Popular world writers. Which of the Russian writers is popular abroad? BBC Best Book


(ratings: 29 , average: 4,31 out of 5)

In Russia, literature has its own direction, different from any other. The Russian soul is mysterious and incomprehensible. The genre reflects both Europe and Asia, therefore the best classical Russian works are unusual, amaze with sincerity and vitality.

Main actor- soul. For a person, the position in society, the amount of money is not important, it is important for him to find himself and his place in this life, to find truth and peace of mind.

The books of Russian literature are united by the traits of a writer who possesses the gift of the great Word, who has completely devoted himself to this art of literature. Best Classics saw life not flatly, but multifaceted. They wrote about the life of not random destinies, but expressing being in its most unique manifestations.

Russian classics are so different, with different destinies, but they are united by the fact that literature is recognized as a school of life, a way of studying and developing Russia.

Russian classical literature was created best writers from different parts of Russia. It is very important where the author was born, because this determines his formation as a person, his development, and it also affects writing skills. Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky were born in Moscow, Chernyshevsky in Saratov, Shchedrin in Tver. Poltava region in Ukraine is the birthplace of Gogol, Podolsk province - Nekrasov, Taganrog - Chekhov.

Three great classics, Tolstoy, Turgenev and Dostoevsky, were absolutely different people, had different fates, complex characters and great gifts. They made a huge contribution to the development of literature by writing their the best works which still excite the hearts and souls of readers. Everyone should read these books.

Another important difference books of Russian classics - ridiculing the shortcomings of a person and his way of life. Satire and humor are the main features of the works. However, many critics said that this was all slander. And only true connoisseurs saw how the characters are both comical and tragic at the same time. Books like this always touch my heart.

Here you can find the best works classical literature. You can download Russian classic books for free or read online, which is very convenient.

We present to your attention the 100 best books of Russian classics. IN full list The books include the best and most memorable works of Russian writers. This literature is known to everyone and recognized by critics from all over the world.

Of course, our list of top 100 books is just a small part that has collected best work great classics. It can be continued for a very long time.

One hundred books that everyone should read in order to understand not only how they used to live, what were the values, traditions, priorities in life, what they aspired to, but to find out in general how our world works, how bright and pure a soul can be and how valuable it is for a person, for the formation of his personality.

The top 100 list includes the best and most notable works Russian classics. The plot of many of them is known from school bench. However, some books are difficult to understand at a young age, and this requires wisdom that is acquired over the years.

Of course, the list is far from complete and can be continued indefinitely. Reading such literature is a pleasure. She not only teaches something, she radically changes lives, helps to realize simple things that we sometimes do not even notice.

We hope you enjoyed our list of classic Russian literature books. Perhaps you have already read something from it, but something not. Great opportunity to make your own personal list books, your top, which you would like to read.

The jury for ‘The Top Ten: Writers Pick Their Favorite Books’, led by a New York Times columnist, included: famous writers as: Jonathan Franzen, recognized by the Times magazine as the best American novelist, author of the novel "The Emperor's Children" Claire Mesud, Joyce Carol Oates, famous American novelist, and many others. The writers compiled lists of the top 10 novels and writers by reviewing 544 titles. The novels were scored from 1 to 10.

Ten the greatest writers of all time, according to total points scored:

1. Leo Tolstoy - 327

One of the most widely known Russian writers and thinkers, revered as one of the world's greatest writers. Member of the defense of Sevastopol.
The writer, recognized during his lifetime as the head of Russian literature, whose work marked new stage in the development of Russian and world realism, becoming a kind of bridge between the traditions classic novel XIX century and literature of the XX century.
The most famous works of Tolstoy, such as the novels "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", "Resurrection", autobiographical trilogy"Childhood", "Adolescence", "Youth", the stories "Cossacks", "The Death of Ivan Ilyich", "Kreutzer Sonata", "Hadji Murad", a series of essays " Sevastopol stories”, dramas“ The Living Corpse ”and“ The Power of Darkness ”, autobiographical religious and philosophical works“ Confession ”and“ What is my faith? and etc.

2. William Shakespeare - 293

English poet and playwright, often considered the greatest English writer and one of the best playwrights in the world. Often referred to as the national poet of England. The works that have come down to us, including some written jointly with other authors, consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, 4 poems and 3 epitaphs. Shakespeare's plays have been translated into every major language and are staged more often than the works of other playwrights.
Most of Shakespeare's works were written between 1589 and 1613. His early plays were mostly comedies and chronicles, in which Shakespeare excelled. Then a period of tragedies began in his work, including the works of Hamlet, King Lear, Othello and Macbeth, which are considered among the best on English language. At the end of his work, Shakespeare wrote several tragicomedies, and also collaborated with other writers.

3. James Joyce - 194

Irish writer and poet, a representative of modernism, Joyce greatly influenced world culture. He remains one of the most widely read English-language prose writers today. In 1998, Modern Library published a list of the "100 best novels The newest library”, which included all three James Joyce novels: Ulysses (number 1 on the list), A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (number 3) and Finnegans Wake (number 77). In 1999, Time magazine included the writer in the list of "100 heroes and idols of the 20th century", saying that Joyce brought about a whole revolution. Ulysses has been called "demonstrating and summing up everything modern movement[modernism]."

4. Vladimir Nabokov - 190

Russian and American writer, poet, translator and entomologist.

Nabokov's works are characterized by a complex literary technique, deep analysis emotional state characters combined with an unpredictable, sometimes almost thriller plot. Among the most famous examples of Nabokov's work are the novels Mashenka, Luzhin's Defense, Invitation to Execution, and The Gift. The writer gained fame among the general public after the publication scandalous romance"Lolita", on which several adaptations were subsequently made (1962, 1997).

5. Fyodor Dostoevsky - 177

One of the most significant and famous Russian writers and thinkers in the world. Dostoevsky's work had a great influence on Russian and world culture. literary heritage the writer is differently evaluated both at home and abroad. In the West, where Dostoevsky's novels have enjoyed popularity since the early 20th century, his work has had a significant impact on such generally liberal movements as existentialism, expressionism, and surrealism. Many people see him as the forerunner of existentialism. literary critics. However, abroad, Dostoevsky is usually regarded, first of all, as an outstanding writer and psychologist, while his ideology is ignored or almost completely rejected.

Anna Karenina. Lev Tolstoy

The greatest love story of all time. A story that has not left the stage, filmed countless times - and still has not lost the boundless charm of passion - a destructive, destructive, blind passion - but all the more bewitching with its grandeur.

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Master and Margarita. Michael Bulgakov

This is the most mysterious of the novels in the entire history of Russian literature of the 20th century. This is a novel that is almost officially called the "Gospel of Satan". This is The Master and Margarita. A book that can be read and re-read dozens, hundreds of times, but most importantly, which is still impossible to understand. So, which pages of The Master and Margarita were dictated by the Forces of Light?

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Wuthering Heights. Emily Bronte

Mystery novel, included in the top ten best novels of all time! The story of a stormy, truly demonic passion, which excites the imagination of readers for more than a hundred and fifty years. Katie gave her heart to her cousin, but ambition and a thirst for wealth push her into the arms of a rich man. Forbidden attraction turns into a curse for secret lovers, and one day.

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Eugene Onegin. Alexander Pushkin

Have you read "Onegin"? What can you say about Onegin? These are the questions that are constantly repeated among writers and Russian readers, ”the writer, enterprising publisher and, by the way, the hero of Pushkin’s epigrams, Faddey Bulgarin, noted after the publication of the second chapter of the novel. For a long time ONEGIN has not been accepted to evaluate. In the words of the same Bulgarin, it is “written in Pushkin's verses. That's enough."

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Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris. Victor Hugo

A story that survived the centuries, became a canon and gave its heroes the glory of common nouns. A story of love and tragedy. The love of those to whom love was not given and not allowed - by religious rank, physical weakness or someone else's evil will. The gypsy Esmeralda and the deaf hunchback bell ringer Quasimodo, the priest Frollo and the captain of the royal shooters Phoebe de Chateauper, the beautiful Fleur-de-Lys and the poet Gringoire.

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Gone With the Wind. Margaret Mitchell

the great saga of civil war in the USA and about the fate of the wayward and ready to go over the heads of Scarlett O'Hara was first published more than 70 years ago and has not become outdated to this day. This the only novel Margaret Mitchell, for which she received a Pulitzer Prize. A story about a woman who is not ashamed to be equal to either an unconditional feminist or a staunch supporter of house building.

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Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare

This is the highest of love tragedies that human genius can create. A tragedy that has been filmed and will be filmed. A tragedy that does not leave the stage to this day - and to this day it sounds like it was written yesterday. Years and centuries go by. But one thing remains and will forever remain unchanged: “There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet ...”

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The Great Gatsby. Francis Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby is not only the pinnacle of Fitzgerald's work, but also one of the highest achievements in world prose of the 20th century. Although the action of the novel takes place in the “turbulent” twenties of the last century, when fortunes were made literally from nothing and yesterday’s criminals became millionaires overnight, this book lives outside of time, because, telling about the broken fates of the generation of the “jazz age”.

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Three Musketeers. Alexandr Duma

The most famous historical adventurous novel by Alexandre Dumas tells about the adventures of the Gascon d'Artagnan and his Musketeer friends at the court of King Louis XIII.

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Count of Monte Cristo. Alexandr Duma

The book features one of the classic's most gripping adventure novels. French literature 19th century Alexandre Dumas.

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Triumphal Arch. Erich Remarque

One of the most beautiful and tragic novels about love in the history of European literature. The story of a refugee from Nazi Germany Dr. Ravik and entangled in " unbearable lightness being” by the beautiful Joan Madu takes place in pre-war Paris. And the disturbing time in which these two happened to meet and fall in love with each other becomes one of the main characters of the Arc de Triomphe.

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The person who laughs. Victor Hugo

Gwynplaine is a lord by birth, as a child he was sold to gangsters-comprachos, who made a fair jester out of a child, carving a mask of “eternal laughter” on his face (at the courts of the European nobility of that time there was a fashion for cripples and freaks who amused the owners). Against all odds, Gwynplaine retained the best human qualities and your love.

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Martin Eden. Jack London

A simple sailor, in whom it is easy to recognize the author himself, goes a long, full of hardships path to literary immortality ... By chance, he found himself in secular society, Martin Eden is doubly happy and surprised ... and the creative gift awakened in him, and divine way young Ruth Morse, so unlike all the people he knew before ... From now on, two goals relentlessly stand before him.

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Sister Kerry. Theodore Dreiser

The publication of Theodore Dreiser's first novel was so difficult that it led its creator into a severe depression. But further fate novel "Sister Kerry" turned out to be happy: it was translated into many foreign languages reprinted in millions of copies. New and new generations of readers are happy to plunge into the vicissitudes of the fate of Caroline Meiber.

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American tragedy. Theodore Dreiser

The novel "An American Tragedy" is the pinnacle of the work of the outstanding American writer Theodore Dreiser. He said: “No one creates tragedies - life creates them. The writers only portray them.” Dreiser managed to depict the tragedy of Clive Griffiths so talentedly that his story does not leave the modern reader indifferent.

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Outcasts. Victor Hugo

Jean Valjean, Cosette, Gavroche - the names of the heroes of the novel have long become common nouns, the number of its readers for a century and a half since the publication of the book has not decreased, the novel has not lost its popularity. A kaleidoscope of faces from all walks of French society first half of XIX centuries, vivid, memorable characters, sentimentality and realism, tense, exciting plot.

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The adventures of the good soldier Schweik. Yaroslav Gashek

Great, original and hooligan novel. A book that can be perceived both as a "soldier's tale" and as classic directly related to the traditions of the Renaissance. This is a sparkling text that makes you laugh to tears, and a powerful call to “lay down your arms”, and one of the most objective historical evidence in satirical literature.

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Iliad. Homer

The attraction of Homer's poems is not only that their author introduces us to a world separated from modernity by tens of centuries and yet unusually real thanks to the genius of the poet, who preserved in his poems the beating of contemporary life. Homer's immortality lies in the fact that his brilliant creations contain inexhaustible reserves of universal human values ​​- reason, goodness and beauty.

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St. John's wort. James Cooper

Cooper was able to find and describe in his books that originality and unexpected brightness of the newly discovered continent, which managed to fascinate the entire world. modern Europe. Every new novel The writer was eagerly awaited. The exciting adventures of the fearless and noble hunter and tracker Natty Bumpo conquered both young and adult readers..

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Doctor Zhivago. Boris Pasternak

The novel "Doctor Zhivago" is one of the outstanding works Russian literature, which for many years remained closed to a wide range readers in our country who knew about him only through scandalous and unscrupulous party criticism.

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Don Quixote. Miguel Cervantes

What do the names of Amadis the Gallic, the English Palmerine, the Greek Don Belianis, the White Tyrant tell us today? But it was precisely as a parody of the novels about these knights that “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha” by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra was created. And this parody outlived the parodied genre for centuries. "Don Quixote" was recognized best novel throughout the history of world literature.

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Ivanhoe. Walter Scott

"Ivanhoe" - key work in the cycle of novels by W. Scott, which take us to medieval England. To the young knight Ivanhoe, who secretly returned from crusade to his homeland and, by the will of his father, deprived of his inheritance, will have to defend his honor and love lovely lady Rowena ... King Richard will come to his aid Lion Heart and the legendary robber Robin Hood.

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Headless horseman. Reed Mine

The plot of the novel is built so skillfully that it keeps you in suspense until the very end. last page. It is no coincidence that the fascinating story of the noble mustanger Maurice Gerald and his beloved, the beautiful Louise Poindexter, investigating the sinister secret of the headless horseman, whose figure, when he appears, terrifies the inhabitants of the savannah, was extremely fond of readers of Europe and Russia.

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Dear friend. Guy de Maupassant

The novel "Dear friend" has become one of the symbols of the era. This is Maupassant's most powerful novel. Through the story of Georges Duroy, who is making his “way up”, the true morals of high French society are revealed, the spirit of venality that reigns in all its areas contributes to the fact that an ordinary and immoral person, such as the hero of Maupassant, easily achieves success and wealth.

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Dead Souls. Nikolay Gogol

The release of the first volume of N. Gogol's "Dead Souls" in 1842 caused a heated controversy among contemporaries, splitting society into admirers and opponents of the poem. “... Speaking of “ Dead souls“- you can talk a lot about Russia ...” - this judgment of P. Vyazemsky explained main reason disputes. The author’s question is still relevant: “Rus, where are you going, give me an answer?”

If you decide to spend the evening reading interesting book, then the proposed list popular literature will help you in choosing artistic creation. Known contemporary authors and classic writers offer the reader the most fascinating works to date.

Based on fan reviews fiction and demand for works in stores, a list of the TOP 10 most read books in Russia today was compiled.

Leads the top ten ranking novel English writer. The main characters do not yet know that their meeting will radically change their lives. Lou Clark has a boyfriend she doesn't really have feelings for. The girl loves life and her job at the bar. And it seemed that nothing foreshadowed the appearance of problems that the girl would have to face in the near future.

Fate brings Lou with a guy named Will Taynor. The young man was seriously injured by a motorcycle that hit him. His only goal is to find the culprit and take revenge.

But the acquaintance of Lou and Will becomes for heroes turning point on life path. They had to go through trials to find each other. The novel captivates with its eccentricity, where there is no hint of banality.

Fantasy genre work Dmitry Glukhovsky "Metro 2035" became a sensational novel of this year, which is a continuation of the previous parts: "Metro 2033" and "Metro 2034".

A nuclear war has killed all life on the planet and people are forced to live in the subway.

In the story that concludes the trilogy, readers will find out if humanity will be able to return to earth again, after a long imprisonment under the earth. The main character will still remain Artyom, who is so fond of book lovers. Fantastic dystopia rightfully ranks ninth among the most read books today.

Ranked eighth is psychological novel with elements of a detective by a British writer Paula Hawkins "The Girl on the Train". A young woman, Rachel, destroyed her family herself by becoming addicted to alcohol. She has nothing but an image perfect couple Jess and Jason, whom she observes from the train window. But one day this picture of a perfect relationship disappears. Under strange circumstances, Jess disappears.

Rachel, who drank alcohol the day before, struggles to remember what happened and whether she has anything to do with the strange disappearance. She begins investigating a mysterious case.

According to 2015 data, the bestseller is in the top 10 best-selling books in the country.

Donna Tart released the third part of a masterpiece of psychological prose "Goldfinch". Art is closely intertwined with the fate of the teenager Theodore Trekker, under tragic circumstances. A boy loses his mother in an explosion in art gallery. Fleeing from the rubble, the main character decides to take with him a painting by the famous author Fabricius "Goldfinch". The boy has no idea how a work of art will affect his future destiny.

The novel has already fallen in love with many readers of Russia and rightfully takes 7th place in the top 10 most popular books today.

New detective story of a Russian writer Alexandra Marinina "Execution without malice" entered the top 10 most read books in Russia. Anastasia Kamenskaya, together with her workmate Yuri Korotkov, arrive in a Siberian town to resolve personal issues. The trip becomes for the heroes another investigation of a mysterious wave of crimes. Professionals in their field will have to find out how the murders of environmentalists and the fur farm, which litters the surrounding area, are connected. An exciting story about an unusual investigation awaits the reader.

Immortal manuscript Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" is one of the most read books in Russia today.

The classics of world literature tells about true, devoted love and insidious betrayal. The master of the word managed to create a book within a book, where reality is intertwined with the other world and another era. The arbiter of human destinies will be dark world evil, doing good and justice. Bulgakov managed to combine the incompatible, so the novel is firmly in the TOP 10.

"Planet Water"- new writer's work Boris Akunin, which consists of three works. The first story "Planet Water" tells about amazing adventures Erast Petrovich Fandorin, who rushes in search of a maniac hiding on the island. For this reason, he has to interrupt the underwater expedition. The second part of the book "Sail Lonely" tells about the hero's investigation of the murder. The victim turns out to be ex-lover Erast Petrovich. The final story "Where do we go" will introduce the reader to the robbery case. Main character looking for clues that will lead him to the criminals. The book was published in 2015 and is rapidly gaining popularity among today's readers.

Paulo Coelho became popular in Russia, thanks to the philosophical creation "Alchemist". The parable tells about the shepherd Santiago, who is in search of treasure. The Hero's Journey Ends in Finding true value. A young man meets an alchemist and learns philosophical science. The purpose of life is not material wealth, but love and doing good deeds for all mankind. The book has been the most read in Russia for many years.

Professor Robert Langdon has to solve the mystery of the murder. The cipher, which was found next to the murdered museum employee, will help the hero in this. The solution to the crime lies in the immortal creations of Leonardo da Vinci, and the code is the key to them.

The most read book in Russia today is a dystopia George Orwell "1984". This is a story about a world where there is no place for true feelings. An absurd ideology, brought to automatism, rules here. The consumer society considers the ideology of the Party to be the only correct one. But among the "dead souls" are those who do not want to put up with the established foundations. The protagonist of the novel, Winston Smith, finds a soul mate in Julia. A man falls in love with a girl, and together they try to take steps to change the situation. The couple is soon declassified and tortured. Smith breaks down and renounces his ideas and lover. The book about totalitarian regime board to this day remains popular throughout the world.

A good book is much more than a way to kill time. Wishing to get acquainted with unusual worlds, mysterious and strong characters and incredible adventures, the reader should take a closer look at the work of the most popular contemporary writers. Below are the most striking and famous works recent decades- top 10 best modern books!

1. 11/22/63 (Stephen King)

Tops our list of the best contemporary science books fantasy novel Stephen King 11/22/63. The first publication of the work took place in 2011.

The assassination of J.F. Kennedy was one of the strongest tragedies American society. A popular politician was shot right during a huge parade in front of thousands of Americans. Could the president have been saved? Surprisingly, the answer to this question to be found out simple teacher! Jake Epping - Ordinary Resident small town who works at a school and is not much different from thousands of his fellow citizens. However, by the will of fate, it is he who gets the chance to go through the time portal, which is located in the back of the cafe with his old friend Al. The owner of the device has long wanted to find the killer of Kennedy, but the disease upset all plans, so Jake must replace him! Go back, straight to the 60s, live there for several years, figure out the future executioner and stop him on the day of a terrible tragedy! Will he be able to change the course of history and even go back?

2 American Gods (Neil Gaiman)

American Gods is one of the best modern fantasy books ever written. English writer Neil Gaiman in 2001.

America. Shelter of a huge number of migrants from all over the world. Looking for better share people went to an unknown continent, hoping to get settled there and find long-awaited happiness. However, they did not travel alone: ​​each visiting guest brought with him a piece of his native culture. Gods, beliefs, rituals, customs - this is the true luggage of the settlers! Will different deities be able to get along together and what promises such a neighborhood? Shadows, the main character, who has recently been released from prison, will have to find out. Once free, he finds himself in a series of strange events and mysterious crimes that need to be unraveled.

3. The Wind Runner (Khaled Hosseini)

Closes the top three best book by contemporary American writer Khaled Hosseini. The work was born in 2003.

What's happened real friendship? Sometimes adults find it very difficult to answer this question. Much easier for kids. Amir and Hasan are two completely different boys who are connected by true friendship. That's just one of them is an aristocrat, and the second is a poor servant! Coming from different social strata, they do not pay attention to the differences that are so important for adults. Playing, joking, sharing secrets and impressions, experiencing failures and knowing sorrow, the boys gradually grow up, and their friendship only becomes stronger. One day, serious changes are coming in the country that will test their strength and scatter friends across different parties. Can childhood friendship survive?

4. A Song of Ice and Fire (George Martin)

A Song of Ice and Fire is one of the most famous and best modern fantasy books. This is a whole series of works, consisting of five already published volumes. There are two more books in the pipeline. The first publication took place in 1996. The book gained particular popularity after the release of the series "Game of Thrones", filmed by HBO based on its motives.

The unique fantasy world is inhabited by far from good fairies and funny gnomes. This is a world of several powerful powers that are desperately fighting for their heart's content. Their goal is the throne of Westeros. Their means are weapons, intrigues, murders and rebellions. The palace of Verteros is filled with vile and greedy people who are eager to seize the throne at any cost. There is no place for honesty and nobility anymore. Arranging serious intrigues and organizing coups, the conspirators will do everything to undermine the situation in the kingdom. However, it is not only them that should be feared, because the cunning rulers of neighboring states are also not averse to snatching a "tidbit" during a cruel and blind turmoil! Coming real war for power, ready to bury the old order forever.

5. The house in which ... (Mariam Petrosyan)

“The House Where…” is an interesting contemporary fantasy novel by the Armenian writer Mariam Petrosyan, published in 2009.

On the edge of the city is a boarding school for abandoned children. This old and gray place seems very inhospitable and gloomy, but everything is not so simple... Once inside, a person can discover a new, unusual world in which there is more kindness and light than on the bright city streets. The pupils of the house are divided into groups, each of which has its own leader. There are no names and surnames here - only bright nicknames. There is a lot of unknown and very little familiar. These are miniature societies with their vices and virtues. Children learn about the world, growing up, changing and trying to find their place in it.

6. Book Thief (Markus Zusak)

"The Book Thief" - Fascinating modern novel Australian writer, written in 2006.

Liesel Meminger - small german girl, whose childhood fell on a truly monstrous time. In 1939, the Nazi regime reached its peak, destroying the recalcitrant and preparing to enslave the world. Horror, murders, robberies and terror became daily companions of the lives of those who did not suit the new government. After the death of her husband, Frau Meminger moves, trying to find a quieter place for her daughter. But in vain... Looking around, Liesel sees the ongoing chaos through the eyes of an innocent child who does not understand this cruel and strange world of adults. Growing up quickly, she has a lot to learn and rethink.

7 Gone Girl (Gillian Flynn)

Gone Girl is one of the best modern thriller books. The work was published in 2012 and became the basis of the film of the same name.

How hard it is to know a person, even if you lived with him long years! An unusual incident turns the fate of the protagonist when his wife suddenly disappears. During a stormy celebration of their wedding anniversary, a woman mysteriously disappears. Arriving police discover blood and signs of a struggle, deciding that the man killed his wife and hid her body. Now the bewildered man is left to solve this incredible puzzle himself. Who knows, maybe the answer will turn out to be even more monstrous than the disappearance itself ...

8 Cloud Atlas (David Mitchell)

The novel "Cloud Atlas" was written in 2004 by an English writer. Its plot is a complex interweaving of stories and destinies that, at first glance, nothing connects. An American lawyer stranded on a tropical island while a ship is being repaired; a young English musician forced to sell his music and body to earn a living; a brave Californian journalist fighting against a powerful corporation; a London publisher facing criminals after the release of yet another bestseller; a clone from a Korean anti-utopia and a Hawaiian old man watching the decline of human civilization. All events and characters pass hard way V different times gradually weaving together.

9. When I Was Real (Tom McCarthy)

Tom McCarthy's novel "When I Was Real" continues our top 10 best modern books.

Sudden disaster changed life young man, crossing out his past. He finds himself in a long-term coma, from which he, fortunately, manages to get out. But such a long process did not pass without a trace: now he needs to learn to live anew. Walk, move, work with hands and talk. All past life comes in the form of vague memories, and the hero endlessly wants to return to his former self. Moreover, some large corporation is ready to pay him a lot of money to keep the cause of the incident a secret. How are they related? What happened that day? And how to become completely the same?

10 Anathem (Neil Stevenson)

And completes the top ten modern science fiction book "Anathem", written by American writer Neil Stevenson in 2008.

Arb - distant and mysterious planet similar to the earth. People who worship science live here. Science, which completely replaced religion and managed to split society into two irreconcilable camps. Guardians of Science are monks who were once scientists. They once worked and created for the benefit of progress, but their work led to something terrible. Now the monks live in the monastery, closed from the outside, secular world. Their life is simple, calm and measured, but every ten years there comes a special date - the day when the two sides can change places. The monks will see the outside world, and secular people will be able to join the monastic life and worldview. Once such a change led to horrific consequences, and now the two sides must unite to prevent the impending disaster!

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