Cute facts about michael jackson. Michael Jackson Facts of Life ~ Stars of the Past



29.08.14 12:08

Although celebrities protect their personal and intimate from prying eyes: they fence off mansions with tall fences and hide from annoying reporters, all the same, their actions become public. And the life of a VIP person is gradually “overgrown” with rumors, many of which are just a myth.

Everyone can stumble!

This is especially true of a rather mysterious figure - Michael Jackson. He, an eccentric genius who wears a mask and produces with his appearance incredible metamorphoses, more often than others became the “prey” of the paparazzi.

For example, when he, carrying his youngest son in his arms, stumbled, the tabloids did not fail to “pounce” on the singer - yeah, he almost dropped the baby! What's wrong with that? Anyone can trip.

Which of the many cited facts from the life of the king of pop is fiction, which are the events that took place in reality - the question. But let's try to remember some of them.

Metamorphoses with appearance

Most rumors swarm around plastic surgery legendary artist. Everyone watched with surprise as Michael turned from a dark-skinned guy into a white one with a very small, neat nose. He himself said that he “corrected” only his nose and chin. Moreover, the rhinoplasty was unsuccessful, taking painkillers and repeated surgical interventions were inevitable.

And an accident made him so reverent about his appearance: the singer almost died due to an explosion of pyrotechnics on the set of another advertisement (Michael was the “face” of Pepsi). The burns were serious. It was they who provoked the “dormant” disease for the time being. Him to genetic level passed on to her son by his mother. Vitiligo "rewards" its owner with ugly whitish spots due to changes in pigmentation.

Live to be a hundred years old

It was this incurable ailment that made Jackson become a kind of "man in a case." He was not allowed to sunbathe, and he hid under an umbrella, thick layers of makeup, wore a hat, put on thick clothes.

But the fact that he allegedly slept in a pressure chamber for the sake of prolonging his life (there was a rumor that the star was going to live up to a hundred years) is a legend. She was born because of the only case when Michael tried this device at the opening of the burn center.

Favorite pet, friend and spouse

It is well known that this man was a very generous philanthropist. But one case is rather curious. In the eighties, when Michael was at the height of his fame, he took care of a sick monkey suffering from a malignant tumor. The singer did not spare funds for the treatment of the animal, then he took the chimpanzee from the Texas hospital to his place. The humanoid "friend" traveled around the world with the patron. Then Jackson was forced to send a friend to a shelter, but he visited him, and you should have seen how the monkey rejoiced at the arrival of his savior!

Among the idols of the performer is the cult rock musician Freddie Mercury. And Michael's best friend was the star of comedies about the resourceful Kevin ("Home Alone") Macaulay Culkin. The boy became the godfather for two children of a friend, born to ex-nurse Debbie Rowe. The woman was the second wife of Jackson and, after the divorce, attempted to regain custody of the kids. They say that the singer did not stint on "compensation" (popular publications called figures from 4 to 8 million dollars). However, the offended mother repeatedly denied this information.

Unusual shoes, trips to Russia, museum exhibits

Michael invented an intricate design (and even received a patent for it) for shoes that allowed him to lean heavily ("against the laws of gravity").

The American has been to Russia twice in his life. Both concerts were held at Moscow venues in September - with a difference of 3 years (1993-1 and 1996).

The singer was only 27 when his star "shone" on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He is one of the favorite models of wax craftsmen. For example, in the branches of Madame Tussauds, 5 of his statues in luxurious clothes are exhibited. Only Madonna and Presley have one figure more.

In memory of an idol

Exotic African country Ivory Coast granted its idol high title. Since 1992, he has become not only the king of pop, but also acquired the status of "king of West Africa".

Almost 20 years - since his childhood - Michael did not perform with his brothers. The family reunion on the stage of Madison Square Garden, to the delight of fans of Jackson's talent, took place in 2001 at the 30th anniversary creative activity performer.

After the death of the greatest figure in music of the late twentieth century, his fans began to hold mass actions in memory of the idol. One of the flash mobs took place in 2008. Fans dedicated it to the anniversary of the release of the song "Thriller". More than four thousand (representatives of 10 countries) simultaneously put on snow-white gloves - the same ones that the star wore. Proceeds from the action went to charity.

Today, August 29, Michael Jackson would have turned 55 years old. All of it short life was filled with bright events, and on this day we remember the most Interesting Facts from the biography of the singer.

1. The fact that Michael was a great man during his lifetime is an indisputable fact. In 2008, a large-scale flash mob took place, which brought together more than 4 thousand people who, at the signal, put on white gloves. The flash mob was dedicated to the anniversary of the Thriller hit. The event was held in ten countries of the world at once. The funds that were earned, the participants sent to a charitable foundation.

2. Jackson suffered one of the most rare world diseases - Alpha 1 trepsin deficiency. In the world, one person out of twenty thousand suffers from this disease. However, the singer had the most severe form of the disease, in which skin diseases develop, and the person loses weight.

3. At the peak of his popularity, in the mid-eighties, the king of pop paid for the treatment of a monkey with cancer. When the treatment ended in one of the clinics in Texas, Jackson took the monkey to himself, and the chimpanzee visited many of Michael's tours. During his lifetime, Jackson gave the chimpanzee to a shelter, because the monkey became very angry. However, during the singer's visits, the chimpanzee's mood immediately changed, and he recognized his master.

4. Jackson patented unique shoes that created the illusion that their wearer could change gravity by leaning forward. Jackson first used this movement in the music video for "Smooth Criminal".

5. The singer had a unique oxygen bed. Jackson believed that he would live to be a hundred years old and used all sorts of ways to improve his health and prolong youth. It didn't help him... Now the bed is in the emergency burn center located in California.

6. Although Michael was the king of pop during his lifetime, there are only five in Madame Tussauds museums. wax figures singer. He is inferior in number of figures to Elvis Presley and Madonna. These celebrities have six copies each.

7. Michael is king West Africa. This title is real, and the singer received it from the state of the Ivory Coast in 1992.

8. Like all performers, Jackson had his own way of supporting his voice. Before each performance, the king of the pop scene drank hot water with ricole caramel.

9. Macaulay Culkin was one of the singer's best friends. He Godfather Jackson's two children. In addition, Macaulay designed with the singer his amusement park in Neverland.

10. In 1997, Michael was named the most famous person in the world.

11. For a long time Michael was an advertising face for Pepsi. However, in 1984, during the filming commercial pyrotechnics exploded, and Jackson received a second-degree burn to his face. Pepsi paid $1.5 million in compensation, but close friends of the singer claim that after this incident, Jackson became very careful about his appearance.

12. Michael's star on the Walk of Fame appeared in 1984, when he was only 27 years old.

13. For each show, Jackson lost at least 10 pounds of water in his body.

14. In 2006, Jackson appeared in public after several months of imprisonment. It happened at the World Music Awards in the British capital. After that, he also appeared at the awards of the Guinness Book of Records. He got into the book in eight nominations at once.

15. In the same year, Michael was in a financial crisis. He had to part with Neverland Manor. They say he made an unusual deal with the Sony company, and only this helped him not to become bankrupt. Even after the death of the king of the pop scene, no one knew the details of the contract.

16. In 2003, the reputation of the King of Pop deteriorated significantly due to litigation relating to the molestation of underage boys. In the same year, Michael insisted that video cameras be installed in his house for filming a documentary. Jackson wanted to attract public attention and prove his innocence. In addition, he gave an interview to Martin Bashir, where he spoke about all his antics and relationships with underage boys.

17. In 2001, Michael celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of his creative activity. He gave a show at Madison Square Garden with his brothers, with whom he had not appeared on stage for more than seventeen years.

18. Jackson married nurse Deborah Rowe when they had two sons together. The marriage lasted only three years, and after the divorce, the boys stayed with their father.

19. In 1995, the singer's mental problems worsened. During a rehearsal, Jackson had an attack: he suffered from bouts of persecution mania. After this incident, Jackson spent some time in the clinic.

20. The first scandal involving the seduction of little boys happened twenty years ago. Then the case did not go to court, and the singer agreed with the parents of 13-year-old Jordan. Many journalists then wrote that Michael went unpunished because he paid the boy's family for silence. a large sum.

21. In 1991, Michael became the first performer who signed a contract with Sony for a record amount for that time - 65 million.

#Little KnownFacts about the life of the King of Pop.

Fact #1: Vitiligo Disease

Around 1984, Michael disappeared from the media scene. And this is at the height of its own popularity! This is because his vitiligo disease began to progress. This is a disease that appears on the skin in the form of deadly pale spots due to the loss of melanins (dark pigments). This disease is quite common today, but not in 1987. It has backfire: if a patient with vitiligo, even for a short period of time, will be under open sunlight, his temperature will rise greatly, and burns on the body are also possible. When he resurfaced in 1987 with a new album,America just went crazy - yesterday's African American went out into the world as a white guy with chiseled features. On the body, where there were few spots, they were smeared under white skin. Jackson himself had dark spots on his arms and chest, and they quite often fell under the lens. Jackson first admitted about his illness only in 1993 in an interview with Oprah Winfrey.

General view of the disease.

Visible dark marks, where there is little makeup and pigmentation is still present.

Jackson for the first time since 1979 gives an interview and talks about himself and his illness.

Fact number 2. Love for children

Because of a missed childhood, Michael made up for it in an overly peculiar way: he bought a ranch, set up a whole zoo there. Then he began to allow charitable excursions there for children from low-income families, as well as children with serious diseases supported by the state. Jackson often said that he considered children "innocent creatures", communication with which was the height of pleasure and positive mood.

Jackson bought a ranch, set up a whole zoo there.

Families of children and medical centershe donated absolutely immodest sums for treatment and maintenance. The payments were very high - more than $ 100 million a year.

Fact number 3. Fat tabloid trolling

In the late eighties, Jackson, being at the peak of his fame, was carried away by an inadvertently dangerous thing - he began to troll the press. He was once photographed during a tour of the museum lying in a pressure chamber and his right hand Frank Dileo, at the direction of the artist himself, gave the photo to the magazine Time , accompanying touching story that Michael sleeps in a pressure chamber because he wants to live 150 years.

In the late 80s, Jackson, being at the peak of his fame, began to troll the press

Together with the strange appearance of the artist, the story gained popularity and the prank was a success. Jackson liked it and came up with a story that he wants to buy back the elephant man's skeleton. Then - about the fact that he built an altar to Elizabeth Taylor in the bedroom. In the media, such facts began to diverge with great resonance. In the early nineties, the press realized that Jackson was having fun and stories from this man can not be expected. The tabloids took over, and Michael realized that he was no longer able to control this process.

Fact #4: The accusation of molestation

It happened in 1993, right after an interview with Oprah. Jordan Chandler's family has filed a lawsuit against the singer, accusing him of molestation. The world tour had to be interrupted, and Jackson was dragged through the seven circles of hell. The apogee was the examination procedure, when District Attorney Tom Sneddon, accompanied by a photographer and police officers, showed up at Michael's house and presented a warrant "to photograph the artist's genitals." This was necessary in order to confirm the description of these victims.

It turned out that the singer's genitals were not at all the same as the boy described them - the singer was not circumcised, and other facts testified to deception on the part of the child. After this story, Jackson had a breakdown, he ordered to sign a settlement agreement and pay compensation, if only to finish this story.

After the end of this story, the exhausted Jackson made a statement in which he spoke about all the humiliations that fell to his lot.

After Jackson's death in 2009, this same Chandler openly admitted that he deceived everyone and Michael did not pester him, but forced his father to lie, who wanted to earn money and take place as a producer of the film "Robin Hood and Men in Tights" (this idea, by the way , was implemented by him). Literally 4 months later, his father committed suicide.

After Jackson's death, Chandler openly admitted that he deceived everyone.

Fact No. 5. Numerous plastic surgeries

The official version, because of which Michael began medical interventions in his appearance, was a broken nose at a rehearsal in 1979. As he himself stated, he decided to correct this misunderstanding and did only 2 plastic surgeries. However, the metamorphoses with appearance were more likely from hopelessness: you are the most popular artist in the world, while turning white and turning into an incomprehensible person. An African American with a white body - for him it was a serious complex. And then he saw for himself only one way out - to give his face Caucasoid features.

What does an African American who has gone through the entire cycle of vitiligo look like?

Fact No. 6. Shoulder straps "Behold the Master" (CTE - C (see) The Entertainer)

He loved the army theme in clothes and his costume designers somehow managed to harmoniously combine all these military paraphernalia with the refined image of the artist. From the beginning of the eighties he loved tunics, shoulder straps, cockades, stripes. A separate interesting feature was the bandages on the right hand.

And with shoulder straps, the story was this: at some point, the letters CTE appeared on shoulder straps. Fans and journalists racked their brains, looking for some meaning and decoding. Agreed on"Children of the Earth" . And later, much later, Michael's dresser in his book told the story of the appearance of these shoulder straps:

Shoulder straps CTE

« When Michael saw the first shirts we made for him, they didn't have any embellishments on them, so he pointed to his shoulder and said, “Bush, something's missing here. Add some letters. So Dennis and I put the letters of the alphabet in a hat and pulled out three at random, it came out CTE.

The whole world thought it meant something, like some kind of secret code. Later, Michael really made sense of it, he often called people by profession, not by name. I was the "dresser", Karen Fey was the "make-up artist". So we started calling him "entertainer" (artist). Then he decided that CTE means "With (see) The Entertainer."«

Fact #7: The original video for "They don't care about us" was banned from the media due to censorship.

The clip had to be re-shot, a version appeared in the favelas of Brazil. Both videos were directed by Spike Lee.

previously banned video for the song« They don't care about us»

Fact #8: Quarrel with Paul McCartney

In 1982, ATV is experiencing a better times, but by this time had already collected a catalog of copyrights for 4000 songs, of which, by far, the most popular today are 250 composed by the Beatles. ATV decided to withdraw money from the music publishing business and sold the catalog to Australian investor Rupert Holmes a "Court. Both Yoko Ono and McCartney offered to buy the ATV catalog in 1981, but they agreed that the asking price of $ 40 million was too high.

Around the same time, Michael Jackson came to London to contribute to McCartney's album"Pipes of Pan" , recording "Say, Say, Say", which would become a No. 1 hit in the U.S. They came to the McCartney estate every evening after a day at work in the studio to dine and chat. One night, Paul pulled out a thick notebook containing copies of all the songs he had begun acquiring through his own post-Beatle publishing company. Jackson was smitten with the idea that one could own the copyright to songs as an investment. Taking the idea home, he pitched it to his lawyer, John Branca, to start looking for song catalogs to buy. Shortly thereafter, one of his first acquisitions was a series of songs written by"Sly Stewart" from Sly and Family Stone.

In 1984, word reached Jackson that the Beatles' catalog was up for sale as part of ATV Music's assets. He instructed his lawyers to purchase the songs if possible. After more than ten months of difficult negotiations, beating out four other powerful contenders, spending more than one million dollars in legal and accounting services after conducting due diligence on the catalog and its earnings, the deal was finalized and Michael Jackson became the owner of the publishing rights to what is arguably the most legendary song catalog in the world. popular music. The purchase price was $47.5 million, plus Jackson's personal presence in Australia on behalf of Holmes a "Court. McCartney and Lennon's estate continued to receive their royalties, regardless of who held the publishing rights.

It is worth noting that Jackson behaved diplomatically and allowed Paul to take time out to try to raise funds himself, and after Paul could not and began to speak critically of Michael in the press, the latter reacted extremely coldly and ordered to close the deal.

Fact No. 9. Shake hands with three US presidents without taking off gloves.

George Bush Sr and Michael Jackson

June 25 is the day of memory of the legend of pop music - Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson - greatest artist of all times. He turned on the stadiums and drove hundreds of people crazy. His music is eternal, and his dance is inimitable. His style became a symbol whole era, and he himself deservedly received the title of King of Pop. There has never been anyone like him and probably never will be again.

We take off our hats to the unsurpassed genius and remember best songs and interesting facts from creative life this legendary musician.

Michael loved to dance since childhood. He competed with the yard boys in the art of dance. The choreographers, to whose services the singer turned when the first fame came to him, noted extraordinary talent Jackson. The young pop king grabbed the movements on the fly and repeated too quickly.

Jackson won the title of "King of Pop" in the 1980s, when his most famous album "Thriller" (1982) was released. It topped the Billboard 200 for 37 weeks and stayed on the chart for over two years. For this album, Jackson received eight Grammy Awards and seven American Music Awards. Thriller was declared by the Guinness Book of Records as the "best-selling album of all time" with about 109 million copies sold worldwide.

Michael Jackson patented unique shoes that created the illusion that their wearer could change gravity by leaning forward. Jackson first used this movement in the music video for "Smooth Criminal".

The video for the song "Billie Jean" was the first music video black artist shown on MTV.

During his visit to Africa in 1992, he was formally crowned King of Sani during his stay in the Ivory Coast.

On May 16, 1983, Michael Jackson performed "Billie Jean" during a television concert. It was the first time the audience saw the later legendary " moonwalk". It was also the first time he wore a white glove, then just a converted golf glove.

Michael Jackson immediately has 2 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame: one is dedicated to him as a member of the Jacksons 5, and the other to him as a solo artist.

Michael Jackson has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice (as part of the Jackson 5 and as solo artist), set a number of records in the Guinness Book of Records, has the title of "Most successful artist of all time” and 15 Grammy awards.

Michael Jackson considered charity as one of his missions. He invested millions of dollars in 39 charities and founded his own foundation, Heal the World.

At the age of twenty, Michael Jackson played his first and leading role to the cinema. The film did not receive wide popularity. It was an African-American version of the Wizard of Oz story. During the filming, the actor met Diana Ross and famous composer Quincy Jones, who produced Jackson's first solo album.

In 2010, in memory of Michael Jackson, 1,500 high-security Filipino prisoners took part in a flash mob in which they danced to a medley of songs from the King of Pop. Rehearsals with choreographers lasted more than a year. As a result, the video with this performance was included in the film in memory of Michael Jackson "This Is It".

“In the end, the most important thing is to be honest with yourself and your loved ones, and work hard. Work as if tomorrow will no longer be. Learn. Dare. Improve and improve your talent. Be the best at what you do. Learn more about your activity than others. Use everything that can be useful in your business - books, and a dance floor, and even a swimming pool. You can use anything. That's what I always repeat to myself." Michael Jackson.

Happy birthday, king of pop... Michael Jackson was one of the most talked about people during his lifetime, and a lot of information was fictitious. For the birthday of the legend, we have selected only the most truthful and interesting facts.

Today, August 29, the legendary king of pop music would have celebrated his next anniversary - 60 years, but, unfortunately, he passed away in 2009. Around Michael Jackson there have always been many rumors that do not subside even years after his death. We have selected for you the most interesting and confirmed facts about the singer, who went crazy for millions of fans around the world.

1. Psychological disorder

Jackson had such a problem as body dysmorphophobia, in which a person is constantly dissatisfied with his own appearance. Because of this, the singer did a large number of plastic surgery. There are suggestions that he corrected the nose, chin, lips and cheeks. At the same time, Jackson did not officially admit to any operation.

2. Own ranch

In the late 80s, the pop singer purchased the Neverland Ranch, which has an area of ​​12 square meters. km. Then its price was $ 19.5 million, and after the restructuring made by the celebrity, the amount increased to $ 100 million. On this territory, Jackson built a go-kart track, an amusement park, railway, an Indian village and a zoo.

3. Scarecrow

IN adolescence Jackson landed the role of a scarecrow in the Broadway musical The Wiz. During filming, he struck up an acquaintance with music director Quinky Johnson, who eventually became his producer.

4. Spender

When Michael was at the peak of his career, his fortune was estimated at $ 500 million, and a decade and a half later he already had a debt of $ 350 million. It was said about Jackson that he earns like a millionaire and spends like a billionaire.

5. Pressure chamber

At one time, journalists and the public actively discussed that the king of pop sleeps in a pressure chamber in order to stay young longer. This is not actually true, and the myth originated after Jackson was photographed wearing it for a commercial for Captain IO.

6. Sweet ritual

The king of pop never went on stage until he drank Ricola caramel, which he dissolved in hot water. He did this to improve the sound of his voice.

7. Imaginary pedophilia

The first trial in which Jackson was accused of pedophilia took place in 1993. The singer made a mistake that had serious consequences for his life - he decided to agree to pay money to the family, which was perceived by the public as an admission of guilt. After 26 years, the grown-up boy admitted that he slandered Michael.

8. Special videos

Thanks to Michael, video clips with a plot appeared, because each of his videos was filled with meaning and carried some kind of idea.

9. Video game

From Sega came the game Moonwalker, where the main character was Jackson, who rescued kidnapped children, fighting off the main villain with signature dance moves.

10. Skin lightening

Many wondered why Jackson's skin color changes. People thought he was doing it on purpose, but it's actually the result. incurable disease- Vitiligo, in which white spots appear on the body.

11. Spiderman

The King of Pop had a huge love for Spider-Man and had a dream to play him in a movie. To fulfill his desire, Michael even tried to buy marvel comics but the deal did not go through.

12. Famous walk

Jackson is not the inventor of his favorite movement, which is repeated by millions. He just made it his calling card, no more.

13. King of Pop

This nickname is already an integral part of the history of Michael Jackson. Elizabeth Taylor first introduced him as the "King of Pop" at the American Music Awards.

14. Precious Glove

At his concerts, Jackson performed with a glove studded with stones. It was designed to emphasize hand movements. The singer created the first accessory with his own hands, using a golf glove and rhinestones.

15. Unusual dedication

Most of the songs have a dedication, so the famous Billie Jean was written about girls who accompany celebrities on tour, and after a while accuse them of getting pregnant.

16. Violating the law of nature

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