Scenario KVN "school stories". Interesting ideas for a KVN script for schoolchildren


What, you have already been fed up with calls from KVN players with questions: “Are there already topics for the quarterfinals ?!”. Push for half an hour, but can't come up with themes for the KVN game? Okay, let's help.

Classic - the theme of the game is set by a classic piece.

common topic: "12 chairs"
Greeting theme: "The ice has broken!"
Warm-up: "How much is opium for the people?"
Captain's competition: "I will command the parade"
Musical homework: "The meeting continues"

Another common option is seasonal themes. Autumn is in the yard - hold KVN with the theme "Autumn Marathon"

Call the business card “Get Started! Attention! March!"
Warm-up: "Press conference"
STEM: "Doping Control"
Music Competition: "March of Champions"

Aerobatics, of course, is to come up with a theme for the entire season of KVN games. For example: Holiday season. The themes of each game follow from the general theme of the season: "Tourist's Day", "Teacher's Day", "Independence Day", "Birthday", "Labor Day". And already for each theme of the game, themes of competitions are invented. For example:

General theme of the game: "Day of the tourist"
Greeting theme: "Time to go"
Warm-up: "Let's check the map"
STEM: "What's beyond the horizon?"
Musical competition: "Songs by the fire"

One more wish for contest topic names: they should be as general and abstract as possible, to help the teams, not to constrain them.

We think you understand the train of thought, and if anything, you yourself will be able to continue this chain of topics for the games of the season. If it's difficult, then here's another set of topics for the whole season of KVN.

General theme of the season: Achievement Season

Game One Theme: Business Achievement
Welcome: Team Presentation
Warm-up: Business Proposal
Musical Homework: How to Become a Millionaire

Game Two Theme: Advances in Radio
Greetings: New wave
Warm-up: Specials
STEM: morning show
Musical homework: Music over the city

Theme of the third game: Achievements in the field Agriculture
Topic: What you sow, you reap
Warm-up: News from the fields
Theme music competition: Village holiday
Homework: Alone in the field is not a warrior

Are you planning a thematic KVN? Topics for environmental or mathematical KVN are invented in the same way as for any other. For example

Geographic KVN. Game Theme:
Welcome: Ground Zero
Warm-up: What's on the horizon?
Video contest: Better to see once
Homework: Trip around the world

Well, and most importantly, what I want to say about the themes of KVN games. The theme of the KVN game is mostly needed for writing a script for the host, and to a lesser extent - as an impetus for creating a script for competitions by KVN teams. But, cases are different, and there are separate leagues in which the jury evaluates, first of all, the disclosure of the topic.

KVN - 2015


The beat “Music of happiness” from Yeralash sounds, under which team members appear from behind the screen. 2 heroes (brownies) appear.

1d: Hello! Good afternoon!

2d: Listen, who are you?

1d: Me? Yes, the whole school knows me, even though no one has seen me!

2d: No! The whole school knows me! Nobody saw me! Because I'm a yellow house brownie!

1d: And I'm a brownie of a pink house!

Together: Oh brother! (greeting "Brownie Power")

It sounds like a rip off. Everyone hides behind a screen.

1: Artem: Well, a little on the topic of our KVN.

I used to play tennis, football, hockey, chess and karting. But it all ended when my mother came to my computer to listen to Stas Mikhailov.

beat (Stas Mikhailov)

But the worst thing is that I'm starting to like it!

beat (Stas Mikhailov)

2: Nastya: Yiwu, do you know what innovative technologies are?!

Nazli: Yiwu, is this the new nail salon on the first floor of the school?

Together: Yo!


3: David: Computer science teacher comes to the library:

Where is the librarian?

Pepesha: In the archive.

David: - Unzip, please!


4: Elmir: Well, the sponsor of our team is a new children's search engine VUGL. If you don't want to study, march into the corner!


5: Angelina: Well, the next miniature is about our school wi-fi.(goes behind the curtain)

GZK: Nazli: There are no thumbnails becauseThere is no wi-fi at the school either!


6: Artem: Now on the Internet, pictures with the hashtag #expectation_reality are very popular. We have also prepared our series for you! So, attention!

1) Everyone around is talking about informatization in schools, right?! What do we expect from, for example, a computer science lesson in grade 8(on the screen is a photo of the students at the computers).

Well, now what we really have(photo of students in the computer science classroom for textbooks).

2) Well, or let's imagine a duty situation in any "normal" family:

Daniel: Dad, I need a computer!

What does the father expect?(photo of a child doing homework at the computer)

Well, what a disappointed dad actually has(photo of a child playing dances)

3) You and I know that in Moscow schools are combined into large complexes (we don’t even know about this). But tell me now how???? how to run in 10 minutes change from chemistry to yellow house on the 5th floor in physics on the 5th floor of the pink house???

Expectation: photo of the school with elevators and escalators.

Reality: photo of the rope from the 5th to the 1st floor.


(the whole team appears on stage)

Nastya: But seriously, pah on these nano-technologies at school! The main thing is that this KVN helps us to be together again!

sing L. Agutin's song "Vacation of Love"

Two schools, favorite schools.

Study, lessons, jokes.

And the sun is shining for you and me

The school is bound by fate!

Once we were different.

They didn't love each other.

Today together we sing for you,

We live great together!

Localka, elzhur,

School website, wi-fi

Tied us together

Not a bit sorry!

We communicate on the network

With you every hour

And together we are with you -

One friendly class!


The beat "Music of happiness" from Yeralash sounds. 2 heroes (brownies) appear.

1d: Do you love our school the way we love it?!

2d: Birds of the sky.

1d: Sea fish.

2d: Flowers land.

1d: And we have our favorite school No. 538!

2d: You can scream like Tarzan!

1d: Ride like a mustang.

2d: Jump out the window like a panther.

1d: In the end, you can do nothing at all!

2d: But! You simply need to watch our modest performance!


Nazli: Guys! What are we going to sing?

Pepesha: Like what? Operetta, opera, oratorio, finally!

Artem: What is the topic, what is the topic?

Pepesha: About school, about information technologies…

Nazli: Here are those times! Where did you hear the opera about the school?! No about the opera school! Nobody thought to write!

Elmir: So let's write!

David: Oh, fool!

Artem: We will not pull the opera! ..

Nursultan: Well, maybe we won’t pull the opera - it’s a long time to write, but the musical is quite within our power!

Danil: Well, how are you going to write it?

Elmir: Yes, easily! Let's just sing about school, about our favorite Internet and a lesson in computer science!

Angelina: Are you sure it will work?

Pepesha: You'll see! Artem, announce!

Artem: (Comes forward. Becomes in the pose of a leading festive official concert). The musical is performed in one song for ora and orchestra in 16 languages: one - Russian and 15 - well suspended! Performed by the never red banner choir named after song and dance!

sing and dance the song "Ballroom dancing school"

This is school 538,

This is a middle school, they tell you.

And as soon as the morning comes

The kids are all in a hurry.

Our school is very modern.

Lots of IT stuff, I'll tell you.

All around with iPhones or iPads there.

I'll tell you about everything.

Marivanna quit your games

Don't write with chalk, they tell you!

It's embarrassing and not fashionable at all.

Write on smart board with chalk.

What are you - what are you?! Remove the wire!

It's wi-fi, look.

What? I can not hear! WIFI? I am begging you!

Step forward one, two, three!

First graders! Remove the handles!

You have macbooks for a century ahead.

Tfu! Completely sang and made a mistake!

Everything is quite the opposite!

They sang a song, they danced a dance,

Waiting for applause, you say.

Two steps to the left, two steps to the right

One step forward and two back!

Series "Light it up!" E. A. Voronova We start KVN! Collection of author's scenarios for KVN teams Fifth edition Rostov-on-Don Phoenix 2008 2 We start KVN Voronova EA V75 We start KVN! : a collection of author's scripts for the KVN teams and the theater of miniatures / E.A. Voro is new. - Ed. 6e, add. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2010.- 287, p. - (Light it up!). ISBN 9785222165331 Here is a collection of scripts, songs, jokes, thematic tasks for KVN games and the theater of satirical miniatures. The author's developments, the unbrokenness of the material, interesting content will undoubtedly please fans of the humorous genre on stage and cheer up any reader. The publication is recommended for those who play KVN, heads of school, student teams and theater studios, as well as fans of this interesting and exciting game. UDC 379.8 BBC 74.200.58 Voronova E. A., 2010 Design, LLC Phoenix, 2010 UDC 379.8 BBC 74.200.58 KTK 427 B75 ISBN 9785222165331 3 How does KVN begin? How does KVN begin? 4 We start KVN If we conduct a sociological study on what is happening in the country during the broadcast of the next game of the Premier League, or, as it is called, “Tower”, the picture will be like this. The number of calls to the duty unit from vigilant grannies about the grouping of teenagers in the yards or porches that bothered them is sharply decreasing. Significantly reduced the number of visits to emergency rooms about black eyes, cut eyebrows, concussion and other charms of "boy" conversations on concepts. The police switch to the capture of adult mafiosi, as the young growing up criminogenic generation is simply busy! True, there will be disadvantages. Power engineers will grumble about the “peak situation” in electricity consumption, which happens, it turns out, not from the unlimited connection of some underground aluminum smelting shop, but from the huge mass of televisions turned on! Families will increase their consumption of pies baked by their grandmother for tomorrow on the occasion of a nervous situation due to the results of the game, as well as the consumption of chips, kirieshki and other products that are not so good for the stomach! In general, the country calms down a little for at least an hour and a half, listens to the latest fashionable humorous phrases, anecdotes, song hits, which, after rewriting words, become even more popular. Everyone is following the intrigue of scores for competitions, games, beyond the commentary clichés of the jury about the fact that “yes, the game took place, these were more resourceful, but those are more fun.” Although, the country is only flowers, so to speak, an external manifestation of the disease about KVN. Will especially amaze internal changes concerning "separately taken individuals". These same individuals will receive a powerful positive energy charge without the use of strong drinks. 17 Topics and tasks for KVN games Topics and tasks for KVN games (examples) 18 We start KVN Topic: “And YOU? AND WE HAVE?" (for grades 5-7) Greeting. "Don't we know each other yet?" (up to five minutes). Warm up. Two questions are being prepared in the form “(situation), what would it mean?” For example. Question “At school, the walls were painted in the weight of a lazy flower. What would that mean? Musical homework. “School system SBS (one grandmother said) in action!” (up to nine minutes). Topic: "HOORAY! WE HAVE HOLIDAYS!” (for grades 5-7) Greeting. “We wrote, we wrote, tired - we are resting!” (up to five minutes). Warm up. One question is the traditional "They say that ..." For example: "They say that summer holidays switched to winter time. One artistic question (a drawing is shown, the teams come up with a title or explanation for it, then the author's version is offered). Musical competition. "Musical rendezvous" (no more than seven minutes). Homework. "Camp sketches!" (up to ten minutes). Topic: "WELL, YOU ARE RELAXING!" (for grades 8-11) Greeting. "Travel agency offers!" (up to six minutes). Warm up. One traditional question “Quoting the classics…” 19 Themes and tasks for KVN games For example: “The great ones claimed that an apple comes from an apple tree…” or “I would learn Russian only for that…” One musical question (find an interesting response to the song excerpt). For example, “Why do you girls love beautiful ones?” Captains competition. “Excursion to…” The text of the speech is prepared in advance (no more than three minutes) “We are with you…” In the course, the captains ask each other two questions. Musical homework. "Well, did you rest?" (no more than ten minutes). Topic: "GREAT CHANGES" (for grades 5-7) Greeting. “From lesson to lesson…” (up to five minutes). Warm up. “From a change in the places of the terms ...” Two questions that begin with the phrase: “Answer a very interesting question ...” Musical homework. "A Little Story of a Big Change" (up to eight minutes). Topic: “YERALASH 200…” (YEAR IS SPECIFIED) (for grades 8-11) Greeting. "Series one!" (up to five minutes). Warm up. “And be responsible for this?!” Two questions that begin with the phrase: “What will mom say ...” Competition of captains. Competition of captains "In the title role ..." Compiling a performance " Brief scenario next release” (up to two minutes). 23 Greeting Greeting 24 We start KVN Contest called "Hello!" And here is the long-awaited start of the game. You have already stood together with your rivals on the stage, where the host introduced all the teams, they were looked at and greeted by the fans. After this joyful and exciting procedure, everyone again ran behind the curtain to return to the stage in the order dictated by lot for the very first “Greeting” competition. This is really a greeting, i.e. your handshake to everyone in the room. “Hello, we are such and such, from there and there, you don’t know us yet, but we can also embroider “we can” on a typewriter, and many other things ... In short, this competition can be safely called the visiting card of the team. And it doesn't matter if it's the first time you go out and introduce yourself or the hundredth time. Perhaps, in the hundredth difficult it. After all, every time you need to “give out” something new, which, perhaps, was not expected from your team, to show it from a different angle, to reveal new facets of your already utterly highlighted talents! In addition, the “delivery of information” about the acquaintance should occur in just a few minutes, because the greeting is almost always very time-limited. It takes, as a rule, up to eight minutes! How to make it dynamic, informative, unusual and, of course, funny?! The luminaries have already "eaten the dog" on this. But young teams can try to give some advice. Although, as you know, giving advice is a thankless task. 25 Welcome 26 We start KVN So, first of all, the greeting should be bright. Therefore, it is better to start it with a very memorable introduction. What could it be? The most reliable option is the well-known and popular to this day rhythmic hit, of course, with altered words in which you put the meaning of the greeting task. It must be beaten, i.e., solved on stage. And the backup dancers will help to add rhythm and dynamics. What girls or boys will dance, whoever you have there, depends on the meaning of the song. Of course, you only perform a small part of it. Maximum - verse and chorus. Variants are possible when only a few lines of the song are performed. This is when time is very limited. But if both the choice of the song hit and the words are successful, and you beat it with a funny "twist", then consider that you have already attracted close attention audience and jury. The main part of the greeting can be called a humorous crossroads, where jokes, like cars, scurry back and forth, and manage this dynamic process. story line. For example, in a greeting on the topic “After all, everyone has the right to have the right ...” jokes can be made, beaten either at the office of the school principal, or at the courtroom, or near the ballot box, as you wish. The main thing here is not to succumb to the temptation to “play” with the same dark and similar jokes, as was said above, to “chew” the topic. Content should be varied. How to "serve" jokes or reprises? There are several ways. It is possible with a “line”: the main composition, as a rule, of five-six people is distributed at the microphones and “plays back” the reprises. There are exiting artists: those who run out, fly out, crawl out, uttering a few phrases, as the script progresses. 27 Greetings You can play reprises by running out in groups of two (as long as you need to show). So, as a rule, they show jokes that are little related in meaning. But what's better? In our opinion, there is a fashion for the form of greeting. At one time, everyone loved the “ruler” - this is the right option when you have subtle, classic jokes in your arsenal based on the game of intonations, facial expressions. Now the trend of constructing a greeting is based on a dynamic change of subjects. However, when you look at such options, the question always arises: what is this about? The main thing here is not to lose the main idea, what this topic was taken for. Sometimes background music is used during the action itself. It may consist of one or more musical fragments. But such musical accompaniment should be justified, and not be a tribute to the fashion for this group or performer. And, of course, do not drown out the speech of the KVN participants themselves. Five minutes behind, jokes running out. And how to leave beautifully, how to end the greeting? Too better song oh, sorry, part of it. Optimistic and dynamic. Not necessarily well-known, as, for example, at the beginning of the competition. This is like a moment of relaxation for the jury and spectators, a few seconds for relaxation and determination: well, how do you like us? Did you like it?! We are like that! We can't do it yet! Now let's warm up and give out such a "homework" that ... rate us only with high scores! ... Well, what? Team ready? Microphones are set up, the stage is prepared in a couple of seconds. The sound engineer will now turn on the soundtrack. The soloists press the radio buttons, the backup dancer is ready to jump out with the very first sounds. The host announces: “And now the team is showing its version of the greeting ...” It's you! Well, with God! 28 We start KVN “Who laughs?” (recommended for the KVN team of the school) The scenario is built in the form of a "ruler". Vocal and dance groups help in the game. To the soundtrack of the song “Fly away, cloud!” from the repertoire of Alla Pugacheva. Soloists run out, they are "helped" by "dancers". Song: Chorus: KVN, hello, KNV, hello, KVN! The director told us, Making a stern face: “How long can we, like horses, neigh?” It hurts, we are a cheerful people, Our whole school is on our ears, And the district is ready to stand on our ears! (The last two lines are repeated twice.) What to do if we Smiled wider than the mouth, Above the roof the world burst into laughter! We are like this - give us a reason, We will immediately fill everyone with laughter And we ourselves laugh loudest of all! Line comes out. The words are further distributed among the participants: 29 Greeting 37 Greeting “What about you? And we have?" Scenario for the class team Characters: The host is the most ordinary cheerful girl, she studies and walks, but everything is in moderation! “Shustrik”, whose name is Vanya, is small, fidgety, annoying, but with a sense of humor. Three or five "KVNshchikov" - preferably boys, since then they will play the roles: the kid with the player - Dima, the "tough kid" Petya. The melody "Tired toys are sleeping" from the program "Good night, kids" sounds. Three “KVNshchikov” come on stage, and two give the jury small pillows and show that you can put your head on them. Behind the backs of those on the stage, one “Shustrik” is constantly flickering, preferably of small stature, and intervenes with his questions. The first half-whisper: - Attention! Attention! Everyone is working… The second one is also in a whisper: - Moms… The “Shustrik” peeping out, yells at the top of his voice: - And what about dads? Third: - Hush! Dads are also ... sleeping. The first one: - All radio stations are working… 38 We start KVN 39 Greeting The peeping one yells again: - And the TVs? Second: - Well, papyto work, so TVs - too! Third: - And the jury, too... works... Addresses those participants who handed out pillows to the jury: - You correct the pillow, like this. And then the sound "Hr!" how vaguely it turns out! "Shustrik": - We have so much fun in the class, so much fun! (no one listens to him) What already ... I want to eat! First: - Can cover them with a blanket? Second: - Oh, yes, poor fellows, all the teams cover them like that, they cover them like that! Third: - Well, they don't hide, but cover ... "Shustrik": - And when will they give out sweets? First: - CC! Don't wake up the hearts! "Shustrik": - Well, I don’t chew a pillow! Second: - Tired, weary! 40 We start KVN Judges are always happy to play along with the teams, so the ploy with pillows, closing the eyes is sure to bite! Third: - Yes, a good judge is a sleeping judge! Peeping "Shustrik" again for his: - So how about a meal?! First: - Close your eyes, now you, our dear judges, will be fine ... Second: - Just great! Third: - Oh, where ours did not disappear! It sounds very loud, so that everyone in the hall flinched, the alarm goes off. The peeping one is frightened, falls! - Never mind candy! (She runs away.) First (in a very clear voice): - The children's program "Alarm Clock" is on the air! Second: - Do not let your friend fall asleep ... Third: - Better let me write off! First: - And, mind you, everything is like at KVN: I ring a lot ... Peeking out from behind the curtain for a second: - And there is nothing to “haw”! 41 Greetings Three quickly leave behind the curtain, and one girl comes out with a bag in which there are changeable shoes: - And in the studio I am: the permanent host of the class “Alarm Clock”! Two guys run out and ask her a question: - Tell me, is it easy to become such a permanent leader? Presenter: - Oh, for eight long years (how long she has been at school) I have been wearing a "shift" there (the bag to the right, those who ask after the bag), here (the bag to the left, those behind the bag), there, here! But it remained ... without removable shoes! He throws a "shift" behind the curtain, those who ask are running after the bag, yelling: "I asked for the first "shift"!" - "No, I!". Presenter: - We have very interesting guys in the class! For example! The boy Petya comes out, dressed as a "cool", in a bandana, goes "with a finger." Approaches the presenter, "E!" Presenter: - Petya, please tell me how consonants are written in the root? Petya: - Consonants in the root "signed specifically on the arrows" and everything is for me! Leading very uncertain and frightened: - And after hissing? Petya lispingly: - And after the hissing, there were only indigenous people left ... 42 We start KVN Presenter: - Words? Petya: - If there were teeth, there would be words, and so there are only (lips utters all sorts of curses, the presenter plugs her ears) suffixes! "Shustrik" runs out: - Take me to the "Alarm clock"! Petya: - And what, you, in kind, kid, know how? "Shustrik": - Arrows translate! Petya: - And for each "switchman" - a sleeper! Peeping: - And on each sleeper - on the rail! Petya: - Well, I would have said so right away! He leaves, and "Shustrik" follows him. It turns out "the kid with the player", in the headphones. He pretends to listen, "dances." Presenter: - And here's Dima! Dima, what lessons do you like the most? Dima: - What? The presenter begins to shout: - Lessons, I say, which ones do you like the most ?! Dima: - Where?! 43 Greeting Presenter: - Ugh, "backwoods"! (Starts to point with signs.) Well, read, write?! Dima: - Where, where!? Leading, angry: - Where, where, yes ... buffet! Dima: - Well, I would have said so right away, otherwise: “Let's dance, let's dance!” Dima leaves, the host looks after him dumbfounded. Out, marching, two guys. The presenter is delighted: - Oh, boys, where are you going? Boys: - To the elections! Leading: - Whom?! Boys: - Oh, we don't know who! Host: Why? Boys: - Vote - once they give you a neck! Leading: - Who?! Boys: - Those for whom they did not vote! But you won't vote… 44 We start KVN With a threat, and show a fist…twice: both of them! Leading: - And all on the neck?! Boys: - No, why, the head is also a good place! The boys are leaving, the presenter is already simply “stunned” by the answers! Again runs "Shustrik". Presenter: - Wan, and Wan, are there any excellent students in our class? Peeping out Vanya: - Well, what are you, "this is fantastic"! The leader collapses. All the students run out, sing and dance to the New Year's pole: The bell rang, Let's run to class! Who is standing, we will trample, What will you take from us! Let's have fun together. We will sing together, And from the lessons just as amicably, We will leave cheerfully! Chorus: This is us, this is us! Our fun class! We are just like you! Glorious at times! This is us, this is us! Funny at times, If we run from the lessons, Don't stand on the stairs! 45 Greeting “Hurrah! Holidays!" The greeting is made in the form of a classic "line", in which six-seven "KVNshchikov" take part. Definitely two or three girls. This script can be used in a summer holiday camp. School funny stories and anecdotes were used in its creation. To the soundtrack "Fly away, cloud!" from the repertoire of A. Pugacheva. Chorus: - KVN in the summer, KVN in the summer, KVN! KVN in the summer and all year round! Mom and dad say, Making a stern face: “Exams are to be taken! "Just what is the exam for us?! We are on it, as if on a holiday, And we will run to rest! (The last two lines are repeated 2 times.) What will help you relax? Sun, air and water. And a perky ringing laugh! Young organisms Infected with optimism And laugh themselves the loudest! (The last two lines are repeated 2 times.) 46 We start KVN 47 Greeting The captain of the team, a very positive person or a young man who is correct in all respects: - So, gentlemen, summer! - How, has it already begun? - Did you want it to be over? (The phrase is said with a threat.) - You will lie down earlier ... - You will be blacker! Young man: - What are you talking about? Girls: - We are talking about tanning! - After all, tanning is not a luxury, but a means of achievement! Young man: - Achievements of what? Girls: - Not what, but whom! Well, we'll explain that to you later! - In the meantime, we have a few more days to bathe at school! - With a broom? - With a broom you will bathe in practice! - And now we will bathe with teachers! Young man: - At school we bathe with teachers, at home - with parents! Not life, but some kind of bath! - Not some, but quite definite. I even hung a sign on the director's office - "Sauna"! - Well?! - Well, well ... Wrong! Not a sauna, but a simple Russian sink! - Toto, I see your neck is red! - So washed it! 48 We start KVN Another participant runs in: - Guys, that's it! Teachers' couples are over! Holidays! Except for two, everyone starts to rejoice. Two: - Steam - yes! Couples never! - It's sacred! - Come on! I'm going fishing tomorrow! - Oh, fishing! You will come to the shore, lay out the gear, cast your fishing rods ... - ... go to hell and go to bed! - And the bite? - There will be no bite. It was cool yesterday! - Interesting, but how to determine who you caught: a male or a female? - You catch a fish, throw it into the water. If it swims, then it's a female. - And if you swam? - So it's a male! - In the summer, everyone needs to get drunk ... - Oh, last summer I got so drunk, so got drunk ... - What? - Vitamins! What are you talking about?! - Where did you get this crap? - And what is better: a kilogram of mango or two pineapples? - Better than a lot! - Eat it yourself! - And my parents give me a hundred rubles every day in the summer ... - Yes, well! - True, ninety-nine are immediately kept for living ... - And why do I have right hand does it itch? - Parents will give money! - And the left one? 49 Greetings - They'll take you away again! - What about the legs? - You're going to rest. - And the nose? (He scratches all the time.) - There they will give you a nose! - And the ear? - You should shower! - So there is no water again! - Where is she again? - As always at this time: evaporated! - Yes Yes! Water boils at ninety degrees! - What are you, water boils at a hundred degrees! - Fu you, this is a right angle boils at ninety! - Let's go to the beach! - Let's! What for? - What do you mean why? To swim! - Oh well! Risk is a noble cause! - Yes, we have such a river, such a river! It has everything and everything! - That's for sure: the entire periodic system of Mendeleev is at a glance ... The one that itched, itches again: - And on other parts of the body! - Listen, so you washed yourself?! - Oh, what is it beeping like that? - Counter! - How, already turned on ?! Captain: - Ugh! She asked me not to go to the beach before the game! - And let's meet the summer with a shock swim ?! - Why why? For a beer? - What kind of beer? Here you are, how many hundred meters will you swim? - I AM? For twenty rubles and a jar of Sprite! 50 We start KVN - It's impossible! Rest and money are incompatible things! - But interdependent! - A task! How to achieve maximum pleasure with a minimum in your pocket? A young man "under Lenin": - Print, print and print again! To the beach, ba shadow, to the beach! So are we sailing or not? - When swimming, you need to remember that ... - Which is better: a hungry crocodile or a rabid hippopotamus? Captain: - But we don't have hungry crocodiles in the river! - So I knew, already ate! - And rabid hippos, too! - Already cured! - And I dived and met a submarine! - What? - Chukchi! - Why do you say that? - So knocked, opened! Captain: - But we don't have submarines in the river! - Tsyts! This is a military secret! - Yes... (Mysteriously.) Somehow the helicopters scattered... - There, the rockets are chasing them... - Apparently, by the rain... - Yeah... Captain: - Ugh! Come on! - I warn you: do not throw rockets into the trash! - And yesterday my neighbor found a grenade! Yes, it sounded good! 51 Greeting Captain, indignant at all this rubbish: - Are we going to have a rest or not!? All: - We will! - Rest, (name of the captain)! To the soundtrack of the song "Closing the Circle". They say that the sun and air are very necessary for health, they strengthen every organism. Fruits also strengthen, They do not interfere with eating, But optimism is most important! Let the waves caress the shore, Moms will calm the nerves, Restore them to teachers. We'll tell them jokes, We'll even laugh together, Would you like to tell them to you? Chorus: Vitamins ABC will not solve problems. Don't rush to go to the sea, Remember, laughter is very necessary for the soul, It is useful more than anyone else. Everything can be experienced with him. Let's make everyone laugh! 284 We start KVN Instead of a conclusion: KVN is the theater of life Do you remember the classics: “Do you like theater like…” and so on? Why not about KVN? Indeed, everyone who played it at least once, who prepared even one competition, wrote at least one script, who stood behind the curtain and “kept his fists” for “their own”, worrying and worrying about every phrase, every joke, rejoicing at the success and upset at the incomprehension of the jury and the audience, he has the right to ask: “Do you love KVN as much as I love it?” My God, and what is supported by this love?! Well, by refusing to study, this is understandable and popular with most students even without KVN. But in order to forget about friends from the gateway nearby from the house, and walking along the streets, bars and other drinking and entertainment establishments? Some attachments in the form of habits like beer, light and not so cigarettes? And even sometimes about the time of meetings with your beloved girlfriends and friends today? And for what?! For the sake of an endless headache in the form of rehearsals at a time when people are reeling off in full?! A constant state of searching for some kind of funny “troubles” that only you can understand?! Constant “straining” with parents about an uncleaned room, not taking out the garbage and unprepared homework, and generally disappearing in no one knows where and no one knows with whom? Listening to the team leader’s lectures that everyone doesn’t do a damn thing, and even more so you, and you’re worthless as KVN workers, and if everyone doesn’t focus on rehearsals, they will lose with a bang, shine and fireworks ?! 285 Instead of a conclusion What about the game itself?! These constant nerves on the most recent test of the stage and microphones about the fact that someone will definitely forget the words, come out at the wrong time and, in general, do, the devil knows what. "Shaking" before going on stage and "strained" the game itself. It's good if everything goes well. And if not, if your team is outsiders? And after the game, I just want to ask myself the question: “What the hell do I need it for ?!” OK then. These problems relate to students: schoolchildren, lyceum students, students. But what about adults, quite independent and quite respectable citizens? What makes them forget about the family, mother-in-law or mother-in-law name day, close friend- TV, shops and shopping, close companies "for three persons"? Rushing to the same rehearsals, looking for the same jokes, worrying and getting nervous at the game?! All the same inexplicable love for KVN! To a very fun three-letter game! And mind you, here in Russia, like three letters, everyone immediately dies with laughter! Unified State Examination - students, along with teachers, do not know whether to cry or laugh. RFL - football fans are simply "burning out". GDP, well, the one that is not the president and that needs to be doubled, not only our and Western economists laugh like that, but we too, to tell the truth, to the very real bitter tears! The theme, by the way, can be developed further. Perfect for a captain's competition! Forgive me for a small lyrical digression. Yes, we love to laugh, first of all at ourselves, at the society in which we live. But is it bad to be an optimist?! To see the problem and not to whine and moan over it, but to show its absurdity, absurdity and inconsistency of our life. And they, dear ones, we have not only the sea, but the whole ocean, however, I don’t want to think that it is the World Ocean. Because, apparently, the game is so popular in the country. It's even interesting what KVN will be about in the Netherlands or Norway, 286 We are starting KVN whose GDP absolutely does not need to be doubled! Although, I think, our “KVN players” would find a topic for playing even in these super-prosperous countries! After all, KVN reflects life in all its manifestations, as in a huge mirror. And it is in KVN that it cannot be crooked! Otherwise, it will not be funny, it will just be insulting and painful. No one needs such a game anymore, no one will come to it and shout “Bravo!”. Especially if this is a local KVN, and not the scale of the whole country, in which, after all, there is an opportunistic note, and the teams for the most part consist not of amateurs, but of professionals. And the game itself, than not a school of resilient optimists of the originals! What it develops in the younger generation is clear and so, from the talent of an artist or singer to the skills of thinking and communication, as it is now commonly called in pedagogical circles - socialization. There are already publications in which the goal-setting potential of the game is analyzed. Therefore, we will not once again dwell on these theoretical points, which are rather boring for readers uninitiated in the wisdom of pedagogy. "KVNshchiki" - how unpredictable and creative, so socialized people! They will find a common language with everyone, they will be able to interest both the topic of the conversation and, of course, themselves. Well, why don't you have a ready-made manager! This is the school of life for you. Not even so: here is our real life for you. And that she is the whole KVN, i.e. Club of Cheerful and Resourceful, we, "KVNshchiki", are not to blame! So come join us, cheer for us, play with us! Until we meet again at KVN! 287 Instead of a conclusion Contents How does KVN begin? ..................3 Themes and tasks for KVN games .............................. ....................17 Greeting .............................. .........................................23 Contest called "Hello!" ................................................24 “Who laughs?”.. ................................................. ...........28 “And you? And we have?"............................................. ...................37 “Hurrah! Holidays!"............................................... ...................45 "Hello, we've arrived!"............................ ....................................52 “I’ll go out into the street, I’ll take a look ...” ....... .............................................64 “Beautiful is far away "................................................. ...........74 “We finished the game! The final!"............................................... ..............83 “Flying over the nest…” .............................. ................................91 “Start over!”.................................. ..............................99 "Fashion Guys" ................................................. ..............106 Warm-up .............................. .........................................113 The most difficult competition..... ..............................................114 “Questionable vinaigrette "................................................. ......117 Captains competition .......................................... ...................123 “And one warrior in the field!”....................... .................................. 124 "I will be a tour guide..." ...................................... 126 "Give me some help!"...... ................................................. .........129 Musical competition....................................... ................131 Getting ready to sing and more............. ..................................................132 “The history of one song”............. .......................................134 “Did you order folklore?”...... .............................................138 “Parent question "................................................. .....142 "On the waves of MTV"....................................... .........................152 "New songs about the old", or "1:1 - in our favor!"...... ............................................... ...158 Homework....................................................... .................165 You have been assigned homework....................... ...............166 “Family, school plus…” .............................. ...........................169 288 We are starting KVN Series “We light it up!” Popular edition Elena Alexandrovna Voronova WE STARTING KVN! “Comrade, believe!” .............................................. .........................................177 “Small Stories of a Big Change” .............................. .186 "Bah, everyone is familiar..."....................................... ....................195 "County town N..."............................... ....................................206 "An old tale about a new one"...... ............................................... 215 we are a circle!” .............................................. ..................223 "The Eighth Wonder of the World" .......................... ......................236 “What I see, I sing about!”........ ............................................... 246 “The most important from the arts"....................................................... ....256 "Ticket to the end of the world!"....................................... ................263 STEM.................................. ...............................................271 "Three plus everything"....................................................... .........................272 "Pushkin for three" .......... ................................................. .273 "Attention! We're filming!" .............................................. ........277 Instead of a conclusion: KVN - the theater of life ..........284 Managing editor I. Zhilyakov Technical editor L. Bagryantseva Cover A. Vartanov Artistic design Yu. Shlyakhov Proofreaders O. Milovanova, G. Bibikova Signed for publication 05.11.2009. Format 84x108 1/32. Paper type #2. NewtonC typeface. Offset printing. Conv. oven l. 18.48. Circulation 2500 copies. Order No. LLC "Phoenix" 344082, Rostov-on-Don, per. Khalturinsky, 80. Printed from ready-made transparencies at CJSC "Kniga" 344019, Rostov-on-Don, st. Sovetskaya, 57.

KVN for schoolchildren "Without friends I am a little bit, but with friends - a lot"

Targets and goals:

Development communicative qualities teenagers;

Development of general developmental competencies of students, ingenuity, sense of humor and ingenuity;

Fostering a sense of responsibility and cohesion cool team.

Preliminary work. A few days before the start of the game classroom teacher forms 2 teams from among the students, the composition of the jury members announces the theme of KVN to the participating teams, asks to prepare homework - a comic staged program for 4-5 minutes "Without friends I am a little bit, but with friends - a lot" and a business card - a comic fun program for 3-4 minutes, revealing the essence of the team name.

As musical accompaniment you can prepare an audio recording of fun music. The class teacher or the leader of the class team can be the host of the KVN.

Description of the game KVN

Host: Good afternoon, Dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to our club. Only now, and only in this audience, two unique teams of the most intelligent, resourceful and quick-witted meet.

In order to satisfy the desire of the fans to see their idols, I, without any introduction and moralizing, invite the participants of today's meeting to this impromptu stage. So, meet: the team of the most cheerful and restless guys - ... (calls the team). And here they are, I don’t even dare to say, the rivals are the team of the most intelligent and quick-witted - ... (names the team).

Teams on stage! And now I will introduce you to the members of our jury. (Name each member of the jury)

So, the jury is ready to watch mise-en-scenes and listen to humorous remarks, the participating teams are already ready to enter into a dispute for the title of the most, the most, the most; the fans prepared their hands and posters. We start KVN!

1. "Business card" and "Warm-up"


Moderator: The "Warm-up" competition has also become traditional. In this competition, each team is invited to a blitz tournament: in 30 seconds, answer the tricky question. Questions can be very diverse, but each of them requires the ingenuity of team members, certain knowledge and ingenuity.

Blitz tournament questions

What birds sleep in the snow? (Black grouse, partridge)

Who is called the forest doctor? (Woodpecker)

Who sings with paws? (Grasshopper)

Who sleeps upside down? (The bats)

What is the name of the whole animal world? (Fauna)

Name the star closest to Earth. (The sun)

Name the most high mountain our planet. (Chomolungma, or Everest, 8848 m)

Name the smallest bird. (Hummingbird - less than 2g)

Name the most big snake. (Anaconda -11m, 200kg)

What is the name of the highest ocean wave? (Tsunami)

Name the ocean that has the most islands. ( Pacific Ocean. About 10,000 islands)

Which African countries have the opportunity to swim in the Mediterranean every day? (Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco)

The maritime borders of which states converge at a point North Pole? (Russia, USA, Denmark, Norway, Canada)

For achievements in which areas of human activity are awarded Nobel Prizes? (Physics, chemistry, medicine and physiology, literature, economics, world)

What seas bear the names of sailors? (Barents, Bering, Laptev, Bellingshausen, Amundsen, Beaufort, Davis, Weddell, Tasmanovo)

Host: Before we start the third competition, you can listen to the jury's opinion on the first two competitions. (Jury members announce the results of two competitions)

2. "Scribbler"

Moderator: We congratulate the participants of our game with the first positive results and invite them to take part in the third competition, which is called "The Poet". Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a journalist, publicist or writer without a computer. But the computer has one significant drawback: if it is illiterately handled or the power goes out unexpectedly, it can erase all text from memory. This is exactly what happened to an aspiring writer I know. He typed on the computer short story, somewhere in 8-10 lines, and suddenly the light turned off. When the light turned on again, it turned out that only the first and last lines of the story remained in the computer's memory. Help the writer restore the text within two minutes, come up with what happened between the first and last line of the story. And these lines look like this ...

(Team captains choose one of the proposed sheets of paper with text)

The sky lit up with the first rays of the morning sun...

And he remembered that in the bath he did not turn off the shower.

The weather that day was bad...

He blushed at the friendly smile of this girl.

- The frightened capercaillie stuck his head out of the hollow ...

A snow-white liner entered the bay.

- The gentle spring sun shone outside the window ...

And at that moment the bell rang from the lesson.

(Captains present versions of stories to the audience and jury members)

Moderator: Thanks to the team members for their ingenuity and literary talent. We hope that with such abilities the next contest will seem quite simple to you. And it will be called ... "A movie is being shot."

3. Filming a movie

Moderator: When a director starts shooting a film, he decides for himself what genre and style it will be in. Sometimes the same work, filmed by different directors becomes a tragedy, then a comedy. Imagine yourself film crew and try to make a three-minute film based on the well-known fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood (Three Bears, Teremok).

At the same time, do not forget that you have decided to make a film in a certain genre. And in which, you will find out after the draw.

Movie options:

psychological thriller;

- "Hollywood" thriller;

- eccentric comedy;

- lyrical melodrama

In the meantime, the teams are preparing to present their version of the film masterpiece, we invite fans to take part in the blitz tournament of fairy tale experts. So...

name fairy tale character, climbing out of the skin. (Princess Frog)

What is the name of the fabulous aircraft on which a woman first took to the air? (Broom)

Remember the name of the storyteller, who had his own unique horse. (Ershov)

Name a king who lived so long ago that no one believes in it anymore. (Peas)

What was the name of the tsar who froze? (Dodon)

What is the name of the sewing accessory, in which there is a mortal danger for fabulous centenarians? (Needle)

Name a fairy tale character bursting with laughter at the sight of a doubtful bridge. (Bubble)

What fabulous communal apartment is “ordered” for a bear to enter? (Teremok)

Name the popular fairytale individual aircrafts reusable. (Stupa, flying carpet)

(The presenter conducts a symbolic encouragement for distinguished fans)

And now it's time to evaluate the "masterpieces" of the cinematography of the participants in our game. The floor is given to the team...

(Teams-participants present their versions of "film versions" of popular fairy tales)

I am sure that the fans liked our directors, screenwriters and actors. But we will now find out how the members of the jury assessed their work.

(Jury members announce the results of two competitions)

And now it's time to join the game captains of our teams. Dear captains, we invite you to this stage!

4. Competition of captains

Host: Of course, we do not doubt your ingenuity and ingenuity, but which of you will be more original? The competition will be in two stages. Let's start with the first one. Get a pen and a piece of paper ready. You need to compose a poetic burime in 30 seconds according to the following words: opens, in a row, it turns out, guys. So, have you recorded? Time has gone...

(Team captains offer their own versions of poetic burime)

And in the second stage, you need to show your ingenuity.

Blitz tournament questions

What was the name of a copper 3-kopeck coin in ancient Rus'? (Altyn)

What was the name of the silver 10-kopek coin in Rus'? (A dime)

How in the old days in Rus' they called half a penny? (Grosh)

What was the name of half a penny in Rus', that is, a quarter of a penny? (Polushka)

A pilgrim was going to Jerusalem and met three strangers. Each of them carried 3 bags, 3 cats sat in each bag. How many living beings moved to Jerusalem? (one pilgrim)

What is the hundredth part of a number called? (Percent)

How many ends do four sticks have? (8), have five? (10) four and a half sticks? (10)

(Jury members announce the winner of the captains competition)

So it's time for yourself interesting competition our game - "Homework". Each of the teams prepared their own comic dramatized program “I have a little bit of me without friends, but a lot of me with friends”. Which option will be more original?

(Teams present their homework options)

That's how our competition went unnoticed. The meeting of the club of cheerful and resourceful is coming to an end. Before announcing the results of today's meeting, we would like to hear the opinion of the jury members about what they saw and heard in today's game. (The host gives the floor to each member of the jury, and then offers to announce the overall result of the game)

Over the years, in all educational institutions one of the most popular games is KVN. The options for preparing and conducting competitive programs are very diverse, but classic version remains the same: business card teams, warm-up, competition of captains, homework. We offer the most common option for preparing and conducting KVN.

Two to five teams can play in one game. The formation of teams is carried out in different ways: from among students of the same class, school (lyceum, gymnasium), from boys and girls of the same class team, by interests, by age, etc. The number of participants in each team, as a rule, should be the same . A few days before the start of the game, the organizing committee of the KVN game is formed ( creative Group), which selects the composition of the jury members and gives each team certain tasks competitive program.

Competitive KVN programs are usually thematic or mixed (creative, developing). The themes of the KVN competition can be, for example, the following: “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends!”, “Without friends, I’m a little bit, but with friends a lot!”, “Ah, cinema, cinema!” and others. Depending on the general theme of the meeting of the KVN club, the names of the competitions are selected.

Usually, teams prepare for participation in the competitive program in the following scope:

1. Business card-greeting:“Grow big - don’t be a noodle!”, “We are glad to see you again!”, “How heavy is the granite of science”, etc. (up to 4 minutes).

- "Let me introduce myself";

- game (reprise) block;

- Greetings to the jury, fans, opposing teams;

- the end of the business card.

2. Warm up. This block can be the most diverse. For example, teams prepare 2 questions for their opponents in advance and their own answers to them. Questions and answers must correspond to the subject of the competitive program. It is possible to hold a blitz tournament for each team. For example, each team in turn is asked the following questions:

The glorious defender of Mother Rus', who spent 33 years sitting motionless in a hut. Kaliki passers-by helped him gain heroic strength. (Ilya Muromets)

The villain. He whistled like a nightingale, shouted like an animal, hissed like a snake. (The nightingale the robber)

Brother of Ilya Muromets, who freed Zabava Putyatichna, the niece of Prince Vladimir. (Nikitich)

The monster that lived on Mount Sorochinskaya. (Zmey Gorynych)

The famous gusler, who visited the bottom of the sea-ocean at the Sea King. (Sadko)

The owner of Lake Ilmen, who helped Sadko catch golden-finned fish. (Water)

Bogatyr, priest's son. Defeated Tugarin Zmeevich. (Alesha Popovich)

A strong man who easily pulled a plow out of the ground, which the entire squad of Volga Svyatoslavovich could not pull out. (Mikula Selyaninovich)

A mighty hero who could not raise a bag of change. (Svyatogor)

A hero who forced a single-headed serpent to bring living water. (Mikhailo Potyk)

What was the name of the hero of the fairy tale S. Lagerlef, who made a wonderful journey with wild geese? (Niels)

What is the name of the protagonist of A. Gaidar's story " A military secret". (Alka)

What is the name of a friend of Electronics from a fantastic story by E. Veltistov. (Syroezhkin)

3. Competition of captains. Content competitive tasks determined by the organizers of the competition program. Here again may be the most various options: intellectual blitz tournament, situational tasks, "literacy contest", etc.

4. Homework:“With a song in life”, “What is snow for me, what is heat for me, what is pouring rain for me when my friends are with me!”, “In the world unlearned lessons” and others (up to 7 minutes).

5. Criteria for evaluating the performances of KVN teams:

1. Reflection of the theme of the competition, screenwriting.

2. Originality of the director's performance of the team's performance:

— theatricalization (creating an image);

- musical solution;

- artistry;

- wit and resourcefulness;

— costumes of the players;

stage and speech culture.

3. Fulfillment of the requirements for the performance (observance of time limits, the quantitative composition of the team, participation in all tasks of the competitive program).

To evaluate the performance of teams, a certain scoring system is usually established. For example, maximum amount points:

- for the competition "Business card-greeting" - 5;

- "Warm-up" - 5;

- "Competition of captains" - 5;

- "Homework" - 6.

6. Summing up the results of the KVN game. This is the most difficult stage in the entire competition program. Refereeing must be objective, excluding any preferences and personal sympathies. Usually the jury members are seated at separate tables, equipped with signs on a five- or six-point system. The chairman of the jury (secretary) summarizes the total (sum of points) after each competition and calculates the final result. It is desirable to include well-known and respected people in the jury (the participation of only the administration or teachers is not always justified). educational institution).

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