Control tests in the Russian language. Specify a sentence with a punctuation error

The wonderful city of Mirgorod! There are no buildings in it! And under the straw, and under the outline, even under the wooden roof; to the right is a street, to the left is a street, everywhere there is a beautiful wattle fence; hops curl over it, pots hang on it, because of it the sunflower shows its sun-shaped head, the poppy reddens, thick pumpkins flash ... Luxury! The wattle fence is always adorned with objects that make it even more picturesque: either a pulled on plakhta, or a shirt, or trousers. There is neither theft nor fraud in Mirgorod, and therefore everyone hangs whatever he thinks. If you approach the square, then, surely, stop for a while to admire the view: there is a puddle on it, an amazing puddle! the only one you've ever seen! It occupies almost the entire area. Great puddle! Houses and cottages, which from a distance can be mistaken for haystacks, crowding around, marvel at her beauty. But I don't have those thoughts better at home like a county court. Whether it's oak or birch, I don't care; but in it, gracious sirs, there are eight windows! eight windows in a row, right on the square and on that expanse of water, which I have already spoken about and which the mayor calls a lake! Only it is painted with the color of granite: all the other houses in Mirgorod are simply whitewashed. The roof on it is all wooden, and would even be painted red paint, if the stationery oil prepared for this, seasoned with onions, had not been eaten, which was, as if on purpose, during fasting, and the roof remained unpainted. A porch overlooks the square, on which chickens often run, because cereals or something edible are almost always scattered on the porch, which, however, is not done on purpose, but solely from the imprudence of petitioners. It is divided into two halves: one presence, to another convict. In the half where the presence is, there are two clean, whitewashed rooms: one is the front room for petitioners; to another table covered with ink stains; it has a mirror on it. Four oak chairs with high backs; near the walls there were chests forged with iron, in which bales of povet povet were preserved. On one of these chests there was then a boot polished with wax. The presence began early in the morning. Judge, enough fat man, although somewhat thinner than Ivan Nikiforovich, with a good mien, in an oiled dressing gown, with a pipe and a cup of tea, he talked with the prisoner. The judge's lips were right under his nose, and therefore his nose could sniff the upper lip as much as he liked. This lip served him instead of a snuffbox, because snuff addressed to the nose was almost always sown on it. So, the judge talked to the defendant. The barefoot girl held aside a tray of cups. At the end of the table, the secretary read the decision of the case, but in such a monotonous and dejected tone that the defendant himself would fall asleep listening. The judge, no doubt, would have done this first of all, if he had not entered into an entertaining conversation meanwhile. “I deliberately tried to find out,” the judge said, sipping tea from an already cold cup, “how it is done, that they sing well. I had a nice thrush about two years ago. Well? suddenly deteriorated completely. Started singing God knows what. The further, worse, worse, he began to burr, wheeze - at least throw it away! But the most nonsense! this is why it is done: a bobon is made under the neck, less than a pea. This bobbon needs only to be pierced with a needle. Zakhar Prokofievich taught me this, and exactly, if you like, I will tell you how it was: I come to him ... “Would you like me, Demyan Demyanovich, to read something else?” interrupted the secretary, who had already finished reading for several minutes. - Have you read it yet? Imagine how soon! I didn't hear anything! Yes, where is it? give it here, I'll sign it. What else do you have there? - The case of the Cossack Bokitka about a stolen cow. - Okay, read on! Yes, so I come to him ... I can even tell you in detail how he treated me. The vodka was served with salmon, the only one! Yes, not our balyk, which, - at the same time the judge made a tongue and smiled, and his nose sniffed his usual snuff box, - which is served by our grocery store in Mirgorod. I didn't eat herring, because, as you know, it gives me heartburn in the pit of my stomach. But I tasted caviar; beautiful caviar! nothing to say, great! Then I drank peach vodka infused with centaury. There was also saffron; but saffron, as you know, I do not use. You see, it is very good: in advance, as they say, whet your appetite, and then finish it ... Ah! to hear by ear, to see by sight ... the judge suddenly exclaimed, seeing Ivan Ivanovich enter. - God help! wish you hello! said Ivan Ivanovich, bowing on all sides, with his only pleasantness. My God, how he knew how to enchant everyone with his appeal! I have never seen such subtlety anywhere. He knew his own dignity very well, and therefore looked at universal respect as it was due. The judge himself gave a chair to Ivan Ivanovich, his nose pulled with upper lip all the tobacco that was always familiar to him great fun. “What would you like us to regale you with, Ivan Ivanovich?” - he asked. - Would you like a cup of tea? "No, thank you very much," answered Ivan Ivanovich, bowing and sitting down. - Do me a favor, one cup! the judge repeated. — No, thank you. I am very pleased with the hospitality,” Ivan Ivanovich answered, bowed and sat down. "One cup," repeated the judge. — No, don't worry, Demyan Demyanovich! At this Ivan Ivanovich bowed and sat down.— A cup? - So be it, except for a cup! said Ivan Ivanovich, and held out his hand to the tray. Lord God! what an abyss of subtlety a person has! Can't tell what pleasant impression doing such things! "Would you like another cup?" "I humbly thank you," answered Ivan Ivanovich, placing the overturned cup on the tray and bowing. Do me a favor, Ivan Ivanovich! - I can not. Thank you very much. At this Ivan Ivanovich bowed and sat down. - Ivan Ivanovich! make friendship, one cup! - No, I am very obliged for the treat. Having said this, Ivan Ivanovich bowed and sat down. - Just a cup! one cup! Ivan Ivanovich stretched out his hand to the tray and took the cup. Fu you abyss! how can, how can a man maintain his dignity! “I, Demyan Demyanovich,” Ivan Ivanovich said, finishing his last sip, “I have a necessary business with you: I give the calls. - At the same time, Ivan Ivanovich put down the cup and took out of his pocket a written stamped sheet of paper. - Call on your enemy, on the sworn enemy. - Who is it for? - To Ivan Nikiforovich Dovgochkhun. At these words, the judge nearly fell off his chair. - What are you saying! he said, throwing up his hands. - Ivan Ivanovich! is that you? “See for yourself that I am. The Lord is with you and all the saints! How! you, Ivan Ivanovich, have become an enemy to Ivan Nikiforovich? Is it your mouth that speaks? Repeat again! Is there someone hiding behind you and speaking instead of you? .. - What's so incredible. I can't look at him; he inflicted a mortal insult on me, offended my honor. - Holy Trinity! how can I convince my mother now! And she, the old woman, every day, as soon as we quarrel with her sister, she says: “You, children, live among yourselves like dogs. If only you took an example from Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich. That's how friends are friends! something buddies! so-and-so worthy people!" Here's to you buddies! Tell me, what is it for? How? “This is a delicate matter, Demyan Demyanovich! it cannot be said in words. Order to read the request better. Here, take it from this side, it's more decent here. - Read, Taras Tikhonovich! said the judge, turning to the secretary. Taras Tikhonovich accepted the request and, blowing his nose in the same way as all secretaries of district courts blow their nose, with the help of two fingers, began to read: - “From the nobleman of the Mirgorod district and the landowner Ivan, Ivan's son, Perepenok petition; and about what, the points follow: 1) Known throughout the world for his ungodly, disgusting and exceeding every measure of lawful acts, the nobleman Ivan, Nikiforov’s son, Dovgochkhun, this July 7, 1810, inflicted a mortal insult on me, both personally related to my honor, so evenly in humiliation and embarrassment my rank and surname. This nobleman, and he himself, moreover, of a vile appearance, has a quarrelsome character and is full of various kinds of blasphemy and swear words ... " Here the reader stopped a little to blow his nose again, and the judge folded his hands in reverence and only said to himself: — What a lively feather! Lord God! as this person writes! Ivan Ivanovich asked to read further, and Taras Tikhonovich continued: - “This nobleman, Ivan, Nikiforov’s son, Dovgochkhun, when I came to him with friendly proposals, called me publicly insulting and reproachful for my honor by my name, namely: gander, while it is known to the entire Mirgorod district that I have never been called this vile animal and do not intend to be called in the future. The proof of my noble origin is that in the register of births, located in the church three saints, recorded as the day of my birth, so evenly and the baptism I received. Gander but, as is known to everyone who is somewhat versed in the sciences, cannot be recorded in the register of births, because gander there is not a man, but a bird, which is already known to everyone, even who has not been to the seminary. But this malignant nobleman, being aware of all this, for no other reason than to inflict a fatal insult on my rank and rank, cursed me with this vile word. 2) This very indecent and indecent nobleman, moreover, encroached on my family property, which I received after my parent, who was in the clergy, of blessed memory Ivan, the son of Onisius, Perepenok, property, by the fact that, contrary to all laws, he transferred it completely opposite to mine goose-shed on the porch, which was done with no other intention than to aggravate the insult inflicted on me, for this stable had stood in a fair place until now and was still quite strong. But the disgusting intention of the aforementioned nobleman consisted solely in making me a witness to obscene passages: for it is known that no person will go to a barn, much less a goose, for a decent business. With such an illegal action, the two front plows seized my own land, which I inherited during my lifetime from my parent, Ivan of blessed memory, Onisiev’s son, Perepenok, starting from the barn and in a straight line to the very place where the women wash the pots. 3) The nobleman depicted above, whose very name and surname inspires every kind of disgust, harbors in his soul a malicious intention to set fire to me in own house. Undoubted signs of which are clear from the following: firstly, this malignant nobleman began to leave his chambers often, which he had never done before, because of his laziness and vile corpulence of the body; secondly, in the human room, adjacent to the very fence, enclosing my own, received by me from my late parent, Ivan of blessed memory, son of Onisius, Perepenok, the earth, a light burns daily and for an extraordinary duration, which is already obvious to proof of this, for until now, due to his stingy stinginess, not only the tallow candle, but even the kagan was always extinguished. And therefore I ask this nobleman Ivan, the son of Nikiforov, Dovgochkhun, as if guilty of incendiary, insulting my rank, name and surname, and predatory appropriation of property, and most of all, vile and reprehensible addition of my name to the surname gander, to the recovery of a fine, the satisfaction of the archpriests and losses, to award him, as a violator, to put him in shackles and, having chained him, to transfer him to the city prison, and at my request, the decision should be immediately and strictly made. - Wrote and composed a nobleman, Mirgorod landowner Ivan, Ivanov's son, Pererepenko. After reading the request, the judge approached Ivan Ivanovich, took him by the button and began to speak to him in almost this way: "What are you doing, Ivan Ivanovich?" Fear God! drop the request, let it disappear! (Dream her about Satan!) Rather, hold hands with Ivan Nikiforovich, and kiss, and buy Santurino, or Nikopol, or at least just make a punch, and call me! Let's drink together and forget everything! — No, Demyan Demyanovich! it's not that kind of thing," said Ivan Ivanovich with the solemnity that always suited him so well. “It’s not a matter that can be settled by amicable deal. Farewell! Farewell to you, gentlemen! he continued with the same gravity, turning to everyone. I hope that my request will have the proper effect. And he left, leaving his whole presence in amazement. The judge sat without saying a word; the secretary sniffed tobacco; the office workers knocked over a broken shard of a bottle used instead of an inkwell; and the judge himself absent-mindedly spread a puddle of ink on the table with his finger. "What do you say to that, Dorofey Trofimovich?" said the judge, after some silence, turning to the judge. "I won't say anything," replied the judge. - What things are being done! the judge continued. Before he had time to say this, the door cracked and the front half of Ivan Nikiforovich landed in the presence, the rest remained still in the front. The appearance of Ivan Nikiforovich, and even before the court, seemed so unusual that the judge cried out; the secretary interrupted his reading. One clerk, in a frieze likeness of a half-coat, took a pen to his lips; another swallowed a fly. Even the handicapped man, who had previously been standing at the door, scratching in his dirty shirt with a stripe on his shoulder, even this handicapped man opened his mouth and stepped on someone's foot. - What fates! what and how? How is your health, Ivan Nikiforovich? But Ivan Nikiforovich was neither alive nor dead, because he got stuck in the doorway and could not take a single step forward or backward. It was in vain that the judge shouted into the hall for one of those who were there to kick Ivan Nikiforovich from behind into the courtroom. In the hall there was only one old woman, a petitioner, who, despite all the efforts of her bony hands, could not do anything. Then one of the clerks, with thick lips, broad shoulders, a thick nose, eyes that looked slanted and drunk, with torn elbows, approached Ivan Nikiforovich's front half, folded both his arms crosswise like a child, and winked at the old invalid, who he pressed his knee against Ivan Nikiforovich's belly, and, in spite of plaintive groans, he was forced out into the hall. Then they pushed back the latches and opened the other half of the doors. Moreover, the clerk and his assistant, a disabled person, from their joint efforts, spread such a strong smell with the breath of their mouths that the presence room turned into a drinking house for a while. "Didn't they hit you, Ivan Nikiforovich?" I'll tell my mother, she will send you tinctures, with which you rub only your lower back and back, and everything will pass. But Ivan Nikiforovich collapsed into a chair and, apart from lengthy ooh, couldn't say anything. Finally, in a weak voice, barely audible from fatigue, he said: - Wouldn't you like it? and, taking a horn out of his pocket, he added: "Take it, lend me a favor!" “Very glad to see you,” replied the judge. “But I still can’t imagine what made you take the trouble and lend us such a pleasant accident. "With a request..." Ivan Nikiforovich could only utter. — With a request? with what? - With permission ... - here shortness of breath made a long pause, - oh! - God! and you there! Such rare friends! Call on such a virtuous person! .. He is Satan himself! said Ivan Nikiforovich abruptly. The judge crossed himself. - Take the request, read it. “There is nothing to do, read it, Taras Tikhonovich,” said the judge, turning to the secretary with an air of displeasure, and his nose involuntarily sniffed his upper lip, which he usually did before only from great pleasure. Such arbitrariness of the nose caused the judge even more annoyance. He took out a handkerchief and swept all the tobacco from his upper lip to punish his insolence. The secretary, having made his usual attack, which he always used before starting to read, that is, without the help of a handkerchief, began in his ordinary voice in this way: - “The nobleman of the Mirgorod district, Ivan, Nikiforov’s son, Dovgochkhun, asks, and about what, the points follow: 1) Due to his hated malice and obvious hostility, Ivan, Ivanov's son, Pererepenko, who calls himself a nobleman, does all sorts of dirty tricks, losses and other vicious and terrifying actions for me even yesterday afternoon, like a robber and a thief, with axes, saws, chisels and other plumbing tools, he climbed into my yard at night and into my own barn located in it, chopped it with his own hand and in a disgusting way. To which, on my part, I did not give any reason for such an illegal and predatory act. 2) The same nobleman Pererepenko has an encroachment on my very life and until the 7th day of last month, secretly containing this intention, came to me and began in a friendly and cunning way to beg me for a gun that was in my room, and offered me for him , with his characteristic stinginess, many worthless things, such as: a brown pig and two measures of oats. But, foreseeing at the same time his criminal intention, I tried in every possible way to evade him from it; but this swindler and scoundrel, Ivan, Ivan's son, Pererepenko, scolded me in a muzhik way and has had an irreconcilable enmity towards me since that time. Moreover, this, often commemorated, frantic nobleman and robber, Ivan, Ivanov's son, Pererepenko, and a very obnoxious origin: his sister was a slut known to the whole world and left for the jaeger company, which stood five years ago in Mirgorod; and she registered her husband as a peasant. His father and mother were also lawless people, and both were unimaginable drunkards. The aforementioned nobleman and robber Pererepenko, with his bestial and reprehensible deeds, surpassed all his relatives and, under the guise of piety, does the most seductive deeds: he does not keep fasts, because on the eve of Filippovka, this apostate bought a ram and the next day ordered to slaughter his lawless girl Gapka, stipulating, like he would need at that hour lard for kaganets and candles. Therefore, I ask this nobleman, like a robber, a blasphemer, a swindler, who has already been caught in theft and robbery, to be shackled and sent to prison, or a state jail, and there already, at his discretion, depriving ranks and nobility, to smear good with barbarians and to Siberia to hard labor as necessary to imprison; Protors, order him to pay the damages and, according to my request, make a decision. “Ivan, a nobleman of the Mirgorod district, Nikiforov’s son, Dovgochkhun, had a hand in this petition.” As soon as the secretary finished reading, Ivan Nikiforovich took up his cap and bowed, with the intention of leaving. "Where are you going, Ivan Nikiforovich?" the judge said after him. - Sit down a bit! have some tea! Oryshko! why are you standing there, stupid girl, and winking at the stationery? Go get some tea! But Ivan Nikiforovich, frightened that he had gone so far from home and endured such a dangerous quarantine, had already managed to crawl through the door, saying: “Don’t worry, I’ll be happy to ...” and closed it behind him, leaving his entire presence in amazement. There was nothing to do. Both requests were accepted, and the case was about to take on a rather important interest, when one unforeseen circumstance made it even more interesting. When the judge came out of the presence, accompanied by the judge and the secretary, and the clerks were putting chickens, eggs, loaves of bread, pies, knishes and other squabbles that had been inflicted by the petitioners into a bag, at that time a brown pig ran into the room and grabbed, to the surprise of those present, not a pie or bread crust, but Ivan Nikiforovich's petition, which lay at the end of the table, hanging sheets down. Grabbing the paper, the brown sow ran away so quickly that none of the orderly officials could catch up with her, despite the thrown rulers and inkwells. This emergency caused a terrible commotion, because even a copy had not yet been written off from her. The judge, that is, his secretary and arbitrator, spoke for a long time about such an unheard-of circumstance; Finally, it was decided to write about this attitude towards the mayor, since the investigation in this case was more related to the civilian police. The note for No. 389 was sent to him on the same day, and on this very curious explanation took place, about which readers can learn from the next chapter.

The test was compiled by Elena Vladimirovna Zhukovskaya, the author of the book “Final Tests in the Russian Language and Culture of Speech” (M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2003). This is a balanced test which is in a good way self-control.

"excellent" - no more than 4 errors;

"good" - no more than 10 errors;

"satisfactory" - no more than 16 errors;

"unsatisfactory" - 17 errors or more.

An additional task (essay-review of the text) is evaluated as a creative work.

1. Mark the number of the word with the prefix PRE-:

1) pr_open

2) pr_follow

3) turn on

4) preparation

2. In which example is NOT written separately?

1) (un)bearable pain

2) act extremely (not) carefully

3) bought a (not) expensive, but beautiful suit

4) far (not) easy

3. Mark the number of the sentence in which a comma is placed at the gap:

1) Once a Swan, a Cancer and a pike took a cart with luggage.

2) Both the coast and the sea were silent.

3) Big city attracted with its power, vitality, bustle of continuous human flows, the roar of trams_ and the cry of car sirens.

4) Ivan Nikiforovich was neither alive nor dead.

4. Mark the number of the word with a double consonant:

1) ball (l) he

2) al (l) yuminium

3) dram(m)a

4) res(s)urs

5. In which word is the letter O missing?

2) oven_ny

3) lattice

4) canvas

6. The lexical meaning of which word is defined incorrectly?

1) Chaff - the soft part of baked bread, bread products.

2) Winter - shoots of grain sown in autumn.

3) Flood - a rise in the water level in rivers from the melting of snow, ice or heavy rains.

4) Virgin land - land that has never been plowed.

7. What word is hyphenated?

1) (Radio) location

2) (electro) motor

3) (as) no way

4) hardly

8. We need commas in place of numbers:

I love the forests near Moscow (1) and when they rustle merrily in the summer breeze (2) and when they (3) are snow-covered (4) sleep peacefully (5) under the cold light of the moon.

1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

9. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) Tr_pinka, inclination, n_tarius, close.

2) Zh_years, count_tat, zh_ton, pr_neglect.

3) C_gan, without_initiative, akats_ya, late.

4) Dry_, forty_anniversary, p_play, forty_leg.

10. Mark the number of the sentence with a punctuation error:

1) Quickly, so that the eagles would not find out about the hidden deer, I hurried to Louvain.

2) From all that has been said, it follows that after each shot, if the black grouse has not fallen, it is necessary to watch him until he flies out of sight.

3) Along the seashore and parallel to it, rows of swamps and long lakes stretched, which were separated from each other by sandy oxen.

4) The guide silently pointed to patches of fog that appeared in the mountains and, like ghosts, roamed the forest.

11. Spelled without b:

1) feld (b) huntsman

2) aeros (b) capacity

3) two (b) tiered

4) four (b) element

12. Specify an example with an error in the formation of the grammatical form of a word:

1) he is ignorant

2) badger holes

3) has no right

4) full of impressions

13. In what case is only one spelling possible?

1) w(i/e) to sleep

2) pr (and / e) bow

4) naduma (n / n) th

14. In which phrase is the type of word connection - management?

1) Buying a house

2) second number

3) learn to draw

4) this tree

15. In which word is the letter T not written?

1) Verbal (t) ny

2) korys (t) ny

3) hung

4) us (t) ny

16. In which word is the stress on the first syllable?

3) pamper

17. In which sentence should a dash be placed at the gap?

1) I'm angry with myself_ I'm all around to blame.

2) Here a rather entertaining picture opened up - a wide hut, the roof of which rested on two sooty pillars, was full of people.

3) The Falcon flies up, clings to the ground.

4) I I know_ in your heart there is both pride and direct honor.

18. In what example is NN written in the suffix?

1) seeded flour

2) unmowed meadow

3) the girl is spoiled

4) desert road

19. Mark the number of the word where a voiced consonant is written at the gap:

1) milk

2) str_ka (from jet)

3) too_chur

4) neither_verify

20. In which sentence is someone else's speech framed incorrectly?

1) “Well, well, well! - Valya laughed - I won’t tell anyone.

2) “I am your resident,” she said, “I am on duty today.”

3) “Our presence on the ground at such a tense moment is necessary,” Bortashev concluded. “I'm leaving tomorrow.”

4) Pavel, leaving home, said to his mother: “On Saturday I will have guests from the city.”

21. Which word has an incorrect synonym?

1) Eyes - eyes

2) shone - sparkled

3) monument - pedestal

4) rage - anger

22. Which word is broken incorrectly for hyphenation?

1) Untie

2) ra-zys-kat

3) co-burned

4) entrance

23. In what example is NI written everywhere at the pass?

1) Who didn't curse stationmasters who didn't scold them?

2) The son kissed his mother, and without looking at her, without turning around, left the room.

3) The Cossack is on his way to the north, the Cossack does not want to rest either in an open field, or in an oak forest, or at a dangerous crossing.

4) No matter how Manilov figured out how to be and what to do, but he could not think of anything else, as soon as he let out the remaining smoke from his mouth in a very thin stream.

24. In what row is b written in all words?

1) luxury (s), cut (s) those, boundary (s), achieve (s)

2) bile (b), re (b) mew, eat (b) those, backhand (b)

3) jump (b), leash (b), lantern (b) box, nevmoch (b)

4) ver (b) fi, brit (b) xia, false (b), prepare (b) those

25. In which sentence is a comma not placed at the gap?

1) Of course, not only Yevgeny could see Tanya's confusion.

2) Fortunately, the river has great depth throughout its entire length.

3) We did not hope to meet again, however, we met.

4) How good you are about the night sea!

26. Mark the word number with spelling mistake:

1) go down to the valley

2) be an old-timer

3) dedicate a lantern

4) beg for help

27. Which word has the same number of letters and sounds?

2) subject

3) holiday

4) take

28. Which example does not comply with the norms literary language?

1) Hunting worries and dreams took possession of my imagination.

2) It took four days to make the boats.

3) Gubarev had a habit of constantly pacing back and forth, continually twitching and scratching his beard.

4) I asked a friend to bring my suitcase into the car.

29. Mark the number of the word where the spelling is separate:

1) So that (would) the water does not flood the fire, it was necessary to put more firewood in the fires.

2) Nikita turned (to) right, towards the river.

3) (C) due to the damp and cool spring, the greens retained their freshness until early July.

4) I have the (same) gray coat that you saw me in last year.

30. In which word is the letter Yu missing?

1) Viewers are watching

2) a student preparing for the test

3) banners re_t

4) hateful look

31. In which sentence do you need to put a colon (punctuation marks are not placed in sentences)?

1) Nothing was noticeable to enliven the picture, neither doors opening nor people coming out from somewhere, no living troubles and worries at home.

2) Lots of snow, lots of bread.

3) Hope and the swimmer were swallowed up by the whole sea.

4) In the field in the grove, silence reigned everywhere in the air.

32. Mark an example in which the underlined word is written with a capital (big) letter:

1) State Tretyakov (g) gallery

2) Great Hall of the Moscow (k) Conservatory

3) Far (in) East

4) Lomonosov (h) shadows

33. In which sentence is a comma not placed at the gap?

1) Streams of smoke curled in the night air_ full of moisture and freshness of the sea.

2) The sound of the sea coming from below spoke of peace.

3) Holding a jug over her head, the Georgian woman went down a narrow path to the shore.

4) As a true artist, Pushkin did not need to choose poetic subjects for his works, but for him all subjects were equally filled with poetry.

34. Mark the number of the word where the spelling with is NOT merged:

1) A drop is (not) great, but a stone destroys.

2) The drop is (not) large, but small.

3) On the table lay a (not) read, but only a viewed book.

4) There was a book (not) read by me on the table.

35. “Methane-type compounds can also be released during volcanic activity, but the fact that they are invariably associated with the “dark” seas, i.e. with the very soil of the planet, and that they are present in the spectrum of all vegetation, undoubtedly strengthens the position of the defenders of organic life on Mars.

The text below refers to the following style of speech:

1) official business

2) scientific

3) journalistic

4) artistic

Read sentences A, B, C, D and do tasks 36-40.

(A) All night the nightingale trills disturb the sensitive sleep of the forest dwellers, who are in the same high spirits.

(B) A cuckoo wakes them up at dawn.

(B) B last days In May, wild rose blossoms, clusters of lilacs bloom, soft pink brushes of which roll over the wooden fence of the garden.

(D) Incessantly discordant bird noise is heard in the forest.

36. In what order should the sentences follow to make a text?

37. Determine the style and type of speech of the above text:

1) conversational style, narration

2) journalistic style, reasoning

3) art style, narration

4) scientific style, reasoning

38. Find the wrong statement about the sentences of the text:

1) Sentence A is a simple sentence with a separate definition.

2) Sentence B is a simple common sentence.

3) Offer B - difficult sentence, consists of three simple ones.

4) Sentence D is a simple sentence with homogeneous definitions.

39. Which word from the text has grammatical signs incorrectly defined?

1) CONTINUOUSLY - adverb

2) SOFT PINK - compound adjective

3) DIVISIONS - a noun in the instrumental case

4) NIGHTINGALING - relative adjective

40. Indicate a sentence with a punctuation error:


Write an essay on this text. Express your attitude to the topic described by the author. Evaluate the language design of the text: style, composition, selection of language means.


It is now the end of September, but the willows have not turned yellow yet. But from behind the houses, from the backyards, the tops of yellow and crimson-red trees peep through.

The grass that has overgrown the whole village, like the willows, would also have been completely green if the old lindens growing in the garden had not begun to shed their yellowed leaves. And since yesterday was strong wind, the leaves were enough to cover the whole village, and now through the fallen leaves the green grass is visible.

Among the yellow-green, a bright, wet, black gleams a narrow road.
There is some strange combination of naive blueness and dark, slate clouds in the sky.

From time to time a bright sun peeps through, and then the clouds become even blacker, the clear patches of the sky become even bluer, the foliage even more yellow, the grass even greener, the road even blacker, the old bell tower peeps even more through the half-fallen lindens.

If from this bell tower, climbing up the half-decayed beams and stairs, now look in all directions white light, then our horizons will immediately expand: we will take a look at the entire hill on which Olepino stands, we will see, perhaps, a river wrapping around the foot of the hill, villages standing along the river, a steep semicircle of the forest, embracing the entire landscape with a horseshoe: both the village, and the river, and village, and then black, then yellow, then gently, not in the autumn green fields.

There is no end to the world. Imagination can lift us higher than the bell tower, then the horizons will again be heard, and the village that was around us will seem like from toy houses huddled together in a small flock in the middle of the earth, which has a noticeable planetary curvature.
We will see that the earth is entwined with many paths and roads. Those that are brighter, fatter, lead to cities that can now be seen from our height.

(According to V. Soloukhin)

3) The nobleman depicted above, whose very name and surname inspires every kind of disgust, harbors in his soul a malicious intention to set fire to me in his own house. Undoubted signs of which are clear from the following: firstly, this malignant nobleman began to leave his chambers often, which he had never done before, because of his laziness and vile corpulence of the body; secondly, in the human room, adjacent to the very fence, enclosing my own, which I received from my late parent, son of blessed memory Ivan Onisiev, the son of Pererepenok, the earth, the light burns daily and for an extraordinary duration, which is already a clear proof of this , for until now, due to his stingy stinginess, not only the tallow candle, but even the kagan was always extinguished.

And therefore I ask this nobleman Ivan Nikiforov, the son of Dovgochkhun, as if guilty of incendiary, insulting my rank, name and surname and predatory appropriation of property, and most of all, vile and reprehensible addition of my name to the surname goose to the collection of a fine, the satisfaction of the archpriests and damages, to be awarded, and himself, as a violator, to be beaten into shackles and chained to the city prison, and according to this request of mine, the decision should be immediately and strictly made. Wrote and composed a nobleman, Mirgorod landowner Ivan Ivanov, son of Pererepenko.

After reading the request, the judge approached Ivan Ivanovich, took him by the button and began to say to him almost in this way: “What are you doing, Ivan Ivanovich? Fear God! drop the request, let it disappear! (Dream her about Satan!) It's better to hold hands with Ivan Nikiforovich, and kiss, and buy Santurino, or Nikopol, or at least just make a punch, but call me! Let's spill it together and forget everything!"

“No, Demyan Demyanovich! it's not that kind of thing," said Ivan Ivanovich with the solemnity that always went to him like that. “It’s not a matter that can be solved by amicable deal. Farewell! Farewell to you, gentlemen! he continued with the same gravity, turning to everyone. “I hope that my request will have a proper effect,” and left, leaving the whole presence in amazement.

The judge sat without saying a word. The secretary sniffed tobacco, the clerks knocked over a broken shard of a bottle used as an inkwell, and the judge himself absentmindedly spread a puddle of ink on the table with his finger.

"What do you say to that, Dorofei Trofimovich?" said the judge, after some silence, turning to the judge.

"I won't say anything," answered the judge.

"What things are being done!" continued the judge. Before he had time to say this, the door creaked and Ivan Nikiforovich's front half landed in the presence; the rest remained in the front. The appearance of Ivan Nikiforovich, and even before the court, seemed so unusual that the judge cried out; the secretary interrupted his reading. One clerk, in a frieze likeness of a half-coat, took a pen to his lips; another swallowed a fly. Even the handicapped man, who had previously been standing at the door, scratching himself in his dirty shirt, with a stripe on his shoulder, even this handicapped man opened his mouth and stepped on someone's foot.

“What fate! what and how? How is your health, Ivan Nikiforovich?

But Ivan Nikiforovich was neither alive nor dead, because he got stuck in the doorway and could not take a step forward or back. It was in vain that the judge shouted into the hall for one of those who were there to kick Ivan Nikiforovich from behind into the courtroom. In the hall there was only one old woman, a petitioner, who, despite all the efforts of her bony hands, could not do anything. Then one of the clerks, with thick lips, broad shoulders, a thick nose, eyes that looked slanted and drunk, with torn elbows, approached Ivan Nikiforovich's front half, crossed both his arms like a child, and winked at the old invalid. , who rested his knee on the belly of Ivan Nikiforovich, and despite plaintive groans, he was squeezed out into the hall. Then they pushed back the latches and opened the other half of the doors. Moreover, the clerk and his assistant, a disabled person, from their joint efforts, spread such a strong smell with the breath of their mouths that the presence room turned into a drinking house for a while.

After reading the request, the judge approached Ivan Ivanovich, took him by the button and began to speak to him in almost this way:

What are you doing, Ivan Ivanovich? Fear God! drop the request, let it disappear! (Dream her about Satan!) Rather, hold hands with Ivan Nikiforovich, and kiss, and buy Santurino, or Nikopol, or at least just make a punch, and call me! Let's drink together and forget everything!

No, Demyan Demyanovich! it's not that kind of thing," said Ivan Ivanovich with the solemnity that always went to him like that. “It’s not the kind of thing that can be settled with an amicable deal. Farewell! Farewell to you, gentlemen! he continued with the same gravity, turning to everyone. I hope that my request will have the proper effect. - And he left, leaving the whole presence in amazement.

The judge sat without saying a word; the secretary sniffed tobacco; the office workers knocked over a broken shard of a bottle used instead of an inkwell; and the judge himself absent-mindedly spread a puddle of ink on the table with his finger.

What do you say to that, Dorofei Trofimovich? - said the judge, after some silence, turning to the court.

I won't say anything," replied the judge.

What things are being done! the judge continued.

Before he had time to say this, the door cracked and the front half of Ivan Nikiforovich landed in the presence, the rest remained still in the front. The appearance of Ivan Nikiforovich, and even before the court, seemed so unusual that the judge cried out; the secretary interrupted his reading. One clerk, in a frieze likeness of a half-coat, took a pen to his lips; another swallowed a fly. Even the handicapped man, who had previously been standing at the door, scratching in his dirty shirt with a stripe on his shoulder, even this handicapped man opened his mouth and stepped on someone's foot.

What destinies! what and how? How is your health, Ivan Nikiforovich?

But Ivan Nikiforovich was neither alive nor dead, because he got stuck in the doorway and could not take a single step forward or backward. It was in vain that the judge shouted into the hall for one of those who were there to kick Ivan Nikiforovich from behind into the courtroom. In the hall there was only one old woman, a petitioner, who, despite all the efforts of her bony hands, could not do anything. Then one of the clerks, with thick lips, broad shoulders, a thick nose, eyes that looked slanted and drunk, with torn elbows, approached Ivan Nikiforovich's front half, folded both his arms crosswise like a child, and winked at the old invalid, who he pressed his knee against Ivan Nikiforovich's belly, and, in spite of plaintive groans, he was forced out into the hall. Then they pushed back the latches and opened the other half of the doors. Moreover, the clerk and his assistant, a disabled person, from their joint efforts, spread such a strong smell with the breath of their mouths that the presence room turned into a drinking house for a while.

Were you hurt, Ivan Nikiforovich? I'll tell my mother, she will send you tinctures, with which you rub only your lower back and back, and everything will pass.

But Ivan Nikiforovich collapsed into a chair and, apart from prolonged groans, could say nothing. Finally, in a weak voice, barely audible from fatigue, he said:

Don't you want? - and, taking a horn out of his pocket, he added: - Take it, lend me!

I am very glad to see you, - the judge answered. “But I still can’t imagine what made you take the trouble and lend us such a pleasant accident.

With a request ... - Ivan Nikiforovich could only utter.

With a request? with what?

Let me... - here shortness of breath made a long pause, - oh!

God! and you there! Such rare friends! Call on such a virtuous person! ..

He is Satan himself! said Ivan Nikiforovich abruptly.

The judge crossed himself.

Take a request, read.

There is nothing to do, read it, Taras Nikonovich, - said the judge, turning to the secretary with an air of displeasure, and his nose involuntarily sniffed his upper lip, which he usually did before only with great pleasure. Such arbitrariness of the nose caused the judge even more annoyance. He took out a handkerchief and swept all the tobacco from his upper lip to punish his insolence.

The secretary, having made his usual attack, which he always used before starting to read, that is, without the help of a handkerchief, began in his ordinary voice in this way:

- "The nobleman of the Mirgorod district, Ivan, Nikiforov's son, Dovgochkhun, asks, and about what, the following points follow:

1) Due to his hated malice and obvious hostility, Ivan Ivanov's son, who calls himself a nobleman, Pererepenko, repairs all sorts of dirty tricks, losses and other vicious and terrifying actions to me yesterday afternoon, like a robber and a thief, with axes, saws, chisels and with other plumbing tools, he climbed into my yard at night and into my own barn located in it, chopped it with his own hand and in a disgusting way. To which, on my part, I did not give any reason for such an illegal and predatory act.

2) The same nobleman Pererepenko has an encroachment on my very life and until the 7th day of last month, secretly containing this intention, came to me and began in a friendly and cunning way to beg me for a gun that was in my room, and offered me for him , with his characteristic stinginess, many worthless things, such as: a brown pig and two measures of oats. But, foreseeing at the same time his criminal intention, I tried in every possible way to evade him from it; but this swindler and scoundrel, Ivan, Ivan's son, Pererepenko, scolded me in a muzhik way and has had an irreconcilable enmity towards me since that time. Moreover, this, often commemorated, frantic nobleman and robber, Ivan, Ivanov's son, Pererepenko, and a very obnoxious origin: his sister was a slut known to the whole world and left for the jaeger company, which stood five years ago in Mirgorod; and she registered her husband as a peasant. His father and mother were also lawless people, and both were unimaginable drunkards. The aforementioned nobleman and robber Pererepenko, with his bestial and reprehensible deeds, surpassed all his relatives and, under the guise of piety, does the most seductive deeds: he does not keep fasts, because on the eve of Filippovka, this apostate bought a ram and the next day ordered his lawless girl Gapka to be slaughtered, stipulating, like he would need at that hour lard for kaganets and candles.

Elena Vladimirovna Zhukovskaya, the author of the book “Final Tests in the Russian Language and Culture of Speech” (Moscow: Flinta: Nauka, 2003), offers you two options (sets) of final tests in the Russian language. Each of these sets is a balanced test, which can be used for attestation control of students.
E.V. tests Zhukovskaya have already been published in the newspaper "Russian Language" No. 2/2003.


Control tests in Russian

senior classes

Examination paper in the Russian language consists of a set of test tasks of varying degrees of complexity, which reflect such thematic sections school curriculum like morphology, spelling, vocabulary, phonetics, word formation.
Each test contains a condition (question) and four possible answers, among which only one is correct. Tasks are focused on a quick solution (no more than 4 minutes are given to complete the most laborious task). You have 60 minutes to complete the test.
We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. If a task is difficult for you, skip it and move on to the next one. You can return to missed tasks if you have time.

    "excellent" - no more than 4 errors;

    "good" - no more than 10 errors;

    "satisfactory" - no more than 16 errors;

    "unsatisfactory" - 17 errors or more.

An additional task (essay-review of the text) is evaluated as a creative work.


1. Mark the word number with a prefix pre- :

1) pr_open,
2) pr_follow,
3) turn on,
4) preparation.

2. In which example Not written separately?

1) (un)bearable pain,
2) act extremely (not) carefully,
3) bought a (not) expensive, but beautiful suit,
4) far (not) easy.

3. Mark the number of the sentence in which a comma is placed at the gap:

1) Once a Swan, a Cancer and a pike took a cart with luggage.
2) Both the coast and the sea were silent.
3) The big city attracted with its power, vitality, bustle of continuous human flows, the roar of trams_ and the cry of car sirens.
4) Ivan Nikiforovich was neither alive nor dead.

4. Mark the number of the word with a double consonant:

1) ball (l) he,
2) al (l) yuminium,
3) dram(m)a,
4) res(s)urs.

5. Which word is missing a letter O ?

1) lud,
2) stove_ny,
3) lattice,
4) canvas.

6. The lexical meaning of which word is defined incorrectly?

1) Chaff - the soft part of baked bread, bread products.
2) Winter - shoots of grain sown in autumn.
3) Flood - a rise in the water level in rivers from the melting of snow, ice or heavy rains.
4) Virgin land - land that has never been plowed.

7. What word is hyphenated?

1) (Radio) location,
2) (electro) motor,
3) (as) no way,
4) hardly.

8. We need commas in place of numbers:

I love the forests near Moscow (1) and when they rustle merrily in the summer breeze (2) and when they (3) are snow-covered (4) sleep peacefully (5) under the cold light of the moon.

1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
2) 1, 2, 3, 4,
3) 2, 3, 4, 5,
4) 2, 3, 4.

9. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) Tr_pinka, inclination, n_tarius, close.
2) Zh_years, count_tat, zh_ton, pr_neglect.
3) C_gan, without_initiative, akats_ya, late.
4) Dry_, forty_anniversary, p_play, forty_leg.

10. Mark the number of the sentence with a punctuation error:

1) Quickly, so that the eagles would not find out about the hidden deer, I hurried to Louvain.
2) From all that has been said, it follows that after each shot, if the black grouse has not fallen, it is necessary to watch him until he flies out of sight.
3) Along the seashore and parallel to it, rows of swamps and long lakes stretched, which were separated from each other by sandy oxen.
4) The guide silently pointed to patches of fog that appeared in the mountains and, like ghosts, roamed the forest.

11. Spelled without b :

1) feld (b) huntsman,
2) aeros (b) capacity,
3) two (b) tiered,
4) four (b) element.

12. Specify an example with an error in the formation of the grammatical form of a word:

1) he is ignorant,
2) badger holes,
3) has no right,
4) full of impressions.

13. In what case is only one spelling possible?

1) Shch (and / e) to sleep,
2) pr (and / e) bow,
3) for (that),
4) thoughtful (n / n) th.

14. In which phrase is the type of word connection - management?

1) Buying a house,
2) second number,
3) learn to draw,
4) it's a tree.

15. In which word is the letter T , enclosed in brackets, is not written?

1) Word (t) ny,
2) kors (t) ny,
3) dependent (t)
4) mustache (t) ny.

16. In which word is the stress on the first syllable?

1) Gypsy,
2) sorrel,
3) pamper,
4) accepted.

17. In which sentence should a dash be placed at the gap?

1) I'm angry with myself_ I'm all around to blame.
2) Here a rather entertaining picture opened up - a wide hut, the roof of which rested on two sooty pillars, was full of people.
3) The Falcon flies up, clings to the ground.
4) I I know_ in your heart there is both pride and direct honor.

18. In what example is the suffix written nn ?

1) seeded flour,
2) unmowed meadow,
3) the girl is spoiled,
4) desert road.

19. Mark the number of the word where a voiced consonant is written at the gap:

1) milk_ba,
2) stru_ka,
3) too_chur,
4) neither_verify.

20. In which sentence is someone else's speech framed incorrectly?

1) “Well, well, well! - Valya laughed - I won’t tell anyone.
2) “I am your resident,” she said, “I am on duty today.”
3) “Our presence on the ground at such a tense moment is necessary,” Bortashev concluded. “I'm leaving tomorrow.”
4) Pavel, leaving home, said to his mother: “On Saturday I will have guests from the city.”

21. Which word has an incorrect synonym?

1) Eyes - eyes,
2) shone - sparkled,
3) monument - pedestal,
4) rage - anger.

22. Which word is broken incorrectly for hyphenation?

1) Untie,
2) ra-zys-kat,
3) co-burnt,
4) driveway.

23. In what example is it written at the place of the pass neither ?

1) Who did not curse the stationmasters, who did not scold them?
2) The son kissed his mother, and without looking at her, without turning around, left the room.
3) The Cossack is on his way to the north, the Cossack does not want to rest either in an open field, or in an oak forest, or at a dangerous crossing.
4) No matter how Manilov figured out how to be and what to do, but he could not think of anything else, as soon as he let out the remaining smoke from his mouth in a very thin stream.

24. In what row is it written in all words b ?

1) Luxury (b), cut (b) those, boundary (b), achieve (b);
2) bile (b), re (b) mew, eat (b) those, backhand (b);
3) jump (b), leash (b), lantern (b) box, nevmoch (b);
4) ver (b) fi, brit (b) xia, false (b), prepare (b) those.

25. In which sentence is a comma not placed at the gap?

1) Of course, not only Yevgeny could see Tanya's confusion.
2) Fortunately, the river has great depth throughout its entire length.
3) We did not hope to meet again, however, we met.
4) How good you are about the night sea!

26. Mark the number of the misspelled word:

1) get down to the valley
2) be old-timer
3) dedicate lantern,
4) beg about help.

27. Which word has the same number of letters and sounds?

1) Bayan,
2) subject,
3) holiday,
4) take.

28. What example does not correspond to the norms of the literary language?

1) Hunting worries and dreams took possession of my imagination.
2) It took four days to make the boats.
3) Gubarev had a habit of constantly pacing back and forth, continually twitching and scratching his beard.
4) I asked a friend to bring my suitcase into the car.

29. Mark the number of the word where the spelling is separate:

1) So that (would) the water does not flood the fire, it was necessary to put more firewood in the fires.
2) Nikita turned (to) right, towards the river.
3) (C) due to the damp and cool spring, the greens retained their freshness until early July.
4) I have the (same) gray coat that you saw me in last year.

30. Which word is missing a letter Yu ?

1) Viewers are watching,
2) a student preparing for the test,
3) banners re_t,
4) a hateful look.

31. In which sentence do you need to put a colon (punctuation marks are not placed in sentences)?

1) Nothing was noticeable to enliven the picture, neither doors opening nor people coming out from somewhere, no living troubles and worries at home.
2) Lots of snow, lots of bread.
3) Hope and the swimmer were swallowed up by the whole sea.
4) In the field in the grove, silence reigned everywhere in the air.

32. Mark an example in which the underlined word is written with a capital (big) letter:

1) State Tretyakovskaya (gallery;
2) Great Hall of the Moscow (j) conservatories;
3) Far (East;
4) Lomonosov (h) shade.

33. In which sentence is a comma not placed at the gap?

1) Streams of smoke curled in the night air_ full of moisture and freshness of the sea.
2) The sound of the sea coming from below spoke of peace.
3) Holding a jug over her head, the Georgian woman went down a narrow path to the shore.
4) As a true artist, Pushkin did not need to choose poetic subjects for his works, but for him all subjects were equally filled with poetry.

34. Mark the number of the word where the spelling with Not confluent:

1) A drop is (not) great, but a stone destroys.
2) The drop is (not) large, but small.
3) On the table lay a (not) read, but only a viewed book.
4) There was a book (not) read by me on the table.

35. “Compounds like methane can also be released during volcanic activity, but the fact that they are invariably associated with the “dark” seas, i.e. with the very soil of the planet, and that they are present in the spectrum of all vegetation, undoubtedly strengthens the position of the defenders of organic life on Mars.
The text below refers to the following style of speech:

1) official business,
2) scientific,
3) journalistic,
4) artistic.

(A) All night the nightingale trills disturb the sensitive sleep of the forest dwellers, who are in the same high spirits.
(B) A cuckoo wakes them up at dawn.
(B) In the last days of May, wild rose blossoms, clusters of lilacs bloom, soft pink brushes of which roll over the wooden fence of the garden.
(D) Incessantly discordant bird noise is heard in the forest.

1) GABB,
2) BBGA,
3) BVAG,
4) AVBG.

37. Determine the style and type of speech of the above text:

2) journalistic style, reasoning;

38. Find the wrong statement about the sentences of the text:

1) Sentence A is a simple sentence with a separate definition.
2) Sentence B is a simple common sentence.
3) Sentence B is a complex sentence, consists of three simple ones.
4) Sentence D is a simple sentence with homogeneous definitions.

1) Incessantly- adverb;
2) pale pink- compound adjective
3) inhabitants- noun in instrumental case;
4) nightingales- relative adjective.

40. Indicate a sentence with a punctuation error:

1) A,
2) B,
3) B,
4) G.



It is now the end of September, but the willows have not turned yellow yet. But from behind the houses, from the backyards, the tops of yellow and crimson-red trees peep through.
The grass that has overgrown the whole village, like the willows, would also have been completely green if the old lindens growing in the garden had not begun to shed their yellowed leaves. And since yesterday there was a strong wind, the leaves were enough to cover the whole village, and now the green grass is visible through the fallen leaves.
Among the yellow-green, a bright, wet, black gleams a narrow road.
There is some strange combination of naive blueness and dark, slate clouds in the sky.
From time to time a bright sun peeps through, and then the clouds become even blacker, the clear patches of the sky become even bluer, the foliage even more yellow, the grass even greener, the road even blacker, the old bell tower peeps even more through the half-fallen lindens.
If from this bell tower, climbing the half-decayed beams and stairs, now look in all directions of the white world, then our horizons will immediately expand: we will take a look at the entire hill on which Olepino stands, we will see, perhaps, a river winding around the foot of the hill, villages standing along the river, a steep semicircle of forest, embracing the entire landscape: a village, and a river, and a village, now black, now yellow, now gently, not in autumn green fields.
There is no end to the world. Imagination can lift us higher than the bell tower, then the horizons will again be heard, and the village that was around us will seem like from toy houses huddled together in a small flock in the middle of the earth, which has a noticeable planetary curvature.
We will see that the earth is entwined with many paths and roads. Those that are brighter, fatter, lead to cities that can now be seen from our height.

(According to V. Soloukhin)


1 – 2); 2 – 4); 3 – 2); 4 – 1); 5 – 4); 6 – 1); 7 – 3); 8 – 4); 9 – 1); 10 – 2); 11 – 4); 12 – 3); 13 – 4); 14 – 1); 15 – 1); 16 – 4); 17 – 3); 18 –4); 19 – 2); 20 – 1); 21 – 3); 22 – 1); 23 – 4); 24 – 2); 25 – 3); 26 – 3); 27 – 2); 28 – 4); 29 – 4); 30 – 3); 31 – 1); 32 – 3); 33 – 2); 34 – 1); 35 – 2), 36 – 1); 37 – 3); 38 – 4); 39 – 3) 40 – 3).


1. Which word is missing b ?

2. In what example is the suffix written nn ?

1) Windmill,
2) the book is illustrated,
3) the herd is frightened_o,
4) baked in ash.

3. Which word has a spelling error?

1) be late,
2) imagination,
3) threaten
4) pile up.

4. Which series of synonyms is incorrect?

1) Rider, equestrian, riding, equestrian;
2) blush, blush, redden, blush;
3) mistake, oversight, error, slip;
4) evil, dashing, bad, terrible.

5. Which word has more letters than sounds?

1) rich,
2) morning,
3) blizzard,
4) request.

6. The particle is written Not :

1) N_ one person did not come.
2) N_ is it her?
3) N_ give n_ take.
4) Where n_ come from.

7. In which sentence is a comma not placed at the gap?

1) The firewood seems to be dry_ and the stove does not play.
2) Both women were cunning_ and neither of them started the necessary conversation.
3) The day was innocent_ and the wind was fresh.
4) In July, in the south, evenings come early_ and the air darkens quickly.

8. Give an example in which the use capital letter wrong:

1) United Nations;
2) Hero Russian Federation;
3) Western Siberia;
4) State Tretyakov Gallery.

9. Specify a sentence with a punctuation error:

1) Despite the early hour, many lyceum students did not sleep.
2) The very speech of the colonel, sparing in words, was never distinguished by certainty.
3) The moon must have risen behind the veil of clouds.
4) Leading up, the path twisted heavily.

10. Written separately:

1) (twenty) (five) thousandth,
2) (half) past ten,
3) (quarter) final,
4) (three) (thousand) fifteenth.

11. Part of speech is incorrectly defined:

How freely the chest breathes, as if the boats are moving, how it is getting stronger the whole man engulfed in fresh breath spring.

1) at ease- adverb;
2) the whole- pronoun;
3) engulfed- adjective;
4) breath- noun.

12. In what word does the prefix end in -With ?

1) Vo_reward,
2) silent,
3) burn,
4) and_torturing.

13. Is being written O :

1) cherry plum,
2) peppery,
3) extinguish,
4) worthless.

14. In which sentence do you need to put a colon (punctuation marks are not placed in sentences)?

1) The cornices and platbands of the house, the gate and the gate, were all in patterns.
2) Soon happiness smiled at me, a son was found.
3) The rains washed away the mountain roads, it was difficult to drive.
4) The snow was getting whiter and brighter so that it hurt my eyes.

15. Indicate in which word a mistake was made:

1) sorrel,
2) parachute,
3) kids,
4) squint.

16. Indicate an incorrect statement about the number of letters and sounds in words:

1) entry - 5 letters, 5 sounds;
2) eternal - 6 letters, 7 sounds;
3) request - 7 letters, 6 sounds;
4) good - 6 letters, 7 sounds.

17. Which word is missing a separator b ?

1) counter (b) argument,
2) gil (b) otina,
3) pre (b) anniversary,
4) with (b) to narrow.

18. In which sentence are the punctuation marks wrong?

1) At the end of the labors, Peter took out a pocket book in order to inquire whether everything he had planned for that day was fulfilled.
2) Let you die, but in the heart of the brave and strong in spirit, you will always be a living example.
3) While Shamokhin was talking, I noticed that the Russian language and the Russian environment gave him great pleasure.
4) The aunt closed her eyes in order to fall asleep as soon as possible, since she knew from experience that the sooner you fall asleep, the sooner morning will come.

19. Specify a word with a spelling error:

1) call,
2) too much
3) disappear,
4) dislocation.

20. In which word does the stress fall on the third syllable?

1) clog,
2) winterer,
3) rubber,
4) prettier.

21. In which sentence is a comma not placed at the gap?

1) It seemed that the time had come when every minute was like an eternity_ and there was no need to wait for another.
2) He himself did not increase his father's fortune_ for he was, as they say, a zhuir, an Epicurean in the Russian way.
3) If a person has given himself an idea, then nothing can be done.
4) I didn’t want to go home_ and there was no need to go there.

22. Someone else's speech in the sentence is conveyed incorrectly:

1) I asked my brother if he brought the book.
2) Mamaev explained that he had been sitting here for six hours.
3) What an aroma, citizens, what an intoxicating aroma, said the old man.
4) Gavrila suddenly asked where the tackle was.

23. Mark the number of the word, the lexical meaning of which is defined incorrectly.

1) Glare - a reflection of light or a light spot on a dark background.
2) Alley - a road on both sides of which trees are planted.
3) Reproduction - a picture printed in a printing house.
4) Chaff - the soft part of baked bread, bread products.

24. It is written together:

1) after (after) a shot rang out,
2) listen to the same thing (same),
3) there was (from) something to be sad,
4) (for) that I came to get the necessary information.

25. Find the wrong statement about the offer:

Let's sing a song together.

1) The offer is simple, indefinitely personal;
2) main member sentences predicate let's sing;
3) the offer is widespread;
4) type of connection in the phrase sing a song - control.

26. Mark wrongly formed shape plural:

1) coachmen,
2) watchman
3) millstone,
4) engineer.

27. In what row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) Z_nitsy, yd_py, j_leika, pr_nebrech;
2) k_bora, non-collapsible (cabinet), resume, header;
3) vy_koe (swamp), bed_delnik, skull_strip, and_to chill;
4) without_initiative, ot_skat, pre_history, super_searched.

28. In which phrase is the type of connection - adjacency?

1) Immediately filled,
2) waiting for a meeting,
3) filled the heart,
4) filled with joy.

29. Mark the word with a prefix pre- :

1) sing,
2) finish,
3) fasten,
4) exalt.

30. Which word in the sentence has grammatical signs incorrectly defined?

We rested after work, then went to the cinema.

1) We- personal pronoun;
2) after- suggestion;
3) then- union;
4) went- verb.

31. Indicate the correct answer:

C_fra, age, price_price, bluish, sat_l, pre_history,

1) i-o-s-i-e-s,
2) i-a-z-e-e-i,
3) s-a-s-e-i-i,
4) i-a-c-e-i-s.

32. In what word is it written nn ?

1) Chewed;
2) spoiled child;
3) dried fish;
4) we are limited by time.

33. In which example is only one spelling possible?

1) (B) distance,
2) (from) that
3) ve(s/s)ti,
4) already (whether).

34. In what case Not spelled fluently?

1) Debt (not) paid;
2) (not) luck led us to success, but endurance;
3) (un)finished work;
4) it is said (not) (in) Russian.

35. Specify a sentence without grammatical errors(correctly constructed):

1) Most students did well in their exams.
2) Forty-one people graduated from the school.
3) A clatter and screams were heard in the village.
4) The speaker tried to convince his listeners that the proposals put forward by him were tested in practice.

Read sentences A, B, C, D and do tasks 36-40.

(A) The wind will blow right in your face, everything will rustle merrily and move around.
(B) The breeze either woke up or subsided.
(B) Some grasshoppers chirped in unison.
(D) But now, he froze again, and everything was quiet again.

36. In what order should the sentences follow to make a text?

1) BAGV,
2) ABCD,
3) VGBA,
4) GBVA.

37. Indicate a sentence with a punctuation error:

1) A,
2) B,
3) B,
4) G.

38. Which sentence contains a misspelled word?

1) A,
2) B,
3) B,
4) G.

39. Which word from the text has grammatical signs incorrectly defined?

1) In face- noun, inanimate, neuter, 2nd declension, singular. number, accusative;
2) subsided- verb, imperfect species, 1st conjugation, past tense;
3) unanimously- adjective, quality short form, neuter gender, singular number;
4) He- pronoun, personal, 3rd person, singular. number.

40. Determine the style and type of speech of this text:

1) conversational style, narration;
2) journalistic style, description;
3) artistic style, narration;
4) scientific style, reasoning.


Write an essay on this text. Express your attitude to the topic described by the author. Evaluate the language design of the text: style, composition, selection of language means.


That was a long time ago, forty years ago. In early autumn, I was returning from fishing along a mowed meadow and saw a bird near a small hole overgrown with willow. She heard me, got frightened and suddenly rushed to run, clumsily toppling to one side.
You don't have to run away from the boy, like from a hound dog. He will certainly rush in pursuit, wild passion will kindle in him. Watch out then alive soul. I caught up with the bird and, blind from hunting passion, swept it with a damp rod.
I took in my hand a bird with a wilted, seemingly boneless body. Her eyes were pinched by dead, colorless eyelids, her neck, like a frost-bitten leaf, dangled.
I recognized the bird. It was a corncrake, dergach in our opinion. All his friends dergachi went to warmer climes to spend the winter, but this one could not leave. He did not have one paw - in the hayfield he fell under a scythe. That's why he ran so clumsily from me, that's why I caught up with him.
The thin, almost weightless body of the bird aroused such pity in me that I began to dig a hole in the furrow with my hands and bury the bird so simply, foolishly ruined ...
I have lived for many years and have seen everyone. I was at war, I shot at people, and they shot at me. But why, why, as soon as I hear the creak of a corncrake across the river, my heart trembles and again one old torment falls on me: why did I kill the corncrake? For what?

(V. Astafiev)


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