Features of the folk fairy tale. What are animal stories? The difference between a fairy tale and other similar genres


The classification of fairy tales. Characteristic features of each species

According to the tradition that has developed in literary criticism, fairy tales are divided into three groups:

stories about animals

fairy tales

everyday fairy tales

A) Animal stories

The Russian repertoire contains about 50 stories about animals.

Several thematic groups:

Tales of wild animals

Wild and domestic animals


Man and wild animals.

This type of fairy tale differs from others in that animals act in fairy tales.

Their features are shown, but the features of a person are conditionally implied.

Animals usually do what people do, but in these fairy tales, animals are somewhat like humans, and in some ways they are not.

Here the animals speak human language.

the main task these tales - ridicule bad traits character, actions and cause compassion for the weak, offended.

Animal tales are included in the reading books. Most of all children are interested in the story itself.

The most elementary and at the same time the most important views- about intelligence and stupidity, about cunning and straightforwardness, about good and evil, about heroism and cowardice - fall into the mind and determine the norms of behavior for the child.

Children's fairy tales about animals touch upon social and ethical issues in an interpretation accessible to children's perception.

In fairy tales about animals, observations, excursions, illustrations, and cinema are important. You need to learn how to write a characterization. (Remember in which fairy tales and how animals are shown).

B) Fairy tales.

A fairy tale is a work of art with a clear expressed idea victory of man over the dark forces of evil.

To the children of the younger school age love the fairy tale.

They are attracted by the development of action, coupled with the struggle of light and dark forces, and wonderful invention.

In these fairy tales, there are two groups of heroes: good and evil. Good usually triumphs over evil.

Fairy tales must be admired good heroes and condemnation of evildoers. They express confidence in the triumph of good.

In every fairy tale, the heroes resort to the help of objects or living beings that have magical powers.

Fairy tales are united by magic: transformations.

The dream of the people, ingenuity, talent, skill, diligence are shown.

IN) Household fairy tales.

Everyday tales talk about the attitude of social classes. Exposing the hypocrisy of the ruling classes is the main feature of everyday fairy tales. These stories are different from magical themes that fiction in them does not have a pronounced supernatural character.

Fairy tales talk about the characters of people, the habits of animals.

The action of the positive hero and his enemy in the everyday fairy tale takes place in the same time and space, is perceived by the listener as an everyday reality.

The heroes of everyday fairy tales: the landowner, the king-prince, the khan are greedy and indifferent people, loafers and egoists. They are opposed by experienced soldiers, poor laborers - dexterous, courageous and smart people. They win, and in victory they are sometimes helped magic items.

Everyday fairy tales have a great educational and cognitive value. The children learn about the history of the people, their way of life. These tales help the moral education of students, as they convey folk wisdom.

Thus, a fairy tale is a genre of oral folk art; fiction fantasy, adventure or everyday character.

Despite the classification of fairy tales, each of them carries a huge educational and cognitive value for the child.

Pupils from the first grade get acquainted with oral folk art, including fairy tales

The task of the teacher is to bring folk wisdom to the mind of the child.

« Artistic features fairy tales"

Fairy tales, especially fairy tales, are extraordinarily poetic. The Russian fairy tale is distinguished by rhythm, melodiousness, unhurried narration. Among the features of the structure of a fairy tale, there are hint, beginning and ending.

1) A saying (an introduction to a fairy tale in the form of a joke, a proverb, usually not related to the content - "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a white-beard, put a watermelon on his head, a cucumber on his nose and built a palace. This is not a fairy tale, a saying , the fairy tale will be ahead")

2) Beginning (the traditional beginning of a fairy tale - "Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman", "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state"

3) Ending (the final part of the tale - "That's the end of the tale, and whoever listened - well done)

Often found in fairy tales and such artistic details, as repetitions of words close in meaning, traditional turns of speech, permanent epithets

1) name repetitions of words (once upon a time, unexpectedly, unexpectedly);

2) give examples of turns of speech (neither to say in a fairy tale, nor to describe with a pen; soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the work is done);

3) permanent epithets (beautiful girl, living water, good fellow).


The fable is one of the forms epic genre, or a kind of epic poetry.

Attention to the fable at school is due to a number of its merits.

1. The fable contains great opportunities for moral education students. Each fable is a well-drawn scene from life, on the example of which the writer teaches the wisdom of the people, simply and vividly talking about various human vices. The positive direction of this or that judgment is always present in a fable and with a properly organized class work well understood by students.

2. Laconism, picturesqueness and expressiveness of descriptions, accuracy and nationality of the language give extremely much for the development of thinking and speech of students. The size of a fable usually does not exceed 20-30 lines, but in terms of content it is a play with its own plot, climax and denouement. For students, a fable is a wonderful example of an extremely brief in form and capacious in content description of a case. The figurative expressions from the fable, which have become proverbs over time, attract equally both the depth of the thought contained in them and the brightness of its expression.

The method of working on a fable is determined by its specificity as a type. artwork. Such essential features of the fable as the presence of morality (moralizing) and allegory (allegory) are singled out. In fables, animals are often the characters, but this feature does not act as a mandatory feature (people can also be characters in a fable). Also not obligatory for a fable is a poetic form.

One of the central issues in the analysis of the fable in grades 2-4 is related to the disclosure of morality and allegory. When to work on the moral of a fable: before a special analysis of its specific content or after?

In the methodology, it is traditionally considered appropriate to start working on the text of the fable with the disclosure of its specific content. This is followed by a clarification of the allegorical meaning (who is meant by the characters in the fable) and, finally, morality is considered.

N.P. Kanonykin and N.A. Shcherbakov is recommended not to read the moral of the fable until the students understand the content of a particular part of the fable, until the children understand the features actors, did not transfer " characteristic features animals depicted in fables into the real human environment.

A different way of working on a fable is described by L.V. Zankov. According to L.V. Zankov, it is more expedient immediately after reading the fable, without any preliminary conversation, to offer students the question: “What is the main idea of ​​the fable?” Without resorting to the analysis of the text of the fable, students speak out about it. main idea, after which they are given a second question: "What is the moral of the fable?"

In this approach, L.V. Zankov's analysis of the fable goes from the main idea to morality and to specific content.

The success of the work on the fable is determined by a number of conditions. It is important in the process of analyzing the fable to help the student vividly imagine the development of the action, to vividly perceive the images. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct with students word drawing, and on final stage work - reading in faces. It is necessary to develop students' attention to every detail of the environment in which the characters act, to every stroke of their appearance.

are the most popular type folklore, they create an amazing art world in which all possibilities are revealed this genre in full. When we say "fairy tale", we often mean exactly magic story which captivates children from the very young years. How does she captivate her listeners/readers? Let's try to understand this and thus highlight the main features fairy tale.

Fiction is the main feature

The most important feature of a fairy tale is that its world and all events are based solely on fiction. When listing the signs of a fairy tale, one should start with the ability to tear the reader away from everyday life and transfer them to fictional world which bears no resemblance to the real one. Because in fairy world the boundaries of space and time are erased, and there are many examples of this: the thirtieth state, which is located far away, or the countdown of time, which is calculated in a magical system by such concepts as many and few.

Fabulous time is a circle that closes on itself. The story starts at magical world, a space where the laws of physics familiar to us do not apply and time is calculated according to completely different rules. Take, for example, the most common and most beloved device used in fairy tales - repetition three times (which takes leading place in the classification "signs of a fairy tale"). It is usually used at the very beginning of fairy tale events and allows you to slow down the development of actions. The finale, on the contrary, accelerates, by the way, it is always happy and often ends with a wedding.

Fascinating plot

What other signs of a fairy tale can be distinguished? The plot of the fairy tale is fascinating and very complex. It consists of episodes that are directly related to the main character and his task. The hero receives a task of a high level of difficulty, for the completion of which they promise to shower him with gold, marry a princess, or fulfill any wish. Tasks can range from finding and obtaining an exotic item to eliminating some super-strong and powerful creature. And here the most interesting thing begins in the fairy tale - the journey, which is also traditionally included in the list of "signs of a fairy tale."

It's time for the road

The protagonist goes to distant and unexplored lands and overcomes various obstacles and difficulties along the way. On a difficult journey, he wins the hearts of his comrades with good deeds, who promise to help him in a difficult task. Together, thanks to cunning, they defeat ill-wishers, of whom there are many on the way to the main goal.

By the way, the characters in fairy tales are divided into two groups. One of them includes main character together with his assistants, and in the other - the assistants of the main enemy and himself. Initially, the enemy is much stronger than the main character, and as events unfold, his advantage may also increase. But the main character always learns about the weak point of the enemy and the way to defeat him.

surprise effect

But with the possibilities of the protagonist, things are different: at first they are significantly underestimated. The signs of a fairy tale include the obligatory presence of a central and minor characters, their characteristics. About the weak mental abilities the nicknames of the protagonist can speak, sometimes he also leaves much to be desired. Thus, the effect of surprise is achieved.

When all side characters - strong, smart and skillful - fail to complete difficult task, for which a reward is due, then the main character appears, who, as it seems, can no longer cope. But still they give him a chance not to discriminate. This turn of events can be classified as "signs of a folk tale."

Thanks to his courage and good deeds during the journey main character receives various unique magical items or wins friends whom he saves from certain death. They often become talking animals, which subsequently help in completing tasks with their ideas or participate in the actions themselves.

Miracles in fairy tales are simply necessary. With their help, various phenomena can be explained, such as transformations into different creatures, instantaneous movements over any distance, and the victory of a weak positive hero over a strong negative one. All of the above can be described as signs of a folk tale.

Moral overtones

The fairy tale gives lessons and develops the right actions of the protagonist show what should be good man: he commits noble deeds and does not expect any reward for them at all. Thus, the tale instructs on the right and gives a positive example. little reader. Good must overcome evil, justice must prevail - main idea fairy tales.

All this is described in a fairy tale in a very simple, but very colorful and poetic language. The storytelling style in many of the tales is very similar, but each one is unique and interesting.

Poetics of magic

To summarize: what signs of a fairy tale did we find? It has a special composition; it contains such a technique as a threefold repetition; the fairy tale has unusual, magical plots in which miraculous transformations often occur; it also has negative and positive characters, and good always triumphs over evil.

It is not at all difficult to single out the signs of a fairy tale - this is the obligatory inclusion in the content of a certain setting for fiction, which will determine the poetics of the fairy tale. In it, there are two worlds in parallel - the real and the magical, into which the hero enters from the real. In a fairy tale, the motive of a journey can be traced, during which the main character has to go through many trials, and also in a fairy tale, some magical assistant often helps the hero or accompanies him to his cherished goal. Often, the main character is given various magical items as a gift for doing a good deed.

Magic tales. This is the most popular and favorite genre of children. They are called magical because everything that happens in its plot fantastic and significant on the task: in such a fairy tale there is necessarily a central positive hero, which. fights evil and injustice, he is helped by wizards and magic items. Russian folk tales about Ivan Tsarevich can be cited as examples.

The danger seems to be especially strong, because. main opponents- villains, representatives supernatural dark forces: Serpent Gorynych, Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal. By gaining victory over evil spirits, the hero confirms his lofty human principle, closeness to light forces nature. In the fight, he becomes even stronger and wiser, gains new friends and gains full right fortunately - to the satisfaction of little listeners.

A character in fairy tales is always bearer of certain moral qualities . The hero of the most popular fairy tales is Ivan Tsarevich. He helps many animals and birds, who are grateful to him for this, and in turn help him, his brothers, who often try to destroy him. He is represented in fairy tales as folk hero , incarnation highest moral character- courage, honesty, kindness. He is young, handsome, smart and strong. This type of bold and strong hero.

The Russian people are characterized by the consciousness that a person always meets on his way with life's difficulties, but with their good deeds he will surely overcome them. A hero endowed with such qualities as kindness, generosity, honesty deeply sympathetic to the Russian people.

Befitting such a hero female images - Elena the Beautiful, Vasilisa the Wise, Tsar Maiden, Marya Morevna. They are so beautiful that "neither in a fairy tale to say, nor to describe with a pen", and at the same time have magic, intelligence and courage. These "wise maidens" help Ivan Tsarevich escape from the sea king, find Koshcheev's death to complete difficult tasks. fairy tale heroines perfect way embody folk performances about women's beauty, kindness, wisdom .

Characters confront the main characters sharply negative- insidious, envious, cruel. Most often it is Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, the Serpent with three to nine heads, famously one-eyed. They are monstrous and ugly in appearance, insidious, cruel in the confrontation with the forces of light and good. The higher the price of the protagonist's victory.

IN difficult moments come to the aid of the protagonist helpers. These are either magical animals (Sivka-burka, pike, Gray wolf, Pig-golden bristles), or kind old women, wonderful uncles, strong men, walkers, boletus mushrooms. Wonderful items are distinguished by a great variety: a flying carpet, walking boots, a self-assembled tablecloth, an invisibility cap, living and dead water. Fleeing from persecution, the hero throws a comb - and a dense forest rises; a towel, a scarf turns into a river or a lake.

fantasy world Far Far Away Kingdom, Far Far Away State is multicolored, filled with many curiosities: milk rivers flow here with jelly banks, golden apples grow in the garden, “birds of paradise sing and sea seals meow.”

Like a fairy tale incorporates many stylistic devices of other genres folklore. Here and permanent epithets characteristic of a lyrical song (“good horse”, “dense forests”, “silk grass”, “sugar lips”), and epic hyperbole(“running - the earth trembles, smoke from the nostrils, flames from the ears”), and parallelisms: “In the meantime, the sorceress came and brought damage to the queen: Alyonushka became sick, but so thin and pale. In the royal court everything was gloomy; the flowers in the garden began to wither, the trees to dry, the grass to fade.

Sayings, traditional beginnings, endings. Their appointment - delimit fairy tale from everyday life.“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state”, “once upon a time there were” are the most characteristic beginnings of a Russian fairy tale. The ending, like the saying, usually has a comic character, it is rhythmic, rhyming, pronounced with a tongue twister. Often the storyteller ended his story with a description of the feast: “They arranged a feast for the whole world, and I was there, honey, drinking beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.” Explicitly to listeners childhood such a saying is addressed: "Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me."

4. Determining the features of the difference between a fairy tale and other similar genres.

The teacher talks about various sources of information. The next section of the project will be created by processing the audio recording.

There are excerpts from the epic "Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor", a fairy tale and legend.

"Analysts" call features these genres.

"Illustrators" show the corresponding symbol and place it on the blank for the fourth section.

The difference between a fairy tale and other similar genres

5. Determining the features of the language of a fairy tale.

The teacher informs that in this section the staged dialogue will serve as a source of information. As homework illustrators have prepared a dramatization of a fragment of a fairy tale. The task of "analysts" is to find special fabulous words and expressions.

"Analysts" name such words and expressions after watching the dramatization.

The teacher places a reproduction of Vasnetsov's painting "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" on the blank of the fifth section.

"Illustrators" make a mini-sketch based on an illustration for a fairy tale using fairy-tale words and expressions.

6. Determining usage patterns colors in a fairy tale.

The teacher makes a transition from the previous section.

By illustrations, one can judge the predominance of certain colors in fairy tales. But illustration this is just a reflection of the special coloring of fairy tales. From time immemorial people have given great importance color. Remember the indications for different colors from familiar fairy tales.

Children from any group give examples.

Compare situations where colors are mentioned and determine the approximate meaning of each color.

The task is also performed by students from any group.

For self-testing, the teacher attaches cards of different colors to the "Experimental Laboratory": yellow, red, white. On the back of each card is written the approximate meaning of this color in the fairy tale. After the assumptions made by the children, the teacher turns the card over and the corresponding word appears. After the work is completed, the cards are placed in the sixth section of the project.

VI. Project testing stage.

The teacher says that as a result of detailed processing various kinds information and fixing the results of this processing, a reference table was obtained for compiling a message about a fairy tale as a genre.

The test of the created project will be carried out by students from the group of "testers".

"Testers" tell in turn based on the compiled table.

VII. Lesson results.

What is the goal and what task did we set for ourselves at the beginning of the lesson?

Learn to use and process the information received; create a reference table during the development of the project.

Were we able to achieve our goals and objectives? What difficulties have been encountered? What seemed the most interesting?

Children respond according to the results of the work.

“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,
good fellows a lesson "(A. S. Pushkin)
(generalizing lesson on Russian folk tales)

Goals: introduce children to the origins of Russian culture; teach to appreciate native word, use beautiful Russian speech; generalize and consolidate the previously studied material about Russian folk tales, their compositional and artistic features.

Type of lesson: lesson-repetition.

Type of lesson: lesson-game.

Technology: elements of game technology.

Equipment: illustrations for Russian folk tales; fairy tale books; musical works.

Previously, the class was divided into two teams, in each of which a captain was chosen. Leaders were appointed. Each team had to prepare a performance-presentation of the team. As homework, it was necessary to prepare a dramatization of an excerpt from any Russian folk tale.

A jury is invited to the lesson, it can be high school students or teachers.

During the classes

Sounds like musical composition(the teacher, at his discretion, uses music to create emotional mood students to the lesson), students in the costumes of Russian heroes enter the class to applause folk tales, sit down in their places (by command).

Hosts enter Good fellow and the Red Maiden, who holds a loaf in her hands on a towel.

Good fellow. A low bow to you, good fellows, yes fair girls. Welcome to the amazing land of fairy tales glorious capital Skazovograd.

Red girl. Bow to you, dear guests (brings a loaf to the jury).

You eat bread and salt

Yes, listen to the story.

Good fellow. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived, there were good fellows and red maidens. They grew up, they read fairy tales, they learned good things, they gained their minds. And somehow the royal decree comes.

herald (takes out a scroll, reads).

Royal Decree!

I, the king of a fairy-tale state, command: to get ready for the journey, appear to the queen, console with knowledge, amuse with a fairy tale. And if it will be her will to find out something else. The queen has a chest of wisdom, which you cannot count for a whole century. But if you shine with your mind, you will take a gift with you.

1st presenter And we are looking for a queen in the Far Far Away kingdom, in the Far Far Away state, on green hills, among meadows and oak forests. But how can we get there, how can we get there? And where the fairy tale begins, there the miracle happens. I've got magic pouch, it has fabulous means of heels. Whatever you take from the bag, you will get to Fairytale City on that.

Approaches each team in turn, the captain takes out a piece of paper from the bag, on which it is written fabulous remedy movement.

Options: flying carpet, walking boots, Baba Yaga stupa, Emelya oven.

2nd presenter (girl in folk costume). So, good fellows, red maidens, we are going on a dangerous, but very exciting journey. Here is a ball for each team (gives balls to teams) not to get lost in fairyland.

And here is your first task: the teams need to introduce themselves.

I invite the first team.

The first team shows their business card.

Welcome to the second team.

The second team shows their business card.

After each performance, the team shows the homework.

1st leader. How long, how short, but now we are visiting the waterman.

Sounds "Song of the Waterman" from the cartoon " flying ship».

Here, a wondrous wonder awaits you: the Animal Bridge is on chains, forest birds flock here, the inhabitants of oak forests gather, fish splash under the bridge, they know the word of the prophet. Know something they know, but not everyone opens it. Everyone is glad to see you, everyone has questions in reserve.

The teacher asks the teams a question first competition:

- Name the Russian folk tales, where as characters for the 1st team bear, and for the 2nd team fox.

You are given two minutes to prepare. Teams answer in turn.

Good fellow. While the jury is evaluating the performance of the teams and the first competition, we will go further through the fairyland, and we will meet with Baba Yaga.

The piece of music “Chatushki Grandmothers Ezhek” from the cartoon “Flying Ship” sounds, three students perform a dance to this piece of music.

Baba Yaga. Fu-fu, it smells like a Russian spirit. Here I am, dear guests. Oh, how many are you? And I have enough for lunch, and for dinner, and even a dozen or two in reserve will have to be left. Didn't know whose house they were in? Well, I lured you here.

Good fellow. Wait, granny yagulenka, have pity on the guys, they are still small. The guys are ready to solve all your riddles.

Baba Yaga. And that's right. I'll take you to the Curiosity Yard. There are magical objects here: birds, animals, gems.

Why is there nothing here!

And I'll tell you, don't melt

Each one has its own secret.

The teacher conducts second competition. Children are offered magical items, for example, an apple, a tablecloth, self-assembly, a ball, a comb.

Task: what role do these magical objects play in fairy tales?

Students think and answer.

The jury sums up the results of two competitions.

2nd presenterIn the middle of Fairytale City Cave of the Serpent Gorynych, and a treasure is hidden in it. In the treasure trove of wealth is incalculable Russian speech is self-colored.

You know that there is no fairy tale without a saying. Without a saying, a fairy tale that without skids is a sled.

The teacher holds the third competition, reads the beginning of the saying, and the teams take turns finishing them.

The fairy tale is coming soon... (yes, it's not going to be done soon).

Not in a fairy tale... (not to describe with a pen).

Grows by the day... (and by the hour).

What are you, well done, not cheerful ... (violently hung his head).

Red girl. So, we have passed all the most difficult. They cheered the queen up, consoled her with knowledge, they themselves gained wits, played enough with curiosities.

Good fellow. A little bit of good, it's time to hit the road.

The jury sums up the game, rewards the teams.

At the end of the lesson, you can have a tea party.

summary by section
Fairy tale adventure Viti and Masha

Goals: repeat and summarize the knowledge gained in this section; continue to develop the horizons of students.

During the classes

The song "Fairy tales walk around the world" sounds.

Leading. This story happened in our city with third grade students Vitya and Masha. After school, the guys always walked through the park home. It was very beautiful there at any time of the year. When they walked, they looked at the flowers that appeared, fluttering butterflies above them, listened to the birds singing.

But suddenly - Masha saw a large hollow near the oak.

Masha. Vitya, Vitya, come here quickly!

Vitya. What's happened?

Masha. Look, yesterday there was no this hollow. Who could make it? Let's see what's inside.

Vitya. What are you, Masha. What if someone was hiding there?

Leading. But Masha did not listen to Vitya. She had already taken a step into the hollow, grabbing Vitya by the hand, and... they ended up in a green meadow. The grass was very soft, like silk. Looking at the meadow, where many different flowers grew, it seemed that you were standing on a carpet. Sun was shining. A forest was visible in the distance. From which "blew" fear.

Masha. Where are we? Where did you get?

Vitya. I told you not to climb into the hollow, now you have to think how to get out of here.

Masha. We'll come up with something. Look who's there? He runs, the earth trembles, smoke pours out of his ears, flames burst from his nostrils.

Leading. Guys, from which fairy tale is the horse? How to call him?

Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of grass!

Vitya. Sivka-burka, where are we, where are we?

Sivka-burka . You are in fairyland.

Masha. Can I see your country?

Sivka-burka . Of course you can. To do this, you need to answer my questions and the questions of everyone you meet, then you can return home.

1) How many times did Ivanushka visit the princess? (3 times.)

2) What mushrooms did Ivanushka bring? (fly agaric.)

3) What words end the fairy tale "Sivka-burka"? (“I was at that feast, I drank honey-beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.”)

Sivka-burka . Get on me.

Leading. And they galloped through the fields, through the meadows, through fairy kingdoms. They come to a fork in three roads. They look, the stone lies, and on it is written: “Who will go to the right will be rich. Who will go to the left will lose a friend. Who will go straight he himself will be lost and will not save his friend.

And Sivka-burka disappeared.

Vitya. Masha, let's go right, I want to be rich. I'll buy myself a cake, ice cream and treat you.

Masha. Scary, what if there's a trap?

Vitya. If it's scary, we'll call Sivka-burka.

Masha. Okay, let's go.

Leading. They go, go and see: the forest sparkles, the glade shimmers with gold, on the trees instead of leaves gold coins, flowers in the clearing are all made of gold. Vitya and Masha began to pluck the leaves and put them in their pockets. (Masha picked up a bouquet of golden flowers, handed it out to the guys.) Suddenly the sky darkened, the sun hid, Koschei the Deathless appeared.

Koschei the Deathless. Who gave you permission to tear my flowers and pluck the golden leaves? Now you will stay with me forever and will forever serve me, take care of my gold. But you have one chance. On reverse side The question is written on a piece of paper, whoever answers it correctly, I will let him go.

Students answer questions and return flowers and leaves.

1. On how many oaks did the Nightingale the Robber sit? (on three.)

2. What heroes were at the feast of Prince Vladimir?

3. How did Ivanushka from the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka” become a boy again?

4. How did Nikita Kozhemyaka defeat the snake?

5. How did Nikita Kozhemyak and Zmey divide the land?

6. What did the brothers guard in the fairy tale "Sivka-burka"?

7. What did the brothers guard in the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"?

8. Who did Ivan catch in the fairy tale "Sivka-burka"?

9. Who did Ivan Tsarevich catch in the tale of the Gray Wolf?

10. Where did Dobrynya Nikitich live?

11. How old was Ilya Muromets?

12. What was the nickname of Dobrynya Nikitich?

Leading. As soon as the last leaf was returned to Koshchei, the guys were again near the stone.

Vitya. Yes, you can't get rich.

Masha. But they remained alive. Let's go home.

Vitya. No, go left. Let's find out what's there.

Leading. Vitya and Masha are walking along the path, they see a hut on chicken legs.

What needs to be said to the hut so that it turns to them?

Masha and Vitya. Hut-hut, stand back to the forest, and front to us.

Leading. Vitya and Masha entered the hut, and Baba Yaga lived there.

Baba Yaga. Now I have lunch and dinner.

Masha. Wait, Baba Yaga, why eat us, I'll cook so many tasty things for you now.

And she began to cook.

Leading. Baba Yaga ate and became kinder.

Baba Yaga. Well, thanks for the food. For this I will not eat you, but I will not let you go either. I'm bored here alone. Nobody plays with me.

Vitya. Let's play Guess the Story. The guys will read the passage, and we will guess, and vice versa.

1. "Walked, walked - the sun is high, the well is far away, the heat is pestering, the sweat comes out."

2. “The horse is running, the earth is trembling, smoke is pouring out of the ears, flames are blazing from the nostrils.” ("Sivka-burka")

3. "And the king had a magnificent garden." ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf".)

4. "- Let me go, mother, go to the Puchai River, swim in the icy water - the summer heat has exhausted me." (“Dobrynya and the Serpent.”)

5. “- Do you feel a lot of strength in yourself?

“A lot, strangers. If only I had a shovel, I plowed the whole earth. (“Healing of Ilya Muromets.”)

6. “- What kind of ignoramus is driving here, past my reserved oaks?”

7. "The witch ordered to build high fires, heat cast-iron boilers, sharpen damask knives." (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.”)

8. “The brothers returned home and told their wives what they saw in the city: - Well, mistresses, what a fine fellow came to the king! We have never seen anything like this. Only three logs did not jump to the princess. ("Sivka-burka")

9. " The right word said the priest's son - it is not good for a hero to sit at a feast, to grow a stomach. Let me go, prince, to the wide steppes, to see if the enemy is prowling native Rus', whether the robbers lay down somewhere. (“Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber.”)

10. “I told you not to move the cage! Why didn't you listen to my order?

- Okay, sit on me. I took hold of the tug, don’t say that it’s not hefty. ” ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf".)

11. “He drove up to the Oka River, rested his shoulder in high mountain that was on the shore, and dumped it into the Oka River. The mountain blocked the channel, the river flowed in a new way. (“Healing of Ilya Muromets.”)

12. “From the whip at Burushka, strength came, he began to jump high, throw stones a mile away, began to shake off the serpents' feet away from them. He beats them with his hoof and tears them with his teeth and trampled them all to the last. (“Dobrynya and the Serpent.”)

Vitya. We played with you, grandmother, now let's go home.

Baba Yaga. No, I still want to. I want to be told fairy tales, but not those that I have already heard, but new ones invented by you. And the beginning will be like this ... "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ..."

Students in a "chain", one sentence at a time, come up with a fairy tale.

Baba Yaga. Thank you, pleased. How I don’t want to let you go, but I keep my word, even though Baba Yaga. Go. If you are still here, come in, play, tell each other fairy tales.

Leading. Masha and Vitya said goodbye to Baba Yaga and moved on. We came back to the stone.

Masha. I won't go middle road Let's get lost together. I want to go home. Let's call Sivka-burka, and he will take us home.

Vitya. But nothing happened to us. Let's go and find out what's out there. And if we can't do it, then we'll call Sivka-burka, and he'll rush us off in an instant.

Leading. Vitya and Masha went along the middle, straight path. They walk, look around, do not want to lose each other. They go, they see swamp, and in the swamp bumps, on bumps objects from fairy tales (words). If you guess which fairy tale the object is from, you can cross the swamp.

Leading. The guys went through the swamp. They go further. see mountain. Do not bypass it, do not climb over it. Watching inscription: “If you write the words correctly, the rock will open and you will see a passage. If there is a mistake in even one word, then stones will fall and overwhelm you.


1. What was the name of the horse of Ilya Muromets?

2. Which river did Dobrynya Nikitich go to?

4. In which city did Vladimir the Red Sun reign?


2. How much did the arrow of Ilya Muromets weigh?

3. What did Ivanushka the Fool bring in a basket?

5. What was the name of Kozhemyaku?

6. Who turned Ivanushka into a kid?

Leading. Opened the passage to the mountains. Masha and Vitya walked along it and ended up in a clearing. And on it are stones, on them are inscriptions. If you do not find a pair for each stone, then the Serpent Gorynych will fly in and eat you.

Vitya. Okay, say the spell.

The guys all together call Sivka-burka.

Sivka-burka . Wanted to go home? But first, tell me three fairy tales where there is also a horse, and three fairy tales where magic happens.

Well done, now get on me, I'll take you home.

Leading. Before the guys had time to catch their breath, they ended up in the park. They took their portfolios and went home.

Teacher. What works of oral folk art have we repeated?

- Name your favorite characters.

What actions of the heroes do you disapprove of?

How do all fairy tales end? Why?

How did our story end?

fable. acquaintance with new
literary genre

Goals: develop Creative skills students, the need for reading, the ability to independently learn new things, based on existing knowledge.

Equipment: a card with the name "Aesop"; cards "fable", "fabulist"; portrait of I. A. Krylov; sheets with the text of Aesop's fable "The Fox and the Grapes"; explanatory dictionaries(Shvetsova, Ozhegov); reference table for independent reading(see Attachment); a card with terms familiar and unfamiliar to children: morality, winged words, personification, allegory. (A door is drawn on the back of the card.)

Every nation has its own fairy tale. The story is one of ancient species verbal art. It contains vital and social philosophy people, which is determined by its way of life, history. "A fairy tale is a narrative, usually folk-poetic work about fictitious persons and events, mainly with the participation of magical, fantastic forces." It is one of the genres of folklore or literature.

Exceptionally large artistic significance Russian folk tale. The fairy tale as a product of oral folk art absorbed national traits Russian people. Her national specifics reflected in the language, the details of everyday life, the nature of the description of landscapes. It fully recreates the way of Russian life.

Already in Ancient Rus' the people themselves singled out the tale as special genre oral poetry, distinguishing it from tradition, legend and myth.

A fairy tale in Rus' has long been one of the favorite and popular types folklore among the people. It was simple and understandable, close to every person. The fairy tales manifested the spiritual originality of the Russian people, their perception of the world around them, their worldview.

Being one of the genres of folklore, the fairy tale reveals the philosophy, ethics and aesthetics of the people. It has the most marked national and cultural specificity. A fairy tale is a means of moral education of a person, an example of human virtues.

Russian folk tales are an inexhaustible source of the wisdom of the people, who imprinted their ideals and aspirations in it. They store the knowledge and experience of the people, have a moral, educational, instructive character. Russian folk tales are the repository of the people's consciousness. They are imbued with a deep faith in the power of goodness and justice, in the victory of the moral principle in man.

Of particular interest are Russian folk tales from the point of view of their stylistic specificity. Not only their content, but also stylistic features texts serve as a means of moral education of the reader.

Words that have an emotional and stylistic coloring are widely used in Russian folk tales. So, the use of diminutives is typical, that is, “words with an affix that gives the meaning of diminutive”. For accurate display assessments of objects and phenomena of reality in Russian folk tales, diminutive affixes are used: brother, teremok, “cockerel-golden comb”, “Little-Havroshechka”, “well done archer”. Their main function is to make the presentation smooth, emotional, melodious. So, in the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, nouns with a diminutive meaning are already used four times in the title itself. They not only reflect the author's subjective assessment of the characters, but also carry an emotional aspect.

Often in Russian fairy tales, short, truncated forms of adjectives are used. Today, although the short form of adjectives exists, it is becoming less and less common. Fairy tales are the source of numerous examples of the use of such adjectives (“beautiful girl”, “good fellows”, “red sun”, “blue sea”). They give speech a special imagery and expressiveness. Often they use short forms verbs (“grab” instead of grabbed, “get up” instead of go).

Russian folk tales are characterized by the frequent use of emotionally expressive vocabulary, which allows expressing a positive or negative assessment of the characters and current events. So, when reading fairy tales, the reader repeatedly comes across such expressions as “good fellow”, “red maiden”, “good horse”, which clearly show positive attitude to the heroes.

One of the features of folk tales is the widespread use of certain combinations of words, identical constructions: “in a certain kingdom, far away - in a faraway state”, “in distant kingdom”, “a feast for the whole world”, “neither in a fairy tale to say, nor to describe with a pen”, “soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done”, “how long, how short”, “go wherever your eyes look”, “they began live - live and make good. Fairy tales are a reflection of the richness of the speech of the people. The special expressiveness of the narration is achieved through the use of various turns of speech. Russian folk tales are characterized by the use of numerous epithets, metaphors that change the emotional coloring of the work (“gilded carriage”, “red sun”, “ clear month”,“ mighty shoulders”). Along with them, metaphorical epithets are used (“sugar lips”, “living/dead water”). In Russian fairy tales, constant epithets are often used (“beautiful girl”, “good fellow”, “ Gray wolf”, “Good horse”, “Clean field”, “Written beauty”) and stable phrases (“He hung his head below his shoulders”, “Go where your eyes look”, “Feast for the whole world”).

Personifications in Russian folk tales give the narrative a special dynamism (“The sisters wanted to knock them down - the leaves of the eyes fall asleep, they wanted to rip them off - the knots of the braids are untwisted”).

The colloquial and everyday style is rich in phraseological units. From folk tales, many phraseological units came into Russian speech (“and I was there, drinking honey and beer”, “hut on chicken legs”, “Koschey the Immortal”, “Lisa Patrikeevna”, “a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”, “no sooner said than done”, “under Tsar Peas”, “neither to say in a fairy tale, nor to describe with a pen”). The use of such phraseological units made it possible to give a vivid, accurate description of the hero, to logically, consistently express his thoughts, to make his speech more emotional. So, in the Russian folk tale “Geese-Swans”, the reader repeatedly comes across such phraseological units as “fill in tears” (“She called him, burst into tears, lamented that it would be bad from her father and mother, - the brother did not respond”), “bad glory ”(“ Then she guessed that they had taken away her brother: there had long been a bad reputation about swan geese - that they were fooling around, taking away small children ”),“ neither alive nor dead ”(“ The girl is sitting neither alive nor dead, crying …”).

Interjections are often found in the text of fairy tales, allowing to show emotional condition heroes (“Ah, Ivan Tsarevich, what have you done!”).

Russian folk tales are characterized by the use of such stylistic figures as anaphora (monogamy), syntactic parallelism (“The elder brother shot an arrow. An arrow fell on the boyar court, and her boyar daughter raised it. The middle brother shot an arrow - an arrow flew to a rich merchant in the yard. Raised her merchant's daughter. Ivan Tsarevich fired an arrow - his arrow flew right into the swampy swamp, and the frog-frog raised it ..."), lexical repetitions ("Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, front to me!"), giving the narrative a special dynamism, emphasizing the structural connection of two or three elements of the style of the work.

Characteristic for Russian folk tales is the use of such a stylistic figure of speech as default (“Ivan Tsarevich fired an arrow - his arrow flew right into the swampy swamp, and the frog-frog raised it ...”, “My father ordered that you yourself bake by morning loaf of bread…”). This "stylistic device, in which the expression of thought remains unfinished, is limited to a hint" allows you to convey the excitement of speech, suggests that the reader himself will guess what was not said.

Building sentences without the use of unions allows you to achieve the effect of dynamism, swiftness (“All the guests were alarmed, jumped up from their seats”, “The guests began to eat, drink, have fun”, “As the guests got up from the table, music began to play, dancing began”). Unionlessness in Russian folk tales serves to enhance expression. The use of asyndeton allows you to convey a quick change in actions, impressions of heroes, paintings that serve as a background for ongoing events.

The speech of the characters reflects the most characteristics colloquial vocabulary. Russian folk tales use numerous obsolete words, archaisms (room), vernacular and colloquial vocabulary(to grieve, to click, to help, tricky, dancing, sideways). They are one of critical components vocabulary alive colloquial speech carriers literary language. colloquial words are used as a stylistic means to give speech a playful, ironic tone. They are used in Russian folk tales as expressive, expressive synonyms words of neutral vocabulary.

Thus, genre features Russian folk tales, the tropes and stylistic figures of speech used in them, give the narrative figurativeness and expressiveness, make the text of the tale understandable and accessible to every reader.


  1. Afanasiev A.N. Folk Russian fairy tales. - 2nd ed., revised again. - M.: K. Soldatenkov, 1873. - Book. I-IV
  2. Warbot Zh.Zh., Zhuravlev A.F. Brief conceptual and terminological guide to etymology and historical lexicology. - Russian Academy Sciences: Institute of the Russian Language. V.V. Vinogradov RAN, 1998. - 54 p.
  3. Efremova T. New dictionary Russian language - M .: Russian language, 2000.
  4. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language - 25th edition, corrected. and additional - M .: Onyx Publishing House LLC: Mir and Education Publishing House LLC, 2006. - 976 p.

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