Koryak people where they live. Koryaks


People in the Russian Federation. The indigenous population of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug. They also live in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and in the Magadan Region. The Koryak language of the Chukchi-Kamchatka family of Paleoasian languages. Number - 8942 people.

Koryak is an ethnonym that has been used since the 17th century. Its origin is associated with the formants (k o p) - "deer" and (a k) - "located at", "s", i.e. "deer".

The ethnic territory of the Koryaks is located in the north of the Kamchatka Peninsula.

The number in the Russian Federation is 8942 people.

In economic and cultural terms, the Koryaks are divided into two groups. Reindeer herders (Chavchuvens), culturally monolithic, are represented by several territorial groups that roamed the mainland tundra from the Kamchatka Isthmus to the upper left tributaries of the river. Kolyma.

Coastal Koryaks (nymylans), more diverse in economic and cultural terms. Sometimes they are referred to as ethnoterritorial groups: Kamenets, Parentsy, Itkintsy (the coast of the Penzhinskaya Bay of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk), Apukintsy (the Bringo Sea coast of Kamchatka, north of the Pakhachi River basin). Further to the north are the Kereks (currently they are counted as an independent people, numbering about 100 people). To the south, along the eastern coast of Kamchatka, the Karagins live, and parallel to them, on the western coast, the Palans live. It is more difficult to determine the cultural and economic status of the Olyutor people, who settle on the east coast from the Gulf of Corfu to the south and have settlements on the coast of Okhotsk. Their economy combines reindeer herding, fishing and hunting. At present, the Olyutors are separated into an independent people (numbering about 2OOO people). The differences between the listed groups are fixed in the language at the dialect level, and in culture, in the ratio of the main types economic activity(for example: among the Padans, fishing prevails, and among the Kamenets, hunting for a sea animal).

The Koryaks, like other Paleo-Asiatic peoples of northeastern Siberia, belong to the mainland group of populations of the Arctic Mongoloid race (see: Itelmens).

The Koryak language belongs to the Chukchi-Kamchatka group of Paleo-Asiatic languages, in which it is closest to Chukchi. This proximity by linguists is explained by the commonality of the linguistic substrate from which, in different time periods, languages ​​\u200b\u200bwere separated modern peoples Northeast Siberia. At first, it was the Itelmen language, which developed autonomously for a long time, and then Chukchi and Koryak, which coexisted longer in a substratum state, and then, in conditions of fairly active contacts between these peoples. The cultural and economic diversity of the Koryaks, in the structure of their language, was reflected in the dialects, the names of which correspond to the distinguished groups: Chavchuvensky, Kamensky, Apukinsky, Parensky, Itkansky, Olyutorsky, Karaginsky, Palansky, Kereksky. As noted above, in connection with the opinion about the possibility of granting the Olyutors and Kereks the status of an independent ethnic community, their dialects also receive the status of independent languages.

In 1932, under the guidance of V.G. Bogoraz, S.N. Stebnitsky prepared the “Red Letter” - the first primer in the Koryak language. The complexity of spreading literacy among the Koryaks consisted in dividing their language into two dialect groups - northern and southern - each of which consisted of dialects - 4 and 3, respectively. Along with them, another dialect of the Koryak reindeer herders, Chauchu, stood out. Since the Chauchu make up about half of the Koryaks, it was their language that was taken as the basis for the creation of writing, educational and popular literature. In the 1937/1938 academic year, education was transferred to the alphabet with a Russian graphic basis.

Believing Koryaks are Orthodox.

The history of the Koryaks is associated with the autochthonous basis for the formation of their culture. In the basin of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, archaeologists have discovered monuments of the so-called. Okhotsk culture (1 millennium AD, the culture of marine hunters, fishermen, hunters of wild deer), in which features of the Koryak cultural tradition, in relative chronological continuity up to the ancient Koryak settlements of the ХУ1 - ХУ11 centuries. The Okhotsk culture was based on intracontinental Neolithic traditions (the Baikal region) and southeastern components (the Amur region).

The Koryaks interacted most closely with the Itelmens, which is recorded in almost all spheres of culture. From the 11th century Koryak-Russian ties become the most significant factor determining the appearance of Koryak culture.

Living together with Russians, especially coastal Koryaks, changed their economy and way of life. Reindeer Koryaks to a greater extent retained the features of their culture. Thus, the appearance of the ethnic culture of the Koryaks was influenced both by the general regional factors in the formation of the Paleo-Asiatic peoples, and by ethno-cultural ties with their neighbors.

ethnic culture The Koryaks are represented by two economic and cultural types. The basis of the economy of the Koryaks-Chavchuvens is reindeer herding, which is supplemented by hunting and fishing. The settled Koryaks were engaged in fishing, sea and land hunting, but for different territorial groups of settled Koryaks, the importance of these types of economy could change. Among the Alyutors, reindeer breeding is supplemented by a commercial complex.

Reindeer husbandry of the Koryaks-Chavchuvens is a large herd and in organization and productive orientation corresponds to the Samoyed. Regional differences are recorded in shorter routes of seasonal migrations, summer grazing in the mountains and division of the camp, and the absence of a shepherd dog. The Olyutor people are characterized by a lower supply of reindeer farms and the cooperation of small-deer farms, a larger proportion of crafts. Koryak reindeer herders were characterized by highly specialized reindeer transport.

The basis of the economy of the settled Koryaks was fishing (Karagins, Olyutors, Palantsy), sea mammal hunting (Penzhins, Apukins). At the beginning of the XX century. 63% of Koryak households were engaged in hunting marine animals. Unlike fur hunting, which, before the arrival of the Russians, of great importance did not have, the Koryaks hunted a bear, mountain sheep, wild deer. A feature of the culture of the settled Koryaks was draft dog breeding, more diverse means of transportation on water, which had much in common with the Chukchi and Eskimo.

The specifics of the fishery, coastal fishing and the extraction of marine animals, determined the nature of the settlement. The settlements of the coastal Koryaks were located along the banks of the rivers, more often in the mouths and on the sea coast.

The main type of dwelling was a semi-dugout, which differed from similar buildings of other peoples of Siberia by a funnel-shaped structure on the roof, in the settlements there were pile outbuildings. The main type of dwelling for reindeer Koryaks was a portable dwelling - yaranga.

general information

The Koryaks did not have a single self-name. Group self-names: chavchyv, chav "chu, "reindeer breeder", "rich in deer"; nymylgyn, "local resident", villager; nymylg-aremku, ramku chavchyv, "nomadic inhabitant", etc.

In the 20s. 20th century an attempt was made to give the self-name nymylgyn in the form "nymylan" character official name people, but it did not take root and the old name "Koryaks" was restored. The ethnonym, most likely, was borrowed by the Russians from the Yukaghirs, who called the Koryaks Karaka.

They speak the Koryak language, which has several dialects: Chavchuven, Apukinsky, Itkansky, Kamensky, Parensky, Karaginsky, Palansky, Kereksky. The Russian language is widely spoken. Writing in Russian graphics.

The Koryaks constitute one of the ethnic subdivisions of the northeastern Paleo-Asians, which developed on the basis of the intracontinental cultural traditions of the Neolithic hunters. At the beginning of the 1st millennium AD, the ancient Koryak hunting culture was transformed into a specialized culture of sea hunters. The transition to marine hunting and settled life contributed to the isolation individual groups ancient Koryaks, splitting the language into dialects. The final stage in the ethnogenesis of the Koryaks is the formation of deer groups of Chavchuvens. Introduction to reindeer herding occurred among the Koryaks relatively late - presumably in the 11th-16th centuries. as a result of borrowing reindeer husbandry from the Tungus. The transition of part of the coastal inhabitants to a new occupation caused significant changes in the cultural image of the ethnic group, which led to the final formation of the Koryak people.

Territory of settlement and population

The Koryaks form the basis of the indigenous population of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug, they also live in the Severo-Evensky district of the Magadan region and in Chukotka. In 1989, there were 9242 Koryaks in the USSR, incl. in the Russian Federation - 8942. In the Koryak Autonomous Okrug, 71% of them total number- 6572. In the Magadan region - about 11% (1013 people). There are only a few dozen Koryaks in Chukotka.

The migration of the Koryaks outside their traditional habitat becomes noticeable. So, if the total number of Koryaks increased in 1970-1989. by 25%, then in the Koryak Autonomous Okrug only by 11%. A large Koryak community was formed in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - 386 people. Over 300 people were recorded in the 1989 census outside Russian Federation. Current data on the population needs to be clarified.

In the Koryak Autonomous Okrug, Koryaks live in all settlements. They are the predominant part of the population in 13 settlements (see table). In the Magadan region, the largest Koryak village is Verkhnyaya Paren.

Lifestyle and life support system

The traditional occupations of the Koryaks are reindeer herding, fishing, sea fur hunting. All the Chavchuvens and most of the Koryak-Alyutors were engaged in reindeer herding. Herds reached 2-3 thousand deer. The deer gave the Chavchuven everything they needed for life. Fishing was most developed among the Karagins, Alyutors and Palans, for them fish was the main food product. But the fishery played important role and for other groups. All groups of settled Koryaks and Alyutor reindeer herders were engaged in sea fur hunting. Fur trade among the Koryaks did not occupy a leading position, but hunting for ungulates and birds was widespread.

During the Soviet period, major changes took place in the economic life of the Koryaks. Ceased to exist as a branch of marine fur hunting. Fishing was concentrated in fishing collective farms and bore little resemblance to traditional fishing. Koryakov did not work much on the extraction of fish, the main production was provided by industrial fishing. By the beginning of the 90s. in the Koryak Autonomous Okrug, there were about 160 thousand deer, which corresponded to the number of available pastures. Reindeer herding is the only branch of the economy in which the absolute majority of the employed were Koryaks, but modern structure their employment was nevertheless determined by new occupations ( Agriculture, industry, social sphere and other industries). The collapse of collective farm and state farm production in the 90s. significantly changed the picture of employment. According to official figures, the number of unemployed among small peoples North in the district in 1992-1997. increased by 9.4 times.

The decisive role in the life support of the Koryaks at the present stage began to be played by national enterprises, family and tribal communities, farms established in all districts of the district. However, their performance is extremely low. The number of domestic reindeer decreased in 1990-1998. up to 63 thousand heads. Due to the lack of enterprises for the complex processing of venison, the growth of tariffs for transport services a significant part of the products is not exported to the places of consumption. The marine fur trade is in a crisis situation, and fish catches are declining. The population has essentially switched over to subsistence farming. The cash income of the indigenous population in the district does not provide even half of the subsistence minimum.

Ethno-social setting

Koryak autonomous region- one of the few in the Russian Federation, where the peoples of the North make up more than a quarter of the total population. This largely determines their enough high status in social and political life. At the same time, due to objective conditions (weak industrial base, undeveloped transport infrastructure, lack of a domestic market, etc.), it is in this district that a particularly difficult ethno-social situation is observed. Problems with northern delivery have exacerbated the situation with energy supply and heating in villages, there is a shortage of food, and prices are rising. In recent years, there has been no electricity in many villages throughout the summer. People cooked food on fires. There was no communication between the villages and the regional center, helicopters did not even fly to sanitary tasks, telephones and radios did not work. The fall in the standard of living, the crisis of the health care system led to an increase in the incidence of the indigenous population. If in 1993 the overall incidence in Russia as a whole was 983 per 1,000 people, then in the Koryak District it was 1358. The district has one of the highest incidence of tuberculosis in the country - 1459 per 100 thousand of the population. Household disorder, unemployment provokes drunkenness. As a result, injuries are on the rise. Mortality associated with alcohol-related injuries is 342 cases per 100 thousand of the population, which is 1.7 times more than in the whole country.

Ethno-cultural situation

An appropriate infrastructure has been created in the district, focused on solving the ethno-cultural problems of the indigenous population - the Palana Pedagogical College, which trains teachers of the Koryak language. There are a district museum, art schools in regional centers. Despite the difficult economic situation of the district, all of them continue to function today. Much of the rich cultural heritage of the Koryaks is preserved - folk arts and crafts, folklore works in almost all villages. choreographic groups, the famous ensemble "Mango" did not stop its activities.

According to the 1989 census, 52.4% of Koryaks consider the Koryak language native, and 46.8% Russian. Like other peoples of the North, native language among the Koryaks it is certainly losing its positions, but the situation cannot be considered hopeless. The Koryak language is taught at school, mainly in primary school. Since the mid 50s. Literature has been published on it since the mid-80s. separate editions are issued in Kamchatka. The district radio broadcasts in the Koryak language. Pages in the Koryak language are published as supplements to the district and district newspapers. But the main thing is that in many families, especially reindeer herders, the language environment of communication is preserved.

Bodies of management and self-government

Koryak Autonomous Okrug (established in 1930) is a subject of the Russian Federation. The Koryaks and other peoples of the North take part in its executive and representative bodies. Among the deputies of the Duma of the district, they make up 60%. The governor of the district and the Chairman of the Duma at one time were representatives of the indigenous population. A significant part of the Koryaks work in district governments and head village and settlement administrations.

The functions of self-government bodies are performed by various public associations endowed, in accordance with the Charter of the Okrug, with the right of legislative initiative in the Duma of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug. The most authoritative of them is the Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug, which has its own territorial and ethnic branches in each of the regions. A similar Association operates in the Magadan region, which includes the Koryaks of the North-Evensky district.

Legal documents and laws

In the development of the legislative and regulatory framework in the interests of the indigenous peoples of the North, the Koryak Autonomous Okrug is one of the leaders. Already at the beginning of the 90s. here a whole package of normative documents was adopted, which are of vital importance for the Koryaks and other peoples of the North. Among them is the decision of the Presidium of the Council people's deputies district “On measures to preserve the traditional cultural, religious and spiritual values ​​of the peoples of the North”, “Temporary regulation on the transfer of land plots for farm (peasant) reindeer farms”, approved the “Temporary status of a national enterprise”, Regulation on the procedure for distributing salmon fish catch limits " and others. Legislative and regulatory framework of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug, dedicated to the indigenous peoples, is currently composed of the following legal acts:

The Law "On Territories of Traditional Nature Management in the Koryak Autonomous Okrug", adopted by the Duma of the Okrug on May 21, 1997

Law "On the status tribal community Indigenous Peoples of the North”, adopted by the Duma of the District on November 12, 1997.

Law “On the organization of territorial public self-government of the population of the Koryak Aut. district”, adopted in 1997.

Law "On the procedure for classifying land as state, municipal and private property", adopted by the Duma on June 18, 1997

Regulations on the national enterprise and the main directions of traditional types of folk crafts, approved by the Duma Resolution on May 28, 1998

Regulation "On the procedure for catching salmon by residents of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug for personal consumption", approved by the Duma on March 28, 1996.

Contemporary Issues environment

The territory of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug is slightly affected by industrial construction; there are no large industrial enterprises of federal significance here. However, even here the problems of preserving the environment are quite acute. As a result of anthropogenic impact, the pasture area is shrinking. In the 80s, early 90s. Several dozens of geological teams and parties worked in the district, and about 1 million hectares of reindeer moss turned out to be in their sphere of activity. Drilling of wells, seismic explosions, dozens of tractors and all-terrain vehicles destroy annually hundreds of hectares of pastures, which are already lacking in the district. Of particular concern is the state of pastures in the Tigilsky district, where a particularly large number of expeditions have worked in recent years. Fires are a real disaster. As a result of the reduction in the import of energy carriers and foodstuffs in recent years, the burden on natural environment near settlements– forests are intensively cut down for firewood, poaching of ungulates and fishing has intensified. Industrial fishing off the coast of the district undermines the resource base of salmon, which play an extremely important role for the livelihood of the indigenous population.

Prospects for the preservation of the Koryaks as an ethnic group

Despite the difficult socio-economic situation in the district, the deteriorating demographic indicators, the decline in the level and quality of life, the Koryaks retain the necessary potential opportunities to preserve themselves as an ethnic system. State assistance in solving the economic problems of the indigenous population with further expansion of its independence and self-government is able to reverse negative trends and create favorable conditions for a full-fledged ethnic life.

Like other Paleo-Asiatic peoples of North-Eastern Siberia, they belong to the mainland group of populations of the Arctic Mongoloid race.

Koryak language

Koryak language belongs to the Chukchi-Kamchatka group of Paleo-Asiatic languages, the closest Chukchi , which is explained by the commonality of the linguistic substrate, from which different times the languages ​​of the modern peoples of North-Eastern Siberia were isolated. At first it was the Itelmen language, which developed autonomously for a long time, and then the Chukchi and Koryak languages, which coexisted in conditions of fairly active contacts between these peoples. The cultural and economic diversity of the Koryaks is reflected in the dialects whose names correspond to the distinguished groupings: Chavchuvensky, Kamensky, Apukinsky, Parensky, Itkansky, Olyutorsky, Karaginsky, Palansky, Kereksky. In connection with the opinion about the possibility of endowing alyutors And kerekov the status of an independent ethnic community, their dialects also receive the status of independent languages.


In cultural and economic terms, the Koryaks are divided into 2 groups. Reindeer herders (Chavchuvens), culturally monolithic, are represented by several territorial groups that roamed in the mainland tundra from the Kamchatka Isthmus to the upper reaches of the left tributaries of the Kolyma. The coastal Koryaks (Nymylans), who are more culturally and economically diverse, are sometimes referred to as ethnoterritorial groups: Kamenets, Parents, Itkintsy (the coast of the Penzhinskaya Bay of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk), Apukintsy (the Bering Sea coast of Kamchatka, north of the Pakhachi River basin). Further to the north are the Kereks (currently they are counted as an independent people of about 100 people). In the south, along the eastern coast of Kamchatka, the Karagins live, and parallel to them, on west coast, Palanians settle. It is more difficult to determine the cultural and economic status of the Alyutors, who are settled on the east coast from the Gulf of Corfu to the south and have settlements on the coast of Okhotsk. Their economy combines reindeer herding, fishing and hunting. Now the Alyutors are singled out as an independent people. Differences between the listed groups are fixed in the language at the level of dialects, and in culture - in the ratio of the main types of economic activity (for example, fishing prevails among the Padans, and hunting for sea animals among the Kamenets).


The history of the Koryaks is associated with the autochthonous basis for the formation of their culture. In the basin of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, archaeologists have identified monuments of the so-called Okhotsk culture (I millennium AD, the culture of marine hunters, fishermen and hunters of wild deer), in which features of the Koryak cultural traditions are traced, in relative chronological continuity preserved until the ancient Koryak settlements of the XVI -XVII centuries. The basis of the Okhotsk culture was formed by intracontinental Neolithic traditions (the Baikal region) and southeastern components (the Amur region). The Koryaks interacted most closely with the Itelmens, which is recorded in almost all spheres of culture. Since the 17th century Koryak-Russian ties become the most significant factor determining the appearance of Koryak culture. Direct contacts with the Russians changed their economy and life, especially the coastal Koryaks. Reindeer Koryaks to a greater extent retained the features of their culture. Thus, the shape of the ethnic culture of the Koryaks was influenced by both regional factors in the formation of Paleo-Asiatic peoples and ethno-cultural ties with neighbors.

By the time they met the Russians, the Koryaks had no tribal organization. Settlements of settled Koryaks already in the 17th century. were formed as territorial-communal associations that did not have exogamous features. At the end of the XIX century. in the field of production and distribution, the features of primitive collectivism were preserved. The Parents, Itkants, Kamenets had special collectives - “canoe associations”, where tools and labor were united for the time of sea hunting. "Canoe associations" were organized on the basis of a kindred principle. They not only performed production functions, but were stable social structures, inner life which was regulated by customary law, traditions and rituals. There were no unified rules for the distribution of fishery production. The most pronounced form of egalitarian distribution took place during whale hunting. The captured whale became the property of all the inhabitants of the village. In the summer, groups of relatives would come together to fish together. The spoils were divided equally. Production and public life reindeer Koryaks were concentrated in the camp, where several smaller reindeer breeders usually grouped around the farm of a large reindeer breeder. The inhabitants of the camp were connected by relations of kinship and property. The population of the camp sometimes reached 50-70 people. The owner of most of the herd was considered the head, that is, the manager of the economic life of the camp. Several camps roaming in a certain territory united in groups connected by blood, marriage or economic relations and headed by elders. Forms of ownership - communal for pastures and private for reindeer herds. The reindeer herding economy of the Chavchuvens, before its change in the Soviet period, remained patriarchal-natural with noticeable features of primitive communal relations.


The traditional worldview is associated with animism. The Koryaks animated the whole the world: mountains, stones, plants, sea, heavenly bodies. The universe was presented in the form of 5 worlds: the earth inhabited by people, 2 worlds above it and 2 underground. The upper world is the abode of the Supreme Being, which was identified with the sun, dawn, nature, the universe. The upper of the underground worlds was represented as inhabited by evil spirits, and the lower - the abode of the shadows of the dead. The worlds that make up the universe are mutually permeable. There was professional and family shamanism. The Koryaks did not have special shamanic clothes. The worship of sacred places - appapels (hills, capes, cliffs) is widespread. Dog and deer sacrifices are practiced. There are cult objects - anyapels (special stones for divination, sacred boards in the form of anthropomorphic figurines for making fire by friction, amulets symbolizing totemic ancestors, etc.).


The main economic unit of all groups of Koryaks in the XIX - early XX century. was big patriarchal family. Polygamy is known, although at the end of the 19th century. it was not widespread. Marriages took place within one local group. The marriage system of the Koryaks excluded cousins; in the case of a patrilocal marriage, working off for a wife was practiced. The customs of levirate and sororate were observed. There was a strict sexual division of labor.

Koryak culture

The ethnic culture of the Koryaks is represented by 2 economic and cultural types. The basis of the economy of the Koryaks-Chavchuvens is reindeer herding, which is supplemented by hunting and fishing. The settled Koryaks were engaged in fishing, sea and land hunting, but for different territorial groups of settled Koryaks, the significance of these types of economy was not the same. Among the Alyutors, reindeer husbandry is combined with an additional commercial complex. Reindeer husbandry of the Koryaks-Chavchuvens is a large herd and in organization and productive orientation corresponds to the Samoyed. Regional differences consist in shorter routes of seasonal migrations, summer grazing in the mountains and division of the camp, and the absence of a shepherd dog. The Alyutor people are characterized by a smaller number of deer in the economy and the cooperation of small-deer farms, a larger proportion of crafts. The Koryak reindeer herders had a highly specialized reindeer transport. The basis of the economy of the settled Koryaks was fishing (Karaginians, Alyutors, Palantsy), sea fur hunting (Penzhins, Apukins). At the beginning of the XX century. 63% of Koryak households were engaged in hunting marine animals. Fur hunting before the arrival of the Russians was not of great importance, the Koryaks hunted a bear, a mountain sheep, a wild deer. The peculiarities of the culture of the settled Koryaks were draft dog breeding and more diverse means of transportation on water, which have much in common with the Chukchi and Eskimo.


The specifics of the fishery determined the nature of the settlement. The only type In the settlements of the reindeer herders there was a camp, consisting of several dwellings - yarangas. Yaranga was a frame frame made of poles, which was covered with a tire sewn from deer skins with sheared fur with the inside inside. The yaranga was about 10 m in diameter and 4 m high. Inside the yaranga, fur sleeping canopies were attached to the walls, each for one family. In separate canopies lived adult unmarried men and unmarried women. The number of inhabitants of one yaranga at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries reached 25 people. The Chavchuvens did not have outbuildings. Among the settled Koryaks, the predominant form of dwelling was a semi-dugout with an original funnel-shaped structure on the roof. The walls were made of wooden boards. There was a hearth in the center of the dwelling. They entered the dugout in winter through a smoke hole, in summer through a special attached corridor with a flat roof. The settled Koryaks, like reindeer herders, slept in fur curtains. Most of the settlements of settled Koryaks were located at the mouths of rivers, on the seashore, they lived in them in winter and summer. The Palans had winter settlements far from the places of fishing, in the summer they moved to the coast in summer dwellings. The settlements differed in the number of inhabitants: the settlements of the Palans numbered 200 people or more. Most of the villages of the Apukians consisted of 1 semi-dugout. Outbuildings - booths covered with dry grass gave a peculiar look to the settlements of settled Koryaks. Under the influence of the Russians, some groups of Koryaks already in the middle of the 18th century. log houses began to appear.


Traditional winter clothing consisted of a kukhlyanka fur shirt, trousers and a hood. Winter clothes are double: the lower one is with fur to the body, the upper one is with the fur out. Most kukhlyanka with a hood, pants in length reached the ankles. Men's winter shoes with long and short tops were sewn from reindeer skins with the fur on the outside. The soles were usually made from lakhtak skins. Fur siskin stockings were put inside the shoes. On the road, they put on a kamleyka over the kukhlyanka - a wide shirt made of rovduga or fabric. Women's winter shoes were distinguished by high tops. The set of women's winter clothing also included overalls (kerker), a fur shirt (gagagla), the hood of which replaced the headdress. Overalls served as children's clothing. Koryak summer clothes had the same cut as winter clothes, but were made from lighter materials - rovduga, deer skins with sheared fur, dog skins, purchased fabrics, and were always single. The Koryaks did not have any special trade clothing, they only preferred dog skins or rovduga. Distinctive features of ritual clothing (funeral and dance) were a rich and characteristic ornament, as well as the color of the fur.

Traditional Koryak clothes were decorated with ornaments and pendants. Bracelets, earrings, pendants, which were made from old copper and silver items, served as decorations. Many jewelry played the role of amulets. magical meaning had hair and female tattoo. Men cut their hair, leaving only a circle on the crown or a narrow rim around the head. Women combed their hair in a straight parting and braided it into 2 tight braids, which were decorated with a string of beads.

Koryak food

The main food of reindeer herders is reindeer meat, mostly boiled. Kidneys, brain, cartilage were eaten raw. Soup was cooked from the blood and stomach contents. Dried meat was used to prepare ritual dishes - pushers (meat was rubbed with a pestle, adding roots, fat and berries). Frozen meat was eaten on the road. The hooves were sour in the blood, the young shoots of the horns were eaten boiled. As an aid to meat food, yukola was prepared, and in the summer they diversified the diet with fresh fish. Fish, meat and fat of marine animals were the main food of the settled Koryaks. Most of the fish was consumed in the form of salmon yukola.

The meat of marine animals was boiled or frozen. The fat of marine animals was valued, it was eaten raw or baked with meat or yukola. Gathering products were used everywhere: edible plants, berries, nuts. Fly agaric was used as an aphrodisiac and intoxicant. From the end of the 19th century purchased products began to become more widespread: flour, cereals, tea, sugar, tobacco.

Decorative and applied art of the Koryaks

Folk arts and crafts of the Koryaks is presented artistic processing soft materials (female occupation) and the manufacture of products from stone, bone, wood and metal (male). Koryak craftswomen are virtuosos of the northern fur mosaic, skillfully selecting combinations of light and dark tones of fur. Fur mosaic stripes are sewn onto the hems of kukhlyankas in the form of a wide border (opuvan). The ornament is predominantly geometric, less often vegetative. Realistic figurines of animals, scenes from their life are often embroidered. In embroidery, the satin stitch technique prevails. The backs of gagaglis were especially richly ornamented. Special area female art Koryakov - decoration fur carpets. The technique for making their decor is grinding pieces of light and dark fur, and embroidery with colored threads on the fur was also used.

In woodcarving, male carvers used an ornament complex shape, also characteristic of the ancient Paleo-Asians: curls, paired spirals on a stem ("ram's horns"). Miniature figurines of people and animals were carved from walrus tusk and horn, bone earrings, necklaces, snuff boxes, smoking pipes, decorated with engraved ornaments and drawings. great art the parensky blacksmiths distinguished themselves in the manufacture of metal products.

Koryak armor


Traditional Koryak holidays are seasonal. In the spring, when the herd is driven to the camp after calving, the reindeer herders celebrated the feast of the horns (kilvei), in the fall - the feast of the slaughter of deer. Before the beginning of the spring sea fishing, the coastal hunters organized a holiday for the descent of canoes, at the end of the autumn season (in November) - a seal holiday - hololo (olo-lo). There were holidays of the “first fish”, “first seal”. Both coastal and reindeer Koryaks held special religious ceremonies on the occasion of the hunting of a bear, a ram and others. In families where twins were born, a special wolf holiday”, because the twins were considered relatives of wolves. Ritual dances were performed during the holidays, representing a naturalistic imitation of the movements of animals and birds: seals, bears, deer, ravens. traditional dance mlavytyn was accompanied by characteristic guttural hoarse singing. On holidays, games and competitions were arranged (wrestling, running competitions, deer or dog racing, tossing bearded seal on the skin). From musical instruments along with a narrow-rimmed tambourine, a jew's harp (the so-called dental tambourine in the form of a bone or iron plate) is common. In recent decades, there has been a successful development professional culture, mainly in the field of choreography (national dance ensemble"Mango") and visual arts. Associations of amateur artists and writers have been created in the Koryak Autonomous Okrug. The artist Kirill Kilpalin and the writer Koyanto (VV Kosygin) are especially famous.

Palana 1212

Tymlat village 706

Manila village 565

Sedanka village 446

Lesnaya village 384

Vyvenka village 362

Ossora 351

Tilichiki village 329

Karaga village 289

Slautnoye village 254

Talovka village 254

city ​​of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 245

Tigil village 203

Khailino village 201

Voyampolka village 163

Ivashka village 162

Khayryuzovo village 102

Magadan Region:

Upper Paren village 262

town Evensk 234

Topolovka village 160

Koryaks (they did not have a single self-name; group self-names: chavchyv, chav "chu," reindeer herder "; nymylgyn," local resident "; nymylg - areemka," nomadic resident ", etc.), people in Russia - 9 thousand people, indigenous people Koryak Autonomous Okrug of the Kamchatka Region (7 thousand), also live in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and in the Severo-Evenkiysky District of the Magadan Region. The main ethnographic groups are coastal Koryaks, settled (Nymylans), deer Koryaks, nomadic (Chavchuvens). They speak the Koryak language of the Chukchi-Kamchatka family. Writing on the Russian graphic basis. Some of the believing Koryaks are Orthodox. There are traditional beliefs: shamanism, fishing cults, etc.

The first mention of the Koryaks in Russian documents dates back to the 30-40s of the 17th century, at the same time the ethnonym "Koryaks" first appears. There is an assumption that it goes back to the Koryak word hora ("deer").

The Koryaks were divided into two large economic and cultural groups: coastal - fishermen and hunters of sea animals and tundra - reindeer herders. The traditional occupations of the Koryaks are reindeer herding, fishing, sea fur hunting. Reindeer herding was done by the Chavchuvens and most of the Alyutors. The traditional economy of the coastal Koryaks is complex. In the economic complex of the settled Koryaks, fishing occupied leading place. Fishing was most developed among the Karagins, Alyutors and Palans. Fishing is predominantly riverine, coastal. All groups of settled Koryaks and Alyutor reindeer herders were engaged in sea fur hunting in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Bering Sea. Fur trade was developed (hunting for sable, fox, otter, ermine, wolverine and squirrel). Gathering was especially common among settled Koryaks (edible mollusks, eggs of wild birds, berries, nuts, willow bark, seaweed, wild sorrel, saranu, fireweed, cow parsnip and other plant and animal products).

From traditional home crafts, processing of wood, bone, metal, stone, weaving, dressing of skins are known. In ancient times, pottery was known to the Koryaks. The wood was used to make reindeer and dog sleds, boats, spears, utensils, spear shafts and harpoons, shuttles for weaving nets. The Koryaks made utensils, knives for butchering fish, pickaxes, knot untethers, pegs and harpoon tips, brakes for reindeer sleds, combs for combing grass from bone and horn of a deer and a mountain sheep. Stone axes, spearheads were used as early as the beginning of the 20th century, and skin scrapers are still used today. At present, the traditional industries: reindeer herding and fishing determine the economic direction of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug.

The main economic unit of all groups of Koryaks in the XIX - early XX centuries. was a large patriarchal family. Polygamy is known, although at the end of the 19th century it was not widespread. Marriages took place within one local group. The marriage system of the Koryaks excluded cousins, with patrilocal marriage there was work for the wife. The custom of levirate and sororate was observed. There was a strict sexual division of labor.

The only type of settlement for reindeer herders was a camp, consisting of several dwellings - yarangas. The yaranga had a skeleton frame made of poles, which was covered with a tire made of deer skins with sheared fur, with the inside inside. The settled Koryaks were dominated by a semi-dugout with a funnel-shaped structure on the roof and walls made of wooden planks. In the center of the dwelling is a hearth. They entered the dugout in winter through a smoke hole. WITH mid-eighteenth century, log dwellings began to appear.

Traditional winter clothing consisted of a fur kukhlyanka shirt, trousers, a hood and shoes. Winter clothes are double: the lower one is with fur to the body, the upper one is with the fur out. Most kukhlyanka with a hood, pants in length reached the ankles. Men's winter shoes with long and short tops were sewn from reindeer skins with the fur on the outside. The soles were usually made from lakhtak skins. Fur siskin stockings were put inside the shoes. On the road, they put on a kamleyka over the kukhlyanka - a wide shirt made of rovduga or fabric. The set of women's winter clothing also included overalls (kerker), a fur shirt (gagagla), the hood of which replaced the headdress. The summer clothes of the Koryaks had the same cut as the winter clothes, but made of rovduga, deer skins with sheared fur, dog skins, and purchased fabrics.

The main food of reindeer herders is reindeer meat, mostly boiled. Dried meat was used to prepare a ritual dish - pushers (the meat was rubbed with a pestle, adding roots, fat and berries). Frozen meat was eaten on the road. All reindeer groups of the Koryaks harvested yukola, and in the summer they diversified their diet with fresh fish. Fish, meat and fat of marine animals were the main food of the settled Koryaks. Most of the fish was consumed in the form of yukola, exclusively salmon. The meat of marine animals was boiled or frozen. Gathering products were used everywhere: edible plants, berries, nuts. Fly agaric was used as an aphrodisiac and intoxicant. From the end of the 19th century, purchased products began to become more widespread: flour, cereals, tea, sugar, and tobacco.

The folk arts and crafts of the Koryaks are represented by the artistic processing of soft materials (women's occupation) and the manufacture of stone, bone, wood and metal products (men's). Fur mosaic strips in the form of a wide border (opuvan) were sewn onto the hem of kukhlyankas. The ornament is predominantly geometric, less often vegetative. Realistic figurines of animals, scenes from their life are often embroidered. Miniature figurines of people and animals were carved from walrus tusk and horn, bone earrings, necklaces, snuff boxes, smoking pipes decorated with engraved ornaments and drawings were made.

The traditional worldview is associated with animism. The Koryaks inspired the whole world around them: mountains, stones, plants, the sea, heavenly bodies. The worship of sacred places - appapels (hills, capes, cliffs) is widespread. Dog and deer sacrifices are practiced. There are cult objects - anyapels (special stones for divination, sacred boards in the form of anthropomorphic figurines for making fire by friction, amulets symbolizing totemic ancestors, etc.). There was professional and family shamanism.

Traditional holidays are seasonal: in the spring the holiday of the horns - kilvey, in the fall is the holiday of slaughtering deer at the reindeer herders. Before the beginning of the spring sea fishing, the coastal hunters had a holiday for the descent of canoes, at the end of the autumn season (in November) a seal holiday - hololo (ololo). There were holidays of the "first fish", "the first seal". Both coastal and reindeer Koryaks held special religious ceremonies on the occasion of hunting a bear, a ram, etc. with ritual dances representing naturalistic imitations of the movements of animals and birds: seals, bears, deer, ravens. On holidays, games and competitions were arranged (wrestling, running competitions, deer or dog racing, tossing bearded seal on the skin). IN recent decades professional culture is developing, mainly in the field of choreography (national dance ensemble "Mengo") and fine arts.

E. P. Batyanova, M. Ya. Zhornitskaya, V. A. Turaev

Peoples and religions of the world. Encyclopedia. M., 2000, p. 260-261.


Auto-ethnonym (self-name)

Koryak: An ethnonym that begins to be used from the 17th century. Its origin is associated with the formants k o r - "deer" and a k - "located at", "s", i.e. "deer".

Main settlement area

The ethnic territory of the Koryaks is located in the north of the Kamchatka Peninsula.


Census numbers: 1897 - 7.335, 1926 - 7439, 1959 - 6287, 1970 - 7487, 1979 - 7879, 1989 - 9242.

Ethnic and ethnographic groups

In economic and cultural terms, the Koryaks are divided into two groups. Reindeer herders (Chavchuvens), culturally monolithic, are represented by several territorial groups that roamed the mainland tundra from the Kamchatka Isthmus to the upper left tributaries of the river. Kolyma.
Coastal Koryaks (nymylans), more diverse in economic and cultural terms. Sometimes they are designated as ethnoterritorial groups: Kamenets, Parentsy, Itkintsy (the coast of the Penzhinskaya Bay of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk), Apukintsy (the Bringo Sea coast of Kamchatka, north of the Pakhachi River basin). Further to the north are the Kereks (currently they are counted as an independent people, numbering about 100 people). To the south, along the eastern coast of Kamchatka, the Karagins live, and parallel to them, on the western coast, the Palans live. It is more difficult to determine the cultural and economic status of the Olyutor people, who settle on the east coast from the Gulf of Corfu to the south and have settlements on the coast of Okhotsk. Their economy combines reindeer herding, fishing and hunting. At present, the Olyutors are separated into an independent people (the number is about 2OOO people). Differences between the listed groups are fixed in the language at the dialect level, and in culture, in the ratio of the main types of economic activity (for example: fishing prevails among the Padans, and hunting for sea animals among the Kamenets).

Anthropological characteristics

The Koryaks, like other Paleo-Asiatic peoples of northeastern Siberia, belong to the mainland group of populations of the Arctic Mongoloid race (see: Itelmens).


Koryak: The Koryak language is included in the Chukchi-Kamchatka group of Paleo-Asiatic languages, in which it is closest to Chukchi. This proximity by linguists is explained by the commonality of the linguistic substrate from which, in different time periods, the languages ​​of the modern peoples of the North-East of Siberia were isolated. At first, it was the Itelmen language, which developed autonomously for a long time, and then Chukchi and Koryak, which coexisted longer in a substratum state, and then, in conditions of fairly active contacts between these peoples. The cultural and economic diversity of the Koryaks, in the structure of their language, was reflected in the dialects, the names of which correspond to the distinguished groups: Chavchuvensky, Kamensky, Apukinsky, Parensky, Itkansky, Olyutorsky, Karaginsky, Palansky, Kereksky. As noted above, in connection with the opinion about the possibility of endowing the Olyutors and Kereks with the status of an independent ethnic community, their dialects also receive the status of independent languages.


In 1932, under the guidance of V.G. Bogoraz, S.N. Stebnitsky prepared the “Red Letter” - the first primer in the Koryak language. The complexity of spreading literacy among the Koryaks consisted in dividing their language into two dialect groups - northern and southern - each of which consisted of dialects - 4 and 3, respectively. Along with them, another dialect of the Koryak reindeer herders, Chauchu, stood out. Since the Chauchus make up about half of the Koryaks, it was their language that was taken as the basis for the creation of writing, educational and popular literature. In the 1937/1938 academic year, education was transferred to the alphabet with a Russian graphic basis.


Orthodoxy: Orthodox.

Ethnogenesis and ethnic history

The history of the Koryaks is associated with the autochthonous basis for the formation of their culture. In the basin of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, archaeologists have discovered monuments of the so-called. Okhotsk culture (1 millennium AD, the culture of sea hunters, fishermen, hunters of wild deer), which traces the features of the Koryak cultural tradition, in relative chronological continuity up to the ancient Koryak settlements of the 16th - 11th centuries. The Okhotsk culture was based on intracontinental Neolithic traditions (the Baikal region) and southeastern components (the Amur region).
The Koryaks interacted most closely with the Itelmens, which is recorded in almost all spheres of culture. From the 11th century Koryak-Russian ties become the most significant factor determining the appearance of Koryak culture.
Living together with Russians, especially coastal Koryaks, changed their economy and way of life. Reindeer Koryaks to a greater extent retained the features of their culture. Thus, the appearance of the ethnic culture of the Koryaks was influenced both by the general regional factors in the formation of the Paleo-Asiatic peoples, and by ethno-cultural ties with their neighbors.


The ethnic culture of the Koryaks is represented by two economic and cultural types. The basis of the economy of the Koryaks-Chavchuvens is reindeer herding, which is supplemented by hunting and fishing. The settled Koryaks were engaged in fishing, sea and land hunting, but for different territorial groups of settled Koryaks, the importance of these types of economy could change. Among the Alyutors, reindeer breeding is supplemented by a commercial complex.
Reindeer husbandry of the Koryaks-Chavchuvens is a large herd and in organization and productive orientation corresponds to the Samoyed. Regional differences are recorded in shorter routes of seasonal migrations, summer grazing in the mountains and division of the camp, and the absence of a shepherd dog. The Olyutor people are characterized by a lower supply of reindeer farms and the cooperation of small-deer farms, a larger proportion of crafts. Koryak reindeer herders were characterized by highly specialized reindeer transport,
The basis of the economy of the settled Koryaks was fishing (Karagins, Olyutors, Palantsy), sea mammal hunting (Penzhins, Apukins). At the beginning of the XX century. 63% of Koryak households were engaged in hunting marine animals. Unlike fur hunting, which was not of great importance before the arrival of the Russians, the Koryaks hunted bear, mountain sheep, and wild deer. A feature of the culture of the settled Koryaks was draft dog breeding, more diverse means of transportation on water, which had much in common with the Chukchi and Eskimo.

Traditional settlements and dwellings

The specifics of the fishery, coastal fishing and the extraction of marine animals, determined the nature of the settlement. The settlements of the coastal Koryaks were located along the banks of the rivers, more often in the mouths and on the sea coast. The main type of dwelling was a semi-dugout, which differed from similar buildings of other peoples of Siberia by a funnel-shaped structure on the roof, in the settlements there were pile outbuildings. The main type of dwelling for reindeer Koryaks was a portable dwelling - yaranga.

Bibliography and sources

General works

  • Culture and life of the Koryak./Antropova V. V//L.-1971
  • History and culture of the Koryak. / Antropova V. V / / St. Petersburg., -1993

Separate regional groups

  • Ethnography and folklore of the Kereks./Leontiev V.V.//M.-1983

2000 Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Professional Education

So, traditionally among the Koryaks, men's winter shoes were sewn from reindeer skins with the fur on the outside. The soles were usually made from lakhtak skins. Fur siskin stockings were put inside the shoes. A complex structure, in short. However, today's boot manufacturers are dealing with a process that is far from simple. But today technology helps to make a quality product. And at the output - high-tech production - winter shoes, which are sold, for example, by PLANET SHOE stores - www.planetaobuvi.ru

Modern Encyclopedia

KORYAKS- the people, the indigenous population of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug of the Russian Federation (7 thousand people). They also live in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and the Magadan Region. The total number of 9 thousand people (1992). Koryak language. Orthodox believers... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

KORYAKS- Koryaks, Koryaks, units. Koryak, Koryak, husband. Nation in the extreme northeast of Asia. Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

KORYAKS- KORYAKS, ov, units. yak, ah, husband. The people constituting the main indigenous population of Kamchatka. | female bark, i. | adj. Koryak, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

KORYAKS- KORYAKS, people in the Russian Federation (7 thousand people). The indigenous population of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug. They also live in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and in the Magadan Region. The Koryak language of the Chukchi-Kamchatka family of Paleoasian languages. Believers ... ... Russian history

KORYAKS- Mongolian people. tribe, lives in Priamursk. region and Kamchatka. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Koryaks- (self-names chavchyv, chavchu, nymylagyn, nymyl arenka, rymka chavchyv) nationality with a total number of 9 thousand people. Live on the territory of the Russian Federation, incl. Koryak Autonomous Okrug (7 thousand people). Koryak language. Religious… … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Koryaks- ov; pl. The people constituting the main population of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug of the Kamchatka Region; representatives of this people. ◁ Koryak, a; m. Koryachka, and; pl. genus. check, date chkam; and. Koryaksky, oh, oh. * * * Koryaks are a people in Russia, the indigenous population ... encyclopedic Dictionary

KORYAKS- the people that make up the main. population of the Koryak nat. env. Kamchatka region, also live in the Chukotka nat. env. and Severo Evensky District, Magadan Region. The self-name of the coastal K. nymylyn, K. reindeer breeders chavchyv. Number K. 6.3 t. h. (1959). Koryak language… … Soviet historical encyclopedia

Koryaks- the people constituting the main population of the Koryak national district of the Kamchatka region of the RSFSR. They also live in the Chukotka National Okrug and Severo Evensky District of the Magadan Region. The number of 7.5 thousand people (1970, census). ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Peoples of the North-East of Siberia. Ainu. Aleuts. Itelmens. Kamchadals. Kereki. Koryaks. Nivkhs. Chuvans. Chukchi. Eskimos. Yukaghirs, Batyanova E., Turaev V. (eds.). The next volume of the "Peoples and Cultures" series is dedicated to the ethnography of the indigenous peoples of the North-East of Siberia: the Ainu, Aleuts, Itelmens, Kamchadals, Kereks, Koryaks, Nivkhs, Chuvans, ... Buy for 1452 rubles
  • Raven Kutha, . In the Arctic - near the cold seas of the Arctic Ocean, in Siberia and the Far East - along the northwestern coast Pacific Ocean Indigenous peoples have long lived: Chukchi, Eskimos, Orochs, ...

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