We draw with children a tree in hoarfrost in stages. winter tree


Target: enriching children's knowledge about the features winter nature; improvement of the ability to convey in the drawing images of objects of winter nature.



Learn to celebrate characteristics winters in nature; Expand words knowledge;

To teach to see the beauty of winter nature, the beauty of winter, described by poets in verse;

To consolidate the ability to convey the beauty of nature in a drawing, to exercise in drawing with gouache.


Develop observation and aesthetic perception, cause a desire to admire the beauty of the winter landscape;

Develop an emotional attitude to literary works;

To form the ability to create an image of nature in a drawing, conveying the structure of various trees (large, small, tall, low, slender, etc.), to find a beautiful compositional solution.


Cultivate love for native nature, careful attitude to the trees;

Cultivate a steady interest in works of literature and art.

Preliminary work: observation of nature in winter; reading fiction; viewing reproductions of paintings by artists depicting paintings of winter nature.

Materials and equipment:

Reproductions of paintings by I.I. Shishkin "Winter", K.F. Yuon "Russian Winter", I.E. Grabar "Hoarfrost";

Gouache, brushes, jars of water, napkins to remove residual water and paint from brushes, tinted landscape sheets of paper.

Organizing time:

The teacher makes a riddle:

I will decorate the branches with white paint,

I will throw silver on your roof,

Warm spring winds will come

And they'll kick me out of the yard. (winter)

The teacher invites the children to come to the window and look at the street:

Children, look how beautiful it is outside the window! Why do you think it became so beautiful? (children's answers). Yes, it's winter now. Days are cold and snowy. The snow covered the fields, forests, houses with a white fluffy blanket - it became light, elegant, fabulous, beautiful! We have seen how snow sparkles in the sun, how different it can be: in the morning - pinkish, in the afternoon - bluish, yellow from the sun's rays, shimmers with brilliant lights. Listen to how the poet F. Tyutchev describes winter nature:

The forest is bewitched by the enchanted winter,

And under the snowy fringe, motionless, mute,

He shines with a wonderful life.

And here is how the poet A.S. Pushkin describes winter:

Under blue skies, magnificent carpets,

Shining in the sun, the snow lies.

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river under the ice glitters.

What beautiful words poets describe winter.

The teacher invites the children to sit at the tables.

Guys, listen to the riddles, what are they about?

Not snow, not ice

Will he remove the trees with silver? (frost)

Not prickly, light blue,

Hung in the bushes ... (hoarfrost).

When does frost appear? (children express their guesses). Trees are frosty when it was warm on the eve of this day, and frost hit at night.

Guys, look how differently artists depict winter and frost on trees. (exhibited reproductions of paintings). Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin’s painting “Winter” depicts a dense winter forest after snowfalls, the artist used only white and gray colors.

See how Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon depicted winter in his painting “Russian Winter”. Questions: What is in the picture? What trees? What colors did the artist use for this?

How did I.E. Grabar depict trees in hoarfrost in his painting “Hoarfrost”? (children are given the opportunity to look at the picture). How do you feel when you look at the trees? What are the trees, what can you say about them? Have you seen such a winter as in the paintings of Yuon and Grabar?

Looking at these pictures, we imagine silently standing trees, covered with the thinnest cover of hoarfrost. The forest fabulously transformed, it became as if crystal and weightless. Trees in hoarfrost are beautiful against a bright sky. Covered with a delicate silvery hoarfrost, each branch acquires a special fragility and charm. It seems that the whole world is painted white, and this feeling emphasizes the winter mood.

Looking at a branch covered with tiny needles of hoarfrost, one can imagine how this fleeting charm crumbles and melts. Beautiful and bewitching trees in hoarfrost remind us of how magnificent nature is in all its manifestations.

Now, get up, I suggest you move a little.

Dynamic pause:

It snowed today in the morning (children make smooth movements with their hands from above

Happy snow kids (clap hands)

Snow on the branches, (we rise on toes, raise our hands up)

On the tracks, (sit down, put your hands down)

On the nose (touch the tip of the nose with fingers),

And on the palms (stretch the arms forward, show the palms).

Practical part:

And now let's turn into artists and draw our trees in frost. Let's start the picture with the image of the snow cover, then draw different trees. What are the parts of a tree? (trunk, large branches, thin twigs). We begin to draw the trunk from top to bottom (from above with the tip of the brush, and closer to the ground we press the brush to the sheet with all the pile). Draw the branches with the tip of the brush (if the branches are thick, draw them brown gouache, and after drying, apply frost with the tip of a brush with white gouache; if the branches are thin (for example, at a birch), we draw them right away with the tip of the brush with white gouache). (the teacher accompanies the story with a partial demonstration of drawing methods). Try to draw different trees: young and slender, old and spreading.

Children perform drawing on the theme "Hoarfrost covered the trees." In the course of work, the teacher advises, provides the children with the necessary assistance.

At the end of the work, consider all the drawings with the children, note how different the trees turned out, offer to choose the most successful solutions.

Guys, looking at your drawings, I imagine myself in a winter forest.

Frost is silver on the trees,

All dressed in white winter.

A wonderful dream, as if I were dreaming,

The fairy came into this dream by herself.

And waved her magic wand

Everything around has changed its outfit,

In hoarfrost the trees are silver,

Winter gave us a fairy tale.

I would like to stay in that fairy tale

The fairy settled there herself.

Target: learn to create expressive images winter patterns on the window, and a tree in the snow outside the window.

Learning tasks: introduce graphic options for the image of a tree; to consolidate the skills of its image with the help of an artistic brush; improve the ability to achieve the desired shade by mixing paints, make underpainting with rhythmic, smooth strokes in one direction, use additional devices of your choice (caps from a felt-tip pen, cotton buds, folded sheets of paper, stamps).

Development tasks: develop a sense of color, shape, rhythm; attention, thinking, imagination, Creative skills; emotional response to the beauty of winter nature.

Educational tasks: to cultivate accuracy when drawing; encourage autonomy in decision-making; the ability to rejoice in the success of comrades.

Equipment: projector, screen, computer, 2 easels.

Demo material: slides depicting frosty patterns on glass, graphic options for depicting a tree.

Handout: for each child gouache of ten colors, sheets of A3 paper, a palette, caps from felt-tip pens, rags, cotton swabs, sheets of A6 white paper, brushes No. 12 and No. 5.

Lesson progress

(The music of A. Vivaldi “Winter” sounds. The teacher throws up a handful fluffy snow and catches snowflakes, the children gather around him.)

Educator: Guess the riddle: An asterisk circled in the air a little,

sat down and melted on my palm. What is this? (Children guess.)

Winter master Frost painted his picture. He wandered between houses, gardens, forests, parks and decorated them. What do you think of decorating?

Children: Icicles, snowdrifts, snow, ice, frost, frost, snowflakes.

Educator: Frost came to our kindergarten. What did he decorate? Let's go to the window and admire. (The teacher turns off the light in the group and goes with the children to the window.)

Children: Decorated windows, fence. Paths fell asleep, trees, our mountain ash under the window, bushes.

Educator: Look at the gorgeous pattern on the windows. Is he the same? What does it look like? Let's consider.

Children: The pattern is completely different. It looks like curls. Here are the same strokes. Look, I've seen the sleigh!

Educator: Frost himself composed, was not afraid to make a mistake, he wanted to please everyone. beautiful in the background dark sky a snow-white pattern on the glass, the silhouette of our mountain ash is clearly visible, the shape of the branches is clearly outlined.

Today we will try ourselves in the role of the same wizards. Let's depict the view from our window with only two colors. One color will be white, but you will choose the cold shade of the second “winter” color yourself. How can I do that? Let's go to the easels. We will be helped by the guys who have already obtained beautiful “winter” shades. ( Two children tell and demonstrate how they mixed paints and achieved an interesting result. The teacher and other preschoolers are watching.)

Children: I mixed blue and white paint. It turned out light blue. And I got beautiful colour when mixing blue and a little red, I also added white. And I took blue paint and added more water as the clouds came out.

Educator: Master Frost composed his pattern and wrote so wonderfully, and painted so wonderfully, look. (The teacher demonstrates drawing a curl and a snowflake with a brush in the air and a wet brush on a board, jerky lines on an easel. Shows drawing techniques on paper with a felt-tip pen cap, a dry brush, paper rolled into a cylinder, a cotton swab.) Let's pick up an imaginary magic brush and repeat everything that Frost did. (Children repeat all movements in the air after the teacher).

Educator: Sit on the carpet. Now you will see the skill of Frost on the windows of other houses. (The teacher turns off the light and shows a slideshow of frosty patterns on glass). Now we will try ourselves in the role of Frost's assistants and compose our own original pattern. Come to the tables. ( The children take their seats.)

Patterns on glass become poetry.

The patterns on the glass are winter fantasies.

Patterns on glass live in the window frame

They will tell us the story of winter. (I. Gilchenko)

Remember how the pattern is located on the glass. You can leave part of the sheet white and color the rest. Or apply color to the entire sheet. (The teacher tones part of the sheet, leaving one corner white. Demonstrates a previously prepared sheet, where several corners are white. Tones the entire sheet with light strokes. Then removes the samples.). Take a wide brush and try to make underpainting yourself. (The music “Winter” by A. Vivaldi sounds. Children perform the task.) Now your underpaintings need to dry.

And today Frost has a performance,

With you we are invited by command

It's fun to walk like snowflakes fly

Dancing and drawing patterns in the snow! (Tychkina S.M.)

(The music of G. Sviridov "Snowstorm" sounds. Children stand up, raise and lower their hands, shake them each other, walk in place, circle around themselves, depicting the flight and dance of snowflakes, draw in the air.)

Educator: And now the most interesting part of our work. Take your seats. ( Children sit down). Now we will look at how a tree can be depicted.

(The teacher shows slides with different options images of a tree, including graphics, with a wet brush on a board, paint on a sheet.)

Your work has dried up, try to depict a tree outside the window. Our mountain ash will be a real decoration of the picture! We will depict it with a wide brush, and the branches with a tip fine brush. Rowan can be fabulous or real. We drew a curl, a snowflake, a stroke in the air. Let's transfer them to paper, and then you can decorate the drawing small details.

(The music of G. Sviridov “Snowstorm” sounds. Children depict a tree and a pattern, decorate the work with small details. The teacher helps the “wizards” in finding means of expression. The teacher suggests writing a winter story for the children who finished the work earlier than others.)

Educator: Let's take a look at the drawings you made. (Children look at each other's drawings, talk about their work, share their impressions.)

Svetlana Tychkina, teacher

GBOU School No. 1905, Kindergarten No. 1, Moscow

Galina Severina

Program content:

To teach children to depict a picture of nature, conveying the structure of various trees(large, small, tall, short, slender, straight and curved).

Develop aesthetic perception, cause a desire to admire the beauty of the winter landscape.

Learn paint charcoal pencil , gouache white (depicting frost, snow on the branches).

Cultivate love for nature.

Material: Charcoal pencil, white gouache, brushes, blue paper.

Lesson progress


Who whitens the glades with white

And writes on the walls with chalk,

sews downy feather beds,

Did you decorate all the windows?


caregiver: Guys, let's go to the window and look at the street. Finally, a real winter has come to us in Moscow. A lot of snow fell. He wrapped a white blanket all around. It became beautiful and fabulous. We have seen how snow sparkles in the sun, shimmers with brilliant lights. Now listen to the poems about the winter of Russian poets and pay attention to what words the poets call the arrival of winter in nature, as they call it winter:

F. I. Tyutchev

Enchanted winter

The forest is bewitched

And snow fringe

Motionless, dumb

He shines with a wonderful life.

S. A. Yesenin

Bewitched by the Invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep,

Like a white scarf

A pine tied up...

And in the yard a snowstorm

Spreads like a silk carpet,

But it's too cold...

caregiver: Listen to riddles about what They:

Not snow, not ice

And remove the silver.


In white velvet village -

And fences and trees.

And how the wind hits

This velvet will fall.


caregiver: When appears frost? Trees are in hoarfrost when on the eve of this day it was warm, and frost hit at night.

Let's remember how beautiful they were trees on the site of the kindergarten in hoarfrost. (children's answers)

Now let's look at the illustrations with the image frost-covered trees. Trees in hoarfrost are beautiful against a bright sky. covered delicate silver frost, each branch acquires a special fragility and charm.

Fizminutka "Zimushka-winter"

Hello Zimushka-winter! (we bow)

What did you bring as a gift? (we spread our arms to the sides)

Fluffy white snow (we squat, run our hands over imaginary snow)

Hoarfrost silvery(get up, put your hands up)

Skis, sleds and skates, (we imitate the movements of skiers and skaters)

And lights on the tree! (raise hands up, twist "flashlights")

caregiver: Today, guys, we will paint charcoal pencil and white gouache Pick up a charcoal Pay attention to the fact that the charcoal is very fragile, you can not squeeze it strongly in your fingers and press on the paper. Trees need to be drawn differently: young, slender and old spreading. Let's start paint picture from the image of snowy cover, then draw trees with charcoal, and then frost on branches.

Finger gymnastics

One two three four,

Bend fingers one at a time

We made snow with you

"Lepim" two hands

Round, strong

We draw a circle with our hands

Very smooth

With one hand we stroke the other

And not at all sweet.

We threaten with a finger

Children do work on the topic « Frost on the trees» . In the course of work, the teacher provides the children with the necessary assistance.

caregiver: Guys, let's put all your drawings together and look at them. Whose drawings do you like best and why? Guys, looking at your drawings, I imagine myself in a winter forest.

On hoarfrost is silvering in the trees,

All dressed in white winter

A wonderful dream, as if I were dreaming,

The fairy came into this dream by herself.

And waved her magic wand

Everything around has changed its outfit

In hoarfrost the trees are silver,

Winter gave us a fairy tale.

I would like to stay in that fairy tale

The Fairy settled there herself.

Related publications:

Tools and materials necessary for work: cardboard, PVA glue, scissors, brown yarn and white flowers. Issues of labor safety.

MBDOU Kindergarten No. 5 "Kalinka" p Enem Republic of Adygea Synopsis of OD on drawing in 2 junior group"Trees in the snow" Educator of the highest.

Abstract of a lesson on artistic and aesthetic development in preparatory group. Drawing on the theme "Hoarfrost" Program content:.

Abstract of a lesson on non-traditional drawing in the senior group "Autumn Trees" Subject: " autumn trees» Program content: to teach children to place objects on a wide strip of land; convey the structure in the drawing.

Abstract of the drawing lesson "Trees in the winter in the forest" in the middle group Theme: "Trees in the winter in the forest." Integration educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative.

Purpose: Using the emotional experience of children in the classroom for fine arts. Receptions of non-traditional techniques in drawing. Tasks: To form in children.

Synopsis of the GCD "Trees in hoarfrost".
Purpose: to develop children's interest in fine arts, through the use non-traditional techniques drawing.
. Develop the ability to choose color scheme colors that match the theme.
. Raise interest in the knowledge of nature and the display of ideas in visual activity
. To acquaint with the reception of light-color stretching, inkblotography and printing with foam rubber.
. Cause a positive response to the results of their creativity.
This NOD was carried out during theme week"Winter" with children of the preparatory group.
Guys, let's remember what colors we can draw winter with? Cold, right. List.
Today I invite you to draw winter picture, using only one cold color, whichever you like best. We draw straight lines on a sheet of paper. We paint over the lower strip directly from the jar, for the next strip we prepare a shade lighter, adding white paint to the palette.
Thus, we paint over the entire sheet.

Take a closer look at your work, maybe someone will see a huge snowdrift, and then a cold sky, ice or clouds.
What else can be depicted in a winter landscape? (children's suggestions).
Against such an unusual background, it is best to draw with unusual materials.
You can draw trees with a tube and a sponge. We put a blot and inflate it through a tube. It turns out trees tilted from the cold wind. Add trees in the distance. Now we print frost around the crown with foam rubber.

Let's enjoy your work.

Synopsis of GCD

in preschool group

for artistic creation

"Frost on the Trees"

Topic of the week:"Winter"

Subject:"Hoarfrost on the trees" (drawing with semolina).

Integration of educational areas: "Artistic and "aesthetic development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development".

Types of children's activities: artistic, cognitive-research, communicative.

Tasks: Continue to give children knowledge about the natural phenomena of the seasons, through looking at illustrations - to clarify the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwinter, through acquaintance with frost. Learn to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships. Introduce children to non-traditional technique drawing with semolina. Develop the ability to negotiate and work in a team. Develop attention and observation. Develop creative imagination, thinking, fantasy. Raise interest in creativity and the desire to learn new things. Raise interest in the knowledge of nature and the display of the received ideas in creativity.

Age: preschool group.

materials: reproductions of paintings depicting winter forest(frost on trees, snow on trees for comparison), landscape sheets with pre-drawn trees, glue, semolina, gouache, soft and hard brushes, wax crayons, watercolor, colored pencils, non-spill, napkins.

The teacher turns on the sound "Snow crunches underfoot"

IN.: Who do you think is coming to us?

D.: children’s answers (if they don’t guess, you can make a riddle about winter, you can turn on the composition “Winter” from the cycle “The Seasons” by A. Vivaldi, and lead the children to the correct answer with leading questions).

IN.: Of course you are right! Winter is coming to us and in a few days the first month of winter December will begin. What will she bring us?

D.: children's answers (a lot of snow, frost, New Year, Santa Claus, we will ski, sled, throw snowballs).

IN.: Guys, listen to a riddle about a phenomenon that we often see in winter:

silver fringe

Hanging on the branches in winter.

And in the spring on weight

Turns to dew (hoarfrost)

D.: children's answers (if children cannot guess, the teacher needs to lead with leading questions to the correct answer).

Q: What time of the year do you think frost can be seen?

D.: children's answers (in winter, autumn, spring).

IN.: Everything is correct! And in winter, and in spring, and in autumn, and even in summer, you can see frost in our North. And where can you see frost?

D.: Children's answers (on the ground, on houses, on trees, etc.).

IN.: Quite right, and can also be seen on the glass in the window and even in the refrigerator. And where does frost come from?

D.: Children's answers.

IN.: In fact, frost forms when it is cold outside. Water droplets that are in the air turn into ice crystals and cover all surfaces on the street - trees, houses, grass, etc. today we are with you let's go to the workshop of the wizard Frost and we will learn how to depict frost in the picture ( enter the hall, where reproductions of paintings depicting winter scenery, photos forest scenery(trees, branches in hoarfrost and one picture of trees in the snow).

IN.: Look guys at the pictures and find the mistake

D.: children's answers (the teacher, together with the children, comes to the conclusion that in one of the pictures there are trees in the snow).

IN.: The frost on the trees is like a lace dress, light and airy, and the snow is like a fur coat. And what do you think, what material is better to depict frost in the picture?

D.: children's answers.

IN.: the teacher suggests dividing into subgroups and trying to draw with different materials. Children are divided into subgroups and try to draw frost - each group different material - wax crayons, colored pencils, gouache, watercolor, etc. Then they compare and come to the conclusion that it is difficult to depict frost with these materials. It takes a lot of effort to get the best result.

IN.: I will tell you a secret that it is best to draw frost with semolina. To do this, we need glue, semolina, a brush. First, we outline the branches of the tree with a thin line, and then sprinkle everything with semolina until the glue has dried. Shake off all excess grain. Now we return to our seats and start working. (In the course of work, the teacher encourages children to supplement their drawings with details - the sun, birds, animals, etc.).

At the end of an activity or free time children, together with the teacher, evaluate the work, discuss what happened, what was difficult, what else can be depicted in this way, etc.

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