And about the head holds a meeting. Conducting meetings: ground rules


Rules for preparing meetings

Meeting Types

Meetings classified depending on the importance and content of the problems brought up for discussion and the tasks to be solved, as well as the place, time and duration of the work.

operational meetings may have the goal of providing the manager with the information he needs about the current state of affairs in the organization; a brief exchange of views on the merits of issues that arise in the course of the production process, as well as the development of a common tactic for the actions of various links organizational structure in connection with current production tasks.

Information at such meetings moves from bottom to top, i.e. from subordinates to leaders. The information obtained allows the manager directly during the meeting (quickly) to assess the situation, determine the backlog, make decisions and set tasks for subordinates indicating the performers and deadlines. As a rule, subordinates do not make detailed and detailed reports at operational meetings. Operational meetings can take place in various forms: five-minute meetings, summer meetings, etc. The main feature of such meetings is their short duration.

briefing meetings are designed to transfer information, orders and requirements from top to bottom along the vertical of control.

The main feature of such meetings is that the leader not only brings the necessary information to the attention of subordinates and issues orders, but specifies the tasks set to the maximum, appointing performers and deadlines. At the same time, discussion of information and methods for solving the tasks set is allowed at briefing meetings. Subordinates can clarify some points, make constructive proposals for consideration by management.

Problem meetings are aimed at finding the optimal solution as a result of discussion and analysis of the problem under consideration.

Problem meetings are the most difficult kind of meetings. In the process of a problematic meeting, a collective solution is developed on complex issues affecting the change in the functional tasks of the structural units or their adaptation to new areas of the organization's activities.

Problem meetings often take the form of discussions. The way in which a decision is made depends on the leadership style. The most common is the following scheme of the problem meeting:

1. Formulation of the problem, statement of the problem.

2. Reports of participants.

3. Questions to the speakers.

4. Discussion, discussion, debate.

5. Formation of a decision.

6. Correction of the solution.

7. Adoption of the final version of the decision.

The formulation of the problem, the formulation of the problem, its analysis and the search for a solution are carried out, as a rule, before the start of the meeting itself. This stage can take the form of a preliminary conversation with meeting participants (a few days before the meeting itself), the distribution of newsletters, or a work plan for periodic problem meetings.

At problem meetings, the degree of democracy and creative activity should be quite high. In this case, the leader plays the role of chairman, coordinating the course of the meeting.

In addition, the following types of meetings can be used in various organizations:

§ informing employees (including in the form of

instructive-methodical lesson);

§ work planning for certain period;

§ summing up the results for various periods of time (as well as sub-

maintaining the results of work on a specific project), etc.

If a business conversation makes visual mediation of interpersonal interaction in an organization a status, functional position of a person, then a business meeting allows you to point out another important factor in business interaction, namely the group factor. When preparing and holding a business meeting, it should be remembered that the characteristics of group behavior (from the distribution of roles in the group to group pressure) will have a serious impact on the nature of the interaction of its participants.

Rules for preparing meetings

A business or office meeting is a technologically complex and time-consuming event. The work of preparing for a meeting begins with a clear definition of its purpose.

Purpose of the meeting is a description of the desired result, the desired type of solution, the desired outcome of the work ( possible options purposes: preliminary exchange of views, preparation of recommendations for decision-making, decision-making on a specific issue, etc.).

The leader must clearly understand why he is convening the meeting, and also be able to clearly communicate the purpose of the meeting to its participants. When setting the purpose of the meeting, vague, non-specific formulations should be avoided. This causes a decrease in interest in the proposed problem and subconsciously leads to a feeling that its substantive solution is not necessary. The formulation of the goal should primarily reflect the features of the intended outcome of the discussion of issues. Depending on the purpose of the meeting, its agenda is formulated and the list of participants is selected.

If the purpose of the meeting is to exchange information and set forthcoming tasks in the course of current work, then only heads of departments are invited. At such a meeting, those present are introduced to the state of affairs, they are informed about the progress in implementing the decisions taken at the previous meeting, and clearly formulate tasks for the future.

If the purpose of the meeting is to solve a specific problem, then those who can professionally cope with the task, who are able to offer their own solution to the problem, are attracted to work in it. In this case, the meeting participants are provided with information on the problem, the task is formulated clearly and unambiguously.

The purpose of the meeting determines the place, date and time of the meeting.

Scheduled meetings(e.g. debriefing board meetings, scheduling) are more convenient to schedule on specific days of the week or specific days of the month.

Unscheduled meetings, especially with a large number of participants (for example, emergency informing), it is advisable to carry out at the end of the working day in order to exclude the expenditure of working time on the resumption of interrupted work.

Short operational meetings(five-minute or summer meetings) are recommended to be carried out at the beginning of the working day.

The time of meetings should be determined by the schedule established in the organization (department). Unscheduled meetings knock out the rhythm, thereby reducing the culture business communication, deprive the manager of the opportunity to plan his working time and manage it, disrupt scheduled meetings and affairs.

Meetings are recommended to be scheduled in the afternoon or 1.5 - 2 hours before the end of work. As a rule, the first half of the day is more productive, and it is better if employees are busy with their duties at this time. There is one more thing to consider if the meeting is scheduled at the end of the working day. The leader gets the opportunity to hold the meeting promptly, without delaying the discussion, as he has an excuse to stop it in case of unfavorable development.

Meeting topic is the subject of discussion. The topic should be formulated in such a way as to interest each participant of the meeting. It is necessary to bring to meetings only those issues that cannot always be resolved in a working order.

One of the rules of management organization and ethics service relations should become obligatory preliminary mailing of the agenda to the participants of the meeting. In addition, the ethical business relations should be considered a preliminary distribution of brief written information on the substance of the issues considered at the meeting. It is unacceptable if a person who is incompetent in the issues submitted to the meeting is engaged in such mailing - this obviously reduces the feeling of relevance.

Meeting agenda is a written document distributed in advance to meeting participants and includes the following information:

§ topic of the meeting;

§ purpose of the meeting;

§ list of issues to be discussed;

§ the start and end time of the meeting (ideally, the start and end time of the discussion of each issue);

§ the exact location of the meeting;

§ names of speakers, co-speakers responsible for preparing questions;

§ the time and place where one can get acquainted with the materials on each issue (the presence of such instructions will not allow negligent employees to justify their unpreparedness for the discussion of the issue by the lack of information).

Draft decisions, abstracts of reports, references can be sent as an annex to the agenda. It is very good if, before the start of the meeting, the persons preparing the questions are given in advance comments from the meeting participants on draft decisions, abstracts of speeches.

Regardless of the importance and speed of the meeting, the number of issues submitted to it should remain within three to five (sometimes seven). At the same time, it is most convenient to prepare the agenda in such a way that it includes one or two main issues and two to five minor ones that do not require lengthy discussion. A large number of agenda items tires the participants of the meeting and does not allow to catch the main focus of the meeting as a whole. A meeting will also be unproductive, all the issues discussed of which will be of equal importance and require a deep detailed discussion.

Of great importance is the selection of meeting participants, i.e. the effectiveness of the meeting largely depends on how the competence and authority of the invited staff correspond to the goals and objectives of the meeting. The number of participants is also determined by the goals and objectives of the meeting and, in some cases, by the status or level of solemnity of the meeting.

The optimal number of people invited to a meeting is 7 - 9, with a maximum of 12 people. The main rule here is the highest activity of participants in the discussion of issues. Increasing the number of invitees drastically lowers the average attendance (or return) rate while lengthening the meeting.

The organizers of the meeting require, as a rule, the participation of the first persons of the departments of the organizational structure. However, more competent in solving specific tasks may be one of the non-management employees. Therefore, it is advisable to give the head the right to determine who will represent his unit at the meeting. It is desirable that the meeting participants include people who are capable of performing the roles of an “expert”, “idea generator”, and “critic” in the course of collective mental activity.

In order to avoid the presence of extras, it is recommended to use the method of "changing" participants (the method of "split discussion"). A carefully prepared agenda allows you to organize the meeting in such a way that, after discussing your issue, some of the employees can leave it, giving way to those whose issue is being discussed. It turns out that some employees are present at the meeting from beginning to end, while others are invited specifically at the time of the discussion of a particular issue. Thus, each participant will attend only part of the meeting, which, of course, reduces the total time, and therefore indirectly increases the effectiveness of the event itself.

The composition of the meeting participants is optimized by using the principle of “telephone distance” to an employee whose participation is dictated by the course of the meeting itself and the need to receive additional information from this employee. Specialists (whose information may be needed, instead of being invited to a meeting, you can be asked to be at their workplace at the specified time interval in order to call them if necessary or get help by phone.

Meeting duration. The duration of the meeting depends largely on the type of meeting:

§ optimal duration problematic meetings are considered 1.5 - 2 hours (in exceptional cases - 2 - 5 hours);

§ the time for consideration of one issue should not exceed 45 minutes;

§ operational and instructional meeting should not last more than 20 - 30 minutes;

§ meeting flyer (five minutes) is carried out, as a rule, within 5 - 10 minutes.

The meeting should begin and end at a strictly appointed time so as not to undermine the credibility of the manager and the employees who prepared him.

Breaks. During a meeting that lasts two or more hours, it is recommended to take breaks, otherwise after two hours the participants may experience a period of “negative activity”. Optimal break times:

§ after 45 – 50 min. work - 10 minutes;

§ after 1.5 hours of work - 15 minutes.

Breaks are necessary, first of all, for rest, and, secondly, during breaks, in a different, relaxed atmosphere, in private conversations, work on the topic of the meeting continues.

Meeting agenda. Compliance with procedural issues (rules) is the responsibility of the chairman. The importance of following the rules is:

§ the regulations allow to achieve the elaboration of the planned issues;

§ disciplines the participants of the meeting, increasing their business

attitude and respect for the meeting as a collegial body for making important decisions;

§ The regulations do not allow unreasonably delaying the meeting.

A leader who strictly adheres to the rules - good example to emulate.

Location of the meeting. The active and efficient course of the meeting is facilitated by the fulfillment of certain requirements for the equipment of the premises for its holding.

The room where the meeting is to be held and the number of seats in it should correspond to the number of participants. Naturally, it should be spacious enough and have a reserve of empty seats in case the number of participants increases for one reason or another. However, one should not choose too large an audience for a small meeting - the presence a large number empty seats psychologically negatively affects the participants of the meeting.

In addition, when equipping a special room with furniture, one should be guided by the principle that the relative position of the participants during the meeting should not emphasize differences in their service-hierarchical status. In this case, the concept round table"has a direct and figurative meaning as a means of ensuring the ease of mutual contacts between people and their optimal spatial arrangement.

In the case when a sufficiently large meeting is held, it is necessary to take care of the installation of microphones and visualization tools. It is necessary to control the air temperature, lighting and sound insulation so that the meeting participants are not distracted by extraneous stimuli.

One of the most important moments is the preparation of the leader for the meeting. The leader must:

§ formulation of the main goal of the meeting and sub-goals by levels

logical subordination;

§ introductory report or message;

§ sequence of participants' speeches;

§ draft decision.

In order for the meeting to be effective, the manager should have at hand the “Memo for the leader” (Table 11.1) and the “Meeting Preparation Form” (appendix).

Table 11.1

Memo for the head

Before the meeting During the meeting After the meeting
Is a meeting required at all? What is the alternative to the meeting? Do I have to personally take part in it? Can I keep my participation to a minimum? Reduce the number of participants to a minimum? Is the building closed to outsiders? Is there visual information? What are the objectives of the individual agenda items? Are times given for individual topics of discussion? Have invitations been sent out indicating the topics and objectives of the meeting? Start just in time Agree on work rules Appoint a person responsible for the rules and protocol Eliminate unnecessary pauses and “killer” phrases Do not miss critical moments in the discussion Control progress towards the set goals Reiterate decisions and planned actions Summarize the results Complete at exactly the appointed time Final word on a positive note Was the composition of the participants optimal? Were the seats for the meeting participants correctly identified? Were the meeting participants interested enough? Did you manage to reduce the contradictions between the participants of the meeting (bring their positions together)? Were there unforeseen blocking situations and how were they neutralized? Did the idea of ​​the problem (problems) become clear after its (their) discussion? Has the optimal decision been made and has the risk of its implementation been predicted? Check the progress and results of the meeting Draw up a protocol of results Duplicate and distribute a summary protocol Monitor the implementation of decisions Put forward items that are not implemented at the next meeting

We recommend reading it to everyone who has to organize planning meetings, five-minute meetings and other meetings. Many do it, but few do it well. The article describes the stages of preparing a meeting, its structure, evaluating the effectiveness and fixing the results - everything you need to know to have a really useful meeting.

We all participate in meetings. And someone even has to prepare and conduct them. Or gliders. Or group discussions. Admit it, many of us extremely dislike such "talkers".

Why? Because the attitude has been absorbed into the blood of any of our people: a meeting is when they talk for a long time, officially and tediously, but after that nothing is done anyway. Well, isn't it a waste of time?

This wonderful format

Meetings in companies are often scheduled unexpectedly, held on a case-by-case basis. In addition, they are not properly prepared, and leaders do not know how to organize the discussion. Therefore, many participants perceive the information incorrectly (did not hear, did not understand, forgot) - the necessary decisions are not made (postponed and hang), and if they are approved, they are often not implemented. So right?

It's a shame for me for this wonderful format of work. That is why in today's article we will discuss why it is good, what makes group discussion indispensable, how to conduct it effectively.

To begin with, why do we need all this? Why bring together a lot of busy people, tear them away from work?

A quality meeting allows you to activate key mechanisms that increase labor productivity, as more...

The principle of synergy. The synergy effect has long been known to psychologists. Remember? — The efficiency of the whole is higher than the total efficiency of its individual parts. Or even simpler: one head is good, but two is better. And it is true. It is together that we are able to generate more ideas, find many solutions to the problem and choose the optimal one from this variety. In the group discussion mode, people begin to work as a whole, complementing each other. Efficiency also multiplies - check. That's why, if you need to solve a series of operational issues, then a quality discussion, this huge resource, should not be neglected.

The principle of unity. A team, that is, people who see the same goal, trust each other and know how to work together, is more effective than one person. Do you agree? How will your employees become a team? Suddenly? By yourself? Maybe immediately highly effective? And for what? The key to team building is to move towards the goal together, active and organized. And all these conditions live mode of the meeting. Meetings and planning meetings are a powerful tool for rallying, building respect for colleagues and the leader, and an excellent training tool. Therefore, if it is important for you that employees work harmoniously, and not just appear in one department or company, conduct weekly planning meetings in a quality manner.

Understanding principle. Many people are afraid of the unknown. Normal person- voluntarily or involuntarily, consciously or not - resists the incomprehensible and unfamiliar, and this is absolutely natural. But what if the company’s goals, its performance indicators, tasks for the next month, etc. suddenly fall into the category of incomprehensible? What does a person feel when they demand to dig a hole, but do not say why, how deep and where? Of course resistance and demotivation.

Meetings are a platform for explaining the “party course”, increasing its clarity, acceptance by employees, and, consequently, a tool for reducing their resistance to uncertainty. Therefore, if you are implementing changes, take them through a series of briefings and meetings.

An experienced leader knows that meetings create an organization. With their help, you can maintain relationships within the company and implement decisions made, compare how employees see goals, and break down barriers between departments. If you do not hold meetings, then rumors and speculation are born in your organization. This is a problem that leads to disunity and uncertainty of employees in the future, and here it is not far from loss of control.

Well-run meetings can do wonders. Keyword it is nice here. What should be taken into account when holding meetings?

Principles for Effective Meetings

Compliance with tasks

There are several meeting formats: meeting, brainstorming; planning meeting, five minutes. Each format has indications for use and methodology. Deciding to gather people, soberly evaluate your goals and objectives. What do you want from this format? People need to find a solution? Then it's brainstorming - you are all on an equal footing and take into consideration any ideas. Do you want to set tasks? Then this is a planning meeting with a protocol and an agenda ... The format is determined by key points: the role of the leader of the meeting, the style of communication at the meeting, the result of the meeting.

Format examples:

  • Meeting. The goal is to generate ideas, evaluate options, find solutions. That is, the team is working in creative mode. The apotheosis of this format is brainstorming. A prerequisite is the opportunity to voice an idea / opinion, that is, a culture of free communication at a meeting. People should feel free to express their thoughts, this should be encouraged. Therefore, there should be no harsh non-constructive criticism.
  • Planerka. The goal is to analyze the current state of the process and identify new tasks. This format is closer to verbal reporting on the given indicators, therefore, the presence of these same indicators is mandatory for it. The planning meeting is always on business, according to the agenda.
  • Five minutes. The goal is to set priorities, to form a working mood. Five-minute sessions are not held to solve global problems and answer the questions “Who is to blame?” and "What to do?" This is a reminder format. The key requirements are positive and short-term. Remember, morning meetings play the role of a stimulant-activator-motivator. Their duration is from 5 to 15 minutes - no longer!


Are the tasks themselves defined? Before the meeting, write down the agenda clearly and prepare the materials you need. Send the agenda to all participants in advance (no later than three hours before the start, but preferably the day before) so that they too can prepare. This will allow all of you to not get lost in tasks, stick to the line of the meeting and meet the allotted time.


Any meeting should be kept within the minimum possible time. The ideal is 30 minutes, the maximum is an hour. It is very bad if you have to prominate the fifth point for several hours. Why? Arbitrary human attention tends to dissipate over time, and specifically - within 30-40 minutes. With a monotonous process, what is happening ceases to be perceived after 20-30 minutes. And with a decrease in attention, a person’s memory works much worse ... This tells us: after 3 hours of a meeting, people will be very inefficient.


A prerequisite An effective meeting is tight timing or regulations. Set a start and end time for the meeting. Start at the designated time, regardless of whether everyone has pulled up - this will teach people not to be late. Set a HONEST deadline in time (for example, an hour and a half) and 10 minutes before the deadline - finish, regardless of the result. Set a five-minute timer for each speaker, this will teach people to talk to the point. Stop off-topic conversations at the meeting, bring people back to the topic. Have a clear agenda for the meeting. It should be in front of all participants.

Adequacy of participants

The meeting should be attended only by those employees who are affected by the agenda. NEVER invite people to a trailer meeting, just sit. Follow the principle of optimality: there should be fewer participants, but the level of their influence on the question is higher.

Right to speak

Are you familiar with meetings in which employees only speak when they are asked and give the manager socially desirable answers, such as “yes, of course we will”? Why is this happening? Because people are used to getting "on the head" for expressing an opinion, especially for doubting. If the manager asks to evaluate whether the problem can be solved, the employee shows doubt, and the manager silences him in response - what then do the rest learn? Be silent and don't get angry. And what do we need from them? Intelligence and analysis. Incompatible things, right? Therefore, it is during the meeting, like in no other time, that employees need to be given the right to speak, to have opinions, ideas, doubts, questions. Moreover, it is necessary to learn how to answer the questions of employees: briefly, to the point, while stopping unnecessary and long moans about the hard office life.

Consolidation of results

Every meeting, and especially one where you set goals, should have a written outcome. I recommend to lead electronic protocol meetings. For example, in this form:

After the meeting, minutes are sent to all participants. It is the protocol of the meeting that becomes a control tool, allowing you not to miss anything, not to forget a single task. A translation of the protocol into electronic system(for example, 1C or Lotus) makes it possible to integrate it into the task setting system. And most importantly, you should definitely ask about the tasks set at the last meeting. It is the cyclic mode of meetings “analysis → tasks → control → analysis” that allows you to transfer the meeting from the empty talk mode to the work format.

Scheduled meeting

Everything that can be transferred to a planned mode must be transferred. The only way to get used to control procedures is to lay a planned course for them. Ideally, all employees should know when they will be asked for this or that matter, that is, when they need to report - in order to have time to collect data and prepare a meaningful report. Unscheduled meetings are appropriate only for urgent and important matters, and the proportion of such unannounced meetings should be low. Otherwise, the employee simply does not have time to prepare (which means you will hear “I don’t know”), sometimes he won’t even be able to be present (two come instead of eight, the rest are “in the fields”), he is distracted from work (and high productivity requires concentration), etc. d.

To evaluate the effectiveness of your meetings, take the test:

Do you have this?Not really
  1. Meetings are held irregularly.
  1. Meetings are scheduled suddenly (unexpectedly, like an urgent TASS announcement).
  1. Topic not set. There is no regulation. Participants do not know in advance what will happen at the meeting. The leader himself does not know exactly what he wants.
  1. Duplicating the agenda at different meetings. Chewing on known information...
  1. The leader knows what he wants to say, but has not thought through how to do it more effectively. As a result, information is distorted, misunderstandings arise, unnecessary disputes arise, decisions are executed poorly or not executed at all...
  1. The meeting is not complete.
  1. The manager often postpones meetings, starts at the wrong time, and does not follow the rules.
  1. Participants do not fit into the rules. As an option: they get distracted, do not follow the timing, jump from topic to topic, interrupt each other.
  1. The host speaks, speaks ... The participants are bored, they think about their own things, they talk.
  1. The leader is the first to express his opinion on the issue under discussion. Employees understand that their opinion is no longer important.
  1. The leader does not speak his mind. Doesn't respond to numbers. Doesn't analyze facts. The meeting becomes sluggish and colorless. Lost purpose and meaning. No solutions, no incentives - wasted time.
  1. Discussion of hot issues (salary, fines, etc.) turns into a "bazaar".
  1. At the meeting, a "public execution" takes place.
  1. The employee should talk about some issue at the meeting. You instructed him to do this, but did not check how he understood the task and what he was going to say. And so he speaks, and you become ill.
  1. The decisions made are not controlled, not checked, not implemented.
  1. The leader does not analyze his mistakes in the meeting.

Do you have more than 3 "yes"? Let's optimize!

Stages of preparing and holding an effective meeting

  1. Define the goals and objectives of the meeting. What issues need to be addressed? What information to track? What conclusions to draw? What is the best way to structure tasks?
  2. Determine the format of the meeting based on the tasks. Select participants and meeting time. The meeting MUST have a chairperson/facilitator who will keep track of the rules. This person should have less responsibility for solving the problem that the meeting is about. Then he is less fixated on emotions (than, for example, the initiator of the meeting) and does not lobby, voluntarily or involuntarily, for profitable last decision. And the right to speak is given honestly to all present.
  3. Determine the structure of the meeting. The meeting should have a clear structure and each time take place exactly in the order envisaged by it.

    Typical structure of planning meeting:

    Opening speech / warm-up.

    Goals. Regulations. Format.

    General issues.

    General results of the work. Fulfillment of assigned tasks.

    Private results / reports of participants.

    Analysis of results. Setting goals. Summarizing.

    Designation of the problem, goals. The importance of the topic. Plans.

    Goals. Regulations. Format.

    Discussion. Analysis.

    Analysis of results. Setting goals.


    Introductory speech / goals of the meeting / regulations.

  4. The problem and why it matters.
  5. Generation of ALL solutions.
  6. Discuss the pros and cons of each option.
  7. Choice of solution. Based on it, setting tasks for the participants.
  8. Preparing minutes of the meeting.
  9. Define a regulation. When developing the regulations, remember that it should be convenient for both the leader and the participants. Standard: 3-7 minutes for a presentation on setting goals; 5-7 minutes for debate. It is useful to provide breaks at the rate of 10-15 minutes for every 45-60 minutes active work. By by and large, meetings longer than an hour are a risk of losing the attention of the participants. Such meetings can be ineffective.
  10. Establish the order of issues to be addressed. Issues under the regulations are determined by those key points on which the overall result and quality of the company's work depend (for example, feedback from customers, reaction to advertising, information on new products, etc.).

    Divide all questions into three groups.

  11. Regular questions - according to the rules. Try to quickly deal with regular questions. At first, their discussion can take all the time. Then current questions will be added to them - people will themselves be active. But your priority, which determines the speed of moving forward, is development issues. Spend up to 50% of your meeting time on them.
  12. Current questions - according to the meeting plan: ideas that have arisen, problems, what hinders the work and how to optimize it. In total, you can make out no more than 5 questions. Always start with the most important. It is better to end with one important issue than to leave a dozen unresolved.
  13. Development issues - according to the development plan.
  14. Prepare the necessary documents and forms. In order to effectively work through the issues, it is extremely important to properly prepare the material for the meetings and send it to everyone in advance. At the meeting itself, it is necessary to keep minutes of the meeting, where all decisions taken should be recorded.
  15. Determine the time of the meeting. If employees do not differ in discipline, they are often late, I recommend holding weekly meetings in the morning, right at the beginning of the working day - a timely arrival to work is guaranteed. The most malicious "latecomers" will be re-educated in a few days. Always indicate the end time of the meeting. Try to finish a little earlier - this becomes a pleasant surprise for the participants. In any case, there should still be some time left after the discussion of planned issues. Then employees will have the opportunity, reason and incentive to ask their questions - that is, to be active and think. And what could be better for a leader than an active and intelligent employee!
  16. Make sure the meeting is necessary.

    Answer yourself the following questions:

    Are there questions for the meeting? Is this what we need to talk about today?

    Does the form of presentation of the material correspond to the purpose, audience, content?

    What should happen / remain in the minds of employees after the meeting?

    Is it possible to skip the meeting and achieve the same result?

    If you answered “Yes” to questions 1, 2 and “No” to question 4, feel free to hold a meeting!

  • Meeting preparation
  • Meeting start
  • Organization of the discussion
  • End of the meeting
  • Trouble at meetings

Meetings are used to exchange ideas, opinions, intellectual opportunities between management and staff. But meetings can also be ineffective, useless, negatively affecting the workflow. If you know how to run a meeting then it will be more successful.

A lot depends on the meeting. During the planning meeting, the staff reports on their actions, and the management sets future tasks. Effective meetings are used as feedback from the state. However, the main goal of the meeting should be to increase the effectiveness of the workflow for both the individual employee and the entire company. There are a number of mechanisms that affect the efficiency of the enterprise, which must be involved in the work:

  • The principle of synergy. The synergy effect is the advantage of the whole over the sum separate parts. and modern psychology have long used this principle. But it appeared a long time ago, even in the old proverbs we can see the action of the synergy effect - "one head is good, but two is better." This principle often demonstrates its merits in practice. The benefits of the joint work of several specialists will be higher than separate work everyone. The synergy effect makes employees work more efficiently and harmoniously, as they represent one whole. In this case, the quality and adequacy of proposals is much higher. Therefore, it is better to discuss working issues together with the team.
  • The principle of unity. One specialist can do a lot, but a whole team of specialists can do even more. The main thing is that employees are confident in their goals, do everything possible to achieve them. That is, they were motivated to get results. But professional teams do not appear out of nowhere, they need to be formed. For this, there is an organization of meetings - a tool for creating staff motivation, for stimulating the process of achieving goals. During planning meetings, the respect and trust of employees and management increases, and the process of personnel training takes place. Building a high-performing team depends on the quality of the meetings. If you want to achieve a harmonious teamwork then pay attention to the meetings.
  • Understanding principle. Uncertainty is one of the most powerful demotivators. The goals and objectives of the company must be clear to the performer, otherwise his performance decreases, resistance increases. Transparency of future plans and tasks is one of the rules how to run an effective meeting. Here all the goals, their necessity and the desired result are analyzed. In this way, the resistance of personnel to an unknown and incomprehensible task can be reduced.

How to run an effective meeting

There are a number of types of meetings that differ in their purpose. The choice of how to hold a meeting directly affects the success of the entire planning meeting. If the manager forgets the purpose of the meeting, then the effectiveness can be forgotten. Here are the main types of meetings:

  • Training meeting. It's a conference. Fulfills the educational goal, the participants of the meeting receive the necessary knowledge, improve their skills.
  • Informational. It is used to collect information on a specific issue or problem, to receive feedback from employees, to summarize the data received.
  • Explanatory. It is necessary to increase the clarity of the decisions made by the management, to explain the motivation of their point of view and to convince the rest of the staff of the correctness of the chosen position.
  • Problematic. The meeting is necessary to identify specific problems and determine ways to solve them.

These features of holding meetings apply not only to meetings in the usual form, but also to large meetings or press conferences, to private conversations of colleagues or a boss with a subordinate. In any case, the rules for a successful and efficient meeting must be followed.

Meeting preparation

Not only the meeting itself, but also the preparation affects the performance. The leader should remember the rules for preparing and holding a meeting in order to increase efficiency.

Meeting start

The meeting must start at the specified time. The leader needs to make an opening speech, which will describe the topic of the planning meeting, the stages of the meeting and set goals and objectives. It is necessary to convince employees of the importance of the identified problems, this creates an incentive for discussion. You can immediately put the problematic questions that will be discussed. To increase motivation, it is necessary to interest listeners in the discussion, to establish a connection between the final result and the interests of employees. In this way, even those to whom the meeting initially seemed useless can be persuaded to participate in the discussion.

Required to keep a record. This can be done by one of the subordinates. All participants in the meeting should be familiar with the rules for working on the task. It is better that all work topics are in front of the eyes of subordinates, so first write them on the board.

Organization of the discussion

There are several ways to organize a discussion. For an effective and productive discussion, it is necessary to create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Do not delve into clericalism and officialdom - this can negatively affect the desire to cooperate. It is important to remain calm during the discussion. Arrange the order of the meeting so that the discussion gradually gains momentum, leading to an ideal end result.

The point of view of the manager should not be an axiom for employees, otherwise a fruitful discussion will not work. It is necessary to listen and take into account the opinion of everyone present on any of the problems posed. The meeting methodology does not recommend using categorical phrases like “you are completely wrong”, because this not only negatively affects the self-esteem of the subordinate, but also demotivates him to make decisions and participate in further discussion.

Often, managers evaluate any proposal or idea that comes up immediately during the discussion process. On the one hand, this can be useful. But excessive criticism can destroy the creative intentions of team members, reduce their motivation to put forward proposals. Then it is worth adding to the meeting plan brainstorming method. In this case, everyone can contribute to the discussion, offer any idea that will not be discussed in the brainstorming process. Criticism of the proposals will follow.

The leader must ensure that the discussion is always conducted in the direction he needs. Often, employees begin to walk away, to discuss irrelevant issues. Then you should carefully return them to the right path. This must be done delicately so that the participant in the discussion does not lose interest.

But how to hold meetings, how to argue, if the arguments can offend the interlocutor or even humiliate him? There are a few rules of good debate that you should use during meetings.

  • Even if you are annoyed, you should not raise your voice. You need to speak clearly and slowly.
  • Your arguments should be addressed not to the opponent, but to all those present. So you will achieve a business atmosphere that will favorably affect the discussion process.
  • Focus on those aspects that you share with the enemy. Give an example and justify your position. Then you can move on to ideas that are not close to you. Make all your claims in the form of questions to the interlocutor.

If the leader knows how to ask questions, then he can count on efficient meetings. Questions allow you to highlight points that have not yet been touched upon, move from one topic to another. So you can more clearly understand the position of the interlocutors, get their opinion on a particular issue.

The discussion leader should not initially insist on one's point of view, should not impose his opinion on other participants in the discussion. It is possible that the positions of some employees may remain unvoiced, as people are often afraid to argue with superiors. And opposite opinions should always be listened to, because this is the only way to come to the most reasonable decision.

Even a neutral position on a certain issue can be negotiated. It is better to submit your opinion in the form of a question “Maybe we need to discuss this point of view ...”, or in the form of a third person statement “I heard that ...”

End of the meeting

At the end of any discussion, the leader should summarize the results of the discussion and determine what will be done to implement the accepted proposal.

The scenario of the meeting should end in a positive way. So the participants in the discussion will be able to realize that their participation in the discussion was not in vain, that the meeting has made some progress.

All results of the discussion must be recorded. Copies of the minutes should be given to those employees who were absent from the meeting, but should participate in reaching the decision.

communication style, the role of a leader in a team have a direct impact on the result. If the totalitarian opinion of the boss reigns in the company, then it is impossible to achieve a friendly discussion. Management must observe a collegial style of communication with subordinates, then an open discussion of maximum efficiency is possible.

General rules for holding meetings

The high position of the head involves constant interaction with a wide range of subordinates, delegation of authority and responsibility. Any decision must be submitted for general discussion. Therefore, meetings cannot be avoided. The leader should not have a negative attitude towards planning meetings, only in this way can one learn from discussions maximum benefit. Some simple rules how to conduct effective meetings will help you.

  • Take the time to prepare for the planning meeting. You only need to make a plan for a business meeting and outline final result. It won't take long, but it will bring a positive effect. Arrange the order of speakers.
  • Many professionals try to fill the allotted time with unnecessary conversations, even if their thought can be expressed in a few sentences. The leader must clearly understand the essence of the speech, separate it from the extra "husk".
  • Emotional statements always negatively affect the outcome of the meeting. Try to avoid being too emotional, so you can save time for discussion.
  • Narrow specialists should not use specific vocabulary. This reduces the intelligibility of the discussion for other participants. Require the use of simple and accessible terms and concepts.
  • The opinion of the leader should be hidden from subordinates until the end of the discussion, so as not to win over the opinion of opponents to their side.

Trouble at meetings

Unfortunately, even the best-laid meetings can fail. It may be a conflict or deadlock in the discussion. No need to lose your head, any trouble can be settled. IN conflict situations it is important to find the reason for the disagreement of the parties, that is, to closely monitor the course of the discussion.

When speaking, the speaker needs to take into account not only the meaning of his words, but also the phrases and metaphors used, body language, and emphasis on certain thoughts. If you can fix all this, then the conflict can be easily resolved using special methods.

If there is a deadlock in the discussion, it is worth once again reminding the participants of the meeting the subject of the discussion and its purpose. It is possible that the purpose of the discussion with subordinates is not clear, or you have provided insufficient information. Fix this issue. Some aspects may be exhausted, so check with the group if this discussion should continue. Often you need to move on to the next step. Pending issues can be brought to the next meeting, or come back to them later. Also, a break is one of the requirements for how to properly conduct a meeting.

If the participants in the discussion are silent, then do not try to fill the pause that has arisen. Find out why it happened. Often the silence is caused by the leader's behavior or lack of information. Ask workers if they need to explain anything. For this, a modern method is often used - storytelling.

Often the group does not want to discuss this or that issue, trying to move on to other topics. In this case, it is necessary to show that you are set to communicate, and the opposite point of view must also be voiced. Make it clear that any opinion will be appreciated. Praise the first speaker. But you must strictly follow the rule, otherwise you will lose the trust of the team.

Sometimes the discussion revolves around one or more topics. Ask the group if they have any other opinions on the issue already raised. Check if they understood the purpose of the meeting.

When conflict arises, it should be made clear that all emotions must be kept out of the meeting room. Remind business meeting rules. The attention of the audience should be directed to the purpose of the meeting, and not to the antics of individual speakers. Try to return a positive tone to the discussion, focus the audience's attention on the agenda. Please note to employees that this moment there is no discussion of the proposals of the meeting participants, but only the promotion of their ideas. So you can get rid of unwanted criticism and reaction to it. Trial questions can be used to resolve the conflict.

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The book is for those who want to manage better but are too busy to learn.

The main purpose of any meeting or assembly is to adopt joint decision after the collective exchange of information, i.e., the achievement of a certain result. Unfortunately, many people who have attended more than one meeting consider these events to be useless and fruitless. Indeed, not every manager succeeds in holding meetings that are productive and effective. To avoid typical problems arising during the meeting, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. Even if you haven't had a meeting before, with proper preparation, you can manage the participants in the discussion so that you achieve the desired results.

Simple and effective methods The tips in this book will help you properly prepare and run any meeting or meeting to get the results you need.

Reasons for the inefficiency of meetings and meetings.

While meetings are an integral part of modern life, many continue to perceive them as a waste of time. This is the opinion of people who attended poorly organized events. You have probably said something similar yourself.

“I might as well not come to this meeting.” (Unless you were given the opportunity to participate in the discussion.).

"I had nothing to do here." (If your opinion was not taken into account when making a decision.).

"All my proposals were criticized." (Unless you have had the opportunity to properly state your point of view.).

Why was this meeting necessary? (The purpose of the meeting remained unclear.).

“I attended this meeting just for show. (The result was known in advance.).

Many meetings are ineffective due to insufficient preparation and mismanagement. Those present, not having the opportunity to take part in the discussion of the questions raised, leave the hall with a feeling of deep disappointment.

unmanaged discussion.

For a meeting to be effective, it must be managed. If there is no person responsible for compliance with the rules, the meeting will either deviate from the goal or become unmanageable - and there will be no result either. To achieve maximum results, it is necessary to motivate and encourage all participants to actively cooperate in solving problems. If meeting organizers do not know or understand their responsibilities, they will not be able to:

Adhere to the agenda and influence decision-making, prevent irritability and disappointment of the meeting participants;

Give everyone the opportunity to express their point of view so that everyone is satisfied;

Manage the discussion in order to effectively use the time allotted for the meeting;

At the end of the meeting, make some decision, and then monitor its implementation.

For an effective meeting, you need to choose the right leaders and clearly plan the agenda. Otherwise, holding such events will really become a waste of time.

Lack of an approved agenda.

If you do not prepare a list of issues that need to be discussed at the meeting in advance, many problems will arise. The absence of an agenda is fraught with undesirable results.

People can't properly prepare for a meeting because they don't have all the information they need.

Unable to set meeting rules. Typically, these meetings end after people let off steam, get bored, or just need to leave.

The same issue is discussed several times, while others are left without attention.

People have doubts about the advisability of holding this meeting.

Without knowing the exact purpose of the meeting, people cannot actively participate in the discussion of the issues on the agenda. In this case, the discussion will deviate from the topic and almost certainly will not reach the goal.

Non-serious attitude to the event.

The result of the meeting directly depends on how the organizers and participants relate to it. The following are signs that indicate that people have not realized the importance of the event.

Replacing an invited participant.

Receive messages and phone calls during a meeting.

Lack of necessary information for the meeting.

Sometimes people are invited to a meeting by mistake. But if it is organized at the highest level, then the invitees will not even understand that their presence is not necessary.

To avoid misunderstandings, be sure to determine the composition of its participants before holding the meeting.

Poor meeting conditions.

It is necessary to choose the right place and provide good conditions conducive to the meeting. It is very difficult to concentrate on discussing the problem if the meeting lasts too long, if someone constantly looks into the room, or if those present are talking to each other on abstract topics. The organizers of the meeting must create suitable conditions for effective work event participants.

Holding useless meetings.

Organizing a meeting takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, some managers prefer phone calls. Sometimes, indeed, it is worth thinking about the advisability of holding a meeting.

At a meeting, as a rule, decisions are made collectively, so sometimes these events are resorted to as a way to avoid personal responsibility.

When scheduling a meeting, think about why you want to bring people together and whether it is worth holding at all.

We draw conclusions.

Meetings allow you to solve many issues. The outcome of a meeting or meeting should be concrete action, even if it was to set a date for the next meeting. Perceiving such events as a constructive way of making decisions, you can get the desired result.

Ask yourself.

Think about how you feel about meetings and answer the following questions.

Have you ever thought that a meeting is a waste of time?

Was there a time when you didn't feel like going to a meeting at all?

Have you ever attended unorganized meetings?

Have you ever attended a meeting that you later found out you didn't need at all?

Have you ever attended a meeting unprepared?

Have you ever attended poorly organized meetings?

After attending the meeting, did you have to think about the advisability of holding it?

If you answered yes to most of the questions, consider how you can improve your preparation for the meeting.

Everything will work out if…

Find out why some meetings didn't work;

Understand that the right attitude to the meeting is the key to its success;

Prepare the meeting well;

Provide the necessary conditions for the meeting to help people concentrate on making a decision;

Inform the participants of the meeting about the issues on the agenda;

Principles of conducting meetings and meetings.

Any meeting is held with a specific purpose, which sets its pace, rhythm and mood. People not only come together, but also influence each other's behavior.

To achieve the desired result, participants in any collective event must learn to work together. The formation of a single team occurs in four stages.

1. Acquaintance. During this period, the meeting participants are very polite, try to get to know each other better (this atmosphere persists until the first conflict of interest) and establish common rules for discussion.

2. Conflict of interest. As people adapt, they become more open, which sometimes leads to verbal squabbles that are uncontrollable and have a disruptive effect on the meeting. At this stage, a kind of testing of all those present takes place, their positive and negative qualities are revealed.

3. Group formation. At this stage, interest groups are formed and a kind of balance of power is established.

Since different opinions are expressed during the meeting, productive work is possible only if there is a compromise. Adhering to the agreed order of coordination of interests, the participants of the meeting are approaching the final stage.

4. Cooperation. At this stage, everyone comes to a consensus, achieving the goal. Some experts believe that this is the most important stage of teamwork.

Only at the last stage of team formation can the necessary and effective results be achieved. The decision taken at the second or third stage could not fully reflect the opinion of all participants in the meeting.

The meeting will not bring results if the participants did not work enough on the issues in the early stages. Those present at the meeting will not be able to come to a consensus without learning how to work together and respect the opinions of other people. A meeting used to achieve personal goals is not effective - when those present do not even know why the initiator of the meeting brought them together.

Of course, the duration of each stage depends on personal characteristics people present and the degree of their acquaintance, but knowledge of the general logic of team formation allows you to quickly overcome the difficulties that arise, without lingering for a long time at individual stages of this process.

Effects of group dynamics.

Decisions made collectively differ significantly from decisions made independently. This difference results from the so-called "herd mentality", which affects both the discussion as a whole and the final decisions.

Influence of the group on the development of the discussion.

Working in a group, people are afraid to look stupid. Therefore, many of them are afraid to express their opinion. Most often, the influence of the group determines the occurrence of the following situations.

It is not uncommon for people not to speak their mind for fear of damaging their status if their proposal is rejected.

Participants who do not know how to justify their proposal also join the common point of view.

Members who are hesitant or have dissenting opinions do not speak out because they do not want to be different from the group.

The absence of objections creates the illusion of unity, although in reality many were simply afraid to present their point of view to the court of public opinion.

Influence of the group on decision making.

Working in a group, people can make the most unpredictable decisions. There is a so-called "risk propensity phenomenon" - a tendency to take more risky decisions if the responsibility for their consequences is shared with other people.

The willingness to make risky decisions largely depends on the individual characteristics of the meeting participants and the relationships that have developed in the group. People present at the meeting can make a risky decision, because no one is personally responsible for it.

If at the beginning of the meeting the chairman announces: “We must do the following ...”, then as a result, this will be done. But since the purpose of most meetings is to discuss some issues and exchange ideas, the leader should not impose his point of view on everyone present. This can lead to an undesirable result and an unpredictable solution.

In order for the group not to feel pressure and work productively, the facilitator should involve the participants in the meeting in discussing the issues.

We draw conclusions.

In order for a meeting or meeting to be truly productive, you need to understand the rules by which it takes place. Don't forget that people must first learn to work together. A group of people will become a close-knit team when the following stages of cooperation development pass: acquaintance, clash of interests, formation, cooperation.

Usually the group has a significant influence on individual thinking and decision making, which in turn affects the dynamics of the meeting, as a result of which unpredictable decisions can be made.

When scheduling a meeting, always consider the steps in the team building process and the impact the group has on each person present.

Ask yourself.

Think about what might happen in the meeting and answer the following questions.

Do you agree with the opinion that the meeting will be productive if the group present goes through several stages of development?

Do you agree that the group influences the behavior of the individual?

Do you understand that sometimes people do not change their minds (even if they wish to) just for fear of losing face?

Do you agree that silence is not always a sign of consent?

Did you know that a group of people makes more risky decisions than each individual meeting participant?

Everything will work out if…

Know that there are four stages in the formation of a group that precedes the adoption of a productive decision. And only the last of them contributes to obtaining effective results;

Understand that the group has an impact on individual thinking and behavior;

To know that under pressure a person may agree with a collective decision contrary to their own opinion;

Recognize that some people may hold a common opinion only because they are afraid to look stupid;

Understand that the absence of disagreement does not always mean agreement;

Understand that working in a group, people can make more risky decisions than individually;

When conducting a meeting, always keep group dynamics in mind.

Preparing for the meeting.

The success of the meeting depends on its organization. There are a few important things to know beforehand:

What type of event can be attributed to;

What is the purpose of the meeting;

What issues need to be discussed;

Who needs to be invited?

When and where to hold the meeting.

Types of meetings and meetings.

Meetings and meetings, like dinners, are formal and informal. In order to conduct an event successfully, it is first necessary to determine its nature.

Official event.

An official event has a clearly defined status and is held in accordance with established rules. Specially invited people are always present at such a meeting. The main components of the event:

Agenda (list of issues to be discussed);

Reports (stating the essence of the issues);

Speeches (discussion of agenda items);

Amendments (discussion of changes that are proposed to be made to the discussion);

Debate (holding a discussion);

Drawing up a protocol (a written statement of events);

Miscellaneous (discussion of issues that were not on the agenda).

informal events.

At informal meetings, people feel more at ease. Nevertheless, one should also prepare for such events. For informal meetings you need:

List of topics for discussion;

Event host;

Protocol of agreements reached.

Informal events take place in a more relaxed atmosphere, but still you need to remember that only a well-organized meeting or meeting gives a positive result.


Every meeting should have an agenda that needs to be planned in advance. This working paper is like a compass to guide the meeting in the right direction. The agenda helps to save time and not dwell on secondary issues for a long time.

A well-prepared agenda consists of:

Purpose, date, time and place of the meeting;

List of invited persons;

List of discussed problems;

main topic;


Dates of the next meeting.

The agenda determines the course of the meeting. First, you need to discuss easy-to-decision issues, and only then - controversial ones. To get the audience to consistently make a decision, you need to start the meeting with questions. closed type, implying a choice between "yes" and "no". Having said "yes" the first time, people will tend to answer yes in other cases.

The agenda informs the participants about what issues are being discussed and need to be decided.

If the person in charge of the meeting circulates the agenda ahead of time (even if draft version) to all participants, each invited person will be able to prepare and make their proposals for discussion. In addition, this makes it possible to find out in a timely manner whether the invitee himself will be present at the meeting or whether he will send another person in his place.

Who to invite to the meeting.

When scheduling a meeting, remember the proverb: “Less is more.” A meeting attended by two or three people can be much more productive than one attended by 10 to 12 people. The more people invited to a meeting, the better organization and control it requires.

If many people are invited to the meeting, it is necessary to consider whether their constant presence is necessary or whether their participation is necessary in the discussion of individual issues.

When determining who will be invited to a meeting, the following factors should be considered:

Issues discussed and decisions to be made;

Information to be obtained during the meeting;

Information to be provided to invitees;

The potential role of each invitee in the discussion of the issues raised.

The result of the meeting largely depends on the competence of the participants. When deciding on the composition of the meeting participants, be guided by the goals of the meeting, professional interests, personal characteristics, to decide whether it makes sense to call this or that person.

Location of the meeting.

If the meeting will be attended by only two or three people, then the venue should be informal, that is, should promote a relaxed atmosphere - for example, a hotel lobby, a small room or a golf course. A meeting with the participation of a large number of people must be provided with a room with comfortable conditions - warm, bright, well ventilated. It is also necessary to provide all guests with drinks (tea, coffee, water).

All invitees should be properly accommodated, and no one should disturb the participants during the meeting. When accommodating invitees, there are two very important factors that are often overlooked.

Those present must see each other.

The facilitator should be in a place that allows you to make eye contact with each of those present.

The correct placement of people during the meeting plays an important role.

If those present feel uncomfortable, do not see each other, or do not see visual materials - diagrams, graphs, etc., they become inattentive. As a result, people will sit from the beginning to the end of the meeting, thinking about something of their own or heading in the clouds.

If there are two people in the meeting who dislike each other, you need to make sure that they are not sitting next to or opposite each other.

If possible, place participants near different points view: it's better than gathering like-minded people on one side of the table.

In order for the invitees to take their places without fuss, it is necessary to make an accommodation plan and an identification plate for each place. The names of the invitees should be indicated on the plates on both sides, as some of the participants may not be familiar.

Time planning.

When conducting a meeting, it is necessary to plan the discussion of each issue in time. For example:

“question number 1 - 10 min;

Question number 2 - 15 min;

Question #3 – 20 min.”

This saves time and allows you not to stay long on the discussion of one issue.

We draw conclusions.

It is known that the success of the meeting is 80% dependent on its preparation. Having an agenda is one of important factors successful meeting or meeting.

The result of the meeting also depends on the invited persons. If competent people are present at the meeting, success is guaranteed.

Creating comfortable conditions for the meeting will help the participants to concentrate on the planned issues. It is also necessary to clearly regulate the time for discussion of each issue.

All these factors together contribute to the effective conduct of the meeting.

Ask yourself.

Think about how you prepare for the meeting and answer the following questions.

Did you know that a formal meeting must take place according to accepted rules?

Do you agree that any informal event has an element of formality?

Did you know that an agenda is essential for a successful meeting?

Do you agree that the purpose of the meeting should be clearly stated?

Do you agree that only competent people should be invited to the meeting, whose presence will help achieve the goals set?

Do you agree that the meeting should be held in comfortable and appropriate conditions?

Do you agree that the seats for those present should be located in such a way that all people can see each other?

Do you schedule time to discuss each issue?

Everything will work out if…

Use the rules and regulations for holding official events;

Prepare in advance even for an informal meeting;

Communicate the agenda in advance to all invited persons;

Invite competent people to the meeting;

Correctly place the participants of the meeting (the presence of identification plates is mandatory);

Set a time to discuss each issue.

Holding meetings and conferences.

If you are going to be holding a meeting, there are a few rules that will ensure a positive outcome. Starting the meeting with a positive attitude and a clear time frame will help people focus on the items on the agenda. The meeting will go quickly and move forward effectively if the discussion is steered in the right direction from the start. Remember that at the end of the meeting you need to take stock.

Start a meeting or meeting.

When opening a meeting, the following rules should be followed.

1. Greeting.

Every meeting should start with a greeting. If new persons are present at the meeting, they must introduce themselves one by one, stating their name and position. And only after that you can start discussing the issues on the agenda. If someone is forced to come to the meeting later or leave before everyone else, it is necessary to warn those present from the very beginning.

2. Acceptance of protocols.

If the meeting takes place in several stages and the same issues are discussed (or this is the next meeting of the standing committee), you need to review the minutes and records of previous meetings. This should only be done during official meetings. Ask the audience: “Who has questions about page #1?” (Pause.) "Page #2?" etc. Perhaps grammatical or semantic errors were made that distorted the essence of the decisions made.

Saving time.

Saving time is a major factor in a successful meeting. From the very beginning it is necessary to control the regulations in order to avoid wasting time. To do this, follow a few simple rules.

Start the meeting on time, even if not everyone has arrived yet.

Remind those present of the “cost” of such a meeting (for this, you need to know how much each of those present earns). For example: "900 euros - the cost of one hour of the meeting, respectively, 15 euros per minute, so I suggest not to waste time, but to use it effectively."

Position the clock so that you can see the dial clearly. Leave ten minutes at the end of the meeting for debriefing.

Take breaks if the meeting is long. People must rest.

Give attendees time to think about certain questions. For example: "I suggest taking a ten-minute break and then waiting for your suggestions."

Finish the meeting on time, or even earlier if you managed to discuss all the issues before the end of the scheduled time.

It is essential that everyone present realize the importance of the meeting. This will allow you not to regret the wasted time. All participants should be aware that only as much time as necessary is spent discussing the issues raised.

Concentration of attention.

From the very beginning of the meeting, it would be prudent to remind people of its goals. This will help to immediately direct the discussion in the right direction.

Clearly describe the current situation or problem. For example: “Our staff has increased significantly, so the office has become crowded.”

Remind people of the main purpose of the meeting. For example: "Our goal is to find a way to reorganize the existing space."

Determine the order of the discussion. For example: “First, you need to decide where it is best to place a printer that everyone should have access to. Secondly, decide how best to arrange the tables in order to organize another workplace.

This will make people think and focus on solving the issues on the agenda.

Discussion management.

From the very beginning of the meeting, the facilitator should direct the discussion in the right direction. For this you should:

Stick to the agenda. If no decision was made to change the agenda, then the approved plan should be followed. For example: "Let's move on to the discussion of question number 4."

Help resolve issues. If people start discussing issues that are not on the agenda, every effort should be made to direct energy directly towards achieving the goals. For example: “Do you remember why we are all here?” or “I don’t think we should discuss this issue now…”.

By keeping the discussion on track, you will allow everyone present to participate in the discussion of issues.

This can be achieved in the following way.

Pay attention to the "absent" in the room. If you notice that someone in the audience is looking into space thoughtfully or is silent, encourage the person to join the discussion by asking the question directly to him. For example: “Jim, is there anything else you can add?” or "Jane, what do you think of this proposal?".

Consider the experience of everyone present. To make the right decision, it is necessary that qualified employees share their experience. For example: “Fred, I think you had the same situation. What did you do?"

Submit suggestions. By pitching ideas that contain possible courses of action, you can help people think creatively and stay on track. For example: “Wouldn’t it be bad to do it?..” or “Will we discuss the possibility?..”.

Support ideas. Endorsing the opinions and views of others makes the discussion more productive. For example: “This might actually work” or “Peter's idea is promising. What do you think? Paul, let's start with you."

Maintain order.

Meetings don't always go the way you want them to. Sometimes the behavior of some participants negatively affects its course. An ordinary verbal skirmish can even escalate into a fight. Of course, it is not so easy to pacify the raging ones, but still the chairman of the meeting must use the power given to him in order to stop the disgrace.

To avoid such situations, you need to take some measures.

It should be recalled that you should not get personal. For example: “You don’t need to comment on everything. Let's get back to the question...

Destructive statements should be discouraged by asking specific questions. For example: “Ted, if you disagree with Bob, what can you suggest to solve this problem?”.

You should move forward if a reasonable offer has been received. For example: “I think this issue can be discussed for a long time, but we need to move on. Let's make a decision by voting."

A tense atmosphere can be defuse by a reminder of the purpose of the meeting and related comments. For example: “Obviously, this topic is close to everyone. But anyway, let's finish the discussion."

Although meeting participants rarely break the rules, it is still necessary to know how to correct such a situation if it occurs.

Deviation from the essence of the issues under discussion.

Sometimes in the process of discussion, people can deviate from the solution of the most important problems or beat around and around this or that issue without making a decision. Such fermentation must be stopped - and the sooner the better.

Keeping the meeting on track will require tact and diplomacy. But first you need to recognize some techniques for diverting attention from solving planned issues.

Creating difficulties. Do not feed some people with bread, provide an opportunity to discuss problems and mistakes. For example: "We can't do this because...", "We tried to do this last time and it didn't work." By asking the right questions, you force people to justify their point of view and thus prevent others from getting involved in the argument.

Intrusive ideas. During the meeting, someone present may have an obsession. This person constantly reminds other people of her. The facilitator should tactfully remind him that everyone has already heard his proposal and there is no need to repeat it again.

Discussion of extraneous matters. Some people may veer off topic without even realizing it. For example: "Has anyone here seen the second volume of the Oxford Dictionary?" - someone says when discussing the question of where it is better to equip a place to store books. You can steer the discussion in the right direction by pointing out to the person that this is not the topic of this discussion.

Reaching agreement.

The facilitator of the meeting or meeting should manage the discussion, smoothly leading the participants to reach a consensus. In order for the decisions made to be supported by all participants, you need to use several proven techniques.

Compare all the pros and cons. Summing up, it is necessary to indicate the issues on which agreement was reached, and then dwell on the controversial points. For example: “So, we have reached an agreement on the issue ... But we still have not decided ...”.

Ask clarifying questions. Ask questions to make sure you understand the person correctly. This will also help clarify the situation for other people if they are embarrassed to ask a question. For example: "Did you mean that? ..", "Let me know if I understood you correctly? ..".

Summarize the discussion of each issue. At the end of the discussion of a particular issue, be sure to sum up so that the participants can understand the results of the meeting: “Let's remember what decisions were made. Everyone agrees that for question number 2, the best solution would be ... ".

Ensure consensus is reached. You can proceed to the discussion of the next issue only after making sure that the decision is unanimously supported. For example: “Tell me, does everyone agree with the decision made?”, “Does anyone want to add anything else to the discussion before we move on to the next issue?”, “Does everyone agree?”.

This tactic helps to keep the participants actively involved in the discussion and push them towards a common decision.

The decision made must be written down immediately. So you will be sure that later no one will change their point of view or express disagreement with the decision made. If there is no general agreement on the decision taken, the same issue may arise later or at the next meeting.


At the end of the meeting, it is wise to make sure that all participants agree with the decision. It is also necessary to restore in memory all the decisions made. You can do this:

summing up and once again announcing the decisions made. So you will be sure that everyone present agrees with the decision made and will not later be able to say that they did not know what was discussed. For example: “And now I want to summarize. On the agenda was the issue of reorganizing the existing office space. So we decided, first of all… We also decided that…”

fixing tasks and time frames. This will help to control who received the tasks and what are the deadlines. For example: "It has been decided that Jim is in charge of the organization...until May 30th and is in touch with Jill, who is in charge of...".

Before summing up, you need to write down the task for each person on separate sheets. bright color. At the end of the meeting, hand out the assignment sheets, saying, “This is your assignment to complete before the next meeting. Since the color of the paper with your assignment is very bright, it is unlikely that you will lose it.

Summing up is the key moment of the meeting. The result can be insignificant, and the efforts can be wasted if at the end of the meeting the decisions made are not pointed out. People must be sure that all issues are resolved, everyone has tasks, therefore, the meeting was successful.

We draw conclusions.

Regardless of the nature of the meeting and what issues are on the agenda, the moderator must necessarily inform all participants about the goals of the meeting. He must not only observe the discussion process, but control and direct it in the right direction.

At the end of the meeting, the results should be summed up.

Ask yourself.

Think about the best way to conduct a meeting or meeting, and answer the following questions.

Are you starting the meeting right?

Do you always start meetings on time?

Do you remind people of the purpose of the meeting?

Are you sticking to the agenda? If the discussion deviates from the topic of the meeting, do you steer the discussion in the right direction?

Are you following the established order?

Do you give all participants the opportunity to speak?

Do you check that everyone agrees with the decision?

Do you summarize at the end of the meeting? Do you make sure everyone knows their assignments?

Everything will work out if…

Conduct a meeting in such a way as to get a certain result;

Start the meeting on time, even if not all invitees have arrived yet;

Have an agenda and discuss issues raised;

Give all participants the opportunity to speak;

Make only informed decisions;

To direct the deviated discussion in the right direction;

Make sure that everyone agrees with the decision;

Summing up at the end of the meeting and noting who received the task and in what time frame must complete it;

Focus on getting the planned results from the meeting.

Keeping minutes of the meeting.

At the end of the meeting or meeting, it is necessary to draw up a protocol that will describe the decisions made, as well as record which of those present received the task. It would be wise to try to evaluate the meeting: to think about what worked and what still needs to be worked on so that the next time the event is more successful.

Drafting a protocol.

It is undesirable for the minutes to be kept by the chairman of the meeting. Notes should be taken by a professional secretary so that the chairman can control the discussion.

During the meeting.

The person who takes the protocol must do the following:

Write down important thoughts opposite each item on the agenda; record the decision made and the person responsible for its implementation;

Help the chairman to conduct the meeting (especially when holding official meetings) according to the rules;

Have at hand the minutes and agenda of the previous meeting, as well as duplicates of these documents for uninformed participants;

Control the time allotted for discussion of each issue. This will help you not to linger on any one topic.

Sometimes during a meeting, you have to take both transcripts and brief notes at the same time.

Make sure the secretary listens very carefully and takes notes important details and key phrases. He must also write down the names of all speakers in order to prevent possible misunderstandings.

At the end of the meeting.

After the meeting, the minutes must be drawn up in accordance with the rules. This is best done immediately after the meeting, in hot pursuit. Postponing is a bad decision.

The protocol must include:

A header indicating the purpose of the meeting and the date of the meeting;

List of persons present;

List of persons who did not come to the meeting;

The decisions made and the list of employees who received the task.

The protocol must contain short description meetings in business style. For this you need:

Use only indirect speech, write in the past tense. For example: “Jim Smith pointed out that…”, “Jane Brown said it was not difficult because…”, “It was decided…”;

Write down only the main facts, without indicating personal opinions;

Highlight tasks in bold or write them down in a table with tasks, indicating the name and position of the person responsible for their implementation.

Before printing the protocol, make sure that its content is in accordance with real situation cases, as inaccuracies can lead to misunderstandings.

It must be remembered that the protocol is not the final result of the meeting, but a guide to further actions. Having a protocol, you will be sure that all employees are aware of the issues discussed at the meeting and the decisions made.

Evaluate a meeting or meeting.

Most people who hold meetings or meetings, tired of this difficult task, rejoice at their completion and therefore do not bother to analyze the meeting in detail. If you have to hold meetings on a regular basis, at the end of the meeting you should consider whether everything went as planned. Also, in order to avoid mistakes during the next meeting, it is advisable to ask the opinion of its other participants.

The easiest way to get other people's opinions is to ask them to fill out a short, pre-prepared questionnaire.

You can ask the following questions:

Was this meeting helpful for you? (Not really.).

Did they say everything that was necessary? (Not really.).

Are you satisfied with the organization of the meeting? (Not really.).

Do you know what to do after the meeting is over? (Not really.).

Do you have any comments?

Once you get the answers (even if no one gives a detailed answer to the question about comments), you will be able to assess how successful the meeting was, whether there were any missteps. And next time try to hold the meeting at a higher level.

We draw conclusions.

Taking minutes is a very important activity during a meeting. Keeping minutes allows you to keep the contents of the entire meeting in writing and later avoid distorting the decisions made.

The minutes are drawn up in a concise form immediately after the meeting. The protocol should be clear and understandable to all, and also encourage people to take note of the assignments received. This document will help you to be sure that the meeting was successful and effective.

Ask yourself.

Consider the need for logging and answer the following questions.

Do you work productively with the person who takes the minutes of the meeting?

Were all key points recorded during the meeting?

Are all decisions made recorded?

Was the minutes drawn up immediately after the meeting?

Were only the basic facts written down, not personal opinions?

Did you check the protocol before printing it?

Are you sure the minutes are an accurate description of the meeting?

Everything will work out if...

You will be assisted by a person who takes minutes of the meeting;

Record all decisions made;

Accurately indicate the tasks and the names of the people responsible for their implementation;

Make minutes immediately after the meeting;

Understand that minutes are an accurate, concise, and objective description of a meeting.

Your attitude to business meetings.

In order for a meeting to be productive, you need not only the ability to conduct it, but also positive attitude. Active participation and control over the meeting brings the desired result.

Meeting management.

If you want the meeting to be a success, you must be willing to take the reins in your own hands. If you don't do this, you will be missing out on a lot. By taking on the burden of leading, you can:

Allow yourself to impose your own point of view on others, and do it in a peremptory tone.

Remind yourself of your right to control the meeting.

Convince yourself that you can do it and even enjoy it.

The people present at the meeting see you as a leader and expect you to act accordingly. Since they cannot manage the meeting on their own, they rely entirely on you.

Waiting for a miracle

Putting certain hopes on the meeting, you can get the desired result. To make dreams come true, you need to be sure that:

The meeting is very important (if you think otherwise, there is no need to hold a meeting);

Competent people are invited to the meeting (if you are not sure of the competence of the people present, you will not be able to support or reject their ideas and proposals);

Time will not be wasted (if you don't think so, then time will indeed be wasted);

The desired results will be obtained (confidence that your activity will not bear fruit dooms the event to failure in advance).

The attitude towards the meeting affects the atmosphere of the event. If initially you are negative, there will be an oppressive atmosphere. And vice versa, the meeting will be held in a warm, friendly atmosphere, if you immediately tune in to the good and even joke a little.


Only with the help of the joint efforts of the participants can the meeting be held successfully. But if nothing is done to implement his decisions, then, of course, nothing will come of it. To be sure that the meeting was not held in vain:

Re-read the minutes of the meeting, specify what you and your colleagues should do;

Develop a plan that will help you complete all tasks on time;

Act, and do not hope that you will be released from the assigned task.

By starting the tasks immediately after the meeting, you will succeed. If everyone contributes, then the result of the meeting will exceed all expectations.

We draw conclusions.

Your attitude towards holding a meeting or meeting plays an important role in the success of this event. The results of the meeting will be insignificant if the decisions made are not implemented. Careful preparation for the meeting will ensure that you do not waste time and effort. The more you expect from a meeting, the more productive it will be.

By putting in the effort to achieve results during the meeting, you set a great example for others. Your reward is success. And, of course, you will never hear that a meeting under your leadership was a waste of time.

Ask yourself.

Think about how you feel about business meetings and answer the following questions.

Do you expect any results from the meeting?

Can you inspire other people with a positive attitude towards the meeting?

Do you believe in the value of meetings?

When conducting a meeting, are you always sure that you are doing it at the appropriate level?

Are you in control of the meeting process?

Do you deviate from meeting rules if necessary?

Do you complete your assignment after the meeting?

Everything will work out if…

Have high expectations for the meeting;

Have a positive attitude towards the meeting;

To believe that you will be able to conduct the meeting effectively;

From the very beginning, control the process of the meeting;

Be able to influence people;

Hope for good results;

We check again.

If you feel that the meeting did not go as well as you would like, consider that you may have missed something.

The behavior of the meeting participants.

If people behave inappropriately during a meeting, you may have given very little time to the process of developing the cooperation in the team that is necessary for productive work. Or you did not think about the influence of the group on the individual and did not realize that under the pressure of the group a person may behave in a way that is not characteristic of him.

Organization of meetings.

If the meeting does not start on time, questions for discussion are not thought out, there is no person who should take minutes, coffee is not served - this indicates a lack of organization and contributes to many problems. If the participants were not familiarized with the agenda before the meeting, then they did not have the opportunity to prepare and the results of the meeting will be very insignificant.

Discussion management.

The meeting drags on, final decisions are not made, none of those present understood how everyone came to this or that decision and whether it was made at all ... This situation is the result of the lack of control over the meeting by the leader. Perhaps you did not control the discussion, and it deviated from the agenda; or did not make sure that everyone agrees with the decisions made; or maybe you don't have time to sum up the meeting.

Drafting a protocol.

If minutes are not drawn up immediately after the meeting, then the most important facts will be missed and all the necessary information will not be recorded in the protocol.

attitude towards the meeting.

If you treat the meeting as a mere formality and do not hope for a positive result, then at the end of the meeting you will be disappointed. You need to know that the attitude towards the meeting directly affects the success of its holding.

Benefits of effective meetings and meetings.

Meetings are an integral part of modern life. To make the meeting a success, pay attention to its preparation.

Benefits of a well-prepared meeting.

The participants are well informed.

Everyone has the opportunity to speak.

People study and evaluate the opinions of others.

Consensus reached.

Decisions were made, even if it was decided not to do anything.

People willingly carry out the decisions made, since they participated in the discussion directly.

Some measures have been taken.

Tasks completed.

To complete the tasks, it is necessary to involve people in the process of discussing issues. An effective meeting will provide the desired result.


Conclusion- conclusion, what is deduced.

Group- a set of people united by common interests, professions and activities.

Individual- a person as a separate person.

Control- verification, as well as constant monitoring for management or supervision purposes.

Report- a detailed description of the work performed.

Break- the period during which the activity stops.

Agenda- a list of issues to be discussed at the meeting. Questions must be in a specific order.

Preparation- bringing something into a state of readiness.

Offer What is offered is offered.

Chairman (host)- an elected person in charge of the meeting.

Protocol- a document with a record of everything that happens at a meeting, meeting, meeting.

Result- what is received at the end of some activity, the result.

Secretary- the person who takes the minutes of the meeting, session.

Meeting (meeting)- the joint presence somewhere of several members of the team to discuss, resolve any issues.

Target- object of desire; what needs to be accomplished.

About the author.

Keith Keenan is a graduate psychologist with a bachelor's degree, master of philosophy. In 1978, she opened a psychological counseling center for employees of large manufacturing enterprises. Its goal is to help people realize their hidden potential.

Developed by Keith Keenan, individual programs help modern leaders to independently find and solve organizational problems - from individual assessment in the selection of personnel to team building and studying relationships within the team. Keith prefers training managers, helping them develop programs to expand and develop company resources.

In the past, Kate was always nervous when she had to lead a meeting on her own, but later she realized that by focusing on achieving her goals, she can achieve good results, and not just waste time.

It is unthinkable to imagine the work of any organization without business communications. Properly built communication between employees allows you to smoothly and quickly solve the tasks.

There are many types of meetings in organizations, and each of them has its own characteristics and tasks. Knowing such nuances will help facilitate the discussion of business issues. This article will tell you about the types of meetings, help you understand why they are held and how they are recorded in office work.

Goals of business meetings

Any type of business meetings allows you to see a comprehensive picture of the situation in the organization, to identify its weak and strengths. It is worth noting that with the participation in this format of business communications, a fast company or enterprise takes place.


The following tasks of all types of meetings can be distinguished:

  • solving current problems and issues;
  • integration of activities of departments in accordance with the strategic goal of the company;
  • evaluation of the company and its individual structural divisions;
  • maintenance and development of company policy.

In order to understand in what format to hold such a business event, it is necessary to decide which of the above tasks will correspond to it, and after that you can understand which classification it will belong to.

Types and classification

A meeting, as a type of business communication, can have a different form of holding, which determines its subject matter and the list of officials present.

The main classification of meetings should be distinguished:

  1. Ownership area. Here we can distinguish such types of meetings as administrative (which provide for the discussion of problematic issues), scientific (seminars and conferences, the purpose of which is to discuss topical scientific issues), political (involving a meeting of members of any political parties and movements) and mixed types.
  2. Scale. Here, international ones are distinguished, where specialists from other countries or foreign partners are involved, national, regional, and also city.
  3. Regularity. In either format, meetings can be ongoing or recurring.
  4. According to the place of deployment - local or traveling.

And also all types of meetings can be divided as follows:

  1. Instructive, providing for a directive format for conducting, where a superior leader conveys information directly to his subordinates, which then diverges and is transmitted along the vertical of power. Most often, in the course of such business communication, orders of the CEO are heard, which can significantly affect the course of the enterprise, and these can also be norms of behavior or important innovations.
  2. Operational (dispatching). The purpose of this type of meeting is to obtain information about the state of affairs in an organization or enterprise. The flow of information in this case is directed from subordinate subordinates to the heads of departments or to CEO. Basically, at the operational meetings, issues on the implementation of road maps, planned activities, strategic and operational plans are considered. An important difference operational (dispatch) meeting from all the others is that they are held regularly and have a fixed list of participants. It is also worth noting that during the meeting there may be no agenda.
  3. Problematic. Such a meeting is convened in case of an urgent need to make a decision to complete tasks in a short time or to solve a global problem for the enterprise.

In addition to all of the above, one can separately single out one of the most popular view production meeting - planning meeting. As a rule, such an event is held daily or once a week, at which the head of the department and direct performers are present, who receive tasks for the day and discuss the progress of their implementation.

The topic of the meeting of the personnel of the enterprise for the meeting can be any kind of issues that arise in the course of the activities of the enterprise, and the course of the discussion can be devoted to changes external environment in which a particular organization operates.

Organization of the meeting

Any kind of meeting, regardless of its format, requires careful preparation for it, since its effectiveness depends on this moment. Initially, you need to determine the following points:

  • target;
  • issues discussed;
  • setting tasks for personnel (based on functionality and subordination);
  • stages of task execution.

Today, most meetings are conducted in a very mediocre manner, because of which their meaning is lost, and the tasks assigned can be performed poorly. Therefore, it is extremely important to think through the entire course of such business meetings and build a working discussion in such a way that it does not just take time, but has a feedback from the team.


It should be noted that large firms and organizations seeking to gain a certain market share and develop their company in order to obtain large profits make a big bet on the discussion important issues through meetings. From the practice of successful managers, you can form the following set of rules on how to prepare for a meeting:

To begin with, a list of participants is determined. It should be clear who to invite to the meeting and what role he will play at it. It often happens that the invited persons may not understand the issue, and are invited "just in case", but at that moment they could do their own thing. official duties and don't waste time.

It is important to have an agenda. If the meeting is planned, then an agenda is developed in advance, which indicates the issues discussed, and also determines the main speakers. It is important to remember that this document should be sent to those responsible for the preparation of information and those who will be present so that all participants can prepare reports, proposals and additional questions. If necessary, the agenda can be adjusted.

The main and strategic issues should be brought to the fore of the meeting. The speakers of such issues must necessarily be persons (heads of departments, sections, workshops) who are personally responsible for the implementation of any strategic measures of the company.

Important Points

It is important to remember that any meeting has two main stages - preparation for it and its conduct itself. The first stage includes determining the relevance of holding a business meeting, designating tasks, main and secondary goals, forming a list of participants and speakers, preparing reports, presentations and a report according to the topic or a previously defined agenda. The second stage involves the implementation of the previously planned course of the meeting, listening to reports and discussing current and strategic issues.

If during such business communication it is necessary to decide what and to whom to do from employees, then we can single out the third stage - decision-making. As a rule, decisions are made by the chairman, who chairs the meeting, based on his own discretion or through discussion or collective voting.

Sample meeting plan

With a well-defined plan in front of him, any leader can conduct a meeting efficiently and effectively, which will allow him to get feedback from the staff and set the right tasks for them. This plan may include the following aspects:

  • listening to reports and summarizing results for a certain time period (quarter, week, half year, month);
  • coverage of current issues relevant to the company;
  • listening to proposals for troubleshooting (brainstorming);
  • evaluation of the proposed options and discussion of their implementation;
  • accumulation of options;
  • voting for the adoption of one or another option;
  • definition of boundaries during problem solving (definition of responsible persons, terms, methods and methods).


Most of types of meetings needs to be fixed on paper (document), which is called a protocol. Keeping this kind of documentation allows you to legitimize the decisions made. And also thanks to the protocol, you can always track the progress of the implementation of activities, and in case of non-fulfillment of the tasks set, determine who is responsible for this.

The puncture, as a rule, is conducted by the secretary of the leader who is the chairman of the meeting. However, often this function can be performed by other employees.

Functions and tasks of the secretary

Before the start of business meetings, the secretary should be familiar with the list of invitees and the list of issues discussed. However, it is worth noting that if the meeting is held on a regular basis, then it is this official who collects all the documentation (lists, plans, agenda, etc.) and helps the manager prepare for the meeting.

At first, and if necessary, the secretary may ask the persons who appear to fill out a registration sheet, where their full names will be indicated. and position. This will be needed when drafting the protocol. Next, the secretary announces the agenda, which marks the beginning of the meeting. Further, when those present begin to discuss issues, the secretary records the progress of this event. At the end of the meeting, this official prepares the finished version of the protocol, after which he signs it with the chairman and sends everything to the persons involved.

When drawing up, it is extremely important for the secretary to pay due attention to the appearance of the minutes of the meeting. It must include a header, venue, list of attendees, issues discussed and decisions made.


From the above information, it becomes clear that holding meetings at enterprises is extremely important. However, it is always worth remembering that high-quality preparation for such events carries more than 50% of the key to success in covering information, setting goals and their high-quality implementation.

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