Originals. What is "original"? The original in the world of fanfiction


Hitchhiking to Woodstock

Hmm... I think this could be included in the Grass Bill. So to say "Service" terminology))

I don't understand the term "Original" at all. Can someone explain it to me? How is the "original" different from those books that are sold in stores? Or all sorts of Harry Potters, Lords of the Rings, Goldfish and others are also "Originals"? What is the difference between Vasya Pupkin's "Original" and the Canon on which fan fiction is written.
Personally, I don't see them. It always seemed to me that "Original Maxi Size" is a novel. Mini story.

But in general. Terminology is terminology. So the investigator must know the terminology of "Fikrayters"

Fundamentals of fanfiction.
Fanficliterary work, generated by the author's interest in the canon.

Fandom (Fandom)- the name of an anime, movie, book, TV series or anything else, from where the author can borrow characters for his writing pleasures. As a rule, fandom is indicated in order to make it clear to the reader which universe in question, otherwise, let's say, the heroines named Nana in the anime exceed ten, go and understand who specifically this work. In addition, avid fans of fanfiction search the web for works written in their favorite fandoms to read what else such inventive authors have done with their characters.

Original (Original)- fanfiction that does not belong to any fandom. Sooner or later, when the author gets tired of playing with other people's characters, he takes and invents his own, which entrusts himself with a difficult, but no doubt interesting mission to acquaint the reader with his own characters. fictional characters. Someone copes well with this task, someone not very well, but someone doesn’t care at all and it’s enough that he himself imagines what his heroes are like. Originals are usually exciting and interesting, if not too lazy to move your brains and get involved in the nuances of a world invented by someone.

Crossover (Crossover)
- fanfiction with characters from several different fandoms. So the famous network author finished watching another movie or TV series and firmly decided to be a fanfiction based on it. And then a brilliant idea comes to mind: “why shouldn’t that pretty brunette over there meet the blonde from the knightly novel that I watched (a) last week?”. A brunette lives on Mars and breathes the air from their oxygen tank, and a blonde rides a magical unicorn and kills dragons with a magical staff? Who cares about such trifles - for true love there are no barriers! Somewhere on Mars, we will open a portal and throw the brunette, along with her oxygen tank, right into the hot embrace of the blonde, who, together with the unicorn, was just waiting for such a turn of events. Beauty!

Pairing- Characters between whom romantic/ sexual relations as the story progresses. Characters are written through a slash (slash), for example "Haruka / Michiru". A couple is indicated to interest or warn the reader about who will suddenly change orientation and enter into a relationship in fan fiction, and it is customary to write the initiator of the relationship before the slash, although no one really adheres to this rule. Sometimes the characters related relationships several, for example, love triangle: "Chikane / Himeko, Souma / Himeko", or a real orgy: "Arika / Nina / Erstin / Irina" (and this happens).

Canon- everything that is written, drawn, filmed or in any other way created by the real author of the work on which fan fiction is written. Canon provides a basis for the plot of fanfic, and they try to stick to it in order to preserve the original (canonical) character of the characters. Canon is a source of ideas and inspiration for fanfiction writers, such as "ahh, I remember how at the end of episode 69 they looked at each other ... for good reason!", Or a headache if the author really wants the characters to come together, but according to canon, they have a crush on someone else, and they live somewhere on different planets.

On the site site you can find a variety of originals (but not fanfiction). You can search for them by a group of a wide variety of parameters. We have originals for every taste.

Search by originals consists of several gray horizontal bars containing groups of search parameters. To see these options, click on the name of the plate (similarly, to collapse the contents of the plate, click on the name again).

Search by parameters

Inside the expanded box Parameters of originals there are lists of parameters of originals: Ratings, Sizes, States. In each parameter group, you can select an unlimited number of different parameters. At the same time, if you select, for example, Mini and Midi at the same time, then the search results will include the originals of both groups.

Search by tags

The 6 dice below: Genres, Warnings, Heroes, Place, Time, Significant events - can be conditionally combined into one common name- tags. These are the parameters of the originals that will help you choose the right ones based on their content. Note that the list of "standard" parameters of the originals on our site has been supplemented with the parameters of time, place, etc. This is done so that the user can easily find the thing as already read, remembering only who the hero was and where the action took place, and also to be able to exclude those common plot twists that the user does not like or is fed up with.

We also note that there is a difference in the functioning of the first plate with the parameters of the originals and tags. If you select several items from the same group in the parameters at the same time (for example, Completed and In Progress from the Status group), then the search results will include originals completed and still unfinished. Whereas, if you specify both Slash and Fantasy in the Genres, then the originals that fit both of these parameters at the same time will be displayed. Originals containing only one of the selected parameters will not be displayed in the search results.

How to choose and find

In this block, we will talk about how to finally select the desired parameters or, perhaps, exclude them.

All selectable items are shown in an intuitive format - in the form of text with a checkbox, i.e. the so-called "checkbox". In order to select any of the items you like, whether it be genre, warning or significant event, you just need to click on the tag name or on the box next to it. A check mark will appear in the box, indicating that this item is selected (if the check mark does not appear even after several attempts, check if you have javascript enabled in your browser or contact the administrator for help).

However, it is worth noting that our site uses the so-called "two-position" checkbox (and don't let this name scare you). This is done solely for the convenience of users. The fact is that there are situations when the user wants not to include the item they like in the search, but vice versa - to exclude all works where this tag or parameter occurs. In order to do this, you need to click on the desired item not once, but twice: after the first click, an empty box will change to a checkbox , and after that - on a cross, symbolizing the exclusion of works with this parameter from the search . So, for example, to exclude frozen jobs from the results, you don't need to click on each of the other statuses, you just need to double-click on "frozen" and you will get all the jobs except the frozen ones.

We also note that there are a lot of works on the site, and therefore there are a lot of tags, and their list will probably continue to expand. To make it easier for our users to find the right tag in the list, we have applied several useful, we hope, ways:

  • First, in new version search all tags are sorted alphabetically by columns. That is, in order to find the desired tag, you need to search for them not by rows, as it was before, but by columns.
  • Secondly, in the upper right part (on a gray background) of each expanded tag with tags, we have displayed a block in which there are 2 convenient buttons: Sort tags alphabetically and Sort tags by popularity . When switching to "by popularity" mode, all block tags will be re-sorted, and you can easily find the tag you are looking for, especially if it is popular, such as Slash (yaoi). The popularity of a tag is calculated based on how often users search for it, as well as on how many works are published for this or that tag. Rating data is updated periodically
  • Thirdly, if the first two points did not help you find the tag you need, you can use a simple search for them. In the same place as the buttons (in the right part of the upper gray part of the expanded box) there is an input field under the heading Filtering. Enter just a few letters into it, and tags in which this combination of characters does not occur will be hidden. You don't even need to type the name of the tag in its entirety.

We hope that the efforts of our programmer will always help you quickly and easily find what you want.

Dynamic search

I also wanted to talk here about the dynamic search that works on the site. You will notice it if you select any of the tags: this immediately sends a request to the server and checks which works are found by this tag (and other parameters). The server returns a response, and those tags that were not combined with the selected ones in any of the originals are colored in grey colour and are underlined. This way, you don't have to select tags in order to click the "submit" button and find out that there are no such works with such a combination of tags. You just need to select tags and wait a bit, latest version site, a hint box appears with data on how many works will be found for such search parameters, as well as a "View" button, so you can click it, and not scroll down the page to the Find button, they work similarly.

User Options

Another innovation of the updated original search will please mostly registered users. The fact is that when you visit the site, read works, add them to bookmarks or set statuses to originals, we carefully store all this data not just "for show". Now we can search through this data. Thus, if you want to read something new, you can check the boxes in the Chapters block - "I have not read any" and see only the works that you have not read. Also, using the status search, you can return to pending work or exclude abandoned ones from the search. Just don't forget to set these very statuses for the works . In the new version of the site, this can be done anywhere and there will be no need to go to the work page. Just seeing in the list work with interesting description, you can set the status "I want to read" to it, and then periodically check the list with the parameters: Status - I want to read, Status - completed, to find out that the work with the description you like is completed.

Parameters for displaying the list of originals

The output options are located under the panels with tags and custom search options, on the right. There you can specify the sorting method for the originals and the amount displayed on one page.

In our country, a lot of people are interested in anime, and in general Japanese culture. Usually these amateurs are represented by younger people. school age, but there are exceptions. This anime subculture has long had its own slang, which is not understood by middle-aged and older people. Today we will talk about another "tricky" word, this Original, which means you can read a little lower.
However, before continuing, I would like to recommend you a couple more sensible publications on the subject of anime jargon. For example, what does Hokage mean, what is MPREG, what does the word Desu mean, how to understand Kokoro, etc.
So let's continue what does original mean in fanfiction? This term is borrowed from in English "original", and is translated as "original", "original", "primary source", "new".

Original- this is like nothing else, a unique work in which the characters and the world from beginning to end are created by the author himself

In all honesty, the most important thing is the carefully written world in which the characters operate fanfiction. Of course, the plot is no less important, however, if surrounding reality described in sparing strokes, it is very difficult for a fikrider to immerse himself in a new universe for him. Therefore, such stories are almost never catchy and interesting.

Usually, when a beginner fiwriter gets tired of playing with other people's characters, inventing them amazing Adventures, it's time to create something of your own, something that has never existed before.

Most authors write below average, but sometimes among all this slag, you can find a pearl, that is, a person who does not write, but Creates with capital letter. In such authors, the adventures of heroes, and the universe itself are described very cheerfully, brightly and vividly, and whoever is not too lazy to read his work will get a lot of pleasure.

Today, there are a huge number of novice fiwriters on the Internet, so the number of works posted daily on the relevant resources is even difficult to imagine. It turns out that a big problem for such authors is the almost complete absence of views, reviews and, accordingly, likes. The thing is that there are not as many readers as we would like, and they need to be lured with "screaming" headlines, and a strong opening so that the fish does not jump off the hook.

plus original one can name the practical complete absence of marijushnosti, NC-17, Yaoi, etc. Although, there are exceptions, where without them.

In order to accurately understand whether your work fits into the "original" category, you need to determine a few details:

Is your character a copy of another character from any

Among some fans of fanfiction, there is one misconception that significantly distorts the picture of the world. Almost everything that network authors write is called fanfiction, especially if they managed to light up in some kind of fandom. Nevertheless, the original is quite independent work, which is not directly related to fanfiction, although if you wish, you can find some common features. How to understand the subtleties and not become an object of ridicule? Everything is actually very simple, you just need to understand the terms and get rid of delusions.

Is the original fiction or fanfiction?

The arrogant contempt for network creativity is actually based on very shaky grounds. Indeed, publishing houses sometimes publish frankly weak works, the presence paper book does not guarantee artistic value. It's just that the Internet provides an opportunity to lay out anything and at any time for the readers to judge. With such accessibility, a stream of frankly graphomaniac stories, deeply secondary and primitive, is inevitable. It is believed that it is precisely these shortcomings that all fanfiction in a fandom that is experiencing the peak of popularity, without exception, have, which is completely untrue.

By itself, the term "original" implies that a work that has nothing to do with already existing ones. At the same time, it is possible that some novel, film or anime inspired the author and inspired him to create something new. If you think like that, then any story, novel or novel is original. In this case, publication is not an indicator, because a manuscript lying in a drawer does not become fanfiction just because it did not get to the publisher.

The main features of fanfiction

Why do authors write fanfiction at all? First of all, because they are fascinated by the world of some work, and the Internet is not at all to blame here. An excellent example can be considered such an author as Christopher Priest. This is a popular British science fiction writer who at one time was so imbued with the works of HG Wells that he wrote his own version - an alternative novel "Space Machine", in which he successfully combined Wells' books "Time Machine" and "War of the Worlds". If we consider his novel from the point of view of fanfiction, it is an alternative history, retelling. You can criticize this approach, but it hardly makes sense to ban it.

Fanfiction uses other people's characters, another world, but there may be completely different circumstances and relationships. This is the main difference: the original is an independent work, and any coincidences are random. For example, common names may well be used, references to other books or films may be mentioned. If an orage character reads Pushkin's poems aloud, this does not translate the text into the category of fanfiction.

Why are origins called fanfiction?

By what signs are these two concepts suddenly linked into a single whole? As mentioned above, this is a misconception, which in most cases is supported only by beginners who have not yet figured out the network literature. This error can be explained by the versatility of authors who can write Harry Potter or Bleach fanfiction and occasionally create own works. The original is a kind of literature in which only one's own fantasy is assumed, without the involvement of a foreign world.

If a character appears in a fanfiction that was not in the original source, this does not bother anyone, it’s just that the WMD mark may appear in the header (original male character) or But it is worth noting that the new ones included in the fanfic do not make it the original.

Genres and categories

Since the originals are most often written by the same authors who own the fanfiction, and the readership persists, there is nothing surprising in common features. Perhaps that is why such a persistent misconception has appeared that refers this type of online literature to fandom. For example, popular categories and genres are saved, which are necessarily indicated in the header - a special table above the text, in which all the necessary warnings are entered, including sizes and a disclaimer. If a certain audience prefers slash fanfiction, in which the main sensual emphasis falls on same-sex relationships, then with a high degree probability and the original of the same direction will be successful, especially if it is written by a well-written author.

Stories, novellas and novels: the issue of text size

The original can be arbitrarily large or small. Minimum size have the so-called "one-liners", which briefly and concisely describe the only scene. A one-liner can actually take up just one line, or literally one paragraph. Next in size is a drabble - a sketch of up to about one thousand words, then in ascending order - mini, midi and maxi. The largest maxi books take years to write, like a multi-volume novel with a sequel, and readers have the opportunity to regularly receive new chapters or passages if the author does not break down and bring the story to the end.

It cannot be said about the original that this is exactly a fanfic that does not belong to any fandom, because the very structure of the word "fanfic" implies the secondary nature and lack of originality of the world and characters. But these are similar literary forms, which can be written by the same authors and according to the same rules, observing the design and ranking of sizes.

Way to fight for the reader

If the author is capable of completely independent original work, then why does he write slash fanfiction and other nonsense? This question is often asked by literary snobs, who consider themselves to be the pillars of morality and keepers of traditions. The explanation here is very simple. Firstly, any fandom is an inspiring environment, sofandom members support each other, exchange impressions, festivals and competitions of fiwriters and arters are regularly held. You can create in the fandom in a relaxed and fun way, there are many readers and a grateful public that can inspire with their comments. And secondly, the authors just want to write for fandom, why not?

On the other hand, a ficwriter with regular readers can expect that his originals will also be a success with them, because the audience is no longer following the notorious Harry Potter, but precisely this author. And if all the fanfictions have already been read, the new originals will be no less, if not more, successful.

inspiration as a reason to write

The last argument in defense of online literature is inspiration, which sometimes just needs to be embodied in the form of text, drawing, or any other creative work. Be that as it may, the readership of fanfiction is many times larger than that of what is commonly called " high literature by the same online writers who scornfully turn their backs on fandom.

Many creative people recognize the importance of such a phenomenon as feedback - feedback on creativity stimulates, allows you to grow above yourself. And it doesn’t have to be just laudatory comments: good Sofandomists can rightfully smash fanfiction across fandom, even their favorite, if they are really badly written. This gives writers the opportunity to hone their craft and eventually write a compelling original maxi that is worth publishing.

Everyone Have a good day! With you, our inexperienced fanfiction writer NorthWest, and then I decided to try to practice on the articles. I chose the topic "writing an interesting story", although usually I come up with all sorts of nonsense, not that it's a work of art! Maybe after reading this "informative" (the child on the potty knows this) article, you will be able to write something "adequate". Sorry, sorry and gomennasai for rudeness, I'm just such a person. If you are the creators of ingeniously interesting books, then roll on all four sides, I do not hold you. I tend to say that it is not necessary to write in reviews something like "and without this crap it was super", "I write awesomely.

So let's get started.

The first thing you must do

Choose a fandom that you are familiar with. You must know him from "a" to "z", from the back of his head to his toes. If this is a book, then you should read EVERYTHING in it and know the smallest details. If there are many cycles, then indicate this in the notes. For example: "this will happen after the first part", "this additional scene to the fifty-fifth book". This is necessary in order not to cause bewilderment in the reader. If you do not emphasize this, then that's it ... What if this character is already sleeping in a coffin, and you added him?

Of course, if you decide to take the canons, you should know them character-appearance-short biography like the back of your hand. Relationships with others, including (friends, lyabof-carrots and enemies). Convinced that you can talk about it when you wake up at one in the morning? Let's go further!

You must know the map of the area. Where does one live and so on. It's not obligatory. The main thing is to be sure that they have in their apartment or somewhere there. Furniture, wall color, floor and so on. At least know about it. What if that character lives in a barn, and you suddenly moved him to a five-story cottage?

Races. Names, abilities, appearance and te-de and te-pe. It's mostly about those who take fandoms" star Wars"," The Hobbit "and much more. This will be very useful to you, I promise.

And finally, our beloved originals. Here you need a pencil or pen, but not a small piece of paper. Think carefully about the character of the characters, draw them, write down the features. Improvise! Choose from your ideas the best! But remember that no one likes Sue. The character should have its own disadvantages in character, appearance, fears.

Next is a map of the world. You can basically come up with this on the go, but drawing is very important! There are writers whose memory is... short, like my fingernail that I'm biting right now. Previously one lived on Yew Street, the other - on Tsolkovka, and now they generally live in the same house! This is not the case, you must understand me.

Come up with the meaning of writing fanfiction in a nutshell, or choose a topic in a different way. Why did you want to write it? Suitable examples: new life Blue Star", "if Sabine were a guy" and so on. If you take a topic called "Romance", then it's not quite right.

Next, select a rating.
G - can be read by anyone by age, including a five-year-old baby.
PG - can be read to children from the age of twelve.
PG-13 - There are smack-slaps and hints of violence.
R - fanfiction, where there is a fuck-fuck-tibidah without description.
NC-17 - there is sex with a normal description.
NC-21 is the twin brother of our seventeenth. Just too high a level of cruelty. Take, for example, the book Fifty Shades of My Windows. There is a lot of snot, but there are moments of this rating.

Write a couple of genres that you want to see in your fanfic. Not just genres, but major genres. These are the same detective stories, romance, mysticism, horror, humor. In my opinion, ER and the like is complete nonsense. It didn't have to be added. You might think that this has a very strong effect on the plot, if you do not have romance.

Pairing. This is a romantic or sexual relationship between characters. It tells in advance who will be in bed with whom. In drabbles and minis, they usually simply indicate positions, professions, and so on, since not everyone uses names. Examples: Edward/Bella, bartender/customer. Maybe a guy / guy, but this is Slash (yaoi). If you indicated someone in the pairing, then you must have: either Get, or Slash (yaoi), or Femslash (yuri). Yurik is a couple of lesbians, so...

Choose the fanfiction size. Usually most are mini and drabble. If you decide to take a chance and write maxi or midi - then carefully think over the plot, stretch it! Learn to add a lot of description!

Let's move on to the next one.

Three is a dog with a sadly lowered tail

Think about the plot. Choose your main characters. What will each of them do? Here Potter was chosen to kill Voldemort, searched for and destroyed Horcruxes. His position is a destroyer of some pieces. Hermione was very smart. Her position is a clue. And Ronald was very brave. He has always supported Harry. His job is protection. And don't need extra heroes! Everyone has to work in the plot.

Yes, and the plot. "I want to write about the other life of Darth Vader" is not a plot. This is the topic. And what will you write? How did he wake up every day, wash, eat, walk, then go to bed? No, it won't work. Will it be interesting to read such nonsense to a person? I doubt. Grab a piece of paper and experiment! Write down a few plot ideas, consult with friends. They will tell you what is better and what is worse. And you will soon make up your mind. Maybe, for example, take the idea of ​​how Luke Skywalker put Vader on a path of light, the path of goodness? Quite interesting idea. But how will he do it?

It is advisable to write an abridged version of fanfiction on paper. This is not necessary if you are a fan of composing on the go. But remember one thing - the meaning or mystery should not be immediately revealed. This is usually done at the end of the entire book. In the beginning and middle, you should give readers hints, but difficult ones. Yes, and make sharp turns of events. If fanfiction is predictable, then it will not be interesting to read it.

Take a notepad and compose/find some clever or funny quotes. If you will steal everything from writers, then some will somehow be dumb to read. Use your brains, use your imagination!

What are you poking at?

You come up with a name. It may not always be suitable for fanfiction, for example, like the Hunters ("Voices in the Night", "Eclipse", etc.). BUT to some extent. You can't call a book about warrior cats "The Adventures of Vasya Shurochkin from a soap factory"? Yes, and once again about the name. You don't need anything long! And if you really want to fucking call your fanfic a long phrase, but call it something ... memorable. Easy and smart. But not "Once upon a time there was a middle-aged vampire and she married a werewolf Methodius Slyunyaev"! Think with your head!

Next, create a normal prologue. Prologue - introduction, preface. Usually it is about characters, prophecy (Erin Hunter), getting into the city (Stephanie Meyer) and so on. You can live without it.

Then print the first chapter. If there was no prologue, then introduce our readers to the characters in it. From the first person it is more convenient, I say right away. How about two examples:
"Anya entered the entrance and saw Vika.
- Hey, Vika! shouted Borya, who suddenly came from somewhere.
"Pupil high school Anya entered the entrance and saw her best friend Vika.
- Hey, Vika! - shouted a tall, slender guy Borya, Anya's brother. He appeared here, as always, suddenly.
Be sure to say who was or who will be.

I wish you good luck with your writing!

Best regards, Your NorthWest

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