Christmas tricks for kids. Simple magic tricks for children and adults


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Focuses always attract attention. And if their secret has not yet been revealed, they are filled with special magic. By the way, sometimes for a good focus you don’t need to look for special equipment at all.

Team website invites you to become real wizards using the most common items.

Coca-cola in a ball

For this simple trick, all you need is a balloon and a bottle of Coca-Cola. Put the balloon on the neck of the bottle and have someone tilt the bottle and pour the Coke into the balloon. Usually these attempts fail because the ball is tightly compressed. The secret is to shake the bottle slightly so that the gas begins to pass into the ball.

Banana stuffed

An appetizing trick for lovers of sweet surprises. You can try stuffing a banana without peeling it with a syringe. Or cut a banana from the side of the tail, make a hole with a tube and introduce Nutella or condensed milk. Then we take a banana, peel it and surprise the kids!

Phone - in a ball

A good trick for the holidays when balloons are flying all over the place. We take one of them and keep it lying on the table, pressing the phone. Then we sharply blow off the balloon by pressing on the phone. That's all - the gadget is in the "trap"!

We light two candles without matches

This simple trick is very effective. You will need two candles, glycerin and potassium permanganate powder. Lubricate the wick with glycerin in advance on one candle, and potassium permanganate on the other. We bring the candles to each other with wicks ... And, lo and behold, they light up! When performing the trick, keep the candles on arms outstretched away from yourself.

Paperclip on the water

This focus will allow you to take your mind off work or school. Invite others to put the paperclip in a glass of water so that it does not sink. And when unsuccessful attempts are completed, do the same, but with the help of another paper clip, previously unbent for the convenience of the process. And you did it!

Turning an orange into an apple

Great focus for kids. Show the orange, cover it with a handkerchief, say the "magic words" and tear off the handkerchief. Wow, you, and there is an apple! For this “miracle”, you need to remove the peel from the orange in advance and place the apple in it. When showing, squeeze the apple in orange peel, and then deftly grasp the fabric along with the peel.

Do you want to surprise the kids with new year party or matinee? Then our Christmas tricks fit perfectly. These simple tricks for children can be shown on New Year's Eve. Try to include them in your entertainment program. These simple tricks can be shown by Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, or even the children themselves.

New Year's trick - colored water

This trick is good for Santa Claus. He tells the guys that he is not just Frost, but also a wizard. And he shows tricks in which transparent water is painted in different colors.

For focus you will need:

  • 3 bottles (beautiful jars) with lids),
  • 3 gouache colors: blue, red, green,
  • 3 small pieces of sponge

Preparing for Focus

Pour ordinary water into 3 identical bottles, but not to the very top! Glue 3 small pieces of sponge to bottle caps. Apply a few drops of gouache to each sponge and carefully screw the cap onto the bottle. The sponge must not be visible from under the lid and must not touch the water!

Focus display

Santa Claus takes a bottle and says:

You are water, water is bright as frost,
Become you not transparent, become blue water!

shakes the bottle with a sponge on which blue paint has been dripped in advance. As you may have guessed, when shaken, the water washes away the paint from the sponge and turns blue.

Santa Claus takes out the second bottle and says:

You are water, water, you are my beautiful friend,
Become not transparent, become red water!

shakes the bottle again (the one with red paint on the sponge).

And the last our wizard takes out the third bottle and with the words:

You are water, water, you are my cold friend,
Become not transparent, become green water!

repeats the trick with water.

These tricks are very popular with children. This is not just a spectacular trick, but also a little magical, because it is performed by Santa Claus himself.

New Year's trick with freezing water

This trick is best practiced well before being shown to the audience. But I think it's also good for New Year's celebrations. General delight, great faith in magic and a fairy tale is produced by this trick, if it is shown by Santa Claus himself. By the way, not all adults know this trick, so it usually makes a big impression.

What you need for focus:

  • freezer with a set temperature of -18 degrees,
  • a bottle of Coca-Cola or Sprite,
  • ordinary water.

Preparing for Focus

The most important thing is careful preparation for the focus and a few successful experiments. You need to set the temperature of the freezer to minus 18 degrees. Fill a bottle with water and place in the freezer. Let's stop the time! Next, you need to monitor the process of cooling the water in the bottle. As soon as ice crystals begin to form on the surface of the water, you need to calculate how long the process lasted and take 10 minutes. Take out the bottle, open the cap and show the trick.

So, if the water began to freeze after 30 minutes, then you need to remove the bottle after 20 minutes.

How do you hit a bottle to freeze water?
You either need to put the bottle on the table with force, and then the water will begin to freeze from the bottom. Or hit sharply and quite hard (but not so much that the glass cracked!) On the bottle with a magic metal wand or knife.

Before showing the focus, you need to practice several times. It is better to carry out the trick in your apartment (or with a tested refrigerator), because the freezing time in different freezers can vary significantly.

Focus display

Santa Claus says he real frost, and can freeze the guys, and if they don’t believe, he will show it on the water (grandfather is given a pre-prepared bottle). You can pour a little water into a glass - showing the audience that the water is liquid in the bottle.
Then, with a thud, put the bottle on the table and the water begins to quickly turn into ice.

Coin Guessing Trick

This trick is also good for New Year's party. For example, Santa Claus says that he is not just an old man, but a wizard and can even see through opaque objects. He says that he can guess which coin you will hide under the cup.

What you need for focus:

  • coins of various denominations
  • tea cup with handle.

Preparing for Focus

In this trick you need an assistant. IN kindergarten it could be a teacher or a teacher at a school. The magician needs to agree in advance with the assistant on how exactly he will put the cup.

The whole trick is that the assistant puts the cup with the handle in a certain direction. For example, if the cup handle is at 12 o'clock, then there is 1 ruble, if at 3 o'clock - 5 rubles, at 6 o'clock - 50 kopecks, at 9 o'clock - you can put not a coin, but a paper bill.

Focus display

Santa Claus tells the children that he will guess which coin they will hide under the cup. You can not only turn away, but even leave the room. The assistant puts a coin under the cup and grandfather easily guesses.

I hope these New Year's tricks will make your holiday brighter and more interesting.

It's good to visit, but it's even better when it's fun to visit: everyone dances, sings, play in different games and, of course, show tricks. Do you want us to teach you how to do magic tricks too?

What a holiday without tricks!

To perform this trick, you need to take three glass jars with tight-fitting lids. A spot the size of a coin is applied to the inner surface of each lid with colored gouache. Let the paint dry, then fill the jars with water and close the lids.

The magician puts the jars on the table and asks the children what color to color the water. Then he covers the jar with the corresponding colored spot with a handkerchief and, uttering the magic words, shakes the jar vigorously several times. Under the action of water, gouache dissolves and colors it.

The magician takes off his handkerchief and shows a jar of "magic" water.

One of the spectators puts a coin on the table and covers it with an inverted cup. Then a magician comes up to the table and unmistakably determines the value of the hidden coin. They put a second coin, cover it - again the correct answer. Third, fourth, fifth - not a single mistake! How does he get it? He can't see through the cup, isn't it transparent? Well, the fact that he did not peep is absolutely certain: he stood with his back to the table all the time and even went out into another room.

So how then? That's how.

Firstly, a magician cannot do without an assistant (assistant). And secondly, they both need something to remember well. Important role when performing a trick, the position of the cup on the table plays, or rather, not even the position of the cup, but in which direction its handle is directed. For convenience of explanation, we will take the direction of movement of the hour hand as the main direction. And then everything is simple. If a 50 kopeck coin is hidden under the cup, the pen points to the right; if 1 rub. - back; 2 ruble coin under the cup - to the left; 5 rub. - forward. It may be easier for someone to remember, linking the merits of coins and the directions of the cardinal points.

We have already witnessed how one can "see" through objects. Remember the magic cup trick? Now the role of a cup will be played by a drawer or a box, and instead of coins, we will take multi-colored handkerchiefs.

The box is on the table, there are four handkerchiefs: blue, yellow, green and red. Viewers can make sure that the box is empty, there is nothing in it.

The magician explains to the audience that now he will leave, and at this time they must hide one of the handkerchiefs in the box. It doesn't matter which, anyone. The magician leaves the room, and the audience chooses a handkerchief and puts it in a box. The rest of the scarves, of course, are cleared from the table. The magician re-enters the room and unmistakably determines the color of the hidden handkerchief.

The secret is very simple, but the success of the trick depends entirely on the precise actions of your assistant. You must have a prior agreement with him. It is as follows. The surface of the table is mentally divided into four parts. Each of the resulting corners is assigned its own color: the top left is red, the top right is green, the bottom left is yellow, and the bottom right is blue.

Both the magician and his assistant need to clearly memorize the colors assigned to each part of the table, otherwise the performance of the trick will not produce the desired effect. Further, everything is very simple.

The color of the handkerchief hidden in the box is determined by its location on the table. For example, the audience selects a red handkerchief and places it in a box, and the assistant, after locking the box with a key, quietly moves it to the upper left corner of the table. But remember: it is necessary that the audience does not guess that the assistant is “working” for you. Otherwise, they will be disappointed.

The magician enters the stage and absolutely accurately names the color of the handkerchief locked in the box.

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Enchanting tricks for the New Year

New Year is the most main holiday in a year. Therefore, everyone wants to make it special, to spend it in such a way that all friends and relatives will remember the festive night. But how to do that? You can go with a noisy company to a cafe and spend it there. But it can be turned into an extravaganza and home holiday. New Year's tricks will help to do this. Learning a few tricks that would amaze the imagination and make you the center of everyone's attention and admiration is not difficult at all.

You need to stock up on patience, perseverance and the necessary props. There are many options for various simple and more complex tricks that can amaze, surprise and fascinate on New Year's Eve. We will consider the most basic and spectacular.

Features of choosing props for tricks for the New Year

They exist, and for greater effect and clarity, you should pay attention to them. There are several main ones:

  • all accessories should be bright and colorful, shiny, beautiful and intriguingly made;
  • if a set for tricks is ordered by mail, then you should do it in advance, because sometimes the goods do not arrive completely or are of poor quality;
  • try to use as much background as possible: music, serpentine, firecrackers, fire effects, fireworks;
  • the appropriate wizard costume will come in handy, especially if there are children among the audience.

A properly organized focus is already 50% successful. All of these features fascinate, give a festive and interesting look to the trick, make you especially intriguing and bright.

Before showing New Year's tricks, you should decide on each of them and rehearse well at least a month before the celebration. They should go through you automatically so that on the night of the holiday they really look like “Hurrah!”

It is possible to describe several interesting examples. These are the tricks for the New Year, which are always very popular and work perfectly with proper preparation.

  1. "Lord of Fire" A simple but very effective trick with candle fire. The bottom line is this: in front of an astonished audience, you order a burning candle to go out, and it does this in the same instant, although you are at a great distance from it. What is the secret here? The fact is that you drip ordinary clerical (silicate) glue into the recess of the candle under the wick, which blocks the paraffin and extinguishes the candle. You need to do this when you go for props. Before declaring yourself the master of fire to the guests, it will be more effective. The wick should be shortened somewhat in advance and, during your order to the candle to go out, cast some kind of spell to let it burn out to glue. Of course, you should practice first.
  2. "The ball won't burst." The bottom line: among the decorations in the house, there will certainly be balloons. In one of them you stick a needle in front of the audience, but it does not burst. We check on others - they all burst. Secret: pre-mark the ball with sticky rectangles of adhesive tape. Only transparent and very neat, imperceptible. stick them on bigger friend at a friend and poke the needle into the intersection of the duct tape. The ball will be intact. Accompany everything with the right spells and effects.

A very interesting set of tricks that can be mastered and used for the holiday can be viewed here:

These include most spectacular tricks. A good trick with these props requires preparation ahead of time and fairly thorough training. After all, you should learn how to shuffle cards beautifully, perform false withdrawals, quietly replace one with another, and so on. The easiest and most effortless trick in this category is guessing the card.

The bottom line: the spectator guesses any card from the deck and puts it on top, and you correctly guess it, despite the removal of the top part. Secret: sneakily peek at the bottom picture of the deck in advance and after choosing the viewer, remove the top part and place it on the bottom. Thus, the selected card will always be in front of the peeped one.

Really surprise. Props for every taste in the largest Focus Store.

You can complicate and, having learned a false shuffle, allegedly shuffle the cards after the choice of the viewer. This will add effect and bewilderment on the part of the public. If you purchase a Svengale deck in advance and learn how to use it, then you will win the hearts of your guests forever.

Do not immediately take on complex card tricks, it is better to start with simple ones. The main thing in this business is to practice a lot and study more videos and printed materials.

Here the imagination is unlimited. Now there are many sites and regular stores where you can buy real masterpieces of the world of tricks. Moreover, immediately with detailed instructions and training. Here are the most effective devices for New Year's Eve, that is, to perform near the public.

  1. "Transformations of banknotes". A special device, passing through which changes the denomination and appearance banknote. It does not require preparation, it is effective and the audience is delighted. An example of the action can be seen in this video:
  2. "Electric Touch". This device will allow you to surprise everyone around with its ability to charge surrounding objects with electricity. You seem to be filled with it, able to radiate.
  3. "Fire wallet". Very spectacular. The spectator guesses any card and places it in the deck. However, when scrolling through, it does not appear there. The magician takes out his wallet, opens it and a flame of fire bursts out of it. After fading, the card is found in the pocket of the purse.
  4. "Chains and locks". A set that contains the props for the chain release trick. The spectator himself can close the locks on you, and after your effective release, check everything - there is no catch!

Beware of fakes when ordering such products and be sure to practice thoroughly before performing such tricks, keeping safety in mind.

Another version of the trick involving fire can be seen here:

New Year tricks for children

Do you want to surprise children at a New Year's party or a matinee? Then our New Year's tricks are perfect. These simple tricks for children can be shown on New Year's Eve. Try including them in your entertainment program. These simple tricks can be shown by Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, or even the children themselves.

This trick is good for Santa Claus. He tells the guys that he is not just Frost, but also a wizard. And he shows tricks in which transparent water is painted in different colors.

  • 3 bottles (beautiful jars) with lids),
  • 3 gouache colors: blue, red, green,
  • 3 small pieces of sponge

Pour ordinary water into 3 identical bottles, but not to the very top! Glue 3 small pieces of sponge to bottle caps. Apply a few drops of gouache to each sponge and carefully screw the cap onto the bottle. The sponge must not be visible from under the lid and must not touch the water!

Santa Claus takes a bottle and says:

You are water, water is bright as frost,

Become not transparent, become blue water!

shakes the bottle with a sponge on which blue paint has been dripped in advance. As you may have guessed, when shaken, the water washes away the paint from the sponge and turns blue.

Santa Claus takes out the second bottle and says:

You are water, water, you are my beautiful friend,

Become not transparent, become red water!

shakes the bottle again (the one with red paint on the sponge).

And the last our wizard takes out the third bottle and with the words:

You are water, water, you are my cold friend,

Become not transparent, become green water!

repeats the trick with water.

These tricks are very popular with children. This is not just a spectacular trick, but also a little magical, because it is performed by Santa Claus himself.

This trick is best practiced well before being shown to the audience. But I think it's also good for New Year's celebrations. General delight, great faith in magic and a fairy tale is produced by this trick, if it is shown by Santa Claus himself. By the way, not all adults know this trick, so it usually makes a big impression.

  • freezer with a set temperature of -18 degrees,
  • a bottle of Coca-Cola or Sprite,
  • ordinary water.

The most important thing is careful preparation for the trick and a few successful experiments. You need to set the temperature of the freezer to minus 18 degrees. Fill a bottle with water and place in the freezer. Let's stop the time! Next, you need to monitor the process of cooling the water in the bottle. As soon as ice crystals begin to form on the surface of the water, you need to calculate how long the process lasted and subtract 10 minutes. Take out the bottle, open the cap and show the trick.

So, if the water began to freeze after 30 minutes, then you need to remove the bottle after 20 minutes.

How do you hit a bottle to freeze water?

You either need to put the bottle on the table with force, and then the water will begin to freeze from the bottom. Or hit sharply and quite hard (but not so much that the glass cracked!) On the bottle with a magic metal wand or knife.

Before showing the focus, you need to practice several times. It is better to carry out the trick in your apartment (or with a tested refrigerator), because the freezing time in different freezers can vary significantly.

Santa Claus says that he is a real Frost, and can freeze the guys, and if they don’t believe, he will show it on the water (grandfather is given a pre-prepared bottle). You can pour a little water into a glass - showing the audience that the water in the bottle is liquid.

Then, with a thud, put the bottle on the table and the water begins to quickly turn into ice.

This trick is also good for a New Year's party. For example, Santa Claus says that he is not just an old man, but a wizard and can even see through opaque objects. He says that he can guess which coin you will hide under the cup.

  • coins of various denominations
  • tea cup with handle.

In this trick you need an assistant. In a kindergarten, this could be a teacher or a teacher at a school. The magician needs to agree in advance with the assistant on how exactly he will put the cup.

The whole trick is that the assistant puts the cup with the handle in a certain direction. For example, if the cup handle is at 12 o'clock, then there is 1 ruble, if at 3 o'clock - 5 rubles, at 6 o'clock - 50 kopecks, at 9 o'clock - you can put not a coin but a paper bill.

Santa Claus tells the children that he will guess which coin they will hide under the cup. You can not only turn away, but even leave the room. The assistant puts a coin under the cup and grandfather easily guesses.

I hope these New Year's tricks will make your holiday brighter and more interesting.

Well, in the end, I want to offer you an interesting New Year's Eve video that can be very useful to you or your child!

After reading this article, you will be able to turn the tide and save your reputation as the king of parties and the favorite of the public. Children will squeal with delight, girls will open their eyes wide and look at you, and especially impressionable guys will yell “I have legs in my mouth, David Blaine, how do you do it?”

Focuses! Before you frown and figure out in your mind how difficult it is, how much you will have to train and make equipment, I hasten to reassure you - we will talk about simple, but effective and elegant tricks, and the inventory will be at your fingertips. In a word, you don’t have to cook a saw and a sawing box for any lady, and you only need to train a couple of times before the guests arrive.

1. Broken watch

Ask one of the guests for a watch. Do not be modest, choose a friend with a more expensive watch, and, having received it, put it in a bag. Step back to the table, take a hammer and hit with all your might, several times for effect. Take the bag and show your friend the pieces of glass, case and springs. While his face is in a complete daze and he is estimating how much a new watch will cost him - come to the table, take a magic wand, make passes over the bag - voila and give your friend an absolutely whole watch.

How to do: find 2 absolutely identical opaque bags at home, and smash your old broken watch with a hammer (you don’t wear it anyway), or buy a Chinese one for 50 rubles - the expression on your friend’s face is worth it.

Pour the pieces into one of the bags and hide in the drawer. Take the empty bag, put the whole clock in, and, leaning over the table, carefully place it in the drawer, and take out the bag with the pieces. Do with him as described above, and returning to the table for magic wand, bend down again and change the bag. Then a few strokes and give away a whole hour.

2. Lord of fire

Tell the guests that you are a magician and a sorcerer - the forces of fire are subject to you. While they are giggling in your face, bring a candle from the kitchen, put it on the table in front of the audience, light it and, after waiting for a significant pause, with a thunderous exclamation or gesture - whichever seems more effective to you, order the candle to go out, which it will do.

How to do: when you go to the kitchen for a candle, you need to put a few drops of silicate glue in the recess next to the wick, and also cut the wick short, otherwise you will have to shout and gesticulate for a very long time. It is advisable to try in advance on another candle in order to know exactly the extinction time.

3. Incredible striptease

Girls need to be entertained too, so tell them that you will take off the shirt of that guy in the shirt, tie and jacket in one tug without taking off the jacket and tie. The guy comes up to you, you take hold of your tie, as if straightening it, and suddenly you quickly pull your shirt out from under your jacket. Everyone is surprised, and the guy shows a naked torso.

How to do: the guy is your friend, with whom you need to agree in advance. He only puts on a shirt, but does not put it on, buttoning it only at the throat, this will not be visible under the jacket, and the tie will close the unbuttoned slit of the shirt. When he comes up to you, pretending to straighten your tie, loosen the knot a little and unfasten the button on the collar. You just have to pull on the shirt sleeve.

4. Durable ball

Take the ball from the party and report that you have made it invincible with your magic touch. Take a needle and pierce it - it will remain intact. To the astonished cries of the guests about the wrong balls in your apartment - give them the needle, let the rest pierce - they will all burst.

How to do: when decorating an apartment with balloons for a party, take one and stick crosswise strips with narrow adhesive tape, making it without wrinkles, otherwise it will be noticeable. Subsequently, taking the noticed ball, pierce it with a needle exactly at the “crossroads” - nothing will happen to the ball.

5. Magic glass

As I already wrote, the beer is finished and it becomes boring. Take a plastic disposable beer glass and dip a spoon into it. Grasp the spoon with your fingers and let go of the glass - it will remain in the air. Chat and spin them, let the audience think that either you really are a great magician, or something hallucinogenic was mixed into their beer.

How to do: prepare a glass in advance. Through the middle - skip the fishing line, the plastic walls will hide it with their ribbing, the main thing is not to show it in front of the source bright light. Make burrs on the handle of the spoon so that it clings to the fishing line. Lowering the spoon into the glass, carefully make a hook and voila - you are great and popular.

To amuse the company, you can show the audience a few simple tricks. This does not require special education, just a little training and those items that are in every home - and the success of the newly-made magician is guaranteed.

Most often, tricks have a very simple explanation, so if you have the desire, you can master them and perform them at the level of automatism, which will undoubtedly entertain the guests invited to the party.

A novice presenter must learn to show several simple tricks that will help him win the attention of the public, gain popularity and become the soul of any company.

There are many different card tricks that can be performed at parties. However, the choice of tricks with cards should be approached carefully, because clever handling of cards can remind some guests of cheating, which will cause distrust of the host.

All tricks using cards require a certain amount of dexterity and, therefore, long and hard training. But you can choose from a variety of tricks and those that are quite accessible even to beginners who have never done a trick demonstration before.

As with pranks, no special equipment is needed to demonstrate magic tricks, you can use what is available and provide a fun party for the company.

As a rule, the solution to any trick is incredibly simple, so anyone who has such a desire can master this art.

From time to time, the presenter will have to learn new tricks, because the old ones are already becoming known to the public, which therefore loses interest in them. But if a person has a passion for performing tricks, he can find sources of information and use this to improve his skills and learn new amazing tricks.

"Spoon Trick"

For this trick, you will need a clear plastic glass and a spoon. Pour water into a glass, then take a spoon and lower it into the glass with the handle down. After that, the leader slowly, pausing and concentrating, takes a spoon and raises it, and the audience gasps in amazement: the leader holds only the spoon, and the glass rises with it!

To consolidate the effect, you can put the glass in place and remove only the spoon from the water. Then repeat the trick and again raise the spoon along with the glass. Demonstrating this trick is very simple, but you don’t need to let those present examine the construction of a spoon and a glass up close, otherwise it will immediately become clear to everyone what the essence of the trick is.

Previously, in the middle of the plastic cup, you need to make two small holes, one each on two opposite sides of its walls. A thin fishing line is threaded through them, stretched, and its ends are fixed on the outside of the glass with adhesive tape. You can also glue the fishing line along the walls of the glass from the outside. Then make a small oblique burr on the handle of the aluminum spoon so that it is at the same height as the fishing line when the spoon is in the glass.

During the demonstration of the trick, the presenter can only hook the burr on the spoon to the fishing line. After that, you can raise the glass without fear, but be careful. It is important that water or another transparent liquid is poured into the glass: it will prevent it from rocking and additionally mask the fishing line and burr on the spoon.

"Fairy Ring"

In order to show this simple but effective trick, the host needs to prepare an ordinary handkerchief, a glass goblet and two identical rings, since one ring should be with the host and the other with one of those present. So that the public does not understand that a substitution has occurred, it is advisable to use wedding rings. At the beginning of the trick demonstration, the presenter ties his ring to the middle of the scarf with a silk thread.

The thread should be about 10 cm long. Then the host asks one of those present to provide his ring, which, of course, promises to return it to the owner safe and sound.

The room where this trick is played should be slightly darkened - the leader needs to take care in advance that the lighting is not very bright. When all these conditions are met, you can begin to demonstrate the focus. The presenter takes the scarf by the corners, shakes it in front of the audience, so that the illusion arises that the scarf is ordinary, without a catch. But at the same time, the side of the scarf with which the ring is tied should be turned towards the leader.

Then he needs to be shown that he is wrapping a ring borrowed from a gullible guest in a handkerchief. In fact, this is the ring that is tied to a thread. Then the presenter invites one of the spectators to take the ring through a handkerchief and hold it as tightly as possible. Usually, the owner of the ring agrees to this the fastest. He holds the ring tightly, being completely sure that this is exactly the ring that belongs to him. At the same time, the folds of the scarf hang picturesquely down. The leader draws attention to this when he places a glass on the table and asks the owner of the ring to hold his hand over the glass, and the folds of the handkerchief are neatly draped around the glass. Then the host must release the ring so that it falls into the glass and tinkles, and the audience hears it.

After that, the host takes the hat in the same hand that contains the ring taken from the guest. The fingertips should be inside the hat and hold the ring, because that's the only way he can show the audience that there is nothing in the hat. Then the hat should be put under the table and the ring should be released, which is waiting there for its “appearance on the stage”.

After that, the host only has to return to the scarf, take it by the extreme corner, utter the well-known spell, discard the scarf and get a hat with a ring, which is returned to the owner, and the host receives his portion of compliments and admiration.

"Guess the match"

Guests can be really alarmed when they find out that the host is able to read minds! However, the game is worth the candle, you can try to convince them of this and enjoy the triumph. The simplest and most affordable method is to lay out twelve matches in a row.

The host must number the first nine - write the numbers directly on them using felt-tip pens, or simply lay out a piece of paper with a number next to each match. Then the host invites those present to make one of those matches that are laid out on the table, chooses any number, for example, seventeen, and calls it to the guests.

While the audience is guessing a number, the presenter needs to calculate which match this number falls on. This is done in this way: you should simply continue the count after the ninth match, and when they come to an end, start from the first. In this case, the number seventeen falls on the fifth match. Then the leader needs to ask those present to also count the matches, and start counting from the one that corresponds to the number they conceived from one to seventeen.

The host himself, for the purity of the experiment, agrees to turn away. A few minutes later, he loudly announces that the number seventeen falls on the fifth match, which perplexes those present and raises questions about how he did it.

"Rope with a secret"

To show this trick, you need to stock up on a thin rope about 50 cm long. Then a part 10 cm long should be cut off from it, folded in half and hidden in the left fist. Having done this, you can go out to the guests and demonstrate your skills. Making an exit to the public, the presenter holds a long rope in the middle right hand, and the ends of the rope should hang down. It then needs to be transferred to left hand and press with your thumb.

The audience should not be aware that the presenter also hides a small piece of rope. To do this, only show outside left hand, the thumb of which holds a small rope. Then you need to start pulling the loop out of it with your right hand so that the audience thinks it is a long rope, and cut the loop with scissors, showing the audience the truly cut ends.

When all spectators are convinced that the rope is really cut, these ends index finger should be slowly pushed into the left fist. The host should come up with some terrible and mysterious spell in advance, which he will pronounce at the moments of "witchcraft".

Having uttered the spell, the host holds the long rope with both hands, stretches it along its entire length so that the audience can see with their own eyes that the rope has remained intact, without the slightest sign of cutting.

"Traffic in flight"

In order for this trick to be successful, you need to practice first. The host will need two corks and a glass. At the beginning of the performance, he should take the glass in his right hand, clasp its bottom and bottom, and hold the cork between the thumb and middle finger. The second cork is placed on top of the first.

After that, the host demonstrates dexterity and throws the top cork up so that it is in the glass. Having won well-deserved applause, the same should be done with the second cork. As a result, both corks are in the glass. For clarity, you can repeat the trick several times. TO

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in this, so the host invites those who wish to try to repeat this trick. There will be no shortage of those who wish, especially if you offer some kind of prize for a successful repetition.

However, after several attempts, it will become clear that not everything is so simple: only one cork always gets into the glass. Guests can even check it out and immediately pop one of the corks into the glass. However, this will not change things, the second cork will still not fall into the glass. This happens because when a person tries to toss a second cork, the glass itself jumps, as a result of which the cork that is already in it falls out.

So there is always only one cork in a glass. This raises legitimate questions, how does the host manage to perform this trick? Meanwhile, its secret is simple and lies in the fact that you should hit the cork from below ring finger just so that no one in the audience notices.


This simple trick, like all the others, requires training, not only before the performance, but also all the time, because such skills are lost very quickly. But the result will surely shock the audience, which will not expect such miracles from the presenter. In addition, the host must agree in advance with the assistant. From the inventory you should prepare a few balls not very big size. At the beginning of the demonstration, the assistant picks up a deep plate filled with balls and turns to face the audience.

The host stands next to him and begins to stroke his head. After a while, a ball appears from the assistant's mouth, which he allows the presenter to get and put on a plate, to the rest of the balls. Then he stands on the other side of his assistant and again begins to stroke his head. After a while, another ball appears from the assistant’s mouth ... The process should be repeated until the assistant “gives” to the leader certain number balls. To make it funnier and more interesting for the guests, he can pretend that every appearance of the balloon causes genuine torment in him.

The secret of the trick is quite simple: before the start of the demonstration, the assistant puts only one ball in his mouth, and the leader puts the rest in his pockets. That is, at the moment when they appear in front of the audience, the assistant already has a ball in his mouth, and the presenter slowly takes out another one from his pocket and hides it in his right hand. Therefore, you need to stroke the assistant on the head with your left hand, and when a ball appears from his mouth, do not yawn and immediately raise your right hand. This gesture will seem natural to the audience, because the presenter allegedly takes the ball. In fact, the leader carefully pushes the ball emerging from the mouth of the assistant back, and the present shows the ball that was taken out of his pocket and held in his hand.

Then it is simply laid out on a plate. The host continues to demonstrate the trick, only in a mirror image: he bypasses the assistant on the other side, and takes the second ball out of his other pocket and holds it in his other hand. In this case, he will stroke the assistant on the head with his right hand, and raise his left to his mouth to take the ball. This can be repeated until the leader has balls in his pockets.

To successfully demonstrate this trick, you need to think over the equipment. The pockets should be big enough to have more balls. It should also be easy to get the balls out of them, otherwise the audience will quickly guess what the secret of the trick is.

A magician frantically rummaging through his pockets for equipment is a sight much more ridiculous than any of his tricks!

"Mystery Cards"

In order to show this trick, twenty-one cards must be selected from the deck and shuffled, then arranged into three piles. One of those present must choose a card and show it to others, but not call it to the leader, who will guess in which pile the hidden card lies when all the cards are laid out. Then this pile must be placed between the other two and the cards laid out again.

At the same time, the public observes in which pile the hidden card will be, in order to inform about it later. The host repeats his manipulations with the piles - he puts the one where the hidden card is located between the other two and lays out the cards again. This should be repeated three times.

After that, the leader last time puts the pile with the hidden card between other piles, and counts ten cards, starting from the top. The card guessed by the audience will be the eleventh. It doesn't matter how many cards are involved in this trick. The main thing is that their number be odd and divisible by three without a remainder.

The whole process remains the same. Only if fifteen cards are used, the hidden one will be the eighth, if twenty-seven cards - the fourteenth.

"Miracle with cards"

This is one of the most popular card tricks. During the demonstration, the leader takes out any card from the deck and places it on top. Then the deck must be turned over so that the picture is at the top. Thus, the selected card will be at the bottom.

During the demonstration of the trick, the leader's thumb should be above the deck, and all other fingers should be below, protruding from the edge of the deck by about 3 cm. Thumb at the same time, it is located at a distance of 1.5 cm from the edge of the deck. Then the facilitator invites one of those present to click on the cards with their index finger, down. Because of this, the deck will fall out of the hand, except for the lowest card, which the presenter diligently holds with his finger.

For best results, you can moisten the bottom fingers, then the card will stick to them. The main thing is that it remains in the hands, turned with the picture down. Then the presenter with a clear conscience will be able to show it to the public, which will not immediately understand what the catch is.

"The Shirt Miracle"

The trick is that the presenter takes off his assistant's shirt without taking off his jacket. Your party guests will love it! The procedure must be furnished accordingly, choose the music to which you can show a striptease. Then the host calls the assistant, makes passes around him, casts spells and makes the audience laugh with his meaningful grimaces. Then you should unbutton the cuffs and collar of the assistant's shirt, then firmly grasp the collar and pull hard.

The audience will be surprised to see how the shirt ends up in the hands of the presenter, and the jacket remains on the assistant.

The secret of the trick is that the assistant prepares to show the trick: he puts on a shirt in advance, without putting his hands into the sleeves, fastens the cuffs and the two top buttons. Therefore, at the moment when the host pulls the shirt, the cuffs and collars unbuttoned at the beginning of the demonstration will allow you to safely remove the shirt from the assistant.

"Magic Clock"

With this trick, the host also gets the opportunity to demonstrate their "telepathic abilities", this time using a watch. The host takes a watch in one hand, a pencil in the other, stands in an expressive pose and informs those present that now he will guess the time that one of the spectators will think.

After the guests guess the time, the presenter begins to tap the end of the pencil on the divisions of the dial, and the person who conceived the number mentally counts the blows, starting from the number that was conceived. Having counted to twenty, he must command: “Stop!”. At this moment, the leader's pencil points exactly to the division that indicates the hidden hour.

The facilitator will have to maintain maximum attention in order for this trick to work. To do this, you need to mentally count the strokes with a pencil. First, you can hit any space seven times. The eighth strike must necessarily indicate the division that denotes 12 hours. From this place, the presenter counts the hours with a pencil, moving counterclockwise through all divisions of the dial.

This rule is not at all complicated, and if the presenter maintains concentration and does not go astray, his pencil will point exactly to the hour conceived by the guest, when he counts to twenty.

"Magic Scissors"

To carry out this trick, you must first prepare and practice. To do this, take strips of white paper, scissors, quick-drying all-purpose glue and flour.

Then the ends of the strips of paper should be smeared with glue and left for a while to dry slightly, and then sprinkle the places smeared with glue with flour. After that, they will not stick together ahead of time.

At the beginning of the demonstration, the facilitator takes two strips of paper from the table and shows them to those present, turning them in different sides to convince them that there is no trick. Then the host puts them together and cuts off a small tip, after which a witching gesture is made, an obligatory spell is pronounced, and - voila! One of the strips is released, and the admiring spectators see that as a result, one long strip of paper has been vouched for from two short strips.

It is easy to guess that the presenter folded both strips with adhesive sides. At the moment when he cut off the tip of them, the scissors in this place tightly press the areas smeared with glue from which the flour has been erased to each other. After that, the strips are glued together and turn into one long strip. The leader receives applause and well-deserved fame.

"Magic Scarf"

To show this trick, you need to find a large handkerchief, the side of which is 30 cm. At the beginning of the demonstration, the leader takes the handkerchief by the corners and shows it to those present from all sides, then collects the ends of the handkerchief in his palm, brings them to his mouth and inflates like a balloon .

Oddly enough, in front of the astonished audience, the handkerchief, like a real balloon, gradually increases in size, straightens out and turns into ... an inflated scarf. It needs to be demonstrated to the audience, to feel its elasticity with your fingers, and then, to complete the illusion, to pierce it with a needle.

To embody this illusion, the presenter will need two absolutely identical scarves, which are folded together and sewn around the entire perimeter, only a small hole is left in one corner.

The presenter puts a deflated balloon into this hole, which must be inflated several times before that, so that it stretches and inflates quickly and effortlessly. The tip of the balloon, through which it is inflated, must be left outside and must be secured with a thread, otherwise it may slip inside, and you will have to cut the handkerchiefs to get it.

During the demonstration of the trick, the presenter should cover this corner and prevent the audience from touching the inflated handkerchief.

"Money doesn't smell"

The meaning of the trick is that the presenter must calculate among the coins the one that someone held in their hands for several seconds. To demonstrate this trick, the presenter calls an assistant from among those present.

You also need to prepare a saucer and several metal coins of any denomination. The host shows the saucer and coins to the audience so that they make sure that there is no catch in this. Then he hands the saucer to the assistant and invites him to choose one of the coins. The task is announced to everyone: the host himself goes into the next room, after which the assistant should take this coin and rub it in his palms for 30 seconds. This would allegedly cause the coin to emit its own specific smell - "the smell of money". Then the assistant will return this coin on a saucer, mix it with the rest of the money, the host can be called to show his abilities.

This must be done quickly, while the coin "smells", which may disappear. Then the presenter takes the saucer in his hands, diligently sniffs at all the coins lying there, which causes laughter and tense expectation of those present, and after that, naturally, finds the right one. The whole secret of the trick is that the metal heats up easily and retains heat for a while. A coin that was even held in the hands for a short time becomes warm and in this way differs from others lying in a saucer.

To determine one warm coin among several cold coins, the presenter may not even touch them with his hands: sniffing them, he lightly touches them with the tip of his nose, so that no one notices this, and easily finds the right coin. It is advisable to show this trick once or take a long break so that the coin has time to cool.

If the weather is very hot, it is better not to demonstrate, because the risk of making a mistake increases.

"Just a miracle"

This "miracle" is really very simple to implement. To do this, put on the table egg. Then the presenter asks the audience a question: will any of the guests be able to put this egg upright?

Guests may not immediately realize that this is impossible, but after a few failed attempts to complete the task, they will still come to this conclusion. After that, the leader takes on a triumphant look, puts the egg on the table, it, of course, lies horizontally.

The leader then does flick by spinning it clockwise. While the egg rotates, in front of the surprised spectators, it gradually rises vertically and remains in this position until it stops.

The secret of this trick is very simple. To implement it, you need to take a raw egg and pierce small holes at both ends so that it flows out. As a result, it becomes very light, well untwisted. However, it still doesn't hurt to practice a little before the demo.

"Wonderful Ball"

First, the host must show the guests two empty transparent glasses. Then he lowers a small bright ball into one of them and raises the glasses up. You can demonstrate passes, cast spells.

Then the presenter gestures to the audience as if there is water in a glass without a ball, which, of course, amuses the audience themselves. And the presenter, offended by such distrust, pretends to pour non-existent water from a glass without a ball into a glass with a ball.

Much to the surprise of the audience, the ball at the same time gradually rises higher and higher in the glass, as if water is actually being poured into it! At the moment when the ball rises to the very top of the glass, the host puts it on the table, transfers the ball to another glass and repeats the trick to convince those present that this is a skill, and not an accident.

When the audience is convinced of this, the presenter removes the ball, and puts the glasses upside down to prove that there is no water there. The explanation for this trick is elementary. To do this, the leader must use a thin thread that connects the ball to his suit in such a way that nothing interferes with the movement of the ball.

At the moment when the water "overflows" from one glass to another, the leader's hands are pushed forward a little. At the same time, the thread is pulled, and the ball rises higher. The fact that it will sway will only enhance the effect of the pop-up ball.

"Wonderful Coin"

First, the facilitator shows the audience a simple faceted glass filled with water. Then he covers the glass with a handkerchief, lowers it down and makes passes over it with his free hand, at the same time uttering incantations, after which he pulls the handkerchief from the glass with a menacing look.

An unexpected picture appears before the eyes of the audience: a coin lying at the bottom of a glass. This trick has a very simple explanation: the coin is pre-attached to the glass, glued to the bottom from the outside with adhesive tape.

When water is poured into the glass, the coin is not visible from the side at all, but if the presenter is still not sure, he can show the glass at a short distance at the beginning of the demonstration without bringing it to the guests. Then the glass seems empty. Then the angle changes: looking into the glass from above, you can see a coin at the bottom.

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