How to play the office on April 1. Good morning! Cool announcement about universal labialization


On April 1, it’s hard to resist the urge to prank your work colleagues or even your boss. Of course, much depends on the atmosphere in the team: if it is exclusively businesslike, april fools pranks will be inappropriate. But if a friendly informal atmosphere reigns in the team, and the authorities encourage April 1 jokes why not play each other?

When planning jokes for April 1 at work, do not forget that they should be harmless and, if possible, should not slow down the workflow too much: jokes - jokes, but for damage to state property and disruption of the working day you will not be patted on the head. An innocent desire to joke may well turn into a reprimand or a fine. So don't overdo it.

You need to play the boss carefully: objectively evaluate his sense of humor to be sure that your April 1st jokes will not be taken seriously. And then write the whole department a letter of resignation by own will, bring them for signature with mournful faces, and the boss will take and sign. Not the most pleasant outcome of the draw.

You can on the occasion of April 1 "decorate" workplace boss or one of your colleagues. To do this, you will need a lot of sticky notes. Paste them over the entire surface of the table, all objects lying on the table - so that the workplace is completely covered with stickers. You can draw funny emoticons on all stickers. It is clear that in order to organize this joke on April 1, you will need to come early in the morning or stay at work on the evening of March 31.

In advance, you can prepare such a draw. If the office door opens outward, you need to in the evening, close the doorway with a newspaper, gluing it tightly to the door jambs. The person who first opens the door to the office in the morning will surely fall into a stupor when he sees such an “obstacle”. Well, or will not have time to slow down and effectively pass through the newspaper.

If you have a bulletin board at work, you can cover it with joke ads. As an option, make a humorous corporate newsletter. Can swap the signs on the doors of the offices or come up with an alternative sign for each office(only they should not be offensive, it is unlikely that the accounting department will appreciate the sign that says "Snake's Nest"). You can, for example, change the signs on the toilets - M will be female (Madam), and F - male (Gentleman's). The letters M and Zh need to be made large so that they are visible from afar, and the rest of the word should be written in small letters.

Can be released in honor of April 1st a festive newspaper with comic news from the life of the office. This can be either a wall newspaper that you hang in a place where most employees gather (say, in an office kitchen), or an information leaflet - it can be printed on a printer according to the number of employees and spread out at their workplaces.

If the office has standing friend computers opposite each other, you can switch mice: connect the mouse wire from one computer to another (leave the mouse itself in place) and vice versa. To make the joke effective, it is necessary that both employees working at these computers turn them on at the same time.

You can play colleagues in this way. Take a dozen eggs, carefully poke holes in nine of them at both ends and carefully blow the contents of the eggs through them so that you have empty shells. Leave the tenth egg untouched. Put the eggs in the box. Arriving at work, throw a normal egg at the door so that colleagues can see how it breaks and flows down the door. And then with a nasty giggle, throw empty shells at your colleagues. Just keep in mind that it is you who will have to wash the door and solder frightened ladies with valerian as the initiator of this joke on April 1.

The boss can also play pranks on his subordinates- for example, hire an actor (or just ask a friend) who will come on April 1 and say that he is the new owner of the enterprise. " New owner” will start talking about new corporate standards, daily routines, etc. Seriously at first, but gradually the requirements will become more and more ridiculous and ridiculous, and employees will realize that this was a joke.

April 1 jokes in the office are quite appropriate if they are really funny and don't offend anyone.. If you are planning a prank, consider in advance whether the person you will be playing will be offended. Well, if you have been played, do not rush to take everything to heart and be offended - a holiday is a holiday! Happy April 1st!


If the closet does not enter the door, then it did not come to you.

Draw #1

In the midst of any conversation, you need to screw in such a question: “By the way, do you know how the abbreviation “DUNYA” stands for?” After the natural answer “No. But as?" you answer: “We don’t have fools.” After that, your interlocutor automatically says: “And I?” ... After a second of confusion, you can comment: “Well, if only you ...”.

Draw #2

For the draw you will need a large square box. On one side, in large bright letters, you need to write something like: "Donate money to the fund for the victims of the war of 1812." You need to make a slot on top of the box so that money is thrown there. Next, this box is taken with the inscription towards itself, so that no one sees it when going to the office, and with a slot up.

The place of the draw is chosen (in a crowded corridor under the doors of the office). Approaching the front door, you notice that the box does not fit through the door. Then the victim is selected, to whom you pass the box under the pretext of a quick visit to the office. As a result of this, the inscription on the box will become visible to others, but invisible to the victim. In the meantime, go to the office. Sometimes the victim, without suspecting anything, offers to hold the box to a third person. Various options labels give different effects.

Draw #3

This draw is suitable for initiating newcomers into the friendly ranks of a work team or a student company. Before the eyes of the public, strong fuming acid is poured into a large saucepan, a wide variety of chemicals are poured in, and white mouse and a frog (live!), some parts of anatomical preparations, etc.

Then the host scoops up the resulting slurry with a ladle, sniffs it with satisfaction and brings it to the beginner. Naturally, the victim, especially if it is a girl, almost fainting, squeaks: “I won’t!”. The leader in a whisper in response growls: “Drink!”. And she, closing her eyes, takes a sip.

The reaction of the public is simply shocking. The secret is simple: in a large saucepan there were a bunch of small dishes. Each substance (or creature) fell into its own compartment, and then the leader scooped up lemonade and carried it to the initiate. Simple, but the effect is amazing.

Draw #4

Usually in any office, the doors to the men's and women's toilets are located at some distance from each other. On the door in the men's room, stick a sheet with a large inscription "male", with the largest possible letter "Ж" in the middle, and on the female - "lady's" (the letter "M" is large). Only these are visible from a distance. large letters: "M" on the female, "F" on the male ... An outsider, focusing on the letters visible from afar, does not go to his door, and only in last moment(at best!) reads the whole word.

Draw #5

The presenter (he is also a hypnotist) and any number of volunteers participate in the draw. The host stands in the center of the room and invites everyone to "hypnotize". Volunteers stand in a row or sit on chairs placed in a row. The leader is facing them. After that, the light goes out. (You can turn off the light completely, but it is better if the light illuminates only the hypnotist.)

After that, the leader distributes to each an ordinary dinner plate and begins a hypnosis session. At the same time, he asks to do any simple steps- close your eyes, shrug your shoulders, etc., but be sure to ask from time to time to rub the bottom of the plate, and then scratch your nose or chin, rub your forehead or cheek.

The secret lies in the fact that each plate below is heavily smoked with matches or any accessible way. Only the leader knows this secret. Therefore, when the session ends and the lights are turned on, the faces of all those hypnotized will be heavily soiled with soot. When everyone understands what really happened, there is a lot of fun. Even victims of hypnosis have fun.

Draw #6

You need to call (for example, to the neighboring department, the main thing is that they don’t recognize you there by your voice) and say: “Hello. Hello. Are you worried about telephone exchange. We are currently testing telephone lines. Take a pencil, please." The funny thing is that the usually unsuspecting victim asks: “Can I have a pen?”. You, of course, graciously allow.

Further: “Knock, please, on the phone. (The victim knocks.) And now on the wall, next to the telephone. Thank you. And now on the head! At this point, it is best to hang up the phone so as not to hear what they say to you.

Draw #7

A wonderful and interesting car joke. Two identical key fobs from car alarms are taken (they are usually included). One is put in a pocket. Then it is announced to everyone that you have a special alarm - new development- responds to speech, and with a built-in intelligent recognizer.

In front of an astonished audience, you seriously command the key fob: "Put on the alarm." The machine reacts and beeps once. Then you command: "Remove the alarm." And, lo and behold, the machine reacts again. Then you invite anyone who wants to experiment, and the teams can be very different. It is clear that at this time you yourself imperceptibly press the necessary buttons of the second alarm - the one in your pocket.

Draw #8

A very simple draw. At a party, a slime is put in the boot of the most emotional girl. Who does not know, this is such a jelly-like ball that, when thrown at the wall, spreads like the eponymous cartoon character about ghosts. When a girl is going home and changing her shoes in the hallway, her foot finds something very nasty in her boot ... It is better to stand nearby at this moment, because the girl may fall.

Draw #9

On the door of an establishment where there is an emergency exit (and preferably one that has ever been opened before, but in this moment closed) a sign is hung: “The door is stuck. Push harder!" But for the real front door: "Entrance from the other side" and point to the emergency door with an arrow. That's all. You will only have to watch the poor fellows pushing the door with all their dope.

Draw #10

If among the employees of your company there is an amateur love affairs then play it like this. Send him a message on his pager: “Sergey! I am pregnant. Call back!" That's all. Let him torment himself with conjectures.

Draw #11

Take a large bright box from any laundry detergent widely well-known brand, pour out the powder, and place in a box plastic bag. Pour powdered white baby food into it. With this box, you can go to the office, for example, to the reception, and start eating the contents of the box so that it can be seen by colleagues. The reaction of others can be unpredictable.

Draw #12

A blindfolded man is brought into the room and his hands begin to be led along the lying "pharaoh" from the bottom up. The role of the "pharaoh" is played by one of the dedicated participants. The rest of the victims are waiting outside the door.

Mournful music and words sound: “This is the pharaoh, here are his legs, this is the pharaoh, here are his hips, this is the pharaoh, here is his stomach, this is the pharaoh, here is his head, this is the pharaoh, here is his BRAIN!”. With these words, the victim's hands are immersed in a pan with boiled cold pasta (horns, shells, etc.) mixed with ketchup. The reaction is clear.

Draw #13

The company is going for a picnic... As usual, drinks and snacks are being prepared. So, you need to ask the "experimental" to buy a bottle of cognac. And you yourself need to prepare in advance exactly the same bottle, but instead of cognac, pour tea into it (the color is similar).

And then the most interesting. During the height of the picnic, we open our “cognac”, pour it, push the toast and ... drink, of course. Everyone should behave naturally, as if they had drunk real cognac, besides saying: “Cool thing! They still know how to make cognac.” The reaction of the victim will be very interesting.

Draw #14

The victim is asked the question: Who do you think will go down the hill faster - a mouse or a rat? Regardless of the answer, we say that it’s wrong, for example, to the answer “rat cub” we say: “But no - a mouse.” Any normal person will ask: "Why?". WITH smart face We answer: "And he is on a bicycle."

Now the ground for the draw is ready. We ask the offended victim the following question: how can you determine who is in the refrigerator - a mouse or a rat? The victim invents response options (by sound, by smell, etc.). Naturally, we say that everything is wrong. To the logical question "How?" we answer: “We need to see if the bike is standing near the refrigerator.”

Draw #15

The easiest draw ever. Approaching a person, pinch him, say, by the hand. And at the same time, scream loudly (this is important!) yourself. The effect is amazing. The person is in pain, but he already hears the cry and just silently opens his mouth.

Draw #16

Every large institution has a department with women's team such as accounting. In almost every institution there is a well-known personality, a drinker, let's call him conditionally Petrovich. First, in broad daylight, you go to the accounting department under a plausible pretext and, among other things, tell the “girls”: “Petrovich is generally crazy today, does he have delirium tremens, or what? He runs after women with a hammer and tries to hammer a nail somewhere for every woman. They barely twisted it, thank God, I didn’t have time to drive a carnation into anyone! Now life has gone nervous, huh? They called him for a psychotransportation, they promised to come in twenty minutes, pick him up ... ”.

Having told this news to the women, you quickly go to Petrovich and, handing him a hammer with three large nails, say: “Petrovich, the women in the accounting department asked me to drive three nails into them, they want to hang pictures at home, they promised three bottles, a bottle for a nail . You hang up, they said, we immediately issue an order to the cashier. They don't have any men in the accounting department! I found both a hammer and nails, and here the boss is forcing me to urgently go to the branch. Go ahead, hit me, I trust you." Is it worth adding that one of your friends-colleagues is already waiting near the accounting department with a video camera, camera, valerian, ammonia.

Draw #17

We are looking for a victim, we take an electric drill and run it a couple of times in front of her eyes in order to attract her attention ... Then we go behind her back, start the electric drill and poke her finger in the back of the victim ...

Draw #18

This prank can be played in the office, and the victim will be your favorite secretary. Water is poured into the glass, covered with a sheet of paper on top, turned upside down, placed on the table, the paper is pulled out. Water does not flow out. The victim, when he sees the interfering glass, will puzzle for a long time how to get out of the situation with the least losses.

Draw #19

IN big company an arbitrary or specific telephone number is selected. Someone calls him and asks for the phone, for example, Petya Sidorov. There, of course, they answer that Petya Sidorov is not here and never was.

After a while, the next one calls and again urgently asks Petya Sidorov to the phone. Then the third, fourth, etc., as many people as possible. At the same time, each participant fantasizes what and how to say to the one on the other end of the wire. And finally last call on this number will be like this: “Hello, this is Petya Sidorov. Nobody called me here?"

April 1 is definitely the most difficult day of the year. And, of course, we must work "ahead of the curve" so as not to become a victim of the April Fool's jokes.

Making fun of colleagues or loved ones on such a day is a sacred thing. The main thing is to choose the right jokes and jokes for April 1st.

Pranks in the office

If you are the first to come to the office, then you have the cards in your hands, how to arrange an April Fool's mood for all your colleagues.

For a warm-up, you can put a box on the closet with a catchy inscription - Sex or Condoms (or with some other intriguing name). The first one who can’t stand it and reaches out to get a box from the closet will be in for a surprise. The box should be without a bottom and it can be filled with confetti and tinsel or some other small "garbage" that will certainly fall on the head of the most curious colleague on April 1st.

Another one harmless joke in the office - glue handsets double sided tape and, of course, immediately call colleagues. You can also stick stacks of paper, small items and other office "rubbish" to the tables. Alternatively, you can very easily have fun on April 1 by sticking the computer mouse with the same adhesive tape so that it stops working. Believe me, bewildered colleagues will “carry” the mouse around the table for a long time before they guess to pick it up and look.

In a modern office on April 1, nowhere without jokes related to computers. While the person is away for at least a couple of minutes, press Ctrl+Esc, Esc, Alt+"-" (i.e. press Alt and the - key), Alt+F4. The Start button will disappear on the computer, which will surely puzzle a colleague for a while. You can return it only by restarting the computer (if you have Windows 9x installed).

Arrange a brainstorming session for colleagues on the day of laughter and write an announcement that everything is urgently needed in your office if they have not been labilized. It is unlikely that everyone knows that in fact a terrible name is just the pronunciation of speech sounds through the rounding of lips stretched forward. Everyone who comes to you in good faith will be taught to say "April 1, I don't trust anyone!".

On the table of a colleague, put a saucepan of water (carefully stocked from home), cover it with a sheet of paper and turn it upside down on a flat table. You remove the paper - and voila: wait for a colleague to pick up and remove the ownerless pan. The same option will "ride" with glass jar. Even seeing that it is full of water, a colleague will still have to remove it from the desktop, the question is how to do it?


You must also definitely play your family members on April 1 and do it quite simply, and with a chic effect.

Small dirty tricks on April 1 will definitely help to start the day of laughter in an extraordinary way. In the bathroom, you can stick toothbrushes to the bottom of a glass and then with rapture watch your sleepy relatives who don’t understand what’s going on. On April 1, you need to rearrange the alarm clock early - at least 30 minutes.

A husband or boyfriend can be careful not to wake him up to paint his nails. After that, wake him up later than the scheduled hour and send the latecomer to work. In a hurry, he may not notice a fashionable manicure.

A traditional prank for households is to cover the soap with transparent nail polish in advance, and on the morning of April 1, you can watch with rapture how the person being played tries to soap the soap, but to no avail.

You can give your loved one or children socks in the morning that you sewed in advance in the middle. Surely, you will be amused and amused by this kind of "torment" on April 1st.

A little more effort will be required from you if you want to scare your family. Tint the faucet splitter with liquid dye. Preferably red color for heightened effect. Then in the morning on the day of laughter, bloody water will flow from the tap.

Children and husband can cook original breakfast- serve juice with a straw. But instead of juice, make jelly in advance (with a straw inserted into it). Watching the household funny draw juice on April 1 is really fun.

You can scare your family and put an unusual jar in the refrigerator. Preparing this draw is easy. Pour water into a jar, print out a sheet with someone's face and put it in the jar. The effect of a voluminous head in a jar in the refrigerator is unlikely to leave your family indifferent.

Try to come to the office first on this day, if you turned out to be one, then you have a great chance to make a quick draw, thereby you will cheer up your colleagues.

Surprise box

Your task is to get to the office first, as it will take several minutes to prepare, approximately 10-15. First, take the box, the bottom should be cut in the box, so cut the bottom with scissors in advance, and write a couple of words on a piece of paper - Money or Vacation (or something of your choice) you can throw sweets into the box (more is better) or anything else that is in trend for the first of April. A curious colleague will reach for the box, and of course all the sweets or whatever you filled the box with will fall on the colleague at once.

Draw with tape

The second - From the category of light jokes, there is a traditionally familiar joke with handset and double-sided tape, for this, take the tape and stick it to the handset, after which you call your colleagues, of course. It is not necessary to use the phone in this way, it can be other typical office items, for example, various junk, items that you don’t feel sorry for, and the funniest joke would be to take a computer mouse, glue it on the bottom with adhesive tape, thus it will not work. And a perplexed colleague will not immediately understand what is happening, and will turn it on - turn it off, get nervous, and it will take more than one minute, perhaps, until he finally understands why his mouse suddenly stopped working.

Toothpaste prank

For the next draw we need toothpaste: Like the box prank, we also need to be the very first to go to work. Take a tube of pasta with you in advance, which you don’t mind spending on a draw. Your goal is to paste the doorknobs. Thus, your colleagues will get dirty and angry, you should take wet wipes to calm the most nervous ones. You can also repeat this joke from time to time until the paste runs out.

Prank with glue

You will need glue for this prank: You have two options, either you arrive at work before everyone else, or on March 31st, stay at work until late, wait for all your colleagues to go home. Then you start preparing your tricky prank. You will need to take glue and start gluing various objects to smooth surfaces, for example, glue a mouse, a block of papers, you can glue office items anywhere, even on the ceiling.

The next glue joke, it's late in the evening, you have to fill the pen cups with glue. Prepare a gift in advance so that you are not angry.

Or you can use PVA glue to prepare just such a blot in advance.

Prank in the office with vodka and salt

You will need vodka or salt: Sneak into a colleague's office, or to his office desk as soon as he leaves the place. And quickly fill his mug with vodka or sprinkle some salt there, but so that the colleague does not notice it.

Prank colleagues with feed

You will need - pet food or laundry detergent: The point of this joke is to make your colleagues think that you are crazy and start eating cat food or washing powder, of course you should not actually eat it, so prepare in advance Houses. Empty the bag of cat food and replace it with corn flakes. And replace the pack with washing powder with dry baby formula. You don't have to take both packs to work. Pick one. And during the break, when everyone goes to drink coffee or tea, you will take out a pack of cat food and eat its contents in front of your colleagues. Most importantly, do not forget to replace it with cereal!

Prank with a saucepan

Perhaps one of the most funny jokes for you and hopeless for your colleague. Take a small saucepan from your house, bring it to work, fill it with tap water. Cover it with thick cardboard or office paper, place it on your colleague's desk, and flip it upside down abruptly. Then we remove the paper with a deft movement and you're done! Your colleague will be surprised by the pan on his table, and out of curiosity decides to see what is under it and the veils! Your draw was successful. Even if your colleague is very neat and does not dare to check what is under the pan, because sooner or later he will still have to somehow remove it from the table.

Jokes with the computer of colleagues in the office

And of course, where without jokes in the computer of colleagues on the first of April? If you have access to a colleague's computer, you can put your photo on their desktop, or swap files around, or you can make Start disappear from the desktop, which will puzzle your colleague and force them to restart the computer. You can do this by holding down the following key combination Ctrl + Esc, Esc, Alt + F4, after which the "start" on the desktop disappears if operating system colleagues windows 98, then he will have to restart the computer.

More drawing options for April 1 in the office for colleagues

Drawings for April 1 in 15 minutes

If there is no time for a collective conspiracy on the occasion of April 1, everything can be done quickly. For example, armed with scissors and a sheet black paper cut out such cuties (see the photo below) and stick on some squeamish young lady with congenital insectophobiaundertable lamp shade. If there is no black paper, cut out a cockroach from white paper, and then decorate it with a marker (do you have markers in your office?).

You can also connect a wireless mouse to a colleague's computer while he does not see. And to dirty him from his workplace - “What is going on at all ?!” you are guaranteed. Or, for example, change the settings of his own mouse, sending it to sleep after a second of inactivity, or increasing the sensitivity of the sensor so that the cursor goes crazy every time he touches the mouse.

If you really want to, you can also turn the display of information on the display upside down, and remove the Google search bar, and remove the Russian layout on the keyboard or in the system in general. In a word, mischief is small, but aptly.

How to play a prank on work colleagues on April 1: food jokes

We offer to play with food if there are bugs on the lamp, mice in tape and a sign on the toilet “Closed for renovation!” you already passed. In Germany, for example, there is a tradition in a box of festive Christmas donuts stuffed with marmalade, to enclose one with mustard. You can do the same in your office: bring something sweet by upgrading one or more treats from the box. Below is a photo of jokes, how others risk their health by slipping not quite goodies to colleagues on April Fool's Day.

Onion apples in chocolate

Cookie with menthol flavor

Chocolate bunny with filling

Drawing colleagues in the office on April 1: if you are a god and you can do anything

Bring happiness to the masses! Buy soft pencils or plasticine (wordsoftkey here). Crayola definitely has them. We get rid of the paper wrapper, lay out Every-Hunter-Wants-Know-Where-Sits-Pheasant under the wiper blades of someone's car and lurk in ambush.

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