Training online club dances for women girls. Learning to dance modern dances at home


People who are seriously interested in how to learn to dance in a club, it's hard not to envy. The search for the answer to the question is a strong proof of free time, which they spend a lot of fun.

At the core good dance lies musical composition. In any city there are a huge number of nightclubs. Pops in them sounds occasionally, in the first place is Electonic music. Many do not know how to move the body when an electronic musical composition is playing. They sit at a table and drink liquor in anticipation of a suitable motive.

There are two ways to solve the problem. The first involves changing own attitude to the music played in the clubs. The second suggests finding a nightclub where the DJ works according to the wishes of the crowd.

Modern club youth, contrary to loyalty to the popular musical styles, enthusiastically meets retro sets and intelligently remade pop music.

DJs strive to satisfy the wishes of young people, and administrators worry about attendance at venues. find night club with the right music, it's easy. But, another question arises - “how to dance to it”?

Step by step action plan

  • Start by getting to know popular club music. Download some songs and listen for a few days. The player will help. Accompany the audition with dancing. Let it sound when you work or communicate.
  • You will have a few favorite works and decide own direction. If you want to move while the music is playing, do it for pleasure. You can't force yourself.
  • Then move on to more active activities. Visit a nightclub and take a closer look at the dance floor. Surely, there is a dancer on it, whose movements will appeal to you. It remains to adopt them imperceptibly.
  • After such a “sally”, pay special attention homework. At home, carefully work out the movements borrowed from an experienced dancer. Try to improvise, because the character and atmosphere of the dance depends on the DJ and the dancers.
  • Over time, learn to dance well. If this seems not enough, sign up for a dance school and take your skills to the next level.

you will achieve great success in the club, if you loosen up and feel how to control your own body. Sometimes a person is not given to become a dancer. I think there are only a few. Almost every nightclub lover can conquer the pinnacle of club dancing.

Many guys want to learn how to dance cool in clubs because they don't want to look ridiculous in front of their friends. Even people who occasionally drop into nightclubs dance perfectly if they follow the rules.

Club dances are diverse, it is not difficult to choose the right style that will allow you to look decent on the dance floor.

You can bring originality and originality to the style by successfully combining elements of various dances.

Professional dance schools

  1. Lessons in the direction that you choose yourself will teach you to dance, introduce you to people, help you lose a few kilograms, strengthen physical health and have fun.
  2. Constant training will teach you to relax, make movements free and relaxed. If there was stiffness and constraint, such ballast will pass.
  3. Choose your school carefully. If you like a certain option, be sure to visit free lesson, inspect dance hall and chat with teachers.
  4. You won't be able to dance professionally right away. It will take no more than ten lessons to prepare for dancing at the disco. Just repeat the movements learned in the lesson at home.

Workouts for guys at home

  1. If there is no time for dance school, train at home. In terms of effectiveness, homeschooling is slightly worse. The main thing is the desire to learn to dance.
  2. On the Internet there is wide selection training videos, watching which you will learn the secrets of professional dancers.
  3. During home workouts, constantly look at yourself in the mirror to control the movements and make them perfect. One home schooling is not enough, it will take constant practice on the real site.

Lesson for beginners

How should a guy behave in a club?

  1. If you hit a club, try to relax. Don't think that dancing will be unfashionable. Release emotions and have fun. It will turn out to move beautifully if the movements are relaxed and confident.
  2. Listen to the rhythm on the dance floor. Strive to match his movements. Improvise. If you constantly dance in a pattern, it will quickly get boring.
  3. Only a person with a flexible body and excellent plasticity dances beautifully. Keep fit by exercising and exercising.

By using simple recommendations any guy quickly learn to dance. If you manage to put your soul into the dance, the fair sex will surely shower you with admiring glances. Beautiful dance help you get to know your body better inner world.

Club dances are striking in variety. They help girls make contact with guys, which often leads to the beginning of a romantic relationship. Some fashionistas try to stand out from the crowd with the help of dancing, moving attractively and gracefully.

Let's imagine that you are in a beautiful nightclub. You are sitting at a table, drinking tequila, your favorite musical composition starts playing. Under the influence of incomprehensible forces, you slowly rise and move towards the dance floor. What's next?

  • Listen carefully to the rhythm. If you manage to imbue them, the dance will turn out elegant and graceful. A person who is out of rhythm brings disharmony to the site.
  • Let go of your insecurities and relax. Uninhibited movements look beautiful. During the dance, have fun without stuffing your head with thoughts.
  • The first movements are always slow. In the first measure, do not swing your arms, such movements are very tiring. towards the middle dance program you will get tired.
  • During the dance, it is not recommended to shoot with your eyes to the sides. In nightclubs, use this weapon with care.
  • Do not copy the movements of other dancers. Dare to improvise, make the movements original and unique.

I will add that only girls with a flexible and plastic body can move beautifully. If a everyday life not very active, at work you have to sit at the table for hours, the reaction of the body to going to the club can be unpredictable. It's easy to avoid this. Do it daily morning exercises and stick healthy lifestyle life.

Video tutorial for beginners

Based on personal experience, I note that the girls behave on the dance floor more relaxed and free. Sometimes there are shy people. If you are one of them, enroll in a dance school. By attending classes, under the guidance of a teacher, you will get rid of complexes and free your body.

Benefits of dancing

Any girl wants her leisure time to be rich, interesting and useful. Many of the fair sex attend a dance school. Very good, because this is the key to a strong physical and mental health.

According to doctors, dancing should be practiced regardless of profession, age and gender. Movement tones blood vessels, muscles and joints, which has a positive effect on well-being. Scientists have proven that people who regularly attend dance classes or dancing houses, have strong immunity and a stable metabolism.

Dancing classes contribute to the disappearance of problems associated with the spine. Posture becomes perfectly even. If you are interested,

In the section Club dances are collected free videos lessons in this area. Club dances are a combination of different dance styles which are performed in nightclubs, bars and discos. The rhythm sets dance direction. The club dance style makes it possible to harmoniously combine various dance techniques popular in nightclubs, such as go-go, electro, breakdance, hip-hop, RnB, and many others. Club dance training is always relevant for both girls and guys. Learning club dances from online video lessons will be useful for both beginners and more experienced dancers. You can watch video lessons from the category Club dances for free at any convenient time. Some video lessons on club dances are attached Additional materials for learning which can be downloaded. Happy learning!

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The general passion for sports is a great fashion trend, but there is a great alternative to fitness and the gym - teaching girls to dance. This is really a way out for those who do not like sports, prefer femininity, but want to be in excellent physical shape.

And it 's enough to watch the dances of the girls , videos , to appreciate their physical form . Because the cool dances of girls are the result of many activities, and each of them gives a significant, albeit mild, load on the muscles. Dance movements for girls will not provide you with "cubes" not for the press, but they will make the body toned, give the muscles elasticity, and the figure - feminine, beautiful outlines.

What are the best dances to do?

Today, teaching girls to dance is possible in any direction. It can be :
club styles - very popular dances for girls of all ages;
popular directions;
ballroom - if you want to beautifully perform not only fast, but also slow dance, girls sign up here;
hip-hop - learning to dance from scratch and conquer the dance floor;
modern dances, lessons for beginner girls - choreography in a new, more complex and attractive form ;
oriental dances (girls) - the name speaks for itself.
What dances are best for girls? Any - folklore, ballroom or modern dances of girls, who have been trained professionally are of great benefit.

Why are they useful dancing?

Any dance for beginner girls is an opportunity to keep yourself in good physical shape. Dancing for weight loss is the best option, since it is active, aerobic (. Plus - sparing, but on the muscles. And also, if you watch the video training for girls, you can notice the excellent posture of the dancers and the beauty of their every movement. Therefore, to be beautiful , slender, self-confident - discover modern dances, come to the lessons for beginner girls.

The best dances for girls: what is the use of movements?

The process of turning a girl into a girl is a special period. And it was during this period that dancing for girls is especially necessary - for a full-fledged physical, psycho-emotional development . Passion for sports at this age can adversely affect the body, due to too much physical exertion. But group dance classes are just what you need.

What will dance for girls

A lot of things . Regardless of which dances the girls dance, they get the necessary physical activity. Plus - flexibility, plasticity, beautiful posture. But that's not all, dances for girls, the list of which is long, allow you to purchase:
self confidence ;
high self-esteem - if these are cool dances for girls;
acting skills;
harmonious development of a sense of style;
the ability to express one's feelings and emotions;
skill to interact with others - a dance school for girls involves group classes, collective performances.

The best dances of girls are those that develop harmoniously. Modern dance styles for girls are many directions, so there will be no problems with the choice. What kind of dance should a girl do? Hip-hop, club, break dance, contemporary ... And each style is good, in its own way.

Where to learn to dance?

You can learn to dance in Moscow in many schools, but not all of them can provide a decent level of education. You can even find open modern dance lessons for girls, videos that will give you basic knowledge. But remember that a girl in a dance studio will get much more than at independent learning . Moreover, dance training for beginner girls should be professional- an incorrectly memorized base is difficult to correct and slows down progress. Therefore, it is worth choosing the school in which real professionals are engaged in teaching.

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