I like to read detective story because. Why we love detectives


Women, according to British analysts, make up about 80% of the traditional fans of the crime detective genre. And this is despite the fact that men still dominate among the authors of detective novels (more than 2/3 in the UK), and literary critics continue to review books by male authors much more often. At the same time, one should not forget that outstanding writers also made a significant contribution to this genre.

Women are seriously addicted to crime detectives, and not only light versions, like the books of Daria Dontsova. IN Lately in great demand realistic novels are used, describing in detail the details of murders, violence, torture, while women and girls often become victims. Why is that?

British writer Melanie McGrath explains this by saying that women have to experience fear much more often than men. And the Australian writer and feminist Germaine Greer once stated that “ women don't even realize how much men hate them, and how they do everything to make women hate themselves».

Girls from childhood receive many warnings and teachings about their own weakness and vulnerability, until they begin to believe in what they are told. " We are afraid of the shadows and the sounds of footsteps on an empty street, we constantly listen to the rustles when we are alone in the house - we absorb the fear of the world with mother's milk. And while reading criminal detectives you can experience these negative emotions in complete safety. The crime is solved, the criminal is punished - and we feel great relief!».

This does not mean at all that a woman sees herself as a potential victim of a rapist or murderer or is prone to masochism. Vice versa! Causes female love to the criminal genre lie in a somewhat different area.

Fiction is a fiction, a metaphor. This is what we are looking for in it. In today's patriarchal world, a woman is too often perceived as a sexual object, wife or mother. Self-realization often becomes a hard-to-reach luxury, a privilege for the elite.

Women are accustomed to having their bodies discussed, used for pleasure or reproduction. In youth, the female body is a symbol of beauty, and in old age - ugliness. Melanie McGrath suggests that the literary depiction dead female body, stretched out on the pavement, is a metaphor for life in which living woman perceived as a set of body parts. To meet male expectations, a young girl should be well-groomed and beautifully dressed, and an old one, on the contrary, should become invisible, invisible.

A criminal detective gives a woman the opportunity to fully experience those feelings that are carefully hidden daily and disguised as inappropriate and indecent: anger, aggression, a desire for revenge. The crime victim in the book reflects not only female vulnerability, but also attempts to break out of the everyday roles of mother, wife, daughter, sister, in order to rediscover her own identity. The genre's most ardent fans are middle-aged women who have finally gained more personal time and increased their income enough to be able to buy and read books frequently.

Do not forget that in most criminal detectives, where they appear female characters, main character- woman. She usually has a strong character, but at the same time, she looks so much like an ordinary, ordinary woman who could be our neighbor, friend, colleague. Thus, the reader can identify with her. Together with main character she manages not only to solve the crime and restore the disturbed balance in the world, but also to avoid a boring, banal life - at least for the time of reading.

The Book Club offers its readers the best modern and classic detective stories written by women. Of course, in them, crimes are also revealed by women - caring, intelligent, strong and courageous characters.

Each of these books can be ordered from Book Club website at a special price!

“Call the Dead Man” (352 p.) Returning from London to Bamford in the evening, Meredith Mitchell noticed a young girl with a backpack on the side of the road. It would be cruel to leave the traveler alone on a deserted road, and Meredith decided to give her a lift to the city. The fellow traveler reluctantly revealed that she was on her way to Tudor Lodge, the home of a successful high-ranking Penhallow official. Something in the behavior of the girl alerted Meredith, and the next morning the suspicions were justified: Andrew Penhallow was found dead. Meredith's friend, experienced detective Alan Markby, is entrusted with the investigation.

“Under the Sim Stone” (319 p.) Gypsy Danny Smith, who hunted rabbits, discovered railway the corpse of farmer Hugh Franklin's wife, as well as the backpack of his daughter Tammy. Later, Danny secretly returned the backpack to the girl. Despite certain evidence, Hugh Franklin pleads not guilty to the murder. The police are convinced otherwise. And only Meredith Mitchell and her friend Superintendent Alan Markby do not consider the case being investigated so unambiguous. Including because Tammy is acting strangely, as if she has something to hide ...

Sent as a set: format 115x165 mm (each book); set weight 345 g

Lidia Sheveleva, a correspondent for the newspaper Vremya, Forward!, had no idea that she had become a pawn in big game when I received amazing materials from an anonymous source. It was compromising material on the head of the legal service of the holding oligarch Timofey Koltsov - Yegor Shubin. With the knowledge of her superiors, she wrote a killer article about Shubin, a vile thief with the appearance of an English lord. And destroyed it. Koltsov put Yegor on the street and gave a week to analyze the situation ... Otherwise, death. But fate loves to joke, and she pushed the enemies, Sheveleva and Shubin, again, and Lydia helped Yegor in a fight with a gang of scum who almost killed him younger brother. This meeting broke the plans of the director of the game - it became clear to Lydia that Yegor could not be double-dealing. Realizing that they want to destroy them, Lydia and Yegor team up to figure out a common enemy...

"Auntie's House of Lies" (352 p.) Truly, life is full of miracles! Especially with a lover of private detective Dasha Vasilyeva. Grieving about sudden death Poli, the daughter of her friend, Dasha came to the morgue to pick up the body. And there she was told that the girl ... came to life. Turns out she was just in a coma. And laughter and tears! Now in Dashin country house an unclaimed coffin appeared in which ... a pit bull sleeps. And then a terrible thing happened - Polya still died, unable to control someone else's car. And Dasha immediately begins to search for the killer, because before that the girl was shot, and a classmate exploded in her car. But the police consider everything that happened a mere coincidence ...

"Forecast of nasty things for tomorrow" (352 p.) Well, what a bad luck! I, Evlampia Romanova, flew out in an indecent form to the store for dowels and bam! - I met my old love Edika. We studied together at the conservatory, and we even had an affair. After accepting his invitation to chat, we drove to McDonald's. Where was my guardian angel at that time?! Fell asleep or decided to have a snack too? Why didn’t a tornado fly in, why didn’t a fire break out, or, at worst, didn’t the car’s engine go haywire ?! No, a foreign car famously carried me towards trouble. After all, Edik Malevich was killed at McDonald's. But it turned out that these were only flowers, ahead of me was a harvest of poisonous berries ...

"Cancan at the wake" (320 p.) God! I couldn't dream of such a horror even in a terrible dream! Our friend and neighbor Volodya Kostin was imprisoned in Butyrka on suspicion of killing his mistress! He wouldn't even hit a woman in his life. His friend and colleague Slava Rozhkov arranged for me to meet Volodya in prison. Slava asked me to persuade the major to frank confession All the evidence was against him. But he did not agree. A few days later, Kostin ended up in a prison hospital with a heart attack and died there. In addition, in one of the newspapers on the day of his death, a slanderous article “Shameful cop” was published. Don't be Evlampy Romanov if I don't restore good name major, I will not find the real killer, and I will not force the newspaper to publish a retraction ...

Sent as a set: format 105x165 mm (each book); set weight 415 g

The body of a young girl was found on the bank of the river. This is already the second mysterious death teenager. Pieces of wool were found nearby. Rumors are circulating around the area that the killer is a spirit that lives in the depths of the forest. Cops brush off superstition until they see it for themselves mysterious creature... But Inspector Amaya Salazar does not believe in monsters, she will find and stop the criminal!

Adventure detective! Julia could not pass by when she saw how a man was taking a boy away from the playground. She helped save the child, but every good deed will be punished... Now the life of her beloved husband and son is at stake, whom she no longer hoped to ever see and hug...

Sage is lonely and unsociable. Joseph, an elderly teacher, is her only friend. But one day he asks the girl... to kill him. She is shocked, and then Joseph reveals a terrible secret. It turns out that Minka, Sage's grandmother, knows him! World War II burst into the life of young Minka, and she ended up in Auschwitz. The girl secretly collected photos of prisoners and wrote her novel on their back. For this, she could pay with her life. But the German officer wanted to know how the story would end and ... made Minka his secretary. Thanks to him, the girl managed to escape. Joseph is a man from her past. Who is he?

Enjoy reading with Book Club!

It's no secret that each person has an individual taste. People's preferences differ in all areas: in cooking, clothing style, literature. Cinematography is also no exception to this rule.

Psychologists say that cinematic preferences can tell quite a lot about a person's character. For example, those who like horror films and thrillers most likely do not get Everyday life sharp impressions, and their everyday life seems to them insipid and boring. Experts believe that people who constantly strive to watch horror films have subconscious phobias or other hidden problems, while they themselves do not realize it. However, while watching scary movies their need to get rid of fear is compensated and thanks to this they can live in peace for a while.

People who love Brazilian and Mexican TV series are likely to suffer from a lack of expression of emotions, in everyday life they lack romantic trappings, reassurances in eternal love and other colorful events. Most often, they understand that this will never happen in their lives, so they look for and find romance in such films.

It is believed that everyone likes comedies, because they carry positive energy and make a look at life easy. However, if a person likes low-quality films, in which all the humor is concentrated in the “below the belt”, this is an indicator that he does not have the ability to subtly perceive the beauty of the world around him and goes through life, following only instincts. Such people are often aggressive and scandalous, besides, they cannot always cope with their own cruelty and rudeness.

Unpretentious films about happy love like girls with a light and cheerful character, they look for in them the very romance that they dream of seeing in their lives.

People who enjoy watching detective stories are characterized by clear analytical thinking, and they approach their lives with rationality. If such people have problems, they look for the easiest way to solve them. Detective lovers are excellent analysts, they unmistakably determine the main essence of the situation, lost among many small details.

Movies in fantasy genre like people who are inclined to believe in everything that cannot be touched with their hands and seen with their own eyes. These people are distinguished by developed intuition, in life they are guided by emotions, and not by rationality. It is very interesting to communicate with such people, but sometimes they can surprise you with unconventionality.

Cartoons and fairy tales are loved by those who subconsciously refuse to soberly evaluate own life. They say about these people that they are “head in the clouds”, they are not adapted to solving problems. Psychologists say that if a person gets tired of everyday problems, watching funny and funny cartoons can help him.

Most people don't understand alternative cinema. Non-commercial films attract the attention of great originals and people with atypical thinking. It must be admitted that, despite the fact that society usually does not recognize such people, they usually achieve good success in life.

The material for publication was kindly provided by TvCok.ru - a fresh approach to online films. Here you can , as well as other genres of cinematic art.

You won’t envy the English city of Bradfield: almost simultaneously, firstly, a pedophile who kidnaps little boys, and, secondly, a prostitute hater who slashes his victims to death with razor blades, are activated in these places. The most unpleasant thing for the police is that the detectives had previously met with the handwriting of the second of the killers, and a person convicted of exactly the same crimes is already serving time in the clinic. It turns out they took the wrong one? Or does the simulator work? Even the protagonist of the novel, psychiatrist Tony Hill, whose specialization is serial killers, scratches his head in confusion... At the same time, criminologist Carol Jordan, who is to investigate this gloomy story, is, to put it mildly, not in the best shape, she herself was raped two years ago bandits and she has because of this serious problems with psyche.
Scottish Val McDermid's works are designed in accordance with the spirit and the letter English classics detective genre. Another novel- "Alien Torment" - published in the series "Cure for Boredom", tells about the new case of serial killer hunter Tony Hill, already familiar to us from the books "Song of the Sirens", "Tight String", "The Last Temptation" and others.
For me good detective- one that combines intrigue and psychologism. McDermid makes it possible to find out the details of what is happening, and through them to present the whole picture. There are many psychological portraits in her novels.
Tony Hill, B.A. and Ph.D., Master of Creation psychological portrait, author of the basic textbook on serial killers. For a long time worked on the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the creation of a special unit of specially trained psychologists, an operational team whose members would be involved in difficult cases and, working with the investigation team, improved the quality and speed of the investigation.
His partner, Detective Carol Jordan, eventually preferred a quieter job in the provinces. She turned down a job in Hill's new division, and for good reason.
And in The Last Temptation, for example, Tony and Carol also initially work not only in different divisions, but also in different countries. (Carol is doing deadly work in Berlin to expose a human trafficking group...)
In Alien Torment, Carol Jordan travels to Bradfield, where she is offered to head a special investigation team. serious crimes.
Just at this time, a murder is committed, absolutely fitting into a series of murders two years ago, for which a certain Derek Tyler was convicted and imprisoned in a special hospital.
Tony Hill, who moved after Carol to Bradfield, gets a job in a special hospital, and Derek becomes his first patient. Tony argues that no two forms of insanity are the same, and therefore either Derek is innocent, or someone, confusing the police, is trying to get him out of a psychiatric hospital ...
The reality turned out to be much more sophisticated than the most daring assumptions!
In the finale, all the villains, as usual, will be captured, but the finale itself looks difficult to predict, not only for us, but also for the detectives themselves (they are rescued by the random factor).

Detective stories traditionally refuse to be classified as "high" literature. Literary aesthetes do not even want to hear about them, and those who are seen with such "pulp" in their hands are ostracized. It gets to the point that people begin to hide their love for the crime genre. Meanwhile, most detective stories are not at all designed for individuals with low level intelligence and can even bring a lot of benefits ...

Take, for example, Alexandra Marinina, Polina Dashkova or Tatyana Polyakova, who are considered symbols of the Russian "female" detective. Yes, maybe their works are not literary masterpieces in in the usual sense of this word, but after all, the authors do not set themselves the task of becoming "rulers of the minds"! Their stories are quite original and often make you think. For example, the novels of the same Dontsova are a real "encyclopedia of Russian life." From them we can learn about how representatives of all walks of life live - from the top to the bottom. In addition, you can learn a lot from detectives useful information, which is not even always read on the Internet. Including a practical one, for example, or how to solve some everyday problems.

So what are the benefits of reading detective stories? Let's go in order.

Firstly, detectives teach to think. As a rule, the reader is forced to use his brains, calculating who will eventually turn out to be a criminal. And so the brain is trained.

Secondly, they teach you to pay attention to details. After all, it is the little things that you do not always pay attention to that later turn out to be important and point to the solution of the crime and its culprit. Most often in detective stories things are not mentioned just like that: "if in the first act there is a gun hanging on the wall, then in the last it should go off." Let's say one of the characters has a dagger with a beautiful curved handle trimmed with jewels in his collection, and in the end it turns out that this character is the killer who stole the dagger from the house of the victim he killed...

Third, expand our horizons. Detective novels and short stories cover the most different areas life - business, science, art, medicine. We can learn not only about the intricacies of work law enforcement, but also about facts from the field of physics, chemistry, biology, known only to specialists, about the details of the work of journalists, advertising agencies, artists, about how performances are filmed, staged ... It was from detectives that I learned about many historical facts, literary, scientific and occult riddles ...

Fourth, the facts set out in detective stories help us to become more careful in everyday life and not fall for the bait of criminals. So, we learn about rare ways of fraud or theft, about how various malefactors, swindlers, sectarians operate ... Thus, one fine day, faced with a similar situation, we will say to ourselves: “Yes, I have already read about this!”

Fifth, we get to know people better. After all, detective stories describe people in various, often complex and extreme situations. By transferring these situations and characters to our own environment, we can "calculate" the hidden features of our acquaintances, understand what can be expected from whom, and sometimes after reading a book real events appear before us in a completely new light. Of course, you should not always suspect potential criminals in your acquaintances, but the alignment of events, which had previously been in the shadows, may suddenly become clearer.

There are detective stories, however, and their nuances. For example, after reading similar stories, we may begin to see dangerous situation where it doesn't exist. Suppose we begin to think that someone is following us or eavesdropping on us, or that one of our acquaintances is connected with bandits. But it should be remembered that if this is the norm for a detective, then in real life such situations are still rare.

In addition, each of the detectives has their own artistic techniques. Suppose that the criminal is always the one of the characters whom you think of in last turn. Or the author likes to use the same collisions: a person who was considered dead remains alive in the end, murders occur solely because of inheritance, because of politics or because of business, one of the characters is not the one for whom he himself issues, etc. If such moments are repeated in two or three books, then we should expect their repetition in the future, so it becomes much easier for the reader to find a clue, and this is no longer so interesting, and there is less work for the brain.

And yet, you should not refuse to read detective stories just because lovers of "serious" literature consider them a "low-browed" genre. Yes, when reading detective stories, you most likely will not wade through philosophical maxims or search in the events described hidden meaning. However, if, of course, we are not talking about action movies, where the characters stupidly piss each other, then a crime novel is always something more than chewing gum for brains.

Hello, hello!
Hello, is this Vladimir?
- No, it's Love.
- Love? Sorry, I'm a foreigner. I still don't understand well. But I know that love means love.
- Yes, right. It's also a female name.
- Feminine? But your voice... I thought it was my friend, Vladimir. He's a coach. This is the Be Healthy Club.
- Yes, right. And my voice is like that because I smoke. And Vladimir left.

xxx: are you a girl?
yyy: use deduction
xxx: the term "deduction" - most likely taken from "notes about Sherlock Holmes", because it is fundamentally wrong and this method should rather be called "reduction" - that is, the conclusion of the primary fact from the consequences. considering that the main part of the site is people from 18 to 22, and guys do not like to read books at that age, usually, especially detectives, then you are most likely a young girl. in the same favor, the fact that the Sherlock Holmes series and film is now popular, in which case your age ranges from 16 to 19
yyy: to the point =)

Ponte of the first order: buy a big one expensive car and Rolex, read Coelho, despise Dontsova, love a skinny blonde with boobs.

Ponte of the second order: buy a small stylish car and Lanzhin. Read Umberto Eco. To despise Coelho, to love the ironic brunette.

Ponte of the third order: ride the subway and taxi, because it's faster and cheaper, wear Swatch, read Anna Gavalda, turn off the water when brushing your teeth. Don't despise anyone, because that destroys karma. Don't love anyone because you haven't met your person yet.

Show-off of the fourth order: to sell an apartment, a car and Lanzhin. Go to Tibet, reach nirvana, love everyone.

Ponte of the highest order: to return from Tibet, not to tell anyone anything, to buy a big expensive car, to read Dontsova at your leisure, time to look on the phone, love the mother of your child. To realize that any redneck with Coelho can turn out to be a Buddha who has reached nirvana ...

Zephyr: They said here that the pineal gland allows a person to read thoughts at a distance, but it decreases with age.
Mermaid: the possibilities of our brain are limitless, IMHO
Zephyr: yes. therefore, military doctors are interested in the pineal gland. Because if you develop it, then the military could read thoughts at a distance and there would be no need for communications.
Zephyr: can you imagine how many psychics there would be
Mermaid: I can imagine how many people would be offended by each other:D

I don't know the rules of the Russian language well. I write competently only because I read a lot - the correct spelling of words is remembered by itself. Recently, I began to seriously think that it's time to stop reading BOR, otherwise I myself will soon become like local "songwriters" ((((

xxx: and I bought a book reader)))
yyy: congratulations!)))
xxx: thanks)
yyy: and how?)
xxx: love it))
yyy: what will you read on it?
xxx: read)
yyy: cool!))
xxx: and read?)
yyy: and read of course!)
xxx: wow)) how many functions)))

to that:

I don't know how...but it bothers me...

How do you read on autopilot? Those. while reading a book, you begin to think about something else that is not related to the content, while continuing to read. And when, after a couple of lines or paragraphs, you come to your senses from leftist thoughts, you understand that you didn’t remember anything.

Mr. Danielson from Cleveland, USA proved to be a true sadist. His wife, Bebe, loved detective stories. And the vile husband in each new book in the region of the 30th page wrote the name of the killer in the margins. Further reading, of course, was no longer interesting. Hearing about this tradition, the judge sided with the woman and gave her a divorce "because of her husband's particularly subtle and cruel treatment."

ALL! TIRED! I'm tired of reading these snotty complaints of girls about IT people - "oh, he doesn't talk about anything else except his computers ..." Ugh! I'm sure your "favorite" is much more comprehensive developed person than you. He's just bored with you.

Dima, I still love you and wait.

Guys, skip it. I know you will support.

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