The winner of the 7th battle of psychics Alexey Pokhabov. Chief psychic of the Russian Federation Alexei Pokhabov: I know what will happen after death


There were no magicians or sorcerers in the family of Alexei Pokhabov. The gift was discovered by accident, and the young man managed to realize it to the fullest. Alexey is the winner of the seventh season mystical show on "TNT" "Battle of psychics." Today the clairvoyant helps other people to discover inner strength and move into the ranks of the so-called "fourth caste" - people who call themselves magicians.

Childhood and youth

Alexei was born in small town Krasnoyarsk Territory Achinsk. The boy's parents did not differ from hundreds of ordinary Russian couples - his mother worked as an engineer, his father was known as a good electrician.

Lesha discovered paranormal abilities even before school. A 6-year-old kid once realized that he could leave the body shell. But what was happening seemed so unreal that after a while he convinced himself that it was all just a dream. After this magical gift long years did not mention himself.

Only at the age of 19, after a strong emotional shock, the young man realized that he was capable of unique things. At night, after a prolonged depression, Alexei fell into a trance, left the body and returned back. Talking about what happened to friends and relatives, Pokhabov was faced with misunderstanding and outright ridicule. Despite this, he decided to improve the gifted abilities.

In an interview, he convinces the press: every person is able to control the body and mind, restore health only thanks to their energy and intuition, and even become a psychic. He proved it from his own experience.

From the age of 19, Alexey began to look for like-minded people, people with similar talent, to hone his skills. At one time he went through the school of extrasensory perception of Boris Mamonov. Pokhabov believes that working on improving hidden abilities is similar to playing sports - what you train is what develops.

In the biography of Alexei, there was a place not only for paranormal things. The young man served in the army, graduated from the university with a degree in jurisprudence, worked as a radio DJ. And, having moved to the capital, he sold Cell phones at the communications store.

"The fight of extrasensories"

Alexey Pokhabov watched with interest the first six seasons of the exciting show "The Battle of Psychics". It was possible, sitting on the couch, to successfully pass almost all the tests that the participants had to deal with. In 2009, he decided to go to the casting of the 7th season of the program. I did not go for victory, but for new acquaintances, the opportunity to gain experience.

The most difficult tasks for the clairvoyant were given, where it was required to guess the correct option from several presented ones. The novice magician attributed the failures to a lack of experience in psychic matters.

But the young man delighted the audience with the ability to work with photographs and personal belongings of people. Pokhabov also passed brilliantly traditional competition, the condition of which is to find a person in the trunk of a car. This test was not difficult, because, according to Alexei, he perfectly feels the energy. That is why he easily coped with the trials associated with death.

The audience also liked the psychic because he did not use paraphernalia in his work - cards, runes, knives, goat legs. However, Pokhabov was not among the favorites of the transfer. Ilona Novoselova and Bakhyt Zhumatova were in the lead. The turning point was the series when the women failed the task - to find a child hiding in the bushes, and Alexei coped with the test brilliantly.

In the final of the show, the contenders for the victory solved the mystery of the death of the vocalist of the EST group, Jean Sagadeev. The clairvoyant gave out true information about the rocker's relatives, and also restored the events of that fateful day when the musician died. According to the results audience voting Alexey Pokhabov became the leader of the 7th season of the Battle of Psychics.

Every now and then in the press there is news about the revelations of the magic show, and on television one day there was a program that proves that all the participants are actors. On this occasion, Alexei recorded a video for fans on Periscope, in which he stated: the participants are people too, so they have the right to make mistakes.

“Yes, I am wrong. And when I'm wrong, I admit it," the man said.

Participation in the "Battle" brought popularity. Alexey became a welcome guest of various TV projects. Lit up even on " comedy club”, where he predicted to Pavel Volya a fateful meeting with a girl, but warned that love could break a heart.

In general, fans often began to turn to Pokhabov for predictions. Sometimes the young man tried to laugh it off. For example, when asked when the economic crisis would end, he answered with the phrase of Alexandra Revva, a resident of the same Comedy Club:

“The crisis will end on Thursday. Three fifteen."

Alexey Pokhabov joined the ranks of the participants in another mystical show "Psychics are investigating", which has become a kind of continuation of the "Battle of Psychics" project. IN new transmission, which also airs on the TNT channel, magicians, witches and clairvoyants help criminalists investigate crimes, accidents and missing people.

Partners young man according to the show shrouded in mysticism, Aza Petrenko, Ilona Novoselova, Natalya Vorotnikova and other strong magicians became. Alexei also conducted investigations with a friend, the Estonian sorceress Marilyn Kerro, whom he met even before her participation in the "Battle". Fans even attributed the novel to young people.

Personal life

Unhappy youthful love became a strong emotional shock, as a result of which Alexey was convinced that he had a gift. At the age of 19, the young man experienced a difficult break with a girl.

Today, Pokhabov is in no hurry to talk about his personal life. Fans know that even before the “Battle of Psychics”, Lesha was in a relationship with a girl who could not withstand the wave of popularity that hit her lover after winning the project. The chosen one was jealous of other women who did not hesitate to show sympathy for the young and stately clairvoyant.

Since then, Alex has not tolerated jealous ladies. According to the press, Pokhabov later met an understanding girl named Olga. Young people have agreed on free relationships based on trust, without limiting personal freedom. Whether Olga became the wife of a psychic, history is silent.

Alexey Pokhabov - a regular secular parties and parties. The list of numerous friends includes Sonya Egorova, a participant in the 18th season of the “Battle of Psychics”, who was included in the top four contenders for “ blue hand". Once the girl got acquainted with the book of Alexei and wanted to be trained by him. The psychic became her mentor.

Alexey Pokhabov now

Pokhabov is the author of several books. The work "Philosophy of Magic" is popular among those interested in esotericism. The book is a collection of essays and notes written in different time and for various reasons. A practicing magician touches on the problems of mental crises, talks about the meaning of life and whether there is a destiny.

In 2017, the publication "Vertical Will" was published, which Alexey Pokhabov dedicated to the "4th caste" of people. According to the psychic, these include individuals with a "different consciousness", seeking to uncover the secrets of this world. The magician shares practices with the reader, gives instructions for working with the Tarot arcana.

Alexey actively communicates with fans on the Internet. He shoots educational videos, reveals the secrets of practices. So, a curious video roams the Web in which a man tells how to get what he wants from God. For example, unlimited money.

The Krasnoyarsk psychic runs his own business. The man founded the Arcanum Personality Development Center. Together with like-minded people, Alexey organizes seminars, trainings and courses on the development and management of internal human resources. The official website of the Center introduces news and current events. In 2018, Arcanum teachers have already held many seminars and webinars.

Why do people need magic? Why is it better not to know your future? How do psychics feel about scientific progress? Why do they have to choose either the dark side or the light side? The site asked the winner of the 7th season of the "Battle of Psychics" Alexei Pokhabov about this.

The winner of the 7th season of the "Battle of Psychics" Alexei Pokhabov arrived in St. Petersburg with a series of lectures on the spiritual development of man. the site learned why magic is needed, why the authorities will never be able to ban psychics and whether a person needs to know his future.

website: Many new psychics are declaring themselves. Where it leads?

Alexey Pokhabov: I think the next 10-20 years will decline. Because it will become too much. This simple laws market. All these abilities, all this is great. You know, I call these abilities a bicycle. A person with abilities is a person on a bicycle. A man without ability is a man who walks. But even if you have a bicycle, what's the use of it if you don't know where to go? On foot you go to a dead end or on a bicycle you go there, but it is a dead end.

website: Is a teacher really necessary for a beginner psychic?

Alexey Pokhabov: I always say that if a person decides to develop something in himself, first of all let him look for a teacher. Let the bad. Let anyhow. But there has to be someone in charge. Self-taught people do not live long in this world. I mean in the world of magic. Because, God forbid, they will start to succeed, and there is no one to ask what they will succeed. One book talks about one thing, the second talks about another, but there are thousands of nuances that go from one concept to another, about which nothing has been written - they are individual. And only the teacher can say: "You're fine - continue," or: "Slow down."

website: Is it really impossible to do without a teacher?

Alexey Pokhabov: There are talented self-taught dancers, talented self-taught boxers, talented cooks. There are some skills that a person can comprehend on their own. But regarding internal changes, especially mental changes - here you need an eye for an eye. After all, the teacher himself was once a student. And someone taught him. All traditions, they are based on the transfer of some knowledge from the teacher to the student. Despite the abundance of information that is on the Internet, in bookstores. According to the books, it's just dangerous.

website: How reasonable is it to ask psychics to make large-scale predictions, for example, about the end of the world?

Alexey Pokhabov: So I don't get into it. Because I perfectly understand the level of my personal power. The future, in principle, is not mine at all, no matter how I tried. The fact is that the theme of the future is very attractive. After all, this is unknown. And a person fears the unknown, an attempt now arises to explain what will happen next, so as not to be afraid of it.

website: Do you think a person needs to know his future or not?

Alexey Pokhabov: I would say that a person needs to know his true self. Because we don't live in the present. We think in the past and in the future with you. We are missing this moment. Missing this moment, we cannot predict our future. If a person knows who he is now, if he feels well ... After all, what matters is not what events will happen later. Something will happen and let it happen. Maybe life will be beautiful and full of abundance. Maybe the third world will begin, maybe the world will end - it does not matter. If something happens, let it happen. The question is who will you be when it happens.

website: Do you think that the crowd can be persuaded to engage in self-development?

Alexey Pokhabov: The point here is that I'm not trying to convince anyone. I'm just putting people before the fact. The examples that I will give at the seminar are related to some facts that will definitely happen in everyone's life, but we are used to not thinking about them. It has to do with our upbringing, it has to do with the civilization within which we live. And people do not think about such subtle things that are present, everyone has heard about them, but no one likes to think about them all the time. For example, one of these phenomena is called death. And in thinking about death, one can come to an understanding of enormous spiritual values. But we don't think about it. We are accustomed to clean it up somewhere the background: we are still young, we have our whole life ahead of us. And I'm just putting people before the fact. I am not trying to convince people that they should be engaged in spiritual development. Who am I to say what people should do? In no case.

website: Why is it important for most psychics to choose the dark or light side?

Alexey Pokhabov: I don't know maybe star wars"These guys have seen enough, books, maybe, what they have read. Maybe it's part of the PR. As a rule, the guys who shout on every corner that they are dark are actually the brightest, and those who shout that they are light - that's where, really, in a still pool ...

website: Religion against extrasensory perception. Why?

Alexey Pokhabov: As usual, a person relates to this - wow, there is Magic wand, I don’t need to work now, I don’t need to work now, now I’ll just learn some kind of spell, some magical passes and that’s it, my life will get better. They go there for freebies. If such a person comes into magic, he will feel very bad there after a while. It's not that he gains nothing - he loses everything. And then he loses his mind. Therefore, religion in this regard, she grazes her sheep and correctly says that there is no need to go there. No need, I tell everyone. You don't have to go there just for fun.

website: Is predisposition important in the development of abilities?

Alexey Pokhabov: In fact, if we are talking about magic, about practicing magic as a kind of science that develops some abilities inside us, revealing our capabilities, then yes, there should be a predisposition. And this predisposition is associated with a certain level of intelligence. Here, by the level of intelligence, we do not mean the ability to think mathematically, to read some five-digit sums there. We mean a certain ability of the psyche to hold certain signals. That is, a kind of peculiar resistance of the psyche to changes that will begin to occur.

So, when a person comes, I say: “Everyone, forget about stability, your life will turn into something incomprehensible.” And this is where the weird stuff starts to happen. Any different situations: both good and bad. This is an integral part of the changes that happen to a person. And there must be a predisposition to it. Many can't stand it. Many people come to study because this is Aleksey, the guy from TV, we saw him at the “Battle of Psychics” and now he, maybe, will tell you what to do and so on. And when they start to understand that, damn it, it's generally very difficult and it's not a hobby - it's not like fun, to come like in Harry Potter. "Where are you going?". "I'm going to study levitation." "And I'll go pyrokinesis." No, this is not comics, this is not what they show us in films about superhumans. This is a work, an inner work, very deep, which leads not only to change outer life, it leads to a change in the internal. Inner values ​​and a change in consciousness itself.

website: What if the authorities ban psychics?

Alexey Pokhabov: On the contrary, it needs to be covered, it needs to be explained. People should be aware of this. It is useless now to tell people that nothing paranormal exists. There are a lot of these paranormal inexplicable things. Ordinary people faced with it all the time. And they have questions. Not a single government will trample on the people.

website: The world is waiting for a new scientific revolution. Can this happen in extrasensory perception?

Alexey Pokhabov: In principle, yes, it is possible to come to this one day, but if you look now, in fact, now there is such a soft introduction of magic into society: films, books, more and more they talk about some kind of poltergeists, how many programs are being released. And if at such a pace - 300-400 years and then it will take its niche in the same way as religion, for example. And it will become quite an official paradigm, and, nevertheless, some basic things will still be secret.

website: So why do people do magic?

Alexey Pokhabov: One day a need arises. One day he comes to a state where neither religion, nor science, nor friends, nor relatives, nothing that lies on the surface, can satisfy his thirst for knowledge. And then he looks for a way. And magic is a way of knowing what is hidden behind the curtain.

The material was prepared by Miroslava Valkevich.

Alexey Pokhabov participated in the seventh season of the television show "Battle of Psychics", in which he took 1st place. Alexey Pokhabov writes books, creates videos on the extraordinary abilities of a person, has his own center where he helps people to unlock their potential in extrasensory perception.

Alexey Pokhabov was born on November 28, 1983 in a small Siberian town - Achinsk, graduated Humanitarian Academy majoring in jurisprudence. In the second year, the young man realized that he would not want to do this all his life, although he had the ability to practice law.

Psychic Alexey Pokhabov grew up in a working-class family and did not hear that there was someone with psychic abilities in his family. In his hometown Alexey worked as a DJ on the radio, and after moving to Moscow, as a salesman in a mobile phone store. The biography of Alexei Pokhabov would not have been so interesting if he had not become a fan of the show "The Battle of Psychics". Carefully following the competitions, he came to the conclusion that he could cope with them.

After a young man at the age of 19 fell into a trance (left his own body and visited the world where people go after death), he opened access to extraordinary abilities. Pokhabov found a teacher and practiced magic for six years. Aleksey argues that the unique abilities for extrasensory perception are not a gift from above, so they can and should be developed. Feeling ready, he applied for participation in the project and was invited. On the show, Alexei acted like a common person, did not hang around himself with amulets and tambourines, as he is sure that the main tool of the clairvoyant is consciousness. However, in the next editions of the program, he received a bracelet that helped enhance perception, according to the magician.

Some tasks were given to Alexei with difficulty, such as searching for heroin and those that were related to choosing a place. Pokhabov explains this by the lack of such search experience at that time. But the tasks that concerned the death of people were given easily. The energy of death, according to psychics, is very strong, so it is easy to detect. He did an excellent job of unraveling the mystery of the death of rock musician Jean Sagadeev, and with his detailed account of the circumstances of the incident, he amazed all of Jean's relatives and participants in the battle. Alexey showed himself well as a search engine.

In the final, in 10 minutes he found the boy within a radius of 6 kilometers, initially choosing the right direction of the search. Pokhabov did not consider this task difficult. Since, according to him, a person, if he is alive, can be found anywhere. The boy was hidden in an abandoned area, so Alexey felt his warmth immediately. But to find a person, for example, in Moscow, the medium claims that he could in a week.

In the seventh season of the “Battle of Psychics” there were very strong participants and clear leaders, but success in finding a child influenced the distribution of votes in the final - 64% of the audience, and this is about 17 thousand people voted for Alexei Pokhabov. Although the victory was unexpected not only for Alexei, but also for other participants in the show and for viewers.

When the project was completed, in the same year, Alexei Pokhabov opened the Arcanum center for the development of extraordinary abilities. He does not predict the future, does not cure diseases, does not give an explanation of the cause of death, does not look for people. The purpose of his activity is to help people discover their potential, to share their experience in acquiring and developing "superpowers".

The magician believes in the transmigration of souls. Personally, he has already lived four lives and remembers very well that he died during the Second World War. Moreover, he fought on the side of the Germans, but was a clear opponent of fascism. Restoration of forces, if necessary, draws on any Moscow cemetery. In this place, the power of death has a cleansing effect. Aleksey Pokhabov is the author of several books "Philosophy of the Magician", "Vertical Will", "Four Castes. Who are you?” and also publishes video collections.

As for the psychic's personal life, he prefers not to talk about it, but declares that he does not plan to tie the knot.

Alexander , 12 November 2015 .

Hello, Dear friends. Today we will tell you about a unique person who is engaged in healing and extrasensory practice, helps people to believe in themselves, develop hidden abilities motivates and inspires action. He wrote several books, became the winner of the seventh season of the Battle of Psychics program.

Have you already guessed what we are talking about? Well, of course, this Alexey Pokhabov and the books of the young magician deserve special attention. Are you interested in learning more interesting and interesting things about him? amazing facts? Then welcome!

Early biography magician is not at all distinguished by special events. Born in 1983 in the city of Achinsk, which is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Alexei lived ordinary life. He was brought up in a normal average family, dad was an electrician, mom an engineer, went to school, went to college, at one time worked as a DJ on a local radio, and then ...

At the age of nineteen, during a stormy student youth, Alexei Pokhabov, against the backdrop of experiences personal nature(breaking up with his girlfriend), was in a state prolonged stress. One night he experienced a very strange sensation, it was like a trance.

His soul, as if left the body shell, and then returned back, and he clearly felt it. Since then, Alexey Pokhabov has discovered superpowers in himself.

Alexei believes that such astral travel began with him already at the age of six, but then he did not attach any importance to this.

After the "night trance", Alexei began to consciously develop his psychic abilities work on yourself, improve yourself.

Later, while watching the TV program " The Battle of Psychics" (and he did not miss a single issue), Alexei Pokhabov easily managed to guess the solution difficult tasks. Having discovered this phenomenon, the future magician signed up for the casting of the program ... Then, everything rolled like a knurled track, Alexei easily became the winner of the seventh season!

The magician likes the music of Justin Timberlake and films with Mel Gibson.

His favorite books are the works of Robert Monroe and the head of the Atlantis Magic Center, Boris Moiseevich Monosov.

He does not like to talk about his personal life, because he believes that this is purely personal and does not concern anyone. In this he is absolutely right.

Aleksey Pokhabov is a lawyer by education. He believes that everyone can discover in themselves extraordinary abilities and opportunities that have been dormant until now. On this topic, he wrote several books, which we will discuss below, and organized a center personal development"Arcanum".

Personal Development Center

In 2009 Alexey Pokhabov founded the Arcanum personality development center in Moscow. The purpose of the center was to help people in the development of internal transformations and energy transformations of their personality. The center is engaged in the selection of people predisposed to extrasensory perception in order to further development.

Alexey himself and other employees of the center conduct various seminars, practices, face-to-face and correspondence trainings. What is all this for, you ask! It is necessary to improve the quality own life, promoting health, achieving goals with the help of consciousness, in a word, in order to be able to fulfill oneself and be happy!

Alexey claims that any person is capable of achieving any heights through the development of his own personality. His books have been written about this, about which we will tell you.

Magician's books

"Four castes: who are you?"

is the first book written by Alexey in 2012. In it the author in plain language conveys meaning to the reader magical practices, using examples of tarot cards reveals secret knowledge, tells that all people are divided into four archetypes. As the author himself writes, this book makes you turn all ideas about life upside down, or leaves you completely indifferent. It probably depends on what caste the reader belongs to.

"Four Castes 2.0"

is a revised first edition of The Four Castes: Who Are You? In addition, the author talks about his research in the world of esotericism - what it is, what it consists of. Dispels illusions of the paranormal and esoteric. After that, you will be able to distinguish the deceit magician from the true owner of the abilities.

This is the author's second book, written in 2013. In this book, as Aleksey himself admits, he described in such detail the tactics of interaction with external forces of the world (lasso), that he even becomes afraid for the readers. Why? Yes, because even a person who was previously uninitiated in this knowledge will be able to put them into practice and achieve tremendous results and changes in their lives. So, for those who are afraid of change for the better, this book The author does not recommend reading. And wishes everyone else exciting reading and good practice in applying magical abilities.

is the third book, published along with the second book "Vertical Will" in 2013. This is a kind of collection of the author's notes for four years. The book is a great motivator. After reading, there is a desire for action, change, development. This is a kind of description of the world as the author himself sees it. The book contains notes on different topics that worried the magician at one point or another in his life. Alexey Pokhabov is not only a talented psychic, but also a completely extraordinary person who has his own opinions on various occasions. This book was written by him as a gift to his fans and students.

EBook: 249.00 RUB

During its existence on planet Earth, mankind has made many discoveries. More than one century has passed since the first timid attempts to perpetuate their knowledge and inventions of writing.

A man discovered nanotechnology for himself, went into outer space, has learned to deal with many diseases, but still has not received an answer to main question: “Who is a person, what is his purpose and why does nature not allow the potential hidden in us to be fully revealed?”

"Battle of psychics" and its 7th winner

Craving for knowledge, the desire to look into the past or the future, to find an explanation anomalous phenomena- all this is inherent in a person from birth. Burning interest in manifestations unusual abilities people are proof of that. Thanks to the craving for the unknown, it has become so popular and loved by viewers of all ages TV program"Battle of psychics", which introduced viewers to many talented people with extraordinary abilities. One of them is Alexey Pokhabov, the winner of the 7th season of the show.

This person, of course, has some knowledge, but is interesting just because he avoids calling himself the loud and popular words "magician" or "psychic", does not insist that he received his abilities from someone "as a gift" or "inherited ". Pokhabov is a person who embarked on the path of self-development and self-knowledge, who has done a colossal inner work by changing his consciousness, a person who breaks the stereotypes of thinking, science and religion.

Brief biography of Alexei Pokhabov

Place of birth: Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory of the Russian Federation.

Education: higher legal.

Parents: father is an electrician, mother is an engineer.

Job: Was a DJ on the local radio for a while.

Details of his personal life: at the age of 19, he fell into depression and experienced an unusual trance due to a break in relations with his girlfriend, which became the impetus for development supernatural abilities and a new worldview.

That, perhaps, is all that can be said interesting about this man. Pokhabov does not particularly like to advertise his personal life and in his interviews he prefers to share his thoughts and attitude, rather than savor the details of his biography.

Participation in the "Battle of Psychics", according to Alexei, is an opportunity to test your significance, test your abilities and strengths. And he succeeded. If at the beginning of the show Pokhabov was somewhat constrained by the presence of television cameras, then at the end of the season Alexei got used to it and began to compare favorably with his rivals, having managed to fulfill the tasks assigned to psychics best of all.

Currently, A. Pokhabov lives in Moscow, travels a lot, trying to visit all the magical corners of our Universe.

A person who lives in the present

One of the statements of A. Pokhabov is the need for a person to realize his present. After all, usually a person thinks in terms of the past and the future, missing main point life is real.

Pokhabov considers it not so important what will happen to a person in the future, but who the person will be at the time of the alleged events. At his seminars, Aleksey makes those present think about things that a person tries not to think about in Everyday life- about the need spiritual development through reflections on death, on the development of mental stability and an adequate response to what is happening.

Creativity A. Pokhabov

Alexey Pokhabov outlined his vision of the world in a number of books:

  • “Four castes. Who you are";
  • "Vertical will";
  • "Philosophy of the Magician".

The main feature of the author is the ability to simple and plain language convey to the reader's consciousness the truth of a philosophical nature. Despite the complexity of the issues raised, the books are easy to read, in one breath. Do not occupy the author and sense of humor.

It seems that other books by Alexei Pokhabov will appear, because "there is no limit to perfection", and it is simply unrealistic to fit the knowledge gained in several books. The author has something to say, and he knows how to speak.

Well, for those who wish to study such esoteric literature, it is better to start with Alexei Pokhabov's book "The Four Castes" - the first of the books written. Perhaps from it you will draw answers to questions that subconsciously tormented you and the existence of which you did not suspect until you found out the answer to them.

It's never too late to learn, or How to develop a personality

Alexey Pokhabov, together with a team of like-minded people, prepared and launched a unique personal development project. In it, each person can engage in self-development. Alexey Pokhabov's Arcanum Center has opened its doors to people who yearn for inner transformation and who want to discover psychic abilities in themselves, find and understand their purpose in life.

The task of Arcanum is to teach a person to live in the real, and not illusory world, to be the creator and creator of what is happening, to realize the potential inherent in each of us. And not to wander in search of truth and fragmentary knowledge, having spent precious years searching for necessary information, and learn tomorrow from those who know their business.

It is never too late to learn, and teachers, according to Pokhabov, must be able to recognize everything - in water, in a tree, in one's own child.

Knowledge comes to a person from everywhere, the main thing is to keep your mind open.

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