Muslims what monuments are allowed to put in the cemetery. Monuments to Muslims


However, the erection of majestic monuments according to the Koran sent down to Muhammad is not prohibited. Sometimes on the graves of devout Muslims you can see beautiful monuments and luxurious memorial complexes. Ritual items and building elements usually have small dimensions. Muslim monuments made by the company's masters meet all the canons of Islam. We offer a wide range of standard monuments and accept orders for the manufacture of unique products for individual projects.

Features of Muslim monuments on the grave

Traditional is the installation of a Muslim tombstone, made in the form of a round pillar or tetrahedron. However, in most cases, burial sites ordinary people, celebrities and politicians are no different from each other. Plates are usually applied themed ornaments, fragments from the Koran, as well as images of mosques and crescents. Bright and expressive decor is not welcome. Figured Muslim monuments and original memorial complexes are much rarer. The main features of the custom-made unique ritual products are rigor, as well as loyalty to the traditions of this ancient oriental culture.

Tombstones are also often made in the form of mosques or crescent moon slabs. Rejoicings for Muslim monuments usually contain religious symbols. On the side faces of ritual items, fragments of Islamic scripture. Images and sculptures in the form of people or animals are prohibited by faith. Monuments erected on the graves of men often differ in characteristic geometric ornaments. The main feature of female Muslim monuments is the presence of flower decorative elements. Their number indicates the number of children of the untimely departed mother.

Production of Muslim monuments and tombstones from granite

One of the company's specializations is the manufacture of Muslim monuments from granite. This a natural stone considered the most worthy material for creating ritual products. Reliable and durable tombstone memorial with careful handling long years preserve the memory of the untimely departed close person. Flawlessly executed considering all Eastern traditions the tombstone will be the last gift for the deceased.

Explore our catalog and choose the most suitable monument or memorial complex in terms of price and design. We accept orders for the manufacture and installation of original Muslim tombstones and other ritual accessories. In the production process, all the requirements and canons of Islam are taken into account. Experienced carvers and engravers create real works of art. You can evaluate the quality of our work in a special section of the portal. We offer the best terms of payment, delivery and installation in the capital and give a three-year warranty on all ritual products sold. Also in our competence is the improvement of places of burial. Given the specifics of the company's activities, we find individual approach to clients.

The multinationality of Russia in general and Moscow in particular is reflected in the ritual sphere. In addition to tombstones, Protestants, modern workshops make specific and unlike other designs Muslim monuments to the grave.

Muslim monuments: photographs, epitaphs and symbols

Muslims are a religious and pious community that regulates not only their actions, but also their thoughts in accordance with the most important scripture - the Koran. The canons described in this book decide to decorate the graves of the deceased in a special way giving preference to rigor and modesty. However, there are practically no structural differences between tomb structures for Muslims and ritual items for Orthodox believers.

Most often, these are granite or marble stelae, which can be decorated with carved and contrasting bas-reliefs. Often obelisks or columns are made, but sculptural compositions almost never installed as Muslim gravestones, as evidenced by numerous photos of Muslim cemeteries.

In the event that the base of the tombstone is made according to a simple and strict sketch, the craftsmen can offer a laconic and simple decoration in the traditional Islamic style. This may be the shape of the product, carved in the form of an arch, dome or sharp end, the top of which is the crescent traditional for Muslims.

Despite the fact that during recent years in Sharia rules and canons, a kind of indulgence is noticed, drawing photographs of the deceased on any part of the monument is still prohibited. The same rule applies in principle to any images. The only pictures and inscriptions that can decorate a Muslim monument on a grave are not photos, but religious symbols or geometric patterns and edging. However, for grave products intended for installation on the grave dead woman, decoration in the form of carved flowers or floral ornaments is allowed.

As for epitaphs, when choosing their style, it is best to dwell on the words of the Muslim Prophet or speeches from the suras of the Koran. It must be remembered that these should not be words of sorrow or love, since the Muslim faith has a different attitude to death - this is an approach to Allah, therefore it is wrong to grieve for a believer who has passed to another level of existence.

Muslim grave decoration traditions

Islam is a fairly strict religion that does not imply either pomposity or pretentiousness. This rule applies to absolutely all ritual Muslim aspects - the funeral ceremony, paraphernalia, the purchase and manufacture of monuments, the design of the burial place in the cemetery, and even the last attire of the deceased.

Most often, the graves in the cemeteries of Muslims look strictly and concisely. There are no tomb flower beds, ritual fences, or other attributes at the burial site. For the most part, compared to the method of decorating the resting place, traditional for the Christian rite, Muslim monuments to the grave, both in terms of photographic (visual) characteristics and in terms of design parameters, are more reminiscent of European tombstones.

Granite workshop "40 Days" provides services for the manufacture of Muslim monuments on the grave of any size and options at low prices.

The Muslim religion requires strict observance of ancient traditions and rituals. Muslims respect religious laws and live in accordance with the rules and prohibitions. Funeral and funeral rites Muslims represent various sacraments that have been known and revered since ancient times. Unlike Christian ones, Muslim gravestones do not contain photographs of the departed and are more modest in execution.

Manufacturing technology of Muslim monuments

Muslims living in strict observance of rituals are also recommended to observe modesty and ancient traditions when they pass to another world. Monuments of the departed people are made in accordance with all the rules of Islam, they demonstrate restraint and dignity. The canonical stele of the product contains sketches and outlines of a mosque or a minaret, and its upper part looks like the dome of a Muslim shrine. According to tradition, all the monuments face towards the holy city of Mecca. The shape of the stele can be made in the form of a column, a rectangular obelisk or a flat slab.

On photo of muslim monuments on the grave you can consider all the main attributes and options for their implementation. The attitude towards death among Muslims is different from other religions, so the words of grief and sadness for the deceased on the gravestone are not accepted. The deceased returns to Allah, this event awaits any true believer, and because of such reflections in Islam, it is not customary to grieve excessively at the time of death. According to this, the frontal part of the monument is decorated with sayings of great thinkers and verses from the Koran, and crowned with all the invariable symbols in the form of a crescent and a star. The drawings on the stele stand out for their special beauty and are applied in accordance with the gender of the deceased. Men's monuments are decorated with more strict patterns dominated by straight lines, while women's are decorated with ornaments in the form of flowers.

Materials for the manufacture of Muslim monuments

Materials for the manufacture of Muslim grave monuments are:

  • marble;
  • granite;
  • different types of stone;
  • bronze.

Diverse muslim granite tombstones completed in different forms but at the same time fully comply with the strict laws of Islam. As already described above, the burial place of a Muslim should look modest and at the same time dignified. Therefore, most often, as a material for creating a monument, preference is given to granite, and in dark shades.

With the help of black granite, strict and majestic monuments are created that meet all the requirements of Islam. This material best reflects all the sayings and emphasizes general style. Besides, granite differs in reliability and long term of operation. Like any other monuments, Muslim varieties can also be made according to an individual sketch. The burial place can be ennobled with the help of a fence and a flower garden, doing all this in the same style. Decor elements are decorated with Islamic symbols and help describe Muslim rituals and reinforce religious motifs.

In Russia, people of different religious beliefs live side by side, which is why our cemeteries, from a confessional point of view, are mostly mixed. Often on them you can see Christian and muslim graves. They differ from each other only in some design features, in particular, in how the tombstones look in both cases.

Design subtleties

First of all, the monument of a Muslim looks very laconic, because the traditions and laws of Islam do not allow excessive decoration of the grave. According to beliefs, excessive beauty, rich crypts, diversity in appearance tombstones bring discord among the dead believers in heaven and prevent them from enjoying the prosperity bestowed by Allah.

Therefore, Shariah prescribes that all monuments of the faithful should be strict and restrained in design, devoid of excessive prettiness.

For example, such tombstones are almost never decorated with drawings. The mosque allows to engrave on women's steles a bouquet of flowers, in which the number of buds usually corresponds to the number of children in the family. Male obelisks are marked with a symbolic Muslim crescent. In addition, on modern Muslim monuments there are often images characterizing the lifetime activity of the deceased (if the deceased was a train driver, then this can be shown through a drawing of a locomotive; the driver’s monument is decorated with a picture of a bus, the owner of a teahouse - a bowl with steam from tea). On the same tombstones, sometimes only an ornament of a vegetative or geometric nature was beaten out.

Another subtlety artistic solution of the Muslim memorial is due to the fact that Islam forbids posting a photo of the deceased at the burial site. However, interpenetration different cultures, characteristic of our days, begins to gradually destroy the severity of this canon. Therefore, portraits on Muslim monuments can now be seen more and more often. Photos can be made in the form of an engraving on a black monument made of gabbro-diabase. Photoceramic medallions are also often found, especially on marble monuments.

The inscriptions on Islamic tombstones are still more traditional than not. First of all, these are the names and years of the life of the dead and - sometimes - suras of the Koran, performed Arabic script. Secular epitaphs are not welcome and are not applied to typical Muslim stelae.


on monuments for Muslims do not differ from the cost of Christian tombstones of the same parameters.

The shape of an obelisk made according to Sharia law must be strict and restrained. Usually it is a vertical rectangle with a rounded, like a turban, pommel with a minimum of decorations. All kinds of bas-reliefs, complex carvings, and other sculptural excesses are excluded. These restrictions make average price the monument is very moderate.

For example, a set of such a granite monument with a stele 80 cm high with a pedestal (pedestal) and a flower garden costs about 11,500 rubles. If the height increases to 1 m, then the price will be about 15,000 rubles. With a stele of 120 cm with polishing on all sides - about 29,000 rubles. If relatives wish to ennoble the burial place memorial complex, the prices for it are negotiated individually.

Every religion has its own own attitude to death, respectively, the customs and rituals of seeing off the dead and their burial in each faith are different. The Muslim religion is no exception. It has fairly strict rules for the burial of the dead, and certain requirements are put forward for Muslim monuments. What is allowed to be installed on the graves of Muslims, what can be depicted on their monuments, and what is strictly prohibited by the Koran and Sharia, we will consider in our article. For a clear example, here are a few photos of Muslim monuments.

Muslim attitude towards death

First of all, it is worth knowing that the Islamic religion has its own understanding of death. For a Muslim, his death is not something terrible, and it cannot be unexpected. People of this religion perceive death as an inevitable phenomenon, and for the most part they treat it fatalistically. It is believed that a good Muslim, who during his life belonged to Allah, after death returns to him. Regret about this is prohibited.

Muslim funerals should be modest and discreet. Unlike Christians, Muslims do not openly grieve and cry loudly. Only women and children are allowed to shed tears for the dead. Since after death the deceased goes to Allah and prosperity is granted to him, it is forbidden to write sad words about the death of the deceased, regrets and promises to grieve for him for a long time on Muslim monuments.

Modesty, devoid of all sorts of rich excesses

Almost all people who adhere to Christian religion, consider it a duty of honor to build graves with worthy monuments for their relatives and friends. They erect huge granite structures, monuments on the graves, they can install statues in the form of angels and the deceased himself. Huge flower vases are mounted into the slabs, chic fences and other structures are installed near the graves, for which relatives have enough imagination and, of course, material resources.

People believe that by spending a lot of money on the construction of chic monuments, they express their love for the deceased person, demonstrate how important he was to them and how much they appreciate him. Muslims, on the other hand, believe that respect for the deceased should be shown in prayers for him, but not with a chic monument erected on the grave. A Muslim monument in a cemetery should look modest, without frills and pathos. It has only one function - to indicate that a person is buried in this place.

The tradition of marking the place of burial originates in one of the hadiths. It says that after the death of Uthman ibn Mazun, the Prophet put a stone in his place of burial and said that now he would know where the grave of his brother was. It is also forbidden by the Koran to step on the graves and burial places of Muslims. Accordingly, monuments help to mark these places.

Acceptable text engravings

According to one version, the Prophet forbade attaching the graves of Muslims to anything, building something over them, and also covering them with plaster. It follows from this that it is also impossible to write inscriptions on Muslim monuments. Some scholars believe that these words about inscriptions should be taken not as a ban, but as an extremely undesirable action. If, for example, the grave belongs to famous figure, a righteous person or a scientist, then the designation on the grave of his name will be considered a good deed.

On the graves of ordinary Muslims, it is allowed to indicate the name of the dead only to designate them. Writing the date of death is undesirable (makruh), but is permitted.

The question of whether it is possible to decorate the graves with inscriptions from the Koran or engrave the words of the Prophet is also controversial. IN Lately such engravings are very common in Muslim cemeteries. But if we turn to history, it becomes clear that this is haram (sin). According to one of the hadiths, it is impossible to engrave the words of the Prophet, suras and verses of the Koran, because over time the graves can be leveled to the ground and people will walk on them. The words of the Prophet can thus be defiled.

What should not be on Muslim monuments and graves

The grave of a true Muslim should be modest. On the monument there should not be inscriptions about the grief of relatives and friends. It is also not worth placing a photo of the deceased on the monument.

It is strictly forbidden to build crypts, mausoleums and tombs on the grave. Sharia prohibits the erection of monuments that are too beautiful and show the wealth of relatives. It is believed that different monuments and lavishly decorated graves can cause quarrels between the dead. This will prevent them from enjoying the welfare granted by Allah after death.

Already for a long time the mosque allows not only to write the name of the deceased and the date of his death on the monuments, but now it is allowed to indicate some symbols. On men's monuments, a crescent can be depicted, and on women's - flowers (their number means the number of children). Photos of Muslim monuments on the grave with such symbols are given in the article.

The form of the monument and the materials from which they are made

Muslim monuments in the cemetery, photos of which can be seen in the article, are usually built from marble or granite. Often they are made in the form of a kind of arched structure, which at the top resembles a dome. Sometimes the top of the monument is made in the form of a dome of a mosque or in the form of a minaret.

Which direction should the statue face?

The question of which direction the monument should face is fundamentally important for Muslims. The grave must be constructed in such a way that it is possible to place the deceased in it facing Mecca. This tradition is strictly forbidden to be violated, and the mosque treats its observance extremely strictly.

Accordingly, the monument is installed only with the front side to the east. For this reason, all monuments face only one direction. Passing through these cemeteries, it is very easy to determine the direction. The east side is always where all the structures on the graves face.

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