Niccolo Paganini: biography, interesting facts, creativity. The Triumph and Tragedy of the Great Violins


October 27, 1782 was born worldwide famous composer and violinist Niccolo Paganini. It was said that Niccolo, who did not have the most calm character, was completely transformed while playing his favorite instrument. The musician had a difficult childhood and interesting life. There are still rumors that after the funeral of Niccolo, the sounds of the violin were heard in the cemetery for many years.

Niccolo was born into a poor Genoese family. The father often locked his son in the pantry so that he would learn complex work. Every day, for many hours, the future violinist studied music, being deprived of a normal childhood. Niccolo played his first concert at the age of 11. He performed his own variations of the composers' favorite works.

Niccolo already in his youth looked very mysterious - pale skin, bruises under his eyes, painful thinness. There were rumors that the musician made a deal with the devil, and therefore plays the violin so amazingly. In fact, Niccolo was very superstitious person and he himself was terribly afraid of the devil. He even stopped visiting the gambling house, because he decided that Satan was helping him win.

Each concert of Paganini was not just a performance, but a whole show. The composer thought over each exit, showed various tricks like an “accidentally” broken string or a violin that suddenly got out of tune. Niccolo often parodied the sounds of village animals, and also imitated the guitar, trumpet, flute and other instruments.

Paganini tried not to write down composed music so that no one else can do it. Because of this, unfortunately, not all of the maestro's works have been preserved.

Niccolo was a Freemason. There are documents confirming this. In addition, the musician wrote the music of the Masonic anthem to the words of Lanchetti.

The musician was a collector. He collected violins, and among the many examples of the instrument were such treasures as the Stradivari, Guarneri and Amati violins. He loved his Guarneri violin so much that he bequeathed it to the city of Genoa so that no musician would play it after his death. This violin was named "The Widow of Paganini".

Paganini was very an absent-minded person. He did not remember the year of his birth, he forgot how many brothers he had, but he always said that his memory was in his hands and entirely belonged to music.

On the birthday of Emperor Napoleon, Paganini wrote a sonata for one string for him. For Niccolo, a broken string during a concert was not a hindrance - he knew how to play the same piece both with all the strings and with the absence of one or two.

Niccolo studied music for 14-16 hours a day. He forgot about food and sleep, training all day long.

You can often hear the legend of the imperishability of the maestro. 56 years after his death, Niccolo's body showed no signs of decomposition, which was confirmed by several people involved in the reburial of the composer and musician. And this definitely suggests that Paganini is certainly not an ordinary person.

The personality of Niccolo Paganini has always attracted the attention of the public, some saw him as a real genius, while others saw him as a swindler, refusing to believe in such an extraordinary talent. The whole life of the great musician is shrouded in secrets and omissions that accompanied him everywhere. But no one can deny the fact that he was a real Maestro.

short biography

Was born future musician at Genoa on October 27, 1782. His father was a small merchant, but at the same time, Antonio Paganini was very fond of music and dreamed that his son would become a great musician. Niccolo devoted almost all his childhood to playing the instrument. By nature, he got unusually acute hearing, and every day his father realized that Niccolo was waiting for the glory of a real virtuoso, so it was decided to hire a professional teacher for him.

The secret of Paganini's extraordinary talent

Legends have always circulated around Paganini's extraordinary talent, and what stories contemporaries did not invent to try to explain his brilliant violin playing. Collusion with otherworldly forces, a special operation, fraud - all these rumors are just a small part of the many others that surrounded the musician. The American physician Myron Schoenfeld also tried to explain the secret of the maestro's violin technique. In his opinion, the whole point is a hereditary disease from which Paganini suffered.

Films about Paganini

If we talk about films dedicated to the brilliant musician, then it is worth highlighting the work of Leonid Menaker "Niccolò Paganini" (1982). It was filmed based on the work of A. K. Vinogradov "The Condemnation of Paganini" and was specially timed to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Maestro. This is a four-episode film that tells about the life of the legendary violinist, his feelings, experiences, creativity, helping to understand his mystical and multifaceted nature. The violin part was performed by Leonid Kogan. It is known that the director originally wanted to invite the main role famous conductor Yuri Temirkanov, but he did not agree.

Another notable work is the film Paganini (1989) by Klaus Kinski. It is noteworthy that this is his only experience as a director. He also played a major role, playing a great musician. Klaus Kinski showed the amazing Paganini, whose life was teetering on the edge of the abyss. No one has ever seen such a violinist.

Drama by Bernard Rose "Paganini: The Devil's Violinist", conquered the world in 2013. main role performed famous performer David Garrett. The director took as a basis the rumors that circulated at the time about Italian violinist. After all, many of his contemporaries were sure that he sold his soul to the devil and received an extraordinary gift. On his way Paganini meets beautiful girl but can he know happiness? This film reveals some of the mysteries of the Maestro's life.

Only once a year, in the municipality of the city of Genoa, the cherished door of a small vault opens, where a violin bequeathed to him is stored under special temperature conditions. hometown Niccolo Paganini. It is solemnly handed over for only one concert to the best virtuoso violinist, who deserved this high honor at international competition named after the greatest Genoese who glorified his city and Italy throughout the world.

The violin of the master Guarneri del Gesù is today the greatest rarity all over the world. There are only a few of them left. And now one of them, the most famous, is free again. And it looks like Niccolo just deposited it yesterday. And there is a feeling that she still keeps the warmth of his hands.
The bow easily slid along the strings and the hall was filled with magical sounds, as if her master himself had invisibly returned with her to this huge concert hall. Now they are together again. On the stage. Conquer the audience with their game, as in the good old days.

Europe still remembers, although more than 160 years have passed since his death, the unique sound of the strings of this truly magical musical violin. Able not only to sing loudly, but also to muffled cry, as if complaining about her difficult nomadic life. Changes suddenly musical theme and the life-affirming melody of the famous "Campanella" sounded - "The Bell" - this is a rondo from his second concerto for violin and orchestra. The listeners are delighted. Bravo, bravissimo... these exclamations do not leave the walls of the concert hall for a long time.

And Niccolo, retiring to the rest room, hears these sounds of delight and, along with them, the ringing that does not cease to sound in his memory church bells. It was this ringing that was the harbinger of his first performance in church, when he was only nine years old. It was in the summer of 1791. He, this ringing, accompanies him all his life. And always at this time he remembers that dark closet, where in his distant childhood his father locked him until he learned the task. The story of his childhood is the story of a boy and a violin and their nascent friendship. From now on, they will always be together. Because the young soul of Niccolò was able to discover in this tenderly sparkling instrument a kindred soul and merge with it together. And this is precisely the phenomenon that allowed envious people and enemies to accuse him of selling his soul to the devil. Although his soul was as beautiful as the incomparable beauty of the sound of a violin, his appearance was the exact opposite: his pale and high cheekbones with a pointed nose, dark hair hanging down to her shoulders, and a conspicuous thinness of the body - the result of a childhood deprived of movement and communication with peers. From the age of four, his father Antonio, a failed shopkeeper, a great music lover, began to teach his middle son Nick to play the violin. These classes took up to eight hours a day. And for disobedience, he locked his son in a dark closet with a violin. And if Niccolo could not argue with his father with words, but full program expressed his resentment through the sounds of the violin. She growled and whistled, grunted and squealed, while the father at that time closed his eyes in anticipation of pleasure, for the outstanding future of his son. A subtle connoisseur of music and a connoisseur of natural talent, he foresaw that his son would help him in the future to get out of the quagmire of poverty in which he was forced to vegetate with his three children.

It is quite possible that with early childhood, except for the violin, Niccolo had no friends, he could not even imagine his life without the violin. And she, in response, as soon as he touched the chin of the instrument, and lovingly stroked her strings, came to life. And now the restless soul of the virtuoso violinist sounded at full power, in complete silence. Not leaving indifferent any listener. Even recognized violin virtuosos of the world recognized Niccolo's superiority. It is quite possible that the history of Paganini's red violin began with big stages Europe and firmly entered into musical life all over the world. It is Paganini who owes the world its love for the unique sound of violin singing. Since then, it has become very prestigious all over the world to learn to play the violin.
Evgeny Shley

Paganini really played in such a way that it would seem that it goes beyond human capabilities, his success with women was stunning, and his person was surrounded by an aura of mystery. Faktrum tells Interesting Facts from the biography of the fiddler fiddler.

  1. Paganini's path to glory was not without obstacles. Since childhood, he had to endure the tyranny of his father, who forced him to play music all day, not allowing him to go out. From the lack of oxygen, movement and excessive loads, the boy fell into a cataleptic coma. His parents thought he was dead and almost buried him. After an illness, he did not leave classes, and soon the fame of a talented violinist went far beyond the borders of Genoa.
  2. At the age of 8, Paganini wrote a violin sonata and several difficult variations. At a young age he created most of his famous capriccios, which are still unique musical culture. In playing the violin, Paganini was a real virtuoso. Having quickly mastered traditional technique, he began to experiment: he imitated the singing of birds and human laughter, the sound of a flute, trumpet, horn, the lowing of a cow, applied a variety of sound effects.
  3. At the age of 19, he experienced the first and only true love to the woman whose name he never called. Their romance did not last long, but left an imprint on his whole life. Since then, he felt constant loneliness, despite many love affairs.
  4. Once Paganini made a bet that he could conduct an orchestra with the help of a violin, which would be just two strings. He managed not only to win the bet, but also to impress Napoleon's sister Eliza Bonaparte - an impressionable Corsican with delight lost consciousness. Thus began their romance.
  5. Playing on two strings did not become a redistribution of Paganini's abilities: on Napoleon's birthday, he surpassed himself by playing on one string. The violinist quickly lost interest in Eliza and became interested in another sister of Bonaparte, Pauline Borghese. Their relationship was just as short-lived.
  6. Just as easily as women, Paganini conquered cities and countries. He was applauded in Italy, Austria, Germany, France, England, Ireland. Wherever he appeared, there were immediately funny stories that gave rise to rumors. Heinrich Heine wrote about this in Florentine Nights: “Yes, my friend, it’s true that everyone says about him that when Paganini was Kapellmeister in Lucca, he fell in love with a theatrical prima donna, was jealous of her for some insignificant the abbot, perhaps, became a cuckold, and then, according to the good Italian custom, stabbed his unfaithful lover to death, ended up in Genoa for hard labor and finally sold himself to the devil in order to become the best violinist in the world.
  7. After the concert in Vienna, one of the listeners claimed that he saw how behind the back of the musician the devil stood and led him with his hand with a bow. Journalists picked up this news and reported it quite seriously. On numerous caricatures he was portrayed as ugly, in the newspapers he was characterized as a greedy, mean and petty person, envious people and enemies spread ridiculous rumors about him. Notoriety accompanied him everywhere and always.
  8. After the death of Paganini, the Bishop of Nice accused him of heresy and forbade the church burial of his remains. The burial took place 56 years after his death, and eyewitnesses claimed that his body had remained incorrupt all this time, and the sounds of a violin were heard from the grave. So even after his death, the brilliant violinist remained the subject of rumors and legends.

The sound of the melody is comparable to a gentle stream, which melodiously flows into the listener's ear with its course. For many people, music is perceived as a guide of spiritual mood and a mirror of reality. The subject of the embodiment of these experiences is an old musical instrumentviolin.

This is a bowed stringed musical instrument of a high register. Perhaps no other instrument has such a combination of technical mobility, beauty and expressiveness of sound. The better the instrument is made, the better it will be reflected in the playing process, as well as the perception of the musical composition.

Today, however, it is not the playing of the instrument itself that causes more amazement, but its price. The cost of some tools today is estimated at several million dollars, because elite art costs a lot of money.

So what instrument was honored to be called " most expensive violin in the world". Introducing our top 5.

5th place - musical instruments Linzi Stoppard - $ 2.2 million

Lynsey Stoppard is a famous musician, daughter of Sir Tom Stoppard, an Oscar-winning writer. The girl's new instruments are entirely made of 24 carat gold by designer Theo Fennell. Tools are decorated precious stones- diamonds, sapphires and rubies.

The black and white instruments, custom-made by Lynsey Stoppard, together cost $4.4 million, or $2.2 million each! According to their owner, art costs money, and the elite needs a lot of money, or is completely priceless.

In fact, the tools do not differ from their cheap counterparts, but their price is clearly visible. Fifty thousand Swarovski crystals flaunt on these goddesses of melodies.

The world's first gold violins, which are decorated with diamonds, rubies and sapphires, were entrusted to create the British jeweler Theo Fennelly.

The uniqueness of these tools is as follows:

  • 1. They took nine months to create.
  • 2. The basis of the tools was made of carbon and Kevlar - very strong and light materials in order to compensate for the weight of the metal.
  • 3. The base was covered with gold and decorated with precious stones.
  • 4. To create them, it took almost all the details to develop from scratch and experiment with electronics to make gold sound.
  • 5. The cost of one instrument was $2.2 million.

4th place - musical instrument Niccolo Paganini - $ 5 million

The price of this musical instrument known Italian composer and musician for a long time remained a secret, because the anonymous buyer did not want to disclose information even that such a tool exists! However, after some time, the secret was revealed, and the world learned that the price of this ancient exhibit is $ 5 million!

This is quite surprising, since the price is more than twice the price of the previous brothers in sound.

This instrument was Niccolo Paganini's favorite. It was created by Carlo Bergonzi, a student of the great master. His son Achilles sold the musical instrument after the death of the virtuoso. As a result, its owners in different time were musicians and aristocrats.

For over 35 years it was owned by John Corigliano, who was a member of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. After the maestro's death, the family exhibited the instrument at Sotheby's, where it was sold. IN currently the tool is stored in a special banking facility in certain climatic conditions and under heavy security, it is insured for $4.5 million.

3rd place - musical instrument Guarneri - $ 7 million

In third place is Guarneri's musical instrument, which is made consummate master. It is considered the best along with the famous Stradivarius!

This miracle was made in 1741, which testifies to the antiquity and value of the instrument. Maxim Viktorov, Russian entrepreneur, bought it for $3,540,000 in 2008, but experts have assessed it and claim that the current price of this tool is over $7 million, making it third on our list.

Great value not only for antiques, but also for pets and even ordinary aquarium fish. Although called ordinary fish, the language does not turn, they are common only for millionaires.

2nd place - "Lady Blunt" by Antonio Stradivari - 15.89 million dollars

Auction house Tarisio sold the Lady Blunt Stradivari instrument last June for a record price by today's standards of $15.89 million. It was purchased by an anonymous buyer. But that's not all, all the proceeds from the sale were sent to help victims of the tsunami and earthquake in Japan.

The sale of "Lady Blunt" aroused great interest among collectors who wished to use the unique opportunity to buy historical instrument. It was owned by the granddaughter of the poet Lord Byron, Lady Anna Blunt, for 30 years. Also hosts were the Parisian master Jean Baptist Vuillaume, Baron Knoop, the collector Richard Bennett, Sam Bloomfield and Music Fund Nippon. Surprisingly, the instrument is in excellent condition, as it was when it was created.

"Lady Blunt" is the closest to its original state, that is, it has retained most of the original features, moreover, the lacquer coating as a whole has not been broken so far.

The instrument was made in 1721 by Antonio Stradivari. He also made cellos and violas in Cremona (Italy). About 600 of his instruments survive today. All of them are in excellent demand among knowledgeable collectors and outstanding world performers. Especially appreciated "Lady Blunt", sold for 15.89 million dollars.

1st place - "Vietante" Guarneri del Gesu - $ 18 million

Only great violinists could appreciate the true uniqueness of this instrument. It was in Viet Nam that Niccolò Paganini played at one time. They say that true value Vietnam is not calculated in money equivalent. Peter Quint, who has held this instrument live, claims that it has incredible power in terms of sound quality. Viet Tang is capable of a wide sonic palette that allows the expression of a wider range of emotions.

But we are still talking about the most expensive violin. Viet Tang was acquired for a mind-boggling sum of $18 million. Its owner was the Belgian Eugene Isai, who became the owner of the most valuable musical instrument.

How much does it cost to eat not just tasty, but with a sense of self-worth and superiority? Our article with a high cost will tell you about it. Just think, spending 681,205 rubles for lunch at a time!

Video: perfect violins (part 2)

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