A detailed retelling of the 4th chapter of Oblomov.


Fast forward to the arrival of Stolz to Oblomov. Once in Paris, walking along the boulevard, Stolz met Olga and her aunt. The change in Olga struck him. And not her physical development, but her pallor, the absence of a childish grin on her lips, with which she had always met and listened to him before, there was no former naivety, carelessness in her.

Stolz asked questions, Olga answered somehow reluctantly and absent-mindedly. To his question, how was Oblomov doing, why didn’t he write, the aunt replied that she was ill and that they were generally in Lately didn't come.

The Ilinskys lived for six months in Paris. Their only interlocutor was Stoltz. Olga gradually began to recover, but Stoltz did not yet understand what made her grow up so quickly. In the spring they all went to Switzerland. Stolz already then realized that he could not live without Olga. However, he had to decide if Olga could live without him.

Sometimes it seemed to him that he caught something like love in Olga's look, but the next moment, with her calmness and indifference (as it seemed to him), she made him think differently. And he sank into thought.

Olga perfectly understood what was going on in Stolz's soul, and she liked him endlessly, but she could not admit that she loved him - then what was her love for Ilya Ilyich? No, she did not have love for Stolz, she decided, and there could be no love - she already had love, but they only love once.

Olga was afraid that if Stoltz found out about her past, he would despise her, consider her insignificant, weak, petty. As a result, she became ashamed not only of her past, but also of the hero ... As for Stolz, he decided not to be tormented by doubts anymore, but to immediately talk to Olga and find out their relationship once and for all.

One evening, having put her in a chair opposite him, Stoltz began with the main thing - he confessed his love to her. Olga was in terrible agitation. She asked him to leave and never see her, but when he was about to leave, she stopped him. Seeing how Olga was suffering, about to tell him about her past, Stolz decided to help her. He said that, apparently, Olga loved. The girl confirmed this with silence. Stolz seemed to smell of horror, but when he found out that Olga's passion was Oblomov, he immediately cheered up. He asked her to tell about everything in detail, and she openly told everything, even about the lilac branch.

After confession, Olga expected a severe condemnation, but this did not happen. Stolz explained what happened to her then, in the words of Oblomov from his letter. He said that this love was only Olga's unconscious need for love, which, not finding a worthy object, fell upon Oblomov. How easy it has now become for Olga! Only now did she realize that what Oblomov wrote to her about was true.

Stolz invited Olga to marry him. She said in excitement that she could not yet, but she was happy. Stoltz was also happy.

Summary of the chapters of the novel "Oblomov"
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

We must now move back a little, to the arrival of Stolz for the name day to Oblomov, and to another place, far from the Vyborg side. There you will meet faces familiar to the reader, about which Stoltz did not tell Oblomov everything that he knew, for some special reasons, or, perhaps, because Oblomov did not ask everything about them, also, probably, for special reasons.

Once in Paris, Stolz was walking along the boulevard and absentmindedly ran his eyes over the passers-by, along the signs of the shops, without stopping his eyes on anything. For a long time he did not receive letters from Russia - neither from Kyiv, nor from Odessa, nor from St. Petersburg. He was bored, and he took three more letters to the post office and returned home.

Suddenly his eyes rested on something motionless, with astonishment, but then again assumed their usual expression. The two ladies turned off the boulevard and entered the store.

“No, it can't be,” he thought, “what a thought! I would know! It's not them."

However, he went up to the window of this shop and looked at the ladies through the glasses: “You can’t see anything, they are standing with their backs to the windows.”

Stolz entered the store and began to sell something. One of the ladies turned to the light, and he recognized Olga Ilyinskaya - and did not recognize! I wanted to rush to her and stopped, began to peer intently.

My God! What a change! She and not her. Her features, but she is pale, her eyes seem to have fallen a little, and there is no childish smile on her lips, no naivete, carelessness. Above the eyebrows floats either an important, or a mournful thought, the eyes say a lot of things that they didn’t know, didn’t say before. She does not look as before, openly, lightly and calmly; there is a cloud of sadness or mist all over the face.

He approached her. Her eyebrows moved a little; she looked at him in bewilderment for a minute, then found out: her eyebrows parted and fell symmetrically, her eyes flashed with the light of a quiet, not impetuous, but deep joy. Every brother would be happy if his beloved sister were so happy with him.

My God! Is it you? - she said in a voice that penetrated to the soul, to the point of bliss, joyful.

The aunt turned quickly, and all three spoke at once. He reproached them for not writing to him; they made excuses. They arrived only the third day and are looking for him everywhere. At one apartment they were told that he had gone to Lyon and they did not know what to do.

Yes, how did you think of it? And not a word to me! he reproached.

We got together so quickly that we didn’t want to write to you,” said the aunt. - Olga wanted to surprise you.

He glanced at Olga: her face did not confirm her aunt's words. He looked at her even more closely, but she was impenetrable, inaccessible to his observation.

"What with her? thought Stoltz. “I used to guess it right away, but now ... what a change!”

How you have developed, Olga Sergeevna, grown up, matured, - he said aloud, - I don’t recognize you! And just a year they didn’t see each other. What did you do, what happened to you? Tell, tell!

Yes... nothing special, - she said, examining the matter.

What is your singing? - said Stolz, continuing to study Olga, new to him, and trying to read the game in the face, unfamiliar to him; but this game, like lightning, escaped and hid.

I haven’t sung for a long time, two months, ”she said casually.

What about Oblomov? - he suddenly threw a question. - Are you alive? Does not write?

Here, perhaps, Olga would have unwittingly betrayed her secret, if her aunt had not arrived in time to help.

Imagine, - she said, leaving the store, - he visited us every day, then suddenly disappeared. We have gathered abroad; I sent to him - they said that he was ill, did not accept: they never saw each other.

And you don't know? - Stolz asked Olga carefully.

Olga intently lorned a passing carriage.

He really fell ill, ”she said, examining the passing carriage with feigned attention. - Look, ma tante, it seems that our companions have passed.

No, you give me a report on my Ilya, - Stolz insisted, - what did you do with him? Why didn't you bring it with you?

Mais ma tante vient de dire, she said.

He is terribly lazy, - the aunt remarked, - and such a savage that as soon as three or four people come to us, he will immediately leave. Imagine, subscribed to the opera and did not listen to half of the subscription.

I haven't heard Rubini,' Olga added.

Stolz shook his head and sighed.

How did you decide? How long? What do you suddenly think? Stoltz asked.

For her, on the doctor's advice, - said the aunt, pointing to Olga. - St. Petersburg began to noticeably affect her, and we left for the winter, but we still haven’t decided where to spend it: in Nice or in Switzerland.

Yes, you have changed a lot, - Stolz said thoughtfully, glaring at Olga, studying every vein, looking into her eyes.

The Ilinskys lived in Paris for six months: Stoltz was their daily and only interlocutor and guide.

Olga began to noticeably recover; from pensiveness she passed to calmness and indifference, at least outwardly. What was going on inside her - God knows, but little by little she became Stolz's former friend, although she no longer laughed with her loud, childish, silver laughter, but only smiled with a restrained smile when Stolz made her laugh. Sometimes even she seemed to be annoyed that she couldn't help laughing.

He immediately saw that it was no longer possible to make her laugh: often with a glance and eyebrows asymmetrically lying one above the other with a wrinkle on her forehead, she would listen to a funny trick and not smile, she continued to silently look at him, as if with a reproach for frivolity or impatience, or suddenly, instead of answering a joke, he will make a deep question and accompanies it with such an insistent look that he will feel ashamed for a casual, empty conversation.

Sometimes it expressed such inner fatigue from the daily human empty running around and chattering that Stoltz had to suddenly move into another sphere, into which he rarely and reluctantly embarked with women. How much thought, the resourcefulness of the mind, was spent solely on ensuring that Olga's deep, inquiring look cleared up and calmed down, did not thirst, did not search inquiringly for something further, somewhere past him!

How worried he was when, for a careless explanation, her eyes became dry, stern, her eyebrows contracted, and a shadow of silent, but deep displeasure spread over her face. And he had to put in two, three days of the finest play of the mind, even cunning, fire, and all his ability to deal with women, in order to call, and then with difficulty, little by little, from Olga’s heart a dawn of clarity on her face, meekness of reconciliation in her eyes and into a smile.

At the end of the day he sometimes came home exhausted by this struggle and was happy when he came out victorious.

“How ripe she is, my God! How has this girl grown? Who was her teacher? Where did she take life lessons? At the baron? It's smooth there, you can't learn anything from his smart phrases! Not with Ilya! .. "

And he could not understand Olga, and ran again the next day to her, and already cautiously, with fear, read her face, often at a loss and defeating questions, doubts, demands only with the help of all his mind and knowledge of life - everything that surfaced in features of Olga.

He, with the fire of experience in his hands, set off into the labyrinth of her mind, character, and every day discovered and studied all new features and facts, and still did not see the bottom, only watched with surprise and anxiety how her mind demanded daily daily bread, how her soul does not stop, everything asks for experience and life.

To all the activities, to the whole life of Stolz, another’s activity and life grew every day: having arranged Olga with flowers, overlaid with books, notes and albums, Stolz calmed down, believing that he had filled his friend’s leisure for a long time, and went to work or went to inspect some mine, some exemplary estate, went to the circle of people, to get acquainted, to come across new or wonderful faces; then he would return to her tired, sit down near her piano and rest to the sound of her voice. And suddenly ready-made questions caught her face, in her eyes the insistent demand for a report. And imperceptibly, involuntarily, little by little, he laid out in front of her what he examined, why.

Sometimes she expressed a desire to see and know for herself what he had seen and learned. And he repeated his work: he went with her to see a building, a place, a car, to read an old event on the walls, on the stones. Little by little, imperceptibly, he got used to thinking and feeling aloud in her presence, and suddenly one day, having strictly believed himself, he learned that he had begun to live not alone, but together, and that he had been living this life from the day Olga arrived.

Almost unconsciously, as before himself, he aloud in her presence appraised the treasure he had acquired and marveled at himself and at her; then he carefully checked whether there was no question left in her eyes, whether the dawn of a satisfied thought lay on her face and whether his gaze followed her as a conqueror.

If this was confirmed, he would go home proudly, with trembling excitement, and for a long time at night secretly preparing himself for the next day. The most boring necessary classes did not seem to him dry, but only necessary: ​​they entered deeper into the foundation, into the fabric of life; thoughts, observations, phenomena did not add up, silently and casually, into the archive of memory, but gave bright paint every day.

What a hot dawn embraced Olga's pale face when, without waiting for an inquiring and thirsty look, he hastened to throw before her, with fire and energy, a new supply, new material!

And he himself was so completely happy when her mind, with the same solicitude and sweet humility, hurried to catch in his glance, in every word, and both vigilantly looked: he at her, was there any question left in her eyes, she him, is there anything left unsaid, has he forgotten and, above all, God forbid! did you not neglect to open some vague, inaccessible corner for her, to develop your thought?

The more important and more complex the question was, the more attentively he confided it to her, the longer and more intently her grateful glance rested on him, the warmer, deeper, more cordial this look was.

“This is a child, Olga! he thought in amazement. “She outgrows me!”

He thought about Olga, as he had never thought about anything.

In the spring they all left for Switzerland. While still in Paris, Stolz decided that from now on he could not live without Olga. Having resolved this issue, he began to decide the question of whether Olga could live without him. But the question did not come easily to him.

He approached him slowly, with an eye, cautiously, groped now, then boldly, and thought - just about he was close to the goal, about to catch some undoubted sign, a look, a word, boredom or joy; still need a little touch, a barely perceptible movement of Olga's eyebrows, her sigh, and tomorrow the secret will fall: he is loved!

On her face he read confidence in himself to the point of childishness; sometimes she would look at him as if she were not looking at anyone, but would she look like that only at her mother if she had a mother.

She did not consider his arrival, leisure, whole days of pleasing a favor, a flattering offering of love, courtesy of the heart, but simply a duty, as if he were her brother, father, even her husband: and this is a lot, that's all. And she herself, in every word, in every step with him, was so free and sincere, as if he had undeniable weight and authority over her.

Of course, he was proud of this, but after all, any elderly, intelligent and experienced uncle, even a baron, could be proud of this, if he were a man with a bright head, with character.

No, she so consciously submits to him. True, her eyes burn when he develops some idea or exposes his soul to her; she pours her eyes on him, but you can always see why; sometimes she herself says the reason. And in love, merit is acquired so blindly, unconsciously, and in this blindness and unconsciousness lies happiness. She is offended - it is immediately clear why she is offended.

He never caught sight of a sudden blush, or joy to the point of fright, or a languid or trembling look of fire, and if there was anything like this, it seemed to him that her face seemed to be distorted with pain when he said that he would leave for Italy one of these days. , as soon as his heart freezes and bleeds from these precious and rare minutes, when suddenly everything again seems to be covered with a veil; she will naively and openly add: “What a pity that I cannot go there with you, but I would like it terribly! Yes, you will tell me everything and convey it in such a way that it was as if I myself were there.

And the charm is destroyed by this obvious, undisguised desire to anyone and this vulgar, uniform praise of his art of storytelling. He will only collect all the smallest features, only he will be able to weave the finest lace, it remains to finish some kind of loop - now, now ...

And suddenly she again became calm, even, simple, sometimes even cold. He sits, works and silently listens to him, raises his head from time to time, throws such curious, inquiring, straight-to-the-point glances at him, so that he more than once threw down a book in annoyance or interrupted some explanation, jumped up and left. Turn around - she sees him off with a surprised look: he will feel ashamed, he will come back and invent something in justification.

She will listen so simply and believe. She does not even have a doubt, a sly smile.

"Loves or does not love?" - Played in his head two questions.

If she loves, why is she so cautious, so secretive? If she doesn't love, why is she so considerate, submissive? He left Paris for London for a week and came to tell her about it on the very day of departure, without warning in advance.

If she suddenly got scared, changed her face - that's it, the secret is caught, he is happy! And she firmly shook his hand, saddened: he was in despair.

I’ll be terribly bored,” she said, “I’m ready to cry, I’m like an orphan now. Ma tante! Look, Andrei Ivanovich is coming! she added tearfully.

She cut it off.

“I also turned to my aunt! he thought, this was not enough! I see that she is sorry that she loves, perhaps ... yes, this love can be bought, like a commodity on the exchange, at such and such a time, for so much attention, obsequiousness ... I won’t toss and turn, he thought gloomily. - I humbly ask, Olga, girl! I used to walk on a thread. What with her?"

And he fell into deep thought.

What with her? He did not know trifles: that she had loved once, that she had already endured, as far as she was able, the girlish period of inability to control herself, sudden color, poorly hidden pain in her heart, feverish signs of love, her first fever.

If he knew this, he would have known, if not the secret, whether she loved him or not, so at least he would have known why it had become so tricky to figure out what was happening to her.

In Switzerland, they traveled wherever travelers go. But more often and with great love they stopped in little-visited lulls. They, or at least Stolz, were so preoccupied with "their own business" that they grew tired of the journey, which for them was relegated to the background.

He followed her through the mountains, looked at the cliffs, at the waterfalls, and in every frame she was in the foreground. He follows her along some narrow path while the aunt sits downstairs in the carriage; he secretly vigilantly watches how she will stop, having ascended the mountain, take a breath and what look she will stop on him, without fail and above all on him: he has already acquired this conviction.

It would be good: it would become warm and light in her heart, but then suddenly she would look around the area and become numb, forget herself in a contemplative slumber - and he was no longer in front of her.

If he moves a little, reminds himself, says a word - she will be frightened, sometimes she will scream: it is obvious that she has forgotten whether he is here or far away, simply - whether he is in the world.

But afterwards, at home, at the window, on the balcony, she speaks to him alone, talks for a long time, chooses impressions from her soul for a long time, until the whole thing has spoken out, and speaks passionately, with enthusiasm, stops sometimes, tidies up the word and on the fly grabs the expression prompted by him, and in her eyes she manages to flash a ray of gratitude for the help. Or she will sit down, pale with fatigue, in a large armchair, only greedy, tireless eyes tell him that she wants to listen to him.

She listens motionless, but does not utter a word, does not miss a single line. He will be silent, she is still listening, her eyes are still asking, and he continues to speak out with renewed vigor, with new enthusiasm, in response to this dumb challenge.

It would be good: light, warm, the heart beats; it means that she lives here, she doesn’t need anything else: her light, fire and mind are here. And she suddenly gets up tired, and the same, now inquiring, eyes ask him to leave, or she wants to eat, and eats with such an appetite ...

Everything would be fine: he is not a dreamer; he would not want impetuous passion, just as Oblomov did not want it, only for other reasons. But he would like, however, that the feeling would flow along an even track, boiling up at first hotly at the source, in order to draw and drink in it, and then to know all his life where this key of happiness springs from.

Does she love or not? he said with excruciating excitement, almost to the point of bloody sweat, almost to the point of tears.

This question flared up in him more and more, engulfed him like a flame, fettered intentions: it was one main question no longer love, but life. There was now no room for anything else in his soul.

It seems that during these six months, all the torments and tortures of love, from which he so skillfully guarded himself in meetings with women, gathered and played out over him at once.

He felt that even his healthy organism would not resist if months of this tension of mind, will, and nerve continued. He understood - it was alien to him hitherto - how strength is wasted in these struggles of the soul with passion hidden from the eyes, how incurable wounds without blood fall on the heart, but give rise to groans, how life also leaves.

His haughty self-confidence was a little off; he no longer joked lightly, listening to stories of how others lose their minds, wither away from various causes, among other things ... from love.

He was getting scared.

No, I will put an end to this, - he said, - I will look into her soul, as before, and tomorrow - either I will be happy, or I will leave!

He went straight to the goal, that is, to Olga.

But what about Olga? Did she not notice his situation or was she insensitive to him?

She could not fail to notice this: even women not as subtle as she are able to distinguish friendly devotion and gratification from the tender manifestation of another feeling. Coquetry in it cannot be allowed according to the correct understanding of the true, non-hypocritical, morality not inspired by anyone. She was above this vulgar weakness.

It remains to assume one thing that she liked, without any practical views, this is the continuous worship of such a person as Stolz, full of intelligence and passion. Of course, she liked it: this worship restored her offended self-esteem and, little by little, put her back on the pedestal from which she had fallen; little by little her pride was restored.

But how did she think: how should this worship be resolved? It cannot always be expressed in this eternal struggle between Stolz's inquisitiveness and its stubborn silence. At least, did she have a presentiment that all this struggle of his was not in vain, that he would win the case in which he put so much will and character? Is he wasting this flame, brilliance for nothing? Will the image of Oblomov and that love sink in the rays of this brilliance? ..

She did not understand any of this, was not clearly aware, and struggled desperately with these questions, with herself, and did not know how to get out of the chaos.

How should she be? It is impossible to remain in an indecisive position: someday from this dumb game and the struggle of feelings locked in the chest it will come to words - what will she answer about the past! What will he call him and what will he call what he feels for Stolz?

If she loves Stolz, what was that love? - coquetry, windiness or worse? She was thrown into heat and blush of shame at this thought. She will not take such an accusation on herself.

If it was the first pure love what is her relationship to Stoltz? Again a game, a deceit, a subtle calculation in order to captivate him towards marriage and thereby cover up the frivolity of her behavior? .. She was thrown into the cold, and she turned pale at the mere thought.

And not a game, not a deceit, not a calculation - so ... love again?

From this assumption she was lost: the second love - through seven, eight months after the first! Who will believe her? How she will hint at her without arousing astonishment, perhaps ... contempt! She doesn't even dare to think, she has no right!

She rummaged through her experience: no information about a second love was found there. She remembered the authorities of aunts, old maids, various clever women, and finally writers, “thinkers about love,” - from all sides she hears an inexorable sentence: “A woman truly loves only once.” And Oblomov so pronounced his sentence. I remembered Sonechka, how she would respond about a second love, but I heard from visitors from Russia that her friend switched to a third ...

No, she had no love for Stolz, she decided, and it couldn't be! She loved Oblomov, and this love died, the flower of life withered forever! She has only friendship for Stolz, based on his brilliant qualities, then on his friendship for her, on attention, on trust.

So she repelled the thought, even the possibility, of loving her old friend.

This is the reason why Stoltz could not catch on her face and in her words no sign, no positive indifference, no fleeting lightning, not even a spark of feeling, which even by a hair went beyond the boundaries of warm, cordial, but ordinary friendship.

In order to end all this at once, she had only one thing to do: noticing the signs of a nascent love in Stolz, not giving her food and a move and leaving as soon as possible. But she had already lost time: it happened a long time ago, moreover, she should have foreseen that the feeling would play out in his passion: yes, this is not Oblomov: you can’t get away from him anywhere.

Suppose it would be physically possible, but it is morally impossible for her to leave: at first she used only the former rights of friendship and found in Stolz, as long ago, now a playful, witty, mocking interlocutor, now a faithful and deep observer of the phenomena of life - everything that happened to them or passed by them, what occupied them.

But the more often they saw each other, the more they became closer morally, the more lively his role became: from an observer, he insensibly passed into the role of an interpreter of phenomena, its leader. He invisibly became her mind and conscience, and new rights appeared, new secret bonds that entangled Olga's whole life, everything except one cherished corner, which she carefully hid from his observation and judgment.

She accepted this moral guardianship of her mind and heart, and saw that she herself received her share of influence over him. They switched rights; she somehow imperceptibly, silently allowed the exchange.

How can I suddenly take everything away now?.. And besides, there is so much ... so much occupation ... pleasure, diversity ... life ... What will she suddenly do if this is not there? And when the thought came to her to run, it was already too late, she was unable to.

Every day spent not with him, not confided to him and not shared with him thought - all this lost its color and meaning for her.

"My God! If only she could be his sister! she thought. - What a blessing to have eternal rights to such a person, not only to the mind, but also to the heart, to enjoy his presence legally, openly, without paying for it with any heavy sacrifices, grief, power of attorney of the miserable past. Now what am I? He will leave - I not only have no right to keep him, I should not wish to be separated; but I’ll hold back - what will I tell him, by what right do I want to see and hear him every minute? .. Because I’m bored, that I yearn, that he teaches, amuses me, that he is useful and pleasant to me. Of course, this is a reason, but not a right. What do I give him in return? The right to admire me disinterestedly and not dare to think about reciprocity when so many other women would consider themselves happy ... "

She suffered and wondered how she would get out of this situation, and did not see any goal, no end. Ahead was only the fear of his disappointment and eternal separation. Sometimes it occurred to her to reveal everything to him in order to end both her struggle and his at once, but it would take her breath away as soon as she thought of it. She was ashamed, hurt.

The strangest thing is that she ceased to respect her past, even began to be ashamed of it from the time she became inseparable from Stolz, how he took control of her life. If the baron, for example, or someone else had recognized her, she would, of course, have been embarrassed, she would have been embarrassed, but she would not have been tormented as she is now tormented at the thought that Stolz would find out about this.

She imagined with horror what would be expressed on his face, how he would look at her, what he would say, what he would think later? She suddenly seems to him so insignificant, weak, petty. No, no, no way!

She began to observe herself and discovered with horror that she was not only ashamed of the past of her novel, but also of the hero ... Here she was burned by repentance in ingratitude for the deep devotion of her former friend.

Perhaps she would have gotten used to her shame, would have endured it: what a person does not get used to! if her friendship with Stolz were alien to any selfish thoughts and desires. But if she drowned out even every crafty and flattering whisper of her heart, she could not cope with the dreams of her imagination: often before her eyes, against her power, the image of this other love stood and shone; more seductively, more seductively, the dream of luxurious happiness grew, not with Oblomov, not in lazy slumber, but on the wide arena of a comprehensive life, with all its depth, with all the charms and sorrows - happiness with Stolz ...

Then she poured tears over her past and could not wash it off. She sobered up from the dream and even more carefully saved herself behind the wall of impenetrability, silence and that friendly indifference that tormented Stolz. Then, forgetting herself, she was again disinterestedly carried away by the presence of a friend, she was charming, kind, trusting, until again the illicit dream of happiness, to which she had lost the right, reminds her that the future is lost for her, that pink dreams are already behind, that the flower of life has fallen. .

Probably, in the course of years she would have come to terms with her position and would have lost the habit of hope for the future, as all old maids do, and would have plunged into cold apathy or would have become engaged in good deeds; but suddenly her illegitimate dream took on a more formidable form, when, from a few words that escaped Stolz, she clearly saw that she had lost a friend in him and gained a passionate admirer. Friendship drowned in love.

She was pale that morning when she opened it, did not go out all day, was agitated, struggled with herself, thought what to do now, what a debt lay on her - and came up with nothing. She only cursed herself why she had not conquered shame in the first place and had not revealed to Stolz the past, and now she still had to conquer horror.

There were fits of determination when her chest hurt, tears boiled there, when she wanted to rush to him and not with words, but with sobs, convulsions, fainting spells to tell about her love, so that he would see redemption.

She had heard how others acted in such cases. Sonechka, for example, told her fiancé about the cornet that she was fooling him, that he was a boy, that she deliberately made him wait in the cold while she got into the carriage, etc.

Sonechka would not have hesitated to say about Oblomov that she had joked with him, for fun, that he was so funny, that it was possible to love "such a bag" that no one would believe it. But such a way of behavior could be justified only by Sonechka's husband and many others, but not by Stolz.

Olga could have presented the matter more plausibly, said that she wanted to extract Oblomov only from the abyss and for this she resorted, so to speak, to friendly coquetry ... in order to revive a dying person and then move away from him. But that would be too refined, forced, and in any case false ... No, there is no salvation!

“God, in what a whirlpool I am! - Olga tormented herself. - Open!.. Ah, no! may he never find out about it for a long time! Not opening is the same as stealing. It looks like a deception, a fawning. God, help me!..” But there was no help.

No matter how much she enjoyed the presence of Stolz, but at times she would have wished not to meet him anymore, to pass in his life as a barely noticeable shadow, not to darken his clear and reasonable existence with illegal passion.

She would still yearn for her failed love, mourn the past, bury the memory of him in her soul, then ... then, maybe, she would find a “decent match”, of which there are many, and would be a good, smart, caring wife and mother, and the past would have been considered a girlish dream and would not have lived, but would have endured life. After all, everyone does it!

But here the matter is not in her alone, another is involved, and this other on her rests the best and final hopes of life.

“Why… did I love?” - she suffered in anguish and recalled the morning in the park when Oblomov wanted to run away, and she thought that the book of her life would be closed forever if he ran. She so boldly and easily resolved the issue of love, life, so everything seemed clear to her - and everything got tangled into an insoluble knot.

She became wiser, she thought that all she had to do was just look, go straight - and life would obediently, like a tablecloth, spread under her feet, and lo!

Olga, not suspecting why Stoltz had come, carelessly got up from the sofa, put down the book and went to meet him.

Am I disturbing you? he asked, sitting down by the window in her room overlooking the lake. - Did you read?

So much the better: I need to talk to you, - he remarked seriously, pushing another chair for her to the window.

She flinched and froze in place. Then she automatically sank into an armchair and, bowing her head, without raising her eyes, sat in a painful position. She would like to be a hundred miles from that place at that time.

At that moment, like lightning, the past flashed in her memory. "Judgment has come! You can't play life like dolls! She heard an outside voice. - Do not joke with her - you will pay off!

They were silent for several minutes. He was obviously collecting his thoughts. Olga peered timidly into his emaciated face, into his furrowed brows, into his pursed lips with an expression of determination.

"Nemesis! .." - she thought, shuddering inwardly. Both seemed to be preparing for a duel.

Of course, you guess, Olga Sergeevna, what I want to talk about? he said, looking at her questioningly.

He sat in the wall that hid his face, while the light from the window fell directly on her, and he could read what was on her mind.

How can I know? she answered quietly.

Before this dangerous opponent, she no longer had that willpower and character, neither insight, nor the ability to control herself, with which she constantly appeared to Oblomov.

She understood that if she could still hide from Stolz's keen gaze and wage a successful war, then she owed this not at all to her strength, as in the fight against Oblomov, but only to Stolz's stubborn silence, his hidden behavior. But in the open field, the advantage was not on her side, and therefore the question: "How can I know?" - she only wanted to win an inch of space and a minute of time, so that the enemy would more clearly reveal his plan.

Do not know? he said ingenuously. - Alright I will say…

Oh no! - suddenly burst out of her.

She grabbed his arm and looked at him as if begging for mercy.

See, I guessed what you know! - he said. - Why is it "no"? - he added later with sadness.

She was silent.

If you foresaw that someday I would speak out, then you knew, of course, what to answer me? - he asked.

I foresaw and suffered! she said, leaning back in her chair and turning away from the light, mentally summoning the twilight as soon as possible to her aid, so that he would not read the struggle of embarrassment and anguish on her face.

Suffered! This terrible word, - he said almost in a whisper, - is Dante's: "Abandon hope forever." I have nothing more to say: everything is here! But I also thank you for that,” he added with a deep sigh, “I came out of chaos, out of darkness, and I know at least what to do. One salvation - run quickly!

He got up.

No, for God's sake, no! - rushing to him, grabbing his hand again, she spoke with fright and entreaty. - Have pity on me: what will happen to me?

He sat down and so did she.

But I love you, Olga Sergeevna! he said almost sternly. - You saw what happened to me during these six months! What do you want: a complete celebration? so that I wither or go crazy? Thank you very much!

She changed her face.

Leave! she said with the dignity of repressed resentment and, at the same time, of deep sadness, which she was unable to hide.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry! he apologized. - Here we are, not seeing anything, and we quarreled. I know that you cannot want this, but you cannot put yourself in my position, and that is why my movement - to run - is strange to you. A person sometimes unconsciously becomes an egoist.

She shifted her position in her chair, as if it was awkward for her to sit, but said nothing.

Well, let me stay: what of it? he continued. - You, of course, offer me friendship; but she's mine anyway. I'll leave, and in a year or two it will all be mine. Friendship is a good thing, Olga Sergeevna, when it is love between a young man and a woman, or a memory of love between old people. But God forbid, if it is friendship on the one hand, love on the other. I know that you are not bored with me; but how am I with you?

Yes, if so, leave, God bless you! - she whispered a little audibly.

Stay! he thought aloud. - Walking on the edge of a knife - good friendship!

Is it easier for me? she suddenly objected.

Why do you? he asked greedily. - You ... you do not like ...

I don't know, I swear to God, I don't know! But if you ... if my real life changes somehow, what will happen to me? she added sadly, almost to herself.

How should I understand this? Understand me, for God's sake! he said, pulling a chair towards her, puzzled by her words and the deep, unfeigned tone in which they were spoken.

He tried to see her features. She was silent. She had a burning desire in her chest to calm him down, to bring back the word "tormented" or to interpret it differently than he understood; but she did not know how to explain it herself, she only vaguely felt that both of them were under the yoke of fatal bewilderment, in a false position, that it was hard for both of them and that only he could or she, with his help, could bring clarity and order and past and present. But for this you need to cross the abyss, reveal to him what happened to her: how she wanted and how she was afraid - his judgment!

I don't understand anything myself; I am more in chaos, in darkness, than you! - she said.

Listen, do you believe me? he asked, taking her hand.

Boundless, like a mother—you know that,” she answered weakly.

Tell me what has been with you since we did not see each other. You are impenetrable to me now, but before I read your thoughts on your face: it seems that this is one means for us to understand each other. Do you agree?

Oh, yes, it is necessary ... it must end with something ... - she said with anguish from the inevitable recognition. "Nemesis! Nemesis!" she thought, tilting her head to her chest.

She looked down and remained silent. And his soul smelled of horror from these simple words and even more from her silence.

“She is tormented! God! What happened to her? - he thought with a cold forehead and felt that his hands and legs were trembling. He imagined something very terrible. She is still silent and, apparently, is struggling with herself.

So ... Olga Sergeevna ... - he hurried. She was silent, only again she made some kind of nervous movement, which could not be seen in the darkness, only the shuffling of her silk dress could be heard.

I'm going to make up my mind," she said at last. - How difficult, if you knew! she added later, turning away, trying to overcome the struggle.

She wanted Stoltz to learn everything not from her lips, but by some miracle. Fortunately, it got darker, and her face was already in shadow: she could only change her voice, and the words did not leave her tongue, as if she was at a loss as to which note to start with.

"My God! How guilty should I be if I feel so ashamed, it hurts!” she agonized internally.

And how long has she with such confidence tossed her own and someone else's fate, was she so smart, strong! And now it was her turn to tremble like a girl! Shame for the past, self-esteem torture for the present, a false position tormented her ... Unbearable!

I will help you ... did you ... love? .. - Stolz said forcibly - it hurt him so much from his own word.

She confirmed with silence. And he smelled of terror again.

Whom? It's not a secret? he asked, trying to speak firmly, but he himself felt that his lips were trembling.

And it was even more painful for her. She wished she could say another name, make up another story. She hesitated for a minute, but there was nothing to be done: like a man who, in a moment of extreme danger, throws himself from a steep bank or throws himself into a flame, she suddenly uttered: “Oblomova!”

He was dumbfounded. There was silence for two minutes.

Oblomov! he repeated in astonishment. - It is not true! he added positively, lowering his voice.

Is it true! she said calmly.

Oblomov! he repeated again. - Can't be! - he added again in the affirmative. - There is something here: you did not understand yourself, Oblomov, or, finally, love.

She was silent.

It's not love, it's something else, I say! he insisted.

Yes, I flirted with him, led him by the nose, made him unhappy ... then, in your opinion, I take care of you! she said in a restrained voice, and tears of resentment boiled in her voice again.

Dear Olga Sergeevna! Don't get angry, don't talk like that: that's not your tone. You know I don't think any of that. But it doesn’t enter my head, I don’t understand how Oblomov ...

He is, however, worthy of your friendship; you don't know how to value it: why isn't it worth loving? she defended.

I know that love is less exacting than friendship,” he said, “she is even often blind, love is not for merit—everything is like that. But love needs something, sometimes trifles, which cannot be defined or named, and which is not in my incomparable, but clumsy Ilya. That's why I'm surprised. Listen,” he continued with vivacity, “we will never reach the end like this, not let's understand each friend. Do not be ashamed of the details, do not spare yourself for half an hour, tell me everything, and I will tell you what it was, and even, perhaps, what will happen ... It all seems to me that here ... not that ... Oh, if it were true ! he added with enthusiasm. - If Oblomov, and not another! Oblomov! After all, this means that you do not belong to the past, not to love, that you are free ... Tell me, tell me quickly! he concluded in a calm, almost cheerful voice.

For God's sake! she answered trustingly, delighted that some of the chains had been removed from her. - I'm the only one going crazy. If you only knew how pathetic I am! I don’t know if I’m guilty or not, whether I should be ashamed of the past, whether to regret it, whether to hope for the future or despair ... You talked about your torments, but you didn’t suspect mine. Listen to the end, but not with your mind: I am afraid of your mind; my heart is better: perhaps it will judge that I have no mother, that I was like in a forest ... - she added quietly, in a fallen voice. “No,” she corrected herself hastily, “don’t spare me. If it was love, then ... leave. She stopped for a minute. - And come later, when one friendship speaks again. If it was windiness, coquetry, then execute, run on and forget me. Listen.

He shook both her hands firmly in return.

Olga's confession began, long and detailed. She distinctly, word by word, shifted from her mind into someone else's everything that gnawed at her for so long, what she blushed, than before she was touched, was happy, and then suddenly fell into a pool of grief and doubt.

She talked about walks, about the park, about her hopes, about Oblomov's enlightenment and fall, about a lilac branch, even about a kiss. Only the stuffy evening in the garden passed in silence - probably because she still did not decide what kind of seizure had happened to her then.

At first, only her confused whisper was heard, but as she spoke, her voice became clearer and freer; from a whisper it went into a semitone, then rose to full chest notes. She finished calmly, as if she were retelling someone else's story.

A veil was lifted in front of her herself, a past developed, into which, until that moment, she was afraid to look intently. Her eyes were opened in many ways, and she would boldly look at her interlocutor if it were not dark.

She finished and waited for the verdict. But the answer was sepulchral silence.

What he? Not to hear a word, not a movement, not even a breath, as if no one was with her.

This dumbness again threw doubt into her. The silence continued. What does this silence mean? What sentence is being prepared for her by the most perceptive, condescending judge in the whole world? Everything else will ruthlessly condemn her, only he could be her lawyer, if she chose ... he would understand everything, weigh it and decide better than she herself in her favor! But he is silent: is her cause lost? ..

She got scared again...

The doors opened, and two candles brought in by the maid cast their light into the corner.

She gave him a timid, but greedy, questioning look. He folded his hands in a cross and looks at her so meek, open eyes, enjoys her embarrassment.

Her heart skipped a beat, warmed up. She took a deep breath and almost cried. Indulgence towards herself instantly returned to her, power of attorney to him. She was happy, like a child who was forgiven, comforted and caressed.

All? he asked quietly.

All! - she said.

And his letter?

She took a letter out of her briefcase and handed it to him. He went to the candle, read it and put it on the table. And his eyes again turned to her with the same expression that she had not seen in him for a long time.

In front of her stood the former, self-confident, a little mocking and infinitely kind, pampering her friend. In his face there is no shadow of suffering, no doubt. He took her hands, kissed both of them, then thought deeply. She fell silent in her turn, and, without blinking, watched the movement of his thoughts on her face.

Suddenly he stood up.

My God, if I knew that it was about Oblomov, would I suffer so! he said, looking at her so affectionately, with such confidence, as if she had not had that terrible past. Her heart was so cheerful, it became festive. It was easy for her. It became clear to her that she was ashamed of him alone, but he did not execute her, did not run away! What does she care about the judgment of the whole world!

He was in control of himself again, he was cheerful; but that wasn't enough for her. She saw that she was justified; but she, as a defendant, wanted to know the verdict. And he took the hat.

Where are you going? she asked.

You are excited, relax! - he said. We'll talk tomorrow...

Do you want me to stay up all night? she interrupted, holding him by the arm and seating him on a chair. - Do you want to leave without saying that it ... was, that I am now, that I ... will be. Have pity, Andrey Ivanovich: who will tell me? Who will punish me if I stand, or ... who will forgive? .. - she added and looked at him with such tender friendship that he threw down his hat and almost threw himself on his knees before her.

Angel - let me say - mine! he said. - Do not suffer in vain: neither execute nor pardon you. I don't even have anything to add to your story. What doubts can you have? Do you want to know what it was, to call by name? You have known for a long time. Where is Oblomov's letter? He took the letter from the table.

Listen! - and read: - "Your present I love do not eat real love, but the future one. It is only an unconscious need to love, which, due to the lack of real food, is sometimes expressed in women in caresses to a child, to another woman, even simply in tears or in hysterical fits: you made a mistake(read Stolz, stressing on this word): in front of you is not the one you were waiting for, whom you dreamed of. Wait a minute - he will come, and then you will wake up, you will be annoyed and ashamed of your mistake ... ”- See how true it is! - he said. - You were both ashamed and annoyed for ... a mistake. There is nothing to add to this. He was right, but you did not believe, and this is all your fault. You should then disperse; but your beauty overcame him ... and you were touched ... by his pigeon tenderness! he added, a little mockingly.

I did not believe him, I thought that the heart is not mistaken.

No, he is mistaken: and how disastrous sometimes! But it didn’t reach your heart,” he added, “imagination and pride on the one hand, weakness on the other ... And you were afraid that there would be no other holiday in life, that this pale ray would illuminate life and then there would be eternal night.

And the tears? - she said. - Were they not from the heart when I cried? I didn't lie, I was sincere...

My God! What women won't cry about! You yourself say that you were sorry for the bouquet of lilacs, your favorite bench. Add to this deceived pride, the failed role of a savior, a little habit ... How many reasons for tears!

And our dates, walks, too, a mistake? Do you remember that I ... was with him ... - she finished with embarrassment and herself, it seems, wanted to drown out her words. She tried to blame herself only so that he would defend her more fervently, in order to be more and more right in his eyes.

It is clear from your story that last dates you had nothing to talk about. Your so-called "love" lacked content; she couldn't go any further. Before you parted, you parted and were faithful not to love, but to its ghost, which you yourself invented - that's the whole secret.

But kiss? she whispered so softly that he did not hear, but guessed.

Oh, this is important, - he said with comic severity, - for this it was necessary to deprive you of ... one dish at dinner. He looked at her with ever greater caress, with greater love.

A joke is no excuse for such a "mistake"! she retorted sternly, offended by his indifference and careless tone. - It would be easier for me if you would punish me with some harsh word, if you would call my offense by his real name.

I wouldn’t be joking if it wasn’t about Ilya, but about something else, ”he justified himself,“ a mistake could end there ... in trouble, but I know Oblomov ...

Another, never! she interrupted, flushing. I got to know him more than you...

Here you see! he confirmed.

But if he… changed, came to life, obeyed me, and… wouldn’t I love him then? Would it still be a lie, a mistake? - she said, in order to examine the case from all sides, so that not the slightest stain, no riddle would remain ...

That is, if there had been another person in his place, - Stolz interrupted, - there is no doubt that your relationship would have played out in love, strengthened, and then ... But this is a different romance and a different hero, which we don’t care about.

She sighed as if she had lifted the last weight from her soul. Both were silent.

Ah, what happiness ... to recover, - she slowly said, as if blossoming, and turned to him a look of such deep gratitude, such warm, unprecedented friendship, that in this look he seemed to have a spark that he had been catching for almost a year in vain. A joyful shiver ran through him.

No, I'm recovering! he said and thought. - Ah, if only I could know that the hero of this novel is Ilya! How much time has passed, how much blood has gone bad! For what? For what! he repeated almost angrily.

But suddenly he seemed to sober up from this annoyance, woke up from a heavy meditation. The forehead smoothed out, the eyes cheered up.

But, apparently, it was inevitable: but how calm I am now and ... how happy! he added enthusiastically.

Like a dream, as if nothing happened! she said thoughtfully, barely audibly, surprised at her sudden resurrection. - You took out not only shame, repentance, but also bitterness, pain - everything ... How did you do it? she asked quietly. - And all this will pass, this mistake?

Yes, I think it did! - he said, looking at her for the first time with eyes of passion and not hiding it, - that is, everything that was.

And what ... will ... not be a mistake ... the truth? .. - she asked without finishing.

Here it is written, - he decided, taking the letter again: - “Before you is not the one you were waiting for, whom you dreamed about: he will come, and you will wake up ...” A whole life for that love, but I don't know... whom? he said, glaring at her.

She lowered her eyes and pursed her lips, but rays rushed out through her eyelids, her lips held back a smile, but did not. She looked at him and laughed so heartily that even tears welled up in her.

I told you what happened to you and even what will happen, Olga Sergevna, ”he concluded. - And you will not tell me anything in response to my question, which was not allowed to finish.

But what can I say? she said in embarrassment. - Would I have the right, if I could say what you need so much and why ... you stand like that? she added in a whisper and looked shyly at him.

In his eyes again seemed to him sparks of unprecedented friendship; again he trembled with happiness.

Take your time," he added, "tell me what I'm worth when your mourning of the heart, the mourning of decency, is over. This year has told me something. And now decide only the question: should I go or ... stay?

Listen: you are flirting with me! she suddenly said cheerfully.

Oh no! he remarked solemnly. - This is not a recent question, now it has a different meaning: if I stay, then ... on what rights?

She suddenly became flustered.

See that I am not flirting! he laughed, pleased to have caught her. - After all, after this conversation, we need to be different with each other: we are both not the same as we were yesterday.

I don't know…" she whispered, even more embarrassed.

Let me give you advice?

Speak ... I will blindly execute! she added, almost with passionate submissiveness.

Marry me, waiting until He will come!

I don’t dare yet ... - she whispered, covering her face with her hands, in excitement, but happy.

Why don't you dare? he asked in a whisper, tilting her head towards him.

Is this the past? she whispered again, laying her head on his breast like a mother.

He gently removed her hands from her face, kissed her head, and for a long time admired her embarrassment, looked with pleasure at the tears that came out of her and were again swallowed up by her eyes.

Will fade like your lilac! he concluded. - You have learned the lesson: now it is time to use it. Life begins: give me your future and do not think about anything - I vouch for everything. Let's go to your aunt.

Stoltz left late.

“I have found my own,” he thought, looking with loving eyes at the trees, at the sky, at the lake, even at the fog rising from the water. - I waited! So many years of thirst for feelings, patience, saving the strength of the soul! How long I waited - everything is rewarded: here it is, the last happiness of man!

Everything was now obscured in his eyes by happiness: the office, his father's cart, suede gloves, greasy abacus - the whole business life. In his memory, only the fragrant room of his mother, the variations of Hertz, the princely gallery, Blue eyes, chestnut hair under powder - and all this was covered by some kind of Olga's gentle voice: he heard her singing in his mind.

Olga is my wife! - he whispered passionately. - Everything is found, there is nothing to look for, nowhere else to go!

And in a thoughtful haze of happiness he walked home, not noticing the road, the streets ...

Olga followed him with her eyes for a long time, then opened the window, breathed the coolness of the night for several minutes; the excitement subsided little by little, the chest breathed evenly.

She fixed her eyes on the lake, in the distance, and thought so quietly, so deeply, as if she had fallen asleep. She wanted to catch what she was thinking, what she was feeling, and she couldn't. Thoughts rushed as smoothly as waves, blood flowed so smoothly in the veins. She experienced happiness and could not determine where the boundaries were, what it was. She thought why she was so quiet, peaceful, inviolably good, why she was calm, meanwhile ...

I'm his bride… - she whispered.

"I am a bride!" - the girl thinks with proud awe, having waited for this moment, illuminating her whole life, and will grow high, and from a height she looks at that dark path where she walked alone and unnoticed yesterday.

Why doesn't Olga tremble? She, too, walked alone, along an inconspicuous path, he also met her at the crossroads, gave her his hand and led her not into the brilliance of dazzling rays, but as if to the flood of a wide river, to spacious fields and friendly smiling hills. Her eyes did not blink from the brilliance, her heart did not stop, her imagination did not flare up.

With quiet joy she calmed her gaze on the flood of life, on her wide margins and green hills. No shiver ran down her shoulders, her eyes did not burn with pride: only when she transferred this look from the fields and hills to the one who gave her a hand, she felt that a tear was slowly running down her cheek ...

She sat all the time, as if she were sleeping - so quiet was the dream of her happiness: she did not move, hardly breathed. Immersed in oblivion, she fixed her mental gaze on some quiet, blue night, with a gentle radiance, with warmth and aroma. The dream of happiness spread its wide wings and floated slowly, like a cloud in the sky, above her head ...

She did not see herself in this dream wrapped in gases and blonds for two hours and then in everyday rags for the rest of her life. She did not dream of a festive feast, nor fires, nor cheerful clicks; she dreamed of happiness, but so simple, so unadorned, that once again, without a tremor of pride, and only with deep emotion, she whispered: “I am his bride!”

The work was written by an author who died more than seventy years ago, and was published during his lifetime or posthumously, but more than seventy years have also passed since publication.

A year has passed since the illness of Ilya Ilyich. The year brought many changes in the surrounding world, but in the house of the widow Pshenitsyna everything "changed with such slow gradualness, with which the geological modifications of our planet occur." Attorney Zaterty went to the village and sent the money he received from the sale of bread, but he could not collect the quitrent, about which he sent a letter to Oblomov. But Oblomov was satisfied with the amount sent and was glad that he did not have to go to the village himself. The house in the village is being rebuilt, and in the spring Oblomov can move to the estate.

Anisya, whom Zakhar married, felt a mutual disposition towards the hostess, and gradually the economy of Oblomov and the widow merged into one. Agafya Matvevna is experiencing an increasing disposition towards Oblomov, waiting for him and getting worried when he sits up for a long time at a party or in the theater, during his illness she made everyone walk on tiptoe, covered the room with carpets. She falls in love with Oblomov, because “Ilya Ilyich did not walk like her late husband, collegiate secretary Pshenitsyn, with petty business agility, does not constantly write papers, does not tremble with fear that he will be late for office, does not look at everyone as if asking saddle him and ride, but looks at everyone and everything so boldly and freely, as if demanding obedience to himself. For her, he is a gentleman who has Zakhar and “three hundred such Zakharovs” in his service. Oblomov himself pays attention to the widow and even offers to go with him to the village. Oblomov celebrates Ivanov's day with his household, eats and drinks. Suddenly, Stoltz arrives. He came for a week - "on business, then to the village, then to Kyiv, then God knows where." Stolz informs Oblomov that Olga, after breaking up with Oblomov, went abroad, and by autumn she is going to her village, says that she knows everything that will not lag behind Oblomov, wants to stir him up, since Olga asked him about it - “so that Oblomov did not die at all, he was not buried alive. Oblomov boasts to Stolz how he arranged his affairs, that he sent an attorney to the village, tells how much he now receives. Stolz only threw up his hands and exclaimed: “You are robbed all around! You really are dead, dead." Stolz says that he himself will arrange the affairs of Oblomov, and Olga will lie that Oblomov yearns for her and remembers her.

The next day, Tarantiev and Ivan Matveevich gather in a drinking establishment and complain that Stolz destroyed the power of attorney to conduct business with Zaterty, and he himself rented the Oblomov estate, which, God forbid, finds out that the quitrent was actually collected, and Tarantyev’s money , Ivan Matveich and Zaterty divided among themselves. They decide to blackmail Oblomov with his relationship with Agafya Matvevna: to demand from him a promissory note for ten thousand, otherwise they will sue him "for unworthy behavior." They hope to extract money from him repeatedly in this way. Even earlier, Stoltz accidentally met Olga and her aunt in Paris, surprised that Olga had changed a lot - from a girl she turned into a mature person. For half a year, Stoltz communicates with them, with surprise discovering more and more amazing features in Olga. He still gives books to Olga, notices that she is beginning to "outgrow" him. Stolz falls in love with Olga, suffers whether she loves him or not, but does not notice the manifestation of feelings - a sudden blush, a trembling gaze with fire. Olga thinks of him as a friend.

She also tries to sort out her feelings, "began to observe herself and discovered with horror that she was not only ashamed of her past novel, but also of the hero." Finally, Stolz comes to Olga and confesses that he loves her. Olga is indecisive, at first she refuses Stolz, he is going to leave forever, she keeps him. Stolz asks to tell without concealment about everything. After some hesitation, Olga confesses that she was in love with Oblomov and tells in detail about everything that happened while Stoltz was abroad. Stolz, having learned that the object of Olga's passion is Oblomov, calms down and says that it certainly was not true love. Olga shows Oblomov’s letter to Stolz, Stolz points out lines in the letter that directly speak about this: “Your love is not true love, but future. This is only an unconscious need to love, which, due to a lack of real food, sometimes manifests itself in women in caresses to a child, another woman, or simply in tears or hysterical fits. You are mistaken. Before you is not the one you were waiting for, whom you dreamed of. Wait - he will come, and then you will wake up, you will be annoyed and ashamed of your mistake. Olga feels better, she says that the whole past is "like a dream, as if nothing had happened." It takes about a year and a half after the arrival of Stolz to Oblomov. Oblomov is even more flabby, his dressing gown is even more frayed.

The business conceived by Tarantyev and Ivan Matveyevich was a success: at the first hint of "scandalous circumstances" Oblomov gave the hostess a loan letter, and now all the income he receives from Oblomovka, which is managed by Stolz, falls into the pocket of Tarantyev and Ivan Matveyevich. They try to quickly extort money from Oblomov, so that something does not have time to interfere, and Oblomov finds himself in very cramped circumstances. Agafya Matveevna takes pity on Oblomov, begins to sell "dowry pearls, salop" to feed him. Oblomov finds out about this and, having received money from the village, gives it to her so that she can buy everything. Stolz arrives, sees the miserable life of Oblomov. Reports that he is married to Olga. Then, seeing that Oblomov has no money, he pushes him against the wall, and Oblomov is forced to confess about the “loan letter”. Stolz immediately demands a receipt from Agafya Matvevna that Oblomov does not owe her anything, she, unable to withstand Stolz's pressure, signs. A day later, Tarantiev and Ivan Matveyevich meet in a drinking establishment and discuss in horror what Stoltz has done. Ivan Matveevich was summoned to the general and asked: “Is it true that you, together with some scoundrel, got the landowner Oblomov drunk and forced him to sign a loan letter?” However, the matter does not reach the court, since Stolz does not want to sully Oblomov's name.

But Ivan Matveyevich loses his post. Stolz tries to take Oblomov away from the apartment, but he so plaintively begs to leave him “only for a month”, that Stolz agrees, warning in the end about the hostess: “A simple woman, a dirty life, a suffocating sphere of stupidity, rudeness.” Leaves. The next day, Tarantiev comes to Oblomov and starts shouting at him, throwing mud at Stolz. Oblomov, unaccustomed to such treatment during his friendship with the Ilyinskys, loses his temper, gives Tarantiev a slap in the face and kicks him out of the house. Stolz was in St. Petersburg only a few times over the following years, they settled with Olga in Odessa in their house, where they lived very happily. Olga was even surprised at such happiness, not understanding why it fell to her lot. Stolz is also "deeply happy with his filled, exciting life, in which an unfading spring blossomed, and jealously, actively, vigilantly cultivated, protected and cherished it." They remember Oblomov, Stolz says that in the spring they are going to Petersburg, Olga asks to take her to Oblomov. Oblomov still lives with Agafya Matveevna, he “ate appetizingly and a lot, like in Oblomovka, went and worked little, also like in Oblomovka. He, despite the growing summer, carelessly drank wine, currant vodka and slept more and more carelessly and for a long time after dinner. Once a blow happens to him, but this time everything ends well.

One day Stolz comes to Oblomov. He makes a last attempt to take Oblomov away, but he refuses, saying: "You know me and don't ask anymore." Stolz says that Olga is waiting for him in the carriage, that Oblomov can see her. Oblomov resolutely refuses, sends Stolz out, asks to leave him forever, admits that the hostess is his wife, and her own youngest child- his son, named Andrei in honor of Stolz. Stolz returns to Olga, she wants to enter the house, but Stolz does not let her in, and when asked what is there, she answers with one word: “Oblomovism”.

Another five years have passed. There are many changes in the house of the widow Pshenitsyna. It is run by other people. No Zakhar, no Anisya. Oblomov has been dead for three years now. Her brother, with the help of all sorts of tricks, entered his former place, and everything went into the usual track, as before Oblomov. Little Andryusha was taken in by Stolz and Olga. Agafya Matveevna refused to receive income from Oblomov's estate, telling Stoltz to leave this money to Andryusha. Once, walking along the street with his literary friend (Goncharov), Stoltz sees Zakhar in the crowd of beggars. Zakhar says that he tried several times to enter the service, but did not take root anywhere and ended up begging. The writer asks who it is, and Stolz tells the story of Zakhar and Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

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Part I

Chapter I

On Gorokhovaya Street, in one of the apartments, a man of 30-35 years old, of pleasant appearance with dark gray eyes, lay in bed - this is a nobleman, landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He is wearing his favorite oriental robe, which is “soft, flexible; the body does not feel it on itself; he, like an obedient slave, submits to the slightest movement of the body. Already dead hour Ilya Ilyich cannot get out of bed - laziness. From time to time he calls Zakhar (servant) and gives him some orders (to find a letter, a handkerchief, asks if the water is ready to wash).

Oblomov at first does not seem to notice the mess in the apartment, but then he begins to find fault with the servant for the garbage. But, his remarks do not achieve the desired result - Zakhar confidently defends the idea that, no matter how much you sweep, garbage will still appear, so you don’t have to carefully clean it up. He reminds the nobleman about the unpaid bills of the butcher, the laundress, the baker and that they need to move out of the apartment - the owner is marrying his son and wants to combine two apartments for the wedding.

Chapter II

After 11 visitors come to Oblomov. Volkov came first. He looked around the room for a long time, hoping to find at least one clean corner to sit down, but as a result, he remained standing. He invites Ilya Ilyich for a walk, but he is too lazy.

After the departure of a friend, he sighs sympathetically - Volkov needs to do a lot of things - such a hectic life upsets Oblomov. Then comes Sudbinsky. “To work from eight o'clock to twelve, from twelve to five, and at home also - oh, oh!” - Oblomov analyzes his life. It was not possible to stir up the main character, he steadfastly does not agree to any activities other than lying on the bed. The next visitor was Penkin. From the threshold, Ilya shouts to him: “Do not come, do not come: you are from the cold!”. He wonders if Oblomov has read his article and, having received a negative answer, promises to send the magazine. “Writing at night,” thought Oblomov, “when to sleep, then? And come on, five thousand a year will earn! It's bread!" Ilya Ilyich sighs. Alekseev arrived after him. Oblomov shares bad news with him: Oblomov's estate is unprofitable (2,000 losses).

Chapter III

Again a noise was heard - it was the countryman Mikhey Andreevich Tarantiev. He was "a man of smart and cunning mind." Worked in the office. Communication with him, in fact, as with Alekseev, has a calming effect on Oblomov. Tarantiev knows how to entertain Ilya Ilyich and bring him out of his state of boredom. Alekseev is an excellent listener. He does not bother Oblomov with unnecessary remarks and suggestions, and can spend hours in his office unnoticed.

Chapter IV

Tarantiev joins the conversation with Alekseev about Oblomov's problems and advises him to move out to his godfather. She is a widow, she has three children, but the most important thing is that she has the opportunity to stir up Oblomov and put things in order "because now it's bad to sit at your table." “The headman is your swindler” - Tarantiev delivers a verdict and advises him to change. Oblomov cannot decide - he does not want to change anything.

Chapter V

During the life of his parents, Oblomov lived well, despite the fact that his income was less, and he had to be content with less. He was full of aspirations, which often remained dreams, but still he looked more alive than now.

We bring to your attention summary novel by Ivan Goncharov main point which is the struggle with life crises.

After the death of his parents, his income increased dramatically, he rented a larger apartment, and hired a cook.
Any kind of activity in Oblomov is disgusting. "And when will you live?" he asks. In society, at first he enjoyed great success with women, but he himself was never captivated by any.

Chapter VI

Ilya Ilyich never has the willpower to do something or finish what he started.

Training disgusted him, he considered it a punishment "sent down by heaven for our sins." Only Stoltz could stir him up, but not for long.

The state of the family estate from year to year became worse. Oblomov should have gone himself and set things right, but long trips and moving were unacceptable for him, so he did not do this.

Chapter VII

Servant Zakhar was about 50 years old. He didn't look like a common servant. He "was both fearful and reproachful." Zakhar liked to drink, and often took advantage of the host's apathy and gullibility to pocket some money for himself. Sometimes he invented gossip about the master, but he did it not from evil.

Chapter VIII

After Tarantiev left, Zakhar found that Oblomov was again lying on the couch. He tries to get him to get up, wash his face and start working, but to no avail.

Oblomov indulged in dreams of his family estate and life in it. Afterwards, with difficulty, he nevertheless forced himself to get up and have breakfast.

Another visitor came to him - a neighbor doctor. Oblomov complains about his health. A neighbor recommends that he go abroad, otherwise, his lifestyle will lead to a blow in a couple of years.

Oblomov tries to write a letter to the governor, but he fails - he tears the letter. Zakhar reminds him about the bills and the move, but does not achieve sensible actions. Oblomov demands that the servant agree to stay here, stubbornly unaware that the move is inevitable.

Chapter IX

Oblomov has a dream. He gets into wonderful world, where he is still a child and lives in Oblomovka. He remembers his mother, nanny, relatives and important events in their lives - weddings, births, deaths. Also, in a dream, he is transferred to the time of his adolescence. Here we learn that the parents wanted to give Ilya a good education, but their love for their son did not allow this - pitying him, they often left Ilya at home in school days, so their son really did not learn anything. Parents did not like unnecessary waste - a sofa with stains, leaky clothes - these things were commonplace in everyday life. This happened not because of a lack of money, but because the parents were too lazy to make purchases.

Chapter X

While Oblomov was fast asleep, Zakhar went out into the yard to the servants. In a conversation with them, he speaks extremely disapprovingly of his master, but, meanwhile, when the servants begin to support his opinion, Zakhar is offended by this and he begins to praise Oblomov with might and main "in a dream not to see such a gentleman: kind, clever, handsome."

Chapter XI

At the beginning of the fifth, Zakhar looked into the office and saw that Oblomov was still sleeping. The servant makes a lot of efforts to wake up the master.

After a few failed attempts Zakhar sighs sadly: “He is sleeping like an aspen block! Why were you born into the light of God? Further actions brought more effective results: “Oblomov suddenly, unexpectedly jumped to his feet and rushed to Zakhar. Zakhar rushed from him with all his might, but at the third step Oblomov sobered up completely from sleep and began to stretch, yawning. “Give ... kvass ... ". This scene greatly amused Stolz who arrived.

Part two

Chapter I

Stolz was not a purebred German. His mother was Russian. Andrei spent his childhood in parental home. His father always encouraged curiosity in him, never scolded him for the fact that the boy disappeared for half a day, and then came back dirty or tattered. Mother, on the contrary, was very upset by this appearance son. Andrei grew up quick-witted and capable of science. From a very young age, his father drove him through the fields and factories, even gave him special work clothes.

Mother, despite the fact that she considered him an ideal gentleman, disliked the addiction to such work and tried to instill in her son a love for poetry and collars.

When Andrei grew up, he was sent abroad for 6 years. After returning, the father, according to German tradition, sent his son to independent life- the mother was no longer alive at that time, so there was no one to argue with such actions either.

Chapter II

Stoltz was a pedant, which made life much easier and allowed him to stay afloat. "And he controlled sorrows and joys, like the movement of his hands, like the steps of his feet." I was afraid to indulge in dreams and tried never to do so.

We offer you to get acquainted with one of the leading prose writers of the nineteenth century.

He had no ideals (he did not allow their appearance), he was “chastely proud”, something unusual emanated from him, forcing even intimidating women to be embarrassed.
With Oblomov, he was associated with childhood memories and school years.

Chapter III

Oblomov's stories about diseases amuse Stolz, he says that Ilya attacked them. Andrei Ivanovich is struck by the laziness of a school friend and indifference to the arrangement of his personal life. He is trying to convey to Ilya Ilyich that a trip abroad and leaving the apartment are not such terrible things, but Oblomov stands his ground. Stolz decides to take on Oblomov, arguing that in a week he will not recognize himself. He orders Zakhar to bring clothes and pulls Oblomov into the light.

Chapter IV

Oblomov is horrified by the week of life according to Stolz's plan. He is constantly somewhere, meets with different people. In the evening, Oblomov complains that from such a long wearing of boots, his legs itch and hurt. Stolz reproaches his friend for laziness: “Everyone is busy, but you don’t need anything!”.

Ilya tells Andrei about his dreams of living in the village, but Stolz calls it some kind of "Oblomovism" and claims that these are unrealizable desires. Andrei Ivanovich is surprised that Oblomov, despite such attachment to the village, does not go there, Ilya Ilyich gives him many reasons why this did not happen, but not a single really weighty one.

After the scene where Stolz asks Zakhar to tell who Ilya Ilyich is. Andrei explains to Ilya the difference between a gentleman and a gentleman (“A gentleman is such a gentleman, (...) who puts on stockings and takes off his boots himself”) and indicates why Zakhar called him a gentleman. Friends come to the conclusion that it is necessary to make a trip first abroad, and then to the village.

Chapter V

Taking the words of Stolz “Now or never” as his motivation, Oblomov did the incredible: he made himself a passport for a trip to France, bought everything you need for the trip, and even rarely indulged in his favorite thing - lying on the bed. The latter especially surprised Zakhar. Unfortunately, the trip was not destined to come true - Andrei Ivanovich introduced him to Ilinskaya Olga Sergeevna - Oblomov fell in love. At first, in the company of her, he behaves ignorantly. The situation is saved by Stolz, explaining this behavior by the fact that his friend "was lying on the couch." Over time, Oblomov, in communication, becomes more gallant, but he is unable to overcome the timidity that arises with the appearance of a girl. While doing Olga musical composition, Oblomov says: "I feel ... not music ... but ... love."

Chapter VI

All the dreams and dreams of Oblomov are occupied by Olga. Meanwhile, he feels awkward after his accidentally escaped confession. Olga herself is bored - Stolz has left, and her piano is closed - there is no one to play.

Despite the fact that Andrei Ivanovich can always make her laugh, Olga prefers communication with Oblomov - he is easier. The meeting on the street of Olga and Ilya simplifies a little, but at the same time complicates the relationship between them. Ilya Ilyich claims that the escaped phrase is an accident and Olga needs to forget it. The girl is well aware that Oblomov succumbed to passion and is not angry with him. An unexpected kiss on the palm makes her run away from Oblomov.

Chapter VII

The marriage of Zakhar and Anisya benefited not only lovers. Now the girl had access to the master's rooms and helped with might and main with cleaning - the house became neater and cleaner. Oblomov scolds himself for the kiss, thinks that he could ruin his relationship with Olga. Ilya Ilyich receives an invitation from Marya Mikhailovna, Olga's aunt.

Chapter VIII

Oblomov spent the whole day with Marya Mikhailovna. He languished in the company of his aunt and Baron Langvagen, hoping to see Olga. When this happened, he noted that strange changes had taken place in the girl: she looked at him "without the former curiosity, without affection, but like others."
A walk in the park, appointed by Olga, changed everything. Oblomov learns that his feelings are mutual. "This all is mine!" he insists.

Chapter IX

Love transformed both Olga and Ilya. The girl began to be intensely interested in books, development. “You got prettier at the dacha, Olga,” my aunt told her. Oblomov finally got rid of his apathy: he willingly reads books (because Olga loves to listen to their retellings), changed the headman and even wrote several letters to the village. He was even ready to go there, if for this it was not necessary to part with his beloved. “I'm bored without you; parting with you for a short time - it's a pity, for a long time - it hurts, ”Olga explains her love to Ilya’s reproaches for the lack of tenderness.

Chapter X

Oblomov is attacked by a spleen - he reflects that Olga does not love him, that she would not have paid attention to him if it were not for Stolz. The realization of these, according to Oblomov, truths confuses the lover - he decides to break up with Olga before everything goes too far. To do this, he writes a letter to the girl. “Your present love is not real love, but future; it is only an unconscious need to love,” he writes to her. Oblomov witnesses the reading of this letter. Olga's tears make him doubt the correctness of his decision. The lovers manage to reconcile.

Chapter XI

Oblomov spends a lot of time with Olga. Once they were walking in the evening, and something strange happened to her: it looked like some kind of sleepwalking - something tightened in her chest, then silhouettes began to appear. Olga is getting better, but Ilya Ilyich got scared and convinced her to return home. The next day he found her in perfect health. Olga said that she needed more rest. Oblomov decides that it is necessary to officially announce his feelings.

Chapter XII

Olga tells Oblomov about yesterday's divination. The cards said that the king of diamonds was thinking about her. The girl asks if this is King Ilya and if the young man is thinking about her. Olga kisses Ilya, he falls for joy at her feet.

Part III

Chapter I

Inspired Oblomov returns home. An unpleasant surprise awaits him there - Tarantiev arrived. He begs him for money and reminds him of the rental contract. Ilya Ilyich decides to meet with the brother of Tarantiev's godfather in order to resolve the issue of payment. During the conversation, it turns out that Mikhey Andreevich owes a vest and a shirt. Tarantiev claims that he gave everything away, and Zakhar apparently drank it away. Oblomov has changed a lot and now does not allow begging for money and things. Tarantiev leaves with nothing.

Chapter II

Putting aside all the cases, Ilya Ilyich goes to Olga. The girl convinces him to set things right in Oblomovka and rebuild the house, and then start the wedding. Oblomov is a little depressed. From goes to the city to talk about paying for an apartment and find another. The conversation with his brother did not take place, and this time he was too lazy to look for another apartment.

Chapter III

Relations with Olga do not bring Oblomov more such strong impressions. The girl often embroiders, counting the cells of the pattern to herself. Oblomov is bored. Olga forces Ilya Ilyich to talk about the apartment. Oblomov goes to Agafya Matveevna. Dine there and look around the house. When he returns, he discovers that he spent a lot of money over the summer, but he doesn’t remember where.

Chapter IV

Oblomov receives an invitation from Olga to go to the theater. He is not enthusiastic about such an idea, but he cannot refuse. Ilya Ilyich nevertheless moved to a rented apartment with Agafya Matveevna and was very pleased. Zakhar asks him about the wedding date. Ilya Ilyich is surprised how the servants know about the relationship, but he answers Zakhar that no wedding is planned. Oblomov himself notes that his feelings for Olga have cooled.

Chapter V

Ilya receives a letter from Olga with a request to meet. Despite the fact that meeting a girl has become burdensome, he heads to the park. It turns out that Olga is dating him secretly. Oblomov is very unhappy with this deception. They agree to meet tomorrow.

Chapter VI

Oblomov is afraid to go to the Ilyins - the role of the groom is unpleasant for him. He has already fallen out of love with Olga and now does not dare to tell her about it. Ilya pretends to be sick.

Chapter VII

All week Oblomov sat at home. He talked with Agafya Matveevna and her children. With horror, Ilya Ilyich awaits a meeting with Olga, he wants this to happen as late as possible. Olga asks not to tell Oblomov that she has an estate, despite the fact that this could speed up the date of the wedding. Unexpectedly, she comes to him and finds out that he was not sick at all. Ilya discovers that his feelings have not completely faded. He promises Olga to go to the opera with her and is looking forward to a letter from the village.

Chapter VIII

Zakhar accidentally finds Olga's glove. Oblomov tries to deceive him and claims that this is not her thing. During the conversation, Ilya Ilyich learns with horror that the whole house knows about Olga's arrival. His financial situation has not improved. “Happiness has moved away for another year,” he thinks about the wedding.

Chapter IX

An unpleasant letter received from the village threw Oblomov into a state of confusion. He does not know what to do and decides to show the letter to Agafya Matveevna's brother. He recommends his good friend Isai Fomich Zatertoy as his assistant. Oblomov agrees.

Chapter X

Tarantiev and Ivan Matveevich (Agafya's brother) discuss Oblomov and rumors about his upcoming wedding. “Yes, Zakhar helps him sleep, otherwise he will get married!” - says Tarantiev. Since Ilya Ilyich is completely independent and does not understand anything absolutely, they decide to deceive him and cash in on his stupidity and gullibility.

Chapter XI

Oblomov comes with a letter from the village to Olga. He tells her that he has found a man who will fix everything. The girl is surprised that he trusts such things to strangers. Oblomov says that the wedding will have to be postponed for a year. Olga loses her senses. After she comes to her senses. The conversation continues. Olga says that Oblomov will never fix his affairs. The girl tells him that she fell in love with the "future Oblomov", full of aspirations and determination. And this one future Oblomov turned out to be a figment of her and Andrey's imagination. They break up.

Chapter XII

Oblomov in frustration. He walks for a long time on the street, and then sits motionless at the table. Apathy and despondency take possession of him. Ilya Ilyich develops a fever.

Part four

Chapter I

A year has passed. At first, Oblomov was very painful about parting with Olga, but the care that Agafya surrounded him smoothed out these unpleasant experiences. He finds pleasure in spending time with her. He calls her to his village, but she refuses.

Chapter II

On Midsummer's Day, a big celebration is expected in Agafya's house. Andrey arrives unexpectedly. Oblomov learns with horror that he knows all the details of their relationship with Olga. Stolz reproaches Ilya for such an act, but does not blame him. According to him, he, Andrei, is most to blame, then Olga, and only then Ilya, and even then, just a little.

Chapter III

The arrival of Stolz did not bring such joy to Tarantiev and Ivan Matveevich. They are afraid that Andrei Ivanovich will be able to lead them to clean water. The situation is not hopeless. Swindlers know about Oblomov's love for Agafya. They think they can keep Ilya Ilyich.

Chapter IV

A week before the meeting with Oblomov, Stoltz saw Olga. The girl has changed a lot since then, it was almost impossible to recognize her. Olga experiences a strange feeling when meeting with Andrey. On the one hand, she is pleased to see him, on the other hand, he involuntarily reminds her of Oblomov. They chat for several days. The girl decides to open up to him and talks about how unhappily her love for Ilya ended. Stolz confesses his love to Olga. The girl agrees to marry him, but, she notes to herself, I no longer feel such awe and excitement.

Chapter V

Oblomov's life returned to normal. He finally got stuck in his Oblomovism. Ivan Matveevich and Tarantiev still fool him and rob him. Ivan Matveyevich decided to get married and rented a separate apartment. Now Agafya cooks for him, and only the most simple meals, but Oblomov does not care - he is still as apathetic as before meeting with Olga.

Chapter VI

Stolz comes to visit Oblomov. He notes that his friend is "flabby, pale." He lives in poverty, he owes everything. Andrei announces to him about Olga's wedding. At first, Ilya Ilyich was taken aback, but after he found out that her husband was Stolz, he joyfully began to congratulate his friend. Andrei decides to put things in order in Oblomov's affairs.

Chapter VII

For Tarantiev and Ivan Matveyevich, things are not going well. in the best way. They are trying to return everything to normal, and when they cannot do it peacefully, they blackmail Oblomov with his connection with Agafya. This move also does not work - Ilya Ilyich rebuffs them. Zakhar sends Tarantiev out.

Chapter VIII

Stolz arranged everything in Oblomovka. He writes a letter to Ilya with a request to come and continue to manage his estate himself, but Oblomov, as always, ignores. Andrei and Olga leave for the Crimea to rest and improve Olga's health after giving birth. They are very happy. Andrei believes that he is very lucky with his wife. Olga is also happily married, although sometimes memories of Ilya plunge her into despondency.

Chapter IX

Oblomov's life got better. Agafya's house is full of food, and his lover is full of outfits. However, suddenly everything changes - Oblomov suffered an apoplexy. Andrei, who came to visit him, hardly recognizes his friend. Ilya asks to leave him forever. He informs Stolz that Agafya is his wife, and a little boy- the son whom they named in honor of Stolz Andrey. Oblomov asks Stolz not to forget his son. Andrei returns to Olga, the woman also wanted to see Oblomov, but her husband forbade her, explaining that “Oblomovism” was going on there.

Chapter X

5 years later. A lot has changed. Oblomov had a second blow and soon died. Agafya was very worried about the loss of her husband. Stolz and Olga took little Andrei to their upbringing. Andrei Ivanovich is still doing business in Oblomovka. Agafya refused Ilya Ilyich's money, convincing Stolz to save it for her son.

Chapter XI

Once on the street, a tramp approached Stolz and his familiar writer. It turned out that it was Zakhar. After the death of Ilya Ilyich, Ivan Matveevich Mukhoyarov and his family returned to his sister's house, Tarantiev also does not get out of there. There was no life at all in the house. During the cholera epidemic, Anisya died and now Zakhar is begging. Stolz offers to take Zakhar to the village, but he refuses - he wants to be closer to Oblomov's grave.

The writer expresses bewilderment. Andrei Ivanovich tells him about his friend, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, who "died, disappeared for nothing", and the reason for this is Oblomovism.

"Oblomov" - a summary of the novel by Ivan Goncharov

5 (100%) 5 votes

Retelling plan

1. Lifestyle of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.
2. The story of Stolz, a friend of Oblomov.
3. Stolz introduces Oblomov to Olga Ilyinskaya. Ilya Ilyich falls in love with her.
4. He finds out about her love for him and is happy.
5. The hero of the novel moves to the Vyborg side to Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.
6. Ilya Ilyich gives up his dream of marrying Olga. explanation with her.
7. Olga agrees to marry Stolz.
8. Oblomov finds his happiness by marrying Agafya Matveevna. They have a son Andrei.
9. Oblomov dies. Stoltsy take on the upbringing of his son.


Part I
Chapter 1

Petersburg, on Gorokhovaya street, in one of big houses, on the same morning, as always, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lies in bed - "a man of about thirty-two or three years old, but with the absence of any definite idea, any concentration in facial features." Lying is Oblomov's usual state. His usual clothes are an old robe, which seems to have grown to Oblomov. This morning Oblomov woke up earlier than usual. He is concerned: the day before he received "a letter of unpleasant content from the headman." Oblomov is about to get up, but first he decides to drink tea. His servant Zakhar is used to living the same way as the master: the way he lives. Zakhar is old, he always wears a torn gray frock coat and a gray waistcoat. He likes this dress because it resembles the livery that "he once wore when seeing the late gentlemen to church or on a visit." "The Oblomovs' house was once rich and famous in its side, but then, God knows why, everything became poorer, smaller, and finally quietly lost among the old noble houses."

Zakhar says that the bills must be paid, and the owner of the house demands - and not for the first time - that Oblomov move out of the apartment.

Chapter 2

A bell rings in the hall, and several visitors come to Oblomov one after another. They all invite Ilya Ilyich to ride in Ekateringof, where on the first of May the St. secular society. Oblomov tries to talk to each of them about his problems, but nobody cares. Only Alekseev listens to him.

Chapter 3

“... A desperate call is heard in the hall ... A man of about forty entered ... tall ... with large features ... with large bulging eyes, thick-lipped ... It was Mikhei Andreevich Tarantyev, Oblomov's fellow countryman." Tarantiev is a striker and cunning, he knows everything, but at the same time “as twenty-five years ago he decided to work as a scribe in some office, so in this position he lived to gray hair. The fact is that Tarantiev was a master only to speak ... "

Alekseev and Tarantiev are Oblomov's most frequent visitors. They come to him to drink, eat and smoke good cigars. Other guests come in for a minute. Oblomov, “on the heart of one person” is Andrei Ivanovich Stolz, whom he is looking forward to.

Chapter 4

Tarantiev, knowing that after the death of his parents, Oblomov remained the only heir to three hundred and fifty souls, he does not mind joining a very tasty morsel, especially since he quite rightly suspects that Oblomov's elder steals and lies much more than reasonable limits. He offers Ilya Ilyich to move to his godfather, on the Vyborg side. Oblomov recalls the elder's letter, and Tarantiev calls him a swindler and a liar, advises him to immediately replace him, go to the village and deal with everything himself. “Ah, if only Andrei would come soon! Oblomov sighs. “He would have settled everything ... ” Tarantiev indignantly reprimands Ilya Ilyich that he is ready to exchange a Russian person for a German. But Oblomov abruptly cuts him off and does not allow him to scold Stolz, a person close to him, with whom they grew up and studied together. Tarantiev, and then Alekseev leave.

Chapters 5 and 6

Oblomov "almost lay down in an armchair and, having become sad, plunged either into drowsiness or into thoughtfulness." The author tells about the life of Oblomov: "a nobleman by birth, a collegiate secretary by rank, has been living without a break for the twelfth year in St. Petersburg." At first, having arrived in St. Petersburg, he somehow tried to merge into metropolitan life, “... he was full of various aspirations, he kept hoping for something, waiting for a lot ... But the days went by after days ... thirty years passed, and he did not advance a single step in any field ... But he ... preparing to start life ... His life was divided into two halves; one consisted of work and boredom - these were his synonyms; the other - from peace and peaceful fun ... He believed that ... visiting a public place is by no means an obligatory habit ... "

Oblomov somehow served two years and resigned. And so Ilya Ilyich lay down on his sofa. Only Stolz managed to stir him up. But Stolz often left St. Petersburg, and Oblomov "again plunged head over heels into his loneliness and despondency."

Chapter 7

Zakhar is over fifty, he is passionately devoted to his master, but at the same time he constantly lies to him, robs him a little, slanders him, sometimes dissolves “some kind of unheard-of story about the master.” He is unkempt, awkward, lazy. In his youth, Zakhar served as a footman in a manor house in Oblomovka, then he was assigned by an uncle to Ilya. He finally got lazy and put on airs.

Chapter 8

Oblomov again tends to "bliss and dreams." He imagines the reorganization of his village house, his life there. But then the bell rings again. It was the doctor who came to inquire about the health of Ilya Ilyich. Oblomov complains of indigestion, heaviness in the pit of the stomach, and heartburn. The doctor says that if he continues to lie down, eat fatty and heavy food, then he will soon have a stroke. He advises Oblomov to go abroad, "to entertain himself with movements in the fresh air." The doctor leaves, and Oblomov again begins to quarrel with Zakhar. Finally, Oblomov, tired and exhausted, decides to take a nap until dinner.

Chapter 9

Oblomov's dream. In his sweet dream, Ilya Ilyich sees the past, long gone life in his native Oblomovka, where there is nothing wild, grandiose, where everything breathes calmness and serene sleep. Here they only eat, sleep, discuss the news that come to this region with a great delay; life flows smoothly, flowing from autumn to winter, from spring to summer, to complete its eternal circles again. Here, fairy tales are almost indistinguishable from real life, and dreams are a continuation of reality. Everything is peaceful, quiet and calm in this blessed land - no passions, no worries disturb the inhabitants of sleepy Oblomovka, where Ilya Ilyich spent his childhood. In front of him, in a dream, like living pictures, the three main acts of life pass in succession: births, weddings, funerals, then a motley procession of merry and sad christenings, name days, family holidays, incantations, breaking the fast, noisy dinners, related congresses, official tears and smiles stretches .

Everything is done according to established rules, but these rules affect only outside life. A child is born - all the worries are that he grows up healthy, does not get sick, eats well; then they look for a bride and celebrate a merry wedding. Life is going in its turn, until it breaks off with a grave.

Chapters 10, 11

While Oblomov is sleeping, Zakhar goes to gossip and take his soul at the gate with neighbor's lackeys, coachmen, women and boys. He first scolds his master, then rises to his defense and, having quarreled with everyone, goes to a pub. At the beginning of the fifth, Zakhar returns home and begins to wake up Ilya Ilyich. Barely waking up, Oblomov sees Stolz.

Part II
Chapter 1

Andrei Stoltz grew up in the village of Verkhlev, once former part Oblomovki. His father, a manager in the village, was an agronomist, technologist, teacher, studied at a university in Germany, traveled a lot, and ended up in Russia twenty years ago. Andrei's mother was Russian; he professed the Orthodox faith. Stolz was formed into a personality in many respects unusual thanks to a double upbringing received from a strong-willed, strong, cold-blooded German father and a Russian mother, a sensitive woman who forgot herself from life's storms at the piano.

Chapter 2

Stolz is the same age as Oblomov, but he is the exact opposite of his friend: “... he is constantly on the move: if society needs to send an agent to Belgium or England, they send him; need to write some project or adapt new idea to the point - choose it. In the meantime, he travels to the world and reads; when he has time - God knows. He goes to his goal, "bravely stepping through all obstacles." What attracts such a person to Oblomov? This is a "pure, bright and good beginning", which lies at the basis of Oblomov's nature.

Chapter 3

Stolz asks a friend about health, business. He listens to Ilya Ilyich’s complaints about “two misfortunes” with a smile, advises giving freedom to the peasants, says that he himself needs to go to the village. He is interested in where Oblomov happens, what he reads, what he does. Stolz himself came from Kyiv and in two weeks he will go abroad.

Chapter 4

Stolz wants to stir up Oblomov and takes him everywhere with him for a whole week. He protests, complains, argues, but obeys. Oblomov is struck by the gullibility and insignificance of the thoughts and concerns of the people he sees, the vanity and emptiness. He notices everything very subtly, criticizes skillfully, but ... "Where is our modest, labor path?" Stolz asked. Oblomov replied: “Yes, I’ll just finish ... the plan ...”

Chapter 5

Two weeks later, Stoltz leaves for England, taking the word from Oblomov that he will come to Paris and they will meet there. But Ilya Ilyich "did not leave either a month or three." Stolz writes him letter after letter, but receives no answer. Oblomov does not go because of Olga Ilyinskaya, whom Stolz introduced him to before his departure, bringing him to the house of Olga's aunt. In this girl, Stolz is bribed by "simplicity and natural freedom of sight, word, deed", Olga considers him her friend, although she is afraid - he is too smart, "too taller than her."

Chapter 6

During the visit, Oblomov arouses benevolent curiosity in Olga. He himself is shy, lost from her views. Returning home, he thinks about her all the time, draws a portrait of her in his memory. Oblomov is in love, he goes to her every day, rents a summer house opposite the one where Olga lives with her aunt. He confesses his love to Olga.

Chapter 7

In the meantime, Zakhar also found his happiness by marrying Anisya, a simple and good woman. He suddenly realized that dust and dirt and cockroaches should be fought, not put up with. In a short time, Anisya puts Ilya Ilyich's house in order, extending her power not only to the kitchen, as was supposed at first, but throughout the house.

For several days Ilya Ilyich sits at home, suffering.

Chapter 8

Stolz, leaving, "bequeathed" Oblomov to Olga, asked to look after him, not allowing him to sit at home. And the girl draws up a detailed plan of how she will wean Oblomov to sleep after dinner, make him read the books and newspapers left by Stolz, and show him the goal. And suddenly it's a declaration of love. Olga doesn't know what to do. But at the next meeting, Oblomov asks for forgiveness for his confession and even asks Olga to forget about him, because this is not true ...

These words hurt Olga's pride. She feels insulted. And then Oblomov, unable to restrain himself, again starts talking about his feelings. She is happy, she is happy. It seems to Oblomov that Olga loves him, although doubts seize him.

Chapter 9

For several days Ilya Ilyich sits at home, suffering. And now Olga sends a letter with an invitation to come. She gives him hope. Oblomov revives. "In two or three weeks, they traveled all over the St. Petersburg environs." Olga herself does not understand whether she is in love with Oblomov, she only knows that "she did not love her father, mother, or nanny so much."

Chapter 10

Oblomov doubts again, but what if Olga's feeling is not love, but just a premonition of love? He writes her a letter about his doubts, but Olga convinces him that she loves her. Oblomov is happy.

Chapters 11 and 12

Another letter arrives from Stolz, but Oblomov again does not answer him. Oblomov notices that the neighbors look at him and Olga in a strange way. He is terrified that he will ruin the girl's reputation. He proposes to her, but notices that she meets the proposal without tears from unexpected happiness. Olga convinces him that she will never want to part with him. Oblomov is immensely happy.

Part III
Chapter 1

When Ilya Ilyich returns home, he finds Tarantiev there. Even before Oblomov rented a dacha, Tarantiev moved all his belongings to his godfather on the Vyborg side. He asks why he hasn't visited yet. new apartment, reminds Oblomov of a contract signed for a whole year and demands eight hundred rubles - six months in advance. Oblomov does not want to settle with Tarantiev's godfather, nor pay. He escorts the guest who has become unpleasant to him.

Chapter 2

Ilya Ilyich goes to Olga. He wants to tell Olga's aunt about the engagement. But Olga demands that first he finish his business, find a new apartment, write to Stolz.

Chapter 3

August is ending, the rains have begun, and Oblomov still lives in the country. There is nowhere to move, and I have to settle on the Vyborg side with Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, the widow of a collegiate secretary. The hostess was thirty years old. She was very full and white in her face ... Her eyes were grayish-innocent, like the whole expression on her face. For three days Oblomov goes to Olga, on the fourth day it seems to him to go somehow inconvenient. In the house of Agafya Matveevna, in front of him, imperceptibly at first, and then more and more clearly, the atmosphere of his native Oblomovka unfolds, that which Ilya Ilyich cherishes most of all in his soul.

Chapters 4, 5 and 6

Gradually, the entire economy of Oblomov passes into the hands of Pshenitsyna. A simple, ingenuous woman, she begins to manage Oblomov's house, preparing him delicious dishes, establishing life, and again the soul of Ilya Ilyich plunges into a sweet dream. Only occasionally does the peace and serenity of this dream explode with meetings with Olga, who is gradually disappointed in her chosen one. Rumors about the wedding of Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya are already being discussed between the servants of the two houses. Upon learning of this, Ilya Ilyich is horrified: in his opinion, nothing has been decided yet, and people are already transferring from house to house talking about what, most likely, will never happen.

Chapters 7 and 8

Days flow after days, and now Olga, unable to stand it, comes to Oblomov herself. He comes to make sure that nothing will wake him up from his slow sinking into his final sleep.

Chapter 9 and 10

Meanwhile, Ivan Matveevich Mukhoyarov, brother of Agafya Matveevna, with the help of Tarantiev, takes over the affairs of Oblomov on the estate, so thoroughly and deeply entangling Ilya Ilyich in his machinations that he is unlikely to be able to get out of them.

Chapters 11 and 12

There is a difficult conversation between Ilya Ilyich and Olga, farewell. And at that moment, Agafya Matveevna was also repairing Oblomov's dressing gown, which, it seemed, was beyond anyone's strength to repair. This becomes the last straw in the torment of Ilya Ilyich, who still mentally resisted - he falls ill with a fever.

Part IV
Chapter 1

A year after Oblomov's illness, life flowed along its measured course: the seasons changed, Agafya Matveevna prepared delicious dishes for the holidays, baked pies for Oblomov, brewed coffee for him with her own hands, celebrated Ilyin's Day with enthusiasm ... And suddenly Agafya Matveevna realized that she had fallen in love master.

Chapter 2

Andrei Stoltz comes to the Vyborg side and exposes the dark deeds of Mukhoyarov. Pshenitsyna renounces her brother, whom until recently she revered and even feared. Stolz tries to stir up Oblomov, but he fails, and they say goodbye.

Chapter 3

Tarantiev and Ivan Matveevich again conspire against Oblomov.

Chapter 4

Having experienced disappointment in her first love, Olga Ilyinskaya gradually gets used to Stolz, realizing that her attitude towards him is much more than just friendship. And Olga agrees to Stolz's proposal ...

Chapters 5, 6 and 7

Six months later, Stolz reappears on the Vyborg side. Again helps Ilya Ilyich get rid of Tarantiev. Then, without stirring up Oblomov, he leaves again.

Chapters 8 and 9

A few years later, Stoltz arrives in St. Petersburg. He finds Ilya Ilyich, who has become “a complete and natural reflection and expression of peace, contentment and serene silence. Looking, pondering his life and more and more settling in it, he finally decided that he had nowhere else to go, nothing to look for ... ”Oblomov found his quiet happiness with Agafya Matveevna, who gave birth to his son Andryusha. The arrival of Stolz does not disturb Oblomov: he only asks his old friend not to leave Andryusha.

“Eternal silence, lazy crawling from day to day quietly stopped the machine of life. Ilya Ilyich died, apparently, without pain, without torment, as if a clock that had been forgotten to start had stopped.

Chapter 10

And five years later, when Oblomov was no more, the house of Agafya Matveevna fell into disrepair and the wife of the bankrupt Mukhoyarov, Irina Panteleevna, began to play the first role in it, Andryusha was begged for upbringing by Stoltsy.

Living in the memory of the late Oblomov, Agafya Matveevna focused all her feelings on her son: “She realized that she had lost, and her life shone, that God put her soul into her life and took it out again; that the sun shone in it and faded forever. She asks only to save money for Andryusha.

Chapter 11

And the faithful Zakhar in the same place, on the Vyborg side, where he lived with his master, now asks for alms. He survived from the house of Agafya Matveevna Tarantiev, but he did not find permanent place, so I have to beg.

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