How a man divided geese. Lesson "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ..." (everyday fairy tale "How a man divided geese")


This page contains a fairy tale written by Leo Tolstoy "How a man divided geese". The tale "How a man divided geese" by Leo Tolstoy, has similarities with short stories. There is wisdom in this story. Slavic people, and much more instructive.

One poor peasant ran out of bread. So he decided to ask the master for bread. In order to have something to go to the master, he caught a goose, roasted it and carried it. The master accepted the goose and said to the peasant:

Thank you, man, for your goose, but I don’t know how we are going to share your goose. I have a wife, two sons and two daughters. How can we share a goose without resentment?

The man says:

I will share.

He took a knife, cut off his head and said to the master:

You are the head of the whole house - your head.

Then he cut off the back, gives it to the mistress:

You,- says at home sit, look at the house, - you back.

Then he cut off the paws and gives it to his sons:

You, - he says, - legs - to stomp on his father's paths.

And gave wings to his daughters:

You, - he says, - will soon fly away at home, here's a wing for you. I'll take the rest!

And he took the whole goose.

The master laughed and gave the peasant bread and money.

A rich peasant heard that the master rewarded the poor peasant with bread and money for a goose, roasted five geese and carried them to the master.

Barin says:

Thanks for the goose. Yes, I have a wife, two sons, two daughters - all six. How can we evenly divide your geese?

The rich man began to think and came up with nothing.

The master sent for the poor peasant and ordered to share.

The poor peasant took one goose, gave it to the master and the lady, and said:

Here are the three of you with the goose.

He gave one to his sons:

And you, he says, are three.

He gave one to his daughters:

And there are three of you. And he took two geese for himself:

Here, - he says, - and there are three of us with geese, - all equally.

The master laughed and gave the poor peasant more money and bread, and drove the rich one away.

Above is the tale of Leo Tolstoy "How a man divided geese". We wish you enjoy reading this beautiful fairy tale Leo Tolstoy "How a man divided the geese". Let wisdom accompany your life!

The protagonist of Tolstoy's fairy tale "How a peasant divided the geese" is a poor peasant. The peasant was so poor that one day he had no bread. He decided to ask the master for bread, and in order not to go empty-handed, he caught a goose and roasted it.

The master liked the gift, but he decided to give the peasant the task of how to divide that goose among the members noble family. The peasant thought, and suggested a solution that both the master liked, and the peasant did not remain in the loser. The contented gentleman gave the peasant bread, and even added money.

The rich man learned the story of the goose. He also came to the master and brought him a few geese as a gift. The master asked him a question, how to divide the geese? But the rich man could not master this task. Then they called the poor peasant to the master. He again divided the geese in a cunning way - one goose to the master and the lady, the other to the two sons of the master, the third to the two daughters of the master. And the peasant took two geese for himself, explaining that now all three came out.

Again the master liked how the poor peasant knows how to share. The master rewarded him with money and bread, and kicked out the rich peasant.

Takovo summary fairy tales.

The main idea of ​​Tolstoy's fairy tale "How a man divided geese" is that a smart and savvy person will always find an opportunity to solve a problem for his own benefit. The poor peasant went to the master to ask for bread, and as a result, he not only got hold of bread, but also money and geese. And he managed to win the respect of the master.

Tolstoy's tale teaches not to get lost in difficult situations to show ingenuity and ingenuity.

In the fairy tale "How a man divided geese" I liked main character, poor man. Going to the master to ask for bread, he prepared a gift in the form of a roast goose. And when the master asked him a cunning problem, the peasant managed to solve it in such a way that he himself remained with profit.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale "How a man divided geese"?

Need for inventions is cunning.
The stupid one turns sour, but the smart one will provide for everything.
Need dares deed.
The resourceful will not be puzzled.

Extracurricular reading: Russian folk tale "How a man divided geese" Grade 2

Target: formation of reading competence elementary school student.
Tasks: development of students' speech through the formation of skills to express their thoughts and feelings literary language; development of skills to read correctly (learn to understand the work, identify main idea, the attitude of the author to the characters); expand lexicon; introduce the term "animalistic" fairy tales; educate readers' interest, aesthetic taste; develop the ability to make friends.

1. Reader literary reading for grade 2

2. Handout.
3. cards

During the classes.

    Organizing time .

Psychological attitude

In nature there is a sun. It shines and warms. So let each of its rays reach you and not only warm you with its warmth, but also give you strength and confidence in your knowledge. Reaching for the sun!

(hands through the sides up, rise on toes)

You grow, become kinder, smarter. And now mentally send sun rays mom, dad, guests. Wish you all love and goodness!

Well done, sit down!

2. Actualization of knowledge method: True false statements ( find a definition for each concept.

Appeal to natural phenomena or animals - it's a joke. (calling)

Description of the signs of the object that must be guessed - this is a counting rhyme (riddle)

The poems that are used in the game to select the driver are a tongue twister (counter)

A small poem that always teaches something is the Invocation (rhyme)

Well done! And now let's remember what incantations (rhymes, riddles, tongue twisters, counting rhymes) we know. Everyone remembered. Well done!

Teacher: What unites all these works? (They are oral folk art)
Teacher: Does each of them have an author? (People)

    Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Guys! Today we will make an interesting and fascinating journey to the land of a fairy tale.

At the fairy tale a pure soul,

Like a forest stream.

She comes slowly

In the cool hour of the night.

The native people are its creator,

People-creator, people-sage,

I put my dream into it.

Like gold in a chest.

    Work on the topic of the lesson

    A long time ago, when there were no jet planes and helicopters, diving suits and submarines, there were no TVs and even electric kettles, people dreamed that a person could rise into the air and sink to the bottom of the sea, so that the water itself would come home, and pot without fire cooked porridge. Time passed... Fairy tales became a reality, and miracles turned into smart machines, people's helpers.

Do you like fairy tales? Today we will remember fairy tales, and learn kindness from fairytale heroes.

And today we will get to know you with another Russian folk tale "How a man divided geese."

What type of fairy tale do you think it belongs to? To household. And why? They talk about the poor and the rich. Laziness, greed of the rich is ridiculed and the mind, ingenuity of poor people is glorified. Actions take place in ordinary houses, villages. At the end of the lesson, we will check whether we have identified correctly.

Teacher: Guys, what do you think is the purpose of our lesson? What will we learn? That's right, today in the lesson we must learn to be a competent READER. What does it mean? (Be able to read correctly, learn to understand the work, determine the main idea, understand the author's attitude to the work, to the characters, be able to express his thoughts, understand why this work is needed in literature).
Teacher: In order to do all this, what should we be? (We must be careful and observant).
Teacher: Try to answer the question: Do people need fairy tales?
Teacher: We will return to this question at the end of the lesson.

Group work
everyone has a fairy tale hero on their desk (Little Red Riding Hood, Frog, Masha and the Bear, Cinderella)

Guys, each of you has a fairy tale hero. Let's remember what fairy tales these heroes are from. Children name heroes and fairy tales. And what are these fairy tales? (Little Red Riding Hood - household, Frog Princess - magical, Cinderella - magical, Masha and the Bear - about animals)

Well done! Now let's divide into groups according to the heroes of fairy tales.

1 group - Masha and the bear

2 group - Cinderella

Group 3 - Princess Frog

4 group - Little Red Riding Hood

Let's remember the Russians folk tales and hold a competition of connoisseurs of fairy tales.

Each group has fragments of fairy tales, but they have errors and no title. You must correct the mistakes and choose the name of the fairy tale.

1. group Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. gone man sow turnip. Grew beet big big. Grandfather began to pull carrot. Pull-pull and pulled out Bear go to well, lowered his tail into the hole; it was in summer. He already ran, ran, he sat all night, his tail froze; I tried to get up: it was not there. ("Fox-sister and wolf")

3. group small house-teremok! Who lives in the terem?

I am a mouse braggart! And who are you?

And I'm a frog jumper.

Come live with me!


4. group Here we go nurse- scraped in the bottom of the barrel, in the barn knocked Yes, I scraped the flour on pie! I kneaded the dough, heated the stove, baked pie. The result was a bun and lush, and fragrant. ("Kolobok")

Assessed 2 task

Physical minute "Imitation exercises"

Do you want to be in the role of heroes of fairy tales?


Girls, show how the fox sneaked, what cunning eyes she screwed up, how she jumped up and looked out the window.

"Brave cat"

Boys, show what a brave, brave cat. The cat walked through the forest, walked, was not afraid of anyone. Brave cat.


Each group has questions to the fairy tale, let's read them.

Questions for the fairy tale

1 From whom did the peasant ask for bread? Can you already learn something about the content of the tale from the question? (that in a fairy tale there is a man and he asks someone for something)

2 What did he carry the master? What do you learn from the question? (that there is another hero in the fairy tale - the gentleman and that the man carried something to him)

3 Whom should the goose be divided into?

4 How did the master thank the peasant?

5 Who else then went to the master?

6 Who divided his geese and how?

7 What quality of character helped the peasant?

Teacher: How much information we learned from the questions to the fairy tale, without reading it yet.

We will answer these questions at the end of the lesson.

You write down the answers to all these questions as you read the tale.

Introduction to fairy tales. Stop reading.

The teacher reads, children who read well continue. Ksyusha, Lisa. Daniel, Samuel

Word teacher: How can we share a goose without resentment?

The question is asked: how do you think they divided the goose? your assumptions.

Reading by Lisa to the words: And took the whole goose.

Reading by Samuel: The master sent for the poor peasant and ordered to share.

Question: How did the man divide the geese?

Reading Daniel to the end

Fizminutka for the eyes (electronic)

Now let's get back to the story.

Name the main characters in the story. man

Are there other main characters? No

Let's describe the main character.

What man? Poor, hungry, smart, resourceful, ....

What do you think he looked like? Describe his appearance.

Independent reading insert method (with marks) mark incomprehensible words.

Barin -

Making questions from the text. Group work.

carousel method. The speaker goes to another group and asks his questions. The group responds.

The speaker evaluates each group. With an explanation.

Chamomile method on a chamomile board, on each petal a question on the text. Children go out, choose a question and answer.

Outcome. Teacher: Did you like this piece? Were there moments when you were worried, worried? What would you like to change about this story?

Teacher: Why do you think people came up with this fairy tale?
Teacher: Let's return to the main question of our lesson: do people need fairy tales? (They bring joy from reading, learn about animals, their habits, character, etc.).
So what kind of story is our story? Why? ? They talk about the poor and the rich. Laziness, greed of the rich is ridiculed and the mind, ingenuity of poor people is glorified

What is being mocked in this story? greed of the rich And what is glorified? mind, ingenuity of the poor

Homework . Guys, look, every book with a fairy tale has a cover. (showing books with fairy tales) So you imagine yourself as an artist and draw a cover for our fairy tale.

Voti ends our fabulous journey.


In many fairy tales there is an apple tree with its bulk apples. So in our lesson such an apple tree grew. - But somehow she is sad, there are no apples on her. Let's revive it. Each has 2 apples (red and green). If the lesson was interesting, you understood everything. Hang a red apple on an apple tree. If there are difficulties, or you were not interested - green, you need to ripen the apple a little.

There once lived an old peasant. His hut had completely rotted away, and he decided to build a new one, but there was no forest. Puzzling over where to get it. And in those days, the peasants could only get wood for new buildings from the master. So he thinks how he would drive up to the master. He carried his goose to the master and the lady for a treat. The master let him in. The peasant tells that, they say, he needs a forest for a new hut, the old one, they say, has completely rotted. Then he remembers about the goose that he brought with him, gives it to the master. And the master looked and said:
- There are five of us, how can we divide one goose into all?
- Nothing, sir, tell me, I'll share.
- Come on, show me how it's done!
When the goose was plucked, the old one took up the division: he cut off the head with the neck and gives it to the owner himself:
- To you, as the head of all respectable gentlemen, - all the wisdom and power over this small creature.
Then he cut off both wings, gives them to the lady and her daughter, and says:
- And this is for you with a beautiful daughter, so that your darlings can flutter in the sky.
Then he cuts off both legs and gives to both barchuks:
- And this is for the sons of the master, so that they are diligent and dexterous. And the rest is for me to share.
The master and the lady are only amazed - how cleverly the old man divided the goose! And to celebrate, they give him forests as much as they like. The peasant - don't be a fool - rolled up a hut for himself, like your master's palace: two chimneys, high windows, wide doors. Neighbors look and inquire how he could build such mansions when he didn’t have a penny for his soul. It turned out that all this was obtained for one goose. Here one old man also got into his head: “Wait, but I have six geese, if they are demolished, then the master will give me a forest.”
He brought all his geese to the master and asks for woods for a new barn.
- Okay, okay, but how can we be, my dear? You have six geese, and we have five!
The old man thought, the poor fellow did not know what to do. And the master remembered that he had recently had one peasant. who divided the goose so wonderfully, but everyone was happy. He ordered to call him to him. Here comes that old man, and they tell him to divide six geese equally among five people. The peasant looked, did not hesitate for a long time and said:
- I'll help you if you need it. Here's how we share them! Let's take it all in threes. You, a gentleman with a mistress and one goose - a troika. You, both sons and again one goose - a troika, and these two geese with a young lady - also a troika. Only two geese left! Let's do it! I and two of them are also a trio. That's what everyone got equally.
All mouths hurt. For such dexterity, the master of the forest gave not to the one who asked, but to the one who shared - for ingenuity. Now this peasant has built a new barn for himself, and the other one is left with nothing.

Leo Tolstoy, fairy tale "How a man divided geese"

Genre: literary everyday fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "How a man divided geese" and their characteristics

  1. Poor man. Poor but cunning.
  2. Barin. Cheerful, kind, generous.
  3. Rich. Stingy and envious.
Plan for retelling the tale "How a man divided geese"
  1. The poor man's last goose
  2. Barin's family
  3. Fair division
  4. Reward
  5. Five geese of the rich man
  6. Rich man's predicament
  7. Section of the geese
  8. Another reward.
The shortest content of the tale "How a man divided geese" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. When the peasant ran out of bread, he fried the goose and took it to the master
  2. The master asked to divide the goose into six people
  3. The poor man divided the goose, and most took
  4. The rich man, having learned about this, took five geese to the master
  5. The master asked the rich man to divide five geese into six people, and he could not
  6. The poor man gave one goose to a couple of people and took two geese for himself.
The main idea of ​​the tale "How a man divided geese"
A good joke will always help and bring benefits.

What does the fairy tale "How a man divided geese" teach
This story teaches you how to solve problems. in an unconventional way, teaches to be able to joke, teaches that envy and greed bad qualities person. Teaches that laughter makes a person kinder.

Review of the fairy tale "How a man divided geese"
very funny and instructive story I really liked about the poor man and the geese. The poor man showed that he had a good imagination and sharp mind and intelligence is in many ways much more important than wealth. I liked the section of geese from the poor man and I think that he deserved both the geese and the reward.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "How a man divided geese"
Need for invention is cunning.
The cunning will always find a loophole.
Envious for someone else's happiness dries up.

Read the summary brief retelling fairy tales "How a man divided geese"
One day the poor peasant ran out of bread, there was nothing to sow, nothing to eat. The peasant decided to ask for help from the master, and in order not to go empty-handed, he slaughtered and roasted the last goose.
A man brings a goose to his master, asks for bread. And the master tells him that he has two sons, two daughters, and a wife. How to divide one goose into all?
The peasant, without hesitation, gives his head to the master, as the head of the family, he gives the back to the lady, as if sitting at home. He gives the legs to his sons, because they choose the path in life, and he gives the wings to his daughters - they will get married, fly away from their father's house. Well, the man takes the rest.
The bartender laughed. He liked this section. He gave the poor both bread and money.
A wealthy neighbor found out about that and became envious. He fried five geese at once, took them to the master. And the master again lists his family and asks how to divide five geese into six people?
The rich man can think of nothing, only scratches his head.
The master sent for the poor man. He came and immediately began to share. He gave one goose to the master and the lady and said that there were now three of them. He gave one goose to his sons, there were also three of them. I gave one more goose to my daughters - and there were three of them. Well, I took two for myself - there were also three of them.
The master laughed for a long time, again gave money to the poor, and drove the rich out of the yard with sticks.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "How a man divided geese"

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