Laurel branch. How to transport bay leaves


Or a laurel branch - since Greco-Roman antiquity - a symbol of glory, victory or peace. The victors put on Laurel wreath; the ships of the victors were decorated with laurels. On solemn occasions, all the people were married to L.; the priests wore laurel wreaths during the sacrifices. L. was dedicated to Apollo, in explanation of which the myth of Daphne was created (see); in the Pythian games, L. was an award to the winner, and they were also awarded to "Apollo's favorites" - poets. This relationship between Apollo and L. explains the attribution to L, a prophetic gift: the priests ate it to find out the future (laurel eaters). There was also a belief that L. saves from lightning. See Laureate.

  • - among the ancient Greeks and Romans - a symbol of victory, triumph, glory. Laurel wreaths were adorned with faces that won in various contests and competitions. The tradition has survived to this day...

    Architectural Dictionary

  • - or a branch of L., since Greco-Roman antiquity - a symbol of glory, victory or peace. The victors put on a laurel wreath; the ships of the victors were decorated with laurels. On solemn occasions, all the people got married L ....
  • - or a branch of laurel - since Greco-Roman antiquity - a symbol of glory, victory or peace. The victors put on a laurel wreath; the ships of the victors were decorated with laurels. On solemn occasions, all the people got married L ....

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Book. The same as the Laurel crown. The poem "Extreme Bliss" did not do much strong impression in public. already intertwined for the author, but still invisibly. We also talked about art...

    Phrasebook Russian literary language

  • - LAUREL, th, m. . Georgian, Caucasian...

    Dictionary of Russian Argo

  • - l`avrovy and laurel`ovy A / pr; 114 claim see _Appendix II bay leaf; Laurel wreath; laurel crown...

    Dictionary of Russian accents

  • - ...

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  • - LAVR, -a, ...

    Dictionary Ozhegov

  • - LAVR, -a, ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - LAUREL and, laurel, laurel. 1. adj. to laurel in 1 sign. Laurel grove. Bay leaf. 2. in value noun laurel, laurel, units. laurel, laurel, cf. The name of a plant family...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - laurel l`avrovy, laurel adj. 1. ratio with noun. laurel associated with it 2. Peculiar to the laurel, characteristic of it. 3. Belonging to the Lavra. 4. Consisting of laurels. 5. Made from laurel, from branches or leaves of laurel ...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - l "avr" ...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - Book. Symbol of glory, victory, award. F 1, 53...

    Big Dictionary Russian sayings

  • - 1. bay; laurel grove; family laurel 2. laurel; Bay leaf...

    Russian word stress

  • - 1...

    Word forms

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 6 laurel crown laurels laurels of the winner palm first place victory ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Laurel wreath" in books


author Tsvetaeva Marina

A LAUREL WREATH (In memory of Prof. IV Tsvetaev) About two years before the opening of the museum, my father was offered to move to the state director's apartment, which had just been rebuilt. “Think, Ivan Vladimirovich,” our old housekeeper Olimpievna tempted, “spacious, calm, everything

V. LAUREL WREATH (Translated by A. Efron.)

From book Autobiographical prose author Tsvetaeva Marina

V. LAUREL WREATH (Translated by A. Efron.) Opening day of the museum. Barely occupied morning of the solemn day. Call. Museum courier? No, the voice is female. Awakened by the call, the father is already on the threshold of the hall, in his old, unchanged dressing gown, gray-greenish, the color of bad weather, the color of Time. From

V. Laurel wreath

From the book Mother's Tales [collection] author Tsvetaeva Marina

V. Laurel wreath Opening day of the museum. Barely occupied morning of the solemn day. Call. Museum courier? No, the voice is female. Awakened by the call, the father is already on the threshold of the hall, in his old, unchanged dressing gown, gray-greenish, the color of bad weather, the color of Time. From other doors

V. Laurel wreath

From the book Father and His Museum author Tsvetaeva Marina

V. Laurel wreath (Translated by A. Efron.) Opening day of the museum. Barely occupied morning of the solemn day. Call. Museum courier? No, the voice is female. Awakened by the call, the father is already on the threshold of the hall, in his old, unchanged dressing gown, gray-greenish, the color of bad weather, the color of Time. From

Laurel wreath

From the book One - here - life author Tsvetaeva Marina

Laurel wreath (In memory of Prof. I.V. Tsvetaev) Two years before the opening of the museum, my father was offered to move to the state-owned director's apartment, which had just been rebuilt. “Think, Ivan Vladimirovich,” our old housekeeper Olimpievna tempted, “spacious, calm, everything

Laurel wreath

From the book Alone with Autumn (collection) author Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich

Laurel wreath There was no shade on the streets of Athens. Sheer white-marble heat hung over the city. Creeping strange flowers without leaves bloomed in the squares. On their stems stuck out dark green soft shoots, similar to needles. It was worth squeezing such a twig with your fingers - and it immediately

Laurel wreath on every table

From book Big Encyclopedia spices, herbs and spices author Karpukhina Victoria

Laurel wreath for any dish

From the book Encyclopedia of Healing Spices. Ginger, turmeric, coriander, cinnamon, saffron and 100 more healing spices author Karpukhina Victoria

Hero's Laurel Wreath

author Medvedev Ivan Anatolievich

Laurel wreath of a hero In Morocco, with the last pennies sewn into his belt, Kaye bought a donkey and got on it to the port of Tangier, where the residence of the French consul was located. To the compatriot in dirty rags, sick and exhausted, the diplomat treated with touching concern,

Laurel wreath

From the book In Search of Eldorado author Medvedev Ivan Anatolievich

Laurel wreath Stanley described his campaigns in books that were read by millions. His fame resounded throughout the world. For impressive achievements and services, he was awarded a knighthood and was awarded the order Bani.Henry Morton Stanley is rightfully recognized as a great

Laurel wreath in memory of prof. I. V. Tsvetaeva

author Tsvetaeva Marina

Laurel wreath in memory of prof. IV Tsvetaeva Two years before the opening of the museum, my father was offered to move to the state-owned director's apartment, which had just been rebuilt. “Think, Ivan Vladimirovich,” our old housekeeper Olimpievna tempted, “spacious, quiet, all the rooms

Laurel wreath

From the book My Lord is Time author Tsvetaeva Marina

Laurel wreath For the first time - in the newspaper " Last news"(Paris. 1933. September 17), following the essay" Museum of Alexander III. "S. 91. Vakhterov Vasily Porfiryevich (1853–1924) teacher methodist, director of public schools in the Moscow province.S. 93 .... show the young empress the museum ... - speech

Laurel wreath

From the book Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you how long you will live! author Podoprigora Igor Vitalievich

Laurel wreath The family of laurels is very extensive, even cinnamon belongs to it. In our kitchens, there is mainly a leaf of a noble laurel. And this is very good, because other types of laurel are very bitter. Bay leaves are used in the preparation of broths and soups,

Laurel wreath

author Tsvetaeva Marina

Laurel wreath (In memory of Prof. I. V. Tsvetaev) Two years before the opening of the museum, my father was offered to move to the state-owned director's apartment, which had just been rebuilt. “Think, Ivan Vladimirovich,” our old housekeeper Olimpiyevna tempted, “spacious, calm, everything

V. Laurel wreath

From the book Volume 5. Book 1. Autobiographical prose. Articles author Tsvetaeva Marina

V. Laurel wreath (Translated by A. Efron) Opening day of the museum. Barely occupied morning of the solemn day. Call. Museum courier? No, the voice is female. Awakened by the call, the father is already on the threshold of the hall, in his old, unchanged dressing gown, gray-greenish, the color of bad weather, the color of Time. From

The Greeks considered laurel the tree of Apollo. There is a myth that a beautiful nymph named Daphne took a vow of chastity, but the god Apollo was so fascinated by her that he could not control himself and began to pursue her. Daphne began to pray to the gods for help, and they turned her into a laurel tree. The patron of the arts hugged him, but it was all in vain, the beautiful nymph could not be returned. Since then, the laurel has become the sacred tree of Apollo. Therefore, in Greece, all outstanding artists began to be awarded wreaths of laurel.

In the Roman Empire, a laurel wreath was received best warriors, he symbolized the peace that was to come along with the overthrow of the enemies. Emperors also wore wreaths of laurel branches. The laurel was associated with the immaculate vestals, so it became a symbol of chastity and piety.

Early Christians saw the laurel wreath as a symbol of martyrdom and eternal life. IN Hellenistic period he became associated with fame. It is noteworthy that in the Middle Ages, the laurel wreath disappears from the list of traditional heraldic symbols, its revival occurred only in late XVIII century after the French Revolution.
By the way, the word “laureate” is directly related to this plant and means “crowned with laurel”.


The roots of the symbolism of the laurel, as already mentioned, are in ancient times. So, what does a laurel wreath tattoo mean?

  • Faith in victory. A person wholeheartedly strives for victory, for him there is nothing more important in life than to emerge victorious from any situation. For the sake of victory, he is ready for absolutely anything.
  • purposefulness. A laurel wreath tattoo indicates that a person spares no effort to achieve his goals. He has a strong enough incentive to keep moving forward and achieve what he wants.
  • Courage. Since wreaths of laurel branches were awarded to warriors who distinguished themselves more than others on the battlefield, it is also considered a symbol of courage, military honor and valor.
  • Wisdom. Laurel wreaths were also worn by emperors, and only a wise emperor is able to rule long and fairly.
  • Greatness. A person who has chosen such a tattoo dreams of not only living life with dignity, realizing himself as a person or creating happy family, his dreams are much more global. He wants to reach highest position in society.
  • Creation. The laurel wreath served as an award for the best poets, musicians, and dancers. Such a tattoo can become a kind of amulet that attracts good luck in creative endeavors for young artists.
  • Soul Immortality. Laurel is an evergreen tree, so association with eternal life is inevitable.

The laurel wreath is also found among prison tattoos. In this context, this symbol indicates that the prisoner was unfairly convicted, that he is serving a sentence for a crime that he did not commit. This meaning comes precisely from the Christian interpretation of the symbol.

Stylistic decisions

Both women and men love to reap laurels equally. The laurel wreath is most often depicted in black, without any decorative elements. But there are more original ideas, for example, a laurel wreath with flowers and ribbons, inscriptions topped with laurel.

Such tattoos rarely have very big size so they look great just about anywhere. The most suitable places are the shoulder, forearm, lower leg, thigh, neck, between the shoulder blades.

For monochrome work, graphics are quite suitable. Many mistakenly attribute all black and white works to this style, but this is fundamentally wrong. The graphics are different in that there are no halftones in the image, only black. All shadows are done with hatching. Looks quite original.

If you still prefer colored tattoos, check out the new school work. The style arose not so long ago, about 30 years ago, and adopted a lot from the old school. Such tattoos look spectacular thanks to the use bright colors, clear and wide contours.

In any case, to begin with, discuss the future tattoo with the masters. Perhaps he will give you a really unique idea.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Apollo and Daphne. 1622-1625

≈ Laurel tree / Laurel wreath / Laurel branch / Laurels /

Greek daphne, lat. laurus

Bot.: Ordinary laurel(Laurus nobilis), a small tree (2 to 5 m) or tall shrub of the laurel family (Lauraceae). Perennial leaves oblong-lanceolate with wavy-folded margins. Berry-shaped fruit is oval, black. His homeland is considered Asia Minor. Essential oil, contained in its leaves and fruits, determines its value as a condiment (leaves) and medicine (fruits).

From various laurel trees (among which cinnamon and avocado are found), an ancient and resistant symbolic meaning has a laurel with small leaves - Laurus nobilis - from which the crown was made to the winner.

Since Greco-Roman antiquity, laurel, its branches, laurel wreaths and garlands have been a symbol of glory, victory or peace. The victors put on a laurel wreath; the ships of the victors were decorated with laurels. On especially solemn occasions, all the people were crowned with laurels. The words laureate and possibly bachelor (baccalauratus) come from the custom of decorating with laurels the heads of people who have excelled in the sciences or art (raised to the degree of doctor).

Since bay leaves never wither, remaining green, laurel has become a symbol of eternity, renewal of life and immortality. This meaning is more typical for a laurel wreath or garland.

The connection of the laurel with chastity seems to go back to its dedication to the Vestal virgins and Diana.

The idea of ​​participation in fertility in one sense or another is characteristic of all plant symbolism.

Victory, Outstanding Achievement in Literature


The laurel tree is a symbol of the victory won over oneself, and the fruitful world that is its result; or the victory over ignorance and fanaticism.

There is no achievement without struggle and victory. Therefore, the laurel expresses the unity of the hero with the motives and fruits of his victories.


During the initiation into the 4th degree of the Master's mystery, laurel and olive wreaths are placed on the altar.


Girl, from her hands grow laurel branches- Daphne.

A laurel grove grows on the top of Parnassus, the abode of the Muses.

IN portrait painting a laurel bush or branch indicates that the model is a literary or artistic figure.


The laurel bush was the emblem Lorenzo Medici(1448-1492), with the motto "Ita ut virtus" (lat. - "Such is virtue", i.e. unfading, like an evergreen laurel).

Laurel wreath nailed to a board.

It's safe.

It is necessary to carefully preserve the respect and honor that we receive as recognition of our great deeds or valiant deeds.

Laurel tree.

Few will get me.

The symbol is a reward for great and heroic deeds.

Laurel tree with branches cut off, except for one branch at the top.

I grow on a tree that has known triumphs.

A symbol of respect for the memory of the ancestor and those who raised us.

Laurel tree struck by lightning fire.

My ancient rights do not protect me.

A symbol that nothing can protect us from the wrath of Heaven.

Laurel wreath.

This is the crown for learning and valor.

Laurel crowned poets and conquerors. Poets - because this tree was dedicated to the god of learning and poetry, Apollo. (See Fig.6 in Table 34)

Thunder and lightning over the laurel.

Virtue dared.

In the fury of storm and thunder,

When other trees are already down,

Only evergreen laurel

Boldly goes to meet his fate.

So, not knowing the dangers and fears, he behaves,

Whose armor is virtue.

While the immoral, horrified

They tremble at every insignificant blow.

A dead stump of a bay tree that has released a fresh sprout.

I take life from his death.

A symbol of death as the beginning of life, happiness and health, and life as an ever-living hope for immortality, which we will be able to gain because our main parent, crowned with laurels, the greatest conqueror of death, Christ, died for us.

Laurel supporting the vine.

Not for yourself, but for the good of others.

A symbol of today's way of life, where one person suffers hardships, and the other has benefits and advantages.

Laurel and sun.

I am always honored.

A symbol of the fact that virtue and work, crowned with success, flourish forever. Thus, the laurel is a sign of completed work, which can withstand any blow and withstand any shock.

Laurel wreath.

The first Roman emperors did not wear crowns, but adorned their heads with a laurel wreath, which, as has been repeatedly pointed out, is a symbol of victory and royal power. IN Ancient Rome orators and poets also aspired to possess a laurel wreath (See Fig. 13 in Table 48.)

Laurel wreath.

For those who want and who deserve it.

When the time of trial is over,

You will receive the crown that is rightfully deserved.

Laurel and myrrh branches.

One complements the other.

A symbol of good deeds of real value and dignity, which will always accompany and reward each other. The laurel branch was rewarded for valor. The myrrh branch was used during triumphs and festivities to decorate and give a noble smell to the victor crowned with a laurel wreath. In fact, during major triumphs called ovations, myrtle branches were used, not myrrh sprigs. (See Figure 6 in Table 34 and Figure 3 in Table 37.)

Laurel tree.

It is impossible to take tribute from him without bitterness.

Great and glorious deeds cannot be accomplished without overcoming difficulties and solving problems. Likewise, one cannot advance on the path of accomplishment without suppressing one's passions and lusts, which is no less difficult for us than picking bay leaves, which makes the hands very bitter in taste.

Laurel branch.

I don't change until I die.

The symbol of constancy.

Laurel wreath nailed to a board. //This is safe. It is necessary to carefully preserve the respect and honor that we receive as recognition of our great deeds or valiant deeds. [SE-II, tab.53-13, p.331]

Laurel tree.//Few will achieve me. a symbolic reward for great and heroic deeds. [Emblemata-2; Table 8-3, p.137]

Laurel tree with branches cut off, except for one branch at the top. //I grow on a tree that knew triumphs. a symbol of respect for the memory of the ancestor and those who raised us. [Emblemata-2; Table 10-2, p.145]

Laurel tree struck by lightning fire. //My ancient rights don't protect me. a symbol that nothing can protect us from the wrath of Heaven. [SE-II, tab.21-9, p.192]

Laurel. //This is the crown for learning and valor. Laurel crowned poets and conquerors. Poets - because this tree was dedicated to the god of learning and poetry, Apollo. According to Ovid, Apollo's beloved Daphne was turned into a laurel. (See Fig. 6 in Table 34) [SE-II, Tab. 23-11, p. 200]

Thunder and lightning over the laurel. // Virtue swept away. In the fury of storm and thunder, When other trees have already been defeated, Only the evergreen laurel Boldly goes towards its fate. So, not knowing the dangers and fears, He leads the way, whose armor is virtue. At that time, how the immoral, stricken with horror Tremble at every insignificant blow. [SE-II, tab.25-9, p.209]

A dead stump of a bay tree that has released a fresh sprout. //I take life from his death. a symbol of death as the beginning of life, happiness and health, and life as an eternally living hope for immortality, which we will be able to gain because our main parent, crowned with laurels, the greatest conqueror of death, Christ, died for us. [SE-II, tab.45-6, p.298]

Laurel supporting the vine. //Not for myself, but for the benefit of others. a symbol of today's way of life, where one person suffers hardships, and the other has benefits and advantages. [SE-II, tab.26-6, p.212]

Laurel and sun. //I'm always respected. a symbol of the fact that virtue and work, crowned with success, flourish forever. Thus, the laurel is a sign of completed work, which can withstand any blow and withstand any shock. [SE-II, tab.30-9, p.228]

Laurel wreath The first Roman emperors did not wear crowns, but decorated their heads with a laurel wreath, which, as has been repeatedly pointed out, is a symbol of victory and royal power. In ancient Rome, orators and poets also aspired to possess a Taurus wreath (See Fig. 13 in tab. 48.) [SE-II, tab. 34-6, p. 247]

Laurel wreath. //For those r who desire and who deserve it. When the time of trial is over, You will receive the crown that is rightfully deserved. [SE-II, tab.59-2, p.353]

Laurel and myrrh branches. //One complements the other. a symbol of good deeds of real value and dignity, which will always accompany and reward each other. The laurel branch was rewarded for valor. The myrrh branch was used during triumphs and festivities to decorate and give a noble smell to the victor crowned with a laurel wreath. In fact, during major triumphs called ovations, myrtle branches were used, not myrrh sprigs. [SE-II, tab.35-9, p.253]

Laurel wreath. (See Fig. 6 in Table 34 and Fig. 3 in Table 37.) [SE-II, tab. 48-13, p. 311]

Laurel tree. //You can't take tribute from him without bitterness. Great and glorious deeds cannot be accomplished without overcoming difficulties and solving problems. Likewise, one cannot advance on the path of accomplishment without suppressing one's passions and lusts, which is no less difficult for us than picking bay leaves, which makes the hands very bitter in taste. [SE-II, tab.53-14, p.331]


Victory, triumph, truce and peace. Being evergreen, laurel symbolizes eternity and immortality.

Sacred plant in the cult of the sun gods. Hence the diverse use of its branches and leaves in triumphs and divine services among the Greeks and Romans.

Laurel wreaths and branches were depicted on coins and gems as attributes of Jupiter and Apollo.

Priests put on laurel wreaths during sacrifices, and burned laurel branches together with sacrificial animals: their crackling was considered a good omen.

Festive garlands and wreaths were woven from bay leaves.

Award "Apollo's favorites" - poets.

"The crowning of poets, actors or winners with a laurel wreath meant not a tribute to the external, visual consecration of the act, but a recognition that this act, by its very existence, speaks of the recognition of victories over the negative and pernicious influence passions."

Dedicated to Apollo.

The myth of the transformation of his beloved Daphne into a laurel bush was intended to explain the connection between God and this plant.

The symbol of magical power is the plant of soothsayers and soothsayers. With its help, Apollo made predictions, laurel groves surrounded the temples of Apollo. The Pythia at Delphi chewed bay leaves when she sat on a tripod crowned with laurel. In addition to chewing laurel (laurel eaters), soothsayers also burned it before pronouncing a prediction.

attributed to bay leaves healing power and the ability to purify from spiritual defilement. Bay leaves were used in the ritual of cleansing from spilled blood. So Apollo cleansed himself with laurel after killing the dragon-serpent Python and Orestes, who killed his mother Clytemnestra.

For centuries, the goddess Nike (Victoria) has been depicted with a laurel wreath in her hands, which she places on the head of victorious heroes. It also symbolized the peace that follows the victory over the enemy.

In the Pythian games, the laurel was awarded to the winners.

Laurel was also sacred to the god of ecstasy Dionysus (along with ivy),

Resurrection, renewal, glory and honor

Dedicated to Jupiter: it was believed that the laurel tree (the only tree planted by man) was never struck by lightning and, moreover, saves from it. Also dedicated to Juno, Diana, Silvanus.

Since the laurel was dedicated to the vestal virgins, who took a forever vow of chastity, it personifies purity.

Victorious messages and weapons were wrapped around the laurel and folded in front of the image of Jupiter.

It was considered a protective plant: on Ludi Apollinaris (Lat. - festivities in honor of Apollo), the original purpose of which was to prevent an epidemic, the audience wore laurel wreaths.


Borrowed in ancient culture as a symbol of victory Christian faith over death.

Eternity and chastity. In early Christianity, a symbol of eternal life or new life, which will come due to the redemptive acts of Christ.

St. Paul contrasts the incorruptible crown, with which a Christian ascetic is crowned, with the perishable crown, which is received by the victorious on the lists (1 Cor. 9:24-27).

The laurel wreath also symbolizes martyrdom.


Gnostic gem depicting Janus crowned with a laurel wreath. (Rome).

Laurel, whose wood resists lightning. W. H. von Hochberg, 1675

One of which is laurel, people have always been treated in a special way. They saw the personification of eternity, constancy - in a word, everything that was traditionally opposed to transience human life. Eternal should be the glory of the winner - in any case, people wanted to believe in it.

Apollo tree

It is noteworthy that athletes Ancient Greece they did not crown with laurels, for them a wreath of olive branches or ... celery was a sign of victory. The award in the form of a laurel wreath was intended for the best winners of the Pythian games that took place in Delphi. Over time, these games also began to include sport competitions, but their main content has always been the competition of poets and musicians - in a word, those who are still called "servants of Apollo" today. It was to this patron god of art that the laurel was dedicated. Why to him?

Such a connection had a real basis: these trees grew on Mount Parnassus, which the Greeks honored as the abode of the Muses and Apollo Musagetes. But it would be strange if it did not give rise to a legend explaining the connection of art.

Apollo, like many Greek gods, was distinguished by love. Once the subject of his passion was a nymph named Daphne, but the beauty vowed to remain chaste and was not going to give in to his harassment. The unfortunate woman begged the gods to protect her from the persecution of Apollo, and the gods heeded the prayer: instead of the girl in the arms of Apollo, there was a laurel tree. God put a laurel wreath on his head so as not to part with his beloved, turned into a tree.

Further history of the symbol

The laurel wreath as a symbol of glory, victory was adopted from Greece by another ancient civilization - the ancient Roman. In contrast to refined Hellas, stern Rome does not recognize any glory and no victories other than military coma. The symbolism of the laurel wreath is changing: they are crowned with a triumphant; at first, Roman emperors wore it as a sign of power.

They saw a new meaning in this symbol. For them, the lava wreath became the personification of the eternal glory of the martyrs who died for the faith.
The connection of the laurel wreath with poetic glory is resurrected in an era that inherits antiquity. In 1341 one of the greatest poets Italian Renaissance- Francesco Petrarca - in the hall of the senatorial palace on the Capitol in Rome, received from the hands of the senator as recognition of his poetic achievements. This gave the poet a reason to play with the name of the woman he sang, whose name also comes from the word "laurel": Laura gave him a laurel.

TO XVII century the laurel wreath has already firmly established itself as an emblem of glory in general, not only poetic. He is portrayed on and for winning contests. In this form, and inherited this symbol modern civilization. Not only the word "laureate" goes back to it, but also the name of the bachelor's degree.

Exist., number of synonyms: 6 laurel crown (1) laurels (9) laurels of the winner (5) ... Synonym dictionary

Laurel wreath- Book. The same as the Laurel crown. The poem "Extreme Bliss" did not make a very strong impression on the public. The laurel wreath was already woven for the author, but still invisible (Karamzin. About Bogdanovich and his writings). We also talked about art. How… … Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

Or a branch of laurel since Greco-Roman antiquity, a symbol of glory, victory or peace. The victors put on a laurel wreath; the ships of the victors were decorated with laurels. On solemn occasions, all the people were married to L.; priests at sacrifices dressed ... ...

Laurel wreath- among the ancient Greeks and Romans, a symbol of victory, triumph, glory. Laurel wreaths were adorned with faces that won in various competitions and competitions (disc throwers, runners, poets, orators, musicians). The tradition has been preserved to our time. ... ... Architectural Dictionary

Laurel wreath- A wreath of laurel leaves as a symbol of victory, triumph (among the ancient Greeks and Romans, such a wreath was awarded to winners in various competitions and competitions) ... Dictionary of many expressions

Book. Symbol of glory, victory, award. F 1, 53 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

Laurel wreath- at the ancient Greeks and Romans a symbol of victory, triumph, glory. L. v. adorned the faces that won in various. competitions and competitions (discus throwers, runners, poets, speakers, musicians) ... Ancient world. encyclopedic Dictionary

LAUREL WREATH- Sleep portends victory in all areas of activity. Imagine being given a bucket full of laurel branches (see Bucket)... Big family dream book

Or a branch of L., since Greco-Roman antiquity, a symbol of glory, victory or peace. The victors put on a laurel wreath; the ships of the victors were decorated with laurels. On solemn occasions, all the people were married to L.; priests at sacrifices wore laurel ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

And (obsolete) LAUREL, laurel, laurel. 1. adj. to laurel in 1 sign. Laurel grove. Bay leaf (dried bay leaf with a strong aromatic smell, used as a seasoning for dishes). 2. in value noun laurel, laurel, units. laurel, laurel... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov


  • Laurel wreath, Konstantin Paustovsky. The collection includes well-known stories about Russian writers and artists, as well as literary portraits Russian cultural figures of both the past and contemporaries and friends of Konstantin ...

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