Why chocks can't evolve into humans. Why Caucasians love Russian women


Caucasians, or whatever you called them, Caucasian people is a general term. Still, most of the reproaches expressed by other commentators who have unsubscribed here refer to the representatives of Chechnya and Dagestan.

The current dislike is a kind of self-sustaining process. Let me explain: in society there is already a stereotype about Caucasians, it is more or less fully described in other answers. Therefore, this attitude extends to a newly arrived Chechen or Dagestan one way or another, regardless of what kind of person he is. Those, in turn, also have stereotypes about Russians. And the fact that most often Caucasians prefer to communicate with representatives of their own people also does not help in overcoming stereotypes associated with nationality, but rather reinforces them. Here it is appropriate to recall the social experiment conducted in the United States at a time when racial prejudices were still strong. Although the schools already had mixed classes, white and African American children kept aloof from each other and, of course, were full of stereotypes about children of a different skin color. Educational work(and in fact, just words about equality) gave a result close to zero. But when the children were divided into groups, which included both white and black children, and each of the groups was required to do a project, then in the process of collective work, most of the stereotypes disappeared. This practice has been introduced throughout the United States, and this has greatly improved the situation. I think that as long as Caucasians primarily communicate only with representatives of their own people, this situation will continue. Those of the Dagestanis who are perfectly integrated into society, whom I know, do not limit their social circle only or mainly to Dagestanis of their nationality (Laks, Avars, Tabasarans and others), and there is no negative attitude towards them.

Another important point: There is a moment of misunderstanding of culture and psychology in communication, and this is also true for both parties. This is especially noticeable when communicating with people who were somehow affected by the war, and these are Chechnya and Dagestan. In order to understand how differently we think, I would like to recommend watching this interview with a Chechen:

Misunderstanding of culture and related psychology also leads to incorrect communication tactics in conflict situations. In general, if you see that a Caucasian is doing something wrong, you can advise the following tactics:

1. Appeal to the memory of ancestors, clan or nation: I have seen more than once that after the words "Why do you disgrace your family?" the behavior of the Caucasian changed dramatically;

2. Tell about an act committed by a Caucasian, a mullah in a mosque (here it is necessary to exclude Armenians, Georgians and Ossetians who adhere to Orthodoxy, but there are usually fewer complaints against them). At the same time, it doesn’t matter what kind of mosque it is and whether you can accurately describe this Caucasian - they will still find him, since he casts a shadow on all believers, and they will conduct an educational conversation so that he will try not to repeat this again.

To the question Why are Caucasians so aggressive and quick-tempered? given by the author Neurologist the best answer is Everything in the Caucasus contentious issues resolved by force. Someone killed someone, the elder must take revenge. There are teips. If you do not take revenge, then weak. Tape loses respect. Teipu is not profitable. The teip says, go and take revenge. And he goes, whether he wants to or not. More kids, stronger kind. There's nowhere to go. Everything must be done according to the law. Blood feud takes place quietly and honestly - the one who committed blood feud does not hide, but publicly says that he avenged his relative. For example, my child will cry, tear up, but if my father is nearby, I don’t have the right to take him in my arms - only a mother, I can’t show feelings. You see, in our world, the opinion of others is very important, and you can’t do anything about it. You must behave properly, otherwise the reputation of your family will suffer, people will talk badly about your father, your voice in the teip will mean less, which means less chance of help and protection. All life depends on it.
In Russia they think: they are bloodthirsty there, they cut each other. But a person takes revenge not only because he wants to. He can't help but retaliate. For example, I don’t want to kill anyone, but if my brother was killed, I am obliged to take revenge - the whole family is waiting for this, the whole teip. I have to do this to maintain order, balance. Therefore, every kill here is followed by at least one more. A month ago, there was a shootout in Pliev - militants fired at a police car, one, Akhmed Isakov, was killed. They began to catch up with them and also killed one, Ali Tsaroev. So, it turned out that both less than a year brothers died. For Isakov, he worked in the police, for Tsaroev, apparently, he was a militant. Ahmed and Ali went to take revenge. It's very simple: if a policeman dies, they say to his brother: "You know, there is always a place for you, come, work, take revenge." If you come to the militants, you say that your brother is dead, they will also give you a machine gun. During the year, their families buried two sons.
This is an archaic mountain consciousness, which does not allow pretend forgiveness, and captures the spirit from the abyss that separates us.
What is the logic behind what is happening? My friends in Ingushetia are right: it doesn't exist. In the sense that the bloody mess is not the result of someone's policy, but the spontaneous interaction of large armed groups. And this is the worst.
There are Russian security forces - a temporary grouping of troops, the FSB, the GRU, mobile units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Formally, they are subordinate to someone in Moscow, but in fact it is a separate world that has developed during the Chechen wars, with its own customs, culture, and mechanism of action. People come and go, but the group remains. She has her own way of existence, interaction with the world - this is war. The security forces live in the barracks, go on operations. They don't give a damn about the local population, in general it is an enemy for them, the local authorities are zero.
On the other hand, there are militants. They have the same condition of existence - war, they need it, they produce it. They also do not care about the population, their funding also comes from outside. Both of them intimidate people, kill those who dare to be ideologically close to the enemy. These are the main fighting forces. They cannot defeat each other, but in reality no one sets such a task.
There are also various other groups.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Why are Caucasians so aggressive and quick-tempered?

Answer from Vasyatko[guru]
Fuckers because.

Answer from Give advice[guru]
While the smart one was undressing, the fool crossed the river...

Answer from Yergey Neymirko[guru]
Their blood is "hot", genetically.

Answer from good neighborliness[guru]
the sun on the head gives =))

Answer from Yergey Petrov[expert]
Their banditry is the most important virtue!

Answer from Natalie[guru]
you don’t have to interfere with Caucasians with your charter, even if they cut each other on their territory, but in Russia they need to be put in their place, not allowing their mouths to open, their impudence is only with those who allow, they are cowards one by one

Answer from User deleted[master]
Caucasians did not have serfdom. harsh life in the mountains from generation to generation strengthened the character. I do not agree that the Russians are calmer and slower. It's just that many Russians are more timid. Most fear their superiors more than Satan.

Answer from Sator[guru]
Russians are more lazy, until they realize that they need to flare up - it’s not necessary anymore.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
Fuck .. lu have not received for a long time!

Answer from * Fox*[guru]
long to describe. . put "Marat, Friend of the People" as the best answer. He's right.

Answer from Andrey Andreev[guru]
Caucasian hot temper is more of a myth, if you give a good blow to the horns, they become very quiet, have mercy on my mother, I swear I won’t do it anymore

Answer from om...[guru]
I do not want to offend, but it is so - Animal instincts, the strongest survives, (Beasts).

Answer from User deleted[guru]
Caucasians do not allow themselves to be humiliated. For example, blood feud: once again you don’t want to offend someone or mock someone when you know that not only you, but all your relatives will pay for it. And to the Russian: "with ... s in the eyes, he will say that God's dew." I agree that Caucasians should be put in their place, not allowed to act like masters in Russia.

Answer from ALEX Klavdii[guru]
Drunk Russians are worse than a whole village of these Caucasians, since you can only defend your honor and dignity, courage until the first blow to the skull, but when you are sober, you only get it.

Answer from Kate[guru]
they are arrogant, that's for sure, aggressive, for sure. Depends on education, they see the meaning of life in the struggle, in overcoming obstacles. In addition, every mother tells her children every day - you are the best, and strangers do not notice this best, so anger is in full swing. In short, education. for interest here

Answer from Lobster[guru]
Why are Caucasians so aggressive and quick-tempered?
Because the Caucasus is conquered but not conquered and her empire
want to Russify. If Russia captures the Chinese
and make you Chinese (Russians will appear in Muskva
children who understand only Chinese) you will be like that too.

Answer from DAVARO DAVARO[newbie]

Answer from XXx[expert]
Caucasians live according to their own medieval laws and customs in the 21st century. It's the same as now to take sticks, spears, dress in skins and run. According to their customs, they have revenge, almost someone looked wrong or made a remark and they are already ready to kill, since supposedly this is a very strong unacceptable insult for them! Then I have a question for them: what if you were slaughtered for every wrong word or for not looking at it that way, because you are far from ideally behaving towards others, what would you say? Revenge is not an option. Because revenge breeds revenge, evil breeds evil! And there is a constant cycle. It is impossible to behave as the ancestors behaved 200 years ago, since evolution is underway and a person must develop, our ancestors did not understand a lot of things, they did not know a lot of things, they did a lot of things wrong! And it turns out that because of this you stopped your development and behave as people behaved 200 years ago, repeating their mistakes.

Answer from marie night[expert]
because not far from the macaques are gone.

Recently in the Prokopenko program " A military secret"two were shown interesting plot. In the first they showed about hazing with a "Caucasian face". The spectacle, of course, was pitiful: a few hefty Caucasians terrorized a whole crowd of downtrodden Russians. They mocked them, beat them and filmed these indecencies on photos and videos. And they dejectedly endured all this bodyaga. One of the reasons for such shame was that these Caucasians are all candidates for master of sports in wrestling and boxing, and ours are candidates for schmuck or even masters of suffocation.

In part, we can agree with this. Even for the most part. I remember that our army was also full of Caucasians. I got more Soviet army. We had Lezgins, Laks, Chechens, Adyghes, Dargins ... There were many Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Armenians, various Central Asians. The part was quite large. But our hazing was age-related, not national. And there was no question that some national group subjugated everyone else. And the Russians behaved without nationalism, quite correctly. Like Soviet cement.

Why is it so? But because we were all strong guys, went in for many sports, heavy physical labor. It was so easy not to kill us - they would not have given. Personally, I was engaged in freestyle wrestling, at that time I had the first category. I fought Caucasians and often defeated them, despite the fact that some of them were masters of sports. I became a master after the army in the weight up to 90 kg. I studied the history of wrestling in Russia and knew a lot about this topic. I knew that the leading wrestlers of the beginning of the last century were Russians or Ukrainians. Poddubny, Zaikin, Shemyakin, Chufistov, Vakhturov... There were wrestlers of other nationalities. I remember watching a film about the wrestler Weiland-Schultz, who, in my opinion, was from the Balts and lived to be more than a hundred years old. In his youth, he traveled the entire Caucasus and did not know defeat, defeating all the local pahlavans there. And there was this Schultz of average weight, he was just very healthy. Like this. They could, therefore, beat all the vaunted Caucasians. There, in the Caucasus, there were glorious heroes Same. For example, Kazbek Gora, Ossetian. Or Kazakh Khadzhi-Mukan. But these were not champions of the first row, but of the second or third. They did not pull against Poddubny.

Russian and Soviet sports are famous famous names. There were people different nationalities. Russian wrestler of the Senators, Ukrainian Kuksenko. This is before the war. After the war, the Estonian Kotkas, the Ukrainian Mazur, the Russians Parfyonov, Ivanitsky, Roshchin, Kolchinsky, Karelin, the Byelorussian Medved, the Ossetian Andiev... These are just strands. and how many names there were in lighter weights. For example, the Olympic champion, in my opinion, the Jew Gurevich served as a prototype for the famous statue "Let's beat swords into plowshares", standing in front of the UN building in the USA. Fight in Soviet time showed a lot on TV. Famous wrestlers were written about in the press.

And now? Now shish with butter. Even at the Olympics, neither boxing nor wrestling is really shown. Nowhere. These kinds of sports that bring up courage for television people, as it were, do not exist. Balls and balls are chasing everywhere. Here we are chasing! In the above program they showed some kind of frail. He turned out to be Russian, of course, from modern Russia native. Well, how can this not be smothered by a powerful and arrogant highlander. Yes, he will kill 10 such ones! Just give them slack. Slave-owners, abreks in the past, all sorts of Kazbichi...

We need to revive interest in courageous sports among the Russian people. And then in the national teams now there are solid Caucasians, even in freestyle, even in the classics or in judo. Even in weightlifting. This is wrong. How many of these Caucasians - and how many Russians? A man should be strong, and not run after some Klinsky. Caucasians have a cult of strength, they are great. But after all, even in our country, quite recently, strength was held in high esteem. Because without power, all our bright dreams will be unfulfilled.

By the way, in the second story they showed an episode from Chechen war. And there the Russian guys were heroic. They defeated a superior group of militants and behaved courageously and boldly. This means that the Russian spirit has not been lost at all. It turned out to be only wrapped in a weak bodily shell, not conducive to allowing this spirit to manifest itself as it should.
And, believe me, strong Russians will not bend and go naked before violence. This is absolutely undeniable.

And our guys will be strong - and Russia will be strong!


It is difficult to object and do not want to. And yet, I think that strength of mind can be brought up not only in sports. Ignorance in life often wins without physical strength, even MARX wrote about his particular danger. Remember the Soviet "I stood here"? Well what to do with her cultured person... Climbing out of line impudently. In the army, for the tricks of "dashing" soldiers, their "fathers" - officers should be punished with whips. Undertook to lead, work, answer. Professionals are imprisoned for such mistakes, in civilian life. And in the army there is some kind of fuss of irresponsibility.

In civilian life, the police should not be contacted by the mother either? I had to lead a large production team and a driving school, where men, but I did not allow hazing, pedagogical methods, it was possible. Makarenko also taught others. I know about the problem, I was on retraining at the Academy, twenty-five "partisans" were in the barracks ... But our commander slept with us. And nothing. I do not believe that the soldiers are guilty, for the life of me. Today hazing is natural, Mercury rules the show in the Army. Soldiers with machine guns should sleep. Jocks then only understand the essence. There was hardly hazing on the front line.

How often do we see lovers of different nationalities on the street. Nobody is surprised by this anymore, since the policy of multiculturalism is actively developing in Russia. The largest percentage of the non-Russian population of our country are representatives of the Caucasian peoples. It has been noticed that young Russian women prefer them. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure out why Russian girls love Caucasians.

Common opinions about Eastern men

There are many stereotypes about Caucasian guys: they are uneducated, arrogant, cruel, rude ... But do not forget that among the representatives of each nation you can meet not very good people. Each nationality is characterized by some hostility towards other peoples, therefore they are mainly seen as shortcomings. Some people look deeper and realize that many Caucasian men have a large number of virtues, thanks to which they win the sympathy of Russian women. Now let's find the main reasons why Russian girls love Caucasians.

Reasons for relationships with non-Russian guys

Many women see in Caucasian men the embodiment of masculinity and strength, which they do not find in many other representatives of the strong half of humanity. Indeed, Eastern guys have a completely different mentality. From childhood, they are severely brought up by their fathers, so they are strong in spirit, firm in their decisions, they feel the core. It is this decisiveness and masculinity that often attract Russian women. Many of them believe that Russian guys are not capable of making independent decisions. This is one of the reasons why Russian girls love Caucasians. The second explanation for this fact is that women like the temperament of oriental beauties. Everyone famous expression“hot blood” is definitely about them. They attract girls with their unique charm and exotic appearance. Caucasians also know how to beautifully look after their beloved. When meeting such a guy, there is no doubt that he will shower you with flowers and gifts. Next to an oriental man, a woman can relax and feel like a real kor

deer, unique and beautiful. In addition, a Caucasian, most likely, will not want his woman to work, since her business is to take care of the house, children and herself. Therefore, a girl can feel comfortable and confident, having no doubt that she will be provided with everything necessary for a comfortable life. That's why girls love Caucasians.

A few tips for Russian men

So, now you know why Russian girls love Caucasians. If you want women to admire you in the same way as Oriental guys, be more attentive to your loved ones. Do not be afraid to approach the girl you like on the street, and also do not hesitate to compliment, because women, as you know, love with their ears. Thus, if you think that Caucasian guys and girls Slavic appearance not too suitable for each other, it is in your power to change everything! Be active and don't forget to do nice things for your lovely ladies!

Severe mountaineers. Strongly developed physically. Hospitable and noble. But as soon as they leave the mountains and come to us, they instantly change - they grab knives, get into gangs, in general - they behave completely differently than at home.

Of course, the Russians dislike them after that, to put it mildly:

As in all cases, dissatisfaction comes from a misunderstanding. In this post I will try to talk about the peculiarities of the Caucasian upbringing and mentality. And I will recommend how to behave in order to avoid such incidents.

Since I myself am a Cat, albeit a Scientist, the world of animals is closer to me than the world of people. Therefore, I will occasionally resort to analogies. Not because I consider people to be animals, but simply because it is more convenient for me. No offense, okay?

So, let's start with the basics. City animals are divided into two types - pack animals and individualists. Flocks are dogs and rats, and individualists, of course, are cats. At the same time, dogs, if necessary, easily divide the pack into prides: for example, only their parents will most likely drag puppies out of the fire, at least their parents will be the first ones.

In turn, city cats easily form prides and more complex cooperations. For example, if a woman feeds cats on a certain street, then the cats from this street form a pride cooperative so that the best pieces go to them and their families, and not to crooks from neighboring streets.

This behavior in pack animals is called adaptable internal aggression. Approximately this is how the almost Caucasian community is built - from auls to capitals. There are prides led by alpha males - Caucasian elders. Their task is to protect their pride, but not by brute force, but by negotiating with other alpha males, creating clans and cementing them with blood ties, passing off children from allied prides to each other. The death of an alpha male can lead to the disappearance of an entire dynasty, if it has blood avengers. That is why there is such respect for the elderly in the Caucasus.

In turn, the clans already form the main pack, where in case of danger, each member of the pack will protect his pack and his alpha male. But it is worth the danger of the abyss, the flock breaks up into clans, those into prides and inside the pride again two brother-wrestlers begin to crush each other's sides, under the full approval of the alpha male. This is already internal aggression, and it has a completely different form than external.

When there is a struggle within the pride, then its goal is to find the strongest offspring, to whom the alpha male will hand over the reins of power. In my opinion, it would be more logical to give it to the smartest and instead of visiting the rocking chairs, send your children to play chess. However, smart offspring can only survive in pride cooperation, as in peacetime they will be destroyed by more stupid and stronger offspring of warring clans.

Such internal fights are quite noble. Because Caucasians are still not animals and are quite real chance that when one of the wrestling brothers twists his leg, the other will not finish him off, but will show nobility and thereby earn the approval of his alpha male: wah, what noble man! Such can be entrusted to our kind!

But we should not forget that pack animals are predatory and they still raise predators. Therefore, when it comes to skirmishes that have nothing to do with the alpha male's assessment of the level of nobility, then anything comes into play - numerical superiority, weapons, dirty tricks, and so on. In war, as they say, as in war.

And the reason for such bloodthirstiness is that alpha males do not tolerate loser children who lose fights to children of hostile clans. And if that same alpha male finds out, and he will definitely find out, he will beat the loser in the fight much harder than he got. And he can threaten to expel him from the pride. Thus, a predator culture is formed in children - to survive in a fight at any cost, otherwise the alpha male will simply kill or kick him out of the pride, which is basically equivalent.

Now, do you understand why such noble Caucasians go to each other's rescue, forgetting feuds, and why they easily form flocks for a numerical victory over the enemy?

Absolutely right! You are not part of their pack, which means you are an enemy or prey. Here we, cats, with dogs have a complete understanding - we firmly know that we are enemies, since the average dog is twice as large and stronger than the average cat. Therefore, when dogs run at us, we climb trees, and do not try to fight back. Although if the dog is alone, and without a pack, then it is not yet known whose one he will take.

In the case of relations between Russians and Caucasians, a complete misunderstanding of the behavior model comes. For example, if a city dog ​​tries to attack a wild jungle cat, then this will be the last day of his life. That is why the reed cat will have a completely different model of behavior - as an enemy, and not as prey. They will surround him and try to attack with the meanest, in a dog way, from the back.

When a Russian demonstrates the wrong model of behavior, he turns from prey into an enemy. Let me remind you that Caucasians are not animals and for food they do not need to cripple or kill their prey at all. Often this is just instinctive behavior, when the dog senses a weak cat and lazily barks, and the cat runs under the car and waits for the dog to go about his dog business. The dog is too lazy to chase the cat, the cat is too lazy to climb a tree.

The enemy is another time. With the enemy, all means are good. The enemy must be destroyed, preferably in a flock. And let there be representatives of a hostile clan in this flock - it does not matter. In case of danger, they will always come to the rescue and will always come to them. It is already then possible to arrange disassembly. But not now, when the enemy threatens the pack!

How do Russians need to correctly demonstrate the model of the victim's behavior? More on this later, but for now let's touch on such a nuance as Caucasian hospitality.

Imagine a dog pride in which a kitten was slipped into a lactating bitch. He grew up and the pride sees his member in him. Now let's put this pride in the dog pack. Other dogs may try to show aggression, but will be met by defenders who will fight for the kitten as if it were their own.

Approximately the same model works in the case of hospitality. If the Caucasian alpha male cannot give shelter to his guest, then he will question his alpha status or, speaking in the language of the highlanders, he will lose respect.

That is why all the best is given to the guest in order to make him his own. Like a bitch feeding a kitten. But it is worth the kitten to move away from his pride - and he will become a victim.

And in conclusion, a little advice on how to behave in a situation where you are forced to coexist next to a Caucasian. You should immediately understand that you will never become “your own”.

Therefore, while he is alone - do not show any aggression, you still can’t defeat him, it’s better to ingratiately joke, lend money and laugh at his jokes.

When there are several Caucasians, you are guaranteed to fall into the role of prey - they will be able to squeeze your phone, take your money. But you will not be maimed or killed.

Are you interested in why a Russian cannot beat a Caucasian in a fair fight? Should I write a separate post about this?

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