Concert agencies and organization of concerts. Help from a non-profit organization


Concerts of star performers, musical programms at corporate events, theatrical tours and other types of performances are hard to imagine without the participation of concert agencies in Moscow. In addition, major public events, holidays and other socially significant events are also not complete without the invitation of famous musicians and groups. Such performances are charitable in nature. For this reason, the organization charity concert is also an integral part of the activities of agencies.

Each metropolitan concert agency supports business relationship not only with performers from show business, but also with many other representatives working in cultural sphere. After all, many people want to visit a performance or listen to classical music for a good rest and distraction from everyday life. Therefore, in Moscow, the organization of concerts of these genres is also in great demand.

Performances by rock performers and singers of other genres

One of the most popular services of Moscow agencies is the organization of concerts of singing stars. These include performers known for their work not only in Russia, but also in the countries of near and far abroad.

In addition, the capital concert agencies contact not only with the stars of the domestic show business, but also with many representatives of the foreign stage. Therefore, to organize a performance worldwide famous singer or a collective in Moscow, a concert agency is also able to.

As for the performances of rock performers, they are also in great demand among the people of the most different ages and social strata. In this regard, almost all concert agencies in Moscow necessarily provide such a service as organizing rock concerts at music venues and clubs in the city.

Performances and classical music

It is not possible to have a good and useful time, escape from everyday life and meet the beautiful at every mass event. Performances are among the leaders in this category. They are carried out by a theater and concert agency, organizing tours both throughout Russia and in Moscow in particular.

Classical music is another outlet for art lovers. It allows you to plunge into the fascinating world of live sound. musical instruments, to think about the high and how to be distracted. Bands that play this kind of music high level are widely demanded not only in Russia, but all over the world. Therefore, the organization of classical music concerts is also included in the scope of activities of very many Moscow agencies.

This section presents concert agencies in Moscow, information about the cost of services, contact details, as well as their portfolio.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

For many people, the organization of concerts seems to be a very easy task - the “stars” arrived, played, received money, the owner of the premises received part, the performer(s) received part, the rest went to the organizer. All. However, the work of the latter is associated with the solution a large number tasks, and this is not only finding a venue, but also providing the concert with everything necessary - from lighting equipment to a hotel for musicians. The organizer assumes responsibility for the fact that the event will not only take place, but will also be properly organized and include everything necessary. At its core, the organizer is the person who has nothing but the offer of his work. Considering that not a single participant wants to deal with such a global issue, the services of concert organizers are quite in demand. And at the first stages, you can do this business almost alone.

This niche is relatively busy, so it will certainly be difficult for a beginner to take his place. The main limitation is pop culture, the performers who have gained popularity today are curated for quite some time. big firms, and in this case it is unlikely that it will be possible to pull over the work. And here they won't even help anymore profitable terms– neither the musicians nor their producers want to risk contacting an unknown company. In this case, it is better to start with the organization of concerts for the time being, no one famous bands who want to go on stage, and there are many opportunities if you approach your business in the right way. Also, everything depends on the degree of activity of the organizer, if he does not wait until they come to him for services, but looks for clients on his own, then he can count on success. It is worth noting that the scheme of work, depending on many factors, may differ slightly.

In order to start your own business, it is worth registering as a subject entrepreneurial activity. The form of entrepreneurship can be any, although clients will be much more willing to work with a legal entity, and both partners and landlords will be more confident in it. However, according to the law, you can stay individual by registering as individual entrepreneur. Of the legal entities, the preferred form of a company with limited liability- as well as in the case of individual entrepreneurs, a simplified taxation system is available in this case, which allows deducting 6% (of income) or 15% (of operating profit) to the state.

Registration of a legal entity will be somewhat longer, will require more significant investments, and the document flow in this case is more serious. In general, if several people come together to organize a business, then they need to issue entity, otherwise, with the business of one person, it is worth calculating future plan to determine the form of entrepreneurship. It is also important to correctly specify OKVED codes, and similar activities fit the coding (OKPD 2) 93.29 Other entertainment and recreation services.

It is desirable to have your own premises, it will become a place where hired employees work and negotiations are held with clients. However, work can be established without your own office, which often acts simply as a representative office. But this increases the prestige of the institution in the eyes of partners. But in any case, the room does not have to be large, unless you plan to store props for concerts. Some companies also organize their own printing house for printing posters and leaflets, but this is not always economically feasible.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The work can be carried out in two directions: organizing an ordered concert and organizing a concert with an invitation to performers. In the first case, these will be their own concerts of groups and musicians, in the second - festivals and combined concerts where teams perform similar genre, topics, or generally just focused on a certain category of listeners. Each entrepreneur decides which one to choose for himself, but no one forbids doing both at the same time. Only the second type of organizing concerts is an order of magnitude more complicated than the first and requires significant experience in this area and the ability to attract many performers. Therefore, it is better to start with organizing concerts for specific groups, and after that start doing your own festivals. They can bring much more profit, as sometimes they last several days, not a couple of hours, but they also require a much more serious approach. Moreover, almost all the risks fall on the organizer himself, because he acts as the instigator of the event.

So, for your work, it is immediately desirable to find partners who are ready to provide their venues for the needs of concerts. However, in big cities it is unlikely that it will be possible to agree on a permanent provision of the stage - there are many others who want to use the leased space. Therefore, each time, most likely, the site will have to be found and negotiated with the owners each time it is needed. But this does not mean that this issue should not be dealt with directly before preparation for the expected event, it is necessary to have a list of possible objects, as well as keep information about their workload. In this case, at least informal a good relationship it is very desirable to establish a relationship with the owner of the site, this will allow you to negotiate a lease as soon as necessary.

But it should be noted that the requirements for the premises of all artists are different, and therefore you need to have several options in mind - from relatively inexpensive to elite halls with a large number of spectators. Depending on the format of the concert, types of venues are also selected: you can bring conditional example what for symphonic music you need a hall with seating, but for a rock concert, a platform with a simple dance floor is enough. Therefore, the latter are often organized in sports arenas or assembly halls. Music lovers will rarely deny themselves the pleasure of attending a concert of their favorite band just because it takes place in an “inconvenient” institution in their opinion, but otherwise the consumer can draw a lot of conclusions only from where the event takes place.

IN Lately events held in clubs have become very popular, and this option is attractive to listeners, as a rule, the musicians themselves like it, and the organizer greatly simplifies the work, because in clubs, unlike the same sports arenas, there are already lighting and sound equipment. And therefore, the increased cost of renting a club for one evening is compensated by the absence of the need to rent part of the equipment. Moreover, many concerts are held on weekdays (when the club does not work or works in a slightly different format, a bar, for example) and therefore it is much easier to negotiate a discount.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The cost of sites varies greatly and depends on many factors. The most important thing is the location, then comes the size, format, the possibilities of additional equipment, the popularity of the place. All this should be taken into account by the organizer, and this is all interesting for producers and musicians. They can refuse to give a concert if there is no venue worthy in the opinion of the artists, and here we are talking primarily about profit, and not about its prestige. And the organizer himself is probably interested in the arena bringing as much more money why so many famous musicians they do not come to smaller cities: the point is not only that the population will not be able to buy expensive concerts, but sometimes vice versa, that there will be plenty of people who want to, but their venue will not accommodate, and its accommodation possibilities are unlikely to even cover their own expenses.

The next step is to find sponsors for your event. At this stage, there are many options for cooperation, up to the fact that the sponsors independently conduct an advertising campaign (though only in the channels available to them) and supply the organizer with the necessary capacities: printing house, equipment, personnel, ticket distribution. In principle, any partner can act as a sponsor, except for the musicians themselves with their producer or label. A rare sponsor gives money directly to the organization, usually it is a barter, when some kind of assistance is provided for the placement of their logo, the message about the sponsor at the event and the conduct of promotions.

Sometimes it is even more beneficial for the organizer, because the sponsor has the opportunity to avoid using third-party companies, and then the costs are reduced due to the partner's advertising. Sponsor logos are usually placed on posters and banners - this is almost always required condition cooperation. With a successful mutual settlement, sponsorship can turn out to be very good savings or obtaining additional funds. True, when organizing concerts of little-known bands or just a concert that is not very popular with the population, some companies that are good in terms of sponsorship may refuse to cooperate or set very unfavorable conditions.

Sponsors will have to sell the future event, and their main criterion, as a rule, for them is the number of visitors. In addition, serious requirements are placed on the advertising campaign itself; but it should be large enough and for the benefit of the organizer. The most common, though a little outdated, but still effective method advertising - posting posters on specially provided places and placing banners around the city. This is usually done by advertising agencies that have sufficient connections and cooperation agreements to provide information about the upcoming event throughout the city. Still, personal posting of posters is already being gradually replaced by more advanced and modern methods. If you have your own website, then, of course, it is worth posting information on it, although the organizer’s website is usually his business card for partners, and not for concert visitors, for them all information about the event is posted on their portal by the ticket distributor.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Next, you should negotiate with companies that are ready to rent and supply lighting and sound equipment. As already noted, some venues themselves have it, in some (for example, in themed clubs) everything is usually ready for any concert - come and play. But more often you have to find companies that rent equipment, negotiate the delivery, installation and subsequent removal. The equipment itself is paid either in packages (that is, for example, a complete set for a jazz concert), or ordered separately, and the rental of each device is paid separately. In addition to the standard light, you can get hold of laser, fiery or some other spectacular show(and you will have to hire the appropriate workers), and the sound is selected depending on the genre and features of the game (and even the concert itself) of the musicians. So, Symphony Orchestra plays live, but a rock band will require amplifiers, sophisticated electronics, drum set, bringing with them only guitars (and even then not always). Therefore, already at this stage, it is necessary to have not only a contract concluded with the group or their producer, but also to discuss the exact concept of the event.

The next step is to find a ticket distributor. Some companies even combine this activity - the distribution of tickets and the organization of concerts, but strictly speaking these are completely different companies. It is practically impossible to sell a large number of tickets without having all the possibilities, which is why an agreement is concluded with a company that will ensure the sale of concert tickets for a commission. You will have to cooperate very closely with this office, because it will partially take over the responsibilities in conducting advertising, it will be she who will accept money for tickets, which means that special demands must be made from her strict accountability. It will not work to sell tickets only at the box office of the site (which may not be available), we need a well-established scheme.

Negotiations with the musicians themselves take place either personally or through their producer - this is always the case, if there is one. A promoted group will make a huge amount of demands on their visit to a particular city, they need a hotel, food, and props. Usually it is brought immediately to the site, where all the preparations take place in a few hours (less than a day). Thus, in addition to agreements with many companies that provide the event, you will have to agree with organizations that will provide services to the musicians themselves, and this is a prerequisite for artists before visiting the city - so that everything is arranged by the organizer himself. Thus, such a scheme usually involves a huge number of enterprises, between which the organizer runs and tries to launch this rather cumbersome scheme.

It is better to start with little-known groups, acting as a replacement for the producer for them, but in this case it is optimal to find several young talented groups and arrange either a combined concert (that is, including several teams similar in genre) or a local festival. True, in the latter case, sometimes the bet is not on the sale of tickets (and admission may even be free), but on the sale additional services at the festival. It comes down to the fact that the organizer simply rents out places at the festival to sellers who profit from the large number of people in one place. Many novice teams are sometimes ready to speak only for an idea, wanting to make themselves known to the world, and do not require any part of the proceeds from the organizer. But here, too, he takes a big risk, organizing an event that no one will probably come to (usually, of course, friends and relatives invited by the musicians themselves come, but this does not save the situation). It’s worth starting with very local events, when you don’t have to risk large amounts of money and there is an opportunity, if not to make a profit, then at least to gain experience.

A lot of time will pass before it will be possible to work individually for each team at its suggestion; usually eminent musicians work only with big players who can as soon as possible organize an event (and sometimes even an entire tour), raise a lot of money and start selling a few months before the concert. Beginners in this case are not taken into account. Festivals, in the usual sense of the word, can be full-fledged if they are located in a convenient place, surrounded by the necessary infrastructure, are interesting for visitors, and a sufficient number of people perform at them. famous teams. Events designed for many days are usually beyond the power of a novice player; but come up with your own new format no one forbids.

The business of organizing concerts is sure to be very difficult at first, and for a long time you will have to work for the idea yourself, investing your strength (and sometimes money) just to earn a name for yourself. However, in this case, there are quite a lot of prospects, because, having managed to establish an organization ideally at all stages, you can successfully compete even with well-known companies, which, it is possible, have shortcomings in one area or another.

The concert agency offers its assistance to the organizers corporate events, banquets, city-scale holidays, when customers want to see their favorite artist at their celebration.

Concert organizations are responsible for the following:

  • booking musical groups and artists, as well as confirmation of the date of the concert
  • support, support technical support, rider, security, hotel booking
  • coordination of all working nuances on the site.
As you can see, the organization of concerts is a laborious job that should be entrusted to professionals.

Choosing an agency for a concert event

About successful work agency first of all says his name. If its name is on everyone's lips, then these professionals can be safely entrusted with the organization of their event.

You should carefully study the list of concerts held. A good agency usually cooperates with domestic and foreign performers different musical genres and trends, and holds events for both young people and older audiences.
Payment for services should not exceed reasonable limits. Unscrupulous agencies have a habit of increasing their fees by arranging an artist's performance at a wedding, banquet, or private party.

You can find all this information on the site, which contains the most popular concert agencies in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Khabarovsk, Kharkov and many other cities. On the personal page of each member of our catalog there are photo and video materials covering his activities, and previous customers have the opportunity to leave their recommendations for future customers there. Contacting agency administrators is quite simple. You should fill in the fields with contact information and send the application to the candidate. In the near future you will be contacted to discuss all the details of cooperation.

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