Good jokes for April 1 for children. Fresh porridge for children for breakfast from a caring mother on April Fool's Day


Every year in different countries, including in Russia, April 1 is celebrated as April Fool's Day. Everyone tries to successfully joke on friends, neighbors, parents. Children at school arrange funny (and not so) pranks for teachers and classmates, at work colleagues try to come up with a new joke every year, so much so that colleagues unconditionally believe in it, forgetting what date it is today. Today you will learn the most unusual and funny jokes on April 1 and ideas for drawings. Memorize them to play friends or mom soon.

Jokes at school on April 1 - April Fools' jokes for classmates

The day of the most positive emotions in a person's life is approaching - laughter, but you still don't know how to arrange April Fools' jokes for classmates at school? Then read these lines further, and you will remember the coolest jokes for buddies and friends. Of course, you can not think about preparing a prank on a school friend or teacher. Well, who's stopping you from shouting after the teacher or your desk neighbors: “Your back is all white!” However, there are jokes and more fun. Of course, you should not mix salt and sugar in salt shakers in the school cafeteria or smear the board with soap so that the chalk stops writing on it - you will ruin the mood of other people. Jokes should be such that the classmate himself - the "victim" of the prank - can laugh at the joke.

Ideas for jokes on April 1 at school - Prank classmates

Oddly enough, most April Fools' jokes and pranks are believed. However, it is not worth repeating the old, well-known jokes. Try to play classmates in the following way. Place a box on one of the shelves of a classroom shelving unit or cabinet. Its top should be open, and the bottom should be absent. On the outside of the box, stick an attention-grabbing inscription: “Do not touch with your hands!” or "18+ only!". Fill the box itself with confetti, candy wrappers, scraps of paper, or other small, easily crumbling items. When the person being played enters the classroom, leave the room and stealthily observe his actions. A “victim” who sees a box with a warning label will most likely try to remove it from the cabinet. Then all the contents will spill out on a classmate! Do not forget to prepare a broom and a scoop in advance - the teacher may not like such jokes! There is another funny and good joke for school. To organize it, you need to sit on the back desk and write a note: “Mashkin (Dashkin, Natashkin ...) portfolio hangs on the ceiling.” After that, the note must be put on the desks. Each classmate reading it will raise his head up and ... laugh. Then the turn will come to the teacher, who is interested in what the whole class is laughing so cheerfully at.

Funny jokes on April 1 for friends - Pranks of friends

When playing pranks on friends, never forget that the joke should not offend or offend the person being played. If you yourself are laughing, and expressions of grief or resentment are frozen on the face of a friend, try to make amends, and never joke evil again. Playing the girls, slipping them to try sweets with the taste of salt, chili pepper or garlic, do not forget to treat your classmates with real sweets at the end and congratulate them on April 1!

Ideas for jokes for friends on April 1st

Friends can be played anytime, anywhere. The main thing is that not only you should like the joke. If you and your friends are returning home on April 1 in transport, and on the way you pass over a bridge with a river, get up in surprise, look out the window and shout: “I see dolphins!”. So you play not only school friends, but also all the passengers of the bus or minibus. Be sure - everyone will stare into the windows, forgetting that the sea is very far away! Another prank is known to many, but almost everyone falls for it. To play a prank on your friends, stick a ten-ruble coin with superglue on the steps leading to his house. He will definitely bend down to pick up the money, but ... no such luck!

Jokes for Mom on April Fool's Day - Jokes for parents on April 1

April 1 is a holiday of jokes, but very kind ones. If you want to prank mom or parents on April Fool's Day, do it with a joke in advance. Remember that your parents are alone, and there is no need to bring them to a heart attack or stress. Jokes should bring smiles and merry laughter!

Examples of jokes for mom and parents April 1

If you decide to play a trick on your mom or parents, take an empty detergent bottle, rinse it thoroughly and fill it with juice. During a family dinner, go to the sink where your “detergent” is already resting and calmly start drinking a sandwich or fried potatoes. The effect will be amazing - parents will drop the forks from their hands! Many people know another joke, but it always works. For a joke, take raw egg, pierce small holes in it at both ends and blow out all the contents. You will be left with an empty shell in the shape of an egg. Go to your mom's or dad's jacket and defiantly put the egg in your pocket. With the words: “Do you want to hear how raw eggs burst?” slap that pocket hard. Of course, nothing bad will happen - the shell will crumble and leave no marks on the clothes.

Funny jokes on April 1 for children

April 1 should be remembered by children as a day full of jokes, fun and positive emotions. To do this, the guys can organize funny games, competitions, contests. They can be carried out as kindergarten, and at school, at home and even in the yard. Everyone can participate in fun activities.

Ideas for funny jokes for children on April 1

Deciding to amuse the children on April 1, arrange a fun competition for them. To conduct it, choose a leader. The host begins to make the guys laugh, telling them jokes, making funny faces, depicting animals. The task of the competition is not to laugh. The first of the laughing guys himself becomes the leader. The joke game "Feed a friend" will appeal to all the guys. To do this, one of the children sits on a chair, and the other child is blindfolded, a bun (apple, ice cream, waffle) is given in his hands. He must feed the one sitting on the chair, trying to do it right.

April Fool's Day History ―April Fool's Day Jokes

When and how was it decided to celebrate April 1 - April Fool's Day? No one has reliable information about the origin of this holiday. April Fools' Day - also called April 1 - is celebrated in several countries at once. According to one version, April 1 is associated with the traditions of the ancient Romans, who celebrated the Day of the Fools in part of the deity of laughter. The second version mentions the Feast of Jokes on March 31 in ancient india. According to the third version, the day of the draw is associated with the New Year in Ireland. Another version mentions the transfer of the New Year in Europe from the end of March to January - why not joke? Whichever version of these or others is true, we all love April Fools' jokes and the holiday itself.

They laugh in Gabrovo, in Odessa,
In the mountains of the Caucasus and woodland,
In noisy capitals,
in humble villages
away, on the road, on the go.
Laugh on holiday and at a meeting,
Whether it's morning or evening
Laughing in kindergartens and schools,
Avoiding misfortune.
And thank God!
Laugh people:
We'll be doubly happy
We will overcome and master everything,
We solve difficult problems.
Laughing isn't shameful at all.
And only the absurd does not laugh.
Laughing, we will revive Russia,
But just laugh heartily!

Joke Ideas for April 1 April Fool's Day

Today there are shops selling "gags" for jokes and pranks - plastic bugs and flies, ink that does not leave a trace after drying, "blood" and various surprises. Most of us are familiar with these cool souvenirs. Therefore, when playing people on April 1 on April Fool's Day, be original. There are very simple joke- a prank of a friend with a treat. No, you won't offer him garlic-flavored gum or salted candy. Just mix world-famous Skittles and M&Ms in one box. A friend will be surprised at your generosity, not yet knowing that, while so tasty individually, these candies together give just a terrible taste! Today, there are sites on the Internet that offer various cool SMS messages for April 1st. Try to choose one of these messages and send it to a friend on April Fool's Day. Show a little imagination and ingenuity, and fun party you will celebrate in the most worthy way!

We are sure that you will appreciate the jokes on April 1 as an example on this page, be sure to try to make fun of friends or classmates at school in any of the ways described here. April Fool's Day can also be spent in the family by arranging practical jokes for mom, other children and parents at home. Do not forget that April Fools' jokes should always be kind, and good mood on a happy holiday you are guaranteed!

April 1st (one of the dads), Teacher, Joke (maybe one of the moms or a nanny), children.

small prizes for competitions (homemade medals), 2 drawing paper, 2 sets of colored pencils.

Children go out into the hall to the perky music and sit down in their places. Next comes the teacher.

Today is a very strange day
Look, don't trust anyone
Today everyone is joking with everyone
We meet April 1!

Children, as well as their parents, I hasten to congratulate you on one of the most happy days in a year. I want to wish everyone good mood and joy!

Child 1:
Today laughter is ringing everywhere
Today everyone is joking around
We drove away the evil blizzard,
Spring is already here!

Child 2:
We celebrate the day of laughter
The whole world laughs with me
That's fun, that's fun
Papa with a white back!

Child 3:
Do you know how this day came about?
When did you decide to make April 1st?
When did the whole world suddenly decide to joke?
I don't believe in reflection today!

Good question, I don't argue
Let's call the holiday
Let us answer questions
We are very, very looking forward to it!

1 April :
Something softly you called
But I heard, I came to you,
I just lost the joke
I did not find a joke at home.
Maybe she's under the chair
Maybe sitting in the closet
I'm very sad without her
I'm lost without a joke!

Maybe it will help with the kids
We will find a joke for you,
Only you owe the kids
Tell everything about yourself!

1 April :
Good! Easily! I agree!
I'll tell you everything about myself
Only then will we find
Friendly joke my!

Kids, do you agree?

(Children respond in unison)

1 April :
I'll start my story
I'll tell you, I'll reveal a secret,
Listen carefully to the story
I'm not hiding anything today.
So I was born a long time ago
I have lived in the world for many years
In Europe, it seems he was born,
Already in the century before last!
I grew up, wandered around the world,
And visited countries
Made people laugh everywhere and everywhere
Gave everyone a good mood!
Joked with kings and princes,
And I was friends with the prince,
To beautiful, glorious queens
I always gave a smile!
But it was along with the Joke,
I'm nowhere without her
Please help me kids
It's time to make people laugh!

What does a joke look like? What does she love?

So this is wonderful, because our children have prepared wonderful poems that they will now tell, what if the Joke hears and comes?

(Children take turns talking)

And we also have songs.

(Several children sing children's ditties)

(Several options to choose from)

For girl:
Option 1. I got up this morning,
Wrapped everything in paper
And dressed up the cat
Replaced salt with sugar!
Option 2. And I surprised my mother,
Made a cookie
On your favorite plasticine,
She poured jam.

For boy:
Option 1. I congratulated dad in the morning,
Happy holiday,
I salted his coffee
Made sandwiches.
Option 2. And I got up early in the morning,
Hid the phones
Then the parents ran
All over the house!

Sing along:
We played you
We love parents
We congratulate you on the holiday
Come on, smile!

(chastushkas may be different for more children)

1 April :
Something is not visible My jokes,
I'll probably look out the door
Who stole my joke
If I find it, I'll show it to him!

What else does Joke love?

Kids, I suggest you draw,
But we will draw together,
Need to find the joke
And help us art!

(Children are divided into two teams. Each team receives a set of pencils and a drawing paper. The task is to draw a clown in a minute. Best team will receive a medal. You will need: pencils, whatman paper)

1 April :
You drew beautifully
Just no joke
Maybe she's in danger
She is so young!

April 1, today is the day of humor, laughter, and you are so sad. Let's think about what else Joke likes?

Guys, do you want to dance?

(Children answer. The music from "Pippi Longstocking" is turned on)

1 April :
There is no joke, and I'm sad,
I need to unwind
I'll tell you riddles
I need to have fun!

(Makes riddles to children. Whoever gives the most correct answers will receive a prize)

Listen, can we try to call her? What do you say children? Let's call the Joke in chorus, suddenly respond?

(The children call Joke. In the far corner of the hall, something stirred, and Joke crawled out from under the blankets, stretching)

Joke :
Why are you screaming in the morning
Prevent me from sleeping
I'm tired of making people laugh
I want to rest!

Joke :
April, I'm not lost
I slept peacefully in the corner
Since the evening I was going
I'm sorry, please, please!

Joke :
Kids, cute monkeys,
Let's play with you
You repeat everything after me
Well, let's start!

(Children stand near the Joke, who sings a song that says what the children should do)

Song variant:
We clap our hands loudly
And let's drown
And let's jump up to the sky
We touch the ears.
Let's hold hands together
Let's have fun jumping
We stand on one leg
We move the shoulder.
And now it's time for a little
We and make faces,
Make funny faces
Everyone needs to participate!

The kids are having fun
The joke knows its business
Her little ones were waiting,
Let them entertain.

Joke :
Children, let's
Let's play with you
Cartoons now we are with you,
Let's guess right away!

(Shows children frames from cartoons (you can use a tablet or a projector for this), whoever guesses more will receive a medal "Cartoon Expert")

You sang and danced
It's time to let go of the holiday
A joke is also needed together,
Let's see the guys off!

1 April :
It's time for us guys, it's time
Waiting countries, people, cities,
We will come to you in a year,
We will bring you laughter and joy!

Joke :
Then I won't sleep anymore
And I will play with you
I will make you laugh and listen
I will eat sweets with you!

Children sing a song, bow, the teacher thanks everyone for their participation.

If desired, the script can be supplemented with several . Beat all the images and do not forget about the design of the hall. Alternatively, you can hang balloons and paper flowers, you can cut out a large unit and decorate it with ribbons. Also, color posters corresponding to the theme of the holiday will not be superfluous.

If you have a son school age, and you want to cheer up yourself and him on the first of April, you need to figure out in advance exactly how you will play it. In this article, we have collected 13 of the most popular and funny jokes.

13 pranks for the son of a schoolboy on April 1

1. New computer

For this joke while the baby sleeps you wrap his computer in gift wrapping paper , a bow can also be added. It will be good if you pack in several layers. Firstly, the son will fool around with unpacking, and when he realizes that it was a prank, he will be a little upset. Secondly, while the child is at school, you really pack a new computer in the same paper, and the son will be skeptical at first, but after unpacking, he will be delighted with the new thing. So you can have fun giving your child a new car and the gift will be remembered for a long time. But if it's just a prank, that's fine too.

2. Bonjour!

Learn a few phrases foreign language , or just imitate the intonation of someone else's speech. Next, change the settings in all home electronic devices that your son is used to using, and arrange for him parallel reality. Speak in an incomprehensible language, pretending that you do not understand it.

3. Salty toothbrush

Rub salt into your son's toothbrush. Believe me, washing your son will be more fun than usual.

You can also replace the contents of the toothpaste tube with sour cream or mayonnaise. Condensed milk, beloved without exception by all children, is also suitable - fun and tasty.

4. Breakfast with washing powder

Pre change the contents of the detergent package , and, pretending that you are still at the mercy of Morpheus, in front of your son, start preparing breakfast, adding pseudo-washing powder to food. At the same time, you can eat yourself from the same box. Let's say there will be powdered sugar.

5. Disaster in the toilet

Pour a well-foaming detergent into the toilet tank, for example, to wash dishes. You can also add bright dye . For acuity, you can accidentally close the "victim" on the external latch.

6. Swap salt for sugar

This joke is as old as the world, but all households regularly come across it. Just change the salt in the salt shaker for sugar and vice versa.

Watch the creative script by April 1 at primary school Comic games and quizzes, real festive fun, tasks from the leading Clown - all this awaits children in our original scenario for April Fool's Day!

7. Wrong mouse

Change in mouse control settings (via control panel) button layout and set left-handed settings . This will greatly puzzle your son, especially if he is addicted computer games. And to easily restore everything, create a restore point in advance, because when deciding this problem, the child can greatly spoil the computer settings.

8. Stitched sleeve socks

The joke is good for husband and son. Make sure that in the morning when they get dressed, they have pre-prepared socks and shirts at hand. the day before sew the socks in the middle and sew up the sleeves . Happy morning guaranteed! It would be great if the other things they tried to replace the stitched ones with were also with the same catch.

9. Severed head in the fridge

Prepare printout clipped human head on a waterproof basis, say, a laminated photo . Take a container (a jar with a wide neck), place a photo in it, pour medium tea into it and refrigerate among other products. At first glance, it will seem that there is a formalized head in the refrigerator.

10. Sweet scrambled eggs

Treat your child to an unusual breakfast. Don't wake him up early and then rush him so he won't be late for school. Serve on a plate cooked scrambled eggs, where instead of protein there will be milk yogurt, and instead of yolk - half canned peach . A sleepy child will be greatly surprised.

11. Rampant Cola with Ice

Stock up on cola, freeze Mentos tablets in advance in ice cells. When serving, the ice will dissolve, but not immediately, and as soon as the cola comes into contact with the Mentos dragee, a violent reaction will occur - the foamy cola will begin to spill profusely from the glass. This hissing fountain tends to greatly surprise and puzzle the child.

12. Oily deodorant

This prank is applicable if the child uses a solid deodorant. You only need replace its content butter or thick cream . In the morning there will be no limit to surprise. Laugh to your heart's content.

13. Onion sweetness

Take small onions, peeled, dried, planted on wooden sticks for ice cream and dip several times in melted chocolate. It turns out sweet. But the fact that there is an onion in the middle can only be recognized by biting. Don't play around with little kids like that! The joke is good for teenagers and high school students.

No matter how fun the idea may seem, not always children can immediately respond completely correctly to practical jokes. If the kids do not appreciate the joke right away (although you should know the customs of your child well), then after a few years, having matured, they will surely remember your jokes with a smile. The first of April is also family holiday. Teach your child to the culture of a prank - this way he will learn to be played out, not to be offended by jokes and naturally he will try to "revenge" you with the same coin, which will result in bright and memorable moments.

Preparing jokes for April 1, practical jokes, you need to understand that they will only affect people with a sense of humor.Coming very soon April 1 so stock up on interesting jokes.

Today it is no longer possible to determine where Fool's Day. Several countries claim to be the birthplace of this holiday: France, Mexico, England and Sweden. But no exact facts establishing the origin of the holiday, no. However, you can definitely notice that April Fool's Day is a very popular holiday all over the world.

Still, theories about how it appeared April 1 holiday There are a few.

One of the explanations for April Fool's Day is that April 1 used to be the day of the vernal equinox. This holiday symbolized the beginning of a new harvest year Therefore, on this day it was customary to joke, have fun and play pranks. Many tried to appease the capricious spring weather with funny jokes, funny pranks and laughter.

There is another, very common and well-known theory of the appearance of April Fool's Day. It is primarily associated with the transition to Gregorian calendar introduced by Pope Gregory in 1582. In the Middle Ages New Year was celebrated not on the first of January, as it is done now, but towards the end of March. Thus, the New Year's week ended on the first of April. And many have tried
finish it cheerfully and noisily.

However, in 1563, King Charles the IX of France reformed the calendar. But, despite this, some people continued to celebrate the New Year's week, as before. The rest made fun of their ignorance and gave joke gifts.

But April Fool's Day gained great popularity in the 18th century. The holiday quickly spread in English, Scottish and French colonies on the shores of America. On April Fool's Day, people played pranks on each other, exchanged gifts with surprises, and gave each other stupid tasks.

Today is April Fool's Day or Fool's Day is a very popular holiday. Every year, merry fellows all over the world come up with more and more new jokes, play tricks on their friends and acquaintances who cannot resist and answer the same!

Jokes on April 1 for the office

So, the first draw is called " Big Wash". Mix ammonia with phenolphtadeine (you can find it in a pharmacy). This explosive mixture turns bright red. You pour it into a fountain pen and accidentally stain the white shirts of the people around you. And then, of course, a storm of emotions, indignation and swearing at you, but after a few seconds the ammonia evaporates and the shirts are again clean and snow-white.

A simple joke that turns out to be effective at all times is to stick a mouse, a cup or a plate to the table. And with the mouse, you can do an interesting thing: in the computer settings, change the functions of the left and right buttons. It will be the perfect sight when a person begins to suffer and cannot work. You just need not to delay the drawing and be sure to inform in time about which one April Fool's joke was played on him.

Joke on April 1 for a loved one

To play a prank on a loved one, you can prepare a surprise breakfast for him. For example, make balls of processed cheese, which add a lot of garlic and hot peppers. Another great option- Salt scrambled eggs or add salt to tea instead of sugar. It is important here to have a second breakfast option on hand so that when april fools prank was opened, it was possible to eat calmly and on this festive cheerful day to go to work with high spirits.

April 1st joke for kids

To come up with games and jokes for April 1 for children in elementary school, you need to remember some funny cases from literary works and beat them. For example, remember about funny story when the donkey, Winnie the Pooh's friend, lost his tail. You will need to pre-print a picture with a donkey and color it. The tail is cut separately. It is necessary to give each room a tail and it is important that they, with eyes closed, tried to put the tail in place. This is extremely funny and very interesting.

We offer a very interesting option on how to play a friend on April 1 at school or at the university, while working together in the office. As a rule, a person has a lot of things on the table before the start of the lesson or during work. It will be necessary to take and discreetly all things with the help of double sided tape stick to the table.

Let's laugh Good luck - smile And meet failure No sorrow and no tears. April Fool's Day is a good holiday. Let sadness get bogged down in laughter And then we are omnipotent And this is serious.

Happy holiday friends!

I would be grateful if you click on the buttons social networks and share with your friends! I wish you good luck and good mood! Thank you!

The first of April is one of the most fun and reckless holidays of the year. Indeed, only on this spring day is it possible, on a “legal” basis, to play a funny joke on parents, friends and classmates. Despite the fact that April 1 is considered an ordinary working day, it is always “in sight” on the calendar - everyone is preparing for April Fool's Day in advance and in all seriousness! According to one of the many versions of the origin of the holiday, the ancient Romans celebrated the Day of Fools with funny jokes and pranks, which became the prototype of the modern April Fools' holiday. According to another source, the popular today April 1 originated in medieval Europe with its carnivals and costumed entertainment. Starting from 1703, April Fool's Day began to be celebrated in Russia too - thanks to the foreign courtiers of Tsar Peter I, who also liked this "overseas" holiday. Since then, on April 1, it is customary to play pranks on children and adults, inventing the most incredible jokes and arranging practical jokes. Of course, the purpose of these fun fun is universal good mood and laughter, so jokes on April 1 need to be selected that are not offensive or degrading to someone's dignity. We are happy to share with you fun ideas and videos for April Fool's Day pranks - mom and dad, classmates at school and friends in the yard. We are sure that your April Fool's jokes will cause a cheerful laugh and provide all participants with a good mood for the whole day!

Short jokes for April 1 at school for classmates - Ideas for funny pranks on April Fool's Day, video

School humor is truly an endless scope for imagination! In our country, the tradition of organizing funny pranks for classmates on April 1 is firmly rooted, so school “merry fellows” annually carefully prepare for this day. As a rule, situations from school life, and classmates and even teachers become “objects”. Undoubtedly, a joke on April 1 should be positive and funny for all participants - so, in our "arsenal" there are many ideas for short funny pranks on April Fool's Day. So, how to make a good and fun joke on April 1 at school? Instead of the “traditional” putting buttons on a chair or smearing a chalkboard with soap, we offer no less funny alternatives video jokes.

Original ideas for short school jokes for April Fool's Day:

To implement such an April Fool's joke, you will need double-sided tape, with the help of which a classmate's school supplies - notebooks, textbooks and a diary - are discreetly glued to the desk. Such manipulations are best done at recess, during the absence of the “victim” of the prank in the classroom. When the next lesson begins, the student will definitely try to “move” any object from its place - this is where this funny joke will work.

With the coming into our life mobile phones a lot of jokes and pranks related to these irreplaceable gadgets have appeared. Having learned the number of a cellular classmate, you can send a comic SMS on April 1 - about debiting the payment for communication from the account (we come up with an amount) or “voluntary-compulsory” transfer of the subscriber to the new Balabolny tariff.

School jokes with a “false” call of a classmate to the director or head teacher are always popular. And who will "risk" and arrange such a prank for the teacher? At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher who came to the class is informed that the director is calling him to his office. While the teacher is being distracted, one of the students hangs a piece of paper on the "director's" door with the inscription "April 1 - I do not trust anyone, even the best students!"

Funny jokes and pranks on April 1 for friends - a selection of interesting ideas, video

In anticipation world day laughter, many adults and children try to come up with the most unusual and funny pranks for their friends and acquaintances. After all, only on this spring day you can “with impunity” play a trick on anyone, giving all participants a charge of positive emotions. Of course, the most fun and unforgettable pranks traditionally "go" to our friends - after all, with whom else can you have so much fun on April 1st? In our selection you will find cool versions of April Fool's jokes and pranks that will cause a cheerful laugh and cheer up the whole company for a long time. Many interesting ideas for jokes, you can learn from our video - arrange an unforgettable April Fool's Day for your friends!

Interesting ideas for funny April Fools' friendly pranks:

Topic prank calls inexhaustible - prepare to the best friend joke on April 1 by calling his home number and posing as a water utility worker. Then let me know that due to repair work water will be shut off for a day, so residents are requested to fill all containers. After 10 minutes, we again make a “call to a friend” and ask if he got water. Having received an affirmative answer, you can “rejoice” that now geese will be brought to him to swim.

Such an idea of ​​a prank on April 1 will be of interest to students living in a hostel. We choose the moment when the neighbor left his room and “penetrate” inside (in this case, the door of the room should open outward). With the help of threads, we tie together a lot of objects - a chair, notebooks and books on the table, spoons, a cabinet door. Then the tip of the thread must be attached to the inside door handle. As soon as a friend opens the door, a real April Fool's surprise awaits him and a complete mess in the room.

If your friend "part-time" is a neighbor in the stairwell, you can arrange fun prank on April 1 - with a clapperboard. We tie a firecracker to the door handle of a neighbor's apartment with a rope, and fasten its other end to the railing. We ring the doorbell, quickly hide at home and settle down at the door peephole. As soon as the neighbor's door opens, a deafening "explosion" will immediately be heard - the April Fool's joke was a success!

Easy jokes on April 1 for mom and dad - Funny pranks for parents, ideas, videos

The first of April is a great occasion to prank not only colleagues or friends, but also beloved parents. Of course, jokes for mom and dad should be light, funny and positive. After all, the purpose of such funny pranks is surprise, joy and cheerful laughter - parental and childish. We hope that our april fools ideas with videos will inspire you to create a real holiday, and your parents will have fun from the bottom of their hearts over your jokes and gags.

How to play mom and dad on April 1 - a selection of easy jokes:

For mom and dad on April 1, you can arrange a draw - a fun tea party. To do this, the night before, we pour salt into the sugar bowl, and in the morning we set the table and invite the parents to drink tea. In addition, you can drop iodine into your cup of tea and dip a piece of bread or biscuits into it. As a result of the effect of iodine on starch, the bread will become bluish in color - those present will be surprised!

Dad on April Fool's Day can be "pleased" with cosmetic procedures by painting his toenails during sleep. Of course, such a funny prank is best done with the moral "support" of the mother. Waking up, dad will definitely appreciate such a creative - then you can "admit" that the nail polish remover at home is over. As a “soothing” gift for dad, a small souvenir gift is suitable, which will remind the whole family of this funny April Fool's prank for a long time.

Funny jokes for children on April 1 - video pranks for April Fool's Day in kindergarten

In kindergarten on April 1, there are many draws and cheerful children's laughter sounds. We bring to your attention a video with funny jokes for April Fool's Day - for kids on this day you can arrange an unforgettable holiday!

April 1 - April Fool's Day, jokes on video

Spring brings us not only the warmth of the sun and greenery on the trees, but also the most fun holiday - April 1st. On this wonderful day, you can joke everywhere and with everyone - even strangers with understanding and humor will perceive your jokes. In the video you will find interesting ideas for April Fool's Day jokes that your relatives and friends will definitely appreciate.

What jokes to pick up on April 1st? We have collected best ideas with video funny jokes and jokes for April Fool's Day: for classmates at school, friends, mom and dad (parents). Arrange a funny prank for children and adults - in the form of a cool SMS to your phone or in person. Let your jokes and jokes on April 1 give others only cheerful laughter and a sea of ​​​​unforgettable impressions!

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