The scam is not what it seems. But the farther, the more distinctly the satirical notes sound in this festive description of a false-illusory splendor.


Nevsky Prospekt has never seen a 1st class State Counselor of the Russian Federation without pants.
On the afternoon of July 8, I saw.
Semi-Nude Class Chin
turned out to be the head of the apparatus of the vice-governor Mokretsov, Valentin Vereshchaka.
The best detectives of St. Petersburg are thrown to the solution.
FSB intervention not ruled out
- the service portfolio of an important functionary of Smolny is empty,
in the hospital, he muttered the alarming word "Luhansk".
On the morning of July 9, the embarrassment was reported to the governor.

Agree, march a man without pants in the heat of the day
from the corner of Bolshaya Morskaya and Kirpichny lane to the intersection of Nevsky with Bolshaya Morskaya
- the act is absolutely hussar.
Even Gogol, who wrote enthusiastically about the main prospect of Petersburg,
didn't think of that.
What's after that "Nose"?
State Councilor 1st class,
Valentin Vereshchaka, chief of staff of Vice-Governor Mikhail Mokretsov, succeeded.

It happened at 2:30 p.m. on July 8.
Now the official will rightfully enter the pantheon of legends of Nevsky Prospekt,
where the real and the fantastic are inseparably united.

The girl froze near the house 9/13 on Bolshaya Morskaya.

She, however, like numerous passers-by, was attracted by the original appearance men.
Partly, he was in a solid suit.
Sometimes, no pants.
But she was not dumbfounded, the smartphone was in her hand.

About ten minutes later, the gentleman was helped to close the lower part of the body by doctors.
The ambulance pulled up.

All the same, clarifying information was given to Fontanka not without hassle.

The second to understand what happened were the doctors.
As our publication explained in the Bureau of accidents of the city:
“The call came at 14.37, they took the client from house 9 on Bolshaya Morskaya.
At 16.30 the man was taken to the Research Institute. Dzhanelidze".
The hospital confirmed the diagnosis:
thermal burns of the upper limbs,
brain concussion, hematomas on the left cheekbone.

- The smell of alcohol, placed in the burn unit, not subject to interrogation,
- treasury added in the emergency room.

Fontanka also confirmed that
that assistance was provided specifically to Valentin Grigorievich Vereshchaka from Smolny.

Vereshchak turned out to be a responsible worker.

A telephone message about the incident was received by the duty unit of the 28th police department of the Central District.

It also indicated the place of work.
For every "fireman" they called upstairs.
Little was understood there, but the police instinct suspected a scandal.
They left to clarify the nuances best forces Criminal Investigation Department.
Forces quickly arrived on the scene,
visited an apartment in a house at the corner of Bolshaya Morskaya and Kirpichny Lane, which was not yet known to us.

For a clue, we turned to the head of the Criminal Investigation Department of St. Petersburg, Igor Paradeev.

What happened this afternoon on Bolshaya Morskaya?

Petersburg is a big city, you can’t remember everything,
- evasively answered the chief detective of the city.

Was Valentin Vereshchaka injured there today?

Paradeev was silent.

Igor Petrovich, do you confirm?

I confirm
- Slower than usual, the colonel answered.

Other police officers
share additional juicy details incident.

However, according to the operatives of the Central District,
there are chances to add even more conspiracy to the mysterious story.

You yourself say that his portfolio is empty.
And doctors talk about burns and beatings.
Moreover, we were told that the official in hospital delirium mentioned the city of Luhansk
You can not discard the version of torture.
But what documents the attacker was interested in should be dealt with in counterintelligence,
the employee commented.

And yet it was clear to us
how those around us in the office of our interlocutor had fun.

In the office of Vice-Governor Mikhail Mokretsov, on July 9, they answered us,
that "Valentin Grigorievich just hasn't come to work yet."
Later it became known that yesterday the official went on vacation.

According to Fontanka, late on the evening of July 8, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
notified the chairman of the legality committee,
law enforcement and security Leonid Bogdanov about the mysterious incident on Bolshaya Morskaya.

In particular, he worked in the personnel departments of the apparatus
Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Northwestern Federal District,
served as head of department public service and personnel of the Federal Tax Service
and Head of the Department of State Civil Service
Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
In particular, in the Federal Tax Service and the Ministry of Defense, Valentin Vereshchaka
worked with Mikhail Mokretsov and Anatoly Serdyukov.

In November 2013, Vereshchak replaced the deputy chairman of the head of the committee
on state control, use and protection of monuments of Vyacheslav Lunev,
retired due to reaching retirement age.
Recently, he again became the chief of staff of Vice-Governor Mikhail Mokretsov.

At the end of the second part, conditionally divided into two segments, "The Enchanted Place" and "Viy", we were briefly told about further events. Consequently, there was no particular reason to worry about the fate of Nikolai Vasilyevich, whose lifeless body was found in the ill-fated church. Yes, and the film cannot do without the title character, not to mention the fact that Gogol, according to the plot, has not yet begun to write unfading masterpieces, including stories from the collection Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka. And yet, the tension is enormous! Doctor-pathologist Bomgart, imbued with friendly feelings for an intelligent guest from the capital, refuses to perform an autopsy, without thereby fulfilling the direct order of Mr. Binh. Alexander Khristoforovich himself has a serious reason to believe that the funeral of a stranger who became an indirect culprit in the death of several girls threatens to provoke spontaneous unrest of the local population, and even, what’s good, a riot ... When the unfortunate interrogator, placed in a coffin and already buried in the ground, comes into consciousness, the suspense reaches its climax. The image of a noseless man, who pretty much made me laugh when reading the famous satirical story, this time evokes horror.

It is easy to guess that such a plot does not bode well. Having come to life, at the cost of incredible efforts, he got out of the grave (1), barely regaining consciousness, Nikolai Vasilievich immediately ends up in the neighborhood on charges, if not of reincarnation as the Dark Horseman, then at least of aiding the infernal murderer. The angry mob intends to punish the arrested person, and the head of the police department, of course, is unable to prevent the unauthorized reprisal ... Here the viewer is in for another surprise, which, however, will not be a surprise for those who patiently sat through the session of the previous tape to the end. Effectively appearing, Guro quickly pacifies the vigilantes - and takes the further course of the investigation under personal control. Oleg Menshikov, no doubt, has a lot of talent - and you can’t refuse the ability to hold the attention of the public. However, in this case, his (and the director's) calculation turned out to be, I think, not irreproachable. The manner of existence chosen by the artist on the screen in a semi-mocking manner, with an invariable ironic smirk and sarcastic comments on every occasion, in my opinion, does not harmonize too much with the gloomy, enveloping mystical atmosphere ... Roughly speaking, it destroys the suspense diligently pumped up by the director. However, the indicated shortcoming (which, by the way, was absent in Gogol. Viy, partly because it seemed to me best movie in the trilogy) to a certain extent compensates for the development of vicissitudes, which hardly anyone will be able to accurately foresee.

The authors put the reviewers, frankly, in an awkward position. On the one hand, I do not want to deprive potential viewers of the pleasure of finding out the secrets on their own - and not only the secret of the identity of the notorious Dark Horseman, who remains invulnerable to a bullet and a saber strike! But on the other hand, it is precisely the unexpected (completely unexpected, forcing us to see events in a new light) plot twists, one after another dumbfounding the public as the denouement inexorably approaches, that are perceived almost as the main justification for everything. ambitious project. And this is not about the desire to exclusively stun the audience, not allowing them to come to their senses until the moment when the lights come on in the hall. To stun - not in order to stun ... Yegor Baranov and the team of film writers figured it out - did they intuitively catch it? - one of the core features of the postmodernist method, which they began to adapt with rare zeal to the Russian (Little Russian) cultural soil. Witty exchanges with literary heritage(acquaintance of the writer with the prototypes of his as yet unwritten works), the mixing of everyday life with miracles and superstitions, the mutual penetration of reality and nightmarish visions - now this will not seem enough! For some time now, an artist has been required to reflect (at least try to reflect) reality in its immanent complexity, multidimensionality, diversity ...

By the way, moral relativism is a particular consequence of the above premise - the rejection of strict division actors into "positive" and "negative". Nikolai Vasilyevich could not even imagine that the maxim voiced in Nevsky Prospekt (“Everything is a lie, everything is a dream, everything is not what it seems!”) Will become so widespread in the 21st century - it will be elevated almost into a universal aesthetic and philosophical principle. It's not even that a noble nature is actually capable of hiding true, very base motives, and a walking embodiment of evil will suddenly change under the influence of a high feeling. It is understood that in a bizarre way everyday circumstances develop, under the influence of which an individual is formed from an early age. And if there is also Divine intervention (for example, in the form of unique witchcraft abilities sent down from above) ... The climax, which makes one recall not so much Gogol's prose as Stephen King's (at least the novel "Inflammatory Look", also known from a good film version of Mark L. Lester with young Drew Barrymore as Charlie), illustrates all this as clearly as possible. Here it is just right to be surprised that evil is defeated, no matter what. It is also true that there is no evil without good. The shock is soon replaced by a surge of inspiration - and the stories that came out from the pen of the master of literature captivate the regulars of St. secular salons. This is where I should have put an end (more precisely, an ellipsis) ... The afterword, which disturbed the shadow of the sun of our poetry (and the assistant, young Mikhail Lermontov, looks even more ridiculous), does not seem very appropriate, for some reason translating everything into a joke. If the creators decide to start shooting new pictures of the cycle, let's hope that the idea does not slip into an outright parody.

1 - The fragment unwittingly evokes associations with canonical zombie horror footage.

    Saint Petersburg- symbol European Russia. It is called the northern capital of our country. The city was built on the Neva River, which is why this great river is called the cradle of St. Petersburg. It not only predetermined the emergence of a port city, but became the basis of a three-dimensional composition. The main squares face the Neva northern capital. One of the warships - the cruiser "Aurora" - found "eternal parking" here. The Neva, remaining the main "avenue", divided the city into parts, which were initially connected by temporary crossings, then by floating bridges. There are eight drawbridges across the Neva, each of which is a complex, and sometimes unique, engineering and architectural structure. Palaces, mansions, temples, tenement houses in the city center - they all have their own unique history. The city is decorated with many unique monuments. The architectural crown of the Northern capital is Palace Square. It is she who dominates the historical center of St. Petersburg. And precious in themselves, the highly artistic interiors of the Hermitage buildings preserve priceless creations of the human genius of all times and peoples. Since ancient times, poets, writers, artists aspired to this city, as it was the literary and cultural center of Russia. And it is not surprising that N.V. Gogol also dreamed of coming to St. Petersburg.

Gogol in St. Petersburg

    In 1828 Gogol graduated from the gymnasium. Ahead - freedom, Petersburg, service. In December, the young man goes to the capital. And finally, Petersburg, the city, which seemed to him majestic, immense, completely unlike anything else. "My God! Knock, thunder, shine, four-story walls pile up on both sides; ... the bridges trembled; carriages flew; cabbies, postilions shouted ... "This is how the blacksmith Vakula saw the capital from the story" The Night Before Christmas "This is how Gogol probably imagined Petersburg. But the reality was not like a fairy tale. “Petersburg seemed to me not at all what I thought,” Gogol wrote to his mother in disappointment on January 3, 1829. “I imagined him more beautiful and more magnificent.”

  • Why, then, did N.V. Gogol become disillusioned with this city, but nevertheless devoted a whole cycle of Petersburg Tales to it? Maybe Nevsky Prospekt will answer this question for us?

    The basis of "Nevsky Prospect", as well as the entire cycle "Petersburg Tales", was based on the impressions of Gogol's life in St. Petersburg. The years of Gogol's life in Petersburg passed. The city struck him with pictures of deep social contradictions and tragic social contrasts. Behind the external brilliance of the capital, the writer more and more clearly distinguished the soullessness and predatory inhumanity of the octopus city, destroying the living souls of small, poor people, inhabitants of attics and cellars. And now the capital presented itself to Gogol no longer as a slender, strict bulk, but as a bunch of “houses thrown one on top of the other, thundering streets, seething commercialism, this ugly bunch of fashions, parades, officials, wild northern nights, brilliance and low colorlessness.” It was this Petersburg that became the main character Petersburg stories Gogol.

  • Let's walk along the avenue together with Gogol. Listen to the intonation of the author's narration: "There is nothing better than Nevsky Prospekt, ... What does this beautiful street of our capital not shine with! .."

  • What was the first thing you felt in these episodes?

  • What is the function of this episode in the whole story?

    Pay attention to the magnificent satirical device Gogol - to expose human complacency and insignificance. In fashionable frock coats, brilliant uniforms, in thousands of hats, dresses, noble arrogance, swagger, stupidity and vulgarity are put on display for the reader. Careless idleness is the main feature of this street. “If you only go up to Nevsky Prospekt, it already smells like one festivity.”

  • “But there is another side of the street. It opens in the early Petersburg morning, when Nevsky Prospekt is filled with completely different figures.

  • - Depicting Nevsky Prospekt at different times of the day, Gogol characterizes the social strata of St. Petersburg. Nevsky Prospekt for Gogol is the personification of the whole of St. Petersburg, a city of contrasts.

  • But the farther, the more distinctly the satirical notes sound in this festive description of a false-illusory splendor.

  • The stories that happened to Piskarev and Pirogov are two main plot episodes, two parts of the overall picture of Nevsky Prospekt and St. Petersburg. They give a vivid idea of ​​the complexity of the paintings in St. Petersburg, of the vigilance and sharpness of the writer's artistic vision.

    1. Follow and tell how Piskarev's romantic illusions fail. 2. What is the significance of traits in his story? romantic irony, fiction, grotesque? 3. What is the semantic role of Piskarev's dream? 4. What is the tragic meaning of Piskarev's story? Why does the author lead him to commit suicide? 5. Tell the story of Lieutenant Pirogov. 6. What is her compositional role in a story? 7. What role do Schiller and Hoffmann play in Pirogov's story? What is the author's irony and grotesque manifested here? 8. Can Pirogov's story be considered a triumphant farce? Argument your opinion. 9. Prove that Gogol's story is autobiographical and reflects his religious performances about morality and ethics.

  • At the end of the story, Gogol again returns to Nevsky Prospekt to tear off his beautiful covers and express all his hatred for the city with its venality and indifference to everything beautiful and to man. Petersburg in Gogol's story appears as a city of duality. The writer emphasizes the contradiction between its appearance and essence.

Lesson summary

    The story affirms the author's idea that one cannot live only with romantic illusions, believe in pipe dreams. They will inevitably be destroyed by life itself. In life, there is a constant struggle between good and evil, darkness and light, and you need to learn to distinguish between them, to understand that a lot in life is a deception, an illusion. As on Nevsky Prospekt, in our life it is “the demon who lights the lamps in order to show everything not in its real form.” Only the grotesque, fantasy, which restore and expose the deep truth and contribute to its understanding, can return everything to its true form.

Literature lesson in grade 8

"All is a lie, all is a dream, all is not what it seems"

(based on N.V. Gogol's story "Nevsky Prospekt")

Target : the formation of cultural competence, to consider the features of the style of N.V. Gogol.


  • Tutorials: to acquaint students with the peculiarities of the sound of the theme of St. Petersburg, to teach to analyze the text through subject details;

develop a sense of responsibility for their actions.

Equipment: a portrait of the writer, illustrations for the story by D. Kordovsky, L. Podlyasskaya, postcards of modern St. Petersburg.

1. Teacher's word:

In December 1828, N.V. Gogol, together with F.S. Danilevsky, one of his closest friends, came to St. Petersburg. Petersburg - amazing city. As a symbol of the power of Russia and its unfading glory, it was sung by poets of the 18th and 19th centuries. And so Gogol experienced the same feelings as the blacksmith Vakula, who ended up in St. Petersburg ("The Night Before Christmas"). Then other impressions piled up on these impressions. Petersburg turned to Gogol on the other side - daytime, everyday. He saw this side when, in search of service, he looked closely at the officials. The writer's shock was so strong that for a long time he could not bring himself to write a letter home. Behind the external brilliance of the capital, the writer more and more clearly distinguished the soullessness and inhumanity of the octopus city, destroying the living souls of small, poor people, inhabitants of attics and basements. And now the capital presented itself no longer as a slender, austere bulk, but as a cluster of “houses thrown one on top of the other, thundering streets, seething commercialism, this ugly heap of fashions, parades, officials, wildnorthern nights, low brilliance andcolorlessness "(V. G. Belinsky).

It was such a city that became the main character of the St. Petersburg stories of N.V. Gogol.

2. A student's message about the creative history of Petersburg Tales.

"Petersburg Tales" is a conditional term, the author himself did not give them such a name. This name was given by writers (the place of action is St. Petersburg, the place of writing stories is in St. Petersburg). The image of Petersburg is the hero of the cycle. The cycle includes "Nevsky Prospekt", "Portrait", "Notes of a Madman", "The Nose" and "The Overcoat". They were written over the course of 10 years (1831-1842). By construction, they represent a series of plots related paintings, and each of the stories depicts one or more aspects of the life of St. Petersburg in the 30s.

3. Research work with text.

1. Vocabulary work.

Lexical comment: frock coat, tailcoat, salop, phantasmagoria, damask, reticule, capuchin.

Historical word commentdenoting ranks and ranks and their hierarchy in the table of ranks: titular councilor, court councilor, collegiate registrar, clerk, chamberlain, real state councillor.

2.Working with text.

What is the main object of the image in the story?

(Almighty Nevsky Prospekt).

Tell us about the life of Nevsky Prospekt (early morning until 12 o'clock; noon; by two o'clock).

(We have a front window in front of us, and we see not people, but masks ...

Sideburns, mustaches, thousands of varieties of hats, dresses, scarves, ladies' sleeves ...

The main exhibition of all the best works person.)

Are there human characters here?

Describing the crowd of the idle Nevsky Prospekt, Gogol does not reveal the characters of the townsfolk, does not give their inner experiences. This special reception, the essence of which is that the author takes only one feature of the appearance or toilet and brings the characterization of the hero to the grotesque.

Acquaintance with a new literary term.

Grotesque - a bright artistic and expressive means, a favorite satirical prem of N.V. Gogol, which helps to expose human complacency and insignificance, swagger (importance), stupidity and vulgarity.

Grotesques were called frescoes, which were found during the excavations of grottoes of the 15th-16th centuries, where the stem of the plant passes into human face or a terrible face.

Grotesque - this is a combination of the incompatible, a kind of comic, combining in a fantastic form the terrible and the funny, the ugly and the sublime, the funny here is inseparable from the terrible, sinister.

Grotesque is a deliberate caricature, convention, exaggeration to the point of ugliness. (Example: D. Swift "Gulliver's Travels").

And therefore, along Nevsky Prospekt, it is not people who move along the street, but “whiskers, satin, black as sable mustaches, which are wrapped at night with vellum paper, ladies' sleeves, similar to balloons. With this technique, the writer further emphasizes the conventionality and illusory nature of St. Petersburg life. Petersburg is a city where things give value to a person, not thoughts and feelings.

Let's return to the life of Nevsky Prospekt. Three o'clock strikes, and the exhibition ends, the crowd thins out (a story about officials).

From 4 o'clock Nevsky is empty ...

Nevsky Prospect for the writer personifies the whole of St. Petersburg and includes all the contrasts of life.

And at dusk we see a lot of young people for the most part single, and among the walkers we meet the artist Piskarev and Lieutenant Pirogov.

3. Comparative characteristics of the heroes.

Tell us about Piskarev ( creative history artist, his main features).

What touches us the fate of the artist?

(His love for beauty, painful experiences associated with the contradiction of the ideal and reality).

Analyze a meeting with a beautiful stranger.

(The artist Piskarev has an ideal: beauty. He is passionately in love with beauty. He is a dreamer, a romantic, his best dreams merged with the image of a stranger. Shocked by the appearance of the girl, he created an IDEAL IMAGE in his imagination. Charming, beautiful, she is like a vision descended from the picture of a great master. One glance or a smile of a beauty awakened conflicting thoughts, dreams, hopes in his soul. But the beauty turns out to be an inhabitant of a "disgusting brothel." The author once again reminds us that on Nevsky Prospekt "everything is not what it seems"

Remember Piskarev's dream (from the words "Imbued with tearing pity .."

Why did Piskarev die?

(He died unable to endure the "eternal strife of dream with materiality." He could not fight evil.)

Did he try to fight?

(Piskarev dies, convinced of the collapse of his illusions, of the selfishness and venality of the society around him. Nevsky Prospekt ruined a beautiful stranger. “A crowd of stars, crosses and all sorts of advisers pushed her onto the path of debauchery.”

Only the arrogant, stupid and self-satisfied lieutenant Pirogov succeeds.

Tell us about Pirogov.

What society did you belong to?

What are Pirogov's talents?

What brought him to Piskarev?

(Initially wanted to file a complaint with State Council, but went into a candy store, ate two puff pastry, I read something in the newspaper ... And in the evening I was already famously dancing a mazurka in a meeting of officials and officers.)

Conclusion: if Piskarev, as a dreamer who lived outside of reality, opposed the main street, the “beauty street”, with its secular crowd, snobbishly displaying their magnificent frock coats and sideburns, then Pirogov is a product of this street, he is an ordinary participant in the “exhibition” of self-satisfied vulgarity.

What is the connection between these two stories?

(Both ended up on Nevsky Prospekt, both fell in love, although each understood love in his own way. One consoled himself, the other tried to escape into the world of sweet dreams, and then committed suicide.)

4. The result of the lesson.

At the end of the story, the author returns to Nevsky Prospekt to tear off the beautiful veils from it and express his hatred for the corrupt city, indifferent to everything beautiful, to man. “Oh, don’t believe this Nevsky Prospekt!..”

What did you take away from this story?

(It is very important to remain a living person, not to lose your face, your integrity. Not to be a mask in the understanding of others.)

Homework:write a discussion about real life (based on impressions from the story "Nevsky Prospekt").

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