Paintings depicting autumn landscapes. Autumn landscape painting by Graham Gercken


I think this saying is familiar to many. But today we will not talk about the uncle from Kyiv. Let's turn our attention to the elderberry. According to the encyclopedia, black elderberry is a medicinal plant, unlike red elderberry, which is quite poisonous.

... I have two bushes of black elderberry growing on my site. One is like a cover for a compost heap, and the other, shaped like a tree, is like a “support” for actinidia.

In early May, the elderberry blooms. Its large inflorescences give a strong aroma and gather many bees and wasps near them. I pick off some of the inflorescences and, having cut off the white flowers, lay them out to dry in the shade on thick paper, spreading them in a thin layer. Dry flowers (elderberry inflorescences) then sift, discard the pedicels. I store flowers in boxes, paper bags. In winter, you can make healing tea from them. This is very good remedy from a cold.

Several plucked white-cream inflorescences (6-7 pieces) become the basis for home-made honey. Yes, yes, I was not mistaken. Today you will learn how to make honey yourself. Without the help of bees. In appearance and taste, in my opinion, it is no different from bee honey, and its benefits are also considerable. But more on that a little later.

And now I will share with you my knowledge about this unpretentious and quite valuable plant.

Do-it-yourself pond, or everything is possible!

Beliefs of our ancestors

  • In ancient times, elderberry was considered sacred tree. Its berries were used as a means of promoting longevity, increasing the tone of the body, purifying the blood, and activating the activity of hormonal glands.
  • It was believed that if you pour water under the elderberry after bathing a sick child, then the spirit that lives under the bush will take away the disease.
  • To get rid of warts, they were rubbed with a green elderberry branch.
  • Elder branches served as a universal amulet. They protected houses, barns, barns and other outbuildings, and also carried them with them, believing that the branches protect from the "evil eye".
  • Elderberry was usually planted near the fence to protect their home from any evil spirits and diseases.

The use of elderberry in the old days

  • Previously, the villagers at the onset of spring tore off the tops of the young shoots of elderberry and, along with other herbs, were eaten as a salad. However, it must be borne in mind that elderberry leaves are very weak.
  • From the juice of the berries, after their fermentation, they made a strong alcoholic drink. Elder flowers added to white grape wine and vinegar gave them a nutmeg flavor.
  • Elderberries used to be widely used for dyeing cotton and silk fabrics black. At the same time, green vitriol was added to the juice of the berries.
  • From the juice of berries, with the addition of a small amount of alum and vinegar, ink was made. Rural beauties blackened their eyebrows with the juice of berries.
  • From fresh elderberry flowers with the addition of lemon juice, zest and water, a refreshing drink was prepared by fermentation.

Dacha - our outlet, or the path from gardening to landscape design

Medicinal properties

IN traditional medicine they use not only fruits, but also leaves, flowers, black elderberry bark. The plant has diaphoretic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, slightly disinfectant, diuretic effects.


The fruits of black elderberry have their own healing power both fresh and dried. Fresh elderberries are successfully used for the treatment of hepatitis, peptic ulcer and for their prevention. Also, fresh fruits help with neuralgia.

Dried berries are used to treat such a rare disease as malaria. It is believed that medicinal properties black elderberry is so high that it can be used as an aid in the fight against stomach cancer and skin cancer. With stomach cancer, the patient should be given jam made from the fruits of black elderberry, with skin cancer - the juice from the fruits is squeezed out and an extract is prepared on wine.


Black elderberry flowers are considered no less valuable. They contain essential oils, rutin, valeric, caffeic and malic acids. Decoctions or infusions are prepared from black elderberry flowers, which have antibacterial and diaphoretic properties. That is why they are especially good for colds, sore throats, flu, and respiratory diseases.


Black elderberry leaves are also healing. Like flowers, they are antipyretic, diuretic, astringent, sedative and diaphoretic.

Applying steamed leaves to the affected area of ​​​​the skin relieves inflammation well, which is why they are used for diaper rash, burns, inflammation of hemorrhoids, furunculosis.

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Eat folk remedy from chronic constipation using young black elderberry leaves. Young leaves have some laxative and restorative effect. For the treatment of chronic constipation, it is necessary to take honey, boil young leaves of black elderberry in it and take it inside.


The bark of this plant is no less popular in folk medicine. A decoction is prepared from it, which is taken for diseases of the skin and kidneys. The decoction is also used for baths for gout, rheumatism and arthritis. It can also be used in the form of lotions.

Folk cosmetology also uses healing properties black elderberry. For example, a lotion can be made from its flowers, which is applied to the face every morning and evening. To prepare the lotion, take 10 inflorescences and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. Leave to infuse for a day. After that, it is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. This lotion tones the skin well and makes it younger.

The fact that elderberry decorates courtyards with its flowering in spring, and the fact that one bush brings up to 50 thousand fruits is only one plus of the plant. And the fact that both flowers and berries can be used to treat and prevent various diseases is the second.

Of the three known species elderberry - red, black and grassy - black has medicinal properties.

A diaphoretic, expectorant, laxative, as well as a tonic effect has a properly prepared elderberry for certain diseases.

What elderberry helps from, any grandmother in the village knows and will tell you with pleasure. Moreover, he will also give a good kilogram of berries or ready-made jam with him.

So, what specific diseases do the fruits and color of this unpretentious plant help with?

Elderberry color: medicinal properties

Elder helps:

  • rapid healing of wounds;
  • eliminates intestinal colic;
  • used in the treatment of kidney and genitourinary system;
  • in vascular diseases reduces capillary fragility;
  • soothes and cools the skin in case of sunburn.

There are a number of very serious and unpleasant diseases that are “afraid” of elderberry and noticeably recede when this folk doctor is included in the treatment process:

  • pneumonia and bronchitis;
  • diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • neuroses;
  • heart failure;
  • epilepsy;
  • cystitis.

IN old days When cosmetics were in short supply, rural beauties were not very upset by this fact, since from childhood they were well aware of the benefits of elderberry for appearance.

Firstly, elderberry teas and decoctions improve complexion and burn fat perfectly.

Secondly, elderberry prevents the appearance of vascular networks and serves as an excellent prophylactic against varicose veins.

Thirdly, elderberry is an excellent antidepressant. A female beauty, like health, is 99.9% dependent on the state of the nervous system.

The recipes for using elderberry in folk medicine are very simple: it is either tea, or jam, or raw berries, grated with sugar or mixed with honey.

The best elderberry recipes

  • raw jam

For 1 kg of elderberries, take 1.5 kg of sugar. Scroll the berries in a meat grinder, add sugar, put in clean, dry jars, close with plastic lids. Keep refrigerated.
Consume 1 hour before meals. spoon.

  • Tea "Easier than simple"

For 1 cup boiling water - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of elderberry flowers. Leave for 20 minutes, then strain. Drink 4 times a day for 15 minutes. before meals.

  • Elder flower honey

To prepare honey from elder flowers, you need to collect 300 ml. fresh elderberry flowers. Flowers pour a liter of boiling water. Leave for 6 hours, covered with a lid and a towel. Add water to the strained infusion up to 1 liter, add 3 kg of sugar, boil, remove the foam with a wooden spoon. Reduce the fire, cook for 4 hours. At the end of cooking, add 1 tsp. citric acid. Pour into jars, store covered. This honey is added to tea for any cold and taken as a preventive measure, taking 4 tsp. during the day. Flower honey is a good remedy for pigmentation on the skin, itching and pain in the liver.

  • Tincture against SARS

If you get sick with SARS or something related to the respiratory system, you need to insist half an hour a tablespoon of flowers in 250 ml. boiling water. Strain and consume half a cup half an hour before meals, 3 times a day. The same recipe for a choleretic agent.

  • Against arthritis and rheumatism

For arthritis, rheumatism and similar diseases, a compress is applied, and elder flowers with the addition of chamomile (hot) are placed on diseased joints or baths are taken.

  • With sciatica

With radiculitis - 1.5 tbsp. l. brew elderberry flowers for an hour in a half-liter thermos. Drink strained broth - half a cup before meals, 4 times. The course is 10-12 days.

  • Decoction with sand in the kidneys

A decoction is used in the determination of sand in the kidneys. Take 20g of dried flowers in a glass of boiling water. 10 min. boiling in a water bath. Reception - 1/3 cup before meals.

  • Soothing Brew

For headaches, bad dream, neuralgia, you need to brew a teaspoon of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water. Strain after 20 minutes (you can add honey). Drink 3 times a day a quarter cup before meals.

  • Baths against female diseases

With decoctions and infusions of black elderberry flowers, you can douche and make baths for gynecological diseases (25 g of flowers pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 20 minutes).

  • For hair loss

Mix a large spoonful of the collection of buds and elder flowers (1: 1), boil over low heat for 5 minutes in 250 ml. water. Once a day, rub the decoction into the hair roots.

Incredible, exciting, charming and delightful - all these are epithets about autumn. More beautiful time year is unimaginable. So many colors can be on one tree that it is sometimes breathtaking. It is clear why everyone talented people draw inspiration from nature. Autumn is no exception in the painting of artists. Autumn landscapes have long been considered one of the most popular subjects for painting.

There are so many famous paintings dedicated autumn theme which is difficult to calculate. And everywhere autumn is different: from warm and sunny to late, with the first frosts that pinch your hands. But there are several artists who felt autumn especially subtly and conveyed it in their paintings.

Autumn in the cities in the paintings of Richard McNeil

One of talented artists dedicating their paintings to autumn is Richard McNeil (“In Central Park”, “Walking in the Rain”). This artist is a very private person, and little is known about him. But, oddly enough, it is his paintings that hang in the White House in the office of American presidents.

"In Central Park" by Richard McNeil

One look at the autumn paintings of Richard MacNeil takes you to the autumn atmospheric New York or. His work is incredibly beautiful and serene. One can only guess why autumn inspired the artist.

Autumn landscapes by Thomas Kinkade

One of the most sought after artists recent years This is Thomas Kinkade. His paintings are so popular that it is incredibly difficult to buy them. All of them are in private collections, and people very rarely and reluctantly part with them.

And all thanks to the message. The author believed in love, the triumph of goodness and the bright side of humanity so much that he tried to portray it in every possible way in pictures. His autumn landscapes convey all this in the best possible way.

This is interesting! Read more about the biography and work in our separate article with many pictures of the artist's work for inspiration.

"Palette knife autumn" Afremov

- an impressionist artist who creates his paintings not with an ordinary brush, but with a spatula knife. From this, the strokes on the canvas itself have a characteristic appearance.

Most famous paintings"Sunny Autumn", "Meeting in the Rain". Afremov's autumn is one of the most structural and clear. It is as if woven from small rays that fill the entire canvas.

On a note! Be sure to read a more detailed article about on the pages of the Wings of Inspiration project.

Realistic autumn Lushipina

Another famous artist modernity - Evgeny Lushipin, who paints paintings in the genre of realism. Apparently, therefore, they are often mistaken for photographs.

Take a look at the paintings "Quiet Evening" or "A Streetcar Named Desire". They are filled with autumn inspiration. Incredibly lively autumn seems to be looking at you from the window and smiling, sad with you for the passing summer, but still pleases with warmth.

Golden autumn Charles White

Another world famous artist who depicted autumn in painting is Charles White. His paintings "Golden Autumn" breathe peace, tranquility and quiet happiness.

It is impossible not to admire them, it is impossible not to love them. That is why they are now worth their weight in gold and almost all are in private collections. The artist himself received well-deserved recognition during his lifetime.

Autumn in Chinese painting

But this is only a small list of artists around the world who created their masterpieces, inspired by the golden age. There are also great work about autumn Japanese painting, and in Chinese.

For example, the Chinese artist Tian Haibo. His works convey the incredible play of the light of the autumn sun. Very realistic and incredibly alive. They inspire and do not leave anyone indifferent.

Liu Maoshan is an artist from China, in whose paintings you can also see interesting autumn landscapes. This is the real autumn in modern painting.

Liu Maoshan's paintings combine industrialism and oriental flair. This is most noticeable in the works "Autumn Waters" and "Excursion to Washington".

Autumn in the paintings of famous artists

There are also canvases about autumn, which are incredibly popular, written by the most famous artists. For example, "Autumn at Argenteuil" by Monet. This is a very sensual canvas that breathes autumn inspiration. It exudes happiness and peace.

Studio Boat (1876), Claude Monet

Autumn at Argenteuil, Claude Monet

Van Gogh also looked to autumn for inspiration. His brush belongs to the canvas "Poplar Alley in Autumn". It conveys the mood of the artist himself, a little sad and chaotic.

Poplar Alley in Autumn, Van Gogh

The famous painting "Autumn" by Shishkin is rightfully considered a masterpiece about autumn in Russian painting. The author conveyed very realistically autumn mood in Rus'.

"Autumn" Shishkin

You can endlessly talk about autumn in painting, because this theme is inexhaustible as a source of inspiration.

Any canvases of the most different artists dedicated to this time of the year will always delight and inspire humanity. Nature, in turn, will inexhaustible source to inspire all artists around the world for a very long time to come.

Graham Gercken ©

Autumn landscape Outside the window, something is not very happy. It rained all September, and October surprised with frosts and snow. But how do you want bright autumn colors and blue-blue skies. It was these colors that I saw in the paintings of the Australian artist Graham Gercken. For my taste, the pictures are somewhat decorative, but now the body just needs some exaggeration and saturation. colors. I am pleased to publish bright autumn landscapes on the blog, maybe for someone the painting of this artist will also become color therapy))

Graham Gercken ©

Artist Graham Gercken was born in Australia in 1960. He is self-taught with no art background. moved from hobby to professional activity. Impressionism became the closest style for him.
For 10 years, Graham Gercken painted and sold his paintings to numerous tourists. Bright and juicy colors attracted attention immediately, the paintings were quickly sold out.

Graham Gercken ©

In 2003, the artist came to China, where he met with famous masters who share their secrets with him and help him improve his drawing technique. Then for several years he continues to travel the world. The artist traveled to Asia, Europe and America, personally recognized many famous artists, and admits to learning a lot from them. In his paintings you can often see the nature of Australia and North America.

Graham Gercken ©

He usually works in the studio, moving away from the plein air. There are many autumn landscapes in his paintings. Autumn on his canvases is often juicy and bright. Apparently, there are no colors in his autumn landscapes) We would like such an autumn for at least a couple of weeks))

Graham Gercken ©

Today, Graham Gercken is a well-known artist, his works are in private collections and in many galleries around the world, and autumn landscapes are especially popular in his painting.

Autumn landscape in painting

Graham Gercken ©

Graham Gercken ©

Graham Gercken ©

Graham Gercken ©

Graham Gercken ©

Graham Gercken ©

The creation of the autumn landscape can be seen in a short video.
The sharpness of the strokes is mesmerizing))

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