Who is the groom in the new season of Bachelor? Who will participate


Airing time: on Saturdays at 21:30.

The fifth season of the reality show on the TNT channel, in which girls fight for the heart of the Bachelor.

Show " Bachelor"on TNT is an analogue of the American The Bachelor , which started in 2002 on ABC. Show became popular inall over the world, and viewers are waiting with great interest to see how it will end.adventures of the main Bachelor and will he find his love? . The authors of The Bachelor sold the rights to show the show in 120 countries.

Viewers saw the Russian analogue of the program on TNT in the spring of 2013. The hero of “Bachelor Season 1” was football player Evgeniy Levchenko. The second season started in March 2014, and the girls fought for the heart of the Bachelor Maxim Chernyavsky. The choice of the main character of the third season was received ambiguously by the audience, because Comedy Club resident Timur Batrutdinov became the Bachelor. Until now, there have been no comedians in either the Russian “Bachelor” or the American The Bachelor. The organizers of the project made singer and actor Alexei Vorobyov a bachelor in the fourth season, who surprised everyone in the finale of the show by not choosing any of the girls.

For four seasons, the host of the project “ Bachelor"Petr Fadeev was on TNT.

Show Bachelor on TNT season 5

Long before the start of the broadcasts, the project organizers held castings throughout the country, during which they selected 25 beautiful girls, which, in their opinion, might interest the Bachelor. Only unmarried adult girls could take part in the show.

The first promo video of the show " Bachelor season 5" appeared on the Internet in January 2017. On video main character show Ilya Glinnikov walks in front of the entrance to one of the famous capital's restaurants, where the first rose ceremony took place. According to Glinnikov, the idea for the video belongs to him personally.

Having published the announcement of the show “Bachelor Season 5” on his page on the social network, the main character of the project, Ilya Glinnikov, said: “I want to break all comparisons with anyone and, specifically at the request of consumers, I personally bought the track of my favorite #jimihendrix with my own money for the show #Bachelor5 #Loner5 , which became Fate for me..."

Filming for the fifth season also started in early 2017.

In every episode of the program " Bachelor season 5» famous man, who has the status of an “enviable groom,” arranges a date with one of the girls. The goal of the girls is to please the Bachelor, interest him and thereby get rid of competitors.

After each date, the Bachelor decides which of the girls will leave the project and which will continue to fight. Those who make it further receive the coveted rose at the Rose Ceremony. The main character makes the choice between the finalists after the girls meet his parents and he meets the parents of the contenders for victory.

The winner of the project " Bachelor season 5"Waiting for a marriage proposal from the Bachelor.

Who will be the next Bachelor

At the end of August 2016, information appeared in the media that the next main character of the show could be 36-year-old bobsledder, two-time Olympic champion Alexey Voevoda.

Alexey Voevoda was born in Sochi, and he has real estate both in the resort city and in Moscow. By the way, TV viewers could already see Alexey on a TV show. True, not on the TNT channel, but on Channel One. The athlete took part in the “Without Insurance” project, performing gymnastic tricks in the arena and under the circus dome.

In November 2016, information appeared in the media that the main character of the show “ Bachelor season 5" Miguel ( Sergey Migelevich Shesteperov). The information appeared in a community dedicated to the 31-year-old choreographer. The administrator of the group posted a photo of the dancer and hinted that he would be the new participant in the program on TNT. Miguel himself refused to comment on this information, as did representatives of the show “The Bachelor,” who also remained silent.

At the end of November 2016, the TNT channel made an official statement regarding who the new Bachelor would be.

The main character of the show “Bachelor Season 5” was actor Ilya Glinnikov, star of the sitcom “Interns.”

The 32-year-old actor is known to millions of viewers of the TNT channel for his role as the frivolous rake intern Romanenko. However, in life, as it turned out, Ilya Glinnikov is very serious: he is sure that without trust, relationships with the opposite sex are impossible.

Ilya agreed to participate in the show “Bachelor Season 5”, despite the fact that he questions the possibility of finding love on a television project. However, the producers of “The Bachelor” think differently: they hope that Ilya, having found himself in a company of 25 beautiful girls, will melt and will not be able to contain his feelings.

Ilya Glinnikov, the new Bachelor, about his participation in the TNT channel project: “I treat the show “Bachelor” as the most severe test in my life.”

In mid-January 2017, when filming of the show “Bachelor Season 5” was in full swing, Ilya Glinnikov told his fans that the fifth season of the project would amaze and surprise them.

“The show that became life for me! It was hot, and perhaps a Miracle would happen, because Love is the only thing worth living for!” - Ilya Glinnikov wrote on social networks under a photo taken on the set.

According to Ilya Glinnikov, initially he went to the show “to have fun, that is, to see how reality works, to figure out the girls, why they are here, to test himself “am I a man or where...”. However, during filming, the Bachelor’s opinion changed, and, according to Glinnikov, the show became destiny.

Participants in the show Bachelor season 5

In the first episode of the show “The Bachelor,” season 5, which viewers saw on March 11 on TNT, Ilya Glinnikov met 25 girls and chose 15 beauties from them who went with him to Sri Lanka as participants in the project.

  • Participants in the show Bachelor season 5

The first rose of sympathy went to Madina Tamova. Ilya Glinnikov admitted that, firstly, his Georgian blood spoke in him, and secondly, of course, he was impressed by the appearance of a girl on a horse. The Bachelor also did not remain indifferent to the sweet and touching Daria Klyukina, although the girl admitted in a tête-à-tête that she was frightened by the behavior of her competitors.

Glinnikov was not frightened by the “queen of scandals” Lesya Ryabtseva. Ilya admitted that he hates journalists, and in response he heard from Lesya: “And I hate actors.” As a result, Bachelor and Ryabtseva agreed that they would destroy stereotypes on the project.

Show Bachelor season 5, issue 2

In the second episode, the first date of the show “The Bachelor”, season 5, took place. Ilya Glinnikov invited Dasha Klyukina to attend, who charmed the main character even more. True, Lesya Ryabtseva, who injured her leg the day before, said that after all, it was her first date, albeit unofficial and in the hospital. After all, Glinnikov looked after her very carefully.

“There was glass under our feet, and there was a feeling that the glass was between us,” was Ilya Glinnikov’s first impression from his date with Dasha Klyukina. Which is not surprising, because the girl has a phobia: she is catastrophically afraid of heights. The bachelor suggested starting the date on a glass platform suspended at a great height. After the couple watched a Charlie Chaplin film, and Dasha became completely sad, making an association with herself: “ The whole point is that they laugh at him, but he’s in pain.”

The couple then sat down on the rocks by the fire. Ilya admitted that he wanted to get to know Dasha. She said that she loves to cook and it brings her joy. And this greatly surprised the Bachelor that such a girl turned out to be a real cook who would not trust anyone to cook borscht. The date ended with the Bachelor presenting Daria Klyukina with a bouquet of flowers. The girl was a little disappointed, because she was expecting a rose. However, it turned out that Ilya Glinnikov gave her a surprise: there was a rose inside the bouquet.

However, according to Lesya Ryabtseva, Glinnikov’s first date was not with Klyukina, but with her. The journalist injured her leg at a party, and the Bachelor, taking her in his arms, took her to the hospital. At the Rose Ceremony, Lesya was the first of the girls to receive the coveted flower.

The first participants to leave the project were singer Maria Antipovskaya and Veronika Pavlova. Ilya Glinnikov explained that these girls, in his opinion, do not need him, “it didn’t skip a beat.”

Show Bachelor season 5, episode 3

Third episode of the show “The Bachelor,” season 5, aired on TNT on March 25, 2017. The main character of the project decided to invite the girl to whom he gave the so-called first impression rose in the first issue. Ilya Glinnikov wanted to know how beautiful Madina Tamova is in soul, as well as in appearance, and how educated she is. According to the Bachelor, he thought for a long time about what this date should be like, because it’s difficult to surprise Madina with anything. As a result, Ilya decided to arrange a yacht trip to show the beauty the whales.

During the date, Madina told Ilya Glinnikov about her past relationships. The girl began to cry, because the memories were difficult for her, because she almost got married, but decided to break up with her lover, since he put forward conditions that were unacceptable to her. Ilya reassured Madina, which she appreciated. At the end of the date, the Bachelor gave the girl a rose.

The Bachelor arranged a second date for the quartet of girls: Glinnikov wanted to talk, in order to get to know the participants better, with Anna Petrova, Olga Vetchinkina, Ekaterina Nikulina and Alexandra Prokhorenko. It was a discovery for Ilya that Sasha Prokhorenko has a hearing aid. The girl suffers from hearing loss. Glinnikov admitted that after talking with Sasha, he realized that she was completely amazing person, creative and interesting, as if from another planet. However, he gave the rose not to her, but to Katya Nikulina, who was able to overcome her fear of water and dived with the Bachelor.

During the Rose Ceremony, a surprise awaited the participants: Anna Petrova asked Ilya Glinnikov for a tete-a-tete, during which she said that she did not feel reciprocity between her and the Bachelor. Glinnikov agreed that there were no sparks between them. Anna Petrova left the project at will, because besides, she was burdened by separation from her daughter.

Show Bachelor season 5, episode 4

In the fourth episode of the show " Bachelor”, season 5, which viewers saw on TNT on April 1, Ilya Glinnikov invited Snezhana Samokhin on an individual date. The bachelor organized a trip for the girl to the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland.” During a game of cricket, Snezhana hinted to Ilya that he could kiss her, but he did not take this chance, which somewhat disappointed Samokhina.

The girl surprised the Bachelor not only with her revelations about her childhood and past love, but also with the fact that it was time for a comic fight bit him on the chest. Moreover, Glinnikov had a bruise at the site of the bite. However, this did not spoil Ilya’s impression of the rendezvous with Snezhana: he admitted that it was one of the deepest dates in four episodes, gave the girl a rose and a small rabbit, which Samokhina called Nishtyak.

Ilya Glinnikov arranged a group date for a quintet of girls: Dusya Bubel, Daria Putina, Lesya Ryabtseva, Radmila Sadykova and Chan Thi Ha-Mi. The girls had to take part in a photo shoot in the style of body art. The only one who was embarrassed by the prospect of being naked was Tran Thi, and the Bachelor appreciated this fact.

After the photo shoot, Glinnikov talked with some of the girls. So, for example, he admitted that he still did not understand Radmila, with whom he was talking in different languages, and the tête-à-tête with Lesya ended with the tears of a girl who talked about how even her parents turned away from her after the story of her dismissal from work and rumors about her alleged affair with an adult boss, for whom she was just “another project.” After the group date, Lesya Ryabtseva received the rose. Radmila shocked the participants and the Bachelor by deciding to wake up Ilya with a song, coming to his bedroom, which he definitely did not expect.

In the fourth issue, Ilya Glinnikov witnessed a conflict between Ekaterina Nikulina and Veronika Murashkina. The two blondes categorically refused to agree to a truce, and the Bachelor clearly did not like this.

Especially for the date, Ilya Glinnikov organized a costume performance, the script for which was written by his friend. The girls had to put on costumes and play roles, but some of them clearly didn’t like the idea of ​​the Bachelor. The date ended with the tears of Olga Vetchinkina. She admitted to Ilya that she could not participate further in the project, since such a struggle was not for her. The main character agreed with the girl, and she left the project ahead of schedule.

Many were waiting for a date at which the fate of the project was to be decided by Ekaterina Nikulina and Veronika Murashkina, who were openly in conflict with each other. Glinnikov immediately warned them that one of them would leave after this rendezvous. As a result, Veronica dropped out of the show. She did fatal mistake: she stated that you can’t get away with love alone, and, according to Ilya, he’s not on his way with such a girl.

However, Ilya Glinnikov himself was in for a big surprise at the rose ceremony: Daria Klyukina, for whom the Bachelor has sympathy, unexpectedly announced that she considered him exclusively as a friend. The main character of the show's fifth season The “Bachelor” was angry and decided to get reciprocity from the unapproachable beauty.

Show Bachelor season 5, episode 6

After the eighth episode of the show “The Bachelor,” season 5, there were four girls left: Ekaterina Nikulina, Madina Tamova, Lesya Ryabtseva And Alexandra Prokhorenko.

Show Bachelor season 5, episode 9

The ninth episode of the show “The Bachelor,” season 5, aired on May 6, 2017 and began quite unexpectedly for fans of the project. Ilya Glinnikov decided to wish happy birthday to Dasha Klyukina, who had previously left the show. To do this, the main character went to Sochi. However, Snezhana Samokhina met him, who stated that Daria did not want to communicate with Ilya and could not see him. The upset Bachelor demanded an explanation and learned from Snezhana that Dasha had a boyfriend. He gave the roses intended for Klyukina to Samokhina, thanking her for acting like a true friend.

In issue 9 of the show “The Bachelor,” Glinnikov arranged two dates: the first for Madina Tamova, the second for Lesya Ryabtseva. Madina Glinnikov offered to cook for him any dish of her choice, and the girl cooked chicken soup, from which the Bachelor was completely delighted.

Together with Lesya, Ilya went to Dubai, where first they jumped from a parachute, and then spent a romantic evening on a yacht. Here between the Bachelor and the girl took place frank conversation. Lesya admitted that she misses young man, who went to London before she left for the project. However, according to Ryabtseva, she no longer understands where reality actually was - before the project or on the show. Glinnikov appreciated her frankness. The date ended with a kiss.

At the rose ceremony, Madina and Lesya received roses first. The third rose went to Ekaterina Nikulina, however, Alexandra Prokhorenko was not left without a flower. A surprise awaited her: the Bachelor handed her a bouquet of white lilies, in which a red rose was hidden. Thus, in the ninth episode of the show “The Bachelor,” season 5, not one of the girls left the project.

Show Bachelor season 5, episode 10

May 13, 2017 fans of the show " Bachelor”, season 5, saw the 10th issue. This time, Ilya Glinnikov gave the four beauties who remained in the project a tour of places that were significant to him in Moscow. The show participants also got to meet Ilya’s teacher and his friends.

First, Glinnikov arranged a surprise for the girls, introducing them to his beloved dog Zhamet. He was interested in how Jamet would react to each of the participants, because, as Ilya admitted, for a long time he considered Jamet his only friend. However, while Katya, Sasha and Lesya were playing with the dog, Madina acted like wise woman, approaching the dog only after she hugged and greeted Ilya himself.

After a joint walk around VDNKh, the company went to GITIS, where Glinnikov studied. Here they had a tea party with Ilya’s teacher stage speech Vera Solomonovna is a woman who is an authority figure for the Bachelor: the main character of the project himself calls this lady Woman with capital letters and emphasizes that she is an excellent psychologist. Ilya counted on the fact that Vera Solomonovna, having communicated with each of the girls, would give him valuable advice and characterizes each of them.

Vera Solomonovna especially singled out Alexandra Prokhorenko: she called her a very smart, deep, thinking and talented girl. Journalist Lesya Ryabtseva, despite compliments from Glinnikov, did not make any impression on the strict lady. However, like Madina Tamova, although Ilya’s mentor still could not help but notice her beauty. Vera Solomonovna and Ekaterina Nikulina called her beautiful, but Katya brought a smile to the teacher’s face. Unexpectedly, it turned out that Nikulina had recorded a song, and also that she dreams of acting in films and becoming an actress. But Katya couldn’t name a single director.

Katya tried to please Bachelor’s friends as well, praising them after the concert of the punk band “Lomonosov’s Plan” led by the band’s leader Alexander Ilyin. As Madina emphasized, Nikulina openly tried to please everyone, but she did it very rudely and ridiculously. Glinnikov’s friend, actor Ilyin, after talking with the girls, told the Bachelor: “Katyukha is a witch, Sasha is a baby, Madina is a breed, Lesya - with her there can initially be a friendly relationship that is important for between a man and a woman.”

At the rose ceremony, Ilya Glinnikov, despite the opinion of his teacher, decided that Alexandra Prokhorenko should leave the project, because she herself admitted that she was not yet ready to build serious relationship and start a family.

Show Bachelor season 5, episode 11

In the 11th episode of the show “The Bachelor,” season 5, which aired on TNT on May 20, TV viewers and project participants were again treated to surprises and violations of established rules. Ilya Glinnikov, as his bachelor predecessors did in previous seasons, went to meet the families of the girls. And not all parents welcomed him with open arms.

Glinnikov again raised the topic of his past unsuccessful relationships. In a conversation with Lesya Ryabtseva and Madina Tamova, he again mentioned how he was betrayed by his ex-lover Aglaya Tarasova. True, he did not mention her name, referring to her as “actress.” Lesya then came to the conclusion that the Bachelor still, after a long time, still had mental trauma, and Madina took the story to heart, since, in her words, she also faced betrayal in a past relationship.

Then Ilya Glinnikov visited the homes of the contenders for his heart. Lesya Ryabtseva’s relatives were wary of the actor at first, but then they began to trust him. But the conversation with Madina Tamova’s father, which took place in Spain, where the girl’s family lives, was tense and cool. However, despite this, at the ceremony the Bachelor gave the first rose to Tamova. And then to two other girls.

As a result, Lesya Ryabtseva, Madina Tamova and Ekaterina Nikulina made it to the finals of the project. However, the rose ceremony did not end there. Presenter Pyotr Fadeev announced that Snezhana Samokhina is returning to the project, and she, Madina, Katya and Lesya will go to Georgia to meet the family of Ilya Glinnikov.

Show Bachelor season 5, episode 12

On May 27, 2017, viewers were presented with the penultimate, 12th episode of “The Bachelor,” season 5. At the end of the broadcast, the main character had to choose two girls who would take part in the final. But first, Ilya Glinnikov introduced the applicants to his family, because it was important for him to find out the opinion of his relatives. To do this, the Bachelor and four girls went to Georgia.

The project participants were met by Ilya Glinnikov’s mother, sister, brother, aunt and two grandmothers. Madina Tamova was the first to meet the actor’s relatives. Glinnikov’s family accepted her as their own. Ekaterina Nikulina had to endure a not so warm reception. Ilya’s aunt Marina Mikhailovna decided to get to the bottom of the truth in a conversation with the blonde, since it seemed to her that the girl was playing and just really wanted to win the show. As a result, Katya asked Ilya for privacy and burst into tears, outraged by the interrogation that was given to her and the provocative questions.

But Aunt Glinnikova really liked Lesya Ryabtseva. However, the insightful Marina Mikhailovna realized that the relationship between Lesya and Ilya was exclusively friendly. Snezhana Samokhina impressed her brother Ilya and his mother, who called the striking model “a beauty with her own style and hippieness.”

On last ceremony roses in the show “The Bachelor”, season 5, Ilya Glinnikov decided that Snezhana and Lesya should leave the project. Thus, Madina Tamova and Ekaterina Nikulina reached the finals of the show.

Show Bachelor season 5. Final

After three months, during which Ilya Glinnikov chose his bride, on June 3, 2017, viewers of the TNT channel finally saw the finale of the show “ Bachelor", Season 5. Ilya had to make a responsible and difficult choice.

Let us remind you that initially 25 girls took part in the project. Only two managed to reach the finals. Now Ilya Glinnikov had to choose either the beautiful blonde Ekaterina Nikulina, who is distinguished by strength of character and perseverance, or her complete opposite Madina Tamova - a charming, mysterious girl in whom, as the Bachelor’s relatives said, one can feel the breed.

On the eve of the finale of the show “The Bachelor,” season 5, Ilya Glinnikov admitted: “I could never believe that you could find your love in this show. But I made my choice, and I made it with my heart.”

In the final episode of the project, Katya and Madina had the opportunity to prove to the Bachelor how sincere they were in their feelings for him. Each of the girls prepared a date for Glinnikov. However, Ilya has already made his choice.

Ilya Glinnikov: “In every action of my chosen one, her values, character, nobility and dignity speak. She filled my heart completely, and I can no longer imagine life without her. Our feeling has just begun, but if we manage to get to the last station together, I will be the most happy man in the world!

It turned out that Glinnikov had already decided long before the final who he would end up with.

The winner of the show “The Bachelor”, season 5, was Ekaterina Nikulina. It was she who Ilya Glinnikov put the ring on her finger at the finale of the project.

According to Ilya Glinnikov, he followed Madina’s advice, which she gave him during last date, and made a decision by listening to my heart. The bachelor explained that with Tamova, a worthy, wise and beautiful girl, he would have a calm future, a family, a calm life, but he was irresistibly attracted to Catherine. Although Ilya understands: starting a relationship with Nikulina, he takes a leap into the unknown.

Madina Tamova also did not remain in debt, she spoke about Ekaterina Nikulina: “It may sound arrogant, but Katya is absolutely no competitor to me, absolutely no equal. Displaying sexuality is something any woman can do. It is primitive and greatly devalued when brought into public view. You need to show your seductiveness alone with your man. Katya and I are completely different, and thank God...”

love for romantic stories our people can’t take it away, so everyone is already worried about who will be the hero of the “Bachelor” show in Russia in 2017. Rumors around the next season began long before the end of the previous one. This is the modern viewer who demands “bread and circuses” here and now. And if “The Bachelor” were on all year round, then its number of fans would only increase. Of course, the main character of season 5 remains a mystery, but the candidates for the role of the star and very enviable groom are already known.

The main candidates for the role of “The Bachelor” 2017

To maintain increased interest in the show, the bachelor must be famous, successful, charismatic and, of course, handsome. This time the project management is considering brightest stars domestic show business and sports. Surely, many girls will want to be next to such a man, but only a few will be lucky. So, who are the main contenders?

  • Egor Creed. A Russian singer who burst into the world of show business and immediately took pride of place in it. The child of the Black Star corporation, charming and attractive Yegor has already settled in the hearts of many young girls. Therefore, his participation in the show will certainly not go unnoticed.
  • Rodion Gazmanov. Young Russian singer, son of the famous “Esaul” national stage- Oleg Gazmanov. The young man has a successful career as an artist, takes part in many television shows, and “The Bachelor” can perfectly complement Rodion’s track record.
  • Timati. Perhaps this candidate for a place in the new season of “The Bachelor” 2017 needs no introduction. Famous rapper, producer and actor, founder of the Black Star empire. Timati began his career by participating in the show “Star Factory 4,” so it can be assumed that his appearance in “The Bachelor” could end in a whirlwind romance and strong family. After all, for Timothy success is a pattern.
  • Alexander Kokorin. Promising Russian football player. Kokorin will take a strong position as a Zenit star, so the girls probably wouldn’t mind building their love with him.
  • Tair Mamedov. One of the most scandalous, but unfortunately former, residents of the Comedy Club. Currently an actor and successful TV presenter.
  • Alexey Voevoda. Athlete, two-time Olympic champion. Alexey is a bobsleigh star. He is 36 and unmarried.

It is noteworthy that this season the creators of the show allowed the audience to take part in choosing the main character. There was a vote for the best candidate on the project’s website, but in August, rumors about Voevoda’s participation in the show began to resemble the truth. However, there is no definitive answer yet. And who will appear in front of 25 beauties in March remains a mystery.

The organizers of the show hinted that the main character will be an athlete

Some media outlets claim that the creators of the show could not maintain the suspense and spilled the beans about some juicy details. So, they started a rumor that the heartthrob in 2017 would be a man associated with sports. Since then, the press has awarded the title of bachelor to Alexei Voevoda, because he is quite successful and famous. But do not forget that among the candidates there was also football player Sasha Kokorin. Therefore, only the first broadcasts or an official statement from the creators of the project can put the final point.

How girls were chosen for the show “The Bachelor” 2017

The selection of potential brides followed a well-established pattern. To begin with, all interested beauties filled out a form on the show’s website. Having indicated several interesting and important data, the girls also attached their photos (in full height, in a swimsuit, face close up) and even a video about yourself. If the organizers liked the questionnaire, then the candidates were invited to the second stage of casting.

The qualifying rounds took place in 45 cities of Russia and ended in mid-summer. Among thousands of applicants, 25-26 beauties were selected, who will have to compete for the heart of an enviable Russian groom.

When will The Bachelor 5 be released on TV?

Traditionally, the most romantic show in the country will appear on television in March. This is akin to a gift for the fair sex. Spring, love, March 8 and the new “Bachelor”.

Many of you are probably familiar with the show “The Bachelor” on the TNT channel. He was especially popular among female audience. This is not surprising, because the main characters have always turned out to be attractive young people with charisma and enviable wealth. Any girl would like such a prince to be at her feet. But luck smiled on a few.

After the castings, worthy contenders were selected who dreamed of fighting for the heart of an impressive man. The fourth season of this show just recently ended and now the selection for “ Bachelor2017 . Who will take the place another bachelor, as well as other juicy news about this show, you will find out in our article.

TV show history

In Russia, the show “Bachelor” first started in 2013. The TNT television channel acquired it from the authors of a similar American program called “The Bachelor,” which was published in 2002. The show immediately gained crowds of fans, because viewers loved watching how the girls tried to make the main character fall in love with them. A little later, the creators of “The Bachelor” sold the rights to show the show to more than 120 countries.

The Russian “Bachelor” has been no less popular from the very first season to this day. Over the entire history of the project, more than 100 girls from different cities of Russia and 4 famous “grooms” took part in it.

  • Evgeniy Levchenko is a Ukrainian football player who first played for the Ukrainian national team, then moved to Moscow CSKA, Dutch Vites, and then present moment plays for the Australian club Adelaide United. In the final of the competition, he chose Olesya Ermakova.
  • Maxim Chernyavsky is a millionaire, businessman, ex-husband of Anna Sedakova. On at the moment works in real estate. In the final of “Bachelor 2,” Maxim chose Masha Drigola.
  • Timur Batrudinov - famous comedian and resident of the Comedy Club. He became the next “groom” in the third season of the show “The Bachelor.” Batrudtinov settled on Daria Kananukha.
  • Alexey Vorobyov - showman, singer, actor, whose personal life is watched by more than one girl, in the final fourth season The TV show “The Bachelor” could not choose a worthy companion and chose to remain without a girl.

Season five

The project organizers have already begun selecting worthy applicants. A list of cities where castings will take place was published on the official website of TNT. Anyone could come and demonstrate themselves in all their glory. As usual, not all applicants will get into the program, but only 25 girls. They will be the ones who will be shown on TV, and they will be the ones who will meet the bachelor. It is worth noting that only unmarried adult girls can take part in the show.

The organizers carefully think through and work through each episode of the program. They try to make the program not only interesting, but also beautiful. A man takes girls on original dates, arranges tasks for them and just has a calm conversation. The main goal The girls' goal on this show is to eliminate their competitors and win the bachelor's heart.

The show's rules state that not all selected girls will make it to the finals. In each episode, the bachelor determines for himself the best beauty and the one who will leave the project. Everything is decided at the Rose Ceremony - the girl who does not receive the coveted scarlet flower is eliminated from the fight for the heart of the most eligible bachelor in Russia.

As a rule, the most worthy qualify for the finals. There are two girls left and only after meeting the parents of the groom and the parents of the bride, the main character can make his choice. As practice has shown, it can be quite unpredictable.

How to become a member

In fact, becoming the heroine of the show “The Bachelor” is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. First of all, girls need to fill out a form on the official website of the project. After which, you should attach 2-15 photographs from different angles made over the past few months. It is advisable that a couple of photographs be close-up (face), and also a photo in a swimsuit. In addition, you can upload your own video.

In the event that the participant’s profile has been noted by the jury, she must at any time give up studying, work and other activities and devote herself entirely to filming.

Well, the last condition is that the girl must come to the casting in her city on time!

The main bachelor of the fifth season: who is he?

The project management is currently desperately searching for the best candidate for the role of a bachelor. Are being considered different men, but now you can make a list of the main contenders for the role of an enviable groom, for whose heart the beauties of the country will fight:

  • Rodion Gazmanov is a singer and the son of Oleg Gazmanov. For several years now the guy has been leading successful career on stage and is not going to stop there. I have already managed to take part in several television shows, such as “The Voice”, “Just the Same” and “Goshchiki. Star Battle.”
  • Egor Creed - famous singer, whose career is currently in full swing. Most famous hit Egor's “Bride” broke records of many radio stations.
  • Alexander Kokorin is a successful Russian football player, star of the Zenit club.
  • Timati is a rapper, producer and actor. After graduating from “Star Factory 4,” Timati’s career skyrocketed and he is still one of the most popular artists on the Russian stage.
  • Tair Mamedov is a former resident of the Comedy Club, actor and TV presenter. Tair could be seen in films such as “Moscow Fairytale”, “What Men Do” and “A Very Russian Detective”.

This is not the entire list of potential bachelors who are selected for the fifth season. It is worth noting that viewers can choose the most suitable personality for themselves. To do this, you need to go to the project website and vote for your favorite star.

The release of the show “The Bachelor” is planned for the spring of 2017. Who is vying for the title of the most eligible bachelor in the new season, how are the castings among the participants going, what is known about upcoming dates - about this and other interesting facts in our article.

Beautiful dates, languid glances, sweet kisses, exciting intrigue, beautiful outfits and luxurious resorts... You can enjoy all this while watching the TV show “The Bachelor,” which short terms won the love and interest of the audience thanks to its charming participants, chic design and charismatic men. Fortunately, the exciting project once again intends to please us with a new release, the release date of which is spring 2017. Castings begin - the show continues!

Remembering previous issues...

Until recently, TV viewers watched with bated breath the romantic relationships of Alexei Vorobyov, the famous Russian singer, actor, showman and simply handsome. Throughout the fourth season of the show “The Bachelor,” the girls fought for the heart of the smiling handsome man. There was everything: quarrels between the participants, unexpected surprises, intimate moments, and touching heart-to-heart conversations. It seemed that Alexey had found the one and was ready to make a choice, but in the finale the unexpected happened - the showman chose not to part with his bachelor status and did not choose any of the remaining girls.

By the way, although the previous bachelors chose worthy girls in the final episodes with whom they were ready to throw in their lot, they still broke up with them after some time.

Let us remember that in the first season, the eligible bachelor was Evgeniy Levchenko, a famous Ukrainian football player who at one time played for CSKA.

His choice fell on participant Olesya Ermakova, but the couple separated due to living in different countries.

The second bachelor was Maxim Chernyavsky, oligarch, businessman, ex-husband of Sedakova. His chosen one is Masha Drigola.

In 2015, the beauties seduced bachelor Timur Batrudinov, a showman, actor, and comedian from the Comedy Club. Participant Daria Kananukha achieved her goal.

Well, the recent bachelor Vorobiev, as already mentioned, could not choose a girl worthy of the title of his wife and mother of his children.

One way or another, in previous seasons young people were unable to find a soul mate and arrange their personal life. Perhaps in 2017 the bachelor and the participants will be luckier, and we will witness the birth of a new, pure, sincere and long-lasting love.

Intriguing anticipation: who will now give girls roses

What will happen in the new season of the show? It's a mystery for now, but the veil can be lifted a little. The most intriguing question that worries both the project participants and loyal fans is the identity of the new bachelor who will charm everyone. the female half population in 2017. Many celebrities are vying for this role, including:

  • Egor Creed - talented musician, singer, his hit “Bride” broke many records on radio stations;
  • Tair Mamedov – actor, presenter, showman, former member"Comedy";
  • Rodion Gazmanov is a singer, following in his father’s footsteps and studying music;
  • Miguel is an excellent dancer, choreographer, mentor of the show “Dancing on TNT”;
  • Timati is a rapper, actor, producer, businessman, popular personality in the domestic show business;
  • Danila Kozlovsky – in demand Russian actor theater and cinema, star of many popular films, handsome and heartthrob;
  • Alexander Kokorin is an athlete, star of the Zenit football club.

At the moment, there is an open vote - a kind of casting for bachelors - where everyone can cast their vote for their favorite candidate and contribute to his becoming a leader and participating in the new show. Now the favorite position is occupied by Yegor Creed, the young handsome man received the most votes. In second place is Nikita Panfilov, the star of many films and TV series, including “ Sweet life", "How I became Russian", "Londongrad: Know ours" and others. And Miguel took third place, conquering girls and women exotic appearance, unique charm and interesting character. But the situation can change at any moment, so it is almost impossible to predict in advance who will be the new bachelor.

The path of the project participants

Meanwhile, after the announcement of the release of the new season, throughout the vast territory Russian Federation auditions were held among girls for the right to participate in the new show and win the most valuable prize– celebrity love.

The conditions for participation in the 2017 show's castings remained the same: the participant must be an adult and unmarried. In addition, if the casting is successful, the girl must immediately leave everything, be it university, work, children, and begin filming.

Back at the end of June 2016, the TNT channel published a list of cities and dates in which castings will take place. Bachelor hunting season is open! You must first submit an application to electronic form, send photos (including in a swimsuit and a close-up portrait) and wait for the jury’s response.

But even if the long-awaited invitation does not come, you can still come to the casting and try your luck again.

Thousands of blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women, and redheads attended castings in Rostov-on-Don, Sochi, Vladivostok, Voronezh, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk - more than 40 cities are ready to give a chance to charm a bachelor. Stayed last city– Moscow, where the casting date remains unknown.

But the names of the girls are also kept strictly secret. Only in the spring of 2017 will it be known which of the participants was lucky enough to pass the casting and get on the show, into the world of video camera lenses, romantic adventures and dreams come true.

Organization and “pre-holiday bustle”

Although the exact date of the show and the name of the bachelor have not yet been determined, the organizers of the project are already carefully thinking through the program of new episodes. Spectators can expect spectacular receptions, original dates, smart conversations, stunning views, picturesque countries, warm moments of meeting parents, humor and fun... And of course, the incredibly important Rose Ceremony, where decisions will be made further fate participants, the name of the favorite and the bachelor’s attitude towards them.

In a word, it is not surprising that the release of the new show is expected and discussed in all sorts of social networks and blogs and try in every possible way to guess the name of the future eligible groom. Atmospheric, realistic, colorful, dynamic, romantic, mysterious - thanks to all this, the past seasons have gathered so many fans and because of this, the new season, which will be released in early 2017, has such a high expectation rating.

Bachelor season 5 Russia TNT: who will be the bachelor, release date. The release date of one of the most popular TV shows in the country has already become known. The fifth season of the reality show will start in March, in which the bachelor will choose one from 25 girls.

The star of “Interns” Ilya Glinnikov became a bachelor. It is this actor who will choose his bride, and 25 spectacular girls will try to win his heart. You can find out who Ilya chooses by watching the show to the end.

The actor broke up with actress Aglaya Tarasova and is now looking for a soul mate. The star of the television series “Interns” will have a difficult choice, because he will have to choose one girl out of twenty-five.

Not long ago, Glinnikov admitted that before this show did not evoke much sympathy in him and he considered it nothing more than just a show. But he changed his mind after he took part in it himself.

The girl came for this popular show in order to find your love. Veronica recently graduated from college and is now a successful model. She is photographed for magazines and large companies. In addition, Murashkina is trying herself as a TV presenter.

As for personal life, there is silence on this front for now. The girl is very bright and talented, many people know her in Moscow. The “Bachelor” show is not PR for her, her stylist and makeup artist Victoria Bykova is sure. Veronica is an open, conscientious and honest girl. In addition, he speaks directly and says everything he thinks to his face.

Masha is seriously involved in music. After she graduated from school, she entered the Maimonides Academy. The girl’s teacher, Angelina Polekha, said that it was not easy for Antipovskaya, many tasks were given with great difficulty. At first there were even tears. After some time, the girl became one of the best students.

Masha’s classmate Tatyana Shpakova said that Antipovskaya is a kind and sophisticated girl. In addition, the girl is purposeful and achieves her goals. Permanent employment prevents her from building a relationship with a young man. Once Masha had serious feelings and the novel was beautiful and emotional. The lover worked the same as Maria - a model. But different schedules and a lot of busyness forced the loving couple to break up.

According to the rules of the show, the participants do not know who has become a bachelor until the casting is completed. Nadya was shocked to learn that she had come to a project with a former classmate. “They studied at GITIS in their first year. Ilya is like a brother to her - he knows about difficult relationships With ex-husband, helped during pregnancies,” says friend Yulia. Lysenko, the mother of 7-year-old Felix, 6-year-old Vera and 3-year-old Masha, divorced six months ago. “She and her husband have always had different views on raising children and family values“, in addition, he cheated on her,” Yulia continues. “True, he did commit one big deed: the ex-husband himself delivered Nadya’s child in a traffic jam near the Savelovsky station - that’s how the youngest Marusya was born.”

Now a nanny helps raise the children, but Nadezhda tries to spend as much time with them as possible. “He reads and draws with Felix, Verochka has been taking him to photo shoots and fashion shows since she was two years old, and he practices vocals with Mashenka,” says friend Yulia.

This participant is known to many - Evdokia runs the video blog “Old-Girding”. “Subscribers are delighted with her - they like what she films and her statements on the topic of men,” says friend Alexander. “Before, she was worried that she was not married and had no children.

But I found what I loved and believed in myself. Now Dusya achieves everything herself. This is probably why last year I decided to change my first and last name in my passport. Initially, her parents wanted to name her Evdokia Bubel, but her grandfather was against it unusual name And Jewish surname– this is how Anya Antonova turned out. After a while, the girl found out the truth and decided to take the name that her mother and father had chosen for her.”

The TV presenter moved to Moscow a few months ago. “At home, Tonya hosted a show on a local channel, she was famous, but in the capital she is just getting used to it, looking for work,” says friend Nastya. – She takes relationships seriously, she doesn’t even kiss without love. That’s why she only had one affair, but it was a long one – three years.

We broke up because next to such a pure girl there should be a person as faithful, devoted and wanting children as she is. Tonya caught him flirting with others more than once... After the breakup, there were several admirers, but everyone quickly disappeared, because you first need to court her, show the seriousness of your intentions, and only then everything else.”

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