Caucasian dances. School of Caucasian Dances & Ensemble "Kavkaz"


Very rich and versatile. One of the most striking manifestations of culture are dances of the peoples of the Caucasus.

The whole world is familiar with famous dance peoples of the Caucasus - Lezginka. The Lezginka dance thundered all over the world in the 30s of the XX century, when my grandfather performed it in London on World Festival folk dance. Then the King of Great Britain himself personally handed over gold medal grandfather Sukhishvili. But few people know that every people in the Caucasus has its own national dance. Today you can count over 100 different dances.

You may ask what dances of the peoples of the Caucasus different from each other? I confess, I have never seen two identical dances at different peoples. Every nation has its own National Costume, their music and dance movements. Compare Andean and Gergebel dances (yes, there are such) and you will understand how much folk dances differ.



In addition to the already mentioned classical (Dagestan) lezginka, the following folk dancing: - wedding lezginka;

- Chechen lezginka;

- Akushinsky dance;

- Lak dance;

- Azerbaijani dance "Yalli"

- Kumyk dance;

- the already mentioned Andean and Gergebel dances;

- Dargin dance;

- Ossetian dance;

- Adjarian dance "Partsa";

- dedoevsky dance;

- Lezgin dance (this is not a classic Lezginka);

- "Kartuli" - classical Georgian dance and its varieties: "Narnari" - dance of swans (female); "Abraguli" - dance forest dwellers; "Kisturi" - a dance of the inhabitants of the Panki Gorge; "Khorumi" - a warlike dance; "Davluri" - dance of the city nobility; "Kintouri" - dance of merchants; "Khevsuruli" - saber dance; "Khanjluri" - dance with daggers.

And this list can be continued. In general, the article "Dances of the peoples of the Caucasus" I wanted to show how rich the culture of the Caucasus is. Folk dances are admired in all corners of the world. They are so energetic, sensual and beautiful that they do not leave anyone indifferent. I have already written about the present stage classical dance Lezginka needs transformation, but it cannot be said that it is not developing at all. The best ensembles and choreographers continue to put their soul into the improvement of folk dance. IN last years there is a new trend in folk dances- funny dances. I present to your attention comic dance"Aksakals". After watching this video, I really enjoyed it. I'm sure you'll enjoy it just as much.

P.S. A course has already been prepared to help you for short term REALLY LEARN to perform various dances of the peoples of the Caucasus. Also, the Advanced Course "How to Become an Ace of Lezginka" is almost ready. Subscribe to blog updates to get into the first group of students.

P. P.S. Well, according to tradition, I finish original genre. Today this poem is "Ode to Dance":

Dance, dance bright Star Blaze like a flame in the dark sky, You beat in our heart forever, And forever we bow before you. You are thoughts of riot, zeal of dreams, You are the thread of fate and life of our angel, And everything we strive for is only you Excited Oh, dance, we are with you forever, Thank you for existing, Thank you for the word-man You transform with your creativity ! Because you give us new world, A world without deceit and without flattery, And where, to the sounds of gentle lyres, We want to be only together with you! (Evgenia Mezhzhereva)

Adyghe dances

Georgian dances

Dagestan dances

Ossetian dances

Ukrainian dances

Chechen dances

Ingush dance

We annually supplement and update the repertoire, as professional ensemble and the children's team. Listed below are some examples of dances that can be learned at our school:


Kazbeguri or mountain dance takes us to the mountains in the north of Georgia, a region characterized by a variety of cultures and traditions. The relatively cold and harsh climate of the mountains is reflected in the energetic and sudden movements Kazbeguri. The dance is performed exclusively by men and demonstrates the endurance and inflexible character of the highlanders. This is a bright and courageous dance, where each participant seeks to show his dexterity, strength and courage.

Adjarian Dance

Acharuli or Gandagan- this dance comes from the very south of Georgia - Adzharia, to which it owes its name and hot, sunny temperament. It is characterized by graceful, light, flirting between men and women. This is one of the few Georgian dances, where the shoulders and body of the dancers are relaxed and mobile, which creates a special relaxed and carefree mood.


Lezginka- a generalized name for a fast Caucasian folklore dance that combines sharp jerky movements in the male part and smooth, sliding movements in the female part. Each nation has its own specific name for this kind of dance, but historically the name fast dance the Lezgin peoples. This is the most famous and loved by all dance, which is most often performed in turn by several improvising participants. For an effective performance, the dancer must masterfully master various combinations of movements and, while performing them, not lose touch with the chosen partner, who, performing her graceful part, tries to dodge him, like a winch from an eagle chasing her.


Yalli- one of the oldest mass dances in Azerbaijan, traditionally performed around the fire during calendar and ritual holidays. The cycles of repetitive movements in this dance symbolize the annual awakening and renewal of the forces of nature. As a rule, a dance consists of several rhythmically different parts, the obligatory of which is a round dance. In it, all the dancers join hands in order to feel the unity of the whole family and community during the holiday.

Honga kaft

Honga kaft- pair smooth Ossetian dance-invitation. Was one of three compulsory dances as part of a traditional dance performance called “khazt”, which took place in any locality Ossetia during mass folk events. It was the dance action of the "hong" that was assigned the role of a prelude in the growing feelings between a boy and a girl. During this dance, the partners could look at each other, the young man with direct vision, and the girl with peripheral vision, and through interactions in the dance, check mutual psychological compatibility. The whole dance is performed on high half-fingers, or fingers in the male part, and is characterized by a rigidly fixed body, which gives it special rigor and grace.


Shalakho- male dance of urban residents of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. characteristic feature various versions of this dance are the sudden rhythmic jumps of the melody, from the mesmerizing duduk solo to its cheerful and fast part. In each country, this dance has acquired its own specific shades. So, in Georgia, it was called Kintauri - “kinto dance”. Kinto were called merchants of vegetables and fruits, after the buyer chose the goods, kinto took out a large scarf from his belt and weighed the purchase in it. The characteristic qualities of an urban hawker: nimbleness, slyness and some familiarity are perfectly conveyed in this dance.

Naz elama

Naz elama- a pair wedding Azerbaijani dance, the name of which is translated as "do not be capricious." During the dance, the couple dramatizes a date between two lovers, where the girl, with her inaccessibility and coquetry, provokes the guy to express his feelings fervently. He, as it were, speaks in sign language about the feats that he is ready to perform for the sake of his beloved. This dance action requires great virtuosity and ease of movement from the performers, as well as expressive acting skills.


Nelbecks- a group girlish Azerbaijani dance that arose at traditional women's gatherings. In this dance, the girls accompany the music, tapping the rhythm with thimbles on saucers. Due to the fact that the original performance of the dance was hidden from male eyes, his manner acquired a relaxed and playful character. A huge role in this dance is given to the intricate drawing, the complex plasticity of the hands and the flexibility of the performers.


Kartuli- romantic wedding dance of Georgia. It is performed by a couple and combines the softness and grace of a woman, and the pride and love of a man. It shows that even being in love, a man retains respect and good manners keeping a certain distance from her. The gaze of a man is always turned to a female partner, as if she is the only creature in the whole world. On the other hand, the woman's gaze is downcast all the time, and she glides across the floor like a swan over the smooth surface of a lake. The atmosphere of the dance is built in such a way that a woman, with her detachment and ostentatious indifference, experiences the strength and steadfastness of a man’s feelings.

Adyghe dance

Dance of the Black Sea Circassians- cheerful mass dance Ubykhs and Shapsugs, in which the dancers imitate the various gaits of swift-footed Circassian horses with their movements. The horse played such a significant role in the life of the Circassians that in the metaphorical language of the Adyghe historical and heroic songs, “to dismount” means to be killed, just like the word “on foot” itself means the deceased. This dance requires great speed and clarity of movement from the performers. In former times, the strictest abstinence in food was an important part of the Adyghe culture, which was also reflected in dance folklore. The lean figure allowed the Circassians to be the most skillful riders and create dances of this kind.


Rachuli- a lively, cheerful, relaxed, sometimes even comic dance of peasant youth from the Georgian region of Racha. The dance movements are a kind of potpourri of different dances other areas. It is also characteristic that rachuli performers often add pantomime to the movements, demonstrating the life of ordinary peasants.


Uzundere- the dance of the bride is perhaps one of the most refined examples of Azerbaijani choreography. As a rule, it is performed solo and in this form it tells about the experiences of a young girl leaving parental home. The dancer shows how her soul rushes between the joy of what begins in her life new stage, and at the same time she mourns her carefree girlhood. In addition to the solo version, versions of this dance are common as a group female dance performed by a choir and a soloist-bride, as well as a pair version depicting a sedate dance of the bride and groom.

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