Literary analysis of the fairy tale Teremok. Analysis and significance of a folk tale in children's reading


Lesson Objectives:

    To acquaint with the features of the fairy tales of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak.

    Development of skills to analyze works, skills of expressive, conscious reading.

    Cultivate positive life positions, faith in the best, goodness.

Equipment: portrait of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak, book exhibition, analysis scheme literary fairy tale.

Literature: Tales of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak.

During the classes

1. Creating a situation of success.

2. Orientation-motivational stage-10 minutes.

Exercise 1.

Traveling to the world of fairy tales, we got acquainted with Russian folk and literary tales.

What are their similarities and how do they differ?

Task 2.

- What literary fairy tales have we met and who is their author?

– Tell us about the work of the fairy tale writer P.P. Ershov.

3. Operational-executive stage - 30 minutes.

Formulation of the problem.

– Many writers and poets have worked in the literary fairy tale genre. One of these masters of the word is D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak. He began to work in this genre not by chance. Life forced him. In 1892, the writer's wife dies. And he remains with a sick daughter in his arms. A difficult fate awaited the girl: her mother died, her father was not young, and a serious illness prevented her from counting on a prosperous destiny. The father had to prepare his daughter for life, for its harsh sides, and most importantly, to teach the child to love life.

What fairy tales did the writer create? Who are they about? What is the theme of fairy tales?

Today in the lesson we have to find out, and draw a conclusion, what is the peculiarity of the fairy tales of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak.

Of course, in order to have a complete picture of his tales, you need to read some of the wonderful tales of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak.

Therefore, in order for the work to be fruitful, we organize activities in groups. Each group will be given a story and an analysis scheme.

Assignment (group work)

Analyze “The Tale of the Kozyavochka” - 1 group

Analysis of “The Tale of Sparrow Vorobeich” - group 2

Analysis of “Tales about Komar Komarovich” - group 3

Analysis of "The Tale of the Brave Hare" - group 4

Fairy tale analysis gray neck”- 5th group

Performance of the creative team

Exercise 1

- What is the plot of the story?

The basis of the plot of the tale is the birth of Kozyavochka and her collision with obstacles and dangers (bumblebee, worm, frogs). The ending of the tale is the death of Kozyavochka, falling asleep until next spring.

Task 2

  • What is the composition of the story?

The story is in three parts:

1 - the birth of Kozyavochka and her view of the world at that moment.

2 - a change in Kozyavochka's worldview due to the events that happened to her.

3 - the end of the life of the Kozyavochka. An analysis of the events that happened to her in life.

Task 3

  • Are there magical phenomena, objects?

The magic is that all animals talk.

Task 4

  • Describe the characters in the story.

Goat (small insect). At first she is frivolous, but in the course of the plot of the tale she encounters some obstacles that change her character - they force her to adapt to life, get used to difficulties, and successfully overcome them.

The flower is kind, helps the Kozyavochka at birth, fed her.

Bumblebee - angry, formidable, rude, first villain, which Kozyavochka encountered.

The worm is serious, strict, believing that everything belongs to him: grass and flowers.

Other goats are frivolous, like Goat.

Sparrows, fish, frogs are shown in the tale as enemies that impede the life of Goats.

Task 5

  • What is the theme of the tale?

It is impossible to remake the world, it is impossible to change oneself and one's attitude towards the environment for one's own good. No need to be angry with the world, you should realistically assess your capabilities and hope for the best, sacredly believe in justice, goodness.

Task 6

  • Tell us about the artistic features of the tale.

- the presence of verbs at the beginning of the sentence gives the narrative movement, speed of action: “How Kozyavochka was born ... Kozyavochka spread her wings, rubbed her thin legs one against the other, looked around. Kozyavochka played, had fun and sat down to rest not a swamp sedge.

- the presence of repetitions in a fairy tale:

The sky is blue-blue; good good! Kind is kind.

- Availability colloquial vocabulary: - Oh, you wretched Kozyavka, get out!

- the use of diminutive suffixes: goat, worm, flower, sun, grass.

Task 7

  • What children will learn about after reading a fairy tale, reveal the cognitive moment.

From the fairy tale, children learn about the life of insects, what they eat, that birds (sparrow), amphibians and fish eat insects.

Task 8

  • What does this story teach children?

The child is invited to look at the world through the eyes of Kozyavochka in order to gain a true human worldview. Not everything in the world is as simple as it seems, sometimes the environment may seem complicated and cruel, but do not be upset - you just need to find your own approach to each situation, an approach that corresponds to the norms of behavior, the laws of goodness, justice.

(Other groups report similarly)


4. Reflective-evaluative stage - 5 minutes

So, what are the features of the fairy tales of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak?

1. The heroes of fairy tales - a fly, a goat, a mosquito, a hare - are emphasized small, weak, invisible, but all the action is welded to their victory.

2. The main themes of fairy tales:

The weak prevail over the strong.
– The invisible find their place in life.
- It is impossible to remake the world to please yourself, but you can change yourself and your attitude to the environment for your own good.
Spiritual strength is more important than physical strength.

3. Action, plots are based on funny, funny incidents.

4. The description of nature occupies an insignificant place. The sketches are short, but very expressive.

5. Fairy tales are educational. Humanizing the characters helps the child to more vividly and vividly present to the child the characteristic properties of animals, their life.

6. Artistic Features: the presence of verbs at the beginning of the sentence gives the narrative a special rhythm, dynamics, the presence of repetitions, colloquial vocabulary.

Conclusion: Tales of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak are a peculiar way of talking between an adult and a child about vital things. The child is invited to look at the world through the eyes of a goat, a fly, a dog, a duck, in order to gain a truly human worldview.


  • Homework assignment.

Prepare entertaining material based on the fairy tales of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak.

Russian folk tale "Kolobok" is a fairy tale about animals.

A fairy tale about how a woman, at the request of her grandfather, baked a bun and "put it on the window to get cold." And the gingerbread man jumped from the window and rolled along the path. While he was rolling, he met various animals (bear, hare, wolf). All the animals wanted to eat the bun, but he sang a song to them and the animals let him go. When he met the fox, the gingerbread man sang a song to her, but she pretended to be deaf and asked the bun to sit on her toe and sing it one more time. The gingerbread man sat on the fox's nose, and she ate it.

The main characters of the tale are the gingerbread man and the fox. Gingerbread man - kind, simple, courageous. Fox - smart, affectionate.

The moral of the fairy tale: "Speak less, think more", "Guess is not worse than reason", "Intelligently conceived, but done without mind", "It is easy to boast, it is easy to fall down."

In the fairy tale there are repetitions of phrases such as "Gingerbread man, bun, I'll eat you", "Don't eat me, I'll sing a song for you." The song of the kolobok is also repeated.

Children should explain such words as bottom barrel, barn, get cold.

The fairy tale meets the requirements for the content of works for children, that is, it is accessible to children's understanding, interesting for children, small in size, the language is simple, the plot develops quickly, a small number of incomprehensible words.

This tale is intended to be read to children of primary and secondary preschool age.


1 Anikin V.P. Russian folk tale / V.P. Anikin - M .: Education, 1977 - 430s.

2 Afanasiev A.N. Folk Russian fairy tale / A.N. Afanasiev - M .: Education, 1980 - 111s.

3 Belinsky V.G. complete collection works, vol. 4 / V. G. Belinsky - M .: Education, 1970 - 107 p.

4 Children's literature. Tutorial for teacher training schools. Ed. E.E. Zubareva - M .: Education, 1989 -398s.

5 Nartova-Bachaver S.K. Folk tale as a means of spontaneous psychotherapy. - M., 1996.-S. 3-14

6 Nikiforov A.I. Fairy tale, its existence and carriers / A.I. Nikiforov - M .: Education, 1930 - 105s.

7 Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Dictionary Russian / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova - M.: Azbukovnik, 1997 - 944s.

8 Pasternak N. A child needs fairy tales like air// Preschool education. - No. 8-2008. -23-35s.

9 Popov L.K., Popov D.K., Kavelin J. Journey to the country of virtues. A guide for parents on education. / L.K. Popov, D.K. Popov, J. Kavelin - S.-P.: Neva, 1997 - 108s.

10 Propp V.Ya. Russian fairy tale / V.Ya.Propp - L .: Lenizdat, 1984 -263s.

11 Propp V.Ya. The historical roots of a fairy tale / V.Ya. Propp - L .: Lenizdat, 1986 - 415s.

12 Sukhomlinsky V.A. I give my heart to children / V.A. Sukhomlinsky - Mn .: Narodnaya asveta, 1981 - 287p.

13 Statsenko R. Methods of introducing children to the artistic word / / Preschool education - No. 7 -1980-6-11s.

14 Tkatsky I.L. Hurry to do good // Pioneer - 1990 - No. 5 - 55s.

15 Ushinsky K.D. Collected works. Child's world and reader / K.D.Ushinsky - M.: Enlightenment, 1986 - 350s.

16 Franz von M.-L. The psychology of fairy tales. Interpretation of fairy tales. - St. Petersburg, 1998.

17 Yudin Yu. Fool, jester, thief and devil ( historical roots howling fairy tales). Publisher: Labyrinth-K, 2006-336s

Bibliographic description:

Nesterova I.A. Analysis of Russian folk tale[Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia site

Fairy tales are endowed with special artistic means and are aimed at clarifying certain norms of morality, emphasizing the importance of friendship, good deeds and honesty. Russian folk tales are an effective tool for moral education.

The concept and types of Russian folk tales

In Russian literature, a special place is given to folk tales. The tale belongs to oral folk art. Russian folk tales are endowed special features which reflect the wisdom of the people, their experience and spiritual values. The term fairy tale is usually interpreted as follows:

Fairy tale- an artistic narrative of a fantastic, adventure or everyday nature.

The above definition is general for different approaches to fairy tales. The fairy tale, as a genre, has an obvious mythological component. It is she who takes the fairy tale beyond the limits of a simple fantastic story.

Fairy tale- not only poetic fiction or fantasy play; through content, language, plots and images, it reflects cultural values its creator.

Russian folk tales are divided into several types:

  • fairy tales;
  • fairy tales about animals;
  • household stories.

Each type of Russian folk tale is endowed with its own characteristics. So, fairy tales have an unusual magical component that allows good to overcome evil. Magical Russian folk tales set themselves the goal of conveying to the reader that faith in goodness and miracles will help in any difficult situation.

The structure of a fairy tale

Russian folk tales about animals- these are those fairy tales where the main characters are animals. They are endowed human qualities. So, for example, a hare is usually cowardly, a fox is cunning and greedy, and everyone is afraid of a bear, but by design, he is one of the intelligent animals.

Household fairy tales are a contrast of decency and nobility under the guise of rusticity and naivety to those personality traits that have always caused sharp rejection. For example, nobility is opposed to greed, malice and envy.

Artistic means in the Russian folk tale

Russian folk tales are rich in artistic means. The most common are epithets, comparisons, hyperbole, irony and metaphor.

Russian folk tales are a reflection of the centuries-old wisdom of the people. Subtle satire, contrasts, etc. and so on. allow you to reveal the idea of ​​a fairy tale, metaphors, comparisons, epithets are designed to expand the picture of the world and open up new horizons for those who listen or read a fairy tale.

Epithet- artistic and figurative definition, emphasizing the most significant feature of an object or phenomenon in a given context; is used to evoke in the reader a visible image of a person, thing, nature, etc.

Epithets in Russian folk tales It is customary to divide into several types:

  • clarifying epithets;
  • permanent epithets.

A clarifying epithet is understood as an epithet with the help of which various feelings and states are expressed, but not the characters themselves, but their actions.

Under constant epithets understand those epithets that are already " calling card"Russian folk tale and reflect its special picture of the world. For example:" Flew up to the royal porch gilded a carriage of six white horses, and Vasilisa the Wise comes out of there: on an azure dress - frequent stars, on her head - a clear moon, such a beauty - neither think nor guess, only, in a fairy tale to say."

The epithets also include some proper names in Russian folk tales. As an example, consider the following: Vasilisa the Beautiful, Vasilisa the Wise, Ivan the Fool, Koschey the Immortal, etc.

metaphor called the use of the word in a figurative sense.

Metaphors in Russian folk tale designed to show its versatility, to reveal the hidden meaning inherent in the story. For example "sugar lips".

Comparisons widely used in Russian folk tales. They are aimed at highlighting the problem, drawing attention to it.

Hyperbola- expressive artistic technique, based on the exaggeration of certain properties of the depicted objects and phenomena.

Hyperbole in Russian folk tales is needed to indicate the exceptional properties or qualities of people, natural phenomena, events, things. Hyperbole is used to create magic, the unreality of what is happening. For example: "Ivan Tsarevich went to bed, and the frog jumped onto the porch, threw off the frog skin and turned into Vasilisa the Wise, such a beauty, as in a fairy tale, you can’t tell. "

Russian folk tales are characterized by the use of irony and satire. IN everyday fairy tales irony and joke often turn into harsh, caustic satire.

The originality of the Russian folk tale

The stylistic originality of the Russian folk tale is based on fiction. It is fiction that forms a special fairy-tale discourse. Russian fairy-tale discourse allows us to highlight the main rituals of Russian people. For example, marriage, marriage is happy ending many fairy tales. As an example, consider the fairy tale "The Frog Princess".

It all starts with the fact that the father tells his sons to take bows in their hands and shoot each arrow at different sides. Where the arrow falls, there it is destined to take the bride to the son. The older brothers did not believe their luck, and the younger one was overwhelmed by the grief that happened to him. "How am I going to live with a frog?" he said to his father with tears. But fate is fate. The brothers married those whom fate sent them: the eldest - a hawthorn, the middle one - a merchant's daughter, and the younger brother - a frog. They married them all as it should be, according to the rite. Not only that younger brother he was destined to live with a frog, because he had not yet received any dowry! And what a dowry a frog can have! And the brothers, on the contrary, benefited greatly from this wedding. The motive of deprivation of the youngest son is obvious.

In the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" is especially clearly reflected state of mind hero, each line shows through the experiences of a person. Full of naive simplicity and psychological clarity, the hero’s heavy thoughts about the will of fate, which fell on his head in the form of a goggle-eyed, green and cold frog wife. At the same time, in a fairy tale, the hero is not alone in his trouble. He and his wife are helped by "mother-nannies" who were once assigned to the frog. This connection with the powerful forces of nature makes the hero of the fairy tale strong and powerful. The tale says that younger son remained faithful to ethical standards. He does not seek wealth, does not contradict his father and marries a simple swamp frog.

After Ivan violated a certain prohibition by throwing a frog skin into the oven, and received a punishment in the form of excommunication from his wife. Then he encounters a group of characters that are very characteristic of fairy tales, especially fairy tales - animals. Animals in the fairy tale are endowed with all the symbolic features inherent in Russian fairy tales. Thus, the idea of ​​a patron close to the totem was associated with the bear. But even regardless of the solution of the issue, there was totemism among the ancestors Eastern Slavs or not, scientists have proven the existence of Slavic peoples mythical ideas about sentient animals. The drake, the scythe hare, and the pike, whom Ivan Tsarevich took pity on and did not kill, later served him well. In a fairy tale, the motive of gratitude of an animal that becomes true friend and man's helper. Animals take the side of the hero when he shows generosity, does not harm them. The later explanation of such a fabulous episode is natural: the beast repays good for good.

In fairy tales, the image of a female helper is often found, which arose on an ancient life basis. This image can be attributed to such characters as: enchantresses, sorceresses, etc. Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales is a controversial character. It can not only harm, but also help. can sometimes sympathize and help the hero. She told Ivan Tsarevich that his wife was with Koshchei the Immortal, and also told how to deal with him.

Koschey the Immortal personifies the world of violence, misanthropy. Koschey in all fairy tales appears as a kidnapper of women, turning them into his slaves. In addition, he is the owner of untold wealth, earned in a not entirely honest way. Koshcheya is a wizened, bony old man with sunken burning eyes. He is able to control the fate of people, adding and subtracting their age. He himself is immortal. His death is kept in the egg, and the egg in the nest, and the nest on the oak, and the oak on the island, and the island in the boundless sea. The egg is the materialized beginning of life. This is the link that makes continuous reproduction possible. Destroying, crushing the egg, you can put an end to even endless life. Even in fairy tales, it is difficult for people to put up with an unfair social order. That's why immortal Koshchei suffered a seemingly impossible death.

The tale "The Frog Princess" has a classic ending for such tales - a happy reunion of lovers. Evil has been defeated, good has triumphed. It is on this that the originality of the Russian folk tale is based.


  1. Akishina A.A. Gestures and facial expressions in Russian speech. Linguistic and regional dictionary. - M.: 1991
  2. Frog Princess - M .: Proff-press, 2017
  3. Bogatyrev P. G. The language of folklore // Questions of linguistics. 1975. No. 5. S. 106-116.
  4. Korneenko E.V. The Role of Fairytale Discourse in Russian cultural space// World of the Russian Word No. 3, 2012. P. 98-102

The significance of children's folk tales in the process of education and development of the child's personality is fundamental. Oddly enough, it is even more relevant for modern city children - the kid is lost in conjectures about the meaning of a threshing floor, a knysh, a forest, a stronghold, a barn, and the like, because he is not familiar with elementary village life. Vintage folk words open up a new rich world of the great Russian language.
Russian folklore exists outside of time and tradition, it worthily embodies not only the experience accumulated by many generations of our ancestors, but the basic components of the mentality, the value system of our people, which is so important for us to inherit to our children. The repertoire of a city kid must necessarily include oral folk art, preferably simple good fairy tales.
The moral and ethical component of a folk tale gradually forms a healthy and moral perception in a child. surrounding reality, corresponding to the traditions and attitudes adopted in the given country. Reading and re-reading "Kurochka Ryaba", "Teremok", "Turnip", "Kolobok" and many other fairy tales to the baby, we unobtrusively offer him the ready-made experience and wisdom of our people.
Sometimes Russian folk tales seem to us too simple, uncomplicated, sometimes even primitive. But in fact, each of them contains not only superficial morality, but also a secret, real double bottom. It consists not only of meaning, but also of the very sound of words, a special melody of speech intertwined with plot moves. For many centuries, fairy tales were "honed" by hundreds of generations of storytellers, everything superfluous and superficial disappeared from them, only the main thing remained, what was remembered and seemed important - this is where such brevity and apparent simplicity of a folk tale comes from, which cannot be replaced by any modern author's stories.
The true meaning of Russian folk tales is not always clear even to an adult. After all, many of them are more than a thousand years old. That is why the intricate plots of folk art organically combine the ancient traditions of Rus', paganism and early Christianity. In the fairy tales, which have changed against the backdrop of long centuries, epic and biblical motifs, and some metaphors actually reflect the views of our ancestors on the world around them, full of mysteries and surprises.
Somewhat easier to figure out original intention fabulous images when working with ancient, raw versions of fairy tales. For example, few people know that in the story about Kolobok, each of the animals met by the hero bit off a piece of the ruddy Kolobok, and the cunning Fox got a crust. The interpretation of this option lies on the surface: the round Kolobok symbolizes the moon, and his journey is nothing more than lunar cycle from the full moon to the complete disappearance of the "pink" - the month. Cockerel-Golden Scallop - according to researchers, in fact, the image of the sun, which is night - the Fox takes away "for high mountains, for dense forests, for blue seas".
The colorful plots of folk tales are subject to a number of unwritten rules: a lot of repetitions, a huge number of explicit and hidden symbols, the alternation of "punishments" and "encouragements" of the hero, depending on the assessment of his actions. The plot of a folk tale often becomes a daring disobedience, fatal mistake hero that he can and must correct in order to save himself or loved one(brother, wife, etc.). Thus, our ancient ancestors competently formed models of correct and incorrect behavior, and also laid down the opportunity to independently draw conclusions accessible to children's understanding. Thus, the child develops thinking.
Early and close acquaintance with the Russian folk tale gives the child not only a strong moral and ethical position and moral support for acceptance important decisions. Fairy tales can help parents stimulate the early and harmonious development of our children, protect them from mistakes in later life, and also teach us and kids to appreciate the originality, wisdom of Russian culture and the beauty of their native speech.
Fairy tales are a kind of moral code of the people, their heroics are, although imaginary, but examples of the true behavior of a person in reality. Fairy tales express the joyful acceptance of being - the lot of an honest, hardworking and able to stand up for his dignity of a person.
So, for example, the fairy tale “Turnip”, which is extremely simple in content and form, teaches kids not to give up when problems arise, but to bravely and unanimously deal with difficulties. The fairy tale educates the child in the spirit of humanism, teaches them to achieve success by joint efforts, to treat even the smallest creature with dignity and respect.
As part of this work, I offer a subjective interpretation, with elements of good humor, of the Russian folk tale "Turnip" against the backdrop of our modernity - just don't judge too harshly.
And so, grandfather planted a turnip.
Imagine a hard-working old man in the garden. It is hard for him, but he tries in the hope of a good harvest. Well done, old man, hard worker ant! We all know from a psychology course that in old age it is important to have the strength to live to the end and creative attitude to life in general. So our grandfather is doing an excellent job with this task, perhaps he even dreams of an unprecedented, fantastic harvest ....
The Almighty heard the prayers of the hard worker and rewarded the old man with dignity. A real miracle is happening, for the sake of which every person lives on this earth, and keeps hope in the deep recesses of his soul.
A large turnip has grown. The old man went for the harvest: he pulls, he pulls, he can’t pull it out!
Grandfather is puzzled, how so! Your own wealth is not given into your hands! Perhaps this is a lesson to our old man, so that he is not arrogant and greedy, he knows how to ask for help from close relatives.
Grandpa called grandma. Grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip - they pull, they pull, they can’t pull it out!
Perhaps both are not trying hard enough, but let's take into account the age of our old people, we will give due respect to both. How wonderful that they are not alone in the whole wide world! There was a time when concern for offspring arose and the spouses fulfilled it. Today they can be proud of their granddaughter - a good helper for the elderly.
The grandmother called her granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip - they pull, pull, they can’t pull it out!
The granddaughter is a hardworking girl, but she is still a child and her strength is not enough to pull out a turnip and she remains in the ground. Who else is left? Of course, our faithful four-legged friends: a dog and a cat.
Granddaughter called Zhuchka. A bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip - they pull, pull, they cannot pull it out! Called Bug Masha. Masha for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip - they pull, they pull, but they can’t pull it out!
It is no coincidence that a dog and a cat are named after each other. In Russian folk art, folklore, animals personify the people themselves, the names Zhuchka and Masha are a tribute to our four-legged friends. On the other hand, a dog and a cat are real members of the family, they best comrades granddaughters.
Everyone is assembled, they work together, even a dog and a cat are busy common cause, but the turnip does not come out. Who else remains, they do not know, they desperately remember ....
Masha called the mouse ...
A comical situation develops: a predator turns to its prey for help. It's funny that the victim does not refuse, although there is every reason to beware, what if this is another trap? The mouse discovers that everyone is bound by one chain, connected by one goal, which means that she justifies the means!
Grandmother, granddaughter, faithful Zhuchka, Masha and the mouse came to the rescue of their grandfather, primarily for the sake of love. The miracle turnip revealed that in this house they live in peace and harmony, and everyone is ready to work hard, and even suffer for their neighbor. And in the case of the mouse - and for the enemy. The mouse took pity on those at whose table she happened to feed. And mercy, it is higher than justice ... It was then that the earth broke out and released Turnip into the light of day.
Deep in its essence, peaceful and bright fairy tale, and after it it feels so good in the soul.

Literary analysis Russian folk tale

A fairy tale is a wonderful work of art, familiar to each of us since childhood.
What is a fairy tale? Is it worth considering any fairy tale fantasy story or split oral folk prose on fabulous and not fabulous? How to interpret all those fantastic things, without which none of the fairy tales can do? This range of problems has long troubled researchers.
Exist various interpretations fairy tales. Some scholars say that a fairy tale is an absolute fiction, independent of reality, while others seek to understand how the attitude of folk storytellers to the surrounding reality was reincarnated in fairy tale fiction.
The most clear definition of a fairy tale is given by the famous scientist, researcher of fairy tales E. V. Pomerantseva: "A folk tale (or a fairy tale, a tale, a fable) is an epic oral piece of art, predominantly prosaic, magical, adventurous or everyday in nature with a fantasy setting. The last feature distinguishes a fairy tale from other genres of oral prose: tales, legends and bylichka, that is, from stories presented by the narrator to listeners as a narration of events that actually took place, no matter how unlikely and fantastic they were.
The most beloved and widespread fairy tale among the people is a fairy tale. Its roots go back to a distant, distant antiquity.
All fairy tales have similar features. In general, all fairy tales are very similar in their construction. The most simple circuit any fairy tale contains the following items:
* the existence of any prohibition;
* the violation of this prohibition by anyone;
* a consequence of this violation, depending on the nature of mythological representations;
* a story about the hero's practice in magic;
* the result of this practice and as a result - the return of the hero to well-being.
This structure is also present in later tales. They gravitate towards it as their original narrative basis.
This type of fairy tale is based on a wonderful fiction. Any fairy tale cannot do without some miraculous action: sometimes evil and destructive, sometimes kind and charitable intervenes in the peacefully flowing life of a person. supernatural power.
Let's try to understand the origin of fiction in fairy tales on the example of the Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess".
From the first words of its narrative, a fairy tale takes the listener (reader) into a world that is completely different from ordinary world person.
It all starts with the fact that the father tells his sons to pick up bows and shoot each arrow in different directions. Where the arrow falls, there it is destined to take the bride to the son. This episode seems modern reader totally illogical idea. Indeed, today we do not believe in all kinds of fortune-telling and signs of fate, but in those days it was a way of life for people. So they believed in very distant times, but this belief was preserved for a long time, and the ancient motif is present in the fairy tale.
The eldest son's arrow fell on the boyar yard, the middle son stuck it on the merchant's farmstead, and the younger son's arrow fell into the swamp, where it was picked up by a frog. The older brothers did not believe their luck, and the younger one was overwhelmed by the grief that happened to him. "How am I going to live with a frog?" he said to his father with tears. But fate is fate. The brothers married those whom fate sent them: the eldest - a hawthorn, the middle one - a merchant's daughter, and the younger brother - a frog. They married them all as it should be, according to the rite.
Not only was the younger brother destined to live with a frog, but he still did not receive any dowry! And what a dowry a frog can have! And the brothers, on the contrary, benefited greatly from this wedding.
Here you can view the ancient motif of the destitute son, who acquired in this tale new meaning. Life situation described in fictional storytelling, was slightly modified. From ancient tradition only the memory remained that it was the youngest son who always had the hardest time of all.
The imagination of the poets of the past brought us a picture full of ironic meaning: Ivan is being married and the frog bride is being held near the groom on a platter so that he can lead her by the hand.
In the fairy tale, the state of mind of the hero is especially clearly reflected, each line shows through the experiences of a person.
Full of naive simplicity and psychological clarity, the hero’s heavy thoughts about the will of fate, which fell on his head in the form of a goggle-eyed, green and cold frog wife. "How to live? To live is not to cross a field, not to cross a river!"
However, in the fairy tale the hero is not alone in his misfortune. He and his wife are helped by "mother-nannies" who were once assigned to the frog. This connection with the powerful forces of nature makes the hero of the fairy tale strong and powerful.
The tale says that the youngest son remained faithful to the old ethical standards. He does not seek wealth, does not contradict his father and marries a simple swamp frog.
Let's take a closer look at the characters of the fairy tale and compare them with the beliefs of people and mythical characters.

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