Danil Pluzhnikov. "We are beaten, we fly"


The third season of the popular musical TV show “Voice. Children ”and the winner of numerous youth music competitions.

Danil Pluzhnikov was born in Adler, the regional center of one of the four inner city districts of the resort city of Sochi. The boy was born in a family where both parents love music. Mom sings and plays the piano, father plays drums and guitar. It is not surprising that little Danya, having barely learned to speak, was already singing all the songs from the Bremen Town Musicians under karaoke.

The clear and cloudless sky above this family began to become covered with clouds when Danil was 10 months old. Mom noticed that her son stopped growing and gaining weight. The doctors at first reassured him and did not share their own suspicions, but soon made a disappointing diagnosis: the boy had spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia of the upper and lower extremities. It is a complex systemic bone disease.

But life went on. And courageous parents did everything in their power to ensure that their son received from this life everything that it can give him. Danil Pluzhnikov goes to school. True, the method of home education was chosen for him: 4 lessons with teachers and 7 more on the Internet. At the same time, the boy does not demand any concessions for himself and does not allow himself to relax: Danil is an excellent student.


Dani has many hobbies. The boy loves to ride a skateboard and a special scooter that resembles a two-seater mini car. Danil Pluzhnikov also loves to draw and write poetry. But main love Dani's life is music.

Several times a week, parents take their son to a music school, where Danil diligently practices vocals. Not so long ago, Danil Pluzhnikov began composing instrumental music, picking up a motive on the synthesizer.

The first victories were not slow to appear. The first year of vocal lessons with her beloved teacher Victoria Brendaus brought Dana 11 awards. Pluzhnikov regularly attended various music competitions. Some were held far from their native Sochi. Today, the young performer has more than 20 medals of the 1st degree and 7 awards of the 2nd.

In 2014, when Sochi hosted Olympic Games, Danil Pluzhnikov also did not stand aside. The young musician was invited to meet the Paralympians, and Danil agreed with pleasure.

This small in stature- only 98 centimeters - a huge and kind heart. A boy, worthily and courageously bearing the burden of his own difficult fate does charity work. Danil Pluzhnikov regularly visits the Moscow Cancer Center, where he sings and plays the synthesizer for the smallest patients.

Danil admits that these trips are not easy for him, because it is very scary to see seriously ill children and understand that some of them cannot be saved. But smiles and good mood kids are given the feeling that he is doing a good and necessary thing.

"Voice. Children"

The decision to participate in the 3rd season of the show “Voice. Children ”was not easy for Danil Pluzhnikov. The boy had long dreamed of going on stage and, along with other talented guys, to prove that he sings no worse. But the fear of a huge audience, which is not limited only to those present in the hall, restrained this impulse of the musician. As a result, Danya decided and did not lose.

The 13-year-old singer took the stage with a wonderful Cossack song"Two Eagles". Before leaving, he admitted that he dedicated the chosen song to his grandfather, who went through the war. Danil is alarmed that the feat of that heroic generation is underestimated by his peers, and they began to forget who gave them life.

The boy performed this song so thoughtfully and without a hint of pretense that he impressed not only the audience, but even sophisticated mentors. At the last minutes of the song, he turned to the boy and gasped. A little later, Bilan admitted that his heart almost stopped when he felt the extraordinary, adult spirituality that such a young boy filled the music and words with.

She expressed her sincere admiration. The singer said that this song "goes" with Dani's voice. But the main thing is that in execution young musician"Two Eagles" sounded like an adult, thoughtfully.

From the stage, Danila Pluzhnikov was carried away in his arms by Dmitry Nagiyev, admiring the courage and talent of the boy. The mentors noted that the performer from Sochi has unlimited possibilities and undoubted talent.

The audience saw the singer off with a standing ovation. Danila was congratulated by the Our Future Foundation on the successful completion of the Blind Auditions stage.

In the show "Voice. Children ”the little musician constantly surprised the audience and the jury. Danil Pluzhnikov appeared on the screens in the fourth episode of the third season music show"Voice. Children”, which aired on Friday 11 March 2016.

On April 1, 2016, Danil Pluzhnikov appeared already in the episode of the show at the stages of "Fights" and "Song for the Departure". At the “Duels” stage, Danil sang the song “Oh, roads ...” by Novikov and. The boy was the second participant in the third trio and became the winner of the stage.

In the competition "Song for the Departure" Danil Pluzhnikov again sang the song "Two Eagles" by Gazmanov, which brought the young performer victory in the auditions. The song didn't disappoint this time. young singer- Danil went to the next, final, stage.

Another triumph of the young performer was the final, in which the boy sang the song "They beat us, we fly." After Pluzhnikov touched the audience and the jury again, the boy went to the superfinal. Danil Pluzhnikov's rivals were with the song "Do not disturb my soul, violin" and with "Rubber Hedgehog". Daniil Pluzhnikov himself performed the hit "I'm Free". 61.7% of viewers voted for Danil.

April 29, 2016 Danil Pluzhnikov became the winner of the show "Voice. Children-3" under the guidance of project mentor Dima Bilan. In addition, Pluzhnikov made three out-of-competition performances. The young musician took part in the combined performances of the children of the project on the songs "Cisara" and "The Winner Takes It All", and also sang the song "I Remember You" together with the mentor Dima Bilan and teammates.

Pluzhnikov is a multiple participant in the Foundation's projects. In February of this year, the young Sochi singer participated in International festival-competition"Success Factor", which took place in hometown musician. Then creative biography Danila Pluzhnikova was replenished with another victory: the boy became a laureate of the 1st degree.

Personal life

The boy admits that his small stature does not interfere with his life at all. Danil realized long ago that he would never become like his peers, and began to calmly relate to the reaction of others.

Today, the personal life of Danil Pluzhnikov and the most big love- it `s music. Danil loves different songs, but always with deep meaning. In addition to the songs of Oleg Gazmanov, the young performer's repertoire includes compositions and.

Danil is also fond of composing music, the boy even received the Grand Prix for his own composing work. Fans of Pluzhnikov's work hope to soon hear the author's music performed by the young artist.

Danil Pluzhnikov now

After winning the TV show “Voice. Children ”Danil Pluzhnikov began touring Russia. In 2016, the young musician performed at the Invasion rock festival in front of a crowd of two hundred thousand. The song “I am free”, which Danil performed in the project “Voice. Children ”inspired the organizers to take a crazy, but at the same time logical step: to invite the boy to perform with Valery Kipelov, who performs this composition in the original. As a result, Kipelov and Pluzhnikov performed with two songs "I am free" and "Lizaveta".

In 2017, on Russia Day, Danil Pluzhnikov spoke at holiday concert in Sochi. The boy sang along with the Yin-Yang group, which became the headliners of the event.

In 2017 Danil Pluzhnikov performed with new song"Pilgrim". This is a composition written specifically for a young musician after winning the children's "Voice". The musician also presented this song to the public in Sochi, but already on solo concert which took place on 15 July.

Once again, with a new composition, the young singer delighted the audience at grand opening the First World Congress of People with Disabilities at the Palace of Team Sports in Yekaterinburg. The musician also recorded this track in the studio, and today the composition "Pilgrim" is available for purchase on the iTunes platform.


Danil Pluzhnikov has not yet released a solo album, but the songs performed by the young musician were included in two collections:

  • 2016 - #LIVE
  • 2017 - "Two Eagles" (a collection released as part of the "Voice. Children" project)

Singles on iTunes:

  • 2017 - "Pilgrim"

Danil Pluzhnikov is a participant in the third season of the television contest “Voice. Children”, winner of the Sochi music festival “Wind Rose - 2015”, winner of many music awards. The boy who came from Sochi - whole list medical diagnoses, common sense which boils down to the fact that he serious problems with a skeleton, with the development of bones - at the age of 13, Danila's height is 98 centimeters. He is very charming, knows how to keep the audience, in addition to music lessons, he also draws, including on a computer. Behind all Danila's victories is not only his talents, his invested strength, but also the strength, the love of his loved ones. First of all, his mother - Irina Afanasyeva.

Danil Pluzhnikov, 14 years old, city of Sochi. A disabled child with diagnoses of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia of the upper and lower extremities, metaphyseal dysplasia, achondroplasia. Engaged in music, vocals. From the age of 11 he has been performing at international competitions. During the first year, he collected 11 awards. He has 21 laureate diplomas of the 1st degree, 7 - of the 2nd degree and 1 diploma of the 3rd degree. Engaged in volunteer activities.

“Until ten months, Danil developed, as it should be for a baby at his age,” says Irina. - And then I began to notice that something was wrong: my son stopped growing, gaining weight. The doctors said: "Mommy, don't be nervous, everything is in order." But I saw that there was cause for concern. Continued trips to the doctors.

We have orthopedic doctors in the Adler district, whose consultation turned out to be necessary, and now there are not many, but then, thirteen years ago, there were none at all, only surgeons. We went to Krasnodar for examination. We were not properly diagnosed, only achondroplasia, a systemic disease of the skeleton, is questionable. And since there is no clear diagnosis, it means that it is impossible to get a disability, and without it, documented, it is impossible to start treatment ...

The first year I cried, I was nervous. Then she said to herself: “This is my dear child and I need to help him first of all, and not to dismiss nurses, feeling sorry for myself. I took matters into my own hands."

Three years later, we went for an examination at our own expense to Moscow, to the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics "CITO named after N.N. Priorov." The doctor, to whom we got an appointment, made the same diagnosis and is also questionable. But she gave a certificate, and on it we were finally able to issue a disability.

When Danilka was 6 years old, we, already free of charge, again went to Moscow, in the "CITO named after N.N. Priorov" and our son underwent the first operation. He was in plaster for a month. And then I was advised by the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after G. Ilizarov, where the technique is completely different, Ilizarov devices are installed: on the second or third day after the operation, the child was forced to stand up and start moving a little. A month later, with these devices, the children ran along the corridors, played football. At the Ilizarov Center, we performed two operations, straightened the deformities and increased the height by five centimeters on each leg.

Then it was decided to take a break, so as not to harm, do not touch anything until the age of 13-14. When the time came, we got in line for the operation, passed all the examinations, and in November 2015 we had to go to the operation. And this means - for a while to fall out of the usual rhythm of life. And then we learn that Danya passed the casting. What a face he had, how he was worried that he was succeeding, that he seemed to have already achieved something here, but he needed to have an operation. I talked to the doctors, and they met us halfway, agreeing to postpone the operation until June. Now we all make it!

adorable boy

When Danila was little, I worked for some time as a janitor in the hostel where we live: it was convenient. And then I had to leave my job: I had to be with my son all the time, and for 10 years now I have always been there.

Danila is such a bright child that he attracts love. Dad does not have a soul in him. Our relatives and close friends adore him. Eldest daughter(they are 20 years apart) thinks she has the best brother in the world. She now lives in another city, raises my grandchildren, and before that she always helped me a lot. When at one time she lived in Moscow and we came to her, she ran with us to all clinics, doctors ...

So it’s strange for me to hear that relatives stop communicating when they find out that the family is disabled, the husbands leave. Our dad is always there, always supportive, and I can't imagine what else is possible.

My husband and I have always had a good relationship, we always find mutual language we can talk for hours. My daughter once said: “Mom, you have been living together for so many years, what can you talk about? Aren't you tired of it?"

"They're just stupid"

The reaction of outsiders may be different. It may also be very inadequate. This, I think, from a lack of education, from ignorance, illiteracy. I noticed confirmation of this after the Olympics and the Paralympic Games in Sochi. Many Paralympians came and locals went to watch their performances, saw how these heroic people, often overcoming themselves, overcoming such difficulties that it is incomprehensible to the mind, give out incredible records. They performed better than our healthy athletes.

Danilka, by the way, has a lot of impressions from these days. He spent the Paralympic Games in sports villages, in the Olympic Park, talked with athletes, took pictures. I return to my thought: people saw the performances of the Paralympic athletes, met them on the street and something changed in their heads. They began to relate to the disabled in many ways differently. Two years have already passed, and this difference before the Paralympics and after is very noticeable. Although still some savagery remained.

But I still had to change my attitude to people's reactions first. As the saying goes, you can't change the world, change your attitude to the world. Yes, all people are different. Sometimes children come up and ask: “Why is the boy so small? How old are you? Ten? And I'm four." Now I react calmly. And before she was angry. Not for a child asking what to take from him, of course, he is interested, but for his parents. After all, this baby goes next to his parents, and they do not stop him when he runs towards us. Stop your child. Explain quietly, tactfully. And if adults do not teach, then how will children know everything?

I remember being small. For me, if I started point-blank it was completely impolite to look at a person on crutches or at wheelchair, my mother said: “I saw it, look away. Act like you didn't notice, like nothing happened. Because they are internally hurt by such obsessive attention: they are the same as us. And I remember this, although my mother has long been dead, I myself am a mother and grandmother.

In terms of correct response good lesson Danya himself gave it to me when he was three or four years old. He usually moves around in a wheelchair. And then he decided to just walk with his legs, got up, went. People who were nearby said some kind of rude faux pas. I, like a tigress, began to defend my son, could not stand it, said something, cut me off. And mine smart child looks up at me and says: “Mom, don't be nervous. What are you nervous about, they're just stupid. Don't waste your nerves."

On a scooter

At school, Danila rarely communicates with peers: he homeschooling. Four teachers come to his home, the rest of the lessons are remote, via Skype.

The social circle is basically two music schools that Danya goes to. He studies the synthesizer, the piano ... The children see that the boy is very good, successfully studying music. He can easily write dictations, knows solfeggio, writes some music. And the teacher likes what he writes. He plays complex programs with his little hands. So on the synthesizer in the third grade he played works of the fifth grade, the sixth. Children respect Danila, appreciate. You can't fool them.

Danil travels around the microdistrict on a specially equipped scooter. To be honest, I was afraid to let him go, albeit through the microdistrict, along the sidewalk. But then our dad took the floor: “What are you doing with him, like with a small child, he is already an adult guy, responsible, understands everything perfectly.” Yes, he really understands everything perfectly and you can trust him. Danya sits on this scooter and drives perfectly. There are joysticks, special controls for the disabled.

I always try to build on what Danil likes, what he has a penchant for. First I see it all, and then I put it into action. Because I would not have taken him to a music school if I had not seen that he was doing something.

Not everything goes straight smoothly, sometimes you have to push, force - Danya is the most ordinary teenager.

But in general, the transitional age is going smoothly for us. Danya is wise beyond his years. In many respects, I try to talk to him on an equal footing, as with an adult.

Although sometimes it happens that he doesn’t obey, he becomes stubborn, I can’t stand it, but I’ll hit the table with the words: “So, quickly go clean your room, as long as you can endure the mess!”

Despite Danila's sore legs, I force him to take care of myself, because my husband and I are well aware that we are not eternal, and he must learn to live without us. God grant that this happens as soon as possible. For the sake of the son.

So we have "skirmishes" about cleanliness, order. But in general, I repeat, Danil has been an adult for a long time. We are friends with him. He tells me very confidential things that he probably does not tell anyone else.

About life

In Dani's room we tried our best to financial plan, build everything under it. Where necessary - stairs, chairs. The desk is low. The table and chairs were made by our dad himself. Everything else in the apartment, unfortunately, is not available to Dana. Especially in the kitchen - it’s generally hard for him there. My dream is to make comfortable furniture for my son there, with low shelves and so on. But everything, as usual, rests on finances.


I buy clothes in stores where you can buy, say, jeans for a two-year-old boy, and an eight-year-old, and a teenager. I buy, say, jeans for a seven-year-old, and then remake them. As well as other clothes. To be in size, fashionable. but not for kindergarten kids

Before the performance, she told her son: “Do not think about whether one of the jury members will turn to you or not. Actually it's not that important. You are already on stage. Sing not for the jury at all, but for those people who came to listen. And he sang so really well, with a vengeance.

Danil Pluzhnikov became a real discovery of the most popular TV project "Voice. Children". This is a small star - a triumph of will, a real feat. An example of a young Danila Pluzhnikova- living proof of how it is possible in defiance terrible disease do what you love to achieve creative success overcoming everything life's troubles. At

Danil Pluzhnikov was born in Adler, a resort part of the hero city of Sochi. The boy was born into a family where both parents love music. Mother Danila Pluzhnikova sings beautifully and plays the piano, his father specializes in percussion instruments but also plays the guitar quite well.
It is not surprising that in such a family a small Danya Pluzhnikov, having barely learned to speak, he already sang all the songs from the Bremen Town Musicians under karaoke.

The clear and cloudless sky above this family began to become cloudy when Danila Pluzhnikov turned 10 months old. Mom noticed that her son stopped growing and gaining weight. The doctors at first reassured him and did not share their suspicions, but soon made a disappointing diagnosis: the boy had a complex systemic bone disease. Severe Diagnosis Danila Pluzhnikova sounds like this: spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia of the upper and lower extremities.

But life went on. And courageous parents did everything in their power so that their son would receive from this life everything that it can give him. Danil Pluzhnikov goes to school. True, the method of home education was chosen for him: 4 lessons with teachers and 7 more on the Internet. At the same time, the boy does not require any concessions for himself and does not allow himself to relax: Danil Pluzhnikov- excellent student.

At Danila Pluzhnikova many hobbies. He loves to ride a skateboard and a special scooter that resembles a two-seater mini-car. He also loves to draw and write poetry. But the main love of Dani's life is music.

Several times a week, parents take their son to a music school, where he diligently practices vocals. Not so long ago Danil Pluzhnikov began to compose instrumental music, picking up a motive on a synthesizer. Moreover, it tends to rhythmically complex works, to rock music, remaining absolutely indifferent to primitive rap creations from performers like or, say, .

The first victories were not slow to appear. In the very first year of vocal lessons with his beloved teacher Victoria Brandaus, they brought Danila Pluzhnikov 11 awards. Pluzhnikov regularly participated in various music competitions, some of which were held far from his native Sochi. Now the young performer has more than two dozen medals of the 1st degree and 7 awards of the 2nd.

In 2014, when the Olympic Games were held in Sochi, Danil Pluzhnikov also did not stay away. Our hero was invited to meet the Paralympians, and he agreed with pleasure.

This small stature - only 98 centimeters - has a huge and kind heart. The boy, worthily and courageously bearing the burden of his own difficult fate, is engaged in charity work. He visits the Moscow Cancer Center, where he sings and plays the synthesizer for the smallest patients.
Danil admits that these trips are not easy for him, because it is very scary to see seriously ill children and understand that some of them cannot be saved. But the smiles and good mood of the kids give the feeling that he is doing a good and necessary thing.

The decision to take part in the 3rd season of the show “Voice. Children" was given Danila Pluzhnikov not easy. The boy had long dreamed of going on stage and, along with other talented guys, proving that he sings no worse. But the fear of a huge audience, which is not limited only to those present in the hall, somewhat restrained. But Danya decided and did not lose.

The 13-year-old singer took the stage with Oleg Gazmanov's wonderful Cossack song "Two Eagles". Before leaving, he admitted that he dedicated the chosen song to his grandfather, who went through the war. The young artist expressed concern and regret over the fact that the feat of that heroic generation is underestimated by his peers, and they began to forget who gave them life.

He performed this song so thoughtfully and without a hint of pretense that he impressed not only the audience, but even sophisticated mentors. At the last minutes of the song, he turned to the boy and gasped. A little later, Bilan admitted that his heart almost stopped when he felt the extraordinary, adult spirituality that such a young boy filled the music and words with.

Pelageya also expressed her sincere admiration. She said that this song really suits Dani's voice. But the main thing is that in his performance "Two Eagles" sounded very adult, thoughtful.

From the stage Danila Pluzhnikova Dmitry Nagiyev, immensely admired by the courage and talent of the boy, carried him away in his arms. According to all mentors, the performer from Sochi has unlimited possibilities and undoubted talent.

The audience saw the singer off with a standing ovation. The Our Future Foundation congratulated Danila on the successful completion of the Blind Auditions stage. Pluzhnikov is a multiple participant in the Foundation's projects. In February of this year, the young Sochi singer participated in the International Festival-Competition "Success Factor", which was held in his hometown. Then creative biography Danila Pluzhnikov replenished with another victory: he became a laureate of the 1st degree.

On April 29, 2016, Danil Pluzhnikov became the winner of the show “Voice. Children-3" under the guidance of project mentor Dima Bilan.

Personal life
The boy admits that he does not interfere at all in Everyday life his small stature. He had long realized that he would never become like his peers, and began to take the reaction of others calmly.

All personal life of Danila Pluzhnikov and his greatest love is music. He loves different songs, but always with a deep meaning. In addition to the songs of Oleg Gazmanov, his repertoire includes compositions by Grigory Leps and Valery Meladze.

Mother of the participant “Voice. Children" by Danila Pluzhnikov: "Dima Bilan does not lisp with his son"
Irina Vladimirovna told what was left behind the scenes of the show with the participation of her son, who left no one indifferent. This broadcast of "blind auditions" turned out to be very exciting and touching: the mentors listened intently to the next participant.

This broadcast of “blind auditions” turned out to be very exciting and touching: the mentors listened intently to the next participant, and when Dima Bilan turned to face the stage, having made his choice, he could hardly contain his surprise: in front of him stood a boy only 98 cm tall, who had just performed on good professional level Oleg Gazmanov's song "Two Eagles". “My heart will stop now,” were Dima’s first words.

Many are concerned about the age of the young artist. Danil Pluzhnikov - 14 years old lives with his parents in Adler. He has been disabled since childhood, but despite poor health, he has always been a sociable and energetic child. From the age of 9 he has been studying music - he goes to two music schools at once - he takes vocal lessons and playing the synthesizer, sings in Sochi vocal group"Elegy".

“Danil often participates in music competitions, - says mother Irina Afanasyeva, - many times became the winner and laureate. And last summer, at one of these festivals, we were advised to send an application for the project “Voice. Children". For some reason, we had not thought about this before, but then it became curious and we filled out an application for participation on the website. And we were invited."

The boy's mother is a pianist by education, but she has not yet had a chance to work by profession. Irina Afanasyeva helps her son to select songs for performances, advises, directs.

“Of course, we carefully prepared for“ The Voice ”together with the vocal teacher, we selected compositions - we needed an emotional song and so that Danil would like it - otherwise he wouldn’t sing it,” the woman explained. - We rehearsed a lot. They also bought him stage costume appropriate to the image of the song. Themselves with his father embroidered a jacket. We were terribly worried before recording the broadcast. Although Danila has a lot of experience in participating in competitions. To my son, my dad and I (in his youth he also played in musical group) were advised to sing for the audience, not for the jury. Dani did it! Of course, emotions overwhelmed both him and us. After the recording of the program went on the air, messages of congratulations, warm words of gratitude rained down, friends called. I couldn’t fall asleep until the morning, but Danil, on the contrary, calmly reacted to everything, he was always sociable and wise.”

Participation in such a project is difficult for Danil physically, it is not easy for him to move around on his own. The administrators helped before entering the stage, and the heavy microphone was replaced with a headset for convenience. Danil also communicates with other children with interest, he is not in a hurry, he looks. And not even on his competitive day, he asked to go cheer for the guys from the other team.

“Danil went to this competition without thinking about who he wanted to go to from mentors,” says the teenager’s mother. – He treats all three members of the jury with equal respect. But it was Dima Bilan who turned to Danil, and we are very happy to work with him. He is so sensitive, correct and kindest person that these still need to be looked for. And what I really like about him: he speaks to Danil in an adult way, businesslike, tactful, without "lisping". Many, seeing my son, start talking to him like a baby, but he really doesn’t like it. And Dima's team was friendly and kind.

Who is Danil Pluzhnikov? Biography of the winner famous project"Voice. Children”, the conqueror of the hearts of most Russians, despite his young age, is very rich and interesting. This name is familiar to many in our country. This is a boy who was able not only to defeat his rivals, but also to defeat himself, to defeat his illness. The son of musicians (mom plays the piano, dad plays percussion instruments), since childhood, having barely learned to speak, he began to sing karaoke with pleasure. The love of music did not leave him even when Danil grew up.

A boy was born on January 26, 2003 in sunny Adler. Until the age of 10 months, the boy grew up as an absolutely healthy child, until his mother discovered that his son had stopped gaining height and weight. For a long time, doctors did not listen to the concerns of the mother, assuring that the child was developing normally. Parents went around many doctors and offices until they were noticed. From that moment on, the whole life of the family is inextricably linked with the hospital. Long examinations, worries, and, finally, a terrible, disappointing diagnosis - a complex bone disease. Courageous parents did not leave a sick child, but on the contrary, they tried to do everything in their power so that their son would not feel unnecessary, not like everyone else. The biography of Danil Pluzhnikov is very unusual. Like all peers, he goes to school, studying with teachers at home and via the Internet. Despite all the difficulties, the boy is an excellent student. In addition to classes in basic subjects, Danil has many additional hobbies: skateboarding, writing poetry and, of course, music. To learning vocals music school More recently, a passion for playing the synthesizer has been added. Mentor Danila speaks of him as a very stubborn and hardworking child. Despite the fact that with such a disease it is very difficult to play on musical instruments, Danil courageously overcomes all difficulties and no longer just performs compositions on the synthesizer, but also composes his own.

From the memories of Danila's mother...

Now Danila Pluzhnikov ("Voice") has become famous throughout the country. His biography, as the boy's mother said in an interview, is extremely full of difficulties. All of them had to endure the family. It turns out that little Danil, who was not even a year old at that time, for a long time could not make an accurate diagnosis. Naturally, it was also impossible to start treatment. Parents visited dozens of doctors and clinics in Krasnodar and Moscow. Finally, at the age of 6, the boy underwent the first operation and almost immediately received treatment for new methodology at the G. Ilizarov Center. The case moved off the ground. After such a complex therapy, the doctors advised to wait a while and give the child the opportunity to rest. It was decided to carry out the next series of operations at the age of 13-14 years. All these years, both parents and older sister Danila were constantly next to the boy, supporting him in everything. Mom had to quit her job adult sister- forget about his personal life, dad - work hard to feed his family.

Casting for the project “Voice. Children" passed!

When Danil was 13 years old, he was put on the waiting list for another operation. She was appointed in November 2015. But then the Pluzhnikov family learns that their beloved and courageous son was cast to participate in the Voice. Children". Pluzhnikov Danil was in seventh heaven from such news. This is exactly what he dreamed of all the years, seriously studying vocals. There was a difficult choice - participation in the project or the planned operation. Fortunately, the doctors went to meet the little patient and agreed to undergo the operation. Now we all know that it was not done in vain.

special boy

Winner "Voice. Children ”Danil Pluzhnikov, whose biography is far from cloudless, has long learned to be philosophical about his unusual appearance. Now, when his face is familiar to almost every Russian, there are no problems in communicating with others. Although it was different. People respond differently to adults little boy. Perhaps not from evil, but from a lack of education, but this was no less insulting. Danil's attitude towards such people has changed dramatically after visiting the Paralympic Games in Sochi. However, the boy himself always perceived the tactlessness of those around him much more adequately than his mother. Every time, like a tigress, she rushed to protect her son. And only much later came the understanding that “if you can’t change the situation, change your attitude towards it.” Since then, the family has only sympathized with such narrow-minded and ill-mannered people.

Danila's daily life

Without a description of the everyday life of a teenager, it will not work and complete biography. Singer Danil Pluzhnikov - unusual child. Parents tried to the maximum to equip their son's life so that he could resort to outside help as little as possible. There are small stairs and chairs everywhere in the apartment. Daniel's room has a low desk and a bed. All the furniture for the son was made by the father. The extraordinary unity of this family is striking. They are always together, friendly and loving. Despite the fact that Danil is sick, no concessions are made to him at all. Like any teenager of his age, he has his own responsibilities, for the failure of which his parents scold him. Danila's father believes that he is already old enough, an independent guy, to patronize him too much. Without the help of adults, Danil can manage not only within the walls of his house, but also on the street. He moves on a specially equipped scooter along the sidewalk. At first, the restless mother was afraid to let him go alone, but then his father intervened, and now Danil moves freely around his microdistrict.


The name of the winner of the project “Voice. Children ”in the third season is known to everyone - Danil Pluzhnikov. The biography of this extraordinary teenager who achieved such results at the age of 14, despite serious illness worries many. Danil tries not only to take part in various competitions and win one victory after another, but also to support other sick children. Danil's volunteer activity began in Moscow with a visit to a children's oncology center. The boy sang, played the synthesizer for sick children. In a simple live communication, Danil gave the sick guys the belief that the disease can and should be fought!

At the Olympics in Sochi, Danil, in the ranks of volunteers, met foreign delegations and presented the athletes who arrived in Russia with the symbol of our country - earflaps. Communication with the Paralympic athletes added self-confidence to the teenager, in his abilities. Now he knew for sure that any ailment can be overcome, you just need not to despair and find in life an occupation that will bring satisfaction and joy to life.

Life after victory

The whole country watched with trepidation every performance of Danil on the project. The reaction of both the audience and the mentors was always the same - admiration with tears in their eyes. Surely everyone who listened to the speeches of the future winner experienced strong emotions. But the greatest experiences still fell on the lot of the boy's family and Danil himself. But, despite the passions raging inside, outwardly Danil Pluzhnikov, whose biography is real example masculinity and purposefulness, was always calm and collected. Each song is not just the sound of a beautiful voice, but also a soulful, artistic performance. What I really experienced now famous artist before each stage appearance, it is known, probably, only to the closest and dearest people.

Current Issues

Win such a significant victory in adolescence to become famous and recognizable is, of course, wonderful. But for Danila and his family, fame is far from the main thing. Naturally, the health of the boy is put in the foreground. A lot of effort, time and money have already been spent on treatment and operations. And how much more is yet to come! Danil, like all children with disabilities, is entitled to free surgeries and rehabilitation. However, the state does not take into account that such unusual children cannot constantly do without the help and support of an adult. The quota for the operation, unfortunately, does not cover the expenses that are necessary for the mother to stay next to her son. Therefore, the family constantly has to apply for financial assistance to various charitable organizations.

Participation and victory in the project helped Danil and his family to solve these problems. After the whole country found out about the boy and started talking, famous TV presenter Elena Malysheva offered her help. She was able to organize consultations for the boy with the leading specialists of the country, who, after examination, held a consultation and chose the most optimal treatment methods for Danil. Of course, it will not be possible to completely rid the boy of the disease, but thanks to the chosen methods, it is possible to ensure that Danil moves around without crutches. To do this, according to the decision of the doctors, Danil needs to throw all his strength into classes to strengthen the muscles and spine. Elena Malysheva, in turn, promised to help the boy and put him in a special rehabilitation center for such children.

The most important thing in life is family

Daniel is very lucky with his parents. Unlike many who found themselves in their situation, they did not abandon the child, but, on the contrary, rallied and threw all their strength into ensuring that their son had a worthy future and present. The Pluzhnikov family is not rich, because only dad works for them. A lot of money is spent on treatment, surgery and rehabilitation periods. In addition to these problems, the fact that the family lives in a small two-room apartment on the first floor. Due to the constant dampness, mold appears on the walls, it is very harmful to Danil's body. In order to somehow fight mold, you have to make repairs in the apartment every year, and this additional expenses. After Danila's victory in the Voice. Children ”, the mayor of the city in which the Pluzhnikovs live, promised to give the family a new studio apartment in a house under construction.

Many are wondering - who is Danila Pluzhnikov, because his name is increasingly heard from television screens. A year ago, no one heard the story of a thirteen-year-old boy, but today many news reports are talking about him. Moreover, the name of the young singer is mentioned by Wikipedia in an article about Russian project"Voice. Children".

Daniil's hometown is Sochi, he was born and lives in Adler together with caring parents. According to the guy himself, the love of music was inherited by him, because Danil's parents are madly in love with music, which is an example for him. Mom Irina studied at music conservatory, and as a result, all his life he sings well and plays the piano, while his father plays the guitar and percussion instruments.

Despite early years, Danil has already participated in various music competitions more than once, he even won the music festival"Rose of the Winds" in 2015, which took place in Sochi.

Dani's family is not very wealthy - the boy's father works as a driver, and his mother has not worked since the birth of her son, devoting all her time to raising Daniel. The three of them live in a two-room apartment, but due to the fact that their house is very old, during bad weather the wall leaks, and later a terrible mold appears on it. Dampness and mold negatively affect Danil's disease, which is why parents are very worried.


  • Date of birth: January 26, 2003;
  • Age: 14 years;
  • Place of birth: Sochi, Russia;
  • Height: 98 cm;
  • Occupation: singer, winner of the Voice.Children-3 project.

Daniel's disease

The first signs of Danila's illness, according to his mother, began to appear when the boy was not yet a year old - he stopped gaining weight and height. The guy was first hospitalized in 2003.

Later, doctors gave Danil a disappointing diagnosis. Daniel is sick with an incurable genetic disease, due to which the guy does not grow. Due to illness, it is difficult to determine how old he is, because at the age of thirteen, the growth of a talented boy remains less than a meter. Knowing what is happening to him, the singer remains very sociable and cheerful. Many doctors tried to help Daniel cope with the disease, although this did not give any results.

Danila's training

Danya's parents share their memories of how Danil began to sing songs from the cartoon about Bremen town musicians already when he had not yet learned to speak. Observing the behavior of her son, the mother decided to send the boy to a music school.

Danil's illness does not interfere with his desire to engage in both vocals and playing the synthesizer. Teachers are surprised at perseverance and diligence. The school in Sochi knows that the guy is sick, so Danya is homeschooled. The boy is taught by four different teachers, and some lessons are also conducted via the Internet. Without a doubt, Danila is very responsible for her studies, remaining an excellent student and achieving creative success.

Project preparation

Take part in the song show “Voice. Children ”Danila was advised at one of vocal competitions in which Danila Pluzhnikov took part. For four years of studying music, the aspiring singer received dozens of different awards. In the first year of work on vocals alone, he won eleven competitions.

After learning more about the project “Voice. Children”, Danil got excited about the idea to take part in the competition. Mom, along with the teacher, went through different songs, trying to find the most suitable composition for casting, they also worried whether young Pluzhnikov would like this choice. Indeed, according to parents, the key to success is emotions during singing, which truly touches the heart of the performer.

Daniil decided to perform the song "Two Eagles", famously performed by Oleg Gazmanov. Also, the guy dedicates his performance native grandfather. The boy's mother was very touched by this gesture.

Participation in the competition

In his interview, Danila Pluzhnikov did not hesitate to talk about people who mock him and do not accept Danya because the boy is disabled. The guy admits that he used to be hurt by such treatment, but now he has learned to cope with his emotions. The guy’s famous phrase “I am who I am” made every viewer think, and aroused admiration for his optimism.

The support in the face of my mother during the performance betrayed the guy more confidence and calmness. Before the performance, Daniil did not seem excited, he confidently communicated with other participants and hosts, telling them about himself, about what he was sick with, how he first got to the hospital. He also talked a lot about mom and dad, how old the parents are, what they do.

The performance with the song "Two Eagles" performed by Daniil at the blind audition turned out to be very sensual. Despite the age of the singer, the song was sung thoughtfully and seriously, which made Dima Bilan turn to the guy to take him to his team.

With each new meeting the mentor made sure he did right choice. In addition to the fact that Danil sings well, Dima noticed the boy's responsible approach to the task. All speeches by Danil Pluzhnikov turned out to be very soulful.

Many viewers agree that unusual story the guy's life endowed Danya with wisdom, which is visible in every speech by Danil, despite the fact that it is unusual for children.

On April 29, each viewer understood that tonight it would become known who would win the Voice project. Three participants, among whom was Daniel. He was to perform with the song "I am free", which gave him the first place.

The audience was struck by the performance of the song "They beat us, we fly." Voice.Children-3. The final.

Life after The Voice

After the finale of the show, the singer began to visit children's hospitals frequently to support other patients. Photos from performances often flash in various in social networks, such as Instagram and VKontakte, where everyone can chat with a guy.

Danila Pluzhnikov, together with his mother, visited the Malysheva program, which wants to make life easier for the boy. Now the guy has hope that he will be able to move independently.

Despite his popularity, the guy still doesn't have many friends, which is surprising given how outgoing he is. Live, he communicates only with a neighbor guy who has become for him best friend, realizing that many Friends on Odnoklassniki, VK will never be able to replace live communication.


It is very difficult to keep track of where the guy is now, but the official website provides reliable information about Dani's activities. In addition, you can follow the updates on the Danila page in Vkontakte.

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