A beautiful spreading tree in winter is the elder. How to draw a spreading tree for children


Certified teacher: Murikova Natalya Yurievna
Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development
Age Group: Senior
Lesson topic: Beautiful spreading tree in winter.
Purpose: to teach how to create an image of an object in a drawing, to find a beautiful compositional solution.
teach children to draw a tree, use drawing schemes;
develop figurative perception, imagination, creativity.
cultivate the desire to achieve a good result.
Preliminary work with children: On walks, pay attention to how spreading large trees are, how thick and thin branches appear in color.
Didactic materials, equipment: Paper size ½ landscape sheet, wax crayons, white gouache (for each child), presentation with the image winter scenery, tree drawing schemes.
1. Organizational moment.

Children carefully listen to the teacher - Guys, in the previous lesson, we told you that it is winter now. Many poems have been composed about her, let's listen to O. Vysotskaya's poem "Yolochka".
Not a leaf, not a blade of grass!
Our garden has become quiet.
And birches and aspens
Boring stand
Only one Christmas tree
Cheerful and green.
It can be seen that the frost is not terrible for her,
She looks brave!
- Guys, why do you think we say, “Our garden has become quiet”?
- And why "... birches and aspens stand boring ..."?
- And why "... the Christmas tree alone is cheerful ..."?
Main part of the lesson
Activities of pupils Activities of the teacher Note
Children answer questions
Children look at the screen, answer questions
Walking in place.
Raise your arms to the sides.
The hand is taken to the indicated
side and look
Withdraw their hands and follow with their eyes
movement "flashlights" and sit down
- Guys, I will ask you a riddle, and you listen carefully and tell me the answer:
Cheerful in the spring, cold in the summer,
It nourishes in autumn and warms in winter. (tree)
- Remember what trees we saw on a walk, what branches do they have?
- Look at the photos winter trees. Beautiful?
- Today we will draw a beautiful spreading tree in winter.
What do all trees have in common? Of course, the trunk and branches.
The trunk is the thickest part of the tree. The branches are located along the trunk and directed upwards. The thickest part of the trunk is near the ground, and the thinnest is at the top. The shortest branches are located closer to the top, and the longest - closer to the base of the trunk.
The basis of a tree is its trunk. Therefore, drawing a tree must begin with a trunk.
Next, we depict large, main branches. They are drawn in the same way as the trunk: thin at the top, and thicker closer to the trunk. And directed upwards with a thin end. At the same time, remember that the branches on the trunk are at different distances.
The third stage is drawing small branches, that is, the crown of a tree. Then we draw small branches that depart from large ones. There are a lot of them. Small branches are drawn with the same thickness - they are thin, but also stretch upwards - towards the sun.
- And the birch branches should be drawn a little differently. The birch branches are very thin and are not located upwards, they bend, hang down and are divided into even thinner branches. In the wind, they sway in one direction or the other.
- But before we start drawing, we'll have a little rest.
We came to the winter forest
How many miracles are around here!
On the right is a birch in a fur coat
On the left, the tree is looking at us
Snowflakes are spinning in the sky
They lay down nicely on the ground.
- Sit down at the tables and start drawing, and to help you have diagrams for drawing trees on the tables. Slide number 1, 2, 3 (with the image of a tree)
slide 4 (pictured) step by step drawing tree)
Slide 5 (depicting a step-by-step drawing of a birch)
Fizminutka 3. The final part of the lesson
Activities of pupils Activities of the teacher Note
Children answer questions, show their favorite work. What wonderful trees you have! Do you like them?
And what kind of drawing does Lera like? Ksyusha? Why? The drawings form the exhibition "Winter Forest"


Kinds children's activities: game, visual, communicative, cognitive research, musical, perception fiction and folklore.

Goals : explore characteristics winters in inanimate nature, winter phenomena of nature; acquaint with old names winter months; learn to identify the winter months by signs; create an image of an object in a drawing, find a beautiful compositional solution; to consolidate the ability to use different pressure on the pencil (crayon) to convey lighter and more dark parts Images.

Targets preschool education : is able to maintain a conversation on issues, express his point of view, determine the signs of the winter season, compare natural phenomena, argue and give the necessary explanations; expresses positive emotions when listening piece of music"Song of the Lark" by P. I. Tchaikovsky; is interested in visual children's activities (drawing a tree "A beautiful spreading tree in winter").

Materials and equipment: pencils (colored wax crayons), white or any pale tone paper the size of a landscape sheet; illustrations, reproductions depicting trees.

organized activities of children

1. Conversation about winter on questions.

What colors does winter use?

What do you think winter smells like?

When does she arrive?

What signs of winter do you know?

Now guess the riddles and name the winter months.

Name it guys

The moon is in this mystery.

His days are shorter than all days,

All nights, short nights.

To fields and meadows

Until spring, snow fell.

Only our month will pass -

We are meeting New Year.

In the realm of Zimushka-beauty, two winter months quarreled - January and February. They argue over which of them is more important and necessary. Let's reconcile them. Let's show that each winter month is very important. So, we go to the kingdom of Zimushka-beauty.

2. Characteristics of the winter months: January and February. Nature observation.

In Rus', December was called jelly. December bridges, December nails, December nails.

Pinches ears, pinches nose. Even the bird does not fly:

Frost climbs into felt boots. A bird is freezing from frost.

If you splash water, it will fall, The sun turned to summer.

Not water, but ice. What, say, for a month is this?

January was called the section, as it cuts the winter into two halves.

Snow falls in bags from the sky, At night the frost is strong,

There are snowdrifts from the house. In the daytime, a drop is heard ringing.

That snowstorms and snowstorms The day has increased noticeably,

They attacked the village. So, what month is this?

February was called "fierce", as a lot of snow falls, there are severe frosts, and blizzards often occur.

What signs of winter did you learn from the riddles about the months?

But sometimes there are thaws in winter. How do you understand the word "thaw"?

Yes, sometimes the sun will warm, a wind will blow from the south and bring a thaw. The snow will melt, become wet, it will be easy to mold. Icicles will appear on the roofs.

And after the thaw, frost will hit and a hard crust will form on the snow - “nast”, sleet on the roads.

A fluffy snow fringe is formed on trees and wires - frost. At the same time, everything around becomes surprisingly beautiful, the trees are especially beautiful.

So what did winter bring us as a gift?(Snowflakes.)

What are snowflakes? What do they look like?

The quieter the frosty weather, the more beautiful the snowflakes falling to the ground. At strong wind their rays and edges break off, the stars and flowers turn into snow dust. When the frost is not strong, the snowflakes roll into dense white balls, and we say that cereals are falling from the sky. Snowflakes, falling to the ground on warm days, cling to each other and form large flakes.

In some calendars, the following names are indicated: Fore-Winter, Wilderness, Pre-Spring.

And so we came to the clearing folk wisdom". A lot of people have put together proverbs and sayings about winter, but which ones do you know?(Children's answers.) Listen to proverbs and sayings, explain their meaning.

Winter day with a mosquito sock.

Good snow will save the harvest.

Everyone is young in the winter cold.

Inflate the snow - the bread will arrive.

Not the snow that sweeps, but that comes from above.

The frost is great, but it does not order to stand.

And in severe frost, the work will warm.

Frost grabs the lazy by the nose, and takes off his hat before the nimble one.

New Year - to spring turn.

Take care of your nose in a big frost.

3. Listening to music. “Song of the Lark” (music by P. I. Tchaikovsky).

4. Drawing the image of a tree "A beautiful spreading tree in winter."

Tell us about your impressions received during observations on walks.

Consider illustrations of trees in winter. Are all branches of the tree visible?(No. Many branches are covered with snow and frost.)

What happened to tree branches in winter?(The branches from the weight of the snow bent to the ground. The tree became spreading.)

Let's draw a spreading tree in winter. What colored pencils do we need?(A blue pencil is needed to depict snow. A brown pencil is needed to draw the trunk and branches of a tree.)

Are all the branches of a tree the same color? Which branches appear lighter?(Those branches that are covered with snow.)

How to convey it in a drawing?(You don't have to press hard on the pencil to do this.)

5. Reflection.

Browse the drawings in our exhibition and choose the most expressive works. Explain your choice.

Program tasks:

Educational: Teach children to use different pencil pressure to draw a tree with thick and thin branches.

Developing: To develop figurative perception, imagination, creativity.

Educators: To cultivate the desire to achieve a good result.

Materials. Paper size 1/2 landscape sheet, pencils (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Observations on walks, looking at illustrations.

GCD progress

Introduction to the game situation Today we will go to the forest. What grows in the forest? (Now close your eyes, turn around yourself, pronouncing the words: 1,2,3,4,5 - find yourself in the forest.

Here we are in the forest. Guys, what trees do you see? What is their trunk, what are their branches.

(View slides about trees).

Discovery of new knowledge- Guys, now let's draw a spreading tree with you. Remember how the trees look, the same or not? I propose to draw beautiful, spreading trees that you remember and like. By pressing the pencil in different ways, you can draw thin and thick branches.

See how I will draw a tree. First, let's draw a tree trunk. We draw the trunk from the crown, slightly pressing on the pencil, because the crown is thin; and downwards the trunk thickens, we go down, gradually press the pencil. Next, draw the branches. Large branches extend from the tree trunk, they all look up. And from large branches many small branches depart. We will draw them with a weak pencil pressure, the more small branches, the tree will be more spreading and more beautiful.

Children begin to work, under the guidance of a teacher.

Finger gymnastics:"1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - we will count the fingers ..."

Reflection. Outcome. Look at the forest we are in, where there are a lot of spreading trees. See what a variety of thin and thick trunks, branches, spreading crown. What pressure was used to draw the trunk? branches? What is the most spreading tree? You all did your best today. It's time for us to return to kindergarten. Close your eyes, turn around yourself, pronouncing the words: "1,2,3,4,5 - return to kindergarten."



Synopsis of GCD artistic creativity

Drawing "Spreading tree"

Program tasks:

Educational: Teach children to use different pencil pressure to draw a tree with thick and thin branches.

Developing: To develop figurative perception, imagination, creativity.

Educators: Cultivate the desire to achieve good results.

Materials. Paper size 1/2 landscape sheet, pencils (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Observations on walks, looking at illustrations.

GCD progress

Introduction to the game situationToday we will go to the forest.What grows in the forest? (Now close your eyesturn around yourself, pronouncing the words: 1,2,3,4,5 - find yourself in the forest.

Updating knowledge and fixing difficulties

Here we are in the forest. Guys, what trees do you see? What is their trunk, what are their branches.

(View slides about trees).

Discovery of new knowledge- Guys, now let's draw a spreading tree with you. Remember how the trees look, the same or not? I propose to draw beautiful, spreading trees that you remember and like.By pressing the pencil in different ways, you can draw thin and thick branches.

See how I will draw a tree. First, let's draw a tree trunk. We draw the trunk from the crown, slightly pressing on the pencil, because the crown is thin; and downwards the trunk thickens, we go down, gradually press the pencil. Next, draw the branches. Large branches extend from the tree trunk, they all look up. And from large branches many small branches depart. We will draw them with a weak pencil pressure, the more small branches, the tree will be more spreading and more beautiful.

Performing a trial action in a similar situation

Children begin to work, under the guidance of a teacher.

Finger gymnastics:"1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - we will count the fingers ..."

Reflection. Outcome. Look at the forest we are in, where there are a lot of spreading trees. See what a variety of thin and thick trunks, branches, spreading crown. What pressure was used to draw the trunk? branches? What is the most spreading tree? You all did your best today. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Close your eyes, turn around yourself, pronouncing the words: "1,2,3,4,5 - return to kindergarten."

"Spreading Tree" Anton A., middle group

Lesson methodology. Recall with the children what trees they saw on a walk, what branches they have. Show how, by pressing the pencil in different ways, you can draw thin and thick branches.

In the process of drawing, achieve regulation of pressure on the pencil.

All finished drawings to consider. Mark the most expressive (those in which the difference between thin and thick branches is conveyed, a spreading crown).

Materials. Paper size 1/2 landscape sheet, graphite pencils 3M (for each child).

Observations on walks, looking at illustrations.

Lesson 45

Program content. Teach children to determine the content of their own work. Strengthen the ability to sculpt using different sculpting techniques. Cultivate independence, activity. Develop imagination, the ability to talk about the created image.

The methodology of the lesson. Talk to the children about familiar animals (fish, birds, etc.).

Consider with children pre-selected toys depicting animals (hare (rabbit), puppy, mouse, kitten, etc.). Ask the guys what shape the main parts of the animal's body and other parts (head, neck, paws, ears, tail) are.

Invite the children to fashion whatever animal they want. Offer to show with your hands in the air how they will sculpt the animal.

During the lesson, direct the attention of children to a more accurate transfer of the shape and size of the parts. At the end of the work, consider all the images, enjoy their diversity.

materials. Toy animals. Clay (plasticine, plastic mass), modeling board, stack (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Reading books, learning poems, looking at illustrations, didactic games ("What toy is gone", etc.), games in the play corner.

Lesson 46. Application "Bus"

Software content. To consolidate the ability of children to cut out the necessary parts to create an image of an object (object). To consolidate the ability to cut corners of a rectangle, rounding them (bus body), cut a strip into identical rectangles (bus windows). Develop the ability to compose your idea.

The methodology of the lesson. Remind the children that they saw buses on walks and excursions on the streets of the city (village). Ask about the shape of the main parts and more small parts bus; clarify from which paper blank what needs to be cut out (pay attention to each detail prepared for the application).

Refine the techniques of cutting, rounding the corners of the rectangle to get the body of the bus. Call to the board to show a child who has mastered the technique of rounding corners. Remind that you need to think in advance how to place all the parts of the bus on a piece of paper so that the bus turns out beautiful. follow correct use scissors, careful work with paper and glue.

For those children who quickly make an application, offer to decorate the bus.

All finished works put it on the board, talk about what happened a lot of buses, they are all beautiful, bright.

Materials. colored paper rectangular shape 10x4 cm for the body of the bus, strips of blue paper 2x8 cm for the windows, 2 black squares 2.5x2.5 cm for the wheels, scissors, glue, glue brush, strips of paper of different colors (from which the children will cut the details) (on each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Games with toy cars, buses. Observations on the street for transport. Reading literature on the topic, looking at illustrations.

Option. Application "Cart with toys (balls, bricks, cubes)"

Software content. Teach children how to use scissors: hold them correctly, cut paper in a straight line, round off the corners of a square to get a circle. Learn to compose an image from parts, correctly positioning and carefully sticking them. Develop initiative.

The methodology of the lesson. Show the children a toy cart with bricks, clarify the shape of the parts of the toy, paper cutting techniques. Ask the children which of them wants to show circle cutting techniques at the board.

Offer to cut and paste the trolley, and then the load that it carries. Approach each child, ask what load will be on his cart. Encourage interesting additions.

Materials. Colored paper, scissors, glue, glue brush, napkin (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Children's games with toys, clarification of ideas about their shape, color, size.

Lesson 47

Software content. To teach children to convey in modeling the figure of a person, observing the ratio of parts in size. To consolidate the ability to roll clay between the palms; sculpt with your fingers, give the figure the desired shape; connect the parts, pressing them tightly against each other, and smooth the bonding points.

The methodology of the lesson. Consider with the children a doll in a long fur coat, determine what parts it consists of, what size and shape they are. Clarify modeling techniques by asking the children and showing them with their hands in the air. Remind the children that they can mark the buttons on the coat, decorate the coat. In the process of work, remind about the ratio of parts, about modeling techniques (as needed).

At the end of the lesson, consider all the dolls, note the variety and imagery of the figures.

Materials. Doll in a long fur coat, small sculpture. Clay, modeling board, stack (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. During walks, in the process of playing with dolls, clarify the proportions of the human figure. Examination of the image of a human figure in illustrations, photographs, pictures.

Lesson 48. Drawing "Draw whatever toy you want"

Software content. To develop the ability of children to conceive the content of the picture, create an image, transferring the shape of the parts. Strengthen the skills of drawing with paints. Learn to look at drawings, choose the ones you like, explain what you like. Cultivate independence. Develop Creative skills, imagination, the ability to talk about the created image. To form a positive emotional attitude to the created drawings.

The methodology of the lesson. Invite the children to name their favorite toys, ask who wants to draw what toy; pay attention to the shape of the main part of the toy, the shape of other parts, details. Ask how you can draw toys. If necessary, help with advice, showing toys.

Review all completed work. Note the variety of images created. Cause a positive emotional attitude to the drawings.

Materials. Album sheets, gouache paints, brushes, water cans, napkins (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Games with toys, refinement of their shape. Didactic games aimed at mastering the shape, size, structure of objects and objects.

"Toy Train" Yana R., middle group

Description how to draw a tree for kids

How to draw a simple tree for kids step by step How easy - How to learn to draw a tree. Synopsis of GCD in Fine Arts A beautiful spreading tree in winter! It's really the easiest and easy way draw a tree if you are a beginner. Synopsis of GCD in Fine Arts A beautiful spreading tree in winter for a senior. Tell the children how to draw a tree. What to go from branches to big tree difficult for children. The tree is not as easy to draw as it seems. I tell the children: The trunk is narrow from above, expands downwards and fits exclusively. Workshop on art - activities Methods of drawing trees, transport, houses, animals. Refine To improve children's ability to draw a tree. Three - four subject pictures for showing to children for example. This is not a very tall branchy tree. Let's draw a spreading tree in winter. Sprawling, poking how to draw a trunk. Read to the children a story about how young winterers are. Author: Olga Vladimirovna Borodacheva, educator of MBDOU No. 38 Cheryomushki, Kemerovo region, the city of Spreading, poking how to draw a trunk. Synopsis of GCD in fine arts A beautiful spreading tree. I show the children an illustration of a winter forest (music sounds) Branchy, poking how to draw a trunk. The tree is bare These activities bring joy to children Suggest that they draw simple figures first. Exercise in the ability to draw a tree You just need to draw. Drawing A spreading tree Invite the children to cut out a pyramid. Provide children with paper in the form of clothes and hats. Invite the children to draw a branchy tree tinted under a tree. To explain to children the figurative resemblance of a tree and a person a trunk - a body A spreading tree Game complexes and various swings are, of course, good, but design is also useful. spreading tree Complex classes By visual activity. Working program straight educational activities Drawing for children. Remind children to draw a branchy tree. Children of the fifth year of life can depict not only individual objects. Invite the children to draw and decorate the fabulous. Invite 2 - 3 children to draw a tree at the blackboard. A tree grows around him. Didactic game Sell ​​the tree. Sprawling Again, it is important to find a tree that is moderately tall and fairly spreading. Invite 2-3 children to draw a tree. If on your site there is an old spreading tree and draw. Improve the DjVu book with pictures - Children in a pioneer camp using a direct link. In addition, it is important to find a tree that is moderately tall and fairly branchy. Draw a house Draw a book for a rebus - Working programm preparatory group 7 on Give yourself and your children one more time.

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