally wounded Frolov cannot be taken with him. Stashinsky and Levinson therefore decide to give him poison. Their conversation is overheard by Sword. He tries to stop the doctor. He screams at him. Frolov understands what is happening and agrees to drink the poison.

Events in the village

The detachment retreats, Levinson goes to check the guards during the night, starts a conversation with Mechik, who is on guard duty. He tries to explain to the commander that he feels bad in the detachment, but after this conversation, Levinson gets the impression that this partisan is "an impenetrable confusion." The commander sends Metelitsa to reconnaissance. He sneaks into the village where the Cossacks are at that time, climbs over the fence of the house in which the head of the squadron temporarily lives. The Cossacks discover him, lock him in a barn, and interrogate him the next morning, after which they take him to the square. Here a man in a vest comes forward, leading a frightened shepherd boy by the hand. Metelitsa left the horse to this boy the day before, having met him in the forest. The head of the Cossacks wants to interrogate the child "in his own way", but Metelitsa, trying to strangle him, rushes at him. The chief shoots - and Metelitsa dies.

Battle with the Cossacks

Continues his work ("Rout"). Analyzing the further content, the following key points can be distinguished. The Cossack squadron leaves along the road. At this time, partisans discover him, who set up an ambush, putting the Cossacks to flight. Frost's horse is killed during the battle. The partisans, having taken the saddle, by order of the commander, shoot the aforementioned man in the vest. The enemy cavalry arrives in the village at dawn. Levinson's detachment, significantly thinned, retreats into the forest, to the swamps, but gets stuck there, because there is a quagmire ahead. Then Levinson decides to muddy the swamp. Having done this, the detachment makes its way to the bridge, where the Cossacks ambushed. Mechik goes on patrol, but runs away, discovered by the Cossacks, afraid to warn Levinson's detachment. Frost, who was following him, fires three times, as agreed, and dies. Levinson's detachment rushes to the attack, only 19 people remain alive.

So, we examined the work that Fadeev created, his analysis was presented to you. We hope you found this article helpful.

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Nails would be made of these people -

There would be no stronger nails in the world ...

(N. Tikhonov. "The Ballad of Nails")


The revolution is too huge an event in its scale not to be reflected in literature. And only a few writers and poets who were under its influence did not touch this topic in their work.

It must also be borne in mind that the October Revolution, a most important stage in the history of mankind, gave rise to the most complex phenomena in literature and art.

With all his passion as a communist writer and revolutionary A.A. Fadeev sought to bring closer the bright time of communism. This humanistic belief in beautiful person permeated the most difficult pictures and situations in which his heroes fell.

For A.A. Fadeev, a revolutionary is not possible without this striving for a bright future, without faith in a new, beautiful, kind and pure person.

Fadeev wrote the novel "Rout" for three years from 1924 to 1927, when many writers wrote laudatory works about the victory of socialism. Against this background, Fadeev wrote, at first glance, an unfavorable novel: during the civil war, the partisan detachment was physically defeated, but morally he defeated the enemies with his faith in the correctness of the chosen path. It seems to me that Fadeev wrote this novel in such a way as to show that the revolution is defended not by a frenzied crowd of ragamuffins, smashing and sweeping away everything in its path, but by courageous, honest people who have brought up in themselves and others a moral, humane person.

If we take a purely external shell, the development of events, then this is really the story of the defeat of Levinson's partisan detachment. But A.A. Fadeev uses for the story one of the most dramatic moments in the history of the partisan movement in the Far East, when the combined efforts of the White Guard and Japanese troops dealt heavy blows to the partisans of Primorye.

You can pay attention to one feature in the construction of "The Rout": each of the chapters not only develops some kind of action, but also contains a complete psychological development, in-depth characterization one of actors. Some chapters are named after the names of the heroes: "Frost", "Sword", "Levinson", "Intelligence Snowstorm". But this does not mean that these persons act only in these chapters. They take an active part in all events in the life of the entire detachment. Fadeev, as a follower of Leo Tolstoy, explores their characters in all difficult and sometimes compromising circumstances. At the same time, creating more and more new psychological portraits, the writer seeks to penetrate into the innermost corners of the soul, trying to foresee the motives and actions of his characters. With each turn of events, new sides of character are revealed.


Frost! Peering into the face of a dashing partisan, we experience that happy feeling of discovering a bright human type which brings a truly artistic work. It gives us aesthetic pleasure to follow the ups and downs mental life this man. His moral evolution makes one think about many things.

Before joining the partisan detachment, Morozka "did not look for new roads, but followed the old, already verified paths" and life seemed to him simple, uncomplicated. He fought bravely, but sometimes he was burdened by Levinson's exactingness. He was generous and selfless, but did not see anything wrong with filling a bag with melons from a peasant's chestnut tree. He could get drunk, and scold a comrade, and rudely offend a woman.

Combat life brings Morozka not only military skills, but also a sense of responsibility to the team, a sense of citizenship. Observing the beginning of panic at the crossing (someone spread a rumor that gases were being released), out of mischief, he wanted to “play” the peasants even more “for fun”, but changed his mind and undertook to restore order. Unexpectedly Frost

"I felt like a big, responsible person ...". This consciousness was joyful and promising. Morozka learned to control himself, "he involuntarily joined that meaningful healthy life that Goncharenko always seemed to live ...".

Morozka still had a lot to overcome in himself, but in the most decisive one, he is a true hero, a faithful comrade, a selfless fighter. Without flinching, he sacrificed his own life, raised the alarm and warned the detachment of an enemy ambush.


Blizzard. A shepherd in the past, an unsurpassed scout in a partisan detachment, he also forever chose his place in the fire of class battles.

In the course of work on "The Rout" the image of Metelitsa was rethought by the author. Judging by the draft manuscript, at first Fadeev intended to show, first of all, physical strength and energy of the hero. Metelitsa was embittered by the old life, did not trust people and even despised them, considered himself - proud and lonely - immeasurably higher than those around him. While working on the novel, the writer frees the image of Metelitsa from such "demonic" traits, develops those episodes in which the bright mind, breadth of thinking of his hero is revealed. His swift and nerve force, which could have been destructive, under the influence of Levinson received the right direction, was put at the service of a noble and humane cause.

And Metelitsa is capable of much. One of the key scenes in the novel is the scene where a military council is shown, at which the next military operation was discussed. Metelitsa proposed a daring and original plan, testifying to his remarkable mind.


Baklanov. He not only learns from Levinson, but imitates him in everything, even in demeanor. His enthusiastic attitude towards the commander can bring a smile. However, it is impossible not to notice what this study gives: the assistant commander of the detachment has earned universal respect for his calm energy, clarity, organization, multiplied by courage and

selflessness, he is one of the people in charge of all detachment affairs. In the finale of "Rout" it is said that Levinson sees his successor in Baklanov. In the manuscript of the novel, this idea was developed in even greater detail. The force that moved Levinson and inspired him with confidence that the surviving nineteen fighters would continue the common cause was “not the force of an individual”, dying with him, “but was the force of thousands and thousands of people (which burned, for example, Baklanov), then is an undying and eternal power."


The figure of Levinson opens a gallery of "party people" - drawn by Soviet writers. The artistic appeal of this image is that it is revealed "from within", illuminated by the light of great ideas that inspire such people.

As if alive, a short, red-bearded man rises from the pages of the book, taking not with physical strength, not with a loud voice, but with a strong spirit, unbending will. Depicting an energetic, strong-willed commander, Fadeev emphasized the need for him to choose the right tactics that ensure a purposeful impact on people. When Levinson is overbearing

shouting stops the panic when he organizes a crossing through the quagmire, communists pop up in his memory - the heroes of Fadeev's first stories. But this image made a huge impression on readers by its dissimilarity with its predecessors. In "Rout" the artistic accents were transferred to the world of feelings, thoughts, experiences of a revolutionary fighter, a Bolshevik

figure. Levinson's outward unsightliness, morbidity are intended to set off his main strength - the power of political, moral influence on those around him. He finds the "key" to Metelitsa, whose energy must be channeled in the right direction, and to Baklanov, who is only waiting for a signal for independent action, and to Morozka, who needs strict care, and to all the other partisans.

Levinson seemed to everyone to be a man of "a special, correct breed", not at all subject to mental anxieties. In turn, he was accustomed to thinking that, burdened with everyday petty fuss, people seemed to entrust their most important concerns to him and his comrades. Therefore, it seems necessary to him, playing the role of a strong man, "always leading", to carefully hide his

doubts, hide personal weaknesses, strictly observe the distance between themselves and

subordinates. However, the author is aware of these weaknesses and doubts. Furthermore, he considers it necessary to tell the reader about them, to show the hidden corners of Levinson's soul. Let us recall, for example, Levinson at the moment of breaking through the White Cossack ambush: exhausted in continuous trials, this iron Man"helplessly looked around, for the first time looking for support from the outside ...". In the 1920s, writers often, when drawing a bold and fearless commissar, commander, did not consider it possible to depict his hesitation and confusion. Fadeev went further than his colleagues, conveying both the complexity of the moral state of the detachment commander and the integrity of his character - in the end, Levinson necessarily comes to new decisions, his will does not weaken, but is tempered in difficulties,

he, learning to manage others, learns to manage himself.

Levinson loves people, and this love is demanding, active. Coming from a petty-bourgeois family, Levinson suppressed in himself a sweet longing for beautiful birds, which, as the photographer assures the children, will suddenly fly out of the apparatus. He is looking for points of convergence between the dream of a new person and today's reality. Levinson professes the principle of fighters and reformers: "To see everything as

it is, in order to change what is, to bring closer what is being born and should be ... "

Loyalty to this principle determines all of Levinson's life. He remains himself both when he admires the orderly with a feeling of “quiet, slightly creepy delight”, and when he forces the partisan to get fish from the river by force, or offers to severely punish Frost, or confiscates the only pig from the Korean in order to feed the starving partisans.

The opposition of effective humanism to abstract, petty-bourgeois humanism runs through the whole novel. Here lies the watershed between Levinson and Morozka, on the one hand, and Mechik, on the other. Widely using the technique of contrasting comparison of characters, Fadeev willingly pushes them against each other, tests everyone with their attitude to the same situations. Enthusiastic poseur and neat Mechik is not averse to speculating about lofty matters, but is afraid of the prose of life. From his ornateness only harm: he poisoned the last minutes of Frolov, talking about the end that awaits him, threw a tantrum when a pig was taken from a Korean. A bad comrade, a negligent partisan, Mechik considered himself higher, more cultured, cleaner than people like Morozka. The test of life showed something else: the heroism, selflessness of the orderly and the cowardice of the fair-haired handsome man who betrayed the squad in order to save his own skin. The sword turned out to be the opposite of Levinson. The commander of the detachment quickly realized what a lazy and weak-willed little man he was, "a worthless empty flower." The sword is akin to the anarchist and deserter Chizh, the God-fearing charlatan Piqué.

Fadeev hated false humanism. He, who categorically rejected abstract romantic aesthetics, in fact not only masterfully analyzed the real everyday life of contradictory reality, but also looked at them from the height of the goals and ideals of the "third reality", as Gorky called the future. The external, the ostentatious in "The Rout" is opposed by the internally significant, true, and in this sense, the comparison of the images of Frost and the Sword is extremely important.


The sword is the antipode of Frost. Throughout the novel, their opposition to each other can be traced. If the character of Frost in a number of episodes expresses the psychology of the masses with all its shortcomings inherited from the old times, then the individuality of Mechik, on the contrary, appears as if distilled, internally alien to the deep interests of the people, cut off from him. As a result, Frost's behavior, until he acquires the features of an independent personality, turns out to be somewhat antisocial, and Mechik destroys not only his comrades, but also himself as a person. The difference between them is that Frost has the prospect of overcoming shortcomings, while Sword does not.

Mechik, another "hero" of the novel, is very "moral" from the point of view of the Ten Commandments... but these qualities remain external to him, they cover up his inner selfishness, lack of devotion to the cause of the working class.

The sword constantly separates himself from others and opposes himself to everyone around him, including the closest of them - Chizh, Pike, Vara. His desires are almost sterilely cleansed of internal subordination to everything that seems ugly to him, with which he puts up and takes for granted many around him. And Fadeev at first even sympathetically emphasizes this desire for purity and independence, this self-respect, the desire to preserve one's personality, the dream of a romantic feat and beautiful love.

However, the awareness of oneself as a person, a person, so dear to Fadeev, in Mechik turns out to be completely absolutized, cut off from the national principle. He does not feel his connection with society, and therefore, with any contact with other people, he is lost - and ceases to feel like a person. Just what could be the most valuable in Mechik completely disappears in his complexities in real life. He is unable to be a person, to be true to himself. As a result, nothing remains of his ideals: neither the much-desired noble deed, nor pure love to a woman, no gratitude for salvation.

No one is able to rely on the Sword, he can betray everyone. He falls in love with Varya, but he cannot tell her directly about it. The swordsman is ashamed of Wari's love, afraid to show his tenderness for her to anyone, and eventually rudely pushes her away. So, because of weakness, one more step is taken along that road to betrayal, along which the development of the Sword's character in the book takes place and which shamefully and terribly ends in a double betrayal: without firing signal shots and escaping the patrol, Sword dooms his savior Frost to death, and the whole squad. Thus degenerates and withers, not having time to blossom, the personality that is not nourished by native juices.

Short description

The revolution is too huge an event in its scale not to be reflected in literature. And only a few writers and poets who were under its influence did not touch this topic in their work.
It must also be borne in mind that the October Revolution, a most important stage in the history of mankind, gave rise to the most complex phenomena in literature and art.

Nails would be made from these people - There would be no stronger nails in the world ... (N. Tikhonov. “The Ballad of Nails”) Introduction The revolution is too huge an event in scale not to be reflected in literature. And only a few writers and poets who were under its influence did not touch this topic in their work. It must also be borne in mind that the October Revolution, a most important stage in the history of mankind, gave rise to the most complex phenomena in literature and art. With all his passion as a communist writer and revolutionary A.A. Fadeev sought to bring closer the bright time of communism. This humanistic faith in a beautiful person permeated the most difficult pictures and situations in which his heroes fell. For A.A. Fadeev, a revolutionary is not possible without this striving for a bright future, without faith in a new, beautiful, kind and pure person. Fadeev wrote the novel "Rout" for three years from 1924 to 1927, when many writers wrote laudatory works about the victory of socialism. Against this background, Fadeev wrote, at first glance, an unfavorable novel: during the civil war, the partisan detachment was physically defeated, but morally he defeated the enemies with his faith in the correctness of the chosen path. It seems to me that Fadeev wrote this novel in such a way as to show that the revolution is defended not by a frenzied crowd of ragamuffins, smashing and sweeping away everything in its path, but by courageous, honest people who brought up in themselves and others a moral, humane person. If we take a purely external shell, the development of events, then this is really the story of the defeat of Levinson's partisan detachment. But A.A. Fadeev uses for the story one of the most dramatic moments in the history of the partisan movement in the Far East, when the combined efforts of the White Guard and Japanese troops dealt heavy blows to the partisans of Primorye. You can pay attention to one feature in the construction of "The Rout": each of the chapters not only develops some kind of action, but also contains a complete psychological development, an in-depth description of one of the characters. Some chapters are named after the names of the heroes: "Frost", "Sword", "Levinson", "Intelligence Snowstorm". But this does not mean that these persons act only in these chapters. They take an active part in all events in the life of the entire detachment. Fadeev, as a follower of Leo Tolstoy, explores their characters in all difficult and sometimes compromising circumstances. At the same time, creating more and more new psychological portraits, the writer seeks to penetrate into the innermost corners of the soul, trying to foresee the motives and actions of his characters. With each turn of events, new sides of character are revealed. Frost Frost! Peering into the face of a dashing partisan, we experience that happy feeling of discovering a bright human type that a truly artistic work brings. It gives us aesthetic pleasure to follow the vicissitudes of this man's spiritual life. His moral evolution makes one think about many things. Before joining the partisan detachment, Morozka "did not look for new roads, but followed the old, already verified paths" and life seemed to him simple, uncomplicated. He fought bravely, but sometimes he was burdened by Levinson's exactingness. He was generous and selfless, but did not see anything wrong with filling a bag with melons from a peasant's chestnut tree. He could get drunk, and scold a comrade, and rudely offend a woman. Combat life brings Morozka not only military skills, but also a sense of responsibility to the team, a sense of citizenship. Observing the beginning of panic at the crossing (someone spread a rumor that gases were being released), out of mischief, he wanted to “play” the peasants even more “for fun”, but changed his mind and undertook to restore order. Suddenly Frost "felt like a big, responsible person...". This consciousness was joyful and promising. Morozka learned to control himself, "he involuntarily joined the meaningful healthy life that Goncharenko always seemed to live. .. "Morozka still had to overcome a lot in himself, but in the most decisive - this is a true hero, a faithful comrade, a selfless fighter. Without flinching, he sacrificed his own life, raised the alarm and warned the detachment about an enemy ambush. Snowstorm Snowstorm. Shepherd in the past , an unsurpassed scout in a partisan detachment, he also forever chose his place in the fire of class battles. In the course of working on "The Defeat", the image of Metelitsa was rethought by the author. Judging by the draft manuscript, at first Fadeev intended to show, first of all, the physical strength and energy of his hero. Metelitsa was embittered by the old life, did not trust people and even despised them, considered himself - proud and lonely - immeasurably higher than those around him. While working on the novel, the writer frees the image of Metelitsa from such "demonic" traits, develops those episodes in which a bright mind, breadth of thinking is revealed His impetuous and nervous force, which could have been destructive, under the influence of Levinson received the right direction, was put at the service of a noble and humane cause. And Metelitsa is capable of much. One of the key scenes in the novel is the scene where a military council is shown, at which the next military operation was discussed. Metelitsa proposed a daring and original plan, testifying to his remarkable mind. Baklanov Baklanov. He not only learns from Levinson, but imitates him in everything, even in demeanor. His enthusiastic attitude towards the commander can bring a smile. However, it is impossible not to notice what this study gives: the assistant commander of the detachment has earned universal respect for his calm energy, clarity, organization, multiplied by courage and dedication, he is one of the people in charge of all detachment affairs. In the finale of "Rout" it is said that Levinson sees his successor in Baklanov. In the manuscript of the novel, this idea was developed in even greater detail. The force that moved Levinson and inspired him with confidence that the surviving nineteen fighters would continue the common cause was “not the force of an individual”, dying with him, “but was the force of thousands and thousands of people (which burned, for example, Baklanov), then is an undying and eternal power." Levinson The figure of Levinson opens the gallery of "party people" - drawn by Soviet writers. The artistic appeal of this image is that it is revealed "from within", illuminated by the light of great ideas that inspire such people. As if alive, a short, red-bearded man rises from the pages of the book, taking not with physical strength, not with a loud voice, but with a strong spirit, unbending will. Depicting an energetic, strong-willed commander, Fadeev emphasized the need for him to choose the right tactics that ensure a purposeful impact on people. When Levinson stops the panic with an authoritative shout, when he organizes a crossing through the quagmire, the communists, the heroes of Fadeev's first stories, come to mind. But this image made a huge impression on readers by its dissimilarity with its predecessors. In "Rout" the artistic accents were transferred to the world of feelings, thoughts, experiences of a revolutionary fighter, a Bolshevik leader. Levinson's outward unsightliness, morbidity are intended to set off his main strength - the power of political, moral influence on those around him. He finds the "key" to Metelitsa, whose energy must be channeled in the right direction, and to Baklanov, who is only waiting for a signal for independent action, and to Morozka, who needs strict care, and to all the other partisans. Levinson seemed to everyone to be a man of "a special, correct breed", not at all subject to mental anxieties. In turn, he was accustomed to thinking that, burdened with everyday petty fuss, people seemed to entrust their most important concerns to him and his comrades. Therefore, it seems necessary to him, playing the role of a strong man, "always leading", carefully hide his doubts, hide personal weaknesses, strictly observe the distance between himself and his subordinates. However, the author is aware of these weaknesses and doubts. Moreover, he considers it obligatory to tell the reader about them, to show the hidden corners of Levinson's soul. Let us recall, for example, Levinson at the moment of breaking through the White Cossack ambush: exhausted in continuous trials, this iron man "looked around helplessly, for the first time looking for support from the outside ...". In the 1920s, writers often, when drawing a bold and fearless commissar, commander, did not consider it possible to depict his hesitation and confusion. Fadeev went further than his colleagues, conveying both the complexity of the moral state of the detachment commander and the integrity of his character - in the end, Levinson necessarily comes to new decisions, his will does not weaken, but is tempered in difficulties, he, learning to manage others, learns to manage himself . Levinson loves people, and this love is demanding, active. Coming from a petty-bourgeois family, Levinson suppressed in himself a sweet longing for beautiful birds, which, as the photographer assures the children, will suddenly fly out of the apparatus. He is looking for points of convergence between the dream of a new person and today's reality. Levinson professes the principle of fighters and reformers: "To see everything as it is, in order to change what is, to bring closer what is born and should be ..." All of Levinson's life is determined by fidelity to this principle. He remains himself both when he admires the orderly with a feeling of “quiet, slightly creepy delight”, and when he forces the partisan to get fish from the river by force, or offers to severely punish Frost, or confiscates the only pig from the Korean in order to feed the starving partisans. The opposition of effective humanism to abstract, petty-bourgeois humanism runs through the whole novel. Here lies the watershed between Levinson and Morozka, on the one hand, and Mechik, on the other. Widely using the technique of contrasting comparison of characters, Fadeev willingly pushes them against each other, tests everyone with their attitude to the same situations. Enthusiastic poseur and neat Mechik is not averse to speculating about lofty matters, but is afraid of the prose of life. From his ornateness only harm: he poisoned the last minutes of Frolov, talking about the end that awaits him, threw a tantrum when a pig was taken away from a Korean. A bad comrade, a negligent partisan, Mechik considered himself higher, more cultured, cleaner than people like Morozka. The test of life showed something else: the heroism, selflessness of the orderly and the cowardice of the fair-haired handsome man who betrayed the squad in order to save his own skin. The sword turned out to be the opposite of Levinson. The commander of the detachment quickly realized what a lazy and weak-willed little man he was, "a worthless empty flower." The sword is akin to the anarchist and deserter Chizh, the God-fearing charlatan Piqué. Fadeev hated false humanism. He, who categorically rejected abstract romantic aesthetics, in fact not only masterfully analyzed the real everyday life of contradictory reality, but also looked at them from the height of the goals and ideals of the "third reality", as Gorky called the future. The external, the ostentatious in "The Rout" is opposed by the internally significant, true, and in this sense, the comparison of the images of Frost and the Sword is extremely important. Sword Sword is the antipode of Frost. Throughout the novel, their opposition to each other can be traced. If the character of Frost in a number of episodes expresses the psychology of the masses with all its shortcomings inherited from the old times, then the individuality of Mechik, on the contrary, appears as if distilled, internally alien to the deep interests of the people, cut off from him. As a result, Frost's behavior, until he acquires the features of an independent personality, turns out to be somewhat antisocial, and Mechik destroys not only his comrades, but also himself as a person. The difference between them is that Frost has the prospect of overcoming shortcomings, while Sword does not. Mechik, another "hero" of the novel, is very "moral" from the point of view of the Ten Commandments... but these qualities remain external to him, they cover up his inner selfishness, lack of devotion to the cause of the working class. The sword constantly separates himself from others and opposes himself to everyone around him, including the closest of them - Chizh, Pike, Vara. His desires are almost sterilely cleansed of internal subordination to everything that seems ugly to him, with which he puts up and takes for granted many around him. And Fadeev at first even sympathetically emphasizes this desire for purity and independence, this self-respect, the desire to preserve one's personality, the dream of a romantic feat and beautiful love. However, the awareness of oneself as a person, a person, so dear to Fadeev, in Mechik turns out to be completely absolutized, cut off from the national principle. He does not feel his connection with society, and therefore, with any contact with other people, he is lost - and ceases to feel like a person. Just what could be the most valuable in Mechik, completely disappears from him in the difficulties in real life. He is unable to be a person, to be true to himself. As a result, nothing remains of his ideals: neither the much-desired noble deed, nor pure love for a woman, nor gratitude for salvation. No one is able to rely on the Sword, he can betray everyone. He falls in love with Varya, but he cannot tell her directly about it. The swordsman is ashamed of Wari's love, afraid to show his tenderness for her to anyone, and eventually rudely pushes her away. So, because of weakness, one more step is taken along that road to betrayal, along which the development of the Sword's character in the book takes place and which shamefully and terribly ends in a double betrayal: without firing signal shots and escaping the patrol, Sword dooms his savior Frost to death, and the whole squad. Thus degenerates and withers, not having time to blossom, the personality that is not nourished by native juices. Conclusion In conclusion, I would like to define main theme novel and express their attitude to the novel. I dare to insert the words of A.A. Fadeev, who defined the main theme of his novel: “In the civil war, the selection of human material takes place, everything hostile is swept away by the revolution, everything incapable of real revolutionary struggle, accidentally falling into the camp of the revolution, is eliminated, and everything that has risen from the true roots of the revolution, from the millions of people, hardens, grows, develops in this struggle. There is a huge transformation of people." The invincibility of the revolution lies in its vitality , in the depth of penetration into the minds of often the most backward people in the past. Like Frost, these people rose to conscious action for the highest historical goals. This was the main optimistic idea of ​​the tragic novel "The Rout". It seems to me that the fate of the country is in the hands of the country itself. But as the people themselves said, that from it, like from a wooden log, I look who processes it ... The “selection of human material” is also waged by the war itself. More often, the best die in battles - Metelitsa, Baklanov, Morozka, who managed to realize the significance of the team and suppress his selfish aspirations, and such as Chizh, Pika and the traitor Mechik remain. It is infinitely pitiful for everyone - after all, the people are not formed as a result of selection, “culling”, screening out. In these lines of Marina Tsvetaev about the civil war, about which they say that everyone who lost in it reflects my attitude to everything that happened then in our country: Everyone lies in a row - Do not separate the boundary Look: a soldier Where is one’s own, where is a stranger, White was - became red Blood stained, Red was - became white Death turned white. Summary of the novel by A.A. Fadeev “The Rout” 1. MOROZKA Levinson, the commander of the partisan detachment, passes the package to his orderly Morozka, ordering him to be taken to the commander of another detachment, Shaldyba, but Morozka does not want to go, he refuses and argues with the commander. Levinson is fed up with Frost's constant confrontation. He takes the letter, and Frost advises “to roll on all four sides. I don't need troublemakers." Frost instantly changes his mind, takes the letter, explaining to himself rather than to Levinson that he cannot live without a detachment, and, having cheered up, leaves with a package. Frost is a miner in the second generation. He was born in a miner's barracks, and at the age of twelve he himself began to “roll trolleys”. Life went along the knurled path, like everyone else. Morozka also sat in a prison, served in the cavalry, was wounded and shell-shocked, therefore, even before the revolution, he was “discharged from the army cleanly.” After returning from the army, he got married. “He did everything recklessly: life seemed to him simple, uncomplicated, like a round Murom cucumber from the Suchansky bashtans” (gardens). And later, in 1918, he left, taking his wife, to defend the Soviets. It was not possible to defend the power, so he joined the partisans. Hearing the shots, Morozka crawled to the top of the hill and saw that the whites were attacking the Shaldyba fighters, and they were fleeing. “The enraged Shaldyba whipped the whip in all directions and could not restrain people. It was seen how some were furtively tearing off red bows. Frost is outraged seeing all this. Among the retreating Frost saw a limping boy. He fell, but the soldiers ran on. This Frost could no longer see. He called the horse, took off on him and drove to the fallen boy. Bullets whistled all around. Frost forced the horse to lie down, laid it across the croup of the wounded man, and galloped off to Levinson's detachment. 2. SWORD Frost didn't like the rescued one right away. “Frost didn't like clean people. In his practice, they were fickle, worthless people who could not be trusted.” Levinson ordered to take the guy to the infirmary. In the pocket of the wounded lay documents in the name of Pavel Mechik, but he himself was unconscious. I woke up only when they carried him to the infirmary, then fell asleep until the morning. Waking up, Mechik saw the doctor Stashinsky and sister Varya with golden-brown fluffy braids and gray eyes. While bandaging, Mechik was in pain, but he did not scream, feeling the presence of Varya. “And all around there was a well-fed taiga silence.” Three weeks ago, Mechik happily walked through the taiga, heading with a ticket in a boot to a partisan detachment. Suddenly, people jumped out of the bushes, they were suspicious of Mechik, not understanding, due to illiteracy, in his documents, at first they beat him, and then they accepted him into the detachment. “The surrounding people did not at all resemble those created by his ardent imagination. These were dirtier, lousier, tougher and more direct ... ”They swore and fought among themselves over any trifle, mocked Mechik. But these were not bookish, but “living people”. Lying in the hospital, Mechik recalled everything he had experienced, he felt sorry for the good and sincere feeling with whom he went to the detachment. With special gratitude, he took care of himself. There were few wounded. Heavy two: Frolov and Mechik. Old Pika often talked to Mechik. Occasionally a "pretty sister" would come. She sheathed and washed the entire hospital, but she treated Mechik especially “tenderly and caringly.” Pica said about her: she is “lunatic”. “Morozka, her husband, is in the detachment, and she is fornicating.” Mechik asked why her sister was like that? Pika replied: “And the jester knows her, why is she so affectionate. He can't refuse anyone - and that's it...” 3. THE SIXTH SENSE Morozka almost angrily thought about Mechik, why such people go to the partisans “for everything ready”. Although this was not true, there was a difficult “way of the cross” ahead. As he rode past the chestnut tree, Frost dismounted from his horse and hurriedly began to fill a bag with melons until his master caught him. Khoma Yegorovich Ryabets threatened to find justice for Morozka. The owner did not believe that the man whom he fed and dressed like a son robbed his chestnuts. Levinson talked with the returned scout, who reported that the Shaldyba detachment had been badly beaten by the Japanese, and now the partisans are holed up in the Korean winter hut. Levinson felt that something was wrong, but the scout could not say anything along the way. At this time, Baklanov, Levinson's deputy, arrived. He brought an indignant Ryabets, who spoke at length about Frost's act. Frost, summoned, did not deny anything. He only objected to Levinson, who ordered him to hand over his weapons. Frost considered this too severe a punishment for stealing melons. Levinson convened a village meeting - let everyone know ... Then Levinson asked Ryabets to collect bread from the village and covertly dry ten pounds of crackers, without explaining for whom. He ordered Baklanov: from tomorrow, the horses should increase their portion of oats. 4. ONE Arrival of Frost to the hospital violated state of mind Sword. He kept wondering why Frost looked at him so dismissively. Yes, he saved his life. But that didn't give Frost the right to disrespect Swordsman. Paul has already recovered. And Frolov's wound was hopeless. The swordsman recalled the events of the last month and, covering himself with a blanket, burst into tears. 5. THE MEN AND THE "COAL TRIBE" Wishing to test his fears, Levinson went to the meeting in advance, hoping to hear the talk of the peasants, rumors. The men were surprised that the gathering was collected on a weekday, when the mowing was hot. They talked about their own, not paying attention to Levinson. “He was so small, unsightly in appearance - all consisted of a hat, a red beard and ichigov above the knees.” Listening to the peasants, he caught disturbing notes that he alone understood. I understood that I had to go into the taiga, hide. In the meantime, post everywhere. Meanwhile, the miners also came. The people gradually got enough. Levinson joyfully greeted Dubo-va, a tall slaughterer. Ryabets angrily asked Levinson to start. Now the whole story seemed useless and troublesome to him. Levinson, on the other hand, insisted that this matter concerns everyone: there are many locals in the detachment. Everyone was perplexed: why was it necessary to steal - ask Frost, anyone would give him this good. Mo-rozka was brought forward. Dubov offered to kick Frost in the neck. But Goncharenko stood up for Morozka, calling him a fighting guy who had gone through the entire Ussuri front. “He won’t give out his boyfriend, he won’t sell it ...” They asked Morozka, and he said that he had done it thoughtlessly, out of habit, he gave the miner’s word that this would never happen again. That's what they decided on. Levinson suggested that in his free time from hostilities, not to wander around the streets, but to help the owners. The peasants were satisfied with this proposal. Help was invaluable. 6. LEVINSON Levinson's detachment had been on vacation for the fifth week, overgrown with households, there were many deserters from other detachments. Alarming news reached Levinson, and he was afraid to move with this colossus. For his subordinates Levinson was "iron". He hid his doubts and fears, always confidently and clearly giving orders. Levinson is the “right” person, always thinking about the matter, he knew his weaknesses and human weaknesses, and he also clearly understood: “you can lead other people only by pointing out their weaknesses to them and suppressing them, hiding your own from them.” Soon Levinson received a "terrible relay race." She was sent by the chief of staff Sukhovey-Kovtun. He wrote about the Japanese attack, about the defeat of the main partisan forces. After this message, Levinson collected information about environment, and outwardly remained confident, knowing what to do. The main task at that moment it was “to preserve at least small, but strong and disciplined units ...”. Summoning Baklanov and the administrative officer to him, Levinson warned them to be ready for the detachment to set out. “Be ready at any moment.” Along with business letters from the city, Levinson also received a note from his wife. He reread it only at night, when all the cases were finished. I wrote an answer right there. Then I went to check the posts. On the same night I went to the neighboring detachment, saw its deplorable condition and decided to leave the place. 7. ENEMIES Levinson sent Stashinsky a letter saying that the infirmary should be gradually unloaded. From that time on, people began to disperse to the villages, rolling up joyless soldier bundles. Of the wounded, only Frolov, Mechik and Pika remained. Actually, Pika was not sick with anything, he just took root at the hospital. Mechik also had the bandage removed from his head. Varya said that he would soon go to Levinson's detachment. Mechik dreamed of becoming a confident and efficient fighter in Levinson's detachment, and when he returned to the city, no one would recognize him. So he will change. 8. THE FIRST MOVEMENT The deserters who appeared disturbed the whole district, sowed panic, allegedly large Japanese forces were coming. But intelligence did not find the Japanese for ten miles in the area. Morozka asked Levinson to go to the platoon with the guys, and instead of himself he recommended Yefimka as an orderly. Levinson agreed. That same evening Morozka moved to the platoon and was quite happy. And at night they got up on alarm - shots were heard across the river. It was a false alarm: they fired their own on the orders of Levinson. The commander wanted to check the combat readiness of the detachment. Then, in front of the whole detachment, Levinson announced the performance. 9. SWORDER IN THE DEPARTMENT The Nachkhoz appeared at the hospital to prepare food in case the detachment had to hide here in the taiga. On this day Mechik stood up for the first time and was very happy. Soon he left with Pica in the detachment. They were greeted kindly and assigned to a platoon to Kubrak. The sight of the horse, or rather the nag, which he was given almost offended Mechik. Pavel even went to the headquarters to express his dissatisfaction with the mare assigned to him. But in last moment grew timid and said nothing to Levinson. He decided to kill the mare without following her. “Zyuchiha was overgrown with scabs, went hungry, not drunk, occasionally taking advantage of someone else's pity, and Mechik won general dislike, as “a quitter and asked.” He got along only with Chizh, a worthless man, and with Pika from old memory. Chizh cursed Levinson, calling him short-sighted and cunning, "making capital on someone else's hump." Mechik did not believe Chizh, but listened with pleasure to a competent speech. True, Chizh soon became unpleasant to Mechik, but there was no way to get rid of him. Chizh taught Mechik to shy away from sluggishness, from the kitchen, Pavel began to snarl, learned to defend his point of view, and the life of the detachment "went past" him. 10. THE BEGINNING OF THE ROUTE backwoods , Levinson almost lost contact with other units. Having contacted the railway, the commander learned that a trainload of weapons and uniforms would soon arrive. “Knowing that sooner or later the detachment would be opened anyway, and it was impossible to spend the winter in the taiga without cartridges and warm clothes, Levinson decided to make the first sortie.” Dubov’s detachment attacked the freight train, loaded the horses, dodged the sidings and, without losing a single fighter, returned to the parking lot. wanted to check the "new" in the case. On the way they got into a conversation. Mechik Baklanov liked more and more. But a heart-to-heart conversation did not work out. Baklanov simply did not understand Mechik's tricky reasoning. In the village they ran into four Japanese soldiers: two killed Baklanov, one - Mechik ", and the latter ran away. Having driven away from the farm, they saw how the main forces of the Japanese were coming out of there. Having found out everything, they drove to the detachment. The night passed anxiously, and in the morning the detachment was attacked by the enemy. The attackers had a gun, machine guns, so the partisans had nothing left to do how to retreat into the taiga. Mechik was terrified, he waited for everything to be over, and Pika, without raising his head, fired at the tree. The Mechik came to himself only in the taiga. “It was dark and quiet here, and the strict cedar covered them with the dead, with mossy paws." 11. STRADA Levinson's detachment takes refuge in the forest after the battle. There's a bounty on Levinson's head. The detachment is forced to retreat. Due to the lack of provisions, gardens and fields have to be robbed. In order to feed the detachment, Levinson gives the order to kill the Korean pig. For a Korean, this is food for the whole winter. In order to retreat and not drag the wounded Frolov along with him, Levinson decides to poison him. But Mechik overheard his plan and spoils the last minutes of Frolov's life. Frolov understands everything and drinks the poison offered to him. Mechik's false humanism, his pettiness is shown. 12. WAYS-ROADS Buried Frolov. Pika escaped. Frost remembers his life and is sad about Var. Varya at this time thinks about Mechik, she sees her salvation in him, for the first time in her life she fell in love with someone for real. The swordsman does not understand any of this and, on the contrary, avoids her and treats her rudely. 13. LOAD Partisans sit and talk among the people about the peasant character. Levinson goes to inspect the patrols and stumbles upon Mechik. The sword tells him about his experiences, thoughts, about his dislike for the detachment, about not understanding everything that is happening around. Levinson tries to convince him, but all in vain. The blizzard was sent for reconnaissance. 14. INTELLIGENCE METELITSA Snowstorm went to reconnaissance. Almost reaching the right place, he meets a shepherd boy. He meets him, learns from him information about where the whites are located in the village, leaves his horse with him and goes to the village. Creeping up to the house of the white commander, Metelitsa overhears, but he was noticed by a sentry. The blizzard was caught. At this time, everyone in the detachment is worried about him and waiting for his return. 15. THREE DEATHS The next day, Metelitsa was taken for interrogation, but he did not say anything. They arrange a public trial, the shepherd with whom he left the horse does not betray him, but the owner of the boy betrays Metelitsa. The blizzard is trying to kill the squadron leader. The blizzard was shot. A detachment of partisans goes to the rescue of Metelitsa, but it's too late. The partisans caught and shot the man who surrendered Metelitsa. In the battle near Frost, a horse is killed, he gets drunk with grief. 16. SWAG Varya, who did not participate in the battle, returns and looks for Frost. He finds him drunk and takes him away, calms him down, tries to make peace with him. Whites are advancing on the squad. Levinson decides to retreat to the taiga, to the swamps. The detachment quickly arranges a crossing through the swamps and, having crossed, undermines it. The detachment broke away from the pursuit of the whites, while losing almost all the people. 17. NINETEEN Having broken away from the whites, the detachment decides to go to the Tudo-Vaksky tract, where the bridge is located. To avoid an ambush, they send forward a patrol consisting of Sword and Frost. The sword, who was riding ahead, was caught by the White Guards, he was able to escape from them. Frost, who rides next, dies like a hero, but at the same time he warned his comrades about the ambush. A battle ensues, in which Cormorants die. Only 19 people remain from the detachment. The sword is left alone in the taiga. Levinson leaves the forest with the remnants of the detachment.

In order to take a closer look at "The Defeat", it is necessary to briefly convey the content. The novel deals with a heterogeneous partisan mass. The revolutionary wave affected the interests of all groups of the population. One of the main characters, partisan commander Levinson, is a man of the “right breed”, whom everyone loved and respected. His small partisan detachment is experiencing hunger, fatigue, deprivation, constant threats to life, death of many, many. I see that events are unfolding on the outskirts of the former tsarist Russia, in the midst of the people, among the people of the oppressed and oppressed. The representatives of the people are the miners' mass, from which the desperate Morozka, responsible and executive Dubov stands out, from the peasants - the former shepherd Metelitsa, a brave and courageous man.

Representatives of the intelligentsia are Mechik and Dr. Stashinsky. The small partisan detachment of Levinson, making his way to his own, defends himself from the many times superior enemy forces, courageously overcomes various obstacles in his path. The end of the novel is dramatic. The detachment is ambushed, leaving nineteen people. The partisans are defeated, but at the end of the novel I see a bright and encouraging beginning, which is shown through Morozka's desperate feat. In the last lines of the novel, we see the author's hope for a brighter future, which is expressed in the words: "I had to live and fulfill my duties."

Now let's discuss the heroes of the novel, each of which is individual in its own way. It should be distinguished from the characters of the detachment commander Levinson, who does not have a bright appearance, but has the talent of a leader. Levinson feels responsible for the people entrusted to him. He is a real Bolshevik leader, a conscious leader of the masses, a man of a "special, correct breed", ready for self-denial for the sake of his ideals. Levinson enjoys real respect, serves as a role model for young Baklanov. However, Fadeev, in my opinion, somewhat idealizes his hero. After all, if you look closely, you can see that Levinson is quite ordinary person with weaknesses and shortcomings. The fact is that he knows how to hide and suppress all his fears and doubts, painful discord. Levinson is very skillful in directing people.

Young Baklanov tries to imitate his commander in every detail. The author shows that the assistant commander is gaining experience for the future. Fadeev draws the image of a reasonable Goncharenko. I believe that this demolitionist is also to some extent a “right” person. I read how clearly and selflessly Goncharenko acted during the retreat, skillfully blew up the highway, how judiciously and intelligently he spoke with the partisans. Such people are infinitely devoted to the revolution and its ideals, they know what they are doing and where they are going, what they are fighting for.

There are few characters in the novel, but Fadeev carefully examined each personality, its formation and development. Therefore, before showing a person at the height of heroism, the writer depicts him in an ordinary setting. Fadeev shows the difficult life of the partisans, their everyday life. For example, Frost passed thorny path, turning from a negligent partisan into a "serviceable" partisan. At the beginning of the novel, I see Frost's inconscience and indiscipline, his rough treatment with Varya, who wanted pure and sincere love. But this participation in the struggle gave rise to his moral re-education. His life becomes more meaningful, he tries to comprehend his actions and the world. "Careless mischief" Frost turns into responsibility, there is a formation of personality. As a result, Frost performs a truly heroic deed at the end of the novel, sacrificing his life for the sake of his comrades. The former shepherd Metelitsa also stands out in the novel. This hero is brave and impetuous, his courage admires those around him.

The blizzard was formed by itself, in the elements of working life. In this case, the revolution helped the hero not to lose his wonderful qualities. He gets the opportunity to use and reveal them to the fullest. Metelitsa fascinates me: its fire, movement, predatory eyes, determination, swiftness, lightning speed. Fadeev showed the formation of spontaneity into a conscious beginning on the example of Morozka. The blizzard, in my opinion, is an addition to Levinson's image. The doubts and experience of the commander are combined with the determined Metelitsa. This can be seen in the example of how deftly Levinson replaces Metelitsa's impetuous plan with a more calm and cautious one. The author shows the virtues of Metelitsa, which Frost is not endowed with. But each hero is individual and unique in his own way. Frost's natural behavior at the beginning of the novel is characterized by laxity, hooliganism, recklessness and lack of accountability for many actions.

But if the author sympathizes with Metelitsa and Morozka, then Fadeev feels complete antipathy for Mechik. The author shows how the petty-bourgeois intellectual Mechik is looking for romance and heroic deeds in the Civil War. But, seeing the routine, theft, bullying, ridicule, swearing in the partisan masses, Mechik is disappointed; The sword is moral, but its qualities are manifested only in words, not in deeds. The sword only thinks about saving his own life, he is unreliable. Coming into contact with the complexity of real life, he is lost, he has no ideals left: neither the desired feat, nor pure love for a woman. His cowardice and insecurity soon give rise to betrayal, which Fadeev stigmatizes. The swordsman possesses an abstract humanism that is passive and does not require cruelty or harshness. However, this humanism causes suffering. Taking pity on Frolov, Mechik only made him worse, caused him suffering. His morality is directed against him. In my opinion, he was not created for exploits and war, and indeed for the kind of life in which he is now. His soul is too pampered, conscientious and vulnerable. Fadeev shows that the partisan environment did not accept this intellectual. The author emphasizes the uselessness of the intelligentsia in the Bolshevik struggle. But not all intellectuals are like Mechik.

It seems to me that Mechik is simply not ready for the fight, his insecurity and youthful romanticism gave rise to negative qualities. As a result, he betrayed his comrades. The urban environment played an important role in the formation of the personality of this hero. Fadeev does not accept Mechik, although he sympathizes with the doctor Stashinsky. A doctor is an intellectual, but he is infinitely devoted to his work, to his ideals, which he will never betray. This is illustrated by the example of Frolov's murder. Even in critical situations you can’t kill a hopeless patient, but in this case it’s also impossible not to do this. From this I can conclude that the intelligentsia also plays an essential role in the revolution.

So, on the example of this small detachment, we see the spontaneous and conscious formation of the masses. This is what determines the main and main idea of ​​"The Defeat". Fadeev defined it as follows: “... in a civil war, the selection of human material takes place, everything hostile is swept away by the revolution, everything incapable of a real revolutionary struggle, accidentally falling into the camp of the revolution, is eliminated, and everything that has risen from the true roots of the revolution, from the millions of people is tempered, grows, develops in this struggle. There is a huge transformation of people." In the novel there is selection, and screening, and alteration of people. But this "selection of human material" is carried out by the war itself. As a result, they die the best people who has already managed to fall in love with the reader: Metelitsa, Baklanov. After his spiritual development, Morozna dies heroically. Such useless people as Chizh remain in the detachment. But Fadeev fanatically believed that there was a breakthrough to goodness and justice, to a new spiritual life, to free joyful work without the bourgeoisie. But the reality was sometimes quite different, realism is being introduced into life, showing a heroic personality, elevating and developing the germs of communism in the imagination. I want to note that the study of people and events does not always lead to a positive result. Identified and negative sides which cannot be hidden and smoothed over, justice is not always pure.

However, we must give credit to Fadeev for the fact that he vividly revealed the theme, idea and composition of the novel, and also clearly set out two main concepts.
The first is the unity of the world and man in it, and the second is humanism. Fadeev showed us not only a partisan detachment, but also a picture of peasant life, without which a description of the partisans is unthinkable, because almost all of them came from peasants. Let's remember Snowstorm and Frost. Goncharenko claimed that a man was sitting in each of them. The author shows the inseparability of people and the peasant world. Humanism in "Rout" is shown not through a merciful attitude towards the wives and children of the enemy, but through the impact of new relationships on the characters and personality of people.

Fadeev identified the main theme and idea in the "remaking of people." This main idea and subordinate composition. There are few characters in the novel, but the author carefully examines each personality. The first half of the novel is subordinated to this deep analysis of changes in the inner world of a person in the course of the struggle. The author tells about a man, about his fate, about his trials. No wonder the beginning of the defeat is described only in the tenth chapter. But even during hostilities, Fadeev first of all shows the state, behavior and feelings of the participants in the battle. The author completes the character of the hero by his actions. In his novel, the author affirms the invincibility of the people in the war. Fadeev was a true soldier of the party, a true fighter for a brighter future. Of course, he saw the dark side of reality, but he firmly believed that they would soon disappear. And we must pay tribute to Fadeev for such devotion to the cause, for dedication and work.

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