List the signs of everyday fairy tales. What are the types of children's stories? The structure of the structure of a fairy tale


The stories are different.
Told and untold...

Let's start with the fact that I will give you the most famous classification of fairy tales.

So, fairy tales are: folk and. Folk - these are those who do not have a specific author, the tale was passed on from mouth to mouth among the people and no one will say who it was originally written by. An author's story is a fairy tale that has a specific author. For example, "Black chicken or Underground inhabitants”is copyright, because its author is known. This is Anthony Pogorelsky.

Next classification concerns not authorship, but the content of fairy tales. According to this feature fairy tales are divided into:

1. Tales about animals;

2. Magic;

3. Social and household (satirically-household).

Animal Tales

These are the same fairy tales that should be read the very first (up to 5-6 years). They involve permanent characters (, wolf, fox, etc.). Mainly indicated permanent signs animals (the fox is cunning, the bear is strong, the cat is smart, the hare is timid, etc.). Of these tales, copulative ones stand out - selected according to the principle of plot connection (“Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”). Many of them have a childish linguistic connotation (a mouse-norushka, a cat with a little white tummy).

Fairy tales

They involve romantic heroes, which embody the most best qualities person. Mandatory for this fairy tale: image goodie+ helpers + . The main thing in such fairy tales: the struggle for love, for truth, for good. They are characterized by rich language, colorful definitions, negative characters- fantastic (Baba Yaga, Leshy, Kikimora, Serpent Gorynych). As for the building fairy tales, then the fabulous beginnings (once upon a time) are obligatory, the middle (the morning is wiser than the evening, how long - short) and the ending (and I was there, I drank honey - beer).

Social fairy tales

They are showing real life, social content, mocking negative human qualities. High moral qualities do not belong to the rich and people of high rank, but to representatives of the people (soldier, old man). It is not strength that wins, but intelligence and skill. Sharp negative characteristics are given to the master, the priest, the king and others. Such fairy tales appeared when there was a desire to change the social system, and they expressed the democratic mood of the people (the author). In social fairy tales, puns, humor, shifters, laughter, and satire are widely used.

In addition to all of the above, there are other types of fairy tales: personalized- about a specific person who is not invented by the author, but actually exists. Therapeutic- which help to correct the behavior, habits of children (for example, weaning nail biting).

It is possible that there are other types of fairy tales, but these are the only ones I know of. If you know more about fairy tales, please add to this list in the comments.

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IN student years, this issue was well covered by one of our university teachers from the Department of Preschool Pedagogy.

It's time to blow the dust off the mossy notes, and share with you the well-known classification of fairy tales.

A fairy tale is a magical opportunity to penetrate the soul of a child, using all the power artistic means and imagination of a small person.

Despite its simplicity (which is one of the facets of the genius of fairy-tale art), their classification is unexpectedly extensive and multifaceted.

What are fairy tales?

There are 3 main types of fairy tales:

  1. Animal Tales
  2. Fairy tales
  3. Household fairy tales

Let's take them in order:

Animal Tales

Since ancient times, man has existed side by side with animals. There is nothing surprising in the fact that such a neighborhood is reflected in folk art.

It is noteworthy that animals as such only occasionally become participants in the works. For the most part, in fairy tales about animals, “animals” are endowed with human features.

This image makes the character understandable and attractive at the same time.

Works of this type can be conditionally classified:

By the nature of the characters:

  • Wild animals
  • Pets
  • Inanimate objects (sun, wind, frost)
  • Items (oven, bast shoes)
  • mixed variations

By the role of the person in the plot:

  • dominant
  • Equitable
  • Minor

By genre:

  • Magic fairy tale about animals
  • Cumulative fairy tale about animals (multiple cyclical repetition of plot elements)
  • Fable
  • satirical

By target audience:

  • For children (for a story to children / for a story by the children themselves)
  • For adults

I note that the above classification is rather arbitrary and can have many variations.

Let's move on to the next type.

Fairy tale

The peculiarity of this type of fairy tales is that characters placed in some fantastic unreal world that exists according to its own laws, different from ours.

As a rule, the action in such fairy tales is built according to a certain pattern. It is on the basis of similarity storylines and their classification is built:

  1. Heroic tales associated with the victory over a magical creature (serpent, giant)
    • Heroic tales related to adventures in search of a magical item.
  2. archaic tales
    • Tales of the family persecuted with mythical elements.
    • Tales about the family persecuted without mythical elements.
  3. Fairy Tales
  4. Tales of Magic Items
  5. Fairy tales related to wedding trials

Household tales:

The peculiarity of this type lies in the reflection of everyday everyday life, social problems, ridiculing bad human qualities. Allocate:

  • satirical household
  • Social
  • novelistic
  • With fairy tale elements
  • mixed type

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Funny and sad, scary and funny, they are familiar to us from childhood. Our first ideas about the world, good and evil, about justice are connected with them.

Fairy tales are loved by both children and adults. They inspire writers and poets, composers and artists. Based on fairy tales, performances and films are staged, operas and ballets are created. Fairy tales have come to us from ancient times. They were told by poor wanderers, tailors, retired soldiers.

Fairy tale- one of the main types of oral folk art. Artistic narration fantasy, adventure or everyday character.

Folk tales are divided into three groups:

Animal Tales - the most ancient view fairy tales. They have their own circle of heroes. Animals talk and act like people. The fox is always cunning, the wolf is stupid and greedy, the hare is cowardly.

Everyday fairy tales - the heroes of these fairy tales - a peasant, a soldier, a shoemaker - live in real world and they usually fight with a master, a priest, a general. They win thanks to resourcefulness, intelligence and courage.

Fairy tales - the heroes of fairy tales fight to the death, defeat enemies, save friends, facing evil spirit. Most of these tales are connected with the search for a bride or a kidnapped wife.

Fairy tale composition:

1. Beginning. (“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state they lived, they were ...”).

2. The main part.

3. Ending. (“They began to live - to live and make good” or “They arranged a feast for the whole world ...”).

Heroes of fairy tales:

Favorite hero of Russian fairy tales - Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan the Fool, Ivan - peasant son. This is a fearless, kind and noble hero who defeats all enemies, helps the weak and wins happiness for himself.

An important place in Russian fairy tales is given to women - beautiful, kind, smart and hardworking. These are Vasilisa the Wise, Elena the Beautiful, Marya Morevna or Sineglazka.

The embodiment of evil in Russian fairy tales is most often Koschey the Immortal, the Serpent Gorynych and Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga is one of the most ancient characters in Russian fairy tales. This is a terrible and evil old woman. She lives in the forest in a hut on chicken legs, rides in a mortar. Most often, it harms the heroes, but sometimes it helps.

Serpent Gorynych - a fire-breathing monster with several heads, flying high above the ground - is also very famous character Russian folklore. When the Serpent appears, the sun goes out, a storm rises, lightning flashes, the earth trembles.

Features of Russian folk tales:

In Russian fairy tales, there are often repeated definitions: a good horse; Gray wolf; red girl; good fellow, as well as combinations of words: a feast for the whole world; go wherever your eyes look; hung his wild head; neither in a fairy tale to tell, nor to describe with a pen; soon a fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done; long, short...

Often in Russian fairy tales, the definition is placed after the word being defined, which creates a special melodiousness: my dear sons; the sun is red; written beauty...
Short and truncated forms of adjectives are characteristic of Russian fairy tales: the sun is red; hung his wild head; - and verbs: seize instead of grab, go instead of go.

The language of fairy tales is characterized by the use of nouns and adjectives with various suffixes, which give them a diminutive - pet meaning: little-y, little brother, rooster-ok, sun-yshk-o ... All this makes the presentation smooth, melodious, emotional. Various amplifying-excretory particles also serve the same purpose: that, that's what, ka ... (That's a miracle! I'll go to the right. What a miracle!)

From time immemorial, fairy tales have been close and understandable common people. Fantasy intertwined with reality. Living in need, people dreamed of flying carpets, palaces, self-assembled tablecloths. And always in Russian fairy tales justice triumphed, and good triumphed over evil. It is no coincidence that A. S. Pushkin wrote: “What a charm these fairy tales are! Each is a poem!

Fairy tales, like any other works literary genre, also has its own classification, and not even one. Fairy tales can be divided into several groups, firstly, by content, and secondly, by authorship. In addition, there is also a classification of fairy tales according to nationality which is transparent and understandable to all. For example, "Russian folk tales”,“ German fairy tales ”, etc. It is also not so difficult to say what fairy tales are by authorship. Everyone knows that there are folk tales, and there are author's, written specific person. We will return to this later, but first we will talk about more complex classification fairy tales - by content.

Types of fairy tales by content

  • household
  • magical
  • fairy tales about animals

Each of these types is divided into several more, which we will discuss in the relevant chapters. Let's start with fairy tales.

Household fairy tales

As the name implies, household tales include those that describe the life and life of a particular people. However, it should be noted that in such tales usual description is rare, and most often it is supplemented by various humorous and satirical descriptions. For example, some qualities of this or that class of society or estate are ridiculed. Among everyday fairy tales allocate the following types fairy tales (we list them with examples):

  • social and domestic (“Shemyakin Court”, “Dividing the Goose”, “Chatty Old Woman”)
  • satirical-everyday (“The peasant and the pop”, “The master and the carpenter”, “The master and the peasant”, “How the priest hired a worker”)
  • magical household (with elements from fairy tales, bright examples to: "Frost", "Cinderella")

In general, it should be noted that this classification was derived by literary critics rather conditionally, since it is far from always possible to unambiguously say to which category this or that fairy tale belongs. Many can be attributed to both social and everyday life, and, for example, in the well-known fairy tale "Morozko", a certain amount of magic is added to these two features, so it is everyday, and satirical, and magical at the same time. And this is the case with many fairy tales - be sure to consider this point when classifying.

Fairy tales

A fairy tale can be recognized, first of all, by the environment, which, as a rule, does not correspond much to the reality revealed to us in life. Heroes exist in their fantasy world. Often such tales begin with the words "In a certain kingdom ...". Fairy tales can also be conditionally divided into several types:

  • heroic tales (with victory over various mythical creatures or with adventures in which the hero goes to find some kind of magical object). From examples: Rejuvenating apples"," Vasilisa the Beautiful ";
  • archaic tales (tell about the destitute and lonely people and about those who were kicked out or they left the family for some reason and about their adventures). From examples: "Twelve months", "Children at the cannibal";
  • fairy tales about people endowed with magical powers. For example: "Mary the artisan", "Elena the Wise".

Animal Tales

Let's see what animal tales are:

  • fairy tales about ordinary animals (wild and domestic). For example: “The Fox and the Hare”, “The Fox and the Crane”, “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”;
  • fairy tales about magical animals. For example: " gold fish”,“ The Little Humpbacked Horse ”,“ Emelya ”(“ By pike command»).

In addition, there are also fairy tales:

  • cumulative (in which there is a repetitive plot). For example: "Mitten", "Kolobok", "Turnip";
  • fables. As an example, let's take everyone famous fables"Crow and Fox", "Monkey and Glasses". A small note: not all literary critics attribute the fable to fairy tale genre, allocating a separate place for it among literary genres, however, for the sake of completeness, I decided to include fables here too.

As you probably know, these fables are not folk art, they have authors. Thus, fairy tales can be divided into folk and author's. "The Fox and the Hare" is a Russian folk tale, and "The Little Humpbacked Horse" is the author's, since it was written by P.P. Ershov. Well, we have considered, perhaps, all the main types of fairy tales, both in content and in terms of authorship and nationality.

Some links

This page contains wonderful fairy tales.

And you will find several dozen famous fairy tales about animals.

I note that the fairy tales presented on the pages of this site are perhaps the most famous of the Russian folk tales.

MBOU "Petrushinskaya secondary school"

Research work: What are fairy tales.

Performed: Klimenkova Veronika

Supervisor: teacher primary school Klimenkova Olga Nikolaevna

1. Introduction.

2. The main part.

3. Conclusion.

4. List of references.


Great planet Earth

And do not count miracles on it.

They say that even somewhere

There is one magical forest.

All the birches are there in earrings

And not scary at all

There is a hut on chicken legs

Invites you to relax.

In that fairy forest

Wonder horses drink dew

Wonder birds sing

Miracle lake glitters...

V. Suslov

Do you like fairy tales? I think that everyone loves fairy tales: both adults and children. They live everywhere: in the dense forest, in the field. A fairy tale originated with a person, and as long as a person lives, a fairy tale is also alive. They have many different miracles.

I got acquainted with a fairy tale when I was still very young and could not read, then my mother and grandmother read fairy tales to me ... I listened to them with pleasure. Now I'm in the second grade, I can read myself, Reading fairy tales, I noticed that all fairy tales are different. In some, the main characters are animals, in others, people and magical creatures. And I began to worry about the question "What are fairy tales?".

Hypothesis: I made the assumption that fairy tales are different and arose a very long time ago.

Target: find out what fairy tales are and when they originated.

To achieve the goal of the research work, I had to solve the following


5. Draw conclusions.

Research methods. Reflections, reading books, questioning, analysis of results.

To solve the tasks, I went to the library, looked at fairy tale books in my library at home and read them, went on the Internet with Olga Nikolaevna and found information about the types of fairy tales, made up questions for the survey:

1. Do you like a fairy tale and why?

2. How long ago did fairy tales appear?

3. Do you think all fairy tales are the same?

4. What does a fairy tale teach?

25 students participated in the survey elementary school 1-4 grades. As a result of the survey, 100% of students answered the question: Do you like a fairy tale and why? When asked why, they answered: “Because it’s interesting.” To the next question: How long ago did the fairy tale appear? 80% of students answered that they appeared a long time ago, 15% answered that the fairy tale appeared not so long ago, and 5% answered I don’t know. The question is, are all fairy tales the same? 100% of the respondents answered: "All fairy tales are different." And to the fourth question: What does a fairy tale teach? 63% of the children answered that the fairy tale teaches kindness, 20% of the respondents answered that the fairy tale teaches mutual help, 11% of the respondents answered that the fairy tale teaches justice and 6% of the respondents answered that the fairy tale teaches love for people. Then I read such fairy tales on my own: Russian folk “Porridge from an ax”, “Thrush and the Fox”, “The Frog Princess”, “At the command of the pike”. "The Fox and the Crane", Brothers Grimm "Rapunzel", Hans Christian Anderson "Thumbelina", Dutch fairy tale "Snow White", A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes”, Charles Perrault “Cinderella”, “Puss in Boots”.

Main part.

What is a fairy tale?

At all times of his life, man has encountered difficulties and unexplained phenomena in the reality around him. And there was always a desire to overcome, to know the world. Dreams about this were reflected in oral folklore, one of the forms of which is a fairy tale.

Fairy tale- one of the most popular and favorite genres in the folklore and literature of the peoples of the world.

IN additional literature I found this definition of a fairy tale:

Fairy tales

Fairy tales appeared long before the invention of books, and even writing. They were composed by the people in ancient times and, passing them from mouth to mouth, carefully carried them through the centuries.

Scholars have interpreted the story in different ways. Everything that was related to fiction was called a fairy tale. A number of folklore researchers called everything that “affected” a fairy tale.

fairy world alive. Mandatory attributes of this world are miracles, unusual animals, birds, plants, sudden transformations, talismans, prophetic words.

The classification of fairy tales.

I divided the fairy tales I read into two groups: literary (author's) and folk. These two groups can be divided into fairy tales: fairy tales, household tales, animal tales and epic tales.


Types of fairy tales


Animal Tales


Heroic (epics)

Folk- these are those who do not have a specific author, the tale was passed on from mouth to mouth among the people and no one will say by whom it was originally written. For example, fairy tales familiar to everyone from childhood: “Gingerbread Man”, “Turnip”, “Pockmarked Hen”, etc.

Tales about animals.

They involve permanent characters (bear, wolf, fox, hare, hedgehog, etc.). Basically, the constant signs of animals are indicated (the fox is cunning, the bear is strong, the cat is smart, the hare is timid, etc.). For example, from those fairy tales that I read, these are “The Thrush and the Fox”, “The Fox and the Crane”.

Magic tales.

They involve romantic heroes who embody the best qualities of a person. Mandatory for this fairy tale: the image of a good hero + helpers + magic items. The main thing in such fairy tales: the struggle for love, for truth, for good. In fairy tales there are negative characters - fantastic (Baba Yaga, Goblin, Kikimora, Serpent Gorynych). These stories have a beginning, a middle, and an ending. Magic tales. For example, from those fairy tales that I read are the Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess", the Brothers Grimm "Rapunzel", Hans Christian Anderson "Thumbelina", the Dutch folk tale "Snow White", A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", Charles Perrault "Cinderella", Russian folk tale "At the command of the pike".

household tales.

They show real life, ridicule negative human qualities. Most often it is greed and vices of rich people. For example, from those fairy tales that I read, this is the tale “Porridge from an ax”, “Two geese”.

Heroic tales(epics).

B elyny- This folk songs. They were created for performance at holidays, at feasts. They were performed by special people - storytellers who, from memory, recited epics in a singsong voice and accompanied themselves on the harp.

In epics you can learn not only about the exploits, battles of Russian heroes, but also about the life of people in those days: where they lived, how they dressed, with whom they traded, what kind of crafts they had, how they worked.

Research results.

General conclusions.

Thus, in all the fairy tales I read, I noted her structure of the structure, and it was basically the same. This tip. “And I was there ...” “Soon a fairy tale is affecting ...” Fairy tales have a beginning (beginning). In the beginning, the heroes of the fairy tale, the place and time of the action are determined. “They lived - they were ...”, “They lived - they were ...”. Fairy tales have beginnings: “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state”, “Once upon a time”, “In distant kingdom, in a distant state.

The stories also have unique endings. This is how fairy tales traditionally end: “They live, live and make good”, “I was there, I drank honey and beer. It flowed down the mustache, it didn’t get into the mouth. ” Sometimes the ending is a proverb. Basically, in all fairy tales, heroes are tested, but he has helpers, for example, Snow White was helped by gnomes, and the Tsarevich from the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” was helped by animals to whom he rendered a service. It should be noted that in fairy tales there are repetitions, most often they are three times.

Analysis of the research results.

Based on the connections between various objects, phenomena, actions of heroes in a fairy tale, one can draw a conclusion about its essence. The story has been around for a very long time. The very word "fairy tale" (tale) in Russian did not appear until the 17th century. But this does not mean that until that time there were no fairy tales.

All fairy tales are divided into two types: folk and literary (author's). Moreover, they can be household, magical, heroic and fairy tales about animals.


In the course of the research itself, I found answers to many questions. I have read many folk and author's fairy tales. I learned that there are not only Russian folk tales, but also other peoples of the world, not only folk, but also literary (author's). I really enjoyed analyzing stories. I learned to draw conclusions: who main character fairy tales, how it looks, learned about the essence of the fairy tale itself.

I realized that the fairy tale arose in antiquity, but remained beloved and understandable by us. I would like to involve my classmates in reading and analyzing fairy tales so that they love fairy tales and can not only read them, but also tell them. My research work will be useful to me in the classroom literary reading, because throughout the study we will get acquainted with various fairy tales. Fairy tales teach us to help others, look at ourselves from the outside and correct our shortcomings. They teach kindness, love, and so on.

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"What are fairy tales"

Research on the topic "What are fairy tales"

Completed by: Klimenkova Veronika

Head: primary school teacher Klimenkova Olga Nikolaevna

Great planet Earth

And do not count miracles on it.

They say that even somewhere

There is one magical forest.

In this fabulous forest

Wonder horses drink dew

Wonder birds sing

Miracle lake glitters...

V. Suslov


Fairy tales are different and originated a long time ago

Target : Find out what fairy tales are and when they originated.

To achieve my goal, I had to solve the following tasks :

1. Find in additional literature and study the definition of a fairy tale;

3. Reveal the classification of fairy tales;

4. Conduct a survey on the topic of work among primary school students of our school;

5. Make a conclusion.

Object of study : fairy tales and folk tales. Research methods : reflection, reading books, questioning, analysis of results.


1. Do you like fairy tales and why?

2. How long ago did the fairy tale appear?

3. Do you think all fairy tales are the same?

4. What does a fairy tale teach?

Poll results

  • Do you like fairy tales and why?

100% - yes, because it's interesting

2. How long ago did the fairy tale appear?

80% - appeared a long time ago, 15% - appeared not so long ago, 5% - I don't know

3. Are all fairy tales the same?

100% - all fairy tales are different

4. What does a fairy tale teach?

63% - goodness, 20% - mutual assistance, 11% - justice, 6% - love for people.

Fairy tales- These are entertaining stories about unusual, fictional events and adventures.

All over the world, people tell stories to entertain each other. Sometimes fairy tales help to understand what is bad in life and what is good.

Fairy tales read

Russian folk: "Porridge from an ax", "Thrush and Fox", "Princess Frog", "By the Pike's Command", "Fox and Crane".

G.H. Anderson "Thumbelina".

C. Perrot "Cinderella", "Puss in Boots".

Brothers Grimm Rapunzel.

Dutch fairy tale "Snow White" ...

Fairy tale classification


Types of fairy tales



Animal Tales

The structure of the fairy tale.

1. Saying: “Soon the fairy tale is told, but the deed is not done soon”

2. Beginning: "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state"; "Lived once…"

3. Ending: “They live and get good”; “And I was there, drinking honey-beer. It flowed down the mustache, it didn’t get into the mouth ”


Fairy tales have been around for a long time.

They are divided into two types: folk and literary (author's).

Moreover, they can be household, magical, heroic

and stories about animals.


1. V.I. Dal Dictionary Russian language - Moscow, 2007;

2. Collection The best fairy tales world - RIPOL Classic, 2008;

3. Collection of Russian folk tales - Moscow "Makhaon", 2004;

4. Means of the Internet.

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