The Unbearable Lightness of Being. The clock tells us the time


The aphorisms published below about time will enable the reader to understand the essence of time and how to use it. After all, time is an important detail in our life. There is no time in eternity as such. Basically, it is our perception. An hour of happiness seems like a minute, a minute of unhappiness seems like an hour. Differences in the speed of the passage of time in childhood and old age.

And in critical situation, - in a state of passion, in general, there is such a slowdown that everything around begins to move slowly. From this it follows that its course can also be learned to control. However, be that as it may, everything in the manifested universe is subject to time, it changes constantly, every moment, just like us. The body ages, although each has a different and different length, again the same time.

After all, the moment of perception immediately becomes the past, time, as it were, constantly flows and everything changes under its influence. At the same time, the future is approaching, coming, and few people are turned to face this future. People, for the most part, at best turn their backs on things to come. A person who is in the moment of his full perception can go face to face with life. In step with the times, so to speak! After all, walking backwards is not convenient both physiologically and internally. And the person, of course, will turn around. Time is sacred and more deeply studied for all true schools leading to the evolution of awareness. Any perception of the past, present and future is the result of attunement. Any waste of time should be unthinkable, to do this means to miss the emerging opportunity to be in the universal every second creation of the world, which, just as it once began and continues to be created in this moment, which how can you measure it? This is a broader topic.

These aphorisms, as well as sayings on other topics of our life, contain deep meaning and wisdom. Explanation of the laws and patterns of life, in all its breadth. You will learn the essence of time and its patterns, for reasonable use...

♦ Truly great is the man who managed to master his time!


♦ Time does not like being wasted.

Henry Ford

♦ When a person has a lot of free time, he will achieve little.


♦ A person who decides to waste at least one hour of his time has not yet matured to understand the full value of life.

Darwin Ch.

♦ Nothing a person can manage more than time.

Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach

Average person he is concerned about how to kill time, while a talented person seeks to use it.

Arthur Schopenhauer

♦ Most a wise man the one who is most annoyed by the loss of time.

Dante Alighieri

♦ Time is an honest person.

Beaumarchais P.

♦ The wisest thing is time, because it reveals everything.


♦ Alas, time does not pass, we pass.

Pierre de Ronsard

♦ Wise management of time is the basis for activity.

Comenius Ya.

♦ It's not about running fast, it's about running out early.

Francois Rabelais

About the difference in perception of time...

♦ The days are so long and the years are so short!

Alphonse Daudet

♦ ...The happy count time in minutes, while for the unhappy it lasts for months.

Cooper F.

♦ Time is such an indefinite thing. One seems very long. The other is the opposite.

Agatha Christie

♦ Time is the mother and nurse of all good things.

Shakespeare W.

♦ Timing means saving time, and what is done out of time is done in vain.

Francis Bacon

♦ Moments always follow each other.

♦ Youth flies fast: catch the passing time. The past is always better than today.


♦ Use the current time in such a way that in old age you do not reproach yourself for your youth lived in vain.

Boccaccio Giovanni

♦ Time is the most precious of all resources.


good use time makes time even more precious.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

♦ Who does not know the value of time is not born for glory.

Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

♦ If time is the most precious thing, then wasting time is the greatest waste.

Benjamin Franklin

♦ There is time for everything: your hour for conversation, your hour for peace.


♦ In life, every minute is fraught with a miracle and eternal youth.

Camyu A.

♦ With each new minute, a new life begins for us.

Jerome Klapka Jerome

♦ Time is the enemy of people who love a quiet life...

Maksim Gorky

Time is running different for different people.

Shakespeare W.

♦ Very few people know how to properly manage their wealth, even fewer who know how to manage their time, and of these two things, the last is the most important.

Chesterfield F.

♦ How terrible it is to feel that the passage of time takes away everything that you possessed.

Pascal Blaise

♦ The closeness of the beloved shortens the time.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ Time heals lovesickness.


♦ Time will always respect and support what is strong, but will turn to dust what is fragile.

Anatole France

♦ Time is the doctor of all inevitable evils.


♦ Time is an endless movement, without a single moment of rest - and it cannot be conceived otherwise.

Tolstoy L.N.

♦ The length of time is determined by our perception. The dimensions of space are determined by our consciousness. Therefore, if the spirit is calm, one day will be compared with a thousand centuries, and if thoughts are broad, a tiny hut will contain the whole world.

Hong Zicheng

♦ All savings ultimately come down to saving time.

Marks K.

♦ You can't kill time without harming eternity!

Henry David Thoreau

♦ A millennium is more than an eternity short period than the twinkling of an eye compared to the movement of the slowest celestial body, rotating in infinite space.

Dante Alighieri

♦ A thousand years is barely enough to create a state, one hour is enough for it to crumble into dust.

George Gordon Byron

♦ The one who is in no hurry anywhere succeeds everywhere.

Michael Bulgakov

♦ What is time? If no one asks me about it, I know what time is; if I wanted to explain to the questioner - no, I don't know.

Aurelius Augustine

♦ Time - the best teacher, but unfortunately it kills its students.

Hector Berlioz

♦ Time even crushes a stone.

Sergey Yesenin

♦ The loss of time is the hardest for the one who knows the most.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ All that is hidden now will reveal once time.

Quintus Horace Flaccus

♦ Time goes slowly when you follow it... It feels like being watched. But it takes advantage of our distraction. It is even possible that there are two times: the one we follow and the one that transforms us.

Camyu A.

♦ Never be afraid of moments - this is how the voice of eternity sings.

Rabindranath Tagore

♦ Of all the critics, the greatest, the most ingenious, the most infallible is time.

Belinsky V. G.

♦ Those who are attacked by their time are not yet sufficiently ahead of it or behind it.

Nietzsche F.

♦ No matter how fast time flies, it moves extremely slowly for someone who only watches its movement.

Samuel Johnson

♦ Everything comes in due time for those who know how to wait.

Balzac O.

♦ Time is a mirage, it is shortened in moments of happiness and stretched out in hours of suffering.

Aldington R.

♦ Keep track of every day, count every minute spent! Time is the only place where stinginess is commendable.

Mann T.

♦ Who won the time - won everything in the end.


♦ A rainbow that has been visible for a quarter of an hour is no longer looked at.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ Every lost moment is a lost cause, a lost benefit.

Chesterfield F.

♦ Time is quite long for the user; whoever works and who thinks expands its limits.


♦ ... time is extensible. It depends on what kind of content you fill it with.

Samuil Marshak

♦ Eternity is the time when ideals exist.

Jean Paul

♦ All-devouring time.


♦ There is nothing longer than time, since it is the measure of eternity; there is nothing shorter than it, since it is lacking for all our undertakings... All people neglect it, everyone regrets its loss.


♦ Time is such a fleeting thing that it is impossible to keep up with it.

Ali Apsheroni

♦ Time is like money: don't waste it and you'll have plenty of it.

Gaston Lewis

Phrases that rhyme...

♦ As water flows quickly into the sea, so days and years flow into eternity.

Derzhavin G. R.

♦ Time is a horse, and you are a rider; ride bravely in the wind.
Time is a sword; become a strong stick to win the game.


♦ Patience and time give more than strength or passion.


♦ Time, like the tide, never waits.

Walter Scott

♦ The two greatest tyrants on earth: chance and time.


♦ Time is running out, and we are silently aging over the years, the days are running away, and it is impossible for us to hold them back.


♦ Time is the truest ally of perseverance.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ The power of time is a law worthy of respect.


♦ Neither the river nor the fleeting time can stop.


♦ If you want to have little time, do nothing.

Chekhov A.P.

♦ Time erases the mistake and polishes the truth.

Gaston Lewis

♦ Most people work most time to live, and insignificant free time what remains with them disturbs them so much that they try in every way to get rid of it.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

And then whole paragraphs of the characteristics of time went ...

♦ Do not rush to live. Everything has its time - and everything will be in your joy. For many, life is too long because happiness is too short: they missed the joys early, did not enjoy enough, then they would like to return, but they have gone far from them. Through life they rush on the postal ones, adding their haste to the usual run of time; in one day they are ready to swallow what they cannot digest in a lifetime; live joys in debt, devour for years to come, hurry and hurry - and squander everything. Even in knowledge it is necessary to know the measure, not to gain knowledge that is not worth knowing. We have been given more days than happy hours. Enjoy slowly, but act without delay. The deeds are over - good; joys are over - bad.

Second expression...

♦ A person who knows how to wait. He must have both great courage and considerable patience. Never rush or get excited. Learn to rule yourself, then you will rule others. You have to go to a favorable occasion long way time. While you wisely procrastinate, future successes grow up, secret plans mature. With the crutch of time you will go further than with the chained club of Hercules. God Himself punishes not with a club, but with a twist. It is wisely said: "Time and I - against any enemy." Fortune herself rewards patience with her gifts.

Gracian y Morales


Social sharing...

Time management according to Lothar Seivert- advice on time management from the German psychologist, time management expert Lothar Seivert. His books have been translated into three dozen languages, sold a total circulation of 30 million copies. Among them are “More time for the essential”, “If you are in a hurry, take your time”, “The boomerang principle: more time for happiness” and “The bear strategy: strength is in calmness”, “Make your life easier”.


Lothar Seivert names the following problems that women face in the first place:

  • excessive load;
  • lack of time for yourself;
  • fussiness, tendency to scatter, inability to concentrate on one thing;
  • difficulty switching from work to leisure.

Planning the day is the key to consistency

A well-known time management expert believes that lists are not at all outdated. You should write down in detail everything that needs to be done the next day. The fact is that multitasking, which all women inevitably face, does not allow them to remember everything. Some important things are forgotten, so why keep every little thing in your head? .. Pay the rent, find a recipe, do laundry, make a face mask, clean up the papers ... And how many more things to do at work! And how many little things are connected with children - buy paints, check homework, prepare what you need for a labor lesson, read new book, discuss a quarrel between a child and a classmate. Just write it down and you will never forget anything.

Careful attitude by the time - the result of awareness

The psychologist recommends a critical approach to the analysis of what takes time. Think about who you really enjoy talking to, and who just sucks your energy. Learn to control the talkativeness of colleagues, which only hinders your effectiveness. Move communication to a time convenient for you (for example, you can go to lunch with a colleague and discuss office gossip, and it is better to meet a friend at a workout in the gym).

Shopping during rush hour should be avoided. Why stand in a long line when you can go to the supermarket at a more convenient time.

Love yourself - take a breather

The ability to concentrate on the task at hand and the parallel absence of chronophages release a huge amount of energy. Problems are really solved quickly, if nothing prevents them from being solved. However, after such effective work you definitely need a break - at an intense pace you just can’t stand it for a long time, and overwork is incompatible with efficiency. Take breaks before you get too tired. Arrange a coffee break, put things in order on the desktop. Now you can chat for 10-15 minutes (but not longer!), And then return to work again.

Don't be the horse that gets loaded and it carries

You don't have to do all the housework. It is useful to accustom children to feasible work - let them also help with the housework (wash the dishes, go to the store, etc.). Ask your husband to take over some of the housework. The easiest way to do this is to give your husband a choice. You can make a list of duties and invite him to review. Let him choose for himself what is more to his liking, what seems to him simpler and less unpleasant. It may turn out that he will choose exactly what you dislike the most, and it will seem simple to him. In addition, the possibility free choice makes the situation of delegating household chores less stressful.

Napoleonic plans: how to avoid disappointment

Despite the fact that it is not only possible but also necessary to dream, remember that human capabilities and temporary resources are limited. Therefore, you should not demand too much from yourself - and work, and activities with children, and fitness, and foreign language, and communication, and everything else. Don't plan too much for one day. It will be much more effective if you separate when to do physical education, and when the language, when you have an evening of worries, and when you have an evening of rest.

And, of course, you should be proud of all your achievements. Every woman who tries to achieve something should have a reason to be proud every day. If you are a housewife, then find time for hobbies and meetings with friends. And at the same time, remember that you are not engaged in some kind of “dirty”, worthless work, but provide rear support for your family, take care of their health, well-being and good mood. Moreover, you have to be proud if you find time to read books and develop hobbies. If you work, then you should be proud of your work - then others will treat it with respect. Whether you're selling candy or tagging clothes, lending out books, or running an office, it doesn't matter. Every legitimate work is worthy of respect. Love your work as much as you love your free time. Try, but stop fussing! Everything has its time!


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  • 20 best books on self-development, social network for losing weight

How long will be the day and how much will be the light, work, do not be lazy,
prayers and good deeds get ready for your sunset.
You walk through life like a narrow path,
And you just have to walk on it a little bit.
Soon dark night will close your eyes
And a deep grave in the ground will hide your body.
Don't be idle, don't stand still, don't waste your time
"And how long will the day be" work in your field.
The time for harvest and fruit will pass,
And holy labor will never be fruitless.

Only give me You, my Christ, when that evening comes,
So that my soul does not feel the breath of eternal darkness!
But only the light of joy and love let it be that evening,
And to see the eternal non-evening day.

/Poem of St. John Domvoitis/

"Watch!" This call is for everyone Orthodox Christian. Watch and do your deeds with deeds of light - the holy Apostles Matthew (26:41), Luke (Acts 20:31) and Paul (1 Cor. 16:13) call us to this.

Our life on this earth is very short, and nothing can justify the waste of time. The evil one is constantly doing everything to kidnap us, his task is to drag every believer to destruction. He never gets tired of doing his work. For a Christian, when he is not awake, lazy, such a state is deadly and throws him without any resistance into the network of filth, into the network of pernicious darkness.

The man who valued and kept the time of life, St. John Domvoitis, valued time more than anything else and said that the Lord would judge us for our sinful deeds, since we, as people, are prone to sin. But even more we will give an answer for the fact that we did not worthily value the time in our lives.

The Evangelist Matthew also calls us to such saving vigilance, saying: “Watch, because you do not know the day or the hour when the Son of Man is coming” (Matt. 25:13). But what is wakefulness?

B wakefulness is unceasing prayer, reading the psalter, tears of repentance, reading Holy Scripture, the elevation of our mind to Heaven and the lowering of our gaze to the earth, the creation of alms and devotion to our Orthodox tradition.

B wakefulness is also vital self-organization, accuracy and exactingness to one’s own way of life proper management of your daily time.

B wakefulness is refraining from judging one's neighbor, from gossip, from idleness of words, which are a waste of time.

B wakefulness is the use of all one's time to communicate with others on spiritual and spiritual topics. moral character, and general reading sacred texts.

B wakefulness is the disposition to prayers f. Prayer is always necessary for us, we need it, it is like air for us, because thanks to prayer we have fellowship with God, and thanks to it we are under His protection. Prayer keeps us from selfishness and selfish self-conviction, as well as from lies, vanity and pride.
In times of sorrow and danger, visible and invisible, our prayer to God becomes even more necessary, because it is an expression of our humility and our hope in Him. Through it we receive the help and mercy of God. And we must not forget that the Lord Almighty becomes our helper and helps in our difficulties.

B wakefulness is a constant preparation for battle, which means that we must be ready to confront our enemy, who never sleeps. He every time different ways attacking us and our Church, he is like “a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Pet. 5:8). But this unfortunate one does not know that Christ, the Triumphant Christ, always wins, because he conquered death and He is the “Light of the world” (Matt. 5:14), because He is Life and Resurrection (John 11:25), He is “ way” and the only True (John 14:6).

So, stay awake, do not be idle any more! Get stronger! Lest you be seduced by waves of unbelief and indifference. "Be courageous and strong" (1 Cor. 16:13), resist! The evil that is hidden under the mask of good is bold and cowardly. Therefore, be strong and firm, so that you are not overcome by the sorrows of failures and disappointments!

Don't be fooled by the glory of technocracy and scientific achievements. Do not succumb to all the delights of our over-consumer society. Don't be discouraged by the sheer number of fictitious means mass media news that comes to us from a malicious environment. Don't be afraid of all the fears of this world.

Our salvation is with us! The Resurrected Jesus Christ is with us, and with Him we are truly confident that in the end, together with Him, we will emerge victorious. But only with Him, because, unfortunately, we wanted to save the earth on our own, but only destroyed it. They tried to overcome distances with the help of technology, but they were left alone, left without relatives and friends. We created new school without walls of morality and faith. We completely neglected our upbringing. We ardently declared justice and human rights, but we strengthened our lack of will by unjust social tendencies. We worried and are worried about our national rights, but we continue to do nothing, expecting that all this horror will pass by itself.

We have given up moral foundations and thus created a great inner void. Only in times of poverty and crisis, when our pockets are empty and we have no means of subsistence, do we come to reassess and solve problems. But then, and now, we continue to do nothing!

Let us return from the oblivion in which we find ourselves and remain awake, inclining our hearts to prayer and at the same time aware of our human weakness. Only then can we win this battle.

Hymnographer Charalampos Busyas

A person must always remember that the permanent abode of his soul is the upper world. It is known that souls were created at the beginning of the creation of the world (Rashi says this in his commentary on the treatise Yevamot, 53, to the words: “The body ...”; this is recorded in the Midrash) and their dwelling is at the Throne of Divine Glory. There is a place of permanent residence for all the souls of Israel, but here they come only to live a little bit in the world of Action, acquiring the merit of studying the Torah and doing good deeds, and then again ascend to Gd.

Imagine: a certain person went to a far country to a huge fair to sell or buy expensive goods that are not available in his own country. And at the very moment when the deal is almost done, someone comes up to him and says: “Look what newspapers I have!

Read them - you will get such pleasure! This man will drive him away from himself and shout to him: “Go away! While you're distracting me, I'm losing money every second! Don't you know that I traveled many hundreds of miles, reached a foreign country, and all just to be at this grandiose fair and earn money from it to feed my family for the whole year! And you're suggesting that I waste my time on those stupid papers!"

What this parable is about is self-evident. permanent place residence of the soul upper world, that's where her eternal home, according to the word of Scripture: "The stranger (...) is a temporary resident, like all my fathers." And just so that the soul would not be forced to eat the unearned “bread of shame”, they cast it here, on earth, on a short time(so that in this world she is in the position of a stranger in a foreign country), so that she acquires the merit of studying the Torah and doing good deeds. And when she is here on earth, the evil inclination constantly tempts her to spend time reading all sorts of newspapers and similar pastimes. And you need to drive away the evil inclination and say to it: “Don’t you know that I came down here, having overcome many hundreds of thousands of miles from my place of dwelling, just a little bit and only in order to purchase goods that should provide me with eternal bliss? And you distract me with all sorts of nonsense! What will I say to the One who sent me if I return home empty-handed?

This will help to understand what Scripture said about Moses, our teacher, may he be in peace: And he called the name of one (his son) Gershom, for he said: “I was a stranger in a foreign country”; but Eliezer gave the name to the other, for (said): father's god mine to help me." After all, the verse itself is incomprehensible: Moshe should have named his first son Eliezer in memory of a miracle! And besides, why remind that "I was a stranger ..."? And our words make the verse simply delightful: Moses, our teacher, came to Yitro, but he has not yet converted to Judaism, and his deeds have not become righteous (we know this, because in the future the Scripture will quote the words of Yitro: “Now I know, that G-d is greater than all idols," means that before Moses, our teacher, peace be upon him, explained this to him, he did not know this!). It turns out that Moshe, our teacher, was afraid that he would learn to do the same as Yitro, so he called his son Gersh, saying: “For I was a stranger ...” He wanted to always have a reminder before his eyes that he in this world only in the position of a stranger in a foreign country, who will then have to return to his roots, to the abode of the eternal: after all, it is there that the place of "his permanent residence, like all his fathers." (Scripture says so: “I am a stranger on earth, a temporary resident, like all my fathers.”) Moshe, our teacher, knew that this reminder would help him to be very attentive to all his affairs.

Class hour on the topic "Price of a minute"

Target: Expanding the horizons of students of the importance of time in life;

Formation of assessment and self-assessment of time,

Developing a sense of time and respect for time.

Board layout:

  • “Time is precious on time, time is too much and too little”
  • “Time is more valuable than money”

Lesson progress


It has no legs and no wings,
It flies fast, you can't catch up with it.

Answer: Time

* * *

What cannot be returned?

Answer: Time

* * *

It was yesterday, it is today and it will be tomorrow.

Answer: Time

* * *

If you don't measure, you won't know
But not knowing - you feel
And sometimes you kill.

Answer: Time

Leading (teacher). Today we will talk about time. We will learn what time is, what it is for and how to use it correctly, as well as talk about the history of clock creation, their types and principles of operation.

  • Make a proverb:
  • “Know the price of minutes, the score of seconds”
  • “Miss a minute, lose an hour”
  • “Time is more valuable than money”
  • “You’ll be behind for an hour, you won’t catch up in a day”


  • 1st student . Time is precious to a person, and he determines the time by the clock. At different times appearance hours were different. Some expressions are associated with the work of the clock. For example, they say: "A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then," and we understand that a lot of time has passed. And they say so because in ancient times there were water clocks. They were arranged in the form of two communicating vessels. Time was recognized by how much water flowed from one vessel to another.
  • Like a water clock, an hourglass was arranged, where sand poured out of the upper vessel into the lower one. In Rus', these watches were called bottles, as they were made of glass. They were widely used on vintage ships. The sailor who was on duty at this clock struck the bell every half hour, announced the number of flasks - “beat the flasks”. Today there is hourglass, designed for 1, 3, 5 ... minutes.
  • Later, mechanical watches appeared. They are different for us. Time is sometimes determined by the striking of the clock. This is where the expression " dead hour". The word "broken" indicates that it really passed whole hour, as the chime of the clock told us so.
  • 2nd student. On October 2, 1918, the main clock of our country, the Kremlin chimes, started talking. Every hour, solemnly and majestically, the beat of this clock is heard. People all over the world listen to him. And there is no person who would not know the melodious and exciting chimes located on the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin.
  • Listening to the recording of the chiming clock.
  • 3rd student . The work of the clock does not stop for a second, time flows continuously. Place your palms on your chest. You feel your heart beating and beating. It works all its life without stopping, it works and circulates blood so that each of us is ready to do something useful every minute. Let's sit silently for a minute. See how long a minute is! What do they do in our country in a minute?
  • 4th student.
  • It looks like a normal box.
  • But he is a real wizard.
  • The whole universe lives in it,
  • Even if it's an ordinary thing.
  • One hundred stories will tell you
  • You will be invited to the circus for an hour,
  • Movies will show you -
  • Each of you has. (TV.)
  • In one minute, factories produce 13 televisions.
  • 5th student.
  • Enjoy, look!
  • North Pole inside
  • There sparkles snow and ice,
  • Winter lives there.
  • Forever us this winter
  • Brought from the store. (Fridge.)
  • The refrigerator is a human helper. He saves food, saves medicine, and therefore saves time. Every minute, 11 brand new refrigerators are produced in the country.
  • 1st student.
  • For me to take you
  • I don't need oats
  • Feed me gasoline
  • Give rubber on the hooves
  • And, raising the dust in a whirlwind,
  • Will run ... (car.)
  • Different cars are produced by our factories - trucks, cars, large, small. Almost four brand new cars roll off the assembly lines every minute.
  • 2nd student.
  • Do you want to sail the oceans
  • sink into the depths,
  • Visit many countries
  • And rush to the moon
  • Be a brave explorer
  • In the thickets of centuries -
  • All edges are open to you
  • On the pages of books.
  • The book is printed so quickly that the account must be kept in seconds. Every second, 45 copies of books are published in our country, and 7-8 of them are for you guys. How many books are published per minute for you?
  • Let's do the math: 7 x 60 = 420 (books just for you guys), total:
  • 45 x 60 = 2700 (books).
  • 2700 is a library!
  • 3rd student. Every minute, 1560 pairs of shoes leave the conveyors of our country. What a minute!
  • 4th student . What about hours? Merry alarm clocks, important wall clock, small manual and all others? Every minute factories make 77 pieces. For 1 minute, industrial products are produced for 1.4 million rubles. The loss of one minute of working time is equal to the loss of the results of a day's work of 200,000 people.
  • And if all the plants and factories in the country suddenly stopped for one minute, the state would lose 50 million rubles. That's how much a minute costs.
  • 5th student . What can we do in a minute?
  • A competition is held, for example, reading (words per minute), solving examples (students write only answers), etc.

Guys, do you know what a minute is?

Student: this is 1/60 hour. What can be done in one minute? At first glance it seems nothing. After all, these minutes add up to time. Let's take our class. There are 12 students in the class. If everyone takes away one minute with their pranks, then 28 minutes will remain to gain knowledge. Here's one minute for you.

Teacher: The sense of time must be developed, guys, in yourself, learning to live clockwise. Is it worth the work? Maybe you can live without a watch. Let's try to imagine. what would happen to each of us if all clocks disappeared.

Student: We came to school. It's time to start the lessons, but there are not even half of the students in the class. There is no teacher, he just left the apartment.

Student: I returned home after school. Oh, how you want to eat, and my mother has just put it on to cook.

Student: we came to the cinema, and half of the film had already been shown there.

Teacher: This is what a mess would be if people did not look at their watches and gradually develop a sense of time. And you can have a watch and not value time.


With hours of friendship, work well, rest.
Do your homework slowly, and don't forget your books.

Teacher: So that in the evening, going to bed, when the time comes, you can confidently say - it was a good day!

Summary of the lesson.

What is the topic of our lesson?

What proverbs do you remember?

What do you need to do to have a sense of time?


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Slides captions:

CLASS HOUR "Price of a minute" Varakosova L.P. 4th grade

OBJECTIVES: 1. Expanding the horizons of students. 2. Education of respect for time.

THE HISTORY OF THE CLOCK. What clock do you know?






PRICE MINUTE. It looks like an ordinary box, But it is a real magician, The whole Universe lives in it, Even if it is an ordinary thing. He will tell you a hundred stories, He will invite you to the circus for an hour, He will show you movies - Each of you has.

TV. In one minute, factories produce 13 televisions.

SECOND MYSTERY Admire, look! The North Pole is inside, Snow and ice sparkle there, Winter itself lives there. Forever us this winter Brought from the store.

FRIDGE. Every minute, 11 brand new refrigerators are produced in the country.

THIRD MYSTERY For me to take you, I don't need oats, Feed me gasoline, Give me rubber on my hooves, And, raising dust in a whirlwind, It will run ...

AUTOMOBILE. Almost four brand new cars roll off the assembly lines every minute.

Do you want to sail the oceans, Go down into the depths, Visit many countries And rush to the moon, Be a brave pathfinder In the thickets of centuries - All edges are open to you On the pages of books.


The book is printed so quickly that the account must be kept in seconds. Every second, 45 copies of books are published in our country, and 7-8 of them are for you guys. How many books are published per minute for you? Let's count: 7 × 60 = 420 (books just for you guys), and total: 45 × 60 = 2700 (books). 2700 is a library!

PRICE MINUTE. . Every minute, 1560 pairs of shoes leave the conveyors of our country. What a minute!

PRICE MINUTE. There are 77 pieces of funny alarm clocks, important wall clocks, small hand clocks and all others every minute.

PRICE MINUTE. Solve examples: 1) 2x4= 2) 3x15= 3) 21:3 = 4) (3+7)x1= 5) 5:1+8= 6) (7 - 6)x10= 7) 4x4 - 3x4= 8 ) 3x4 - 12= 9) 28:7x9=

A minute is running fast. The minute is short. But in a minute you can find a star, a beetle, a solution to a problem... And a rare mineral that no one has yet discovered. Rockets leave the Earth per minute. But so that they could fly into outer space - Scientists gave dozens of years to work, And since childhood, astronauts Dreamed of flying. Let the minute be short, Let it rush very quickly! Big, bold dream It can fit! N. Yurkova

TIPS: 1. Schedule your day. 2. Go to bed early and get up early. 3. Exercise in the morning. 4. Lessons do not teach immediately, as he came from school, but after an hour or two. 5. After school, take a break, but it’s better to be active and on fresh air. 6. Do your homework during the day. 7. Late in the evening do not study, because the brain is already tired. 8. Do your homework first, whichever is harder. 9. Attend a section or circle. 10. Help your parents with the housework.

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