How to draw a mirror from a fairy tale. Mirror painting with preschoolers


Mirror- this is perhaps the only item that everyone has, regardless of style, lifestyle and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Making a mirror an accent element of decor is not so difficult, you just need a little patience and perseverance. I think you have seen magnificent stained-glass windows that impress with their beauty and inimitability. They are made by the laborious method of joining pieces of multi-colored glass. We will deal with a pseudo stained glass window - an imitation of a stained glass window by applying a contour and pouring transparent paint into it. Often, artists complete entire paintings in the pseudo-stained glass style, filling the outline with opaque acrylic for glass work.
For stained glass you will need a contour, stained glass paints, brushes, acrylic varnish.

They are sold in art salons or office supply stores. Now on sale a large number of materials for pseudo stained-glass windows of domestic and foreign production.
The sketch must be developed in advance and applied to the mirror already thought out, trying to minimize auxiliary lines. Before drawing a picture, degrease the mirror with medical alcohol. This is necessary for better adhesion of the paint to the surface. Drawing on glass can be applied with a marker, which is easily washed off with alcohol in case of incorrectly applied lines. It is important to take into account that the trace from the marker that has fallen under the contour can no longer be washed off and it will be visible in the mirror surface, which will give the stained-glass window an untidy look. It is better to draw a contour next to the drawing. Due to the fact that a huge number of contours of various colors have now appeared on sale, you can draw a magnificent masterpiece using only them.

Before pouring paint, the contour must dry for several hours. Only after it has dried can be carefully cotton swab dipped in alcohol, wipe off traces of the marker.

The dried contour is easily edited with a blade, small errors and extra lines are removed.

Stained glass paints are very liquid and ready to use. If you want to make a more transparent layer and a delicate pattern, you can add a special solvent to the paint. But keep in mind that the more diluted the paint, the less stable the layer. Paint brushes must be natural hair A: squirrel, column, pony and do not lose lint during operation. We pick up the prepared paint with a brush and carefully transfer drop by drop into the cells between the contour. All contour lines must be connected to avoid mixing colors.

It is very convenient to work with a medical syringe, its needle can get into even the sharpest corners of the picture. It is important to remember that the second layer is unacceptable - the composition of the paint is such that when applied to the first layer, the next one reacts with it and its smooth surface deforms and deteriorates.
After final drying, the entire drawing should be opened with a finishing acrylic varnish. The varnish keeps color, protects drawing from dust, influence of sunshine and dampness. Artists cover their canvases with a similar varnish to preserve them in their original form.

A lesson on how to draw a mirror was prepared in stages at the request of Svetlana Kudryavtseva and many other girls who read DayFan. I won't name all of them, because the list will be too long. I hope you enjoy the lesson, but as an example, I took an image sent by one of the readers, here: A mirror is the only way a person can look into his own eyes. This is an amazing property of smooth surfaces to reflect light. Understanding the principle of the path of light rays is very important if you want to depict someone's reflection in the mirror. In our example, we will try to depict the object itself, no one will be displayed in it. Therefore, here we will not consider the principles of reflection, but if you want, you can practice yourself in front of a mirror.

More ways to use this item:

  • False mirror - special kind art, the basis of the genre, as well as the brainchild of Petrosyan (yes, Evgeny Vaganych, this is not a joke);
  • A symbol of another world, which is often used by writers. Good example this is a fairy tale about;
  • Einalezh - a magical mirror that can show the most secret desires of a person (from a book about);
  • And there is also a myth that they are not reflected in the mirror;

In addition, the mirror still often appears in Russian folk tales. Try to draw it yourself:

How to draw a mirror with a pencil step by step

Step one. Mark a place on paper where a mirror and his leg, or a stand, or whatever it is, will be depicted. Step two. Let's sketch out the outlines of an oval shape. Step three. Let's draw in more detail. Step four. We will remove the excess and correct the contours. Let's add hatching: We have already accumulated a large number of drawing lessons of useful things, try to draw.

April 6th, 2016

I have seen such drawings and examples of such creativity more than once. This is when the drawing seems to be like some kind of mountains, but you put a shiny cylinder and see the real image. I've always wanted to know how it's drawn. Now let's figure it out...

Anamorphosis is a deliberately ugly distorted image of an object, which under certain conditions appears to be correct. Images in anamorphic paintings are highly distorted, but if you look at them with a mirror, you can see an undistorted image of the subject. Anamorphic pictures can be linear, conical, cylindrical, etc.

According to some sources, it is believed that anamorphosis, or otherwise the art of projection distortion, was once invented in China, and later brought to Europe. Although it is possible that similar inventions can independently occur in different parts of the world, but in different time periods. The founder of anamorphism in European art believed to be Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519).

First famous example anamorphic drawing is considered to be his drawing, which scientists-researchers found in one of the artist's treatises - the Code "Codex atlanticus". When viewed in the plane of the picture at an angle, a clear image of the child's face appears.

In the Middle Ages, artists painting cathedrals and temples in Italy introduced anamorphism into high art painting. In order to see the correct image, it was necessary to look at the painting from a certain angle. Since the Renaissance, anamorphic works have been created on the plafonds of cathedrals in such a way that the viewer viewing them from below can catch the correct perspective.
Often a similar technique was used by artists to depict "forbidden" scenes, which, for example, have an erotic coloring. In the 16th and 17th centuries, such anamorphoses made it possible to distribute political and religious cartoons and store prohibited images.

From an early 17th century engraving:

Many artists created anamorphic paintings, while setting cognitive goals for themselves, some of them were at the same time mathematicians.

A famous example of partial anamorphosis is painting Hans Holbein Jr. "Messengers", created in 1533 and currently exhibited in London.

The skull depicted by the artist at the bottom center becomes clearly visible when the painting is viewed from a very low angle from the lower left side.

Below is an anamorphic work unknown artist(about 1550), which is an example of linear anamorphism. Here, the distortion lies in the incredible stretching of the picture horizontally.

If you look at the plane of the picture under acute angle or using flat mirror, you can clearly see the images of the apostles Peter and Paul and other characters.

Anamorphic portrait of Carlos V in private collection. From the catalog Carolus Charles Quint 1500-1558 Kunsthal De Sint-Pietersabdji a Gand

If you bring a small mirror and look into it, then

This is an example of linear distortion...

During the Renaissance, anamorphic painting was one of the favorite techniques. The paintings were painted in such a way that they could only be viewed with the help of a special anamophoscope device. Because of their unusual nature, anamorphic paintings were thought to have magical properties.

Another anamorphic work of the "old" artists: a portrait of Charles I. The place where you need to put a cylindrical mirror is indicated by a circle with a skull.

And now let's move on to "physics", and let's talk about cylindrical mirrors, which are so often used to view anamorphic drawings.

Cylindrical mirrors come in both convex and concave, and interesting effects can be observed when using these mirrors.

In the old days, copper, brass or bronze cylinders, polished to a mirror finish, served as cylindrical anamorphoscope mirrors.

Images that appear undistorted in a cylindrical mirror are called cylindrical anamorphoses.

An anamorphic picture for a convex cylindrical mirror can be recognized by a circle, usually located somewhere in the middle of the picture. To view anamorphic cylindrical paintings in an undistorted form, it is necessary to place a cylindrical mirror on it in the center of the circle.

In the novel "Invitation to the Execution" Vl. Nabokov has this passage:

"... I remember: when I was a child, they were in fashion, - oh, not only among the guys, but also among adults, - such things were called "netki", - and they were supposed to, therefore, a special mirror, little crooked - absolutely distorted, nothing could be understood, failures, confusion, everything slips in the eyes, but its curvature was not without reason, but it was just so fitted ... Or, rather, they were so matched to its curvature ...
No, wait, I'm bad at explaining. In a word, you had such a wild mirror and a whole collection of various inaccurate, that is, absolutely ridiculous objects: all sorts of shapeless, motley, with holes, spots, pockmarked, gnarled things, like some kind of fossil - but a mirror that ordinary objects were distorted, now, therefore, they received real food, that is, when you placed such an incomprehensible and ugly object so that it was reflected in an incomprehensible and ugly mirror, it turned out wonderful; no, it gave yes, everything was restored, everything was fine, - and now from the shapeless patchwork a wonderful slender image turned out in the mirror: flowers, a ship, a figure, some kind of landscape. It was possible - to order - even your own portrait, that is, you were given some kind of nightmarish porridge, and that was you, but the key to you was at the mirror. Ah, I remember how fun and a little creepy it was - suddenly nothing happens! - pick up such a new incomprehensible net and bring it closer to the mirror, and see in it how your hand completely decomposes, but how the meaningless net forms into a lovely picture, clear, clear ... "

How does a "cylindrical" mirror "work"?

A straight line drawn on a sheet turned into a curve in a cylindrical mirror, and vertical parallel arrows into divergent rays.

In order to see an undistorted image of an anamorphic picture, a polished metal cylinder is needed, and for this you can roll a sheet of foil into a cylinder. Then you need to come up with a picture and draw it in the original rectangular grid.

For example, in a rectangular grid - a circle, a square and a triangle. After that, it is necessary to draw a new, but already radius coordinate grid, and transferring the coordinates of the points of the original drawing to it, outline the contours. When anamorphizing, a rectangle or rhombus is obtained from a square, and an oval from a circle.

The higher the reflection of the pattern in the cylinder, the further and wider it should be on paper.

Now we put a cylindrical mirror at the central point and look! Although the drawing is distorted on paper, on the surface of the mirror the reflections of the figures have correct outlines: circle, square and triangle.

As we see in the above vintage drawing, for accurate transfer regular image on the sheet of the future anamorphic picture, you need to clearly calculate the possible distortions of the objects in the picture. For this regular drawing is divided into cells, and a radial grid is created on a sheet of amorphous pattern with a center where in the future it will be necessary to place a cylindrical mirror. Have you ever enlarged any drawing by redrawing it cell by cell? Here - the same thing, only the cells are curved. Usually artists draw such anamorphoses, constantly checking with a mirror, this is a very painstaking and tedious work. Now it can be done easier: not manually, but on a computer.

One of the contemporary artists who revives the technique of creating anamorphic images is Hungarian artist Istvan Oros.

Oros uses a conical or cylindrical mirror to do this, which transforms indistinct strokes on paper into a three-dimensional image on the mirror walls.

It turns out that there is another kind of anamorphic paintings. And it is completely incomprehensible to an outsider how the artist paints such pictures, how such a "vision" is subject to him? This is exactly what you saw in the first GIF.

In these pictures, we see on the sheet a drawing that is completely understandable to the viewer, BUT as a reflection on the side surface of the mirror cylinder, a completely different drawing appears! Are there any calculations here? What laws of mathematics and physics help the artist in this work on the picture?

And how do you like these things, these are the works of Jonty Hurwitz:

Here are more works by other artists.

Would you like, however, to be convinced of this similarity? You have a mole on your right cheek - your double right cheek clean, but there is a spot on the left cheek,

which you don't have on this cheek. you comb-

waving your hair to the right - your doppelganger combs it

to the left. Your right eyebrow is higher and thicker than the left; at

him, on the contrary, this eyebrow is lower and rarer than the

wai. You carry your watch in the right vest pocket, and

a notebook in the left pocket of the jacket; your

the mirror double has other habits: its

the notebook is stored in the right pocket of the pid-

jacques, watch - in the left vest. note

on the clock face (Fig. 98). Do you have such hours?

never happened: location and inscription

the numbers on them are extraordinary; e.g. the number eight

depicted as it is nowhere depicted - IIX,

and placed in the place of twelve; twelve

not at all; after six comes five, and so on; except

Rice. 98. Such a watch has a double,

moreover, the movement of the hands on your double's watch

who you see in the mirror.

back to normal.

Finally, your mirror double has one peculiarity: he is left-handed. He writes, sews, eats with his left hand, and if you express your readiness to greet him, he will extend his left hand to you.

It's not easy to decide if your doppelgänger is literate. In any case, he is somehow literate in a special way. You will hardly be able to read a single line from that book. which he is holding, or some word in those scribbles which he draws with his left hand.

Such is the man who claims to be exactly like you! Do you want to judge him appearance yourself...

Joking aside, if you think that when you look in the mirror you see yourself, you are wrong. The face, torso and clothing of most people are not strictly symmetrical (although we usually do not notice this): the right half is not quite similar to the left. In the mirror, all the features of the right half pass to the left, and vice versa, so that before us is a figure that often produces a completely different impression than our own.

Drawing in front of a mirror

non-identity specular reflection with the original appears even more noticeably in the next experiment.

Place a mirror vertically on the table in front of you, put a piece of paper in front of it and try to draw some shape on it, for example, a rectangle with diagonals. But at the same time, do not look directly at your hand, but follow only the movements of the hand reflected in the mirror (Fig. 99).

You will see that such an easy-looking task is almost impossible. For many years, our visual impressions and motor sensations have managed to come into a certain correspondence. The mirror breaks this connection, as it presents the eyes of the movement of our hand in a distorted form. Long-standing habits will protest against your every movement: you want to draw a line to the right, but the hand pulls to the left, etc.

Rice. 99. Drawing in front of a mirror.

You will encounter even more unexpected oddities if, instead of a simple drawing, you try to draw more complex figures in front of a mirror or write something while looking at the lines in the mirror: a comical confusion will come out!

Those prints that are obtained on blotting paper are also images that are mirror-symmetrical. Look at the writing on your blotting paper and try to read it. You can't make out a single word, even a perfectly distinct one: the letters have an unusual slope to the left, and most importantly, the sequence of strokes in them is not the one you are used to. But put a mirror to the paper at a right angle - and you will see all the letters in it written the way you are used to seeing them. The mirror gives a symmetrical reflection of what is itself a symmetrical image of ordinary writing.

calculated haste

We know that in a homogeneous medium, light propagates in a straight line, that is, in the fastest way. But the light chooses the fastest path also in the case when it does not go from one point to another directly, but reaches it, having previously been reflected from the mirror.

Let's follow his path. Let the letter A in fig. 100 indicates the light source, line MN is the mirror, and line ABC is the path of the beam from the candle to the eye C. The line KB is perpendicular to MN .

According to the laws of optics, the angle of reflection 2 is equal to the angle of incidence1. Knowing this, it is easy to prove that of all possible ways from A to C, with a passing mirror MN, the path ABC is the fastest. To do this, let's compare the path of the ray ABC with some other one, for example with ADC (Fig. 101). Drop a perpendicular E from the point

A on MN and continue it further until it intersects with the continuation of the beam BC at point F. Let's also connect the points F and D. First of all, let us verify the equality of triangles ABE and FBE. They are rectangular, and they have a common cathe; in addition, the angles EFB and EAB are equal to each other, since they are respectively equal to the angles 2 and 1. Therefore, AE = FE . This implies the equality of right-angled triangles AED and FED along two legs and, therefore, the equality of AD and FD.

In view of this, we can replace the path ABC with the path FBC equal to it (since AB \u003d FB ), and the path ADC with the path FDC . Comparing the lengths of FBC and FDC , we see that the straight line FBC is shorter than the broken line FDC . Hence the path ABC is shorter than ADC , which is what was required to be proved!

Wherever point D is, the path ABC will always be shorter than the path ADC , unless the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. This means that light really chooses the shortest and fastest path of all possible between the source, the mirror and the eye. This circumstance was first pointed out by the remarkable ancient Greek mechanic and mathematician Heron of Alexandria.

The burning stack problem

Knowing the shortest path in cases like those just considered can sometimes serve us well in practical life. Imagine, for example, that a man from his house (Fig. 102) on the river bank noticed that a haystack

Rice. 102. Burning haystack problem: find the shortest path to the haystack.

Rice. 103. Solution of the burning haystack problem.

hay in a meadow at a distance caught fire. Grabbing a bucket, he runs to the river and, scooping up water, hurries to the haystack. For simplicity, let's say that with a full bucket, he runs as fast as with an empty one. Which way should he run in order to reach the place of fire as soon as possible?

It is easy to see that this problem is quite similar to the one we have just considered. Therefore, it is not difficult for you to give the correct answer: the runner must imitate a ray of light, i.e., head towards the shore so that Angle 1 is equal to angle 2 (Fig. 103). We have already seen that in this case the path will be the shortest.

New and old about the kaleidoscope

Everyone knows good toy, called "kaleidoscope" (Fig. 104): a handful of colorful fragments is reflected in two or three flat mirrors and forms an amazing beautiful figures, varying in various ways at the slightest turn of the kaleidoscope. Although the kaleidoscope is quite well known, few people suspect what a huge number of different shapes can be obtained with it. Let's say you hold a kaleidoscope with 20 pieces of glass in your hands and rotate it 10 times per minute to get a new arrangement of reflective pieces of glass. How long will it take you to review all the resulting

while the figures?

The wildest imagination will not foresee

correct answer to this question. Oceans high

whip and mountain ranges will be erased before they are

exhausted all the patterns miraculously hidden

inside your little toy, because for

implementation of all of them will require at least

least 500 billion years. Over five hundred million

Rice. 104. Kaleidoscope.

new millennia need to rotate our kaleidoscope,

to revisit all his patterns!

To learn how to draw a reflection in water, you need to understand the following principles:

1. The surface of the water is essentially a mirror. And in this "mirror" everything that is above the water is reflected.

2. Reflection in water can be very different. The surface of the water can be calm, or it can be covered with small ripples, small waves, big waves... All this greatly distorts the pattern reflected in the water. Water is changeable, so the nature of the reflection pattern is also changeable.

3. The color of the water is neither blue nor blue. She is transparent. Large masses of Moscow water create an effect in which the sea takes on a blue-green and blue color. But even it is constantly changing depending on the weather, the nature of daylight, etc. The color of the water mainly depends on what is reflected in it. If an orange sunset is reflected in the water, then Orange color will dominate in color scheme water. If it's reflected in the water green Forest, then the main color of the water will be green, etc.

4. All light fragments reflected in water appear darker. And the dark areas are lighter. Therefore, the reflection in the water will be slightly different in tone and will be muted. But there are often exceptions to this rule due to various optical effects and weather conditions.

5. If the artist draws an object on the bank of a river (for example, a tree trunk), and if this object is depicted close-up, then its reflection in the water will be displayed in more detail and detail. If a reflection of large masses is drawn from afar (for example, a forest wall at a distance of 1 kilometer), then such a reflection will be completely different. It will become more generalized, it may be more blurred, etc. In addition, water can be calm and even like a mirror, or it can be disturbed by a slight breeze or a strong gust of wind ... All this affects the features of reflection transmission in water.

6. Above are the key points. It is impossible to describe all the patterns, so the artist must be observant and constantly make sketches, studying nature. This is the key to success.

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