Why is Chatsky so tragically lonely. Chatsky's loneliness is a modern phenomenon

Chatsky is a young, educated nobleman who has returned from a three-year journey. He is not rich, although he belongs to “ famous surname". He spent his childhood in Moscow, in the house of Famusov, a friend of his late father; here he grew up and became friends with Sophia. We do not know where and what kind of education Chatsky received, but we see that this is an enlightened person. Chatsky returned to Moscow to Famusov's house because he loves Sophia. “A little light”, without stopping home, he promptly appears in Famusov’s house and expresses his ardent love to Sophia. This already characterizes him as an ardent, passionate person. Neither separation nor wanderings cooled his feelings, which he expresses poetically, passionately. Chatsky's speech is emotional, there are frequent exclamations, questions: Oh, my God! Am I here again, In Moscow! ... Chatsky is smart, eloquent, his speech is witty and apt. Sophia says about him: Sharp, smart, eloquent. Famusov recommends Chatsky: ... he is small with a head And writes and translates gloriously ... A number of aphorisms testify to the sharp and subtle mind of Chatsky: “Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world”, “Mind and heart are not in harmony”. Chatsky stands for true enlightenment. He passionately proclaims: Now let one of us, From young people, there is an enemy of searches, Without demanding either places or promotion, He will put his mind into science, hungry for knowledge ... The image of Chatsky is new, fresh, bringing changes to life society. He despises hypocrisy, inhuman treatment of the people. For him, love is sacred. He "does not know deceit and believes in the chosen dream." And therefore, with such pain, he experiences the disappointment that befell him when he found out that Sofia loves another, that is, Molchalin. Chatsky is alone in Famusov's house. Everyone turned away from him, calling him crazy. The Famus society sees the cause of his madness in enlightenment: Learning is the plague, learning is the reason, What is now more than ever, Crazy divorced people, and deeds, and opinions. Chatsky was forced to leave Famusov's house. He is defeated because the forces were unequal. But in turn, he gave a good rebuff to the "past" century. Chatsky also speaks indignantly about serfdom. In the monologue “Who are the judges? ... ”he angrily opposes the oppressors: Where, show us, fathers of the fatherland, Whom we should take as models? Are not these rich in robbery? They found protection from court in friends, in kinship, Building magnificent chambers, Where they overflow in feasts and extravagance, And where foreign clients will not resurrect The meanest features of the past life. Chatsky believes that it is necessary to serve not to persons, but to the cause. He sees the value of a person in his personal merits. The image of Chatsky showed us what it should be real man. He is the one that people should imitate.

With the help of the image of the protagonist of the work "Woe from Wit" A.S. Griboedov wanted to show the reader how difficult it is to bring something new into the world, how difficult it is to live in a society where they cannot understand and accept you because of your progressive thinking. People with new views on life are always alien to society, therefore they are doomed to loneliness. This also applies to Chatsky, because it is not easy to find people who will share his views.

Chatsky is endowed with ideal features human soul. This man has a feeling dignity He is educated and smart. Life in an unfair world is unacceptable for him. He tries in every possible way to resist the old orders, telling people about new truths. IN " Famus society» Chatsky is considered abnormal, people of the Famus circle are not ready to accept his new views on life, it is much easier for them to continue to live in their swamp with old morals and views. But Chatsky is doomed to loneliness in this vile Famus society.

Faced with lies, deceit, hypocrisy and lack of education, Chatsky begins to directly express his opinion about the mess that is happening around. He opposes the “herd” opinion of the “famus society”. Instead of understanding something, understanding something new, these people cling to the old order. They are simply afraid to leave the herd, so they express their misunderstanding and disgust for Chatsky. People of the “famus society” are ready for anything for the sake of ranks and titles, hypocrisy and selfishness live in them, they don’t know another life and don’t want to know.

Alexander Andreevich has a sense of self-expression, freedom, he will never serve, all this characterizes him as a man of the new time. Chatsky is doomed to loneliness precisely because of this, he is very different from other people, he simply does not have an interlocutor in his mind.

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The question of why Chatsky is doomed to loneliness is fundamental for understanding not only the character of this hero, but also the meaning of the entire comedy "Woe from Wit" as a whole. This character from the very beginning of his appearance on the stage, he attracts the attention of readers, spectators, as well as all those around him with his outstanding, caustic and sharp mind, unusual sense of humor and courage of judgments. By this he stands out sharply among the representatives of the old patriarchal Moscow society. IN this review it will be shown how exactly this character differed from the rest actors comedy, which in the end determined the fact that he never had a single like-minded person or supporter.


In order to understand why Chatsky is doomed to loneliness, you first need to pay attention to his personality. This young man is cheerful, witty and sociable.

He is extremely observant, immediately notices the slightest flaws in those around him and immediately ridicules them evilly. In addition, Alexander Andreevich not only observes, but also discusses everything he has seen and heard. He analyzes not only the actions of the people around him, but makes judgments about whole phenomena. social life. Already at least one of these reasons shows why Chatsky is doomed to loneliness. None of those around him liked his criticism of the noble way of life.

But the most important difference between the hero and other characters was that he was too active, emotional and enterprising, while the rest of the characters are presented as people leading a fairly measured lifestyle.


In the upbringing of Alexander Andreevich, one should look for the reasons why Chatsky is doomed to loneliness. From his very first appearance, readers and viewers understand that this man is well-read and very educated.

The hero closely follows socio-political events, he is clearly interested in literature and philosophical teachings, which developed in him a critical mind and powers of observation. Representatives of the Famus society believed that reading books harms the formation of personality. The hero is very skeptical about the education of his contemporary society.


The question of why Chatsky is doomed to loneliness in the comedy "Woe from Wit" probably worried everyone who read this work Griboyedov. The answer can be found in the actions of the protagonist. So, from the very beginning he is too self-confident, which prevents him from seeing Sophia's change towards him, who is the only one from the entire Famus society who could understand him. But Chatsky ridiculed Molchalin too evilly, to whom the girl was not indifferent, which turned her against him. From the very first appearance, the hero begins to sting and criticize the way of life not only of the old, but also younger generation which led to the final conflict.

Comparison with society

Answer the question of why Chatsky is doomed to loneliness (with quotes, students will be better able to reveal this problem), follows in the context of comparing it with the rest of the characters in the work. The hero's statements clearly show his difference from the old Moscow society.

Those whom he so maliciously ridicules throughout the work lived on ancient traditions which implied unconditional obedience to superiors. This habit of unconditional obedience was the reason for the famous phrase: "I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve." Representatives of the Famus society are conservatives by nature: they do not like any changes and try to preserve old customs. None of them accepts the views expressed by the hero. They are even frightened by the rapid flight of his thoughts, they prefer to remain on their native, familiar soil, which also causes ridicule from the hero, who expresses himself about them like this: “Houses are new, and prejudices are old.” Thus, the author emphasizes the fundamental difference between his character and the people around him. The same can be said about the relationship of the hero with Sophia, who clearly stands out among other characters with her extraordinary mind and independence of thought. However, the girl was not ready for the too bold character of her fan and his too bold looks.


In conclusion, we should sum up the reasons for the loneliness of the protagonist. It is best to list them point by point, since this form of presentation allows the student to systematize the material covered.

Reasons for Chatsky's discord with the famuslov society:

  1. The independent nature of the hero, the courage of his judgments, critical eye to the surrounding world.
  2. The education of the protagonist, which strikingly distinguished him from the representatives of the old generation.
  3. Bold behavior of the character in the light.
  4. Divergence of views with representatives of Moscow society.

So, the topic "Why is Chatsky doomed to loneliness", the plan of which is presented above, is the key to the study of Griboyedov's comedy.

1) Is Chatsky smart? In the comedy Woe from Wit? 2) Comedy "Woe from Wit" - a drama from the uselessness of the mind in Russia? 3) Honesty and kindness are more important

4) Does the country need smart people; what is the tragedy smart people in the comedy "Woe from Wit" .....

Help write an essay on literature, on one of these topics: 1. The conflict of two eras in the comedy Woe from Wit 2. The theme of education in comedy

Woe from Wit

3. The problem of the mind in the comedy Woe from Wit

4. Chatsky and Molchilain (comparative characteristics)

5. My favorite character

Help with an essay. Please! Submit tomorrow! Comedy "Woe from Wit"

I need an essay on one of these topics:
1. "Chatsky - winner or loser"
2. Chatsky spokesman for the ideas of his time.
3. Barskaya Moscow in Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit"
4. What are the dangers of silence.
5. "The current century and the past century"
6. Author and hero in Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit".
If anyone has an essay on one of these topics please reply. If it's good, with a plan and I don't find a copy, I'll pay 40 points

draw up a plan and cut the text according to the plan "Woe from Wit" - an unsurpassed work, the only one in world literature,

unsolved to the end "(A. Blok)

The comedy "Woe from Wit" was written between 1815 and 1820. The content of the play is closely related to historical events that time in Russia. The work remains relevant today. In those days, there were defenders of serfdom and Decembrists in society, imbued with love for the Motherland, opposing violence against individuals.

The comedy describes the clash of two centuries: "the present century" with the "past century". A prime example the old time is the so-called Famus society. These are acquaintances and relatives of Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, a wealthy Moscow gentleman, in whose house the play takes place. These are Khlestova, the spouses Gorichi, Skalozub, Molchalin and others. All these people are united by one point of view on life. They are all cruel feudal lords, they consider human trafficking to be a normal phenomenon. Serfs save their lives and honor, sincerely serve, and they can exchange them for a pair of greyhounds. So at the ball at Famusov's, Khlestova tells Sofya to give a sop from dinner for her arapka - a girl and a dog. She sees no difference between them. This remains relevant today. When a rich person who has power and money can humiliate another person who is lower in level. The ideals for today's society are rich people, in ranks. Famusov cites Kuzma Petrovich as an example to Chatsky, who was a respectable chamberlain, "with a key", "rich and was married to a rich woman." Pavel Afanasyevich wants for his daughter such a groom as Skalozub, because he "both a golden bag and aims for generals."

All representatives of the Famus society are characterized by an indifferent attitude to business. Famusov, the "manager in a state-owned place," deals with business only once; at Molchalin's insistence, he signs papers, despite the fact that "there is a contradiction in them and a lot of weekly." He believes - "signed, so off your shoulders." The saddest thing is that nowadays people think in exactly the same way as Famusov. Attitude to work, almost all irresponsible. This is the unsurpassed great comedy, it remains vital, relevant in the 20th century.

Main character plays by Chatsky, through which the author expresses his progressive ideas. He opposes the senseless imitation of everything foreign. He wants to punish those around him that they are obliged to love and respect Russian culture. Chatsky says that a Frenchman from Bordeaux, who came to Moscow, did not hear "a word of a Russian" and did not see "a Russian face" here. The comedy "Woe from Wit" is the only one in world literature, since no one except Griboyedov reveals the whole reality of the events taking place.

In the comedy, Chatsky is declared crazy because the representatives of the Famus society do not understand his ideas. He alone does not want to put up with the humiliation of people over people. Chatsky failed to correctly prove the correctness of his beliefs and still cannot reveal the secret. The comedy remains unsolved, because humanity blindly follows life events, not wanting to change anything.

4. Mark what is the innovation of the system of images of the comedy "Woe for Wit":

A) compliance with the "role" system
B) the number of actors - more than twenty
C) the system of images is based on the principle of typification
D) lack of division of characters into positive and negative
D) introduction of off-stage characters
5. Correlate the comedy hero and the role to which he corresponds:
A) Chatsky
1) a father who is unaware of his daughter's love
B) Famusov
2) a lucky hero-lover
B) Sophia
3) soubrette
D) Lisa
4) the heroine of a love triangle
D) Molchalin
5) hero reasoner
6. Match the name of the hero and the role he plays in the comedy:
A) Khryumins, Tugoukhovskys, Khlestov
1) main characters
B) Prince Fedor, Kuzma Petrovich, Maxim Petrovich
2) minor
C) Chatsky, Sofia, Molchalin, Famusov
3) episodic
D) G.D.-G.N.
4) image-parody
D) Skalozub, Lisa, Zagoretsky, Gorich, Repetilov
5) off-stage characters
E) Repetilov
6) heroes. Necessary for the connection of the stage action
7. Mark the main means of creating satirical characters in comedy:
Individualization of language, aphorism, tragic pathos, author's remark, hyperbole, farcical details,
catharsis, phraseological units, dramatism, vernacular, irony, sarcasm.
8. Name the hero of the comedy "Woe from Wit", whose speech is aphoristic, the influence of the manner of speaking of other heroes is noticeable, the literary and colloquial forms of speech are intertwined, there are features of servility:
A) Molchalin B) Repetilov C) Zagoretsky D) Liza
9. Combine off-stage characters related to the "current century" and "past century":
Prince Fyodor, Maxim Petrovich, three of the boulevard faces, Tatyana Yurievna, Skalozub's cousin, Baron Von
Klotz, a Frenchman from Bordeaux, young people - "who travels, who lives in the countryside", Kuzma Petrovich, Sophia's aunt.
11. Where does Khlestova live:
A) on Tverskaya B) on the Kuznetsk bridge C) on Pokrovka D) at the Nikitsky gate
12. Whose portrait is this:
Curly! Hump ​​of the shoulder blade!
Angry! All cat tricks!
How black! Yes, how terrible!
A) Khlestov
B) Princess Maria Alekseevna
B) Hryumina
D) arapki

IN human society the majority plays a huge role, it is almost impossible to resist the crowd, so the image of Chatsky, who has taken on the role of a warrior, but is still alone, is tragic.

In A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”, out of 20 characters, only A.A. Chatsky is goodie. He opposes his views to the entire Famus society, not finding understanding, is forced to leave Moscow. What lies at the basis of the contradiction between Chatsky and Famusovsky society?

First, it is a different view of education. Famusov believes that all evil lurks in the sciences and education: “If evil is to be stopped: / Take away all the books, but burn them.”.

Skalozub claims: “I will make you happy: a general rumor, / That there is a project about lyceums, schools, gymnasiums; / There they will only teach in our way: one, two; / And the books will be saved like this: for big occasions.". But Chatsky, on the contrary, sees a boon for Russia in education, perhaps that is why he spent several years in Europe, gaining "mind and reason". Secondly, the characters look differently at the way of life and its meaning. For Famusov, Skalozub and other representatives of the "old Moscow" service is above all. But by "service" they mean the ability to get the "golden key" (the title of chamberlain - highest rank at court). For Famusov, an authoritative person is Maxim Petrovich, who was granted the highest smile for a quick fall in front of the empress, followed by a promotion. Skalozub, without taking part in any battle, practically rose to the rank of general. No wonder Lisa says about him: "And the golden bag, and aims for the generals." But Chatsky "would be glad to serve," but he was "sickening to serve." For he, just like Starodum from Fonvizin's predecessor comedy "Undergrowth", sees the meaning of his existence in serving the fatherland, and not individuals. But if they have some opinion of their own, then the rest, like Molchalin, generally believe that they have no right to judge such things: “In my years, you should not dare / have your own judgment.” In addition, the acuteness of the problem lies in the fact that the Famus society consists of people in whom even little human is left, there is little moral qualities. Chatsky himself sees who is preferred in this world, and says: "The silent ones are blissful in the world." And people like Chatsky, the Famus society is trying to expel, so that nothing interferes with a calm and habitual life. Yes, if a person lives, guided only by personal benefits, knows how to keep silent in time, “stroke a pug”, raise a handkerchief - he is “his own”!

Enhances the tragic image of Chatsky and love line plays. Sophia, being a smart girl, prefers Chatsky to Molchalin, the same Molchalin who managed to please everyone. And, of course, Alexander Andreevich cannot understand why she made such a choice: “Why am I more stupid than Mochalina?” His love for Sophia is so great that he cannot even believe her words, he needs to see for himself everything. And he is convinced that Sophia, having been in the Famus society for so long, has become the bearer of his traits. Sophia's coldness, her dislike for him, and even the slander that she launched, dealt a strong blow to Chatsky's heart.

Nevertheless, it is impossible to argue that Chatsky is absolutely alone in comedy. After all, Skalozub says about his brother: “... he has firmly gained some new rules. / Chin followed him; he suddenly left the service, / In the village he began to read books. And Mrs. Khlestova talks about her nephew: “Professors! - our relatives studied with them, / And he left! even now to the pharmacy, as an apprentice. / Runs away from women, and even from me! / Officials do not want to know! He is a chemist, he is a botanist, / Prince Fedor, my nephew. Despite the fact that these faces do not appear on stage, it still becomes clear that Chatsky is not alone in his aspirations.

Thus, we see that the rejection from society and the rejection of the beloved make the image of Chatsky tragically lonely, but able to resist in the war. The appearance of people of his type gives hope for the nascent change in public consciousness Russians in the 19th century

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